D-Link DGS-3130-54TS User Manual
Displayed below is the user manual for DGS-3130-54TS by D-Link which is a product in the Network Switches category. This manual has pages.
Web UI Reference Guide
Product Model : DGS-3130 Series
Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch
Release 1.00
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DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Table of Contents
Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................................................. i
1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................... 1
Audience ................................................................................................................................................................. 1
Other Documentation .............................................................................................................................................. 1
Conventions ............................................................................................................................................................ 1
Notes, Notices, and Cautions ................................................................................................................................. 1
2. Web-based Switch Configuration ....................................................................................................................... 3
Management Options ............................................................................................................................................. 3
Logging into the Web UI ......................................................................................................................................... 3
Web User Interface (Web UI) ................................................................................................................................. 4
Areas of the User Interface................................................................................................................................ 4
3. System ................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Device Information .................................................................................................................................................. 6
System Information Settings ................................................................................................................................... 6
Peripheral Settings ................................................................................................................................................. 7
Port Configuration ................................................................................................................................................... 8
Port Settings ...................................................................................................................................................... 8
Port Status ....................................................................................................................................................... 10
Port GBIC ........................................................................................................................................................ 11
Port Auto Negotiation ...................................................................................................................................... 11
Error Disable Settings ...................................................................................................................................... 12
Jumbo Frame .................................................................................................................................................. 13
System Log ........................................................................................................................................................... 14
System Log Settings ........................................................................................................................................ 14
System Log Discriminator Settings ................................................................................................................. 16
System Log Server Settings ............................................................................................................................ 16
System Log ...................................................................................................................................................... 18
System Attack Log ........................................................................................................................................... 18
Time and SNTP .................................................................................................................................................... 19
Clock Settings .................................................................................................................................................. 19
Time Zone Settings ......................................................................................................................................... 19
SNTP Settings ................................................................................................................................................. 21
Time Range .......................................................................................................................................................... 22
4. Management ........................................................................................................................................................ 24
Command Logging ............................................................................................................................................... 24
User Accounts Settings ........................................................................................................................................ 24
Password Encryption ............................................................................................................................................ 25
Password Recovery .............................................................................................................................................. 26
Login Method ........................................................................................................................................................ 26
SNMP .................................................................................................................................................................... 28
SNMP Global Settings ..................................................................................................................................... 29
SNMP Linkchange Trap Settings .................................................................................................................... 30
SNMP View Table Settings ............................................................................................................................. 31
SNMP Community Table Settings ................................................................................................................... 31
SNMP Group Table Settings ........................................................................................................................... 32
SNMP Engine ID Local Settings ...................................................................................................................... 33
SNMP User Table Settings.............................................................................................................................. 34
SNMP Host Table Settings .............................................................................................................................. 35
RMON ................................................................................................................................................................... 37
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
RMON Global Settings .................................................................................................................................... 37
RMON Statistics Settings ................................................................................................................................ 37
RMON History Settings ................................................................................................................................... 38
RMON Alarm Settings ..................................................................................................................................... 39
RMON Event Settings ..................................................................................................................................... 40
Telnet/Web............................................................................................................................................................ 41
Session Timeout ................................................................................................................................................... 42
DHCP .................................................................................................................................................................... 42
Service DHCP ................................................................................................................................................. 42
DHCP Class Settings ...................................................................................................................................... 43
DHCP Server ................................................................................................................................................... 44
DHCPv6 Server ............................................................................................................................................... 51
DHCP Relay .................................................................................................................................................... 56
DHCPv6 Relay ................................................................................................................................................ 64
DHCP Auto Configuration ..................................................................................................................................... 72
DNS ...................................................................................................................................................................... 72
DNS Global Settings ........................................................................................................................................ 73
DNS Name Server Settings ............................................................................................................................. 73
DNS Host Settings ........................................................................................................................................... 74
IP Source Interface ............................................................................................................................................... 75
File System ........................................................................................................................................................... 75
Stacking ................................................................................................................................................................ 77
Physical Stacking ............................................................................................................................................ 80
Stacking Bandwidth ......................................................................................................................................... 81
Virtual Stacking (SIM) ........................................................................................................................................... 82
Single IP Settings ............................................................................................................................................ 83
SMTP Settings ...................................................................................................................................................... 84
PPPoE Circuit ID Insertion Global Settings ..................................................................................................... 86
5. Layer 2 Features ................................................................................................................................................. 87
FDB ....................................................................................................................................................................... 87
Static FDB........................................................................................................................................................ 87
MAC Address Table Settings .......................................................................................................................... 88
MAC Address Table ........................................................................................................................................ 90
MAC Notification .............................................................................................................................................. 91
VLAN ..................................................................................................................................................................... 92
802.1Q VLAN .................................................................................................................................................. 92
802.1v Protocol VLAN ..................................................................................................................................... 93
GVRP ............................................................................................................................................................... 94
Asymmetric VLAN ........................................................................................................................................... 97
MAC VLAN ...................................................................................................................................................... 98
VLAN Interface ................................................................................................................................................ 98
Super VLAN ................................................................................................................................................... 104
Auto Surveillance VLAN ................................................................................................................................ 105
Voice VLAN ................................................................................................................................................... 108
Private VLAN ................................................................................................................................................. 111
VLAN Tunnel ...................................................................................................................................................... 113
Dot1q Tunnel ................................................................................................................................................. 113
VLAN Mapping .............................................................................................................................................. 115
VLAN Mapping Profile ................................................................................................................................... 116
STP ..................................................................................................................................................................... 121
STP Global Settings ...................................................................................................................................... 123
STP Port Settings .......................................................................................................................................... 124
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
MST Configuration Identification ................................................................................................................... 126
STP Instance ................................................................................................................................................. 127
MSTP Port Information .................................................................................................................................. 128
ERPS (G.8032) ................................................................................................................................................... 129
ERPS ............................................................................................................................................................. 129
ERPS Profile .................................................................................................................................................. 133
Loopback Detection ............................................................................................................................................ 134
Link Aggregation ................................................................................................................................................. 136
L2 Protocol Tunnel .............................................................................................................................................. 138
L2 Multicast Control ............................................................................................................................................ 140
IGMP Snooping ............................................................................................................................................. 140
MLD Snooping ............................................................................................................................................... 145
Multicast VLAN .............................................................................................................................................. 152
Multicast Filtering ........................................................................................................................................... 155
LLDP ................................................................................................................................................................... 156
LLDP Global Settings .................................................................................................................................... 156
LLDP Port Settings ........................................................................................................................................ 158
LLDP Management Address List ................................................................................................................... 159
LLDP Basic TLVs Settings ............................................................................................................................ 159
LLDP Dot1 TLVs Settings.............................................................................................................................. 160
LLDP Dot3 TLVs Settings.............................................................................................................................. 161
LLDP-MED Port Settings ............................................................................................................................... 162
LLDP Statistics Information ........................................................................................................................... 162
LLDP Local Port Information ......................................................................................................................... 163
LLDP Neighbor Port Information ................................................................................................................... 165
6. Layer 3 Features ............................................................................................................................................... 166
ARP ..................................................................................................................................................................... 166
ARP Aging Time ............................................................................................................................................ 166
Static ARP ..................................................................................................................................................... 166
Proxy ARP ..................................................................................................................................................... 167
ARP Table ..................................................................................................................................................... 168
Gratuitous ARP ................................................................................................................................................... 168
IPv6 Neighbor ..................................................................................................................................................... 169
Interface .............................................................................................................................................................. 170
IPv4 Interface ................................................................................................................................................ 170
IPv6 Interface ................................................................................................................................................ 172
Loopback Interface ........................................................................................................................................ 175
Null Interface ................................................................................................................................................. 177
UDP Helper ......................................................................................................................................................... 177
IP Forward Protocol ....................................................................................................................................... 177
IP Helper Address ......................................................................................................................................... 178
IPv4 Static/Default Route .................................................................................................................................... 178
IPv4 Route Table ................................................................................................................................................ 179
IPv6 Static/Default Route .................................................................................................................................... 180
IPv6 Route Table ................................................................................................................................................ 181
Route Preference ................................................................................................................................................ 181
ECMP Settings ................................................................................................................................................... 182
IPv6 General Prefix ............................................................................................................................................. 183
RIP ...................................................................................................................................................................... 183
RIP Settings ................................................................................................................................................... 183
RIP Distribute List .......................................................................................................................................... 185
RIP Interface Settings .................................................................................................................................... 186
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
RIP Database ................................................................................................................................................ 186
RIPng .................................................................................................................................................................. 187
RIPng Settings ............................................................................................................................................... 187
RIPng Interface Settings ................................................................................................................................ 188
RIPng Database ............................................................................................................................................ 189
IPMC .............................................................................................................................................................. 189
IP Route Filter ..................................................................................................................................................... 190
Route Map ..................................................................................................................................................... 190
Policy Route ........................................................................................................................................................ 193
VRRP Settings .................................................................................................................................................... 194
7. Quality of Service (QoS) ................................................................................................................................... 196
Basic Settings ..................................................................................................................................................... 196
Port Default CoS ............................................................................................................................................ 196
Port Scheduler Method .................................................................................................................................. 196
Queue Settings .............................................................................................................................................. 198
CoS to Queue Mapping ................................................................................................................................. 198
Port Rate Limiting .......................................................................................................................................... 199
Queue Rate Limiting ...................................................................................................................................... 200
Advanced Settings .............................................................................................................................................. 201
DSCP Mutation Map ...................................................................................................................................... 201
Port Trust State and Mutation Binding .......................................................................................................... 202
DSCP CoS Mapping ...................................................................................................................................... 202
CoS Color Mapping ....................................................................................................................................... 203
DSCP Color Mapping .................................................................................................................................... 204
Class Map ...................................................................................................................................................... 205
Aggregate Policer .......................................................................................................................................... 206
Policy Map ..................................................................................................................................................... 210
Policy Binding ................................................................................................................................................ 213
WRED ................................................................................................................................................................. 214
WRED Profile ................................................................................................................................................ 214
WRED Queue ................................................................................................................................................ 215
8. Access Control List (ACL) ............................................................................................................................... 217
ACL Configuration Wizard .................................................................................................................................. 217
Step 1 - Create/Update .................................................................................................................................. 217
Step 2 - Select Packet Type .......................................................................................................................... 218
Step 3 - Add Rule .......................................................................................................................................... 218
Step 4 - Apply Port ........................................................................................................................................ 226
ACL Access List .................................................................................................................................................. 227
Standard IP ACL ............................................................................................................................................ 229
Extended IP ACL ........................................................................................................................................... 230
Standard IPv6 ACL ........................................................................................................................................ 232
Extended IPv6 ACL ....................................................................................................................................... 233
Extended MAC ACL ...................................................................................................................................... 236
ACL Interface Access Group .............................................................................................................................. 237
ACL VLAN Access Map ...................................................................................................................................... 238
ACL VLAN Filter ................................................................................................................................................. 240
CPU ACL ............................................................................................................................................................ 241
9. Security .............................................................................................................................................................. 244
Port Security ....................................................................................................................................................... 244
Port Security Global Settings......................................................................................................................... 244
Port Security Port Settings ............................................................................................................................ 245
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Port Security Address Entries........................................................................................................................ 247
802.1X ................................................................................................................................................................. 247
802.1X Global Settings .................................................................................................................................. 252
802.1X Port Settings ...................................................................................................................................... 252
Authentication Sessions Information ............................................................................................................. 253
Authenticator Statistics .................................................................................................................................. 254
Authenticator Session Statistics .................................................................................................................... 255
Authenticator Diagnostics .............................................................................................................................. 255
AAA ..................................................................................................................................................................... 256
AAA Global Settings ...................................................................................................................................... 256
Application Authentication Settings ............................................................................................................... 257
Application Accounting Settings .................................................................................................................... 257
Authentication Settings .................................................................................................................................. 259
Accounting Settings ....................................................................................................................................... 261
RADIUS .............................................................................................................................................................. 263
RADIUS Global Settings ................................................................................................................................ 263
RADIUS Server Settings ............................................................................................................................... 264
RADIUS Group Server Settings .................................................................................................................... 265
RADIUS Statistic ........................................................................................................................................... 266
TACACS ............................................................................................................................................................. 267
TACACS Global Settings ............................................................................................................................... 267
TACACS Server Settings .............................................................................................................................. 267
TACACS Group Server Settings ................................................................................................................... 268
TACACS Statistic .......................................................................................................................................... 269
IMPB ................................................................................................................................................................... 269
IPv4 ................................................................................................................................................................ 270
IPv6 ................................................................................................................................................................ 282
DHCP Server Screening ..................................................................................................................................... 287
DHCP Server Screening Global Settings ...................................................................................................... 288
DHCP Server Screening Port Settings .......................................................................................................... 289
ARP Spoofing Prevention ................................................................................................................................... 289
BPDU Attack Protection ...................................................................................................................................... 290
MAC Authentication ............................................................................................................................................ 291
Web-based Access Control ................................................................................................................................ 293
Web Authentication ....................................................................................................................................... 295
WAC Port Settings ......................................................................................................................................... 295
WAC Customize Page ................................................................................................................................... 296
Network Access Authentication .......................................................................................................................... 297
Guest VLAN ................................................................................................................................................... 297
Network Access Authentication Global Settings ........................................................................................... 297
Network Access Authentication Port Settings ............................................................................................... 299
Network Access Authentication Sessions Information .................................................................................. 300
Safeguard Engine ............................................................................................................................................... 301
Safeguard Engine Settings ............................................................................................................................ 302
CPU Protect Counters ................................................................................................................................... 303
CPU Protect Sub-Interface ............................................................................................................................ 303
CPU Protect Type .......................................................................................................................................... 304
Trusted Host ....................................................................................................................................................... 305
Traffic Segmentation Settings............................................................................................................................. 305
Storm Control ...................................................................................................................................................... 306
DoS Attack Prevention Settings ......................................................................................................................... 308
SSH ..................................................................................................................................................................... 309
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
SSH Global Settings ...................................................................................................................................... 310
Host Key ........................................................................................................................................................ 310
SSH Server Connection ................................................................................................................................ 311
SSH User Settings ......................................................................................................................................... 312
SSL ..................................................................................................................................................................... 312
SSL Global Settings ...................................................................................................................................... 313
Crypto PKI Trustpoint .................................................................................................................................... 314
SSL Service Policy ........................................................................................................................................ 315
SFTP Server Settings ......................................................................................................................................... 315
10. OAM .................................................................................................................................................................... 317
Cable Diagnostics ............................................................................................................................................... 317
Ethernet OAM ..................................................................................................................................................... 318
Ethernet OAM Settings .................................................................................................................................. 318
Ethernet OAM Configuration Settings ........................................................................................................... 319
Ethernet OAM Event Log Table .................................................................................................................... 322
Ethernet OAM Statistics Table ...................................................................................................................... 322
DDM .................................................................................................................................................................... 323
DDM Settings ................................................................................................................................................ 323
DDM Temperature Threshold Settings .......................................................................................................... 324
DDM Voltage Threshold Settings .................................................................................................................. 325
DDM Bias Current Threshold Settings .......................................................................................................... 326
DDM TX Power Threshold Settings .............................................................................................................. 326
DDM RX Power Threshold Settings .............................................................................................................. 327
DDM Status Table ......................................................................................................................................... 328
11. Monitoring ......................................................................................................................................................... 329
Utilization ............................................................................................................................................................ 329
Port Utilization ............................................................................................................................................... 329
Statistics .............................................................................................................................................................. 329
Port ................................................................................................................................................................ 329
Interface Counters ......................................................................................................................................... 331
Counters ........................................................................................................................................................ 333
Mirror Settings .................................................................................................................................................... 334
sFlow ................................................................................................................................................................... 336
sFlow Agent Information ................................................................................................................................ 336
sFlow Receiver Settings ................................................................................................................................ 337
sFlow Sampler Settings ................................................................................................................................. 337
sFlow Poller Settings ..................................................................................................................................... 338
Device Environment ............................................................................................................................................ 339
12. Green .................................................................................................................................................................. 340
Power Saving ...................................................................................................................................................... 340
EEE ..................................................................................................................................................................... 341
13. Save and Tools ................................................................................................................................................. 343
Save Configuration ............................................................................................................................................. 343
Firmware Upgrade & Backup.............................................................................................................................. 343
Firmware Upgrade from HTTP ...................................................................................................................... 343
Firmware Upgrade from TFTP....................................................................................................................... 344
Firmware Backup to HTTP ............................................................................................................................ 344
Firmware Backup to TFTP ............................................................................................................................. 345
Configuration Restore & Backup ........................................................................................................................ 345
Configuration Restore from HTTP ................................................................................................................. 345
Configuration Restore from TFTP ................................................................................................................. 346
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Configuration Backup to HTTP ...................................................................................................................... 347
Configuration Backup to TFTP ...................................................................................................................... 347
Log Backup ......................................................................................................................................................... 348
Log Backup to HTTP ..................................................................................................................................... 348
Log Backup to TFTP ...................................................................................................................................... 348
Ping ..................................................................................................................................................................... 349
Trace Route ........................................................................................................................................................ 351
Reset ................................................................................................................................................................... 353
Reboot System ................................................................................................................................................... 354
Appendix A - Password Recovery Procedure .......................................................................................................... 355
Appendix B - System Log Entries ............................................................................................................................. 356
802.1X ................................................................................................................................................................. 356
AAA ..................................................................................................................................................................... 356
ARP ..................................................................................................................................................................... 358
Auto-save ............................................................................................................................................................ 358
BPDU Protection ................................................................................................................................................. 359
Configuration/Firmware ...................................................................................................................................... 359
DAD .................................................................................................................................................................... 361
DDM .................................................................................................................................................................... 361
DHCPv6 Client .................................................................................................................................................... 362
DHCPv6 Relay .................................................................................................................................................... 364
DHCPv6 Server .................................................................................................................................................. 364
DoS Prevention ................................................................................................................................................... 364
Dynamic ARP Inspection .................................................................................................................................... 365
ERPS .................................................................................................................................................................. 365
Ethernet OAM ..................................................................................................................................................... 366
Interface .............................................................................................................................................................. 367
IP Directed Broadcast ......................................................................................................................................... 367
IPSG ................................................................................................................................................................... 367
LACP ................................................................................................................................................................... 368
LBD ..................................................................................................................................................................... 368
LLDP-MED .......................................................................................................................................................... 369
Login/Logout ....................................................................................................................................................... 370
MAC .................................................................................................................................................................... 372
MSTP Debug Enhancement ............................................................................................................................... 373
Peripheral............................................................................................................................................................ 374
Port ..................................................................................................................................................................... 375
Port Security ....................................................................................................................................................... 376
Reboot Schedule ................................................................................................................................................ 376
Safeguard ........................................................................................................................................................... 376
SNMP .................................................................................................................................................................. 376
SSH ..................................................................................................................................................................... 376
SSL ..................................................................................................................................................................... 377
Stacking .............................................................................................................................................................. 377
Storm Control ...................................................................................................................................................... 378
Telnet .................................................................................................................................................................. 379
Traffic Control ..................................................................................................................................................... 379
VRRP Debug Enhancement ............................................................................................................................... 380
WAC .................................................................................................................................................................... 383
Web ..................................................................................................................................................................... 383
Appendix C - Trap Entries .......................................................................................................................................... 385
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
802.1X ................................................................................................................................................................. 385
802.3ah OAM ...................................................................................................................................................... 385
Authentication Fail .............................................................................................................................................. 386
BPDU Protection ................................................................................................................................................. 386
DDM .................................................................................................................................................................... 386
DHCP Server Screen Prevention ....................................................................................................................... 386
DoS Prevention ................................................................................................................................................... 387
ERPS .................................................................................................................................................................. 387
ErrDisable ........................................................................................................................................................... 387
External Alarm .................................................................................................................................................... 387
Gratuitous ARP ................................................................................................................................................... 388
IP-MAC-Port Binding .......................................................................................................................................... 388
LACP ................................................................................................................................................................... 388
LBD ..................................................................................................................................................................... 389
LLDP-MED .......................................................................................................................................................... 389
MAC-based Access Control................................................................................................................................ 389
MAC Notification ................................................................................................................................................. 390
MSTP .................................................................................................................................................................. 390
Peripheral............................................................................................................................................................ 390
Port Security ....................................................................................................................................................... 391
Port ..................................................................................................................................................................... 391
RMON ................................................................................................................................................................. 391
Safeguard ........................................................................................................................................................... 392
SIM ...................................................................................................................................................................... 392
Stacking .............................................................................................................................................................. 393
Start .................................................................................................................................................................... 394
Storm Control ...................................................................................................................................................... 394
System File ......................................................................................................................................................... 394
Upload/Download ............................................................................................................................................... 394
VRRP .................................................................................................................................................................. 395
WAC .................................................................................................................................................................... 395
Appendix D - RADIUS Attributes Assignment ......................................................................................................... 396
Appendix E - IETF RADIUS Attributes Support ........................................................................................................ 399
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
1. Introduction
This manual’s feature descriptions are based on the software release 1.00. The features listed here are the subset of
features that are supported by the DGS-3130 Series Switch.
This reference manual is intended for network administrators and other IT networking professionals responsible for
managing the Switch by using the Web User Interface (Web UI). The Web UI is the secondary management interface
to the DGS-3130 Series Switch, which will be generally be referred to simply as the “Switch” within this manual. This
manual is written in a way that assumes that you already have the experience and knowledge of Ethernet and modern
networking principles for Local Area Networks.
Other Documentation
The documents below are a further source of information in regards to configuring and troubleshooting the Switch. All
the documents are available either from the CD, bundled with this Switch, or from the D-Link website. Other
documents related to this Switch are:
DGS-3130 Series Hardware Installation Guide
DGS-3130 Series CLI Reference Guide
Boldface Font
Indicates a button, a toolbar icon, menu, or menu item. For example: Open the
File menu and choose Cancel. Used for emphasis. May also indicate system
messages or prompts appearing on screen. For example: You have mail. Bold
font is also used to represent filenames, program names and commands. For
example: use the copy command.
Initial capital letter
Indicates a window name. Names of keys on the keyboard have initial capitals.
For example: Click Enter.
Menu Name > Menu Option
Indicates the menu structure. Device > Port > Port Properties means the Port
Properties menu option under the Port menu option that is located under the
Device menu.
Blue Courier Font
This convention is used to represent an example of a screen console display
including example entries of CLI command input with the corresponding output.
Notes, Notices, and Cautions
Below are examples of the three types of indicators used in this manual. When administering your Switch using the
information in this document, you should pay special attention to these indicators. Each example below provides an
explanatory remark regarding each type of indicator.
NOTE: A note indicates important information that helps you make better use of your device.
NOTICE: A notice indicates either potential damage to hardware or loss of data and tells you how to
avoid the problem.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
CAUTION: A caution indicates a potential for property damage, personal injury, or death.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
2. Web-based Switch Configuration
Management Options
Logging into the Web UI
Web User Interface (Web UI)
Management Options
The Switch provides multiple access platforms that can be used to configure, manage, and monitor networking
features available on this Switch. Currently there are three management platforms available which are described
Command Line Interface (CLI)
The Switch can be managed, out-of-band, by using the console port or the MGMT port on the front panel of the
Switch. Alternatively, the Switch can also be managed, in-band, by using a Telnet connection to any of the LAN ports
on the Switch. The command line interface provides complete access to all Switch management features.
For more detailed information about the CLI, refer to the DGS-3130 Series CLI Reference Guide.
SNMP-based Management
The Switch can be managed with an SNMP-compatible Network Management System (NMS). The Switch supports
SNMP v1/v2c/v3. The SNMP agent on the Switch decodes the incoming SNMP messages and responds to requests
with MIB objects stored in the database. The SNMP agent on the Switch updates the MIB objects to generate
statistics and counters.
Web User Interface (Web UI)
The Web UI can be accessed from any computer running web browsing software from its MGMT port or LAN port
when it is connected to any of the RJ45 or SFP/SFP+ ports. The Web UI on the Switch can also be accessed using an
HTTPS (SSL) connection.
This management interface is a more graphical representation of the features that can be viewed and configured on
the Switch. Most of the features available through the CLI can be accessed through the Web UI. Web browsers like
Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, or Google Chrome can be used.
NOTE: The Command Line Interface (CLI) provides the functionality of managing, configuring, and
monitoring all of the software features that are available on the Switch.
Logging into the Web UI
To access the Web UI open a standard web browser and enter the IP address of the Switch into the address bar of
the browser and press the ENTER key.
NOTE: The default IP address of the Switch is, with a subnet mask of
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 2-1 Displays entering the IP address in Internet Explorer
After pressing the ENTER key, the following authentication window should appear, as shown below.
Figure 2-2 Web UI Login Window
When connecting to the Web UI of the Switch for the first time, leave the User Name and Password fields blank and
click Login since there are no login user accounts created by default on the Switch.
NOTE: After a user account was created, login credentials will be required to access the Web UI.
During the sending and receiving of the login password to and from the Switch, this
information will be protected using TLS/SSL to prevent attackers from snooping this
information to gain unauthorized access to the Switch.
Web User Interface (Web UI)
The Web UI provides access to various Switch configuration and management windows. It allows the user to view
performance statistics, and permits graphical monitoring of the system’s status.
Areas of the User Interface
The figure below shows the user interface. Four distinct areas that divide the user interface, as described in the table.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 2-3 Main Web UI Window
Area Number
This area displays a graphical, near real-time image of the front panel of the
Switch. This area displays the Switch’s ports and expansion modules. It also
shows port activity based on a specific mode. Some management functions,
including port monitoring, are accessible from here.
Click the D-Link logo to go to the D-Link website.
This area displays a toolbar used to access Save and Tools menus.
This area displays a file explorer-type menu tree with all configurable options.
Select the folder or window to display. Open folders and click the hyperlinked
window buttons and subfolders contained within them to display information
pertaining to that category.
In this area, the Switch’s configuration page can be found, based on the
selection made in AREA 3.
NOTE: The Switch only supports ASCII characters for input values.
NOTE: The best screen resolution for viewing the Web UI is 1280 x 1024 pixels.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
3. System
Device Information
System Information Settings
Peripheral Settings
Port Configuration
System Log
Time and SNTP
Time Range
Device Information
In the Device Information section, the user can view a list of basic information regarding the Switch. It appears
automatically when you log on to the Switch. To return to the Device Information window after viewing other windows,
click the DGS-3130-30TS link.
Figure 3-1 Device Information Window
System Information Settings
This window is used to display and configure the system information settings and management interface configuration
To view the following window, click System > System Information Settings, as shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 3-2 System Information Settings Window
The fields that can be configured in System Information Settings are described below:
System Name
Enter a system name for the Switch, if so desired. This name will identify it in
the Switch network.
System Location
Enter the location of the Switch, if so desired.
System Contact
Enter a contact name for the Switch, if so desired.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in Management Interface are described below:
Select to enable or disable the state of the management interface here.
IPv4 Address
Enter the IPv4 address for this interface here.
Subnet Mask
Enter the IPv4 subnet mask for this interface here.
Enter the gateway IPv4 address for this interface here.
Enter the description for the management interface here. This can be up to 64
characters long.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Peripheral Settings
This window is used to display and configure the environment trap settings and environment temperature threshold
To view the following window, click System > Peripheral Settings, as shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 3-3 Peripheral Settings Window
The fields that can be configured in Environment Trap Settings are described below:
Fan Trap
Select to enable or disable the fan trap state for waning fan event (fan failed or
fan recover).
Power Trap
Select to enable or disable the power trap state for waning power event (power
failed or power recover).
Temperature Trap
Select to enable or disable the temperature trap state for warning temperature
event (temperature thresholds exceeded or temperature recover).
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in Environment Temperature Threshold Settings are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
Select the thermal sensor ID.
High Threshold
Enter the high threshold value of the warning temperature setting. The range is
from -100 to 200 degrees Celsius. Tick the Default check box to return to the
default value.
Low Threshold
Enter the low threshold value of the warning temperature setting. The range is
from -100 to 200 degrees Celsius. Tick the Default check box to return to the
default value.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Port Configuration
Port Settings
This window is used to display and configure the Switch’s port settings.
NOTE: The 10M and 100M speed options are only applicable when connecting to the Management
Port (Mgmt 0).
To view the following window, click System > Port Configuration > Port Settings, as shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 3-4 Port Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the stacking unit ID of the Switch that will be configured here.
From Port - To Port
Select the appropriate port range used for the configuration here.
Medium Selecting
Select the port medium type here. Options to choose from are Auto, RJ45 and
Note: Selecting the SFP option, includes the use of SFP+ transceivers for 10G
Medium Type
Select the port medium type here. Options to choose from are RJ45 and SFP.
Note: Selecting the SFP option, includes the use of SFP+ transceivers for 10G
Select this option to enable or disabled the physical port here.
Select the Medium Dependent Interface Crossover (MDIX) option here. Options
to choose from are Auto, Normal, and Cross.
Auto - Select this option for auto-sensing of the optimal type of cabling.
Normal - Select this option for normal cabling. If this option is selected, the
port is in the MDIX mode and can be connected to a PC NIC using a
straight-through cable or a port (in the MDI mode) on another Switch
through a cross-over cable.
Cross - Select this option for cross-over cabling. If this option is selected,
the port is in the MDI mode and can be connected to a port (in the MDIX
mode) on another Switch through a straight cable.
Auto Downgrade
Select to enable or disable the feature to automatically downgrade the
advertised speed in the event that a link cannot be established at the available
Flow Control
Select to either turn flow control On or Off here. Ports configured for full-duplex
use 802.3x flow control and Auto ports use an automatic selection of the two.
Note: This feature will not work through Switches that are physically stacked.
Select the duplex mode used here. Options to choose from are Auto and Full.
Select the port speed option here. This option will manually force the
connection speed on the selected port to only connect at the speed specified
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Options to choose from are Auto, 10M, 100M, 1000M, 1000M Master, 1000M
Slave, and 10G.
The Master setting will allow the port to advertise capabilities related to duplex,
speed and physical layer type. The master setting will also determine the
master and slave relationship between the two connected physical layers. This
relationship is necessary for establishing the timing control between the two
physical layers. The timing control is set on a master physical layer by a local
The Slave setting uses loop timing, where the timing comes from a data stream
received from the master. If one connection is set for master, the other side of
the connection must be set for slave. Any other configuration will result in a ‘link
down’ status for both ports.
Auto - Specifies that for copper ports, auto-negotiation will start to
negotiate the speed and flow control with its link partner. For fiber ports,
auto-negotiation will start to negotiate the clock and flow control with its
link partner.
10M - Specifies to force the port speed to 10Mbps. This option is only
available for 10Mbps copper connections.
100M - Specifies to force the port speed to 100Mbps. This option is only
available for 100Mbps copper connections.
1000M - Specifies to force the port speed to 1Gbps. This option is only
available for 1Gbps fiber connections.
1000M Master - Specifies to force the port speed to 1Gbps and operates
as the master, to facilitate the timing of transmit and receive operations.
This option is only available for 1Gbps copper connections.
1000M Slave - Specifies to force the port speed to 1Gbps and operates as
the slave, to facilitate the timing of transmit and receive operations. This
option is only available for 1Gbps copper connections.
10G - Specifies to force the port speed to 10Gbps. This option is only
available for 10Gbps copper or fiber connections.
Capability Advertised
When the Speed is set to Auto, these capabilities are advertised during auto-
Enter a description for the corresponding port here. This can be up to 64
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Port Status
This window is used to view the Switch’s physical port status and settings.
To view the following window, click System > Port Configuration > Port Status, as shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 3-5 Port Status Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the stacking unit ID of the Switch that will be displayed here.
This window is used to view active GBIC information found on each applicable physical port of this Switch.
To view the following window, click System > Port Configuration > Port GBIC, as shown below:
Figure 3-6 Port GBIC Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this display here.
Port Auto Negotiation
This window is used to view detailed port auto-negotiation information.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
To view the following window, click System > Port Configuration > Port Auto Negotiation, as shown below:
Figure 3-7 Port Auto Negotiation Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the stacking unit ID of the Switch that will be displayed here.
Error Disable Settings
This window is used to display and configure the recovery from the Error Disable causes and to configure the recovery
To view the following window, click System > Port Configuration > Error Disable Settings, as shown below:
Figure 3-8 Error Disable Settings Window
The fields that can be configured for Error Disable Trap Settings are described below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Specifies to enable or disable notifications for entering into the error disabled
Specifies to enable or disable notifications for exiting from the error disabled
Notification Rate
Enter the notification rate value here. This sets the number of traps per minute.
The packets that exceed the rate will be dropped. The range is from 0 to 1000.
The default value (0) indicates that an SNMP trap will be generated for every
change of the error disabled state.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured for Error Disable Recovery Settings are described below:
ErrDisable Cause
Select the error disabled cause here. Options to choose from are Port
Security, Storm Control, BPDU Attack Protection, Dynamic ARP
Inspection, DHCP Snooping, Loopback Detect, L2PT Guard, and D-Link
Unidirectional Link Detection.
Select to enable or disable the error disabled recovery feature here.
Enter the time, in seconds, to recover the port from the error state caused by
the specified module. The range is from 5 to 86400.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Jumbo Frame
This window is used to display and configure the jumbo frame size and settings. The Switch supports jumbo frames.
Jumbo frames are Ethernet frames with more than 1,518 bytes of payload. The Switch supports jumbo frames with a
maximum frame size of up to 12,288 bytes.
To view the following window, click System > Port Configuration > Jumbo Frame, as shown below:
Figure 3-9 Jumbo Frame Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the stacking unit ID of the Switch that will be configured here.
From Port - To Port
Select the appropriate port range used for the configuration here.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Maximum Receive Frame
Enter the maximum receive frame size value here. This value must be between
64 and 12288 bytes. By default, this value is 1536 bytes.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
System Log
System Log Settings
This window is used to display and configure the system log settings.
To view the following window, click System > System Log > System Log Settings, as shown below:
Figure 3-10 System Log Settings Window
The fields that can be configured for Log State are described below:
Log State
Select the enable or disable the global system log state here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured for Source Interface Settings are described below:
Source Interface State
Select this option to enable or disable the global source interface state.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Select the type of interface that will be used. Options to choose from are
Loopback, Mgmt, and VLAN.
Enter the interface VID used here. For loopback interfaces this ID can be from
1 to 8. For the management (Mgmt) interface this value is always 0. For VLAN
interfaces this value is from 1 to 4094.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured for Buffer Log Settings are described below:
Buffer Log State
Select whether the enable or disable the global buffer log state here. Options to
choose from are Enable, Disabled, and Default. When selecting the Default
option, the global buffer log state will follow the default behavior.
Select the severity value of the type of information that will be logged. Options
to choose from are 0 (Emergencies), 1 (Alerts), 2 (Critical), 3 (Errors), 4
(Warnings), 5 (Notifications), 6 (Informational), and 7 (Debugging).
Discriminator Name
Enter the discriminator name used here. This name can be up to 15 characters
long. This specifies the name of the discriminator profile that will be used to
filter buffer log messages based on the filtering criteria specified within that
Write Delay
Enter the log write delay value here. This value must be between 0 and 65535
seconds. By default, this value is 300 seconds. Tick the Infinite option, to
disable the write delay feature.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured for Console Log Settings are described below:
Console Log State
Select whether the enable or disable the global console log state here.
Select the severity value of the type of information that will be logged. Options
to choose from are 0 (Emergencies), 1 (Alerts), 2 (Critical), 3 (Errors), 4
(Warnings), 5 (Notifications), 6 (Informational), and 7 (Debugging).
Discriminator Name
Enter the discriminator name used here. This name can be up to 15 characters
long. This specifies the name of the discriminator profile that will be used to
filter console log messages based on the filtering criteria specified within that
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured for SMTP Log Settings are described below:
SMTP Log State
Select whether the enable or disable the global SMTP log state here.
Select the severity value of the type of information that will be logged. Options
to choose from are 0 (Emergencies), 1 (Alerts), 2 (Critical), 3 (Errors), 4
(Warnings), 5 (Notifications), 6 (Informational), and 7 (Debugging).
Discriminator Name
Enter the discriminator name used here. This name can be up to 15 characters
long. This specifies the name of the discriminator profile that will be used to
filter SMTP log messages based on the filtering criteria specified within that
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
System Log Discriminator Settings
This window is used to display and configure the system log discriminator settings.
To view the following window, click System > System Log > System Log Discriminator Settings, as shown below:
Figure 3-11 System Log Discriminator Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Discriminator Name
Enter the name of the discriminator profile here. This name can be up to 15
characters long.
Select the facility behavior option and the type of facility that will be associated
with the selected behavior here. Behavior options to choose from are Drops
and Includes.
Select the severity behavior option and the value of the type of information that
will be logged. Behavior options to choose from are Drops and Includes.
Severity value options to choose from are 0 (Emergencies), 1 (Alerts), 2
(Critical), 3 (Errors), 4 (Warnings), 5 (Notifications), 6 (Informational), and
7 (Debugging).
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Delete button to delete the specified entry.
System Log Server Settings
This window is used to display and configure the system log server settings.
To view the following window, click System > System Log > System Log Server Settings, as shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 3-12 System Log Server Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Host IPv4 Address
Enter the system log server IPv4 address here.
Host IPv6 Address
Enter the system log server IPv6 address here.
UDP Port
Enter the system log server UDP port number here. This value must be either
514 or between 1024 and 65535. By default, this value is 514.
Select the severity value of the type of information that will be logged. Options to
choose from are 0 (Emergencies), 1 (Alerts), 2 (Critical), 3 (Errors), 4
(Warnings), 5 (Notifications), 6 (Informational), and 7 (Debugging).
Select the facility number that will be logged here. The range is from 0 to 23.
Each facility number is associated with a specific facility. See the table below:
Facility Number
Facility Name
Facility Description
Kernel messages
User-level messages
Mail system
System daemons
Security/authorization messages
Messages generated internally by the
Line printer sub-system
Network news sub-system
UUCP sub-system
Clock daemon
Security/authorization messages
FTP daemon
NTP subsystem
Log audit
Log alert
Clock daemon
Local use 0 (local0)
Local use 1 (local1)
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Local use 2 (local2)
Local use 3 (local3)
Local use 4 (local4)
Local use 5 (local5)
Local use 6 (local6)
Local use 7 (local7)
Discriminator Name
Enter the name of the discriminator that will be used to filter messages sent to
the log server here. This name can be up to 15 characters long.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Delete button to delete the specified entry.
System Log
This window is used to view and clear the system log.
To view the following window, click System > System Log > System Log, as shown below:
Figure 3-13 System Log Window
Click the Clear Log button to clear the system log entries displayed in the table.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
System Attack Log
This window is used to view and clear the system attack log.
To view the following window, click System > System Log > System Attack Log, as shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 3-14 System Attack Log Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the stacking unit ID of the Switch that will be displayed here.
Click the Clear Attack Log button to clear the system attack log entries displayed in the table.
Time and SNTP
Clock Settings
This window is used to display and configure the time settings for the Switch.
To view the following window, click System > Time and SNTP > Clock Settings, as shown below:
Figure 3-15 Clock Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Enter the current time in hours (HH), minutes (MM), and seconds (SS) here.
For example, 18:30:30.
Enter the current day (DD), month (MM), and year (YYYY) here. For example,
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Time Zone Settings
This window is used to display and configure time zones and Daylight Savings Time settings for SNTP.
To view the following window, click System > Time and SNTP > Time Zone Settings, as shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 3-16 Time Zone Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Summer Time State
Select the summer time setting. Options to choose from are Disabled,
Recurring Setting, and Date Setting.
Disabled - Select to disable the summer time setting.
Recurring Setting - Select to configure the summer time that should start
and end on the specified week day of the specified month.
Date Setting - Select to configure the summer time that should start and
end on the specified date of the specified month.
Time Zone
Select to specify your local time zone offset from Coordinated Universal Time
The fields that can be configured in Recurring Settings are described below:
From: Week of the Month
Select week of the month that summer time will start.
From: Day of the Week
Select the day of the week that summer time will start.
From: Month
Select the month that summer time will start.
From: Time
Select the time of the day that summer time will start.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
To: Week of the Month
Select week of the month that summer time will end.
To: Day of the Week
Select the day of the week that summer time will end.
To: Month
Select the month that summer time will end.
To: Time
Select the time of the day that summer time will end.
Enter the number of minutes to add during summer time. The default value is
60. The range of this offset is 30, 60, 90 and 120.
The fields that can be configured in Date Settings are described below:
From: Date of the Month
Select date of the month that summer time will start.
From: Month
Select the month that summer time will start.
From: Year
Enter the year that the summer time will start.
From: Time
Select the time of the day that summer time will start.
To: Date of the Month
Select date of the month that summer time will end.
To: Month
Select the month that summer time will end.
To: Year
Enter the year that the summer time will end.
To: Time
Select the time of the day that summer time will end.
Enter the number of minutes to add during summer time. The default value is
60. The range of this offset is 30, 60, 90 and 120.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
SNTP Settings
The Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) is a protocol for synchronizing computer clocks through the Internet. It
provides comprehensive mechanisms to access national time and frequency dissemination services, coordinate the
SNTP subnet of servers and clients, and adjust the system clock on each participant.
This window is used to display and configure the SNTP settings for the Switch.
To view the following window, click System > Time and SNTP > SNTP Settings, as shown below:
Figure 3-17 SNTP Settings Window
The fields that can be configured in SNTP Global Settings are described below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
SNTP State
Select this option to enable or disable SNTP.
Poll Interval
Enter the synchronizing interval in seconds. The value is from 30 to 99999
seconds. The default interval is 720 seconds.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in SNTP Server Settings are described below:
IPv4 Address
Enter the IPv4 address of the SNTP server which provides the SNTP reference.
IPv6 Address
Enter the IPv6 address of the SNTP server which provides the SNTP reference.
Click the Add button to add the SNTP server.
Click the Delete button to remove the specified entry.
Time Range
This window is used to display and configure the time profile settings.
To view the following window, click System > Time Range, as shown below:
Figure 3-18 Time Range Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Range Name
Enter the time profile range name here. This name can be up to 32 characters
From Week ~ To Week
Select the starting and ending days of the week that will be used for this time
profile. Tick the Daily option to use this time profile for every day of the week.
Tick the End Week Day option to use this time profile from the starting day of
the week until the end of the week.
From Time ~ To Time
Select the starting and ending time of the day that will be used for this time
profile. The first drop-down menu selects the hour and the second drop-down
menu selects the minute.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Find button to locate a specific entry based on the information entered.
Click the Delete Periodic button to delete the periodic entry.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Click the Delete button to delete the specified entry.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
4. Management
Command Logging
User Accounts Settings
Password Encryption
Password Recovery
Login Method
Session Timeout
DHCP Auto Configuration
IP Source Interface
File System
SMTP Settings
Command Logging
This window is used to display and configure the command logging function. The command logging function is used to
log the commands that have successfully been configured on the Switch via the command line interface. The
command, along with information about the user that entered the command, is included in the system log. Commands
that do not cause a change in the Switch configuration or operation (such as 'show' commands) are not logged.
To view the following window, click Management > Command Logging, as shown below:
Figure 4-1 Command Logging Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Command Logging State
Select to enable or disable the command logging function here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
User Accounts Settings
On this page, user accounts can be created and updated. Active user account sessions can also be viewed on this
There are several configuration options available in the Web User Interface (Web UI). The set of configuration options
available to the user depends on the account’s Privilege Level.
NOTE: By default, there are no user accounts created on the Switch.
To view the following window, click Management > User Accounts Settings, as shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
After selecting the User Management Settings tab, the following page will appear.
Figure 4-2 User Accounts Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
User Name
Enter the user account name here. This name can be up to 32 characters long.
Enter the privilege level for this account here. The range is from 1 to 15.
Password Type
Select the password type for this user account here. Options to choose from
are None, Plain Text, Encrypted-SHA1, and Encrypted-MD5.
After selecting Plain Text, Encrypted-SHA1, or Encrypted-MD5 as the
password type, enter the password for this user account here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Delete button to delete the specified user account entry.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
After selecting the Session Table tab, the following page will appear.
Figure 4-3 Session Table Window
On this page, a list of active user account session will be displayed.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
Password Encryption
This window is used to display and configure whether to save the encryption of the password in the configuration file.
To view the following window, click Management > Password Encryption, as shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 4-4 Password Encryption Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Password Encryption
Select this option to enable or disable the encryption of the password before being
stored in the configuration file.
Password Type
When the state is enabled, select the password encryption type here. Options to
choose from are:
Encrypted-SHA1 - Specifies that the password is encrypted using SHA-1.
Encrypted-MD5 - Specifies that the password is encrypted using MD5.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Password Recovery
This window is used to display and configure the password recovery settings. For example, the administrator may
need to update a user account because the password has been forgotten.
To view the following window, click Management > Password Recovery, as shown below:
Figure 4-5 Password Recovery Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Password Recovery State
Select to enable or disable the password recovery feature here. Enabling this
feature allows access to the reset configuration mode in the CLI. From the reset
configuration mode, user accounts can be updated, the enable password
feature can be updated for administrator privilege levels, and the AAA feature
can be disabled to allow local authentication. The running configuration can
then be saved as the startup configuration. A reboot is required.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Login Method
This window is used to display and configure the login method for each management interface that is supported by the
To view the following window, click Management > Login Method, as shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 4-6 Login Method Window
The fields that can be configured in Enable Password are described below:
Select the privilege level for the user here. The range is from 1 to 15.
Password Type
Select the password type for the user here. Options to choose from are:
Plain Text - Specifies that the password will be in plain text. This is the
default option.
Encrypted - Specifies that the password will be encrypted based on SHA-
Encrypted-MD5 - Specifies that the password will be encrypted based on
Enter the password for the user account here. In the plain-text form, the
password can be up to 32 characters long, is case-sensitive, and can contain
spaces. In the encrypted form, the password must be 35 bytes long and is
case-sensitive. In the encrypted MD5 form, the password must be 31 bytes
long and is case-sensitive.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Edit button to re-configure the specified entry.
The fields that can be configured in Login Method are described below:
Login Method
After clicking the Edit button, this parameter can be configured. Select the login
method for the specified application here. Options to choose from are No
Login, Login and Login Local.
No Login requires no login authentication to access the specified
Login will require the user to at least enter a password when trying to
access the application specified.
Login Local requires the user to enter a username and a password to
access the specified application.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
The fields that can be configured in Login Password are described below:
Select the application that will be configured here. Options to choose from are
Console, Telnet and SSH.
Password Type
Select the password encryption type that will be used here. Options to choose
from are Plain Text, Encrypted, and Encrypted-MD5.
Enter the password for the selected application here. This password will be
used when the Login Method for the specified application is set as Login. In
the plain-text form, the password can be up to 32 characters long, is case-
sensitive, and can contain spaces. In the encrypted form, the password must
be 35 bytes long and is case-sensitive. In the encrypted MD5 form, the
password must be 31 bytes long and is case-sensitive.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Delete button to remove the password from the specified application.
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is an OSI Layer 7 (Application Layer) designed specifically for
managing and monitoring network devices. SNMP enables network management stations to read and modify the
settings of gateways, routers, switches, and other network devices. Use SNMP to configure system features, monitor
performance, and detect potential problems with the Switch, switch group, or network.
Managed devices that support SNMP include software (referred to as an agent) which runs locally on the device. A
defined set of variables (managed objects) is maintained by the SNMP agent and used to manage the device. These
objects are defined in a Management Information Base (MIB), which provides a standard presentation of the
information controlled by the on-board SNMP agent. SNMP defines both the format of the MIB specifications and the
protocol used to access this information over the network.
The Switch supports the SNMP versions 1, 2c, and 3. The three versions of SNMP vary in the level of security
provided between the management station and the network device.
In SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c, user authentication is accomplished using ‘community strings’, which function like
passwords. The remote user SNMP application and the Switch SNMP must use the same community string. SNMP
packets from any station that has not been authenticated are ignored (dropped). The default community strings for the
Switch used for SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c management access are:
public - Allows authorized management stations to retrieve MIB objects.
private - Allows authorized management stations to retrieve and modify MIB objects.
The SNMPv3 protocol uses a more sophisticated authentication process that is separated into two parts. The first part
maintains a list of users and their attributes that are allowed to act as SNMP managers. The second part describes
what each user in that list can do as an SNMP manager. The SNMPv3 protocol also provides an additional layer of
security that can be used to encrypt SNMP messages.
The Switch allows groups of users to be listed and configured with a shared set of privileges. The SNMP version may
also be set for a listed group of SNMP managers. Thus, you may create a group of SNMP managers that are allowed
to view read-only information or receive traps using SNMPv1 while assigning a higher level of security to another
group, granting read/write privileges using SNMPv3.
Using SNMPv3, users or groups can be allowed or be prevented from performing specific SNMP management
functions. These are defined using the Object Identifier (OID) associated with a specific MIB.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
A Management Information Base (MIB) stores management and counter information. The Switch uses the standard
MIB-II Management Information Base module, and so values for MIB objects can be retrieved using any SNMP-based
network management software. In addition to the standard MIB-II, the Switch also supports its own proprietary
enterprise MIB as an extended Management Information Base. Specifying the MIB Object Identifier may also retrieve
the proprietary MIB. MIB values can be either read-only or read-write.
The Switch incorporates a flexible SNMP management system which can be customized to suit the needs of the
networks and the preferences of the network administrator. The three versions of SNMP vary in the level of security
provided between the management station and the network device. SNMP settings are configured using the menus
located in the SNMP folder of the Web UI.
Traps are messages that alert network personnel of events that occur on the Switch. The events can be as serious as
a reboot (someone accidentally turned the Switch off/unplugged the Switch), or less serious like a port status change.
The Switch generates traps and sends them to the trap recipient (or network manager). Typical traps include trap
messages for Authentication Failure, Topology Change and Broadcast/Multicast Storm.
SNMP Global Settings
This window is used to display and configure the global SNMP and trap settings.
To view the following window, click Management > SNMP > SNMP Global Settings, as shown below:
Figure 4-7 SNMP Global Settings Window
The fields that can be configured in SNMP Global Settings are described below:
SNMP Global State
Select this option to enable or disable the SNMP feature.
SNMP Response Broadcast
Select this option to enable or disable the server to response to broadcast
SNMP GetRequest packets.
Enter the SNMP UDP port number.
Trap Source Interface
Enter the interface whose IP address will be used as the source address for
sending the SNMP trap packet.
The fields that can be configured in Trap Settings are described below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Trap Global State
Select this option to enable or disable the sending of all or specific SNMP
SNMP Authentication Trap
Tick this option to control the sending of SNMP authentication failure
notifications. An authenticationFailuretrap trap is generated when the device
receives an SNMP message that is not properly authenticated. The
authentication method depends on the version of SNMP being used. For
SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c, authentication failure occurs if packets are formed with
an incorrect community string. For SNMPv3, authentication failure occurs if
packets are formed with an incorrect SHA/MD5 authentication key.
Port Link Up
Tick this option to control the sending of port link up notifications. A linkUp trap
is generated when the device recognizes that one of the communication links
has come up.
Port Link Down
Tick this option to control the sending of port link down notifications. A linkDown
trap is generated when the device recognizes that a one of the communication
links is down.
Tick this option to control the sending of SNMP coldStart notifications.
Tick this option to control the sending of SNMP warmStart notifications.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
SNMP Linkchange Trap Settings
This window is used to display and configure the SNMP link change trap settings.
To view the following window, click Management > SNMP > SNMP Linkchange Trap Settings, as shown below:
Figure 4-8 SNMP Linkchange Trap Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
From Port - To Port
Select the appropriate port range used for the configuration here.
Trap Sending
Select this option to enable or disable the sending of the SNMP notification
traps that are generated by the system.
Trap State
Select this option to enable or disable the SNMP linkChange trap.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
SNMP View Table Settings
This window is used to assign views to community strings that define which MIB objects can be accessed by a remote
SNMP manager. The SNMP sub-tree OID created with this table maps SNMP users to the views created in the SNMP
User Table Settings window.
To view the following window, click Management > SNMP > SNMP View Table Settings, as shown below:
Figure 4-9 SNMP View Table Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
View Name
Type an alphanumeric string of up to 32 characters. This is used to identify the
new SNMP view being created.
Subtree OID
Type the Object Identifier (OID) sub-tree for the view. The OID identifies an
object tree (MIB tree) that will be included or excluded from access by an
SNMP manager.
View Type
Select the view type here. Options to choose from are Included and Excluded.
Included - Select to include this object in the list of objects that an SNMP
manager can access.
Excluded - Select to exclude this object from the list of objects that an
SNMP manager can access.
Click the Add button to add a new entry based on the information entered.
Click the Delete button to remove the specified entry.
SNMP Community Table Settings
This window is used to create an SNMP community string to define the relationship between the SNMP manager and
an agent. The community string acts like a password to permit access to the agent on the Switch. One or more of the
following characteristics can be associated with the community string:
An access list containing IP addresses of SNMP managers that are permitted to use the community string to
gain access to the Switch’s SNMP agent.
Any MIB view that defines the subset of MIB objects that will be accessible to the SNMP community.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Read-write or read-only level permissions for the MIB objects accessible to the SNMP community.
To view the following window, click Management > SNMP > SNMP Community Table Settings, as shown below:
Figure 4-10 SNMP Community Table Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Key Type
Select the key type for the SNMP community. Options to choose from are Plain
Text, and Encrypted.
Community Name
Enter an alphanumeric string of up to 32 characters that is used to identify
members of an SNMP community. This string is used like a password to give
remote SNMP managers access to MIB objects in the Switch’s SNMP agent.
View Name
Enter an alphanumeric string of up to 32 characters that is used to identify the
group of MIB objects that a remote SNMP manager is allowed to access on the
Switch. The view name must exist in the SNMP View Table.
Access Right
Select the access right here. Options to choose from are Read Only and Read
Read Only - SNMP community members using the community string
created can only read the contents of the MIBs on the Switch.
Read Write - SNMP community members using the community string
created can read from, and write to the contents of the MIBs on the
IP Access-List Name
Enter the name of the standard access list to restrict the users that can use this
community string to access to the SNMP agent.
Click the Add button to add a new entry based on the information entered.
Click the Delete button to remove the specified entry.
SNMP Group Table Settings
An SNMP group created with this table maps SNMP users to the views created in the SNMP View Table Settings
To view the following window, click Management > SNMP > SNMP Group Table Settings, as shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 4-11 SNMP Group Table Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Group Name
Enter the SNMP group name here. This name can be up to 32 characters long.
Spaces are not allowed.
Read View Name
Enter the read view name that users of the group can access.
User-based Security Model
Select the security model here. Options to choose from are SNMPv1,
SNMPv2c, and SNMPv3.
SNMPv1 - Select to allow the group to use the SNMPv1 security model.
SNMPv2c - Select to allow the group to use the SNMPv2c security model.
SNMPv3 - Select to allow the group to use the SNMPv3 security model.
Write View Name
Enter the write view name that the users of the group can access.
Security Level
When selecting SNMPv3 in the User-based Security Model drop-down list,
this option is available.
NoAuthNoPriv - Specify that there will be no authorization and no
encryption of packets sent between the Switch and a remote SNMP
AuthNoPriv - Specify that authorization will be required, but there will be
no encryption of packets sent between the Switch and a remote SNMP
AuthPriv - Specify that authorization will be required, and that packets
sent between the Switch and a remote SNMP manger will be encrypted.
Notify View Name
Enter the notify view name that users of the group can access. The notify view
describes the object that can be reported its status via trap packets to the group
IP Address-List Name
Enter the standard IP access control list (ACL) to associate with the group.
Click the Add button to add a new entry based on the information entered.
Click the Delete button to remove the specified entry.
SNMP Engine ID Local Settings
The Engine ID is a unique identifier used for SNMPv3 implementations on the Switch.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
To view the following window, click Management > SNMP > SNMP Engine ID Local Settings, as shown below:
Figure 4-12 SNMP Engine ID Local Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Engine ID
Enter the SNMP engine ID string here. This string can be up to 24 characters
Click the Default button to revert the engine ID to the default.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
SNMP User Table Settings
This window is used to display and configure the SNMP users that are currently configured on the Switch.
To view the following window, click Management > SNMP > SNMP User Table Settings, as shown below:
Figure 4-13 SNMP User Table Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
User Name
Enter SNMP user name here. This name can be up to 32 characters long. This
is used to identify the SNMP user.
Group Name
Enter the SNMP group name to which the user belongs. This name can be up
to 32 characters long. Spaces are not allowed.
SNMP Version
Select the SNMP version. Options to choose from are v1, v2c, and v3.
SNMP V3 Encryption
When selecting v3 in the SNMP Version drop-down list, this option is available.
Options to choose from are None, Password, and Key.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Auth-Protocol by Password
When selecting v3 in the SNMP Version drop-down list, and selecting
Password in the SNMP V3 Encryption drop-down list, this option is available.
Select the authentication level. Options to choose from are the following:
MD5 - Select to use the HMAC-MD5-96 authentication level. This field will
require the user to enter a password or key.
SHA - Specify that the HMAC-SHA authentication protocol will be used.
This field will require the user to enter a password or key.
Enter the Auth-Protocol password here. For MD5 this password must be
between 8 and 16 characters long. For SHA this password must be between 8
and 20 characters long.
Priv-Protocol by Password
When selecting v3 in the SNMP Version drop-down list, and selecting
Password in the SNMP V3 Encryption drop-down list, this option is available.
Select the private protocol. Options to choose from are the following:
None - Specify that no authorization protocol is in use.
DES56 - Specify that DES 56-bit encryption is in use, based on the CBC-
DES (DES-56) standard. This field will require the user to enter a
password or a key.
Enter the Priv-Protocol password here. For none, this field will be disabled.
For DES56 this password must be between 8 and 16 characters long.
Auth-Protocol by Key
When selecting v3 in the SNMP Version drop-down list, and selecting Key in
the SNMP V3 Encryption drop-down list, this option is available. Select the
authentication level. Options to choose from are the following:
MD5 - Select to use the HMAC-MD5-96 authentication level. This field will
require the user to enter a password or a key.
SHA - Specify that the HMAC-SHA authentication protocol will be used.
This field will require the user to enter a password or a key.
Enter the Auth-Protocol key here. For MD5 this key must be 32 characters
long. For SHA this key must be 40 characters long.
Priv-Protocol by Key
When selecting v3 in the SNMP Version drop-down list, and selecting Key in
the SNMP V3 Encryption drop-down list, this option is available. Select the
private protocol. Options to choose from are the following:
None - Specify that no authorization protocol is in use.
DES56 - Specify that DES 56-bit encryption is in use, based on the CBC-
DES (DES-56) standard. This field will require the user to enter a
password or a key.
Enter the Priv-Protocol key here. For none, this field will be disabled. For
DES56 this key must be 32 characters long.
IP Address-List Name
Enter the standard IP access control list (ACL) to associate with the user.
Click the Add button to add a new entry based on the information entered.
Click the Delete button to remove the specified entry.
SNMP Host Table Settings
This window is used to display and configure the recipient of the SNMP notification.
To view the following window, click Management > SNMP > SNMP Host Table Settings, as shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 4-14 SNMP Host Table Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Host IPv4 Address
Enter the IPv4 address of the SNMP notification host.
Host IPv6 Address
Enter the IPv6 address of the SNMP notification host.
User-based Security Model
Select the security model here. Options to choose from are SNMPv1,
SNMPv2c, and SNMPv3.
SNMPv1 - Select to allow the group user to use the SNMPv1 security
SNMPv2c - Select to allow the group user to use the SNMPv2c security
SNMPv3 - Select to allow the group user to use the SNMPv3 security
Security Level
When selecting SNMPv3 in the User-based Security Model drop-down list,
this option is available.
NoAuthNoPriv - Specify that there will be no authorization and no
encryption of packets sent between the Switch and a remote SNMP
AuthNoPriv - Specify that authorization will be required, but there will be
no encryption of packets sent between the Switch and a remote SNMP
AuthPriv - Specify that authorization will be required, and that packets
sent between the Switch and a remote SNMP manger will be encrypted.
UDP Port
Enter the UDP port number. The default trap UDP port number is 162. The
range of UDP port numbers is from 1 to 65535. Some port numbers may
conflict with other protocols.
Community String /
SNMPv3 User Name
Enter the community string to be sent with the notification packet.
Click the Add button to add a new entry based on the information entered.
Click the Delete button to remove the specified entry.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
RMON Global Settings
This window is used to enable or disable remote monitoring (RMON) for the rising and falling alarm trap feature for the
SNMP function on the Switch.
To view the following window, click Management > RMON > RMON Global Settings, as shown below:
Figure 4-15 RMON Global Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
RMON Rising Alarm Trap
Select this option to enable or disable the RMON Rising Alarm Trap Feature.
RMON Falling Alarm Trap
Select this option to enable or disable the RMON Falling Alarm Trap Feature.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
RMON Statistics Settings
This window is used to display and configure the RMON statistics on the specified port.
To view the following window, click Management > RMON > RMON Statistics Settings, as shown below:
Figure 4-16 RMON Statistics Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
Select to choose the port.
Enter the RMON table index. The value is from 1 to 65535.
Enter the owner string. The string can be up to 127 characters.
Click the Add button to add a new entry based on the information entered.
Click the Delete button to remove the specified entry.
Click the Show Detail button to see the detail information of the specific port.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
After clicking the Show Detail button, the following window will appear.
Figure 4-17 RMON Statistics Settings (Show Detail) Window
Click the Back button to return to the previous window.
RMON History Settings
This window is used to display and configure RMON MIB history statistics gathered on the specified port.
To view the following window, click Management > RMON > RMON History Settings, as shown below:
Figure 4-18 RMON History Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
Select the port that will be used here.
Enter the history group table index. The value is from 1 to 65535.
Bucket Number
Enter the number of buckets specified for the RMON collection history group of
statistics. The range is from 1 to 65535. The default value is 50.
Enter the time in seconds in each polling cycle. The range is from 1 to 3600.
Enter the owner string. The string can be up to 127 characters.
Click the Add button to add a new entry based on the information entered.
Click the Delete button to remove the specified entry.
Click the Show Detail button to see the detail information of the specific port.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
After clicking the Show Detail button, the following window will appear.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 4-19 RMON History Settings (Show Detail) Window
Click the Back button to return to the previous window.
RMON Alarm Settings
This window is used to display and configure alarm entries to monitor an interface.
To view the following window, click Management > RMON > RMON Alarm Settings, as shown below:
Figure 4-20 RMON Alarm Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Enter the alarm index. The range is from 1 to 65535.
Enter the interval in seconds for the sampling of the variable and checking
against the threshold. The valid range is from 1 to 2147483648 seconds.
Enter the object identifier of the variable to be sampled.
Select the monitoring type. Options to choose from are Absolute and Delta.
Rising Threshold
Enter the rising threshold value between 0 and 2147483647.
Falling Threshold
Enter the falling threshold value between 0 and 2147483647.
Rising Event Number
Enter the index of the event entry that is used to notify the rising threshold
crossing event. The valid range is from 1 to 65535. If not specified, no action is
taken while crossing the ringing threshold.
Falling Event Number
Enter the index of the event entry that is used to notify the falling threshold
crossing event. The valid range is from 1 to 65535. If not specified, no action is
taken while crossing the falling threshold.
Enter the owner string up to 127 characters.
Click the Add button to add a new entry based on the information entered.
Click the Delete button to remove the specified entry.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
RMON Event Settings
This window is used to display and configure event entries.
To view the following window, click Management > RMON > RMON Event Settings, as shown below:
Figure 4-21 RMON Event Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Enter the index value of the alarm entry here. The range is from 1 to 65535.
Enter a description for the RMON event entry. The string is up to 127
characters long.
Select the RMON event entry type. Options to choose from are None, Log,
Trap, and Log and Trap.
Enter the community string. The string can be up to 127 characters.
Enter the owner string. The string can be up to 127 characters.
Click the Add button to add a new entry based on the information entered.
Click the Delete button to remove the specified entry.
Click the View Logs button to see the detail information of the specific port.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
After clicking the View Logs button, the following window will appear.
Figure 4-22 RMON Event Settings (View Logs) Window
Click the Back button to return to the previous window.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
This window is used to display and configure Telnet and Web settings on the Switch.
To view the following window, click Management > Telnet/Web, as shown below:
Figure 4-23 Telnet/Web Window
The fields that can be configured in Telnet Settings are described below:
Telnet State
Select to enable or disable the Telnet server feature here.
Enter the TCP port number used for Telnet management of the Switch. The
well-known TCP port for the Telnet protocol is 23.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in Source Interface are described below:
Source Interface State
Select to enable or disable the source interface’s state here.
Select the type of source interface that will be used here. Options to choose
from are Loopback, Mgmt, and VLAN.
Enter the interface ID here. For loopback interfaces the range is from 1 to 8.
For the management (Mgmt) interface this value can only be 0. For VLAN
interfaces the range is from 1 to 4094.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in Web Settings are described below:
Web State
Select this option to enable or disable the configuration through the web.
Enter the TCP port number used for Telnet management of the Switch. The
well-known TCP port for the Telnet protocol is 80.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Session Timeout
This window is used to display and configure the session timeout settings.
To view the following window, click Management > Session Timeout, as shown below:
Figure 4-24 Session Timeout Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Web Session Timeout
Enter the time in seconds of the web session timeout. Tick the Default check
box to return to the default setting. The value is from 60 to 36000 seconds. The
default value is 180 seconds.
Console Session Timeout
Enter the time in minutes of the web session timeout. Tick the Default check
box to return to the default setting. The value is from 0 to 1439 minutes. Enter 0
to disable the timeout. The default value is 3 minutes.
Telnet Session Timeout
Enter the time in minutes of the Telnet session timeout. Tick the Default check
box to return to the default setting. The value is from 0 to 1439 minutes. Enter 0
to disable the timeout. The default value is 3 minutes.
SSH Session Timeout
Enter the time in minutes of the SSH session timeout. Tick the Default check
box to return to the default setting. The value is from 0 to 1439 minutes. Enter 0
to disable the timeout. The default value is 3 minutes.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Service DHCP
This window is used to display and configure the DHCP Relay service on the Switch.
To view the following window, click Management > DHCP > Service DHCP, as shown below:
Figure 4-25 Service DHCP Window
The fields that can be configured in Service DHCP are described below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Service DHCP State
Select this option to enable or disable the DHCP Relay service.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in Service IPv6 DHCP are described below:
Service IPv6 DHCP State
Select this option to enable or disable the IPv6 DHCP Relay service.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
DHCP Class Settings
This window is used to display and configure the DHCP class and the DHCP option matching pattern for the DHCP
To view the following window, click Management > DHCP > DHCP Class Settings, as shown below:
Figure 4-26 DHCP Class Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Class Name
Enter the DHCP class name with a maximum of 32 characters.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Edit button to modify the DHCP option matching pattern for the corresponding DCHP class.
Click the Delete button to remove the specified entry.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
After clicking the Edit button, the following window will appear.
Figure 4-27 DHCP Class Settings (Edit) Window
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Enter the DHCP option number. The range is from 1 to 255.
Enter the hex pattern of the specified DHCP option. Tick the * check box not to
match the remaining bits of the option.
Enter the hex bit mask for masking of the pattern. The masked pattern bits will
be matched. If not specified, all bits entered in the Hex field will be checked.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Delete button to remove the specified entry.
Click the Back button to return to the previous window.
DHCP Server
The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) allows the Switch to designate IP addresses, subnet masks, default
gateways and other IP parameters to devices that request this information. This occurs when a DHCP enabled device
is booted on or attached to the locally attached network. This device is known as the DHCP client and when enabled,
it will emit query messages on the network before any IP parameters are set. When the DHCP server receives this
request, it will allocate an IP address to the client. The DHCP client may be then utilize the IP address allocated by the
DHCP server as its local configuration.
The user can configure many DHCP related parameters that it will utilize on its locally attached network, to control and
limit the IP settings of clients desiring an automatic IP configuration, such as the lease time of the allocated IP
address, the range of IP addresses that will be allowed in its DHCP pool, the ability to exclude various IP addresses
within the range so as not to make identical entries on its network, or to assign the IP address of an important device
(such as a DNS server or the IP address of the default route) to another device on the network.
Users also have the ability to bind IP addresses within the DHCP pool to specific MAC addresses in order to assign
the same IP addresses to important devices.
DHCP Server Global Settings
This window is used to display and configure the global DHCP server parameters.
To view the following window, click Management > DHCP > DHCP Server > DHCP Server Global Settings, as
shown below:
Figure 4-28 DHCP Server Global Settings Window
The fields that can be configured in DHCP Use Class State are described below:
DHCP Use Class State
Select to enable or disable the DHCP Use Class State here. When enabled, the
DHCP server will use DHCP classes for address allocation.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
The fields that can be configured in DHCP Server Settings are described below:
DHCP Ping Packet
Enter the number of ping packets that the Switch will send out on the network
containing the IP address to be allotted. If the ping request is not returned, the
IP address is considered unique to the local network and then allotted to the
requesting client. A value of 0 means there is no ping test. The range is from 0
to 10. The default value is 2.
DHCP Ping Timeout
Enter the amount of time the DHCP server must wait before timing out a ping
packet. The range is from 100 to 10000 milliseconds. The default value is 500
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
DHCP Server Pool Settings
This window is used to display and configure the DHCP server pool settings.
To view the following window, click Management > DHCP > DHCP Server > DHCP Server Pool Settings, as shown
Figure 4-29 DHCP Server Pool Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Pool Name
Enter the DHCP server pool name here. This name can be up to 32 characters
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Edit Class button to configure the DHCP class.
Click the Edit Option button to configure the DHCP server pool option settings.
Click the Configure button to configure the DHCP server pool settings.
Click the Delete button to remove the specified entry.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
After clicking the Edit Class button, the following page will appear.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 4-30 DHCP Server Pool Settings (Edit Class) Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Class Name
Select an existing DHCP class name here that will be associated with this
DHCP pool.
Start Address
Enter the starting IPv4 address that will be associated with the DHCP class in
the DHCP pool here.
End Address
Enter the ending IPv4 address that will be associated with the DHCP class in
the DHCP pool here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Delete by Name button to remove the DHCP class association by name.
Click the Delete by Address button to remove the DHCP class association by address.
Click the Back button to return to the previous window.
After clicking the Edit Option button, the following page will appear.
Figure 4-31 DHCP Server Pool Settings (Edit Option) Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Enter the DHCP option number here. The range is from 1 to 254.
Select the DHCP option type here. Options to choose from are ASCII, HEX,
and IP. After selecting ASCII, enter the ASCII string in the space provided. This
string can be up to 255 characters long. After selecting HEX, enter the
hexadecimal string in the space provided. This string can be up to 254
characters long. Select the None option to specify a zero-length hexadecimal
string. After selecting IP, enter the IPv4 address(es) in the space(s) provided.
Up to 8 IPv4 address can be entered.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Delete button to remove the specified entry.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Click the Back button to return to the previous window.
After clicking the Configure button, the following page will appear.
Figure 4-32 DHCP Server Pool Settings (Configure) Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Boot File
Enter the boot file name here. This can be up to 64 characters long.
Domain Name
Enter the domain name for the DHCP client here. This can be up to 64
characters long.
Network (IP/Mask)
Enter the network IPv4 address and subnet mask for the DHCP client here.
Next Server
Enter the next server IPv4 address here. The boot image file is stored on this
server and can be retrieved by DHCP clients using this IP address. The server
is typically a TFTP server. Only one next server IP address can be specified.
Default Router
Enter the IPv4 address of the default router for the DHCP client here. Up to 8
IPv4 address can be entered here. The IP address of the router should be on
the same subnet as the client’s subnet. Routers are listed in the order of
preference. If default routers are already configured, the default routers
configured later will be added to the default interface list.
DNS Server
Enter the IPv4 address to be used by the DHCP client as the DNS server here.
Up to 8 IPv4 address can be entered here. Servers are listed in the order of
preference. If DNS servers are already configured, the DNS servers configured
later will be added to the DNS server list.
Netbios Name Server
Enter the WINS name server IPv4 address for the DHCP client here. Up to 8
IPv4 address can be entered here. Servers are listed in the order of preference.
If name servers are already configured, the name server configured later will be
added to the default interface list.
Netbios Node Type
Select the NetBIOS node type for Microsoft DHCP clients here. The node type
determines the method that NetBIOS uses to register and resolve names.
Options to choose from are Broadcast, Peer To Peer, Mixed, and Hybrid. A
Broadcast system uses broadcasts. A Peer To Peer (p-node) system uses
only point-to-point name queries to a name server (WINS). A Mixed (m-node)
system broadcasts first, and then queries the name server. A Hybrid (h-node)
system queries the name server first, and then broadcasts. The Hybrid type is
Enter and select the lease time for an IPv4 address that is assigned from the
address pool here. Enter the Days in the range from 0 to 365. Select the Hours
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
and Minutes from the drop-down menus. Alternatively, the Infinite option can
be selected to specify that the lease time is unlimited.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Back button to return to the previous window.
DHCP Server Exclude Address
This window is used to view and exclude a range of IPv4 addresses from being allocated to the DHCP client. The
DHCP server automatically allocates addresses in DHCP address pools to DHCP clients. All the addresses except the
interface’s IP address on the router and the excluded address (es) specified here are available for allocation. Multiple
ranges of addresses can be excluded. To remove a range of excluded addresses, administrators must specify the
exact range of addresses previously configured.
To view the following window, click Management > DHCP > DHCP Server > DHCP Server Exclude Address, as
shown below:
Figure 4-33 DHCP Server Exclude Address Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
VRF Name
Enter the name of the VRF instance here. This name can be up to 12
characters long.
Begin Address
Enter the first IPv4 address of a range of addresses to be excluded here.
End Address
Enter the last IPv4 address of a range of addresses to be excluded here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Delete button to remove the specified entry.
DHCP Server Manual Binding
This window is used to display and configure the DHCP server manual binding settings. With a manual binding entry,
the IP address can be either be bound with a client-identifier or bound with the hardware address of the host.
To view the following window, click Management > DHCP > DHCP Server > DHCP Server Manual Binding, as
shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 4-34 DHCP Server Manual Binding Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Pool Name
Enter the DHCP server pool name here. This name can be up to 32 characters
Enter the DHCP host IPv4 address here.
Enter the DHCP host network subnet mask here.
Hardware Address
Enter the DHCP host MAC address here.
Client Identifier
Enter the DHCP host identifier in hexadecimal notation here. The client
identifier is formatted by the media type and the MAC address.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Delete button to remove the specified entry.
DHCP Server Dynamic Binding
This window is used to view and clear the DHCP server dynamic binding entries.
To view the following window, click Management > DHCP > DHCP Server > DHCP Server Dynamic Binding, as
shown below:
Figure 4-35 DHCP Server Dynamic Binding Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
IP Address
Enter the binding entry IPv4 address here.
Pool Name
Enter the DHCP server pool name here. This name can be up to 32 characters
long. Select the All option to clear the binding entries for all pools.
Click the Find button to locate a specific entry based on the information entered.
Click the Clear button to clear the entries based on the information specified.
DHCP Server IP Conflict
This window is used to view and clear the DHCP conflict entries from the DHCP server database.
To view the following window, click Management > DHCP > DHCP Server > DHCP Server IP Conflict, as shown
Figure 4-36 DHCP Server IP Conflict Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
IP Address
Enter the IPv4 address of the conflict entry to be located or cleared.
Pool Name
Enter the DHCP server pool name here. This name can be up to 32 characters
long. Select the All option to clear the conflict entries for all pools.
Click the Find button to locate a specific entry based on the information entered.
Click the Clear button to clear the entries based on the information specified.
DHCP Server Statistic
This window is used to display DHCP server statistics.
To view the following window, click Management > DHCP > DHCP Server > DHCP Server Statistic, as shown
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 4-37 DHCP Server Statistic Window
Click the Clear button to clear the statistics information displayed here.
DHCPv6 Server
DHCPv6 Server Pool Settings
This window is used to display and configure the DHCPv6 server pool settings.
To view the following window, click Management > DHCP > DHCPv6 Server > DHCPv6 Server Pool Settings, as
shown below:
Figure 4-38 DHCPv6 Server Pool Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Pool Name
Enter the DHCPv6 server pool name here. This name can be up to 12
characters long.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Configure button to configure the DHCPv6 server pool settings.
Click the Delete button to remove the specified entry.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
After clicking the Configure button, the following page will appear.
Figure 4-39 DHCPv6 Server Pool Settings (Configure) Window
The fields that can be configured in DHCPv6 Server Pool Configure are described below:
Address Prefix
Select and enter the DHCPv6 server pool IPv6 network address and prefix
length here. For example, 2015::0/64.
Prefix Delegation Pool
Select and enter the DHCPv6 server pool prefix delegation name here. This
name can be up to 12 characters long.
Valid Lifetime
Enter the valid lifetime value here. The range is from 60 to 4294967295
seconds. The valid lifetime should be greater than preferred lifetime. If this
value is not specified, then the default valid lifetime will be 2592000 seconds
(30 days).
Preferred Lifetime
Enter the preferred lifetime value here. The range is from 60 to 4294967295
seconds. If this value is not specified, then the default preferred lifetime will be
604800 seconds (7 days).
DNS Server
Enter the DNS server IPv6 address to be assigned to requesting DHCPv6
clients here.
Domain Name
Enter the domain name to be assigned to requesting DHCPv6 clients here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Back button to return to the previous window.
The fields that can be configured in Static Bindings are described below:
Static Bindings Address
Enter the static binding IPv6 address assign to the specific client here.
Static Bindings Prefix
Enter the static binding IPv6 network address and prefix length here.
Client DUID
Enter the client DHCP Unique Identifier (DUID) here. This string can be up to
28 characters long.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Enter the Identity Association Identifier (IAID) here. The IAID here uniquely
identifies a collection of non-temporary addresses (IANA) assigned on the
Valid Lifetime
Enter the valid lifetime value here. The valid lifetime should be greater than the
preferred lifetime. The range is from 60 to 4294967295 seconds. By default,
this value is 2592000 seconds (30 days).
Preferred Lifetime
Enter the preferred lifetime value here. The range is from 60 to 4294967295
seconds. By default, this value is 604800 seconds (7 days).
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
DHCPv6 Server Local Pool Settings
This window is used to display and configure the DHCPv6 server local pool settings.
To view the following window, click Management > DHCP > DHCPv6 Server > DHCPv6 Server Local Pool
Settings, as shown below:
Figure 4-40 DHCPv6 Server Local Pool Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Pool Name
Enter the DHCPv6 server pool name here. This name can be up to 12
characters long.
IPv6 Address / Prefix
Enter the IPv6 prefix address and prefix length of the local pool here.
Assigned Length
Enter the prefix length to be delegated to the user from the pool here. The
value of the assigned length cannot be less than the value of the prefix length.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Find button to locate a specific entry based on the information entered.
Click the User Detail button to view the user information displayed in the lower table.
Click the Delete button to remove the specified entry.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
DHCPv6 Server Exclude Address
This window is used to specify IPv6 addresses that a DHCPv6 server should not assign to DHCPv6 clients. The
DHCPv6 server assumes that all addresses (excluding the Switch’s IPv6 address) can be assigned to clients. Use this
window to exclude a single IPv6 address or a range of IPv6 addresses. The excluded addresses are only applied to
the pool(s) for address assignment.
To view the following window, click Management > DHCP > DHCPv6 Server > DHCPv6 Server Exclude Address,
as shown below:
Figure 4-41 DHCPv6 Server Exclude Address Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Low IPv6 Address
Enter the excluded IPv6 address or first IPv6 address in the excluded address
range here.
High IPv6 Address
Enter the last IPv6 address in the excluded address range here (optional).
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Delete button to remove the specified entry.
DHCPv6 Server Binding
This window is used to view and clear the DHCPv6 server binding entries.
To view the following window, click Management > DHCP > DHCPv6 Server > DHCPv6 Server Binding, as shown
Figure 4-42 DHCPv6 Server Binding Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
IPv6 Address
Enter the binding entry IPv6 address to be displayed or cleared here. Select the
All option to display or clear all DHCPv6 client prefix bindings in or from the
binding table.
Click the Find button to locate a specific entry based on the information entered.
Click the Clear button to clear the entries based on the information specified.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
DHCPv6 Server Interface Settings
This window is used to display and configure the DHCPv6 server interface settings.
To view the following window, click Management > DHCP > DHCPv6 Server > DHCPv6 Server Interface Settings,
as shown below:
Figure 4-43 DHCPv6 Server Interface Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Interface VLAN
Enter the interface VLAN ID here. The range is from 1 to 4094.
Pool Name
Enter the DHCPv6 server pool name here. This name can be up to 12
characters long.
Rapid Commit
Select to enable or disable two-message exchange here. By default, two-
message exchange is not allowed.
Enter the preference value here. Select the Allow Hint option to allow hints.
Interface Name
Enter the interface name here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Find button to locate a specific entry based on the information entered.
Click the Delete button to remove the specified entry.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
DHCPv6 Server Operational Information
This window is used to display the DHCPv6 server operational information.
To view the following window, click Management > DHCP > DHCPv6 Server > DHCPv6 Server Operational
Information, as shown below:
Figure 4-44 DHCPv6 Server Operational Information Window
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
DHCP Relay
DHCP Relay Global Settings
This window is used to display and configure the global DHCP relay settings.
To view the following window, click Management > DHCP > DHCP Relay > DHCP Relay Global Settings, as shown
Figure 4-45 DHCP Relay Global Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
DHCP Relay Unicast State
Select to globally enable or disable the DHCP relay unicast state here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
DHCP Relay Pool Settings
This window is used to display and configure the DHCP relay pool on a DHCP relay agent.
To view the following window, click Management > DHCP > DHCP Relay > DHCP Relay Pool Settings, as shown
Figure 4-46 DHCP Relay Pool Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Pool Name
Enter the address pool name with a maximum of 32 characters.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Edit button to modify the corresponding information of the specific DHCP pool.
Click the Delete button to remove the specified entry.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
After clicking the Edit button under Source, the following window will appear.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 4-47 DHCP Relay Pool Settings (Source Edit) Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Source IP Address
Enter the source subnet of client packets.
Subnet Mask
Enter the network mask of the source subnet.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Delete button to remove the specified entry.
Click the Back button to return to the previous window.
After clicking the Edit button under Destination, the following window will appear.
Figure 4-48 DHCP Relay Pool Settings (Destination Edit) Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Relay Destination
Enter the relay destination DHCP server IP address.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Delete button to remove the specified entry.
Click the Back button to return to the previous window.
After clicking the Edit button under Class, the following window will appear.
Figure 4-49 DHCP Relay Pool Settings (Class Edit) Window
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Class Name
Select the DHCP class name.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Edit button to edit more information.
Click the Delete button to remove the specified entry.
Click the Back button to return to the previous window.
After clicking the Edit button, the following window will appear.
Figure 4-50 DHCP Relay Pool Settings (Class Edit, Edit) Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Relay Target
Enter the DHCP relay target for relaying packets that matches the value pattern
of the option defined in the DHCP class.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Delete button to remove the specified entry.
Click the Back button to return to the previous window.
DHCP Relay Information Settings
This window is used to display and configure the DHCP relay information.
To view the following window, click Management > DHCP > DHCP Relay > DHCP Relay Information Settings, as
shown below:
Figure 4-51 DHCP Relay Information Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Information Trust All
Select this option to enable or disable the DHCP relay agent to trust the IP
DHCP relay information for all interfaces.
information Check
Select this option to enable or disable the DHCP relay agent to validate and
remove the relay agent information option in the received DHCP reply packet.
Information Policy
Select the Option 82 re-forwarding policy for the DHCP relay agent. Options to
choose from are Keep, Drop, and Replace.
Keep - Select to keep the packet that already has the relay option. The
packet is left unchanged and directly relayed to the DHCP server.
Drop - Select to discard the packet that already has the relay option.
Replace - Select to replace the packet that already has the relay option.
The packet will be replaced with a new option.
Information Option
Select this option to enable or disable the insertion of relay agent information
(Option 82) during the relay of DHCP request packets.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Edit button to modify the corresponding interface.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
DHCP Relay Information Option Format Settings
This window is used to display and configure the DHCP information format.
To view the following window, click Management > DHCP > DHCP Relay > DHCP Relay Information Option
Format Settings, as shown below:
Figure 4-52 DHCP Relay Information Option Format Settings Window
The fields that can be configured in DHCP Relay Information Option Format Global are described below:
Information Format Remote
Select the DHCP information remote ID sub-option. Options to choose from are
Default, User Define, and Vendor2.
Default - Select to use the Switch's system MAC address as the remote
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
User Define - Select to use a user-defined remote ID. Enter the user-
defined string with the maximum of 32 characters in the text box.
Vendor2 - Select to use vendor 2 as the remote ID.
Expert UDF - Select to use the expert UDF remote ID. Select the stand-
alone unit format after this selection here.
Information Format Circuit
Select the DHCP information circuit ID sub-option. Options to choose from are
Default, User Define, and Vendor1.
Default - Select to use the default circuit ID sub-option.
User Define - Select to use a user-defined circuit ID. Enter the user-
defined string with the maximum of 32 characters in the text box.
Vendor1 - Select to use vendor 1 as the circuit ID.
Expert UDF - Select to use the expert UDF circuit ID. Select the stand-
alone unit format after this selection here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in DHCP Relay Information Option Format Global are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
From Port - To Port
Select the range of ports that will be used for this configuration here.
Specifies that the expert UDF format will be used.
Select to use the Remote ID type or Circuit ID type here.
Enter the vendor-defined string for Option 82 information in the remote/circuit
ID sub-option here. This string can be up to 32 characters long.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
DHCP Relay Information Profile Settings
This window is used to display and configure the DHCP relay information profile settings.
To view the following window, click Management > DHCP > DHCP Relay > DHCP Relay Information Profile
Settings, as shown below:
Figure 4-53 DHCP Relay Information Profile Settings Window
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
The fields that can be configured in DHCP Relay Information Option MAC Format are described below:
Select the case that will be used here. Options to choose from are:
Lowercase - Specifies that when using the lowercase format, the Option
82 MAC address for the user-defined profile will be formatted as: aa-bb-cc-
Uppercase - Specifies that when using the uppercase format, the Option
82 MAC address for the user-defined profile username will be formatted
Select the delimiter that will be used here. Options to choose from are:
Hyphen - Specifies that the format will be AA-BB-CC-DD-EE-FF.
Colon - Specifies that the format will be AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF.
Dot - Specifies that the format will be AA.BB.CC.DD.EE.FF.
None - Specifies that when not using any delimiter, the format will be
Delimiter Number
Select the delimiter number here. Options to choose from are:
1 - Single delimiter, the format is: AABBCC.DDEEFF.
2 - Double delimiters, the format is: AABB.CCDD.EEFF.
5 - Multiple delimiters, the format is: AA.BB.CC.DD.EE.FF.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in DHCP Relay Information Profile Settings are described below:
Profile Name
Enter the Option 82 profile name here. The profile can be used to define the
flexible, user-defined Option 82 entry.
Format String
After clicking the Edit button, enter the user-defined DHCP Option 82 format
string here. This string can be up to 251 characters long.
The following rules need to be considered:
This string can be a hexadecimal value, an ASCII string, or any
combination of hexadecimal values and ASCII characters. An ASCII string
needs to be enclosed with quotation marks (“”) like “Ethernet”. Any ASCII
characters outside of the quotation marks will be interpreted as
hexadecimal values.
A formatted key string is a string that should be translated before being
encapsulated in the packet. A formatted key string can be contained both
ASCII strings and hexadecimal values. For example, “%” +“$”+“1~32”+
“keyword”+ “:”:
○ % - Indicates that the string that follows this character is a formatted
key string.
○ “$” or “0” - (Optional) Indicates a fill indicator. This option specifies
how to fill the formatted key string to meet the length option. This
option can be either “$” or “0”, and cannot be specified as both at the
same time.
“$” - Indicates to fill the leading space (0x20).
“0” - Indicates to fill the leading 0. The fill the leading 0 (0) is
the default setting.
○ 1~32 - (Optional) Indicates a length option. This specifies how many
characters or bytes the translated key string should occupy. If the
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
actual length of the translated key string is less than the length
specified by this option, a fill indicator will be used to fill it. Otherwise,
this length option and fill indicator will be ignored and the actual
string will be used directly.
○ keyword - Indicates that the keyword will be translated based on the
actual value of the system. The following keyword definitions
specifies that a command will be refused if an unknown or
unsupported keyword is detected:
devtype - The model name of the device. Only an ASCII string
is allowed.
sysname - Indicates the System name of the Switch. Only an
ASCII string is allowed.
ifdescr - Derived from ifDescr (IF-MIB). Only an ASCII string is
portmac - Indicates the MAC address of a port. This can be
either an ASCII string or a hexadecimal value. When in the
format of an ASCII string, the MAC address format can be
customized using special CLI commands. When in the format of
a hexadecimal value, the MAC address will be encapsulated in
order in hexadecimal.
sysmac - Indicates the system MAC address. This can be
either an ASCII string or a hexadecimal value. In the ASCII
string format, the MAC address format can be customized using
special CLI commands. In the hexadecimal format, the MAC
address will be encapsulated in order in hexadecimal.
unit - Indicates the unit ID. This can be either an ASCII string or
a hexadecimal value. For a standalone device, the unit ID is 0.
module - Indicates the module ID number. This can be either
an ASCII string or a hexadecimal value.
port - Indicates the local port number. This can be either an
ASCII string or a hexadecimal value.
svlan - Indicates the outer VLAN ID. This can be either an
ASCII string or a hexadecimal value.
cvlan - Indicates the inner VLAN ID. This can be either an
ASCII string or a hexadecimal value.
○ : - Indicates the end of the formatted key sting. If a formatted key
string is the last parameter of the command, its ending character (“:”)
can be ignored. The space (0x20) between “%” and “:” will be
ignored. Other spaces will be encapsulated.
ASCII strings can be any combination of formatted key strings and 0~9,
a~z, A~Z, !@#$%^&*()_+|-=\[]{};:'"/?.,<>`, and space characters. “\” is the
escape character. The special character after “\” is the character itself, for
example, “\%” is “%” itself, not the start indicator of a formatted key string.
Spaces not in the formatted key string will also be encapsulated.
Hexadecimal values can be any combination of formatted key strings and
0~9, A~F, a~f, and space characters. The formatted key strings only
support keywords that support hexadecimal values. Spaces not in the
formatted key string will be ignored.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Find button to locate a specific entry based on the information entered.
Click the Edit button to re-configure the specific entry.
Click the Delete button to delete the specified entry.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
DHCP Relay Port Settings
This window is used to display and configure the DHCP relay port settings.
To view the following window, click Management > DHCP > DHCP Relay > DHCP Relay Port Settings, as shown
Figure 4-54 DHCP Relay Port Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
From Port - To Port
Select the range of ports that will be used for this configuration here.
Select to enable or disable the DHCP Relay feature on the specified port(s).
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
DHCP Local Relay VLAN
This window is used to display and configure local relay on a VLAN or a group of VLANs.
To view the following window, click Management > DHCP > DHCP Relay > DHCP Local Relay VLAN, as shown
Figure 4-55 DHCP Local Relay VLAN Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
DHCP Local Relay VID List
Enter the VLAN ID for DHCP local relay. Tick the All VLANs check box to
select all VLANs.
Select this option to enable or disable the DHCP local relay on the specific
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
NOTE: When the state of the DHCP relay port is disabled, the port will not relay or locally relay
received DHCP packets.
DHCPv6 Relay
DHCPv6 Relay Global Settings
This window is used to display and configure the DHCPv6 Relay remote ID settings.
To view the following window, click Management > DHCP > DHCPv6 Relay > DHCPv6 Relay Global Settings, as
shown below:
Figure 4-56 DHCPv6 Relay Global Settings Window
The fields that can be configured in DHCPv6 Relay Remote ID Settings are described below:
IPv6 DHCP Relay Remote
ID Format
Select the IPv6 DHCP Relay remote ID format that will be used here. Options
to choose from are Default, CID with User Define, User Define, and Expert
IPv6 DHCP Relay Remote
Select to choose the User Define Field (UDF) for remote ID. Options to choose
from are ASCII, and Hex.
ASCII - Select to enter the ASCII string with a maximum of 128 characters
in the text box.
HEX - Select to enter the hexadecimal string with a maximum of 256
characters in the text box.
IPv6 DHCP Relay Remote
ID Policy
Select to choose Option 37 forwarding policy for the DHCPv6 relay agent.
Options to choose from are Keep, and Drop.
Keep - Select that the DHCPv6 request packet that already has the relay
agent Remote-ID option is left unchanged and directly relayed to the
DHCPv6 server.
Drop - Select to discard the packet that already has the relay agent
Remote-ID Option 37.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
IPv6 DHCP Relay Remote
ID Option
Select this option to enable or disable the insertion of the relay agent remote ID
Option 37 during the relay of DHCP for IPv6 request packets.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in DHCPv6 Relay Interface ID Settings are described below:
IPv6 DHCP Relay Interface
ID Format
Select the IPv6 DHCP relay interface ID format that will be used here. Options
to choose from are Default, CID, Vendor1, and Expert UDF.
IPv6 DHCP Relay Interface
ID Policy
Select the Option 18 re-forwarding policy for the DHCPv6 relay agent here.
Options to choose from are:
Keep - Specifies that the DHCPv6 request packets that already contain
the relay agent interface ID option are left unchanged and directly relay to
the DHCPv6 server.
Drop - Specifies to discard the packets that already contain the relay
agent interface ID Option 18.
IPv6 DHCP Relay Interface
ID Option
Select to enable or disable the insertion of the relay agent interface ID Option
18 during the relay of DHCP for IPv6 request packets.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in DHCPv6 Relay Information Option MAC Format are described below:
Select the case that will be used here. Options to choose from are:
Lowercase - Specifies that the MAC format will be lowercase. For
example: aa-bb-cc-dd-ee-ff.
Uppercase - Specifies that the MAC format will be uppercase. For
example: AA-BB-CC-DD-EE-FF.
Select the delimiter that will be used here. Options to choose from are:
Hyphen - Specifies that the MAC address format will contain hyphens. For
example: AA-BB-CC-DD-EE-FF.
Colon - Specifies that the MAC address format will contain colons. For
example: AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF.
Dot - Specifies that the MAC address format will contain dots. For
example: AA.BB.CC.DD.EE.FF.
None - Specifies that the MAC address format will contain no delimiters.
For example: AABBCCDDEEFF.
Delimiter Number
Specifies the delimiter number that will be used in the MAC address format
here. Options to choose from are:
1 - Specifies to use a single delimiter. For example: AABBCC.DDEEFF.
2 - Specifies to use two delimiters. For example: AABB.CCDD.EEFF
5 - Specifies to use multiple delimiters. For example: AA.BB.CC.DD.EE.FF
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
DHCPv6 Relay Interface Settings
This window is used to display and configure the DHCPv6 relay interface settings.
To view the following window, click Management > DHCP > DHCPv6 Relay > DHCPv6 Relay Interface Settings, as
shown below:
Figure 4-57 DHCPv6 Relay Interface Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Interface VLAN
Enter the interface VLAN ID used in the DHCPv6 relay here. The range is from
1 to 4094.
Destination IPv6 Address
Enter the DHCPv6 relay destination address.
Output Interface VLAN
Enter the output interface VLAN ID for the relay destination here. The range is
from 1 to 4094.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Find button to locate a specific entry based on the information entered.
Click the Delete button to remove the specified entry.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
DHCPv6 Relay Remote ID Profile Settings
This window is used to display and configure the DHCPv6 relay remote ID profile settings. This is used to create a
new profile for DHCPv6 relay Option 82.
To view the following window, click Management > DHCP > DHCPv6 Relay > DHCPv6 Relay Remote ID Profile
Settings, as shown below:
Figure 4-58 DHCPv6 Relay Remote ID Profile Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Profile Name
Enter the profile name here. This string can be up to 32 characters long.
Format String
After clicking the Edit button, enter the Option 82 format string here. This string
can be up to 251 characters long.
The following rules need to be considered:
This string can be a hexadecimal value, an ASCII string, or any
combination of hexadecimal values and ASCII characters. An ASCII string
needs to be enclosed with quotation marks (“”) like “Ethernet”. Any ASCII
characters outside of the quotation marks will be interpreted as
hexadecimal values.
A formatted key string is a string that should be translated before being
encapsulated in the packet. A formatted key string can be contained both
ASCII strings and hexadecimal values. For example, “%” +“$”+“1~32”+
○ % - Indicates that the string that follows this character is a formatted
key string.
○ “$” or “0” - (Optional) Indicates a fill indicator. This option specifies
how to fill the formatted key string to meet the length option. This
option can be either “$” or “0”, and cannot be specified as both at the
same time.
“$” - Indicates to fill the leading space (0x20).
“0” - Indicates to fill the leading 0. The fill the leading 0 (0) is
the default setting.
○ 1~32 - (Optional) Indicates a length option. This specifies how many
characters or bytes the translated key string should occupy. If the
actual length of the translated key string is less than the length
specified by this option, a fill indicator will be used to fill it. Otherwise,
this length option and fill indicator will be ignored and the actual
string will be used directly.
○ keyword - Indicates that the keyword will be translated based on the
actual value of the system. The following keyword definitions
specifies that a command will be refused if an unknown or
unsupported keyword is detected:
devtype - The model name of the device. Only an ASCII string
is allowed.
sysname - Indicates the System name of the Switch. Only an
ASCII string is allowed.
ifdescr - Derived from ifDescr (IF-MIB). Only an ASCII string is
portmac - Indicates the MAC address of a port. This can be
either an ASCII string or a hexadecimal value. When in the
format of an ASCII string, the MAC address format can be
customized using special CLI commands. When in the format of
a hexadecimal value, the MAC address will be encapsulated in
order in hexadecimal.
sysmac - Indicates the system MAC address. This can be
either an ASCII string or a hexadecimal value. In the ASCII
string format, the MAC address format can be customized using
special CLI commands. In the hexadecimal format, the MAC
address will be encapsulated in order in hexadecimal.
unit - Indicates the unit ID. This can be either an ASCII string or
a hexadecimal value. For a standalone device, the unit ID is 0.
module - Indicates the module ID number. This can be either
an ASCII string or a hexadecimal value.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
port - Indicates the local port number. This can be either an
ASCII string or a hexadecimal value.
svlan - Indicates the outer VLAN ID. This can be either an
ASCII string or a hexadecimal value.
cvlan - Indicates the inner VLAN ID. This can be either an
ASCII string or a hexadecimal value.
○ : - Indicates the end of the formatted key sting. If a formatted key
string is the last parameter of the command, its ending character (“:”)
can be ignored. The space (0x20) between “%” and “:” will be
ignored. Other spaces will be encapsulated.
ASCII strings can be any combination of formatted key strings and 0~9,
a~z, A~Z, !@#$%^&*()_+|-=\[]{};:'"/?.,<>`, and space characters. “\” is the
escape character. The special character after “\” is the character itself, for
example, “\%” is “%” itself, not the start indicator of a formatted key string.
Spaces not in the formatted key string will also be encapsulated.
Hexadecimal values can be any combination of formatted key strings and
0~9, A~F, a~f, and space characters. The formatted key strings only
support keywords that support hexadecimal values. Spaces not in the
formatted key string will be ignored.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Find button to locate a specific entry based on the information entered.
Click the Edit button to re-configure the specific entry.
Click the Delete button to remove the specific entry.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
DHCPv6 Relay Interface ID Profile Settings
This window is used to display and configure the DHCPv6 relay interface ID profile settings. This is used to create a
new profile for the DHCPv6 relay Option 82.
To view the following window, click Management > DHCP > DHCPv6 Relay > DHCPv6 Relay Interface ID Profile
Settings, as shown below:
Figure 4-59 DHCPv6 Relay Interface ID Profile Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Profile Name
Enter the profile name here. This string can be up to 32 characters long.
Format String
After clicking the Edit button, enter the Option 82 format string here. This string
can be up to 251 characters long.
The following rules need to be considered:
This string can be a hexadecimal value, an ASCII string, or any
combination of hexadecimal values and ASCII characters. An ASCII string
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
needs to be enclosed with quotation marks (“”) like “Ethernet”. Any ASCII
characters outside of the quotation marks will be interpreted as
hexadecimal values.
A formatted key string is a string that should be translated before being
encapsulated in the packet. A formatted key string can be contained both
ASCII strings and hexadecimal values. For example, “%” +“$”+“1~32”+
○ % - Indicates that the string that follows this character is a formatted
key string.
○ “$” or “0” - (Optional) Indicates a fill indicator. This option specifies
how to fill the formatted key string to meet the length option. This
option can be either “$” or “0”, and cannot be specified as both at the
same time.
“$” - Indicates to fill the leading space (0x20).
“0” - Indicates to fill the leading 0. The fill the leading 0 (0) is
the default setting.
○ 1~32 - (Optional) Indicates a length option. This specifies how many
characters or bytes the translated key string should occupy. If the
actual length of the translated key string is less than the length
specified by this option, a fill indicator will be used to fill it. Otherwise,
this length option and fill indicator will be ignored and the actual
string will be used directly.
○ keyword - Indicates that the keyword will be translated based on the
actual value of the system. The following keyword definitions
specifies that a command will be refused if an unknown or
unsupported keyword is detected:
devtype - The model name of the device. Only an ASCII string
is allowed.
sysname - Indicates the System name of the Switch. Only an
ASCII string is allowed.
ifdescr - Derived from ifDescr (IF-MIB). Only an ASCII string is
portmac - Indicates the MAC address of a port. This can be
either an ASCII string or a hexadecimal value. When in the
format of an ASCII string, the MAC address format can be
customized using special CLI commands. When in the format of
a hexadecimal value, the MAC address will be encapsulated in
order in hexadecimal.
sysmac - Indicates the system MAC address. This can be
either an ASCII string or a hexadecimal value. In the ASCII
string format, the MAC address format can be customized using
special CLI commands. In the hexadecimal format, the MAC
address will be encapsulated in order in hexadecimal.
unit - Indicates the unit ID. This can be either an ASCII string or
a hexadecimal value. For a standalone device, the unit ID is 0.
module - Indicates the module ID number. This can be either
an ASCII string or a hexadecimal value.
port - Indicates the local port number. This can be either an
ASCII string or a hexadecimal value.
svlan - Indicates the outer VLAN ID. This can be either an
ASCII string or a hexadecimal value.
cvlan - Indicates the inner VLAN ID. This can be either an
ASCII string or a hexadecimal value.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
○ : - Indicates the end of the formatted key sting. If a formatted key
string is the last parameter of the command, its ending character (“:”)
can be ignored. The space (0x20) between “%” and “:” will be
ignored. Other spaces will be encapsulated.
ASCII strings can be any combination of formatted key strings and 0~9,
a~z, A~Z, !@#$%^&*()_+|-=\[]{};:'"/?.,<>`, and space characters. “\” is the
escape character. The special character after “\” is the character itself, for
example, “\%” is “%” itself, not the start indicator of a formatted key string.
Spaces not in the formatted key string will also be encapsulated.
Hexadecimal values can be any combination of formatted key strings and
0~9, A~F, a~f, and space characters. The formatted key strings only
support keywords that support hexadecimal values. Spaces not in the
formatted key string will be ignored.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Find button to locate a specific entry based on the information entered.
Click the Edit button to re-configure the specific entry.
Click the Delete button to remove the specific entry.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
DHCPv6 Relay Format Type Settings
This window is used to display and configure the DHCPv6 relay format type settings. This is used to configure
DHCPv6 relay Option 37 and Option 18 of the expert UDF string of each port.
To view the following window, click Management > DHCP > DHCPv6 Relay > DHCPv6 Relay Format Type
Settings, as shown below:
Figure 4-60 DHCPv6 Relay Format Type Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
From Port - To Port
Select the range of ports that will be used for this configuration here.
Select the type here. Options to choose from are:
Remote ID - Specifies to configure the Expert UDF format type string for
DHCPv6 Option 37.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Interface ID - Specifies to configure the Expert UDF format type string for
DHCPv6 Option 18.
Format Type Expert UDF
Enter the format type expert UDF string that will be used on the specified
port(s) here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
DHCPv6 Relay Port Settings
This window is used to display and configure the DHCPv6 relay port settings.
To view the following window, click Management > DHCP > DHCPv6 Relay > DHCPv6 Relay Port Settings, as
shown below:
Figure 4-61 DHCPv6 Relay Port Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
From Port - To Port
Select the range of ports that will be used for this configuration here.
Select to enable or disable the DHCPv6 relay port feature on the specified
port(s) here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
DHCPv6 Local Relay VLAN
This window is used to display and configure the DHCPv6 local relay VLAN settings. When DHCPv6 local relay is
enabled, it will add Option 37 and Option 18 to the request packets from the client. If the check state of Option 37 is
enabled, it will check the request packet from the client and drop the packet if it contains the Option 37 DHCPv6 relay
function. If disabled, the local relay function will always add Option 37 to request packets, whether the state of Option
37 is enabled or disabled. The DHCPv6 local relay function will directly forward the packet from the server to the
To view the following window, click Management > DHCP > DHCPv6 Relay > DHCPv6 Local Relay VLAN, as
shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 4-62 DHCPv6 Local Relay VLAN Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
DHCPv6 Local Relay VID
Enter the DHCPv6 local relay VLAN ID(s) here. More than one VLAN ID can be
entered here. Select the All VLANs option to apply this setting on all configured
VLANs on this Switch.
Select to enable or disable the DHCPv6 local relay feature on the specified
VLAN(s) here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
NOTE: When the state of the DHCPv6 relay port is disabled, the port will not relay or locally relay
received DHCPv6 packets.
DHCP Auto Configuration
This window is used to display and configure the DHCP auto-configuration function.
To view the following window, click Management > DHCP Auto Configuration, as shown below:
Figure 4-63 DHCP Auto Configuration Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Auto Configuration State
Select this option to enable or disable the auto-configuration function.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The Domain Name System (DNS) is used to map human-readable domain names to the IP addresses used by
computers to communicate. A DNS server performs name-to-address translation, and may need to contact several
name servers to translate a domain to an address. The address of the machine that supplies domain name service is
often supplied by a DHCP or BOOTP server, or can be entered manually and configured into the operating system at
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
DNS Global Settings
This window is used to display and configure the global DNS settings.
To view the following window, click Management > DNS > DNS Global Settings, as shown below:
Figure 4-64 DNS Global Settings Window
The fields that can be configured in DNS Global Settings are described below:
IP DNS Lookup Static State
Select to enable or disable the IP DNS lookup static state here.
IP DNS Lookup Cache State
Select to enable or disable the IP DNS lookup cache state here.
IP Domain Lookup
Select to enable or disable the IP domain lookup state here.
IP Name Server Timeout
Enter the maximum time to wait for a response from a specified name server.
This value is between 1 and 60 seconds.
IP DNS Server
Select to globally enable or disable the DNS server feature here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in IP Domain Lookup Source Interface are described below:
Source Interface State
Select to enable or disable the source interface state here.
Interface Type
Select the source interface type here. Options to choose from are Loopback,
Mgmt, and VLAN.
Enter the VLAN ID of the source interface here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
DNS Name Server Settings
This window is used to display and configure the IP address of a domain name server.
To view the following window, click Management > DNS > DNS Name Server Settings, as shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 4-65 DNS Name Server Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Name Server IPv4
Select and enter the IPv4 address of the DNS server.
Name Server IPv6
Select and enter the IPv6 address of the DNS server.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Find button to locate a specific entry based on the information entered.
Click the Delete button to remove the specified entry.
DNS Host Settings
This window is used to display and configure the static mapping entry for the host name and the IP address in the host
To view the following window, click Management > DNS > DNS Host Settings, as shown below:
Figure 4-66 DNS Host Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Host Name
Enter the host name of the equipment.
IP Address
Select and enter the IPv4 address of the equipment.
IPv6 Address
Select and enter the IPv6 address of the equipment.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Find button to locate a specific entry based on the information entered.
Click the Clear All button to clear the information entered in all the fields on this page.
Click the Delete button to remove the specified entry.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
IP Source Interface
This window is used to display and configure the IP source interface settings.
To view the following window, click Management > IP Source Interface, as shown below:
Figure 4-67 IP Source Interface Window
The fields that can be configured in IP TFTP Source Interface are described below:
Source Interface State
Select to enable or disable the IP TFTP source interface state here.
Interface Type
After enabling the Source Interface State option, select the interface type
here. Options to choose from are Loopback, Mgmt, and VLAN.
Enter the interface ID here. For loopback interfaces this value is from 1 to 8.
For the management interface (Mgmt) this value can only be 0. For VLAN
interfaces this value is from 1 to 4094.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
File System
This window is used to view, manage and configure the Switch file system.
To view the following window, click Management > File System, as shown below:
Figure 4-68 File System Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
Enter the path string.
Click the Go button to navigate to the path entered.
Click the Copy button to copy a specific file to the Switch.
Click the c: hyperlink to navigate the C: drive
After clicking the c: hyperlink, the following window will appear:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 4-69 File System (Drive) Window
Click the Go button to navigate to the path entered.
Click the Previous button to return to the previous window.
Click the Create Directory to create a new directory within the file system of the Switch.
Click the Copy button to copy a specific file to the Switch.
Click the Boot Up button to set a specific runtime image as the boot up image.
Click the Rename button to rename a specific file name.
Click the Delete button to remove a specific file from the file system.
NOTE: If the boot configuration file is damaged, the Switch will automatically revert back to the
default configuration.
NOTE: If the boot image file is damaged, the Switch will automatically use the backup image file in
the next boot up.
Click the Copy button to see the following window.
Figure 4-70 File System (Copy) Window
The fields that can be configured in Copy File are described below:
Select the source Switch Unit ID and type of source file that will be copied
here. Options to choose from are startup-config and Source File. Only after
selecting the Source File option can the source file path and filename be
entered in the space provided.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Select the destination Switch Unit ID and type of destination file that will be
copied here. Options to choose from are startup-config, running-config, and
Destination File. Only after selecting the Destination File option can the
destination file path and filename be entered in the space provided. Tick the
Replace check box to replace the current running configuration with the
indicated configuration file.
Click the Apply button to initiate the copy.
Click the Cancel button the discard the process.
The Switch supports stacking 9 Switches together while being managed by one console connection to any one of the
console ports on the master Switch, or by an IP address through the MGMT port, or by multiple IP addresses through
any of the RJ45/SFP/SFP+ ports using Telnet, the Web User Interface, and SNMP. This cost effective Switch provides
an affordable solution for administrators to upgrade their networks using the 10GBase-T/SFP+ ports to scale and
stack the Switches. This increases overall reliability, serviceability, and availability of the network.
Duplex Chain - The Duplex Chain topology stacks Switches together in a chain-link format. Using this method,
data transfer is only possible in one direction and if there is a break in the chain, then data transfer will be
Duplex Ring - The Duplex Ring stacks Switches in a ring or circle format where data can be transferred in two
directions. This topology is very resilient due to the fact that if there is a break in the ring, data can still be
transferred through the stacking cables between Switches in the stack.
Switches in the series can be physically stacked using optical fiber cables connected to SFP+ transceivers or Direct
Attached Cables (DAC) with SFP+ connectors or RJ-45 cables with 10GBase-T connectors. Only the last 6 ports can
be used for physical stacking.
NOTE: When stacking is enabled, the last 2 10GBase-T and/or 4 SFP+ ports are dedicated stacking
ports and cannot be used for any other purpose. These ports are only able to perform
stacking when stacking is enabled.
NOTE: Using Duplex Ring topology is strongly recommended.
Physical stacking needs to be enabled and can be configured to support either a 2-port or a 4-port stacking
configuration. When the 2-port stacking configuration is used, a full-duplex speed of up to 40Gbps will be available
between two Switches. When the 4-port stacking configuration is used, a full-duplex speed of up to 80Gbps will be
available between two Switches.
The figure below illustrates how switches can be stacked in a Duplex Ring formation using RJ45 cables, optical fiber
cables connected to SFP+ transceivers or DAC with SFP+ connectors where the 2-port or 4-port stacking
configuration is used.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 4-71 Duplex Ring stacking topology (SFP+)
NOTE: For more stacking topologies, please refer to Switch Stacking section in DGS-3130-Series
HW Installation Guide.
Switch Roles in a Stack
Within each of these topologies, each Switch plays a role in the Switch stack. These roles can be set by the user per
individual Switch, or if desired, can be automatically determined by the Switch stack. Three possible roles exist when
stacking with the Switch.
Primary Master - The Primary Master is the leader of the stack. It will maintain normal operations, monitor operations
and the running topology of the Stack. This Switch will also assign Stack Unit IDs, synchronize configurations and
transmit commands to remaining Switches in the Switch stack. The Primary Master can be manually set by assigning
this Switch the highest priority (a lower number denotes a higher priority) before physically assembling the stack, or it
can be determined automatically by the stack through an election process. This determines the lowest MAC address
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
and then will assign that Switch as the Primary Master if all priorities are the same. The Primary master is physically
displayed by the seven segment LED to the far right on the front panel of the Switch where the LED will flash between
its given Box ID and ‘H’.
Backup Master - The Backup Master is the backup to the Primary Master, and will take over the functions of the
Primary Master if the Primary Master fails or is removed from the Stack. It also monitors the status of neighboring
Switches in the stack, will perform commands assigned to it by the Primary Master and will monitor the running status
of the Primary Master. The Backup Master can be set by the user by assigning this Switch the second highest priority
(a lower number denotes a higher priority) before physically assembling the stack, or it can be determined
automatically by the stack through an election process. This determines the second lowest MAC address and then will
assign that Switch as the Backup Master if all priorities are the same. The Backup master is physically displayed by
the seven segment LED to the far right on the front panel of the Switch where the LED will flash between its given Box
ID and ‘h’.
Slave - Slave Switches constitute the rest of the Switch stack and although not Primary or Backup Masters, they can
be placed into these roles when these other two roles fail or are removed from the stack. Slave Switches perform
operations requested by the master, monitor the status of the stack topology, and adhere to the Backup Master’s
commands once it becomes Primary Master. Slave Switches will do a self-check to determine if they are to become
the Backup Master if the Backup Master is promoted to the Primary Master, or if the Backup Master fails or is removed
from the Switch stack. If both Primary and Backup masters fail, or are removed from the Switch stack, the Switch will
determine if it is to become the Primary Master. These roles will be determined by priority and if this is the same, by
the lowest MAC address.
Once Switches have been assembled in the topology desired by the user and powered on, the stack will undergo
three processes until it reaches a functioning state.
Initialization State - This is the first state of the stack, where the runtime codes are set and initialized and the
system conducts a peripheral diagnosis to determine each individual Switch is functioning properly.
Master Election State - Once the runtime codes are loaded and initialized, the stack will undergo the Master
Election State where it will discover the type of topology used, elect a Primary Master and then a Backup
Synchronization State - Once the Primary Master and the Backup Master have been established, the Primary
Master will assign Stacking Unit IDs to Switches in the stack, synchronize configurations for all Switches and
then transmit commands to the rest of the Switches based on the configuration of the Primary Master.
Once these steps have been completed, the Switch stack will enter a normal operating mode.
Stack Switch Swapping
The stacking feature of the Switch supports hot swapping of Switches in and out of the running stack. Users may
remove or add Switches to the stack without powering down or largely affecting the transfer of data between Switches
in the stack, as long as some basic rules are adhered to.
When Switches are ‘hot inserted’ into the running stack, the new Switch may take on the Primary Master, Backup
Master or Slave role, depending on configuration set on the newly added Switch, such as priority or MAC address.
Yet, if adding two stacks together that have both previously undergone the election process, and therefore both have
a Primary Master and a Backup master, a new Primary Master will be elected from one of the already existing Primary
Masters, based on priority or MAC address. This Primary Master will take over all of the Primary Master’s roles for all
new Switches that were hot inserted. This process is done using discovery packets that circulate through the Switch
stack every 1.5 seconds until the discovery process has been completed.
The ‘hot remove’ action means removing a device from the stack while the stack is still running. The hot removal is
detected by the stack when it fails to receive heartbeat packets during its specified interval from a device, or when one
of the stacking ports links is down. Once the device has been removed, the remaining Switches will update their
stacking topology database to reflect the change. Any one of the three roles, Primary Master, Backup Master or Slave,
may be removed from the stack, yet a different process occurs for each specific device removal.
If a Slave device has been removed, the Primary Master will inform other Switches of the hot remove of this device
through the use of unit leave messages. Switches in the stack will clear the configuration of the unit removed, and
dynamically learned databases, such as ARP, will also be cleared.
If the Backup Master has been hot removed, a new Backup Master will be chosen through the election process
previously described. Switches in the stack will clear the configuration of the unit removed, and dynamically learned
databases, such as ARP, will also be cleared. Then the Backup Master will begin backing up the Primary Master when
the database synchronization has been completed by the stack.
If the Primary Master is removed, the Backup Master will assume the Primary Master’s role and a new Backup Master
will be chosen using the election process. Switches in the stack will clear the configuration of the unit removed, and
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
dynamically learned databases, such as ARP, will also be cleared. The new Primary Master will inherit the MAC and
IP address of the previous Primary Master to avoid conflict within the stack and the network itself.
If both the Primary Master and the Backup Master are removed, the election process is immediately initiated, and a
new Primary Master and Backup Master are elected. Switches in the stack will clear the configuration of the units that
have been removed, and dynamically learned databases, such as ARP, will also be cleared. Static Switch
configuration still remains in the database of the remaining Switches in the stack and those functions will not be
NOTE: If there is a Box ID conflict when the stack is in the discovery phase, the device will enter a
special standalone topology mode. Users can only get device information, configure Box
IDs, save and reboot. All stacking ports will be disabled and an error message will be
produced on the local console port of each device in the stack. Users must reconfigure Box
IDs and reboot the stack to rectify the problem.
NOTE: When constructing a stacking with different switch models, static box_id setting is
recommended. If a new inserted switch box_id's device type is different from the
configuration file box_id's device type, the new inserted switch will use default
Physical Stacking
This window is used to display and configure the physical stacking settings.
To view the following window, click Management > Stacking > Physical Stacking, as shown below:
Figure 4-72 Physical Stacking Window
The fields that can be configured in Physical Stacking are described below:
Stacking Mode
Select this option to enable or disable the stacking mode.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in Stack ID are described below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Current Unit ID
Select the unit ID of the Switch in the stack.
New Box ID
Select the new box ID for the Switch that is selected in the Current Unit ID
field. The user may choose any number between 1 and 9 to identify the Switch
in the switch stack. Auto will automatically assign a box number to the Switch
in the Switch stack.
Enter the priority of the Switch stacking unit. The range is from 1 to 63.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Stacking Bandwidth
This window is used to display and configure the stacking bandwidth settings. Physical stacking needs to be enabled
and can be configured to support either a 2-port or a 4-port stacking configuration.
When the 2-port-SFP+ or 2-port-10GBaseT stacking configuration is used, a full-duplex speed of up to
40Gbps will be used between two Switches.
The DGS-3130-30TS/30S/30PS will use physical ports 25 and 26 for 2-port stacking.
The DGS-3130-30TS/30S/30PS will use physical ports 29 and 30 for 2-port stacking.
The DGS-3130-54TS/54S/54PS will use physical ports 49 and 50 for 2-port stacking.
The DGS-3130-54TS/54S/54PS will use physical ports 53 and 54 for 2-port stacking.
When the 4-port-SFP+ or 4-port-Hybrid stacking configuration is used, a full-duplex speed of up to 80Gbps will
be used between two Switches using four physical ports aggregated into two virtual stacking ports.
The DGS-3130-30TS/30S/30PS will use physical ports 25, 26, 29, and 30 for 4-port stacking.
The DGS-3130-30TS/30S/30PS will use physical ports 27, 28, 29, and 30 for 4-port stacking.
The DGS-3130-54TS/54S/54PS will use physical ports 49, 50, 53, and 54 for 4-port stacking.
The DGS-3130-54TS/54S/54PS will use physical ports 51, 52, 53, and 54 for 4-port stacking.
NOTE: The stacking bandwidth must be configured before the Switch is stacked with other
To view the following window, click Management > Stacking > Stacking Bandwidth, as shown below:
Figure 4-73 Stacking Bandwidth Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Stack Bandwidth
Select the stacking bandwidth here. Option to choose from are:
2-port-10GBaseT - Specifies 2 10GBase-T switch ports to be used for
2-port-SFP+ - Specifies 2 SFP+ switch ports to be used for stacking.
4-port-Hybrid - Specifies 2 10GBase-T and 2 SFP+ switch ports to be
used for stacking.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
4-port-SFP+ - Specifies 4 SFP+ switch ports to be used for stacking.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Virtual Stacking (SIM)
D-Link Single IP Management (SIM) is a concept that will stack Switches together over Ethernet instead of using
stacking ports or modules. There are some advantages in implementing the Single IP Management feature:
SIM can simplify management of small workgroups or wiring closets while scaling the network to handle
increased bandwidth demand.
SIM can reduce the number of IP address needed in your network.
SIM can eliminate any specialized cables for stacking connectivity and remove the distance barriers that
typically limit your topology options when using other stacking technology.
Switches using D-Link Single IP Management (labeled here as SIM) must conform to the following rules:
SIM is an optional feature on the Switch and can easily be enabled or disabled through the Command Line
Interface or Web Interface. SIM grouping has no effect on the normal operation of the Switch in the network.
There are three classifications for Switches using SIM. The Commander Switch (CS), which is the master
Switch of the group, Member Switch (MS), which is a Switch that is recognized by the CS a member of a SIM
group, and a Candidate Switch (CaS), which is a Switch that has a physical link to the SIM group but has not
been recognized by the CS as a member of the SIM group.
A SIM group can only have one Commander Switch (CS).
A SIM group accepts up to 32 Switches (numbered 1-32), not including the Commander Switch (numbered 0).
Members of a SIM group must be in the same Layer 2 network.
There is no limit to the number of SIM groups in the same IP subnet (broadcast domain); however a single
Switch can only belong to one group.
If multiple VLANs are configured, the SIM group will only utilize the management VLAN on any Switch.
SIM allows intermediate devices that do not support SIM. This enables the user to manage Switches that are
more than one hop away from the CS.
The SIM group is a group of Switches that are managed as a single entity. The Switch may take on three different
1. Commander Switch (CS) - This is a Switch that has been manually configured as the controlling device for a
group, and takes on the following characteristics:
It has an IP Address.
It is not a CS or member Switch of another SIM group.
It is connected to the member Switches through its management VLAN.
2. Member Switch (MS) - This is a Switch that has joined a SIM group and is accessible from the CS, and it takes
on the following characteristics:
It is not a CS or MS of another SIM group.
It is connected to the CS through the CS management VLAN.
3. Candidate Switch (CaS) - This is a Switch that is ready to join a SIM group but is not yet a member of the SIM
group. The Candidate Switch may join the SIM group of the Switch by manually configuring it to be a MS of a
SIM group. A Switch configured as a CaS is not a member of a SIM group and will take on the following
It is not a CS or MS of another Single IP group.
It is connected to the CS through the CS management VLAN
The following rules also apply to the above roles:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Each device begins in a CaS state.
A CS must change its role to CaS and then to MS, to become a MS of a SIM group. Thus, the CS cannot
directly be converted to a MS.
The user can manually configure a CS to become a CaS.
A MS can become a CaS by:
Being configured as a CaS through the CS.
If report packets from the CS to the MS time out.
The user can manually configure a CaS to become a CS
The CaS can be configured through the CS to become a MS.
After configuring one Switch to operate as the CS of a SIM group, additional Switches may join the group by manually
configuring the Switch to be a MS. The CS will then serve as the in-band entry point for access to the MS. The CS’s IP
address will become the path to all MSs in the group and the CS’s administrator password, and/or authentication will
control access to all MSs in the SIM group.
With SIM enabled, the applications in the CS will redirect the packets instead of executing packets. The applications
will decode the packet from the administrator, modify some data, and then send it to the MS. After execution, the CS
may receive a response packet from the MS, which it will encode and send it back to the administrator.
When a CaS becomes a MS, it automatically becomes a member of the first SNMP community (includes read/write
and read only) to which the CS belongs. However, if a MS has its own IP address, it can belong to SNMP
communities to which other switches in the group, including the CS, do not belong.
Single IP Settings
This window is used to display and configure the SIM settings. The Switch is set as a Candidate (CaS) as the factory
default configuration and Single IP Management is disabled.
To view the following window, click Management > Virtual Stacking (SIM) > Single IP Settings, as shown below:
Figure 4-74 Single IP Settings Window
The fields that can be configured in SIM State Configure are described below:
SIM State
Select this option to enable or disable the SIM state on the Switch. Select
Disabled to disable SIM on the Switch.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
The fields that can be configured in SIM Role Configure are described below:
Role State
Select to change the SIM role of the Switch. Options to choose from are
Candidate, and Commander.
Candidate - A Candidate Switch (CaS) is not the member of a SIM group
but is connected to a Commander Switch. This is the default setting for the
SIM role of the Switch.
Commander - Select to make the Switch a Commander Switch (CS). The
user may join other Switches to this Switch, over Ethernet, to be part of the
SIM group. Choosing this option will also enable the Switch to be
configured for SIM.
Group Name
Enter a group name. This is optional. This name is used to segment Switches
into different SIM groups.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in SIM Settings are described below:
Trap State
Select to enable or disable the SIM trap state here.
Enter the interval in seconds. The range is from 30 to 90.
Hold Time
Enter the hold-time in seconds. The range is from 100 to 255.
Management VLAN
Enter the single IP management message VLAN ID.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
After enabling the Switch to be a Commander Switch (CS), the Single IP Management folder will then contain four
added links to aid in configuring SIM through the Web UI, including Topology, Firmware Upgrade, Configuration
File Backup/Restore and Upload Log File.
SMTP Settings
This window is used to display and configure the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) settings.
To view the following window, click Management > SMTP Settings, as shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 4-75 SMTP Settings Window
The fields that can be configured in SMTP Global Settings are described below:
Select the SMTP server IP address type here. Options to choose from are IPv4
and IPv6.
SMTP IPv4 Server Address
After selecting IPv4 as the SMTP IP type enter the SMTP server IPv4 address
SMTP IPv6 Server Address
After selecting IPv6 as the SMTP IP type enter the SMTP server IPv6 address
SMTP IPv4 Server Port
After selecting IPv4 as the SMTP IP type enter the SMTP server port number
here. The range is from 1 to 65535. By default, this value is 25.
SMTP IPv6 Server Port
After selecting IPv6 as the SMTP IP type enter the SMTP server port number
here. The range is from 1 to 65535. By default, this value is 25.
Self Mail Address
Enter the email address that represents the Switch here. This string can be up
to 254 characters long.
Send Interval
Enter the sending interval value here. The range is from 0 to 65535 minutes. By
default, this value is 30 minutes.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in SMTP Mail Receiver Address are described below:
Add A Mail Receiver
Enter the email address of the receiver here. This string can be up to 254
characters long.
Click the Add button to add a new SMTP email recipient.
The fields that can be configured in Send a Test Mail to All are described below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Enter the subject of the email here. This string can be up to 128 characters
Enter the content of the email here. This string can be up to 512 characters
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Delete All button to delete all the entries found in the display table.
Click the Delete button to delete the specified entry.
PPPoE Circuit ID Insertion Global Settings
This window is used to display and configure the PPPoE Circuit ID Insertion Global Settings.
To view the following window, click Management > PPPoE Circuit ID Insertion Global Settings, as shown below:
Figure 4-76 PPPoE Circuit ID Insertion Global Settings Window
The fields that can be configured in PPPoE Circuit ID Insertion Global Settings are described below:
Global PPPoE State
Select this option to enable or disable the PPPoE Circuit ID Insertion on the
Switch. Select Disabled to disable PPPoE Circuit ID Insertion on the Switch.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in PPPoE Circuit ID Insertion Port Settings are described below:
Select the stacking unit ID of the Switch that will be configured here.
From Port - To Port
Select the range of ports that will be used for this configuration here.
Select to enable or disable the PPPoE Circuit ID Insertion Port state here.
Circuit ID Type
Specifies that the IP, MAC, or expert UDF format will be used.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
5. Layer 2 Features
VLAN Tunnel
ERPS (G.8032)
Loopback Detection
Link Aggregation
L2 Protocol Tunnel
L2 Multicast Control
Static FDB
Unicast Static FDB
This window is used to display and configure the static unicast forwarding settings on the Switch.
To view the following window, click L2 Features > FDB > Static FDB > Unicast Static FDB, as shown below:
Figure 5-1 Unicast Static FDB Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Allows the selection of the port number on which the MAC address entered
resides. This option could also drop the MAC address from the unicast static
FDB. Select the port number when selecting the Port.
Select the stacking unit ID of the Switch that will be configured here.
Port Number
After selecting the Port option, select the port number used here.
Enter the VLAN ID on which the associated unicast MAC address resides.
MAC Address
Enter the MAC address to which packets will be statically forwarded. This must
be a unicast MAC address.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Delete All button to delete all the entries found in the display table.
Click the Delete button to delete the specified entry.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Multicast Static FDB
This window is used to display and configure the multicast static FDB settings.
To view the following window, click L2 Features > FDB > Static FDB > Multicast Static FDB, as shown below:
Figure 5-2 Multicast Static FDB Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the stacking unit ID of the Switch that will be configured here.
From Port - To Port
Select the range of ports that will be used for this configuration here.
Enter the VLAN ID of the VLAN the corresponding MAC address belongs to.
MAC Address
Enter the static destination MAC address of the multicast packets. This must be
a multicast MAC address. The format of the destination MAC address is 01-XX-
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Delete All button to remove all the entries.
Click the Delete button to remove the specific entry.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
MAC Address Table Settings
This window is used to display and configure the global MAC address table settings.
To view the following window, click L2 Features > FDB > MAC Address Table Settings, as shown below:
Figure 5-3 MAC Address Table Settings (Global Settings) Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Aging Time
Enter the MAC address table aging time here. This value must be between 10
and 1000000 seconds. Entering 0 will disable MAC address aging. By default,
this value is 300 seconds.
Aging Destination Hit
Select to enable or disable the aging destination hit function.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
After selecting the MAC Address Port Learning Settings tab option, at the top of the page, the following page will be
Figure 5-4 MAC Address Table Settings (MAC Address Port Learning Settings) Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the stacking unit ID of the Switch that will be configured here.
From Port - To Port
Select the range of ports that will be used for this configuration here.
Select to enable or disable the MAC address learning function on the ports
specified here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
After selecting the MAC Address VLAN Learning Settings tab option, at the top of the page, the following page will
be available.
Figure 5-5 MAC Address Table Settings (MAC Address VLAN Learning Settings) Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
VID List
Enter the VLAN ID(s) that will be used in this configuration or display here. A
series of VLAN IDs can be entered separated by commas or a range of VLAN
IDs can be entered separated by a hyphen.
Select to enable or disable the MAC address learning function on the VLAN(s)
specified here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Find button to locate a specific entry based on the information entered.
Click the Show All button to display all the available entries.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
MAC Address Table
This window is used to view the entries listed in the MAC address table.
To view the following window, click L2 Features > FDB > MAC Address Table, as shown below:
Figure 5-6 MAC Address Table Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the stacking unit ID and the port number of the Switch that will be
configured here.
Enter the VLAN ID that will be used for this configuration here.
MAC Address
Enter the MAC address that will be used for this configuration here.
Click the Clear Dynamic by Port button to clear the dynamic MAC address listed on the corresponding port.
Click the Clear Dynamic by VLAN button to clear the dynamic MAC address listed on the corresponding VLAN.
Click the Clear Dynamic by MAC button to clear the dynamic MAC address entered.
Click the Find button to locate a specific entry based on the information entered.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Click the Clear All button to clear all dynamic MAC addresses.
Click the Show All button to display all the MAC addresses recorded in the MAC address table.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
MAC Notification
This window is used to display and configure MAC notification.
To view the following window, click L2 Features > FDB > MAC Notification, as shown below:
Figure 5-7 MAC Notification (MAC Notification Settings) Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
MAC Address Notification
Select to enable or disable MAC notification globally on the Switch
Enter the time value between notifications. This value must be between 1 and
2147483647 seconds. By default, this value is 1 second.
History Size
Enter the maximum number of entries listed in the history log used for
notification. This value must be between 0 and 500. By default, this value is 1.
MAC Notification Trap State
Select to enable or disable the MAC notification trap state.
Trap Type
Select the trap type here. Options to choose from are:
Without VID - Specifies the trap information without the VLAN ID.
With VID - Specifies the trap information with the VLAN ID.
Select the stacking unit ID of the Switch that will be configured here.
From Port - To Port
Select the range of ports that will be used for this configuration here.
Added Trap
Select to enable or disable the added trap for the port(s) selected.
Removed Trap
Select to enable or disable the removed trap for the port(s) selected.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made for each individual section.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
After selecting the MAC Notification History tab, at the top of the page, the following page will be available.
Figure 5-8 MAC Notification (MAC Notification History) Window
On this page, a list of MAC notification messages will be displayed.
802.1Q VLAN
This window is used to display and configure the VLAN settings on this Switch.
To view the following window, click L2 Features > VLAN > 802.1Q VLAN, as shown below:
Figure 5-9 802.1Q VLAN Window
The fields that can be configured in 802.1Q VLAN are described below:
VID List
Enter the VLAN ID list that will be created here.
Click the Apply button to create a new 802.1Q VLAN.
Click the Delete button to remove the 802.1Q VLAN specified.
The fields that can be configured in Find VLAN are described below:
Enter the VLAN ID that will be displayed here.
Click the Find button to locate a specific entry based on the information entered.
Click the Show All button to locate all the entries.
Click the Edit button to re-configure the specific entry.
Click the Delete button to remove the specific entry.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
802.1v Protocol VLAN
Protocol VLAN Profile
This window is used to display and configure 802.1v protocol VLAN profiles. The 802.1v Protocol VLAN group settings
support multiple VLANs for each protocol and allow the user to configure untagged ports of different protocols on the
same physical port. For example, it allows the user to configure an 802.1Q and 802.1v untagged port on the same
physical port.
To view the following window, click L2 Features > VLAN > 802.1v Protocol VLAN > Protocol VLAN Profile, as
shown below:
Figure 5-10 Protocol VLAN Profile Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Profile ID
Enter the 802.1v protocol VLAN profile ID here. This value must be between 1
and 16.
Frame Type
Select the frame type option here. This function maps packets to protocol-
defined VLANs by examining the type octet within the packet header to
discover the type of protocol associated with it. Options to choose from are
Ethernet 2, SNAP, and LLC.
Ether Type
Enter the Ethernet type value for the group here. The protocol value is used to
identify a protocol of the frame type specified. The range of values are 0x0 to
0xFFFF. Depending on the frame type, the octet string will have one of the
following values:
For Ethernet 2, this is a 16-bit (2-octet) hex value. For example, IPv4 is
0800, IPv6 is 86DD, ARP is 0806, etc.
For IEEE802.3 SNAP, this is a 16-bit (2-octet) hex value.
For IEEE802.3 LLC, this is a 2-octet IEEE 802.2 Link Service Access
Point (LSAP) pair. The first octet is for Destination Service Access Point
(DSAP) and the second octet is for Source.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Delete button to remove the specific entry.
Protocol VLAN Profile Interface
This window is used to display and configure the protocol VLAN profile interface settings.
To view the following window, click L2 Features > VLAN > 802.1v Protocol VLAN > Protocol VLAN Profile
Interface, as shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 5-11 Protocol VLAN Profile Interface Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the stacking unit ID and the port number of the Switch that will be
configured here.
Profile ID
Select the 802.1v protocol VLAN profile ID here.
Enter the VLAN ID used here.
Select the priority value used here. This value is between 0 and 7. This
parameter is specified to re-write the 802.1p default priority previously set in the
Switch, which is used to determine the CoS queue that packets are forwarded
to. Once this field is specified, packets accepted by the Switch that match this
priority are forwarded to the CoS queue specified previously.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Delete button to remove the specific entry.
GVRP Global
This window is used to display and configure the global GARP VLAN Registration Protocol (GVRP) settings.
To view the following window, click L2 Features > VLAN > GVRP > GVRP Global, as shown below:
Figure 5-12 GVRP Global Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Global GVRP State
Select to enable or disable the global GVRP state here.
Dynamic VLAN Creation
Select to enable or disable the dynamic VLAN creation function here.
NNI BPDU Address
Select the NNI BPDU address option here. This option is used to determine the
BPDU protocol address for GVRP in customer networks. It can use 802.1d
GVRP address or 802.1ad service provider GVRP address. Options to choose
from are Dot1d and Dot1ad.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
This window is used to display and configure the GVRP port settings.
To view the following window, click L2 Features > VLAN > GVRP > GVRP Port, as shown below:
Figure 5-13 GVRP Port Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
From Port - To Port
Select the range of ports that will be used for this configuration here.
GVRP Status
Select the enable or disable the GVRP port status. This enables the port to
dynamically become a member of a VLAN. By default, this option is disabled.
Join Time
Enter the Join Time value in centiseconds. This value must be between 10 and
10000 centiseconds. By default, this value is 20 centiseconds.
Leave Time
Enter the Leave Time value in centiseconds. This value must be between 10
and 10000 centiseconds. By default, this value is 60 centiseconds.
Leave All Time
Enter the Leave All Time value in centiseconds. This value must be between 10
and 10000 centiseconds. By default, this value is 1000 centiseconds.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
GVRP Advertise VLAN
This window is used to display and configure the GVRP Advertise VLAN settings.
To view the following window, click L2 Features > VLAN > GVRP > GVRP Advertise VLAN, as shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 5-14 GVRP Advertise VLAN Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
From Port - To Port
Select the range of ports that will be used for this configuration here.
Select the advertised VLAN to port mapping action here. Options to choose
from are All, Add, Remove, and Replace. When selecting All, all the
advertised VLANs will be used.
Advertise VID List
Enter the advertised VLAN ID list here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
GVRP Forbidden VLAN
This window is used to display and configure the GVRP forbidden VLAN settings.
To view the following window, click L2 Features > VLAN > GVRP > GVRP Forbidden VLAN, as shown below:
Figure 5-15 GVRP Forbidden VLAN Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
From Port - To Port
Select the range of ports that will be used for this configuration here.
Select the forbidden VLAN to port mapping action that will be taken here.
Options to choose from are All, Add, and Remove. When selecting All, all the
forbidden VLANs will be used.
Forbidden VID List
Enter the forbidden VLAN ID list here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
GVRP Statistics Table
This window is used to view GVRP statistics information.
To view the following window, click L2 Features > VLAN > GVRP > GVRP Statistics Table, as shown below:
Figure 5-16 GVRP Statistics Table Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit to be displayed here.
Select the port number to display GVRP statistic information for here.
Click the Find button to locate a specific entry based on the information entered.
Click the Clear button to clear all the information for the specific port.
Click the Show All button to view all GVRP statistic information.
Click the Clear All button to clear all the information in this table.
Asymmetric VLAN
This window is used to display and configure the asymmetric VLAN settings.
To view the following window, click L2 Features > VLAN > Asymmetric VLAN, as shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 5-17 Asymmetric VLAN Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Asymmetric VLAN State
Select to enable or disable the asymmetric VLAN feature here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
This window is used to display and configure the MAC-based VLAN information. When a static MAC-based VLAN
entry is configured, the VLAN operating on the port will be changed.
To view the following window, click L2 Features > VLAN > MAC VLAN, as shown below:
Figure 5-18 MAC VLAN Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
MAC Address
Enter the unicast MAC address.
Enter the VLAN ID that will be used.
Select the priority that is assigned to untagged packets. This value is between 0
and 7.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Delete button to remove the specific entry.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
VLAN Interface
This window is used to display and configure the VLAN interface settings.
To view the following window, click L2 Features > VLAN > VLAN Interface, as shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 5-19 VLAN Interface Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
Click the Show Detail button to view more detailed information about the VLAN on the specific interface.
Click the Edit button to re-configure the specific entry.
After clicking the Show Detail button, the following page will appear.
Figure 5-20 VLAN Interface (VLAN Detail) Window
On this page, more detailed information about the VLAN of the specific interface is displayed.
Click the Back button to return to the previous page.
After click the Edit button, the following page will appear. This is a dynamic page that will change when a different
VLAN Mode is selected. When Access was selected as the VLAN Mode, the following page will appear.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 5-21 VLAN Interface (Access) Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the VLAN mode option here. Options to choose from are Access,
Hybrid, Trunk, 802.1Q-Tunnel, Promiscuous, Host, Trunk Promiscuous,
and Trunk Secondary.
Acceptable Frame
Select the acceptable frame behavior option here. Options to choose from are
Tagged Only, Untagged Only, and Admit All.
Ingress Checking
Select to enable or disable the ingress checking function.
Enter the VLAN ID used for this configuration here. This value must be between
1 and 4094.
Select this option to enable the clone feature.
From Port - To Port
Select the range of ports that will be used in the clone feature here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Back button to discard the changes made and return to the previous page.
When Hybrid was selected as the VLAN Mode, the following page will appear.
Figure 5-22 VLAN Interface (Hybrid) Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the VLAN mode option here. Options to choose from are Access,
Hybrid, Trunk, 802.1Q-Tunnel, Promiscuous, Host, Trunk Promiscuous,
and Trunk Secondary.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Acceptable Frame
Select the acceptable frame behavior option here. Options to choose from are
Tagged Only, Untagged Only, and Admit All.
Ingress Checking
Select to enable or disable the ingress checking function.
Native VLAN
Tick this option to enable the native VLAN function.
After ticking the Native VLAN option the following parameter will be available.
Enter the VLAN ID used for this configuration here. This value must be between
1 and 4094.
Select the action that will be taken here. Options to choose from are Add,
Remove, Tagged, and Untagged.
Add Mode
Select whether to add an Untagged or Tagged parameters.
Allowed VLAN Range
Enter the allowed VLAN range here.
Select this option to enable the clone feature.
From Port - To Port
Select the range of ports that will be used in the clone feature here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Back button to discard the changes made and return to the previous page.
When Trunk was selected as the VLAN Mode, the following page will appear.
Figure 5-23 VLAN Interface (Trunk) Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the VLAN mode option here. Options to choose from are Access,
Hybrid, Trunk, 802.1Q-Tunnel, Promiscuous, Host, Trunk Promiscuous,
and Trunk Secondary.
Acceptable Frame
Select the acceptable frame behavior option here. Options to choose from are
Tagged Only, Untagged Only, and Admit All.
Ingress Checking
After selecting Trunk as the VLAN Mode the following parameter will be
available. Select to enable or disable the ingress checking function.
Native VLAN
Tick this option to enable the native VLAN function. Also select if this VLAN
supports Untagged or Tagged frames.
After ticking the Native VLAN option the following parameter will be available.
Enter the VLAN ID used for this configuration here. This value must be between
1 and 4094.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Select the action that will be taken here. Options to choose from are All, Add,
Remove, Except, and Replace.
Allowed VLAN Range
Enter the allowed VLAN range here.
Select this option to enable the clone feature.
From Port - To Port
Select the range of ports that will be used in the clone feature here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Back button to discard the changes made and return to the previous page.
When 802.1Q-Tunnel was selected as the VLAN Mode, the following page will appear.
Figure 5-24 VLAN Interface (802.1Q-Tunnel) Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the VLAN mode option here. Options to choose from are Access,
Hybrid, Trunk, 802.1Q-Tunnel, Promiscuous, Host, Trunk Promiscuous,
and Trunk Secondary.
Acceptable Frame
Select the acceptable frame behavior option here. Options to choose from are
Tagged Only, Untagged Only, and Admit All.
Ingress Checking
Select to enable or disable the ingress checking function.
Enter the VLAN ID used for this configuration here. This value must be between
1 and 4094.
Select Add to add a new entry based in the information entered.
Select Remove to remove an entry based in the information entered.
Add Mode
Select to add an Untagged parameter.
Allowed VLAN Range
Enter the allowed VLAN range here.
Select this option to enable the clone feature.
From Port - To Port
Select the range of ports that will be used in the clone feature here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Back button to discard the changes made and return to the previous page.
When Promiscuous was selected as the VLAN Mode, the following page will appear.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 5-25 VLAN Interface (Promiscuous) Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the VLAN mode option here. Options to choose from are Access,
Hybrid, Trunk, 802.1Q-Tunnel, Promiscuous, Host, Trunk Promiscuous,
and Trunk Secondary.
Acceptable Frame
Select the acceptable frame behavior option here. Options to choose from are
Tagged Only, Untagged Only, and Admit All.
Ingress Checking
Select to enable or disable the ingress checking function.
Select this option to enable the clone feature.
From Port - To Port
Select the range of ports that will be used in the clone feature here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Back button to discard the changes made and return to the previous page.
When Host was selected as the VLAN Mode, the following page will appear.
Figure 5-26 VLAN Interface (Host) Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the VLAN mode option here. Options to choose from are Access,
Hybrid, Trunk, 802.1Q-Tunnel, Promiscuous, Host, Trunk Promiscuous,
and Trunk Secondary.
Acceptable Frame
Select the acceptable frame behavior option here. Options to choose from are
Tagged Only, Untagged Only, and Admit All.
Ingress Checking
Select to enable or disable the ingress checking function.
Select this option to enable the clone feature.
From Port - To Port
Select the range of ports that will be used in the clone feature here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Back button to discard the changes made and return to the previous page.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Super VLAN
This window is used to display and configure the super VLAN settings. This is used to specify a VLAN as a super
VLAN. Super VLANs are used to aggregate multiple sub-VLANs (Layer 2 broadcast domains) into an IP subnet. A
super VLAN cannot have any physical member port. A super VLAN cannot be a sub-VLAN at the same time. Once an
IP interface is bound to a super VLAN, the proxy ARP will be enabled automatically on the interface for
communication between its sub-VLANs. Multiple super VLANs can be configured and each super VLAN can consist of
multiple sub-VLANs.
Private VLAN and super VLAN are mutually exclusive. A private VLAN cannot be configured as a super VLAN. Layer
3 routing protocols, multicast protocols, and the IPv6 protocol cannot run on a super VLAN interface.
To view the following window, click L2 Features > VLAN > Super VLAN, as shown below:
Figure 5-27 Super VLAN Window
The fields that can be configured in Add Super VLAN are described below:
Super VID List
Enter the super VLAN ID(s) that will be created here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in Add Sub VLAN are described below:
Super VID
Enter the super VLAN ID that will be associated with the sub-VLAN(s) here.
The range is from 1 to 4094.
Sub VID List
Enter the sub-VLAN ID(s) that will be associated with the super VLAN here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in Find Super VLAN are described below:
Super VID
Enter the super VLAN ID that will be displayed here. The range is from 1 to
Click the Find button to locate a specific entry based on the information entered.
Click the Show All button to display all the available entries.
Click the Delete button to remove the specific entry or to remove the sub-VLAN from the super VLAN.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Click the IP Range List link to add an IP range to the sub-VLAN.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
After clicking the IP Range List link, the following page will be available.
Figure 5-28 Super VLAN (IP Range List) Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the action that will be taken here. Options to choose from are Add and
Start IP Address
Enter the starting IP address in the range of this sub-VLAN here.
End IP Address
Enter the ending IP address in the range of this sub-VLAN here.
Click the Back button to return to the previous page.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Auto Surveillance VLAN
Auto Surveillance Properties
This window is used to display and configure the auto surveillance VLAN properties.
To view the following window, click L2 Features > VLAN > Auto Surveillance VLAN > Auto Surveillance
Properties, as shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 5-29 Auto Surveillance Properties Window
The fields that can be configured in Global Settings are described below:
Surveillance VLAN
Select to enable or disable the surveillance VLAN feature here.
Surveillance VLAN ID
Enter the VLAN ID of the surveillance VLAN here. The range is from 2 to 4094.
A normal VLAN needs to be created before assigning the VLAN as a
surveillance VLAN.
Surveillance VLAN CoS
Enter the Class of Service (CoS) value for the surveillance VLAN here. The
surveillance packets arriving at the surveillance VLAN enabled port are marked
with the CoS specified here. The remarking of CoS allows the surveillance
VLAN traffic to be distinguished from data traffic in quality of service. The range
is from 0 to 7.
Aging Time
Enter the aging time value here. This is used to configure the aging time for
aging out the surveillance VLAN dynamic member ports. The range is from 1 to
65535 minutes. When the last surveillance device connected to the port stops
sending traffic and the MAC address of this surveillance device is aged out, the
surveillance VLAN aging timer will be started. The port will be removed from the
surveillance VLAN after expiration of surveillance VLAN aging timer. If the
surveillance traffic resumes during the aging time, the aging timer will be
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in Port Settings are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
From Port - To Port
Select the range of ports that will be used for this configuration here.
Select to enable or disable the surveillance VLAN feature on the specified
port(s) here. When surveillance VLAN is enabled for a port, the port will
automatically be learned as an untagged surveillance VLAN member and the
received untagged surveillance packets will be forwarded to the surveillance
VLAN. The received packets are determined as surveillance packets if the
source MAC addresses of the packets comply with the Organizationally Unique
Identifier (OUI) addresses.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
MAC Settings and Surveillance Device
This window is used to display and configure surveillance devices and their MAC settings.
To view the following window, click L2 Features > VLAN > Auto Surveillance VLAN > MAC Settings and
Surveillance Device, as shown below:
Figure 5-30 MAC Settings and Surveillance Device Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Component Type
Select the component type here. Option to choose from are:
Video Management server - Specifies the surveillance device type as
Video Management Server (VMS).
VMS Client/Remote Viewer - Specifies the surveillance device type as
VMS client.
Video Encoder - Specifies the surveillance device type as Video Encoder.
Network Storage - Specifies the surveillance device type as Network
Other IP Surveillance Device - Specifies the surveillance device type as
other IP Surveillance Devices.
Enter the description for the user-defined OUI here. This string can be up to 32
characters long.
MAC Address
Enter the OUI MAC address here. If the source MAC addresses of the received
packet matches any of the OUI pattern, the received packet is determined as a
surveillance packet.
Enter the matching bitmask for the OUI MAC address here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Delete button to delete the specified entry.
After selecting the Auto Surveillance VLAN Summary tab option, at the top of the page, the following page will be
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 5-31 MAC Settings and Surveillance Device (Auto Surveillance VLAN Summary) Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the stacking unit ID of the Switch that will be used in this display here.
Voice VLAN
Voice VLAN Global
This window is used to display and configure the global voice VLAN settings. This is used to enable the global voice
VLAN function and to specify the voice VLAN on the Switch. The Switch has only one voice VLAN.
To view the following window, click L2 Features > VLAN > Voice VLAN > Voice VLAN Global, as shown below:
Figure 5-32 Voice VLAN Global Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Voice VLAN State
Select to globally enable or disable the voice VLAN feature here.
Enter the VLAN ID of the voice VLAN here. The VLAN to be specified as the
voice VLAN needs to pre-exist before configuration. The range is from 2 to
Voice VLAN CoS
Select the CoS of the voice VLAN here. The range is from 0 to 7. The voice
packets arriving at the voice VLAN enabled port are marked as the CoS
specified here. The remarking of CoS packets allow the voice VLAN traffic to be
distinguished from data traffic in Quality of Service.
Aging Time
Enter the aging time value here. This is used to configure the aging time for
aging out the automatically learned voice device and voice VLAN information.
When the last voice device connected to the port stops sending traffic and the
MAC address of this voice device is aged out from FDB, the voice VLAN aging
timer will be started. The port will be removed from the voice VLAN after the
expiration of the voice VLAN aging timer. If voice traffic resumes during the
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
aging time, the aging timer will be cancelled. The range is from 1 to 65535
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Voice VLAN Port
This window is used to display and configure the voice VLAN interface settings.
To view the following window, click L2 Features > VLAN > Voice VLAN > Voice VLAN Port, as shown below:
Figure 5-33 Voice VLAN Port Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
From Port - To Port
Select the range of ports that will be used for this configuration here.
Select to enable or disable the voice VLAN feature on the specified port(s)
here. When the voice VLAN is enabled for a port, the received voice packets
will be forwarded in the voice VLAN. The received packets are determined as
voice packets if the source MAC addresses of packets complies with the OUI
Select the mode here. Options to choose from are:
Auto Untagged - Specifies that voice VLAN untagged membership will be
automatically learned.
Auto Tagged - Specifies that voice VLAN tagged membership will be
automatically learned.
Manual - Specifies that voice VLAN membership will be manually
If auto-learning is enabled, the port will automatically be learned as a voice
VLAN member. This membership will automatically be aged out. When the port
is working in the auto-tagged mode and the port captures a voice device
through the device's OUI, it will join the voice VLAN as a tagged member
automatically. When the voice device sends tagged packets, the Switch will
change its priority. When the voice device sends untagged packets, it will
forward them in the Port VLAN ID (PVID).
When the port is working in auto-untagged mode, and the port captures a voice
device through the device's OUI, it will join the voice VLAN as an untagged
member automatically. When the voice device sends tagged packets, the
Switch will change its priority. When the voice device sends untagged packets,
it will forward them in the voice VLAN.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
When the Switch receives LLDP-MED packets, it checks the VLAN ID, tagged
flag, and priority flag. The Switch should follow the tagged flag and priority
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
This window is used to display and configure the voice VLAN OUI settings. Use this window to add a user-defined OUI
for the voice VLAN. The OUI for the voice VLAN is used to identify the voice traffic by using the voice VLAN function.
If the source MAC address of the received packet matches any of the OUI patterns, the received packet is determined
as a voice packet.
The user-defined OUI cannot be the same as the default OUI. The default OUI cannot be deleted.
To view the following window, click L2 Features > VLAN > Voice VLAN > Voice VLAN OUI, as shown below:
Figure 5-34 Voice VLAN OUI Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
OUI Address
Enter the voice VLAN OUI MAC address here.
Enter the matching bitmask for the voice VLAN OUI MAC address here.
Enter the description for the user-defined OUI MAC address here. This string
can be up to 32 characters long.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Delete button to delete the specified entry.
Voice VLAN Device
This window is used to view the voice VLAN device table.
To view the following window, click L2 Features > VLAN > Voice VLAN > Voice VLAN Device, as shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 5-35 Voice VLAN Device Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used in this display here.
Voice VLAN LLDP-MED Device
This window is used to view the voice VLAN LLDP-MED device table.
To view the following window, click L2 Features > VLAN > Voice VLAN > Voice VLAN LLDP-MED Device, as
shown below:
Figure 5-36 Voice VLAN LLDP-MED Device Window
Private VLAN
This window is used to display and configure the private VLAN settings.
To view the following window, click L2 Features > VLAN > Private VLAN, as shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 5-37 Private VLAN Window
The fields that can be configured for Private VLAN are described below:
VID List
Enter the private VLAN ID list here.
Select to enable or disable the private VLAN state here.
Select the type of private VLAN that will be created here. Options to choose
from are Community, Isolated, and Primary.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured for Private VLAN Association are described below:
VID List
Enter the private VLAN ID list here.
Select the action that will be taken for the private VLAN here. Options to
choose from are Add, Remove, and Disabled.
Secondary VID List
Enter the secondary private VLAN ID here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured for Private VLAN Host Association are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
From Port - To Port
Select the range of ports that will be used for this configuration here. Select the
Trunk option to specify that the trunk port will be associated with the private
VLAN host association.
Primary VID
Enter the primary private VLAN ID here.
Secondary VID
Enter the secondary private VLAN ID here. When ticking the Remove
Association option, specifies that this configuration will not be enabled.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
The fields that can be configured for Private VLAN Mapping are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
From Port - To Port
Select the range of ports that will be used for this configuration here. Select the
Trunk option to specify that the trunk port will be associated with the private
VLAN map.
Primary VID
Enter the primary private VLAN ID here.
Select Add to add a new entry based in the information entered.
Select Remove to remove an entry based in the information entered.
Secondary VID List
Enter the secondary private VLAN ID here. When ticking the Remove Mapping
option, this specifies that this configuration will not be enabled.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
VLAN Tunnel
Dot1q Tunnel
This window is used to display and configure the 802.1Q VLAN tunnel settings.
An 802.1Q tunnel port behaves as a User Network Interface (UNI) port of a service VLAN. The trunk ports which are
tagged members of the service VLAN behave as the Network Node Interface (NNI) ports of the service VLAN.
Only configure the 802.1Q tunneling Ethernet type on ports that are connected to the provider bridge network, which
receives and transmits the service VLAN tagged frames. If the tunnel Ethernet type is configured, the specified value
will be the Tag Protocol ID (TPID) in the outer VLAN tag of the transmitted frames of the port. The specified TPID is
also used to identify the service VLAN tag for the received frame on this port.
To view the following window, click L2 Features > VLAN Tunnel > Dot1q Tunnel, as shown below:
Figure 5-38 Dot1q Tunnel Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Inner TPID
Enter the inner TPID value here. This value is in the hexadecimal form. The
range is from 0x1 to 0xFFFF. The inner TPID is used to decide if the ingress
packet is C-tagged. The inner TPID can be configured per system.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Select the Switch unit ID that will be used here.
From Port - To Port
Select the port range that will be used here.
Outer TPID
Enter the outer TPID value here. This value is in the hexadecimal form. The
range is from 0x1 to 0xFFFF.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
After clicking the Dot1q Tunnel Port Settings tab, the following page will appear:
Figure 5-39 Dot1q Tunnel Settings (Dot1q Tunnel Port Settings) Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit ID that will be used here.
From Port - To Port
Select the port range that will be used here.
Trust Inner Priority
Select to enable or disable the 802.1Q Inner Trust Priority feature here. When
the trusting priority option is enabled on an 802.1Q tunnel port, the priority of
the VLAN tag in the received packets will be copied to the service VLAN tag.
Miss Drop
Select to enable or disable the Miss Drop feature here. If the VLAN mapping
Miss Drop option is enabled on the receiving port, when the original VLAN of
the received packets cannot match the VLAN mapping entries or rules on this
port, the received packets will be dropped.
Insert Dot1q Tag
Enter the 802.1Q VLAN ID that is inserted to the untagged packets which are
received on the 802.1Q tunnel port(s) here. The range is from 1 to 4094.
VLAN Mapping Profile
Enter the ID of the VLAN mapping profile here. A lower ID has a higher priority.
The ID range is from 1 to 1000.
Select Add to add a new entry based in the information entered.
Select Remove to remove an entry based in the information entered.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
VLAN Mapping
This window is used to display and configure the VLAN mapping settings. If a profile is applied on an interface, the
Switch matches the incoming packets according to the rules of the profile. If the packet matches a rule, the action of
the rule will be taken. This action may be adding or replacing the outer-VID, specifying the priority of the new outer-
TAG or specifying the packet’s new inner-VID.
The match order depends on the rule’s sequence number in the profile and stopped when first matched. If the
sequence number is not specified, it will be allocated automatically. The sequence number begins from 10 and
increments 10. Multiple different types of profiles can be configured on one interface.
To view the following window, click L2 Features > VLAN Tunnel > VLAN Mapping, as shown below:
Figure 5-40 VLAN Mapping Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit ID that will be used here.
From Port - To Port
Select the port range that will be used here.
Select the port that will be used for the search here.
Original VID List
Enter the original VLAN ID list here. The range is from 1 to 4094.
Original Inner VID
Enter the original inner VLAN ID here. The range is from 1 to 4094.
Select the action that will be taken here. Options to choose from are Translate
and Dot1q-tunnel.
Translate - Specifies that the outer-VID will replace the outer-VID of the
matched packets.
Dot1q-tunnel - Specifies that the outer-VID will be added for matched
Enter the VLAN ID here. The range is from 1 to 4094.
Inner VID
Enter the inner VLAN ID here. The range is from 1 to 4094.
Select the 802.1p priority value here. The range is from 0 to 7. A lower value
has a higher priority.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Find button to locate a specific entry based on the information entered.
Click the Delete button to delete the specified entry.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
VLAN Mapping Profile
This window is used to display and configure the VLAN mapping profile settings.
To view the following window, click L2 Features > VLAN Tunnel > VLAN Mapping Profile, as shown below:
Figure 5-41 VLAN Mapping Profile Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Profile ID
Enter the ID of the VLAN mapping profile here. A lower ID has a higher priority.
The ID range is from 1 to 1000.
Select the profile type here. Different profiles can match different fields. Options
to choose from are Ethernet, IP, IPv6, and Ethernet-IP.
Ethernet - The profile can match Layer 2 fields.
IP - The profile can match Layer 3 IP fields.
IPv6 - The profile can match IPv6 destination or source addresses.
Ethernet-IP - The profile can match Layer 2 and Layer 3 IP fields.
Click the Add Profile button to add a new VLAN mapping profile.
Click the Find button to locate a specific entry based on the information entered.
Click the Add Rule button to create a new rule.
Click the Delete button to remove the specified entry.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
After clicking the Add Rule button next to an Ethernet type profile, the following page will appear.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 5-42 VLAN Mapping Profile (Ethernet, Add Rule) Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Rule ID
Enter the VLAN mapping rule ID here. If not specified, the rule ID begins from
10 and is incremented by 10 for every new rule. The range is from 1 to 10000.
Src-MAC Address
Enter the source MAC address here.
Dst-MAC Address
Enter the destination MAC address here.
Select the 802.1p priority value here. The range is from 0 to 7. A lower value
has a higher priority.
Inner VID
Enter the inner VLAN ID here. The range is from 1 to 4094.
Ethernet Type
Enter the Ethernet type value here. The range is from 0x0 to 0xFFFF.
Select the action that will be taken here. Options to choose from are Dot1q-
Tunnel and Translate.
Dot1q-Tunnel - Specifies that the outer-VID will be added for matched
Translate - Specifies that the outer-VID will replace the outer-VID of the
matched packets.
New Outer VID
Enter the new outer VLAN ID here. The range is from 1 to 4094.
802.1P Priority
Select the 802.1p priority value here. The range is from 0 to 7. A lower value
has a higher priority.
New Inner VID
After selecting Dot1q-Tunnel as the action, enter the new inner VLAN ID here.
The range is from 1 to 4094. This option is only available when Dot1q-Tunnel
is selected as the action.
Click the Back button to return to the previous window.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
After clicking the Add Rule button next to an IP type profile, the following page will appear.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 5-43 VLAN Mapping Profile (IP, Add Rule) Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Rule ID
Enter the VLAN mapping rule ID here. If not specified, the rule ID begins from
10 and is incremented by 10 for every new rule. The range is from 1 to 10000
Src-IP Address (IP/Mask)
Enter the source IPv4 address and subnet mask here.
Dst-IP Address (IP/Mask)
Enter the destination IPv4 address and subnet mask here.
Enter the DSCP value here. The range is from 0 to 63.
Source Port
Enter the source TCP/UDP port number here. The range is from 1 to 65535.
Destination Port
Enter the destination TCP/UDP port number here. The range is from 1 to
IP Protocol
Enter the Layer 3 IP protocol value here. The range is from 0 to 255.
Select the action that will be taken here. Options to choose from are Dot1q-
Tunnel and Translate.
Dot1q-Tunnel - Specifies that the outer-VID will be added for matched
Translate - Specifies that the outer-VID will replace the outer-VID of the
matched packets.
New Outer VID
Enter the new outer VLAN ID here. The range is from 1 to 4094.
802.1P Priority
Select the 802.1p priority value here. The range is from 0 to 7. A lower value
has a higher priority.
New Inner VID
After selecting Dot1q-Tunnel as the action, enter the new inner VLAN ID here.
The range is from 1 to 4094. This option is only available when Dot1q-Tunnel
is selected as the action.
Click the Back button to return to the previous window.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
After clicking the Add Rule button next to an IPv6 type profile, the following page will appear.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 5-44 VLAN Mapping Profile (IPv6, Add Rule) Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Rule ID
Enter the VLAN mapping rule ID here. If not specified, the rule ID begins from
10 and is incremented by 10 for every new rule. The range is from 1 to 10000
Src-IPv6 Address
Enter the source IPv6 address and prefix length here.
Dst-IPv6 Address
Enter the destination IPv6 address and prefix length here.
Select the action that will be taken here. Options to choose from are Dot1q-
Tunnel and Translate.
Dot1q-Tunnel - Specifies that the outer-VID will be added for matched
Translate - Specifies that the outer-VID will replace the outer-VID of the
matched packets.
New Outer VID
Enter the new outer VLAN ID here. The range is from 1 to 4094.
802.1P Priority
Select the 802.1p priority value here. The range is from 0 to 7. A lower value
has a higher priority.
New Inner VID
After selecting Dot1q-Tunnel as the action, enter the new inner VLAN ID here.
The range is from 1 to 4094. This option is only available when Dot1q-Tunnel
was selected as the action.
Click the Back button to return to the previous window.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
After clicking the Add Rule button next to an Ethernet-IP type profile, the following page will appear.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 5-45 VLAN Mapping Profile (Ethernet-IP, Add Rule) Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Rule ID
Enter the VLAN mapping rule ID here. If not specified, the rule ID begins from
10 and is incremented by 10 for every new rule. The range is from 1 to 10000
Src-MAC Address
Enter the source MAC address here.
Dst-MAC Address
Enter the destination MAC address here.
Select the 802.1p priority value here. The range is from 0 to 7. A lower value
has a higher priority.
Inner VID
Enter the inner VLAN ID here. The range is from 1 to 4094.
Ethernet Type
Enter the Ethernet type value here. The range is from 0x0 to 0xFFFF.
Src-IP Address
Enter the source IPv4 address and subnet mask here.
Dst-IP Address
Enter the destination IPv4 address and subnet mask here.
Enter the DSCP value here. The range is from 0 to 63.
Source Port
Enter the source TCP/UDP port number here. The range is from 1 to 65535.
Destination Port
Enter the destination TCP/UDP port number here. The range is from 1 to
IP Protocol
Enter the Layer 3 IP protocol value here. The range is from 0 to 255.
Select the action that will be taken here. Options to choose from are Dot1q-
Tunnel and Translate.
Dot1q-Tunnel - Specifies that the outer-VID will be added for matched
Translate - Specifies that the outer-VID will replace the outer-VID of the
matched packets.
New Outer VID
Enter the new outer VLAN ID here. The range is from 1 to 4094.
802.1P Priority
Select the 802.1p priority value here. The range is from 0 to 7. A lower value
has a higher priority.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
New Inner VID
After selecting Dot1q-Tunnel as the action, enter the new inner VLAN ID here.
The range is from 1 to 4094. This option is only available when Dot1q-Tunnel
was selected as the action.
Click the Back button to return to the previous window.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
This Switch supports three versions of the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP): IEEE 802.1D-1998 STP, IEEE 802.1D-2004
Rapid STP, and IEEE 802.1Q-2005 MSTP. The IEEE 802.1D-1998 STP standard will be familiar to most networking
professionals. However, as IEEE 802.1D-2004 RSTP and IEEE 802.1Q-2005 MSTP have been recently introduced to
D-Link managed Ethernet Switches, a brief introduction to the technology is provided below followed by a description
of how to set up IEEE 802.1D-1998 STP, IEEE 802.1D-2004 RSTP, and IEEE 802.1Q-2005 MSTP.
802.1Q-2005 MSTP
The Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP) is a standard defined by the IEEE community that allows multiple VLANs
to be mapped to a single spanning tree instance, which will provide multiple pathways across the network. Therefore,
these MSTP configurations will balance the traffic load, preventing wide scale disruptions when a single spanning tree
instance fails. This will allow for faster convergences of new topologies for the failed instance.
Frames designated for these VLANs will be processed quickly and completely throughout interconnected bridges
utilizing any of the three spanning tree protocols (STP, RSTP or MSTP).
A Multiple Spanning Tree Instance (MSTI) ID will classify these instances. MSTP will connect multiple spanning trees
with a Common and Internal Spanning Tree (CIST). The CIST will automatically determine each MSTP region, its
maximum possible extent and will appear as one virtual bridge that runs a single spanning tree instance. Frames
assigned to different VLANs will follow different data routes within administratively established regions on the network,
continuing to allow simple and full processing of frames, regardless of administrative errors in defining VLANs and
their respective spanning trees.
Each Switch utilizing the MSTP on a network will share a single MSTP configuration that will have the following three
A configuration name defined by an alphanumeric string of up to 32 characters (defined in the MST
Configuration Identification window in the Configuration Name field).
A configuration revision number (named here as a Revision Level and found in the MST Configuration
Identification window)
A 4094-element table (defined here as a VID List in the MST Configuration Identification window), which will
associate each of the possible 4094 VLANs supported by the Switch for a given instance.
To utilize the MSTP function on the Switch, three steps need to be taken:
The Switch must be set to the MSTP setting (found in the STP Global Settings window in the STP Mode field).
The correct spanning tree priority for the MSTP instance must be entered (defined here as a Priority in the
MSTP Port Information window when configuring MSTI ID settings).
VLANs that will be shared must be added to the MSTP Instance ID (defined here as a VID List in the MST
Configuration Identification window when configuring an MSTI ID settings).
802.1D-2004 Rapid Spanning Tree
The Switch implements three versions of the Spanning Tree Protocol, the Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP) as
defined by IEEE 802.1Q-2005, the Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP) as defined by IEEE 802.1D-2004 and a
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
version compatible with IEEE 802.1D-1998. RSTP can operate with legacy equipment implementing IEEE 802.1D-
1998, however the advantages of using RSTP will be lost. This section introduces some new Spanning Tree concepts
and illustrates the main differences between the two protocols.
Port Transition States
An essential difference between the three protocols is in the way ports transition to a forwarding state and in the way
this transition relates to the role of the port (forwarding or not forwarding) in the topology. MSTP and RSTP combine
the transition states Disabled, Blocking and Listening used in 802.1D-1998 and creates a single state called
Discarding. In either case, ports do not forward packets. In the STP port transition states Disabled, Blocking or
Listening or in the RSTP/MSTP port state Discarding, there is no functional difference, the port is not active in the
network topology. Table 7-3 below compares how the three protocols differ regarding the port state transition.
All three protocols calculate a stable topology in the same way. Every segment will have a single path to the root
bridge. All bridges listen for BPDU packets. However, BPDU packets are sent more frequently, with every Hello
packet. BPDU packets are sent even if a BPDU packet was not received. Therefore, each link between bridges is
sensitive to the status of the link. Ultimately this difference results in faster detection of failed links, and therefore
faster topology adjustment. A drawback of IEEE 802.1D-1998 is this absence of immediate feedback from adjacent
802.1Q-2005 MSTP
802.1D-2004 RSTP
802.1D-1998 STP
RSTP is capable of a more rapid transition to the Forwarding state. RSTP no longer relies on timer configurations and
RSTP-compliant bridges are sensitive to feedback from other RSTP-compliant bridge links. Ports do not need to wait
for the topology to stabilize before transitioning to a Forwarding state. In order to allow this rapid transition, the
protocol introduces two new variables: the Edge Port and the Point-to-Point (P2P) port.
Edge Port
A port can be configured as an Edge Port if it is directly connected to a segment where a loop cannot be created. An
example would be a port connected directly to a single workstation. Ports that are designated as edge ports transition
to a forwarding state immediately without going through the Listening and Learning states. An Edge Port loses its
status if it receives a BPDU packet, after which it immediately becomes a normal spanning tree port.
P2P Port
A P2P port is also capable of rapid transition. P2P ports may be used to connect to other bridges. Under RSTP/MSTP,
all ports operating in full-duplex mode are considered to be P2P ports unless manually overridden through
802.1D-1998/802.1D-2004/802.1Q-2005 Compatibility
MSTP or RSTP can interoperate with legacy equipment and are capable of automatically adjusting BPDU packets to
802.1D-1998 format when necessary. However, any segment using 802.1D-1998 STP will not benefit from the rapid
transition and rapid topology change detection of MSTP or RSTP. The protocol also includes a variable used for
migration in the event that legacy equipment on a segment is updated to use RSTP or MSTP.
The Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) operates on two levels:
On the Switch level, the settings are globally implemented.
On the port level, the settings are implemented on a user-defined group of ports.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
STP Global Settings
This window is used to display and configure the global STP settings.
To view the following window, click L2 Features > STP > STP Global Settings, as shown below:
Figure 5-46 STP Global Settings Window
The field that can be configured for STP State is described below:
STP State
Select to enable or disable the global STP state here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured for STP Traps are described below:
STP New Root Trap
Select to enable or disable the STP New Root Trap option here.
STP Topology Change Trap
Select to enable or disable the STP Topology Change Trap option here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured for STP Mode are described below:
STP Mode
Select the STP mode used here. Options to choose from are MSTP, RSTP,
and STP.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured for STP Priority are described below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Select the STP priority value here. This value is between 0 and 61440. By
default, this value is 32768. The lower the value, the higher the priority.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured for STP Configuration are described below:
Bridge Max Age
Enter the bridge Maximum Age value here. This value must be between 6 and
40 seconds. By default, this value is 20 seconds. The Maximum Age value may
be set to ensure that old information does not endlessly circulate through
redundant paths in the network, preventing the effective propagation of the new
information. Set by the Root Bridge, this value will aid in determining that the
Switch has spanning tree configuration values consistent with other devices on
the bridged LAN.
Bridge Hello Time
After selecting RSTP/STP as the Spanning Tree Mode, this parameter will be
available. Enter the bridge Hello Time value here. This value must be between
1 and 2 seconds. By default, this value is 2 seconds. This is the interval
between two transmissions of BPDU packets sent by the Root Bridge to tell all
other switches that it is indeed the Root Bridge. This field will only appear here
when STP or RSTP is selected for the STP version. For MSTP, the Hello Time
must be set on a port per-port basis.
Bridge Forward Time
Enter the bridge Forwarding Time value here. This value must be between 4
and 30 seconds. By default, this value is 15 seconds. Every port on the Switch
spends this time in the Listening state while moving from the Blocking state to
the Forwarding state.
TX Hold Count
Enter the Transmit Hold Count value here. This value must be between 1 and
10 times. By default, this value is 6 times. This value is used to set the
maximum number of Hello packets transmitted per interval.
Max Hops
Enter the maximum number of hops that are allowed. This value must be
between 6 and 40 hops. By default, this value is 20 hops. This value is used to
set the number of hops between devices in a spanning tree region before the
Bridge Protocol Data Unit (BPDU) packet sent by the Switch will be discarded.
Each Switch on the hop count will reduce the hop count by one until the value
reaches zero. The Switch will then discard the BDPU packet and the
information held for the port will age out.
NNI BPDU Address
Select the NNI BPDU Address option here. Options to choose from are Dot1d
and Dot1ad. By default, this option is Dot1d. This parameter is used to
determine the BPDU protocol address for STP in the service provider network.
It can use an 802.1d STP address and an 802.1ad service provider STP
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
STP Port Settings
This window is used to display and configure the STP port settings.
To view the following window, click L2 Features > STP > STP Port Settings, as shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 5-47 STP Port Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
From Port - To Port
Select the range of ports that will be used for this configuration here.
Enter the cost value here. This value must be between 1 and 200000000. This
value defines a metric that indicates the relative cost of forwarding packets to
the specified port list. Port cost can be set automatically or as a metric value.
The default value is 0 (auto). Setting 0 for the external cost will automatically
set the speed for forwarding packets to the specified port(s) in the list for
optimal efficiency. The default port cost for a 100Mbps port is 200000, a Gigabit
port is 20000, and a 10 Gigabit port is 2000. The lower the number, the greater
the probability the port will be chosen to forward packets.
Select to enable or disable the STP port state.
Guard Root
Select to enable or disable the Guard Root function.
Link Type
Select the Link Type option here. Options to choose from are Auto, P2P, and
Shared. A full-duplex port is considered to have a Point-to-Point (P2P)
connection. Alternatively, a half-duplex port is considered to have a Shared
connection. The port cannot transit into the forwarding state rapidly by setting
the link type to Shared. By default this option is Auto.
Port Fast
Select the Port Fast option here. Options to choose from are Network,
Disabled, and Edge.
In the Network mode the port will remain in the non-port-fast state for
three seconds. The port will change to the port-fast state if no BPDU is
received and changes to the forwarding state. If the port received the
BPDU later, it will change to the non-port-fast state.
In the Disable mode, the port will always be in the non-port-fast state. It
will always wait for the forward-time delay to change to the forwarding
In the Edge mode, the port will directly change to the spanning-tree
forwarding state when a link-up occurs without waiting for the forward-time
delay. If the interface receives a BPDU later, its operation state changes to
the non-port-fast state.
By default, this option is Network.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
TCN Filter
Select to enable or disable the TCN Filter option. When a port is set to the TCN
filter mode, the TC event received by the port will be ignored. By default, this
option is Disabled.
BPDU Forward
Select to enable or disable BPDU forwarding. If enabled, the received STP
BPDU will be forwarded to all VLAN member ports in the untagged form. By
default, this option is Disabled.
Select the priority value here. Options to choose from are 0 to 240. By default
this option is 0. A lower value has higher priority.
Hello Time
Enter the hello time value here. This value must be between 1 and 2 seconds.
This value specifies the interval that a designated port will wait between the
periodic transmissions of each configuration message.
Loop Guard
Select to enable or disable the Loop Guard feature on the specified port(s)
The STP Loop Guard feature provides additional protection against Layer 2
forwarding loops (STP loops). An STP loop is created when an STP blocking
port in a redundant topology erroneously transitions to the Forwarding state.
This usually happens because one of the ports in a physically redundant
topology (not necessarily the STP blocking port) no longer receives STP
BPDUs. In its operation, STP relies on continuous reception or transmission of
BPDUs based on the port role. The designated port transmits BPDUs, and the
non-designated port receives BPDUs.
When one of the ports in a physically redundant topology no longer receives
BPDUs, the STP considers the topology to be loop free. Eventually, an
alternate port that was previously a Blocking or Backup port becomes
Designated and moves to a Forwarding state. This situation creates a loop.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
MST Configuration Identification
This window is used to display and configure the MST configuration identification settings. These settings will uniquely
identify an MSTI configured on the Switch. The Switch initially possesses one Common Internal Spanning Tree (CIST)
of which the user may modify the parameters for but cannot change or delete the MSTI ID.
To view the following window, click L2 Features > STP > MST Configuration Identification, as shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 5-48 MST Configuration Identification Window
The fields that can be configured for MST Configuration Identification are described below:
Configuration Name
Enter the MST. This name uniquely identifies the MSTI (Multiple Spanning Tree
Instance). If a Configuration Name is not set, this field will show the MAC
address to the device running MSTP.
Revision Level
Enter the revision level value here. This value must be between 0 and 65535.
By default, this value is 0. This value, along with the Configuration Name,
identifies the MSTP region configured on the Switch.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
In the Private VLAN Synchronize section, the user can click the Apply button to synchronize the private VLANs.
The fields that can be configured for Instance ID Settings are described below:
Instance ID
Enter the instance ID here. This value must be between 1 and 64.
Select the action that will be taken here. Options to choose from are Add VID
and Remove VID.
VID List
Enter the VID list value here. This field is used to specify the VID range from
configured VLANs set on the Switch.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Edit button to re-configure the specific entry.
Click the Delete button to remove the specific entry.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
STP Instance
This window is used to display and configure the STP instance settings.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
To view the following window, click L2 Features > STP > STP Instance, as shown below:
Figure 5-49 STP Instance Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Instance Priority
After clicking the Edit button, enter the Instance Priority value here. The range
is from 0 to 61440.
Click the Edit button to re-configure the specific entry.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
MSTP Port Information
This window is used to display and configure the MSTP port information settings.
To view the following window, click L2 Features > STP > MSTP Port Information, as shown below:
Figure 5-50 MSTP Port Information Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this display here.
Select the port number that will be cleared here.
After clicking the Edit button, enter the cost value here. This value must be
between 1 and 200000000.
After clicking the Edit button, select the priority value here. Options to choose
from are 0 to 240. By default this option is 0. A lower value has higher priority.
Click the Clear Detected Protocol button to clear the detected protocol settings for the port selected.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Click the Find button to locate a specific entry based on the information entered.
Click the Edit button to re-configure the specific entry.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
ERPS (G.8032)
Ethernet Ring Protection Switching (ERPS) (ITU-T G.8032) integrates mature Ethernet Operations, Administration,
and Maintenance (OAM) functions and a simple Automatic Protection Switching (APS) protocol to provide sub-50ms
protection for Ethernet traffic in a ring topology. It ensures that there are no loops formed at the Ethernet layer.
One link within a ring will be blocked to avoid a Loop (RPL, Ring Protection Link). When the failure happens,
protection switching blocks the failed link and unblocks the RPL. When the failure clears, protection switching blocks
the RPL again and unblocks the link on which the failure is cleared.
This window is used to display and configure the Ethernet Ring Protection Switching (ERPS) settings. STP and
Loopback Detection (LBD) should be disabled on the ring ports before enabling ERPS. The ERPS cannot be enabled
before the R-APS VLAN ring ports, RPL port, and RPL owner are configured.
NOTE: Be aware that changing the ERPS version will lead to the restart of the running protocol.
To view the following window, click L2 Features > ERPS (G.8032) > ERPS, as shown below:
Figure 5-51 ERPS Window
The fields that can be configured in ERPS Version Settings are described below:
ERPS Version
G.8032v2 provides the following functions:
Supports multi-instance in a physical ring.
Supports operation commands: manual, force, and clear.
Supports to configure the sending of the R-APS PDU destination address
with the RING-ID of the physical ring.
If Ethernet ring nodes running ITU-T G.8032v1 and ITU-T G.8032v2 co-exist on
an Ethernet ring, the following configurations should be made on the G.8032v2
All physical ring IDs must have the default value of 1.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
The major ring instance and sub-ring instance of the interconnection node
must have different R-APS VLAN IDs.
Manual switch or force switch command must not exist.
The physical ring must have only one instance.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in Ethernet Ring G.8032 are described below:
Ring Name
Enter the Ethernet Ring Protection (ERP) instance name here. This name can
be up to 32 characters long.
Click the Apply button to create an ITU-T G.8032 ERP physical ring.
Click the Edit Ring button to modify an ITU-T G.8032 ERP physical ring.
Click the Show Detail button to view the ITU-T G.8032 ERP physical ring status information.
Click the Delete button to delete the specified ITU-T G.8032 ERP physical ring.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
After click the Edit Ring button, the following window will appear.
Figure 5-52 ERPS (Edit Ring) Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Instance ID
Select the checkbox and enter the ERP instance number here. This value must
be between 1 and 32. Select the Specify radio button to configure this
parameter as normal. Select the None radio button to revert this parameter to
the default setting.
Sub Ring Name
Select the checkbox and enter the physical ring’s sub-ring name here. This
name can be up to 32 characters long. Select the Specify radio button to
configure this parameter as normal. Select the None radio button to revert this
parameter to the default setting.
Select the checkbox and then select the Switch unit ID and the port number
that will be the first ring port of the physical ring. Select the Specify radio button
to configure this parameter as normal. Select the None radio button to revert
this parameter to the default setting.
Select the checkbox and then select the Switch unit ID and the port number
that will be the second ring port of the physical ring. Select the None option,
from the drop-down menu, specifies that the inter-connected node is a local
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
node endpoint of an open ring. Select the Specify radio button to configure this
parameter as normal. Select the None radio button to revert this parameter to
the default setting.
Ring ID
Select the checkbox and enter the ring ID here. The range is from 1 to 239.
Select the Specify radio button to configure this parameter as normal. Select
the None radio button to revert this parameter to the default setting.
Ring Type
Select the checkbox and then select the ring type here. Options to choose from
are Major Ring and Sub Ring.
Click the Back button to discard the changes made and return to the previous window.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
After click the Show Detail button, the following window will appear.
Figure 5-53 ERPS (View Detail) Window
Click the Back button to return to the previous window.
After selecting the ERPS Brief tab option, at the top of the page, the following page will be available.
Figure 5-54 ERPS (ERPS Brief) Window
Click the Edit Instance button to configure the ERP instance.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
After click the Edit Instance button, the following window will appear.
Figure 5-55 ERPS (ERPS Brief, Edit Instance) Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the checkbox and enter the ERP instance description here. This
description can be up to 64 characters long. Select the Specify radio button to
configure this parameter as normal. Select the None radio button to revert this
parameter to the default setting.
R-APS Channel VLAN
Select the checkbox and enter the R-APS channel VLAN ID for the ERP
instance here. The APS channel VLAN of a sub-ring instance is also the virtual
channel of the sub-ring. This value must be between 1 and 4094. Select the
Specify radio button to configure this parameter as per normal. Select the
None radio button to revert this parameter to the default setting.
Inclusion VLAN List
Select the checkbox and enter the inclusion VLAN list here. A range is
identified when a hyphen (-) is used. For example VLANs 1 to 5 can be entered
as 1-5. A list is identified when commas (,) are used. For example, use VLANs
1,3,5. The VLANs specified here will be protected by the ERP mechanism.
Select the Specify radio button to configure this parameter as normal. Select
the None radio button to revert this parameter to the default setting.
Select the checkbox and enter the ring MEL value of the ERP instance here.
This value must be between 0 and 7. The configured MEL value of all ring
nodes that participate in the same ERP instance should be identical. Select the
Specify radio button to configure this parameter as normal. Select the None
radio button to revert this parameter to the default setting.
Profile Name
Select the checkbox and enter the G.8032 profile name here that will be
associated with this ERP instance. Multiple ERP instances can be associated
with the same G.8032 profile. The instances associated with the same profile
protect the same set of VLANs, or the VLANs protected by one instance are a
subset of LANs protected by another instance. This name can be up to 32
characters long. Select the Specify radio button to configure this parameter as
normal. Select the None radio button to revert this parameter to the default
RPL Port
Select the checkbox and then select the RPL port option here. Options to
choose from are Port0 and Port1. The option selected will be configured as the
RPL port.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
RPL Role
Select the checkbox and then select whether this node is the RPL owner or
neighbor. Options to choose from are Owner and Neighbor. Select the
Specify radio button to configure this parameter as normal. Select the None
radio button to revert this parameter to the default setting.
Select the checkbox and then select whether or not to active this ERP instance.
Options to choose from are Enabled and Disabled. Enabling this option will
active this ERP instance.
Sub Ring Instance
Select the checkbox and enter the identifier of the ERP instance here. This is
used to specify the sub-ring instance of a physical ring instance. The range is
from 1 to 32. Select the Specify radio button to configure this parameter as
normal. Select the None radio button to revert this parameter to the default
Force Ring Port Block
Select the checkbox and select the ERP instance port that will be blocked here.
This forcibly blocks an instance port immediately after force is configured,
irrespective of whether link failures have occurred. Options to choose from are
Port0 and Port1.
Manual Ring Port Block
Select the checkbox and select the ERP instance port that will be blocked here.
This forcibly blocks a port on which MS is configured when link failures and FS
conditions are absent. Options to choose from are Port0 and Port1.
Click the Back button to discard the changes made and return to the previous window.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Clear button to clear the forced or manual configuration associated with this entry.
ERPS Profile
This window is used to display and configure the Ethernet Ring G.8032 Profile settings.
To view the following window, click L2 Features > ERPS (G.8032) > ERPS Profile, as shown below:
Figure 5-56 ERPS Profile Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Profile Name
Enter the G.8032 profile name here. This name can be up to 32 characters
long. Multiple ERP instances can be associated with the same G.8032 profile.
The instances associated with the same profile protect the same set of VLANs,
or the VLANs protected by one instance are a subset of LANs protected by
another instance.
Click the Apply button to associate the G.8032 profile with the ERP instance created.
Click the Edit button to modify the specified G.8032 profile.
Click the Delete button to disassociate the G.8032 profile.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
After click the Edit button, the following window will appear.
Figure 5-57 ERPS Profile (Edit) Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
TCN Propagation
Select the checkbox and then select the TCN propagation state. Options to
choose from are Enable and Disabled. This function is used to enable the
propagation of the topology change notifications from the sub-ERP instance to
the major instance.
Select the checkbox and then select the revertive state. Options to choose from
are Enable and Disabled. This function is used to revert back to the working
transport entity, for example, when the RPL is blocked.
Guard Timer
Select the checkbox and enter the guard timer value here. This value must be
between 10 and 2000 milliseconds. By default, this value is 500 milliseconds.
Hold-Off Timer
Select the checkbox and enter hold-off timer value here. This value must be
between 0 and 10 seconds. By default, this value is 0 seconds.
WTR Timer
Select the checkbox and enter the Wait To Restore (WTR) timer value here.
This value must be between 1 and 12 minutes. By default, this value is 5
Click the Back button to discard the changes made and return to the previous window.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Loopback Detection
The Loopback Detection (LBD) function is used to detect the loop created by a specific port. This feature is used to
temporarily shut down a port on the Switch when a CTP (Configuration Testing Protocol) packet has been looped
back to the Switch. When the Switch detects CTP packets received from a port or a VLAN, this signifies a loop on the
network. The Switch will automatically block the port or the VLAN and send an alert to the administrator. The
Loopback Detection port will restart (change to normal state) when the Loopback Detection Recover Time times out.
The Loopback Detection function can be implemented on a range of ports at a time. The user may enable or disable
this function using the drop-down menu.
To view the following window, click L2 Features > Loopback Detection, as shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 5-58 Loopback Detection Window
The fields that can be configured in Loopback Detection Global Settings are described below:
Loopback Detection State
Select to enable or disable loopback detection. The default is Disabled.
Select the loopback detection mode. Options to choose from are Port-based
and VLAN-based.
Enabled VLAN ID List
Enter the VLAN ID for loop detection. This only takes effect when VLAN-based
is selected in the Mode drop-down list.
Enter the interval in seconds that the device will use to transmit Configuration
Test Protocol (CTP) packets to detect a loopback event. The valid range is from
1 to 32767 seconds. The default setting is 10 seconds.
Trap State
Select to enable or disable the loopback detection trap state.
Action Mode
Select the action mode here. Option to choose from are:
Shutdown - Specifies to shut down the port in the port-based mode or
block traffic on the specific VLAN in the VLAN-based mode when a loop
has been detected.
None - Specifies not to shut down the port in the port-based mode or block
traffic on the specific VLAN in the VLAN-based mode when a loop has
been detected.
Address Type
Select the address type here. Options to choose from are Multicast and
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in Loopback Detection Port Settings are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
From Port - To Port
Select the appropriate port range used for the configuration here.
Select this option to enable or disable the state of the port.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Link Aggregation
Understanding Port Trunk Groups
Port trunk groups are used to combine a number of ports together to make a single high-bandwidth data pipeline. The
Switch supports up to 32 port trunk groups with up to 8 ports in each group.
Figure 5-59 Example of Port Trunk Group
The Switch treats all ports in a trunk group as a single port. Data transmitted to a specific host (destination address)
will always be transmitted over the same port in a trunk group. This allows packets in a data stream to arrive in the
same order they were sent.
Link aggregation allows several ports to be grouped together and to act as a single link. This results in a bandwidth
that is a multiple of a single link's bandwidth.
Link aggregation is most commonly used to link bandwidth intensive network devices, such as servers, to the
backbone of a network.
The Switch allows the creation of up to 32 link aggregation groups, each group consisting of up to 8 links (ports). Each
port can only belong to a single link aggregation group.
Load balancing is automatically applied to the ports in the aggregated group, and a link failure within the group causes
the network traffic to be directed to the remaining links in the group.
The Spanning Tree Protocol will treat a link aggregation group as a single link. If two redundant link aggregation
groups are configured on the Switch, STP will block one entire group; in the same way STP will block a single port that
has a redundant link.
NOTE: If any ports within the trunk group become disconnected, packets intended for the
disconnected port will be load shared among the other linked ports of the link aggregation
This window is used to display and configure the link aggregation settings. To view the following window, click L2
Features > Link Aggregation, as shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 5-60 Link Aggregation Window
The fields that can be configured for Link Aggregation are described below:
System Priority
Enter the system priority value used here. This value must be between 1 and
65535. By default, this value is 32768. The system priority determines which
ports can join a port-channel and which ports are put in the stand-alone mode.
The lower value has a higher priority. If two or more ports have the same
priority, the port number determines the priority.
Load Balance Algorithm
Select the load balancing algorithm that will be used here. Options to choose
from are Source MAC, Destination MAC, Source Destination MAC, Source
IP, Destination IP, Source Destination IP, Source L4 Port, Destination L4
Port, and Source Destination L4 Port. By default, this option is Source
Destination MAC.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured for Channel Group Information are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
From Port - To Port
Select the list of ports that will be associated with this configuration here.
Group ID
Enter the channel group number here. This value must be between 1 and 32.
The system will automatically create the port-channel when a physical port first
joins a channel group. An interface can only join one channel-group.
Select the mode option here. Options to choose from are On, Active, and
Passive. If the mode On is specified, the channel group type is static. If the
mode Active or Passive is specified, the channel group type is LACP. A
channel group can only consist of either static members or LACP members.
Once the type of channel group has been determined, other types of interfaces
cannot join the channel group.
Click the Add button to add a new channel group.
Click the Delete Member Port button, to delete the member port(s) specified from the group.
Click the Delete Channel button to delete the specified channel group.
Click the Show Detail button to view more detailed information about the channel.
After clicking the Show Detail button, the following page will be available.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 5-61 Link Aggregation (Show Detail) Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Enter the description for the port channel here. This string can be up to 64
characters long.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Delete Description button to delete the description for the port channel.
Click the Edit button to re-configure the specific entry.
Click the Back button to return to the previous page.
L2 Protocol Tunnel
This window is used to display and configure the Layer 2 protocol tunnel settings.
To view the following window, click L2 Features > L2 Protocol Tunnel, as shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 5-62 L2 Protocol Tunnel (L2 Protocol Tunnel Global Setting) Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
CoS for Encapsulated
Select the CoS value for encapsulated packets here. This value is between 0
and 7. Select the Default option to use the default value.
Drop Threshold
Enter the drop threshold value here. This value must be between 100 and
20000. By default, this value is 0. The tunneling of the Layer 2 protocol packets
will consume CPU processing power in encapsulating, decapsulating, and
forwarding of the packet. Use this option to restrict the CPU processing
bandwidth consumed by specifying a threshold on the number of all Layer 2
protocol packets that can be processed by the system. When the maximum
number of packets is exceeded, the excessive protocol packets are dropped.
Select the Default option to use the default value.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
After selecting the L2 Protocol Tunnel Port Setting tab option, at the top of the page, the following page will be
Figure 5-63 L2 Protocol Tunnel (L2 Protocol Tunnel Port Setting) Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
From Port - To Port
Select the range of ports that will be used for this configuration here.
Select Add to add a new entry based in the information entered.
Select Delete to delete an entry based in the information entered.
Select the type option here. Options to choose from are None, Shutdown, and
Tunneled Protocol
Select the tunneled protocol option here. Options to choose from are GVRP,
STP, Protocol MAC, and All.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Protocol MAC
After selecting the Protocol MAC option as the Tunneled Protocol, the
following option will be available. Select the protocol MAC option here. Options
to choose from are 01-00-0C-CC-CC-CC and 01-00-0C-CC-CC-CD.
After selecting the Shutdown or Drop option in the Type field, the following
parameter will be available. Enter the threshold value here. This value must be
between 1 and 4096.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Clear All button to clear all the counter information.
Click the Clear button to clear all the counter information of the specific entry.
L2 Multicast Control
IGMP Snooping
Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) snooping allows the Switch to recognize IGMP queries and reports sent
between network stations or devices and an IGMP host.
IGMP Snooping Settings
In order to use IGMP Snooping it must first be enabled for the entire Switch under IGMP Global Settings at the top of
the window. You may then fine-tune the settings for each VLAN by clicking the corresponding Edit button. When
enabled for IGMP snooping, the Switch can open or close a port to a specific multicast group member based on IGMP
messages sent from the device to the IGMP host or vice versa. The Switch monitors IGMP messages and
discontinues forwarding multicast packets when there are no longer hosts requesting that they continue.
To view the following window, click L2 Features > L2 Multicast Control > IGMP Snooping > IGMP Snooping
Settings, as shown below:
Figure 5-64 IGMP Snooping Settings Window
The fields that can be configured in Global Settings are described below:
Global State
Select this option to globally enable or disable IGMP snooping.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in VLAN Status Settings are described below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Enter a VLAN ID from 1 to 4094, and select to enable or disable IGMP
snooping on the VLAN.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in IGMP Snooping Table are described below:
Enter a VLAN ID from 1 to 4094.
Click the Find button to locate a specific entry based on the information entered.
Click the Show All button to view all the entries.
Click the Show Detail button to see the detail information of the specific VLAN.
Click the Edit button to re-configure the specific entry.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
After clicking the Show Detail button, the following window will appear.
Figure 5-65 IGMP Snooping Settings (Show Detail) Window
The window displays the detail information about IGMP snooping VLAN.
Click the Modify button to edit the information in the following window.
After clicking the Modify or Edit button in IGMP Snooping Settings window, the following window will appear.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 5-66 IGMP Snooping Settings (Modify, Edit) Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Minimum Version
Select the minimum IGMP host version that is allowed on the VLAN. Options to
choose from are 1, 2, and 3.
Fast Leave
Select this option to enable or disable the IGMP snooping Fast Leave function.
If enabled, the membership is immediately removed when the system receives
the IGMP leave message.
Report Suppression
Select this option to enable or disable the report suppression. The report
suppression function only works for IGMPv1 and IGMPv2 traffic. When report
suppression is enabled, the Switch suppresses the duplicate reports sent by
hosts. The suppression for the same group report or leave will continue until the
suppression time expires. For report or leave messages to the same group,
only one report or leave message is forwarded. The remaining report and leave
messages are suppressed.
Suppression Time
Enter the interval of suppressing duplicate IGMP reports or leaves. The range
is from 1 to 300.
Querier State
Select this option to enable or disable the querier state.
Query Version
Select the general query packet version sent by the IGMP snooping querier.
Options to choose from are 1, 2, and 3.
Query Interval
Enter the interval at which the IGMP snooping querier sends IGMP general
query messages periodically. The range is from 1 to 31744.
Max Response Time
Enter the maximum response time, in seconds, advertised in IGMP snooping
queries. The range is from 1 to 25.
Robustness Value
Enter the robustness variable used in IGMP snooping. The range is from 1 to 7.
Las Member Query Interval
Enter the interval at which the IGMP snooping querier sends IGMP group-
specific or group-source-specific (channel) query messages. The range is from
1 to 25.
Proxy Reporting
Select this option to enable or disable the proxy-reporting function.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Source Address
Enter the source IP of proxy reporting. This is available when Enabled is
selected in Proxy Reporting.
Rate Limit
Enter the rate limit value here. The range is from 1 to 1000. Tick the No Limit
option to apply no rate limit on this profile.
Ignore Topology Change
Select to enable or disable the Ignore Topology Change feature here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
IGMP Snooping AAA Settings
This window is used to display and configure the IGMP snooping AAA settings.
To view the following window, click L2 Features > L2 Multicast Control > IGMP Snooping > IGMP Snooping AAA
Settings, as shown below:
Figure 5-67 IGMP Snooping AAA Settings Window, accounting
The fields that can be configured in IGMP Snooping AAA Settings are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
From Port - To Port
Select the range of ports that will be used for this configuration here.
Select to enable or disable authentication here. This is used to enable or
disable the authentication function for IGMP join messages. When enabled and
the client wants to join a group, the system will perform authentication first.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in IGMP Snooping AAA Table are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this display here.
From Port - To Port
Select the range of ports that will be used for this display here.
Click the Find button to generate the display based on the selections made.
Click the Show All button to display all the available entries.
IGMP Snooping Groups Settings
This window is used to display and configure the IGMP snooping static group, and view IGMP snooping group.
To view the following window, click L2 Features > L2 Multicast Control > IGMP Snooping > IGMP Snooping
Groups Settings, as shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 5-68 IGMP Snooping Groups Settings Window
The fields that can be configured in IGMP Snooping Static Groups Settings are described below:
Enter a VLAN ID of the multicast group. The range is from 1 to 4094.
Group Address
Enter an IP multicast group address.
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
From Port - To Port
Select the appropriate port range used for the configuration here.
Click the radio button and enter a VLAN ID of the multicast group. The range is
from 1 to 4094.
Group Address
Click the radio button and enter an IP multicast group address.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Delete button to remove the specified entry.
Click the Find button to locate a specific entry based on the information entered.
Click the Show All button to view all the entries.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
The fields that can be configured in IGMP Snooping Groups Table are described below:
Click the radio button and enter a VLAN ID of the multicast group. The range is
from 1 to 4094.
Group Address
Click the radio button and enter an IP multicast group address.
Select this option to display the IGMP group detail information.
Click the Find button to locate a specific entry based on the information entered.
Click the Show All button to view all the entries.
IGMP Snooping Statistics Settings
This window is used to view and clear the IGMP snooping related statistics.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
To view the following window, click L2 Features > L2 Multicast Control > IGMP Snooping > IGMP Snooping
Statistics Settings, as shown below:
Figure 5-69 IGMP Snooping Statistics Settings Window
The fields that can be configured in IGMP Snooping Statistics Settings are described below:
Select the interface here. Options to choose from are All, VLAN, and Port.
Enter a VLAN ID between 1 and 4094. This is available when VLAN is selected
in the Statistics drop-down list.
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here. This is
available when Port is selected in the Statistics drop-down list.
From Port - To Port
Select the appropriate port range used for the configuration here. This is
available when Port is selected in the Statistics drop-down list.
Click the Clear button to clear the IGMP snooping related statistics.
The fields that can be configured in IGMP Snooping Statistics Table are described below:
Find Type
Select the interface type. Options to choose from are VLAN, and Port.
Enter a VLAN ID between 1 and 4094. This is available when VLAN is selected
in the Find Type drop-down list.
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here. This is
available when Port is selected in the Find Type drop-down list.
From Port - To Port
Select the appropriate port range used for the configuration here. This is
available when Port is selected in the Find Type drop-down list.
Click the Find button to locate a specific entry based on the information entered.
Click the Show All button to view all the entries.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
MLD Snooping
Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) Snooping is an IPv6 function used similarly to IGMP snooping in IPv4. It is used to
discover ports on a VLAN that are requesting multicast data. Instead of flooding all ports on a selected VLAN with
multicast traffic, MLD snooping will only forward multicast data to ports that wish to receive this data through the use
of queries and reports produced by the requesting ports and the source of the multicast traffic.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
MLD snooping is accomplished through the examination of the layer 3 part of an MLD control packet transferred
between end nodes and a MLD router. When the Switch discovers that this route is requesting multicast traffic, it adds
the port directly attached to it into the correct IPv6 multicast table, and begins the process of forwarding multicast
traffic to that port. This entry in the multicast routing table records the port, the VLAN ID, and the associated multicast
IPv6 multicast group address, and then considers this port to be an active listening port. The active listening ports are
the only ones to receive multicast group data.
MLD Control Messages
These types of messages are transferred between devices using MLD snooping. These messages are all defined by
four ICMPv6 packet headers, labeled 130, 131, 132, and 143.
Multicast Listener Query - Similar to the IGMPv2 Host Membership Query for IPv4, and labeled as 130 in the
ICMPv6 packet header, this message is sent by the router to ask if any link is requesting multicast data. There
are two types of MLD query messages emitted by the router: the General Query, which is used to advertise all
multicast addresses that are ready to send multicast data to all listening ports, and the Multicast Specific query,
which is used to advertise a specific multicast address that is also ready. These two types of messages are
distinguished by a multicast destination address located in the IPv6 header and a multicast address in the
Multicast Listener Query Message.
Multicast Listener Report, Version 1 - Comparable to the Host Membership Report in IGMPv2, and labeled
as 131 in the ICMP packet header, this message is sent by the listening port to the Switch stating that it is
interested in receiving multicast data from a multicast address in response to the Multicast Listener Query
Multicast Listener Done - Similar to the Leave Group Message in IGMPv2, and labeled as 132 in the ICMPv6
packet header, this message is sent by the multicast listening port stating that it is no longer interested in
receiving multicast data from a specific multicast group address, therefore stating that it is “done” with the
multicast data from this address. Once this message is received by the Switch, it will no longer forward
multicast traffic from a specific multicast group address to this listening port.
Multicast Listener Report, Version 2 - Comparable to the Host Membership Report in IGMPv3, and labeled
as 143 in the ICMP packet header, this message is sent by the listening port to the Switch stating that it is
interested in receiving multicast data from a multicast address in response to the Multicast Listener Query
MLD Snooping Settings
This window is used to display and configure the MLD snooping settings.
To view the following window, click L2 Features > L2 Multicast Control > MLD Snooping > MLD Snooping
Settings, as shown below:
Figure 5-70 MLD Snooping Settings Window
The fields that can be configured in Global Settings are described below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Global State
Select this option to enable or disable the global MLD snooping state.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in VLAN Status Settings are described below:
Enter a VLAN ID from 1 to 4094, and select to enable or disable MLD snooping
on the VLAN.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in MLD Snooping Table are described below:
Enter a VLAN ID from 1 to 4094.
Click the Find button to locate a specific entry based on the information entered.
Click the Show All button to view all the entries.
Click the Show Detail button to see the detail information of the specific VLAN.
Click the Edit button to re-configure the specific entry.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
After clicking the Show Detail button, the following window will appear.
Figure 5-71 MLD Snooping Settings (Show Detail) Window
The window displays the detail information about MLD snooping VLAN.
Click the Modify button to edit the information in the following window.
After clicking the Modify or Edit button in MLD Snooping Settings window, the following window will appear.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 5-72 MLD Snooping Settings (Modify, Edit) Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Minimum Version
Select the minimum version of MLD hosts that is allowed on the VLAN. Options
to choose from are 1 and 2.
Fast Leave
Select this option to enable or disable the MLD snooping Fast Leave function. If
enabled, the membership is immediately removed when the system receives
the MLD leave message.
Report Suppression
Select this option to enable or disable the report suppression.
Suppression Time
Enter the interval of suppressing duplicate MLD reports or leaves. The range is
from 1 to 300.
Proxy Reporting
Select this option to enable or disable the proxy-reporting function.
Source Address
Enter the source IP of proxy reporting. This is available when Enabled is
selected in Proxy Reporting.
Mrouter Port Learning
Select this option to enable or disable Mrouter port learning.
Querier State
Select this option to enable or disable the querier state.
Query Version
Select the general query packet version sent by the MLD snooping querier.
Options to choose from are 1, and 2.
Query Interval
Enter the interval at which the MLD snooping querier sends MLD general query
messages periodically. The range is from 1 to 31744.
Max Response Time
Enter the maximum response time, in seconds, advertised in MLD snooping
queries. The range is from 1 to 25.
Robustness Value
Enter the robustness variable used in MLD snooping. The range is from 1 to 7.
Last Listener Query Interval
Enter the interval at which the MLD snooping querier sends MLD group-specific
or group-source-specific (channel) query messages. The range is from 1 to 25.
Rate Limit
Enter the rate limit value here. The range is from 1 to 1000. Tick the No Limit
option to apply no rate limit on this profile.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Ignore Topology Change
Select to enable or disable the Ignore Topology Change feature here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
MLD Snooping Groups Settings
This window is used to display and configure the MLD snooping static group, and view MLD snooping group.
To view the following window, click L2 Features > L2 Multicast Control > MLD Snooping > MLD Snooping Groups
Settings, as shown below:
Figure 5-73 MLD Snooping Groups Settings Window
The fields that can be configured in MLD Snooping Static Groups Settings are described below:
Enter the VLAN ID of the multicast group here. The range is from 1 to 4094.
Group Address
Enter the IPv6 multicast group address here.
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
From Port - To Port
Select the appropriate port range used for the configuration here.
Click the radio button and enter a VLAN ID of the multicast group. The range is
from 1 to 4094.
Group Address
Click the radio button and enter an IP multicast group address.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Delete button to remove the specified entry.
Click the Find button to locate a specific entry based on the information entered.
Click the Show All button to view all the entries.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
The fields that can be configured in MLD Snooping Groups Table are described below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Click the radio button and enter a VLAN ID of the multicast group. The range is
from 1 to 4094.
Group Address
Click the radio button and enter an IP multicast group address.
Select this option to display the MLD group detail information.
Click the Find button to locate a specific entry based on the information entered.
Click the Show All button to view all the entries.
MLD Snooping Mrouter Settings
This window is used to display and configure the specified interface(s) as the router ports or forbidden to be IPv6
multicast router ports on the VLAN interface on the Switch.
To view the following window, click L2 Features > L2 Multicast Control > MLD Snooping > MLD Snooping
Mrouter Settings, as shown below:
Figure 5-74 MLD Snooping Mrouter Settings Window
The fields that can be configured in MLD Snooping Mrouter Settings are described below:
Enter a VLAN ID between 1 and 4094.
Select the port configuration. Options to choose from are Port, Forbidden
Port, and Learn PIMv6.
Port - Select to have the configured ports as being connected to multicast-
enabled routers.
Forbidden Port - Select to have the configured ports as being not
connected to multicast-enabled routers.
Learn PIMv6 - Select to enable dynamic learning of multicast router port.
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
From Port - To Port
Select the appropriate port range used for the configuration here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Delete button to remove the specified entry.
The fields that can be configured in MLD Snooping Mrouter Table are described below:
Enter a VLAN ID between 1 and 4094.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Click the Find button to locate a specific entry based on the information entered.
Click the Show All button to view all the entries.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
MLD Snooping Statistics Settings
This window is used to view and clear the MLD snooping related statistics.
To view the following window, click L2 Features > L2 Multicast Control > MLD Snooping > MLD Snooping
Statistics Settings, as shown below:
Figure 5-75 MLD Snooping Statistics Settings Window
The fields that can be configured in MLD Snooping Statistics Settings are described below:
Select the interface here. Options to choose from are All, VLAN, and Port.
Enter a VLAN ID between 1 and 4094. This is available when VLAN is selected
in the Statistics drop-down list.
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here. This is
available when Port is selected in the Statistics drop-down list.
From Port - To Port
Select the appropriate port range used for the configuration here. This is
available when Port is selected in the Statistics drop-down list.
Click the Clear button to clear the MLD snooping related statistics.
The fields that can be configured in MLD Snooping Statistics Table are described below:
Find Type
Select the interface type. Options to choose from are VLAN, and Port.
Enter a VLAN ID between 1 and 4094. This is available when VLAN is selected
in the Find Type drop-down list.
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here. This is
available when Port is selected in the Find Type drop-down list.
From Port - To Port
Select the appropriate port range used for the configuration here. This is
available when Port is selected in the Find Type drop-down list.
Click the Find button to locate a specific entry based on the information entered.
Click the Show All button to view all the entries.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Multicast VLAN
Multicast VLAN Settings
This window is used to display and configure the multicast VLAN settings.
To view the following window, click L2 Features > L2 Multicast Control > Multicast VLAN > Multicast VLAN
Settings, as shown below:
Figure 5-76 Multicast VLAN Settings Window
The fields that can be configured in Multicast VLAN Global Settings are described below:
Multicast VLAN IPv4 State
Select to enable or disable the IPv4 IGMP control packet process in multicast
Forward Unmatched
Select the enable or disable the Forward Unmatched feature here. This
specifies that if the received IGMP or MLD control packet is untagged, does not
match any profile, and the associated default VLAN is a multicast VLAN, or is
tagged with a multicast VLAN, but does not match the associated profile, then
the packet will be forwarded or dropped based on this setting. By default, the
packet will be dropped.
Multicast VLAN IPv6 State
Select to enable or disable the IPv6 MLD control packet process in multicast
Ignore VLAN
Select the enable or disable the ignore VLAN feature here. This specifies the
setting for tagged IGMP or MLD control packets. If enabled, then the packet’s
VLAN is ignored and taken to match the profile to find its multicast VLAN. When
this option is enabled, the Switch will ignore the VLAN of the receiving IGMP or
MLD control packet and try to find a match profile.
Enter the VLAN ID of the multicast VLAN that will be created or deleted here.
The range is 2 to 4094.
Enter the VLAN name of the multicast VLAN that will be created or deleted
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Click the Delete button to delete an entry based on the information entered.
Click the Add button to add a new entry based on the information entered.
The fields that can be configured in Member Port Settings are described below:
Enter the multicast VLAN ID that will be used here. The range is 2 to 4094.
Select Add to add a new entry based in the information entered.
Select Delete to delete an entry based in the information entered.
Select the role here. Options to choose from are Receiver and Source.
Receiver - Specifies to configure the port as a subscriber port that can
only receive multicast data in the multicast VLAN.
Source - Specifies to configure the port as an uplink port that can send
multicast data in the multicast VLAN.
Select the type here. Options to choose from are Tagged and Untagged.
Tagged - Specifies that if a port is a tagged member, the packets sent
from the port are tagged with the Multicast VLAN ID.
Untagged - Specifies that if the port is an untagged member, then the
packets will be forwarded in the untagged form.
Select the Switch unit ID that will be used here.
From Port - To Port
Select the Switch port range that will be used here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in Replace Source IP Settings are described below:
Enter the multicast VLAN ID that will be used here. The range is 2 to 4094.
Select Add to add a new entry based in the information entered.
Select Delete to delete an entry based in the information entered.
Address Type
Select the address type here. Options to choose from are IPv4 and IPv6.
IPv4 - Specifies to enter the source IPv4 address for IGMP control packet
reporting up to routers.
IPv6 - Specifies to enter the source IPv6 address for MLD control packet
reporting up to routers.
IP Address
Enter the IPv4/IPv6 address here.
Select the “from” option here. Options to choose from are Receiver, Source,
and Both.
Receiver - Specifies that the source IPv4/IPv6 address of the IGMP/MLD
report/leave packet received on any multicast VLAN receiver port will be
Source - Specifies that the source IPv4/IPv6 address of the IGMP/MLD
report/leave packet received on any multicast VLAN source port will be
Both - Specifies that the source IPv4/IPv6 address of the IGMP/MLD
report/leave packet received on any port in the multicast VLAN will be
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
The fields that can be configured in Multicast VLAN Table are described below:
Enter the multicast VLAN ID that will be used here. The range is 2 to 4094.
Click the Find button to locate a specific entry based on the information entered.
Click the Show All button to view all the entries.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
Multicast VLAN Group Settings
This widow is used to view and configure the multicast VLAN group settings.
To view the following window, click L2 Features > L2 Multicast Control > Multicast VLAN > Multicast VLAN Group
Settings, as shown below:
Figure 5-77 Multicast VLAN Group Settings Window
The fields that can be configured in Group Profile Settings are described below:
Profile Name
Enter the group profile name for the multicast VLAN feature here. This name
can be up to 32 characters long.
Select the action that will be taken here. Options to choose from are Add and
Delete. Multiple ranges can be added to a multicast VLAN profile. The IP
address ranges, specified in a single profile, must be of the same address
Address Type
Select the address type here. Options to choose from are IPv4 and IPv6.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
IPv4 - Specifies to use IPv4 multicast addresses in the range.
IPv6 - Specifies to use IPv6 multicast addresses in the range.
From IP Address
Enter the source IPv4/IPv6 address here.
To IP Address
Enter the destination IPv4/IPv6 address here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in Access Group Settings are described below:
Enter the multicast VLAN ID that will be used here. The range is 1 to 4094.
Profile Name
Enter the group profile name for the multicast VLAN feature here. This name
can be up to 32 characters long.
Select the action that will be taken here. Options to choose from are Add and
Delete. This is to add or delete the multicast group entirely.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in Group Profile Table are described below:
Profile Name
Enter the group profile name for the multicast VLAN feature here. This name
can be up to 32 characters long.
Click the Find button to locate a specific entry based on the information entered.
Click the Show All button to display all the entries.
Click the Delete All button to delete all the entries found in the display table.
Click the Delete button to delete the specified entry.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
The fields that can be configured in Access Group Table are described below:
Enter the multicast VLAN ID that will be used here. The range is 1 to 4094.
Click the Find button to locate a specific entry based on the information entered.
Click the Show All button to display all the entries.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
Multicast Filtering
This window is used to display and configure the Layer 2 multicast filtering settings.
To view the following window, click L2 Features > L2 Multicast Control > Multicast Filtering, as shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 5-78 Multicast Filtering Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
VID List
Enter the VLAN ID list that will be used for this configuration here.
Multicast Filter Mode
Select the multicast filter mode here. Options to choose from are Forward
Unregistered, Forward All, and Filter Unregistered.
When selecting the Forward Unregistered option, registered multicast
packets will be forwarded based on the forwarding table and all
unregistered multicast packets will be flooded based on the VLAN domain.
When selecting the Forward All option, all multicast packets will be
flooded based on the VLAN domain.
When selecting the Filter Unregistered option, registered packets will be
forwarded based on the forwarding table and all unregistered multicast
packets will be filtered.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
LLDP Global Settings
This window is used to display and configure the global LLDP settings.
To view the following window, click L2 Features > LLDP > LLDP Global Settings, as shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 5-79 LLDP Global Settings Window
The fields that can be configured in LLDP Global Settings are described below:
LLDP State
Select this option to enable or disable the LLDP feature
LLDP Forward State
Select this option to enable or disable LLDP forward state. When the LLDP
State is disabled and LLDP Forward Sate is enabled, the received LLDPDU
packet will be forwarded.
LLDP Trap State
Select this option to enable or disable the LLDP trap state.
LLDP-MED Trap State
Select this option to enable or disable the LLDP-MED trap state.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in LLDP-MED Settings are described below:
Fast Start Repeat
Enter the LLDP-MED fast start repeat count value. This value must be between 1
and 10.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in LLDP Configurations are described below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Message TX Interval
Enter the interval between consecutive transmissions of LLDP advertisements
on each physical interface. The range is from 5 to 32768 seconds.
Message TX Hold Multiplier
Enter the multiplier on the LLDPDUs transmission interval that used to calculate
the TTL value of an LLDPDU. This value must be between 2 and 10.
ReInit Delay
Enter the delay value for LLDP initialization on an interface. This value must be
between 1 and 10 seconds.
TX Delay
Enter the delay value for sending successive LLDPDUs on an interface. The
valid values are from 1 to 8192 seconds and should not be greater than one-
fourth of the transmission interval timer.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
LLDP Port Settings
This window is used to display and configure the LLDP port settings.
To view the following window, click L2 Features > LLDP > LLDP Port Settings, as shown below:
Figure 5-80 LLDP Port Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
From Port - To Port
Select the appropriate port range used for the configuration here.
Select to enable or disable the notification feature here.
Select the subtype of LLDP TLV(s). Options to choose from are MAC Address,
and Local.
Admin State
Select the local LLDP agent and allow it to send and receive LLDP frames on
the port. Options to choose from are TX, RX, TX and RX, and Disabled.
TX - The local LLDP agent can only transmit LLDP frames.
RX - The local LLDP agent can only receive LLDP frames.
TX and RX - The local LLDP agent can both transmit and receive LLDP
Disabled - The local LLDP agent can neither transmit nor receive LLDP
The default value is TX and RX.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
IP Subtype
Select the type of the IP address information to be sent. Options to choose from
are Default, IPv4 and IPv6.
Select the action that will be taken here. Options to choose from are Remove
and Add.
Enter the IP address that will be sent.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
NOTE: The IPv4 or IPv6 address entered here should be an existing LLDP management IP address.
LLDP Management Address List
This window is used to view the LLDP management address list.
To view the following window, click L2 Features > LLDP > LLDP Management Address List, as shown below:
Figure 5-81 LLDP Management Address List Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the subtype. Options to choose from are All, IPv4 and IPv6. After
selecting the IPv4 option, enter the IPv4 address in the space provided. After
selecting the IPv6 option, enter the IPv6 address in the space provided.
Click the Find button to locate a specific entry based on the selection made.
LLDP Basic TLVs Settings
The Type-Length-Value (TLV) field allows specific information to be sent within LLDP packets. This window is used to
configure basic TLV settings. An active LLDP port on the Switch always includes mandatory data in its outbound
advertisements. There are four optional data types that can be configured to exclude one or more of these data types
from outbound LLDP advertisements. The mandatory data type includes four basic types of TLVs: end of LLDPDU
TLV, chassis ID TLV, port ID TLV, and TTL TLV. The mandatory data types cannot be disabled. There are also four
data types which can be optionally selected. These include: Port Description, System Name, System Description and
System Capability.
To view the following window, click L2 Features > LLDP > LLDP Basic TLVs Settings, as shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 5-82 LLDP Basic TLVs Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
From Port - To Port
Select the appropriate port range used for the configuration here.
Port Description
Select this option to enable or disable the Port Description option.
System Name
Select this option to enable or disable the System Name option.
System Description
Select this option to enable or disable the System Description option.
System Capabilities
Select this option to enable or disable the System Capabilities option.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
LLDP Dot1 TLVs Settings
The LLDP Dot1 TLVs Settings page is used to enable or disable outbound LLDP advertisements for IEEE 802.1
organizationally unique port VLAN ID TLVs.
To view the following window, click L2 Features > LLDP > LLDP Dot1 TLVs Settings, as shown below:
Figure 5-83 LLDP Dot1 TLVs Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
From Port - To Port
Select the appropriate port range used for the configuration here.
Select this option to enable or disable sending the port VLAN ID TLV. The Port
VLAN ID TLV is an optional fixed length TLV that allows a VLAN bridge port to
advertise the port VLAN ID (PVID) that will be associated with untagged or
priority tagged frames.
Protocol VLAN
Select this option to enable or disable sending the Port and Protocol VLAN ID
Select this option to enable or disable sending the VLAN name TLV. Enter the
ID of the VLAN in the VLAN name TLV.
Protocol Identity
Select this option to enable or disable sending the Protocol Identity TLV and
the protocol name. Options for protocol name to choose from are None,
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
LLDP Dot3 TLVs Settings
The LLDP Dot3 TLVs Settings page is used to enable or disable outbound LLDP advertisements for IEEE 802.3
organizationally unique TLVs.
To view the following window, click L2 Features > LLDP > LLDP Dot3 TLVs Settings, as shown below:
Figure 5-84 LLDP Dot3 TLVs Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
From Port - To Port
Select the appropriate port range used for the configuration here.
Select this option to enable or disable the MAC/PHY Configuration/Status TLV
to send. The MAC/PHY Configuration/Status TLV is an optional TLV that
identifies (1) the duplex and bit-rate capability of the sending IEEE 802.3 LAN
node, and (2) the current duplex and bit-rate settings of the sending IEEE 802.3
LAN node.
Link Aggregation
Select this option to enable or disable the Link Aggregation TLV to send. The
Link Aggregation TLV indicates contains the following information. Whether the
link is capable of being aggregated, whether the link is currently in an
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
aggregation, and the aggregated port channel ID of the port. If the port is not
aggregated, then the ID is 0.
Maximum Frame Size
Select this option to enable or disable the Maximum Frame Size TLV to send.
The Maximum Frame Size TLV indicates the maximum frame size capability of
the implemented MAC and PHY.
Energy-Efficient Ethernet
Select this option to enable or disable the Energy Efficient Ethernet TLV to
send. The Energy Efficient Ethernet TLV indicates the reduce energy
consumption capability of a link when no packets are being sent.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
LLDP-MED Port Settings
The LLDP-MED Port Settings page is used to enable or disable outbound LLDP advertisements for LLDP-MED TLVs.
To view the following window, click L2 Features > LLDP > LLDP-MED Port Settings, as shown below:
Figure 5-85 LLDP-MED Port Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
From Port - To Port
Select the appropriate port range used for the configuration here.
Select this option to enable or disable transmitting the LLDP-MED notification
Select this option to enable or disable transmitting the LLDP-MED capabilities
Select this option to enable or disable transmitting the LLDP-MED inventory
management TLV.
Network Policy
Select this option to enable or disable transmitting the LLDP-MED network
policy TLV.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
LLDP Statistics Information
This window is used to view the neighbor detection activity, LLDP Statistics and the settings for individual ports on the
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
To view the following window, click L2 Features > LLDP > LLDP Statistics Information, as shown below:
Figure 5-86 LLDP Statistics Information Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used here.
Select the port number that will be used here.
Click the Clear Counter button to clear the counter information for the statistics displayed.
Click the Clear All button to clear all the counter information displayed.
LLDP Local Port Information
This window is used to display the information currently available for populating outbound LLDP advertisements.
To view the following window, click L2 Features > LLDP > LLDP Local Port Information, as shown below:
Figure 5-87 LLDP Local Port Information Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be displayed.
Select the port number that will be displayed.
Click the Find button to locate a specific entry based on the information entered.
Click the Show Detail button to view detailed information of the specific port.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
After clicking the Show Detail button, the following window will appear.
Figure 5-88 LLDP Local Port Information (Show Detail) Window
To view more details about, for example, the MAC/PHY Configuration/Status, click the Show Detail hyperlink.
Click the Back button to return to the previous window.
After clicking the Show Detail hyperlink, a new section will appear at the bottom of the window.
Figure 5-89 LLDP Local Port Information (Show Detail) Window
Click the Back button to return to the previous window.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
LLDP Neighbor Port Information
This window is used to display the LLDP information learned from neighboring switches. The Switch receives packets
from a remote station but is able to store the information locally.
To view the following window, click L2 Features > LLDP > LLDP Neighbor Port Information, as shown below:
Figure 5-90 LLDP Neighbor Port Information Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be displayed.
Select the port number that will be displayed.
Click the Find button to locate a specific entry based on the information entered.
Click the Clear button to clear the specific port information.
Click the Clear All button to clear all the port information displayed.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
6. Layer 3 Features
Gratuitous ARP
IPv6 Neighbor
UDP Helper
IPv4 Static/Default Route
IPv4 Route Table
IPv6 Static/Default Route
IPv6 Route Table
Route Preference
ECMP Settings
IPv6 General Prefix
IP Route Filter
Policy Route
VRRP Settings
ARP Aging Time
This window is used to display and configure the ARP aging time settings.
To view the following window, click L3 Features > ARP > ARP Aging Time, as shown below:
Figure 6-1 ARP Aging Time Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
After click the Edit button, enter the ARP aging timeout value here.
Click the Edit button to re-configure the specific entry.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
Static ARP
This window is used to display and configure the static ARP settings.
To view the following window, click L3 Features > ARP > Static ARP, as shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 6-2 Static ARP Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
IP Address
Enter the IP address that will be associated with the MAC address here.
Hardware Address
Enter the MAC address that will be associated with the IP address here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Edit button to re-configure the specific entry.
Click the Delete button to remove the specific entry.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
Proxy ARP
This window is used to display and configure the Proxy ARP settings. The Proxy ARP feature will allow the Switch to
reply to ARP requests destined for another device by faking its identity (IP and MAC Address) as the original ARP
responder. Therefore, the Switch can then route packets to the intended destination without configuring static routing
or a default gateway. The host, usually a Layer 3 Switch, will respond to packets destined for another device.
To view the following window, click L3 Features > ARP > Proxy ARP, as shown below:
Figure 6-3 Proxy ARP Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Proxy ARP State
Select to enable or disable the Proxy ARP state here.
Local Proxy ARP State
Select to enable or disable the local Proxy ARP state here. This local Proxy
ARP function allows the Switch to respond to the Proxy ARP, if the source IP
and destination IP are in the same interface.
Click the Edit button to re-configure the specific entry.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
ARP Table
This window is used to display and configure the ARP table settings.
To view the following window, click L3 Features > ARP > ARP Table, as shown below:
Figure 6-4 ARP Table Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Interface VLAN
Enter the interface VLAN ID used here. This value must be between 1 and
IP Address
Select and enter the IP address to display here.
After the IP Address option was selected, enter the mask address for the IP
address here.
Hardware Address
Select and enter the MAC address to display here.
Select the Type option here. Options to choose from are All and Dynamic.
Select this option to display the Management port information.
Click the Find button to locate a specific entry based on the information entered.
Click the Clear All button to clear all dynamic ARP cache.
Click the Clear button to clear the dynamic ARP cache associated with the specific entry.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
Gratuitous ARP
This window is used to display and configure the gratuitous ARP settings. A gratuitous ARP request packet is an ARP
request packet where the source and the destination IP address are both set to the IP address of the sending device
and the destination MAC address is the broadcast address.
Generally, a device uses the gratuitous ARP request packet to discover whether the IP address is duplicated by other
hosts or to preload or reconfigure the ARP cache entry of hosts connected to the interface.
To view the following window, click L3 Features > Gratuitous ARP, as shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 6-5 Gratuitous ARP Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
IP Gratuitous ARP State
Select to enable or disable the learning of gratuitous ARP packets in the ARP
cache table.
Gratuitous ARP Trap State
Select to enable or disable the gratuitous ARP feature trap state here.
IP Gratuitous ARP Dad-
Reply State
Select to enable or disable the IP gratuitous ARP Dad-reply state.
Gratuitous ARP Learning
Select to enable or disable the gratuitous ARP learning state. Normally, the
system will only learn ARP entries from ARP reply packets or a normal ARP
request packet that asks for the MAC address of the Switch IP address. This
option used to enable or disable the learning of ARP entries based on received
gratuitous ARP packets. The gratuitous ARP packet is sent by a source IP
address and is identical to the IP that the packet is querying.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Edit button to re-configure the specific entry.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
After clicking the Edit button, the field that can be configured for Gratuitous ARP Send Interval is described below:
Interval Time
Enter the gratuitous ARP sending interval time, in seconds, here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
IPv6 Neighbor
This window is used to display and configure the IPv6 neighbor settings.
To view the following window, click L3 Features > IPv6 Neighbor, as shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 6-6 IPv6 Neighbor Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Interface VLAN
Enter the VLAN interface ID here.
IPv6 Address
Enter the IPv6 address.
MAC Address
Enter the MAC address.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Find button to locate a specific entry based on the information entered.
Click the Clear button to clear all the information for the specific interface.
Click the Clear All button to clear all the dynamic IPv6 neighbor information in this table.
Click the Delete button to remove the specific entry.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
IPv4 Interface
This window is used to display and configure the IPv4 interface settings.
To view the following window, click L3 Features > Interface > IPv4 Interface, as shown below:
Figure 6-7 IPv4 Interface Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Interface VLAN
Enter the interface VLAN ID here. This value must be between 1 and 4094.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Find button to locate a specific entry based on the information entered.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Click the Edit button to re-configure the specific entry.
Click the Delete button to remove the specific entry.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
After clicking the Edit button, the following page will be available.
Figure 6-8 IPv4 Interface (Edit) Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select to enable or disable the IPv4 interface global state.
Enter the MTU value here. The range is from 512 to 16383 bytes. By default,
this value is 1500 bytes.
IP Directed Broadcast
Select to enable or disable the IP directed broadcast feature here. This
parameter is used to enable or disable the conversion of IP directed broadcasts
received by the interface to physical broadcasts when the destination network
is directly connected to the Switch.
Enter the description for this entry here. This string can be up to 64 characters
Get IP From
Select the get IP from option here. Options to choose from are Static and
When the Static option is selected, users can enter the IPv4 address of
this interface manually in the fields provided.
When the DHCP option is selected, this interface will obtain IPv4
information automatically from the DHCP server located on the local
IP Address
Enter the IPv4 address for this interface here.
Enter the IPv4 subnet mask for this interface here.
Tick this option to use the IPv4 address and mask as the secondary interface
Click the Back button to return to the previous window.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Click the Delete button to remove the specific entry.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
After selecting the DHCP Client tab, the following page will appear.
Figure 6-9 IPv4 Interface (Edit, DHCP Client) Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
DHCP Client Client-ID
Enter the DHCP Client ID here. The range is from 1 to 4094. This parameter is
used to specify the VLAN interface whose hexadecimal MAC address will be
used as the client ID sent with the discover message.
Class ID String
Enter the class ID string here. This string can be up to 32 characters long.
Select the Hex option to enter the Class ID string in the hexadecimal format.
This string can be up to 64 characters long. This parameter is used to specify
the vendor class identifier used as the value of Option 60 in the DHCP discover
Host Name
Enter the host name here. This string can be up to 64 characters long. This
parameter is used to specify the value of the host name option to be sent with
the DHCP discover message.
Enter and optionally select the DHCP client lease time here. In the text box the
lease time, in days, can be entered. The range is from 0 to 10000 days. Hours
and Minutes can also be selected optionally.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
IPv6 Interface
This window is used to display and configure the IPv6 interface settings.
To view the following window, click L3 Features > Interface > IPv6 Interface, as shown below:
Figure 6-10 IPv6 Interface Window
The fields that can be configured in IPv6 Interface are described below:
Interface VLAN
Enter the VLAN interface ID that will be associated with the IPv6 entry.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Find button to locate a specific entry based on the information entered.
Click the Show Detail button to view and configure more detailed settings for the IPv6 interface entry.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
After clicking the Show Detail button, the following page will be available.
Figure 6-11 IPv6 Interface (Detail, IPv6 Interface Settings) Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Enter the IPv6 MTU value here. The range is from 1280 to 65534 bytes. By
default, this value is 1500 bytes. This parameter is used to configure the MTU
to be advertised in RA messages.
IPv6 State
Select to enable or disable the IPv6 interface global state here.
Click the Back button to discard the changes made and return to the previous page.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured for IPv6 Address Autoconfig are described below:
Select to enable or disable the automatic configuration of the IPv6 address
using stateless auto-configuration here. Select the Default option to specify
that if the default router is selected on this interface, a default route will be
installed using that default router. This option can only be specified on one
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured for Static IPv6 Address Settings are described below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
IPv6 Address
Enter the IPv6 address for this IPv6 interface here. Select the EUI-64 option to
configure an IPv6 address on the interface using the EUI-64 interface ID. Select
the Link Local option to configure a link-local address for the IPv6 interface.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured for NS Interval Settings are described below:
NS Interval
Enter the Neighbor Solicitation (NS) interval value here. The range is from 0 to
3600000 milliseconds, in multiples of 1000. If the specified time is 0, the router
will use 1 second on the interface and advertise 0 (unspecified) in the Router
Advertisement (RA) message.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured for ND Settings are described below:
Hop Limit
Enter the hop limit value here. The range is from 0 to 255. The IPv6 packet
originated by the system will also use this value as the initial hop limit.
Reachable Time
Enter the Reachable Time here. The range is from 0 to 3600000 milliseconds. If
the specified time is 0, the router will use 1200 seconds on the interface and
advertise 1200 (unspecified) in the RA message. The Reachable Time is used
by the IPv6 node in determining the reachability of the neighbor nodes.
Managed Config Flag
Turn the Managed Config Flag option On or Off here. When the neighbor host
receives the RA which has flag turned on, the host should use a stateful
configuration protocol to obtain IPv6 addresses.
Other Config Flag
Turn the Other Config Flag option On or Off here. By setting the other
configuration flag on, the router instructs the connected hosts to use a stateful
configuration protocol to obtain auto-configuration information other than the
IPv6 address.
RA Min Interval
Enter the minimum RA interval time value here. The range is from 3 to 1350
seconds. This value must be smaller than 0.75 times the maximum value.
RA Max Interval
Enter the maximum RA interval time value here. The range is from 4 to 1800
RA Lifetime
Enter the RA lifetime value here. The range is from 0 to 9000 seconds. The
lifetime value in RA instructs the received host the lifetime value for taking the
router as the default router.
RA Suppress
Select to enable or disable the RA suppress feature here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
After selecting the Interface IPv6 Address tab option, at the top of the page, the following page will be available.
Figure 6-12 IPv6 Interface (Detail, Interface IPv6 Address) Window
Click the Delete button to delete the specified entry.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
After selecting the Neighbor Discover tab option, at the top of the page, the following page will be available.
Figure 6-13 IPv6 Interface (Detail, Neighbor Discover) Window
After selecting the DHCPv6 Client tab option, at the top of the page, the following page will be available.
Figure 6-14 IPv6 Interface (Detail, DHCPv6 Client) Window
Click the Restart button to restart the DHCPv6 client service.
The fields that can be configured for DHCPv6 Client Settings are described below:
Client State
Select to enable or disable the DHCPv6 client service here. Select the Rapid
Commit option to proceed with two-message exchange for address delegation.
The rapid-commit option will be included in the Solicit message to request a
two-message handshake.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured for DHCPv6 Client PD Settings are described below:
Client PD State
Select to enable or disable the DHCPv6 client process that requests a Prefix
Delegation (PD) through a specified interface. Select the Rapid Commit option
to proceed with two-message exchange for prefix delegation. The rapid-commit
option will be included in the Solicit message to request a two-message
General Prefix Name
Enter the IPv6 general prefix name here. This name can be up to 12 characters
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Loopback Interface
This window is used to display and configure the loopback interface settings. A loopback interface is a software only
interface which always stays in the up status.
To view the following window, click L3 Features > Interface > Loopback Interface, as shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 6-15 Loopback Interface Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Interface Loopback
Enter the loopback interface ID here. The range is from 1 to 8.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Find button to locate a specific entry based on the information entered.
Click the Edit button to modify the specified entry.
Click the Delete button to delete the specified entry.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
After clicking the Edit button, the following page will appear.
Figure 6-16 Loopback Interface (Edit) Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select to enable or disable the loopback interface here.
Enter the description for the loopback interface here. This string can be up to
64 characters long.
IP Address
Enter the IPv4 address associated with this loopback interface here.
Enter the IPv4 subnet mask associated with this loopback interface here.
IPv6 Address
Enter the IPv6 address associated with this loopback interface here.
Link Local
Select this option to specify that the IPv6 address entered is the link-local IPv6
Click the Back button to return to the previous window.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Delete button to delete the specified entry.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
Null Interface
This window is used to display and configure the Null interface settings.
To view the following window, click L3 Features > Interface > Null Interface, as shown below:
Figure 6-17 Null Interface Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Interface Null
Enter the Null interface ID here. This value can only be 0.
After clicking the Edit button, enter the description for the Null interface here.
This string can be up to 64 characters long.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Edit button to modify the description for the Null interface.
UDP Helper
IP Forward Protocol
This window is used to display and configure the IP forward protocol settings. This feature is used to enable the
forwarding of a specific UDP service type of packets.
To view the following window, click L3 Features > UDP Helper > IP Forward Protocol, as shown below:
Figure 6-18 IP Forward Protocol Window
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
The fields that can be configured are described below:
IP Forward Protocol UDP
Enter the destination port of the UDP service to be forwarded here. The range
is from 1 to 65535.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Delete button to delete the specified entry.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
IP Helper Address
This window is used to add or remove a target address for the forwarding of UDP broadcast packets. This feature
takes effect only when the received interface has an IP address assigned.
The system only forwards packets that satisfy the following restrictions:
The destination MAC address must be a broadcast address.
The destination IP address must be an all-one broadcast.
The packets are IPv4 UDP packets.
The IP TTL value must be greater than or equal to 2.
To view the following window, click L3 Features > UDP Helper > IP Helper Address, as shown below:
Figure 6-19 IP Helper Address Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Interface VLAN
Enter the VLAN interface ID used here. The range is from 1 to 4094.
Helper Address
Enter the target IPv4 address for the forwarding of the UDP broadcast packet
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Delete button to delete the specified entry.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
IPv4 Static/Default Route
This window is used to display and configure the IPv4 static and default route settings. The Switch supports static
routing for IPv4 formatted addressing. Users can create up to 512 static route entries for IPv4. For IPv4 static routes,
once a static route has been set, the Switch will send an ARP request packet to the next hop router that has been set
by the user. Once an ARP response has been retrieved by the Switch from that next hop, the route becomes enabled.
However, if the ARP entry already exists, an ARP request will not be sent.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
The Switch also supports a floating static route, which means that the user may create an alternative static route with
a different next hop. This secondary next hop device route is considered as a backup static route when the primary
static route is down. If the primary route is lost, the backup route will become active and begin forwarding traffic.
Entries into the Switch’s forwarding table can be made using an IP address, subnet mask and gateway.
To view the following window, click L3 Features > IPv4 Static/Default Route, as shown below:
Figure 6-20 IPv4 Static/Default Route Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
IP Address
Enter the IPv4 address for this route here. Tick the Default Route option to use
the default route as the IPv4 address.
Enter the IPv4 network mask for this route here.
IP Tunnel
Select the IP Tunnel option to use the IP tunnel feature and enter the tunnel ID
in the space provided. The range of IDs is from 0 to 9999.
Enter the gateway address for this route here.
Null Interface
Select to enable or disable the NULL interface here.
Backup State
Select the backup state option here.
Weight - Specifies a weight number greater than zero, but less than the
maximum paths number. This number is used to replicate identical route
paths (multiple copies) in the routing table, so the paths get more chance
of being hit for traffic routing. If the weight number is not specified for the
static route, the default for the path exists in the hashing table. Enter the
weight value in the space provided. The range is from 1 to 64.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Delete button to remove the specific entry.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
IPv4 Route Table
This window is used to display and configure the IPv4 route table settings.
To view the following window, click L3 Features > IPv4 Route Table, as shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 6-21 IPv4 Route Table Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
IP Address
Select and enter the single IPv4 address here.
Network Address
Select and enter the IPv4 network address here. In the first space enter the
network prefix and in the second space enter the network mask.
Select this option to display only RIP routes.
Select this option to display only connected routes.
Select this option to display a summary and count of the route sources
configured on this Switch.
Click the Find button to locate a specific entry based on the information entered.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
IPv6 Static/Default Route
This window is used to display and configure the IPv6 static or default routes.
To view the following window, click L3 Features > IPv6 Static/Default Route, as shown below:
Figure 6-22 IPv6 Static/Default Route Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
IPv6 Address/Prefix Length
Enter the IPv6 address and prefix length for this route here. Tick the Default
Route option to use this route as the default route.
Interface Name
Enter the name of the interface that will be associated with this route here.
Next Hop IPv6 Address
Enter the next hop IPv6 address here.
Enter the administrative distance of the static route here. This value must be
between 1 and 254. A lower value represents a better route. If not specified, the
default administrative distance for a static route is 1.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Click the Delete button to remove the specific entry.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
IPv6 Route Table
This window is used to display and configure the IPv6 route table.
To view the following window, click L3 Features > IPv6 Route Table, as shown below:
Figure 6-23 IPv6 Route Table Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
IPv6 Address
Select and enter the IPv6 address to display here.
IPv6 Address/Prefix Length
Select and enter the IPv6 address and prefix length to display here. Select the
Longer Prefixes option to display the route and all of the more specific routes.
Interface Name
Select and enter the name of the interface to display here.
Select this option to display only connected routes.
Select this option to display only RIPng routes.
Select this option to display all the related entries in the routing database
instead of just the best route.
Select this option to display a summary and count of the route sources
configured on this Switch.
Click the Find button to locate a specific entry based on the information entered.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
Route Preference
This window is used to display and configure the route preference settings. Use this window to configure the distance,
which represents the route's trust rating. The route with a lower distance value is preferred over the route with a higher
distance value. A route with the distance 255 will not be installed for routing of packets since it indicates that the route
is not trusted.
To view the following window, click L3 Features > Route Preference, as shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 6-24 Route Preference Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Distance Default
Enter the administrative distance of default routes here. The range is from 1 to
255. By default, this value is 1.
Distance Static
Enter the administrative distance of static default routes here. The range is from
1 to 255. By default, this value is 60.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
ECMP Settings
This window is used to display and configure the Equal-Cost Multi-Path (ECMP) routing settings. This is used to
configure the load balancing hash algorithm and used to determine the next hop entry for multiple paths destined for
the same destination.
To view the following window, click L3 Features > ECMP Settings, as shown below:
Figure 6-25 ECMP Settings Window
The fields that can be configured in ECMP Load Balancing Settings are described below:
Destination IP
Select this option to use the destination IP address as the ECMP hash key.
Source IP
Select this option to use the least significant bits of the source IP address as
the ECMP hashing algorithm.
CRC 32 Lower
Select this option to use the lower bits of CRC-32 as the ECMP hashing
CRC 32 Upper
Select this option to use the upper bits of CRC-32 as the ECMP hashing
Select this option to use TCP/UDP port number as ECMP hash key.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in ECMP Advance Control Mode are described below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
ECMP Advance Control
Mode Setting
Select the ECMP advance control mode settings here. This specifies the
number of ECMP or multipath routes and the number of next-hops of each
ECMP or multipath route that will be changed according to the specified value.
Options to choose from are 64, 128, 256, and 512.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
IPv6 General Prefix
This window is used to display and configure the VLAN interface IPv6 general prefix settings.
To view the following window, click L3 Features > IPv6 General Prefix, as shown below:
Figure 6-26 IPv6 General Prefix Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Interface VLAN
Enter the VLAN interface ID used here. The range is from 1 to 4094.
Prefix Name
Enter the IPv6 general prefix entry name here. This name can be up to 12
characters long.
IPv6 Address
Enter the IPv6 address and prefix length here. The prefix length of the IPv6
address is also the local subnet on the VLAN interface.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Find button to locate a specific entry based on the information entered.
Click the Delete button to delete the specified entry.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
RIP Settings
This window is used to display and configure Routing Information Protocol (RIP) settings.
To view the following window, click L3 Features > RIP > RIP Settings, as shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 6-27 RIP Settings Window
The fields that can be configured in RIP Global Settings are described below:
RIP State
Select to globally enable or disable the Routing Information Protocol (RIP)
feature here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Edit button to re-configure the specific entry.
Click the Delete button to remove the specific entry.
Click the Back button to return to the previous window.
The fields that can be configured in Redistribution Configuration are described below:
First, select to enable or disable the RIP redistribution feature here.
Second, select the routing protocol (domain) that will be redistributed into
RIP. Options to choose from are Connected and Static. The Static
option means redistribute IP static routes. The Connected option refers
to routes that are established automatically through configuring an IP
address on an interface.
Third, enter the value to be used as the metric for the redistributed route
here. The range is from 0 to 16.
Fourth, enter the Route Map name that is used in the filtering of the
routes to be redistributed to the current routing protocol. If not specified,
all routes are redistributed.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in RIP Configuration are described below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Update Time
Enter the update interval in seconds at which the update message is sent. The
range is from 1 to 65535 seconds. Select the Default option to use the default
value here which is 30 seconds.
Invalid Time
Enter the invalid time value in seconds here. The range is from 1 to 65535
seconds. Select the Default option to use the default value here which is 180
Flush Time
Enter the flush time value in seconds here. The range is from 1 to 65535
seconds. Select the Default option to use the default value here which is 120
Default Metric
Enter the default metric value here. The range is from 1 to 16. The default
metric is used in redistributing routes from other routing protocols. The routes
being redistributed are learned by other protocols and may have an
incompatible metric to RIP. The specifying of the metric allows the metric to be
synced. Select the Default option to use the default metric value, which is 0.
Select the global RIP version that will be used as the default version for all
interfaces here. Options to choose from are v1 (RIPv1) and v2 (RIPv2). Select
the Default option to specify that this feature should use the default
configuration. By default, RIPv1 and RIPv2 packets are received, but only
RIPv1 packets are sent.
Enter the Administrative Distance for RIP here. The range is from 1 to 255. A
lower value represents a better route. Select the Default option to use the
default Administrative Distance for RIP, which is 100.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
RIP Distribute List
This window is used to display and configure the RIP distribution list settings.
To view the following window, click L3 Features > RIP > RIP Distribute List, as shown below:
Figure 6-28 RIP Distribute List Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
ACL Name
Enter the access list name that will be used here. This name can be up to 32
characters long.
Interface Name
Enter the interface name that will be used here. This name can be up to 12
characters long.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Show Detail button to view more detailed information about the specific entry.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
RIP Interface Settings
This window is used to display and configure the RIP interface settings.
To view the following window, click L3 Features > RIP > RIP Interface Settings, as shown below:
Figure 6-29 RIP Interface Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Enter the IPv4 network address used by RIP here. Interfaces that have a
subnet belonging to the network specified here will be activated for RIP.
Passive Interface
Select to enable or disable the passive interface feature here. This feature is
used to disable the sending and receiving of routing updates on an interface.
However, RIP packets from other routers received on this interface will continue
to be processed.
Enter the name of the passive interface in the space provided. This name can
be up to 12 characters long.
Select the Default option to use this as the default for all interfaces.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Delete button to delete an entry based on the information entered.
RIP Database
This window is used to display the Routing Information Protocol (RIP) routing database. Summary address entries will
appear in the database only if relevant child routes exist and are being summarized. When the last child route for a
summary address becomes invalid, the summary address is also removed from the routing table.
To view the following window, click L3 Features > RIP > RIP Database, as shown below:
Figure 6-30 RIP Database Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Network Address
Enter the subnet prefix and the prefix length of the network(s) to be displayed
Click the Find button to locate a specific entry based on the information entered.
Click the Show All button to display all the entries.
RIPng Settings
This window is used to display and configure the Routing Information Protocol Next Generation (RIPng) settings, also
known as IPv6 RIP.
To view the following window, click L3 Features > RIPng > RIPng Settings, as shown below:
Figure 6-31 RIPng Settings Window
The fields that can be configured in RIPng Global Settings are described below:
Global State
Select to globally enable or disable the RIPng feature here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in RIPng Settings are described below:
Default Metric
Enter the default metric value here. The range is from 1 to 16. This value is
used to specify the default metric for routes redistributed from other routing
protocols. If the routes being redistributed are learned from other protocols,
then they have an incompatible metric with IPv6 RIP. Re-specifying of metric
allows the metric to be synced. Select the Default option to use the default
metric value, which is 1.
Enter the administrative distance for RIPng here. The range is from 1 to 254.
The distance value represents the trust rating of the route. The route with a
lower distance value is preferred over the route with the higher distance value.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
A route with a distance of 255 will not be installed for the routing of packets
since it indicates that the route is not trusted. Select the Default option to use
the default administrative distance for RIPng, which is 120.
Update Time
Enter the update interval value at which the update message is sent here. The
range is from 5 to 65535 seconds. Select the Default option to use the default
value here which is 30 seconds.
Invalid Time
Enter the invalidate timer value in seconds here. The range is from 1 to 65535
seconds. Select the Default option to use the default value here which is 180
Flush Time
Enter the flush timer value in seconds here. The range is from 1 to 65535
seconds. Select the Default option to use the default value here which is 120
Poison Reverse
Select to enable or disable the Poison Reverse feature here. When Poison
Reverse is enabled, the routes learned from an interface will be advertised out
to the same interface with an unreachable metric.
Split Horizon
Select to enable or disable the Split Horizon feature here. When Split Horizon is
enabled, the routes learned from an interface will be not advertised out to the
same interface.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in Redistribute Settings are described below:
Select the protocol whose routes are to be redistributed here. Options to
choose from are Connected and Static. The Static option means to
redistribute IPv6 static routes. The Connected option refers to routes that are
established automatically by virtue of configuring IPv6 address on an interface.
Enter the value to be used as the metric for the redistributed routes here. The
range is from 0 to 16. Select the Default option to use the default metric value.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Delete button to delete an entry based on the information entered.
RIPng Interface Settings
This window is used to display and configure the RIPng interface settings.
To view the following window, click L3 Features > RIPng > RIPng Interface Settings, as shown below:
Figure 6-32 RIPng Interface Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Interface VLAN
Enter the VLAN interface ID here. The range is from 1 to 4094. Select the All
Interface option to use all available interfaces in this configuration.
Select to enable or disable the IPv6 RIP feature on the VLAN interface
Metric Offset
Enter the value to be added to the metric of an IPv6 RIP route received on the
configured interface here. The range is from 1 to 16. The metric refers to the
hop count. By default, when receiving an IPv6 RIP route, a metric value of 1 is
added to the route before it is inserted into the routing table. Use this option to
influence the metric of routes received on different interfaces and influence the
preference of the route.
Select the Default option to use the default metric offset value, which is 1.
Passive Interface
Select to enable or disable the passive interface feature here. If this option is
disabled, the router will not send RIPng packets out through the interface.
However, RIPng packets from other routers received on the interface will
continue to be processed.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
RIPng Database
This window is used to display the RIPng routing database.
To view the following window, click L3 Features > RIPng > RIPng Database, as shown below:
Figure 6-33 RIPng Database Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
IPv6 Address/Prefix Length
Enter the IPv6 address that will be used for these results here.
Click the Find button to locate a specific entry based on the information entered.
Control Packet CPU Filtering
This window is used to display and configure the IPMC control packet CPU filtering settings.
To view the following window, click L3 Features > IP Multicast Routing Protocol > IPMC > Control Packet CPU
Filtering, as shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 6-34 Control Packet CPU Filtering Window
The fields that can be configured in Control Packet CPU Filtering Settings are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
From Port - To Port
Select the range of ports that will be used for this configuration here.
Packet Type
Select the packet type here. Options to choose from are:
DVMRP - Specifies that the CPU will discard DVMRP Layer 3 control
packets sent to it.
PIM - Specifies that the CPU will discard PIM Layer 3 control packets sent
to it.
IGMP Query - Specifies that the CPU will discard IGMP Query Layer 3
control packets sent to it.
OSPF - Specifies that the CPU will discard OSPF Layer 3 control packets
sent to it.
RIP - Specifies that the CPU will discard RIP Layer 3 control packets sent
to it.
VRRP - Specifies that the CPU will discard VRRP Layer 3 control packets
sent to it.
Select the action that will be taken here. Options to choose from are:
Add - Specifies to add a new entry based on the information entered.
Delete - Specifies to delete an entry based on the information entered.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in Control Packet CPU Filtering Settings are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this display here.
From Port - To Port
Select the range of ports that will be used for this display here.
Click the Find button to find and display entries based on the selections made.
IP Route Filter
Route Map
This window is used to display and configure the route map settings.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
To view the following window, click L3 Features > IP Route Filter > Route Map, as shown below:
Figure 6-35 Route Map Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Route Map Name
Enter the route map name here. This name can be up to 16 characters long.
Select the direction for this rule here. Options to choose from are Permit and
Permit - Specifies that routes that match the rule entry are permitted.
Deny - Specifies that routes that match the rule entry are denied.
Sequence ID
Enter the sequence ID for this rule here. The range is from 1 to 65535.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Find button to locate a specific entry based on the information entered.
Click the Edit button to modify the specified entry.
Click the Delete button to delete the specified entry.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
After clicking the Edit button in the Match Clauses column, the following page will appear.
Figure 6-36 Route Map (Match Clauses, Edit) Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select Add to add a new entry based in the information entered.
Select Delete to delete an entry based in the information entered.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Interface Name
Select and enter the interface name that will be used here. This option is used
to define a clause to match the route’s outgoing interface.
IP Address ACL
Select and enter the standard or extended IP access list name here. This
option is used to define a clause to match the route based on the standard or
extended IP access list. This string can be up to 32 characters long.
IP Next Hop ACL
Select and enter the standard IP access list name here. This option is used to
define a clause to match the route’s next hop based on the standard IP access
list. This string can be up to 32 characters long.
Route Source
Select and enter the standard or extended IP/IPv6 access list name here. This
option is used to define a clause to match the route’s source based on the
standard or extended IP/IPv6 access list. This string can be up to 32 characters
Select and enter the metric value of the route here. The range is from 0 to
4294967294. This option is used to define a clause to match the route metric.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Back button to return to the previous window.
After clicking the Edit button in the Set Clauses column, the following page will appear.
Figure 6-37 Route Map (Set Clauses, Edit) Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select Add to add a new entry based in the information entered.
Select Delete to delete an entry based in the information entered.
IP Default Next Hop
Enter the default next-hop IP addresses in the spaces provided that will be
used to route the packet. This feature can be used to specify multiple default
next hop routers. If default next hops are already configured, the default next
hops configured later will be added to the default next hop list. When the first
default next hop router specified is down, the next default next hop router
specified is tried in turn to route the packet. Up to 8 default next-hop IP
addresses can be entered.
IP Next Hop
Select the IP next hop type here. This feature is used to configure the next-hop
router to route the packet that passes the match clauses of the configured route
map sequence. Options to choose from are IP Address, Peer Address, and
IP Address - Specifies the IP addresses of the next-hops to route the
packet. Enter the next-hop IP addresses in the spaces provided here. Up
to 8 next-hop IP addresses can be entered.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Peer Address - Specifies the BGP peer address as the next-hop.
Recursive - Specifies the IP address of the recursive as the next-hop
router. Enter the recursive next-hop IP address in the space provided
IP Precedence
Select the IP precedence option here. Options to choose from are Routine,
Priority, Immediate, Flash, Flash Override, Critical, Internet, and Network.
Use this feature to set the precedence value in the IP header. This option only
takes effect when policy routing involves the IPv4 packet.
Select and enter the metric value here that will be used in the modification. The
range is from 0 to 4294967294.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Back button to return to the previous window.
Policy Route
This window is used to display and configure the policy route settings.
To view the following window, click L3 Features > Policy Route, as shown below:
Figure 6-38 Policy Route Window
Click the Edit button to modify the specified entry.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
After clicking the Edit button, the following page will appear.
Figure 6-39 Policy Route (Edit) Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Route Map
Enter the route map name here that will be used in this policy route entry.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
VRRP Settings
This window is used to display and configure the Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) settings. All routers in
the same VRRP group must be configured with the same virtual router ID and IP address.
A virtual router group is represented by a virtual router ID. The IP address of the virtual router is the default router
configured on hosts. The virtual router’s IP address can be a real address configured on the routers, or an unused IP
address. If the virtual router address is a real IP address, the router that has this IP address is the IP address owner.
A master will be elected in a group of routers that supports the same virtual routers. Others are the backup routers.
The master is responsible for forwarding the packets that are sent to the virtual router.
To view the following window, click L3 Features > VRRP Settings, as shown below:
Figure 6-40 VRRP Settings Window
The fields that can be configured in VRRP Settings are described below:
SNMP Server Traps VRRP
New master
Select to enable or disable the SNMP server traps feature for the new VRRP
master. If enabled, once the device has transitioned to the master state, a trap
will be sent out.
SNMP Server Traps VRRP
Auth Fail
Select to enable or disable the SNMP server traps feature for authentication
failures. If enabled, if a packet has been received from a router whose
authentication key or authentication type conflicts with this router's
authentication key or authentication type, then a trap will be sent out.
Non-owner-ping Response
Select to enable or disable the non-owner ping response feature here. This
feature is used to enable the virtual router in the master state to respond to
ICMP echo requests for an IP address not owned but associated with this
virtual router.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in Virtual Router Settings are described below:
Enter the VLAN interface ID used here. The range is from 1 to 4094.
Enter the virtual router ID used here. This ID is used to identify the virtual router
in the VRRP group. The range is from 1 to 255.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Virtual IP Address
Enter the IPv4 address for the created virtual router group here.
VRRP Authentication
Select to enable and then enter the plain text authentication password for
VRRP authentication on the interface here. This string can be up to 8
characters long. The authentication is applied to all virtual routers on this
interface. The devices in the same VRRP group must have the same
authentication password.
Interface Name
Enter the interface name used here. This name can be up to 12 characters
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Find button to locate a specific entry based on the information entered.
Click the Edit button to modify the specified entry.
Click the Delete button to delete the specified entry.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
After clicking the Edit button, the following page will appear.
Figure 6-41 VRRP Settings (Edit) Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Advertisement Interval
Enter the advertisement interval value here. This is the time interval between
successive VRRP advertisements by the master router. The range is from 1 to
255 seconds. By default, this value is 1 second.
Select to enable or disable the preemption feature here. This feature is used to
allow a router to take over the master role if it has a better priority than the
current master.
Enter the priority value here. The range is from 1 to 254.
Critical IP Address
Enter the critical IPv4 address here. If the critical IP is configured on one virtual
router, the virtual router cannot be activated when the critical IP address is
unreachable. One VRRP group can only track one critical IP.
Select to enable or disable the shutdown feature here. This feature is used to
disable a virtual router on an interface. Avoid the common mistake of shutting
down the IP address owner router before shutting down other non-owner
Click the Back button to return to the previous window.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
7. Quality of Service (QoS)
Basic Settings
Advanced Settings
Basic Settings
Port Default CoS
This window is used to display and configure the port default CoS settings.
To view the following window, click QoS > Basic Settings > Port Default CoS, as shown below:
Figure 7-1 Port Default CoS Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
From Port - To Port
Select the range of ports that will be used for this configuration here.
Default CoS
Select the default CoS option for the port(s) specified here. Options to choose
from are 0 to 7. Select the Override option to override the CoS of the packets.
The default CoS will be applied to all incoming packets, tagged or untagged,
received by the port. Select the None option to specify that the CoS of the
packets will be the packet’s CoS if the packets are tagged, and will be the port
default CoS if the packet is untagged.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Port Scheduler Method
This window is used to display and configure the port scheduler method settings. To view the following window, click
QoS > Basic Settings > Port Scheduler Method, as shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 7-2 Port Scheduler Method Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
From Port - To Port
Select the range of ports that will be used for this configuration here.
Scheduler Method
Select the scheduler method that will be applied to the specified port(s).
Options to choose from are Strict Priority (SP), Round-Robin (RR), Weighted
Round-Robin (WRR), and Weighted Deficit Round-Robin (WDRR). By default,
the output queue scheduling algorithm is WRR.
Strict Priority (SP) specifies that all queues use strict priority scheduling.
It provides strict priority access to the queues from the highest CoS queue
to the lowest.
Round-Robin (RR) specifies that all queues use round-robin scheduling.
It provides fair access to service a single packet at each queue before
moving on to the next one.
Weighted Round-Robin (WRR) operates by transmitting permitted
packets into the transmit queue in a round robin order. Initially, each
queue sets its weight to a configurable weighting. Every time a packet
from a higher priority CoS queue is sent, the corresponding weight is
subtracted by 1 and the packet in the next lower CoS queue will be
serviced. When the weight of a CoS queue reaches zero, the queue will
not be serviced until its weight is replenished. When weights of all CoS
queues reach 0, the weights get replenished at a time.
Weighted Deficit Round-Robin (WDRR) operates by serving an
accumulated set of backlogged credits in the transmit queue in a round
robin order. Initially, each queue sets its credit counter to a configurable
quantum value. Every time a packet from a CoS queue is sent, the size of
the packet is subtracted from the corresponding credit counter and the
service right is turned over to the next lower CoS queue. When the credit
counter drops below 0, the queue is no longer serviced until its credits are
replenished. When the credit counters of all CoS queues reaches 0, the
credit counters will be replenished at that time. All packets are serviced
until their credit counter is zero or negative and the last packet is
transmitted completely. When this condition happens, the credits are
replenished. When the credits are replenished, a quantum of credits are
added to each CoS queue credit counter. The quantum for each CoS
queue may be different based on the user configuration.
To set a CoS queue in the SP mode, any higher priority CoS queue must
also be in the strict priority mode.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Queue Settings
This window is used to display and configure the queue settings.
To view the following window, click QoS > Basic Settings > Queue Settings, as shown below:
Figure 7-3 Queue Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
From Port - To Port
Select the range of ports that will be used for this configuration here.
Queue ID
Enter the queue ID value here. This value must be between 0 and 7.
WRR Weight
Enter the WRR weight value here. This value must be between 0 and 127. To
satisfy the behavior requirements of Expedited Forwarding (EF), the highest
queue is always selected by the Per-hop Behavior (PHB) EF and the schedule
mode of this queue should be strict priority scheduling. So the weight of the last
queue should be zero while the Differentiate Service is supported.
WDRR Quantum
Enter the WDRR quantum value here. This value must be between 0 and 127.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
CoS to Queue Mapping
This window is used to display and configure the CoS-to-Queue mapping settings.
To view the following window, click QoS > Basic Settings > CoS to Queue Mapping, as shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 7-4 CoS to Queue Mapping Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Queue ID
Select the queue ID that will be mapped to the corresponding CoS value.
Options to choose from are 0 to 7.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Port Rate Limiting
This window is used to display and configure the port rate limiting settings.
To view the following window, click QoS > Basic Settings > Port Rate Limiting, as shown below:
Figure 7-5 Port Rate Limiting Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
From Port - To Port
Select the range of ports that will be used for this configuration here.
Select the direction option here. Options to choose from are Input and Output.
When Input is selected, the rate limit for ingress packets is configured. When
Output is selected, the rate limit for egress packets is configured.
Rate Limit
Select and enter the rate limit value here.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
When Bandwidth is selected, enter the input/output bandwidth value used
in the space provided. This value must be between 8 and 10000000 kbps.
Also, enter the Burst Size value in the space provided. This value must be
between 0 and 128000 kilobytes.
When Percent is selected, enter the input/output bandwidth percentage
value used in the space provided. This value must be between 1 and 100
percent (%). Also, enter the Burst Size value in the space provided. This
value must be between 0 and 128000 kilobytes.
Select the None option to remove the rate limit on the specified port(s).
The specified limitation cannot exceed the maximum speed of the
specified interface. For the ingress bandwidth limitation, the ingress will
send a pause frame or a flow control frame when the received traffic
exceeds the limitation.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Queue Rate Limiting
This window is used to display and configure the queue rate limiting settings.
To view the following window, click QoS > Basic Settings > Queue Rate Limiting, as shown below:
Figure 7-6 Queue Rate Limiting Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
From Port - To Port
Select the range of ports that will be used for this configuration here.
Queue ID
Select the queue ID that will be configured here. Options to choose from are 0
to 7.
Rate Limit
Select and enter the queue rate limit settings here.
When the Min Bandwidth option is selected, enter the minimum
bandwidth rate limit value in the space provided. This value must be
between 8 and 10000000 kbps. Also enter the maximum bandwidth (Max
Bandwidth) rate limit in the space provided. This value must be between
8 and 10000000 kbps.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
When the minimal bandwidth is configured, the packet transmitted from
the queue can be guaranteed. When the maximum bandwidth is
configured, packets transmitted from the queue cannot exceed the
maximum bandwidth even if the bandwidth is available.
When configuring the minimal bandwidth, the aggregate of the configured
minimum bandwidth must be less than 75 percent of the interface
bandwidth to make sure the configured minimal bandwidth can be
guaranteed. It is not necessary to set the minimum guaranteed bandwidth
for the highest strict priority queue. This is because the traffic in this
queue will be serviced first if the minimal bandwidth of all queues is
The configuration of this command can only be attached to a physical port
but not a port-channel. That is the minimum guaranteed bandwidth of one
CoS cannot be used across physical ports.
When the Min Percent option is selected, enter the minimum bandwidth
percentage value in the space provided. This value must be between 1
and 100 percent (%). Also enter the maximum percentage value (Max
Percent) in the space provided. This value must be between 1 and 100
percent (%).
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Advanced Settings
DSCP Mutation Map
This window is used to display and configure the Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) mutation map settings.
When a packet is received by an interface, based on a DSCP mutation map, the incoming DSCP can be mutated to
another DSCP immediately before any QoS operations. The DSCP mutation is helpful to integrate domains with
different DSCP assignments. The DSCP-CoS map and DSCP-color map will still be based on the packet’s original
DSCP. All the subsequent operations will base on the mutated DSCP.
To view the following window, click QoS > Advanced Settings > DSCP Mutation Map, as shown below:
Figure 7-7 DSCP Mutation Map Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Mutation Name
Enter the DSCP mutation map name here. This name can be up to 32
characters long.
Input DSCP List
Enter the input DSCP list value here. This value must be between 0 and 63.
Output DSCP List
Enter the output DSCP list value here. This value must be between 0 and 63.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Delete button to remove the specific entry.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
Port Trust State and Mutation Binding
This window is used to display and configure the port trust state and mutation binding settings.
To view the following window, click QoS > Advanced Settings > Port Trust State and Mutation Binding, as shown
Figure 7-8 Port Trust State and Mutation Binding Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
From Port - To Port
Select the range of ports that will be used for this configuration here.
Trust State
Select the port trust state option here. Options to choose from are CoS and
DSCP Mutation Map
Select and enter the DSCP mutation map name used here. This name can be
up to 32 characters long. Select the None option to not allocate a DSCP
mutation map to the port(s).
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
DSCP CoS Mapping
This window is used to display and configure the DSCP CoS mapping settings.
To view the following window, click QoS > Advanced Settings > DSCP CoS Mapping, as shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 7-9 DSCP CoS Mapping Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
From Port - To Port
Select the range of ports that will be used for this configuration here.
Select the CoS value to map to the DSCP list. Options to choose from are 0 to
Enter the DSCP list value to map to the CoS value here. This value must be
between 0 and 63.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
CoS Color Mapping
This window is used to display and configure the CoS color mapping settings.
To view the following window, click QoS > Advanced Settings > CoS Color Mapping, as shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 7-10 CoS Color Mapping Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
From Port - To Port
Select the range of ports that will be used for this configuration here.
CoS List
Enter the CoS value that will be mapped to the color. This value must be
between 0 and 7.
Select the color option that will be mapped to the CoS value. Options to choose
from are Green, Yellow, and Red.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
DSCP Color Mapping
This window is used to display and configure the DSCP color mapping settings.
To view the following window, click QoS > Advanced Settings > DSCP Color Mapping, as shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 7-11 DSCP Color Mapping Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
From Port - To Port
Select the range of ports that will be used for this configuration here.
Enter the DSCP list value here that will be mapped to a color. This value must
be between 0 and 63.
Select the color option that will be mapped to the DSCP value. Options to
choose from are Green, Yellow, and Red.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Class Map
This window is used to display and configure the class map settings.
To view the following window, click QoS > Advanced Settings > Class Map, as shown below:
Figure 7-12 Class Map Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Class Map Name
Enter the class map name here. This name can be up to 32 characters long.
Multiple Match Criteria
Select the multiple match criteria option here. Options to choose from are
Match All and Match Any.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Match button to configure the specific entry.
Click the Delete button to remove the specific entry.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
After clicking the Match button, the following page will be available.
Figure 7-13 Class Map (Match) Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select this option to match nothing to this class map.
Select the option to match something to this class map.
ACL Name
Select and enter the access list name that will be matched with this class map
here. This name can be up to 32 characters long.
CoS List
Select and enter the CoS list value that will be matched with this class map
here. This value must be between 0 and 7. Tick the Inner option to match the
inner most CoS of QinQ packets on a Layer 2 class of service (CoS) marking.
Select and enter the DSCP list value that will be matched with this class map
here. This value must be between 0 and 63. Tick the IPv4 only option to match
IPv4 packets only. If not specified, the match is for both IPv4 and IPv6 packets.
Precedence List
Select and enter the precedence list value that will be matched with this class
map here. This value must be between 0 and 7. Tick the IPv4 only option to
match IPv4 packets only. If not specified, the match is for both IPv4 and IPv6
packets. For IPv6 packets, the precedence is most three significant bits of
traffic class of IPv6 header.
Protocol Name
Select the protocol name that will be matched with the class map here. Options
to choose from are ARP, BGP, DHCP, DNS, EGP, FTP, IPv4, IPv6, NetBIOS,
Select and enter the VLAN list value that will be matched with the class map
here. This value must be between 1 and 4094. Tick the Inner option to match
the inner-most VLAN ID in an 802.1Q double tagged frame.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Back button to discard the changes made and return to the previous page.
Aggregate Policer
This window is used to display and configure the aggregate policer settings.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
To view the following window, click QoS > Advanced Settings > Aggregate Policer, as shown below:
Figure 7-14 Aggregate Policer (Single Rate Setting) Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Aggregate Policer Name
Enter the aggregate policer name here.
Average Rate
Enter the average rate value here. This value must be between 0 and
10000000 kbps.
Normal Burst Size
Enter the normal burst size value here. This value must be between 0 and
16384 Kbytes.
Maximum Burst Size
Enter the maximum burst size value here. This value must be between 0 and
16384 Kbytes.
Confirm Action
Select the confirm action here. The confirm action specifies the action to take
on green color packets. If the confirm action is not specified, the default action
is to Transmit. Options to choose from are Drop, Set-DSCP-Transmit, Set-
1P-Transmit, Transmit, and Set-DSCP-1P.
When selecting the Drop option, the packet will be dropped.
When selecting the Set-DSCP-Transmit option, enter the IP DSCP value
in the space provided. This value sets the IP differentiated services code
point (DSCP) value and transmits the packet with the new IP DSCP value.
When selecting the Set-1P-Transmit option, enter the 1P transmit value in
the space provided. This value sets the 802.1p value and transmits the
packet with the new value.
When selecting the Transmit option, packets will be transmitted unaltered.
When selecting the Set-DSCP-1P option, enter the IP DSCP and 1P
transmit values in the spaces provided.
Exceed Action
Select the exceed action here. The exceed action specifies the action to take
on packets that exceed the rate limit. For a two rate policer, if the exceed action
is not specified, the default action is Drop. Options to choose from are Drop,
Set-DSCP-Transmit, Set-1P-Transmit, Transmit, and Set-DSCP-1P.
When selecting the Drop option, the packet will be dropped.
When selecting the Set-DSCP-Transmit option, enter the IP DSCP value
in the space provided. This value sets the IP differentiated services code
point (DSCP) value and transmits the packet with the new IP DSCP value.
When selecting the Set-1P-Transmit option, enter the 1P transmit value in
the space provided. This value sets the 802.1p value and transmits the
packet with the new value.
When selecting the Transmit option, packets will be transmitted unaltered.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
When selecting the Set-DSCP-1P option, enter the IP DSCP and 1P
transmit values in the spaces provided.
Violate Action
Select the violate action here. The violate action specifies the action to take on
packets that violate the normal and maximum burst sizes for singe rate policing.
It specifies the action to take for those packets that did not conform to both CIR
and PIR. For a single rate policer, if the violate action is not specified, it will
create a single-rate two-color policer. For a two-rate policer, if the violation
action is not specified, the default action is equal to the exceed action. Options
to choose from are None, Drop, Set-DSCP-Transmit, Set-1P-Transmit,
Transmit, and Set-DSCP-1P.
When selecting the None option, no action will be taken.
When selecting the Drop option, the packet will be dropped.
When selecting the Set-DSCP-Transmit option, enter the IP DSCP value
in the space provided. This value sets the IP differentiated services code
point (DSCP) value and transmits the packet with the new IP DSCP value.
When selecting the Set-1P-Transmit option, enter the 1P transmit value in
the space provided. This value sets the 802.1p value and transmits the
packet with the new value.
When selecting the Transmit option, packets will be transmitted unaltered.
When selecting the Set-DSCP-1P option, enter the IP DSCP and 1P
transmit values in the spaces provided.
Color Aware
Select the color aware option here. Options to choose from are Enabled and
Disabled. When color aware is disabled, the policer works in the color blind
mode. When color aware is enabled, the policer works in the color aware mode.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Delete button to remove the specific entry.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
After selecting the Two Rate Settings tab option, at the top of the page, the following page will be available.
Figure 7-15 Aggregate Policer (Two Rate Settings) Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Aggregate Policer Name
Enter the aggregate policer name here.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Enter the Committed Information Rate (CIR) value here. This value must be
between 0 and 10000000 kbps. The committed packet rate is the first token
bucket for the two-rate metering.
Confirm Burst
Enter the confirm burst value here. This value must be between 0 and 16384
Kbytes. The confirm burst value specifies the burst size for the first token
bucket in kbps.
Enter the Peak Information Rate (PIR) value here. This value must be between
0 and 10000000 kbps. The peak information rate is the second token bucket for
the two-rate metering.
Peak Burst
Enter the peak burst value here. This value must be between 0 and 16384
Kbytes. The peak burst value is the burst size for the second token bucket in
Confirm Action
Select the confirm action here. The confirm action specifies the action to take
on green color packets. If the confirm action is not specified, the default action
is to Transmit. Options to choose from are Drop, Set-DSCP-Transmit, Set-
1P-Transmit, Transmit, and Set-DSCP-1P.
When selecting the Drop option, the packet will be dropped.
When selecting the Set-DSCP-Transmit option, enter the IP DSCP value
in the space provided. This value sets the IP differentiated services code
point (DSCP) value and transmits the packet with the new IP DSCP value.
When selecting the Set-1P-Transmit option, enter the 1P transmit value in
the space provided. This value sets the 802.1p value and transmits the
packet with the new value.
When selecting the Transmit option, packets will be transmitted unaltered.
When selecting the Set-DSCP-1P option, enter the IP DSCP and 1P
transmit values in the spaces provided.
Exceed Action
Select the exceed action here. The exceed action specifies the action to take
on packets that exceed the rate limit. For a two rate policer, if the exceed action
is not specified, the default action is Drop. Options to choose from are Drop,
Set-DSCP-Transmit, Set-1P-Transmit, Transmit, and Set-DSCP-1P.
When selecting the Drop option, the packet will be dropped.
When selecting the Set-DSCP-Transmit option, enter the IP DSCP value
in the space provided. This value sets the IP differentiated services code
point (DSCP) value and transmits the packet with the new IP DSCP value.
When selecting the Set-1P-Transmit option, enter the 1P transmit value in
the space provided. This value sets the 802.1p value and transmits the
packet with the new value.
When selecting the Transmit option, packets will be transmitted unaltered.
When selecting the Set-DSCP-1P option, enter the IP DSCP and 1P
transmit values in the spaces provided.
Violate Action
Select the violate action here. The violate action specifies the action to take on
packets that violate the normal and maximum burst sizes for singe rate policing.
It specifies the action to take for those packets that did not conform to both CIR
and PIR. For a single rate policer, if the violate action is not specified, it will
create a single-rate two-color policer. For a two-rate policer, if the violation
action is not specified, the default action is equal to the exceed action. Options
to choose from are Drop, Set-DSCP-Transmit, Set-1P-Transmit, Transmit,
and Set-DSCP-1P.
When selecting the Drop option, the packet will be dropped.
When selecting the Set-DSCP-Transmit option, enter the IP DSCP value
in the space provided. This value sets the IP differentiated services code
point (DSCP) value and transmits the packet with the new IP DSCP value.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
When selecting the Set-1P-Transmit option, enter the 1P transmit value in
the space provided. This value sets the 802.1p value and transmits the
packet with the new value.
When selecting the Transmit option, packets will be transmitted unaltered.
When selecting the Set-DSCP-1P option, enter the IP DSCP and 1P
transmit values in the spaces provided.
Color Aware
Select the color aware option here. Options to choose from are Disabled and
Enabled. When color aware is disabled, the policer works in the color blind
mode. When color aware is enabled, the policer works in the color aware mode.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Delete button to remove the specific entry.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
Policy Map
This window is used to display and configure the policy map settings.
To view the following window, click QoS > Advanced Settings > Policy Map, as shown below:
Figure 7-16 Policy Map Window
The fields that can be configured for Create/Delete Policy Map are described below:
Policy Map Name
Enter the policy map name here that will be created or deleted. This name can
be up to 32 characters long.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured for Traffic Policy are described below:
Policy Map Name
Enter the policy map name here. This name can be up to 32 characters long.
Class Map Name
Enter the class map name here. This name can be up to 32 characters long.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Click the Delete button to remove the specific entry.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
Click the Set Action button to configure the set action settings for the specified entry.
Click the Policer button to configure the policer settings for the specified entry.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
After clicking the Set Action button, the following page will appear.
Figure 7-17 Policy Map (Set Action) Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select this option to specify that no action will be taken.
Select this option to specify that action will be taken based on the
configurations made.
New Precedence
Select the new precedence value for the packet here. The range is from 0 to 7.
Select the IPv4 only option to specify that IPv4 precedence will be marked
only. If not selected, then both IPv4 and IPv6 precedence will be marked. For
IPv6 packets, the precedence is the most three significant bits of the traffic
class of the IPv6 header. Setting the precedence will not affect the CoS queue
Select the new DSCP value for the packet here. The range is from 0 to 63.
Select the IPv4 only option to specify that the IPv4 DSCP will be marked only.
If not selected, then both the IPv4 and IPv6 DSCP will be marked. Setting the
DSCP will not affect the CoS queue selection.
New CoS
Select the new CoS value to the packet here. The range is from 0 to 7. Setting
the CoS will not affect the CoS queue selection.
New Cos Queue
Select the new CoS queue value to the packets here. This will overwrite the
original CoS queue selection. Setting the CoS queue will not take effect if the
policy map is applied for the egress flow on the interface.
Click the Back button to return to the previous window.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
After clicking the Policer button, the following page will appear.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 7-18 Policy Map (Policer) Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select this option to specify that no policer settings will be configured for this
Select this option to specify that the following policer settings will be applied to
this entry.
Average Rate
Enter the average rate value here. The range is from 0 to 10000000 Kbps.
Normal Burst Size
Enter the normal burst size value here. The range is from 0 to 16384 Kbps.
Maximum Burst Size
Enter the maximum burst size value here. The range is from 0 to 16384 Kbps.
Conform Action
Select the conform action that will be taken here. This action will be taken on
green color packets. Option to choose from are:
Drop - Specifies that the conform action is to drop the packet.
Set-DSCP-Transmit - Specifies that the conform action is to modify the
DSCP value and then to transmit the packet with the new DSCP value.
Enter the new DSCP value in the space provided.
Set-1P-Transmit - Specifies that the conform action is to modify the
802.1p value and then to transmit the packet with the new 802.1p value.
Enter the new 802.1p value in the space provided.
Transmit - Specifies that the conform action is to transmit the packet
Set-DSCP-1P - Specifies that the conform action is to modify the DSCP
and 802.1p values and then to transmit the packet with the new DSCP and
802.1p values. Enter the new DSCP and 802.1p values in the spaces
Exceed Action
Select the exceed action that will be taken here. This action will be taken on
yellow color packets that exceed the rate limit. Option to choose from are:
Drop - Specifies that the exceed action is to drop the packet.
Set-DSCP-Transmit - Specifies that the exceed action is to modify the
DSCP value and then to transmit the packet with the new DSCP value.
Enter the new DSCP value in the space provided.
Set-1P-Transmit - Specifies that the exceed action is to modify the 802.1p
value and then to transmit the packet with the new 802.1p value. Enter the
new 802.1p value in the space provided.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Transmit - Specifies that the exceed action is to transmit the packet
Set-DSCP-1P - Specifies that the exceed action is to modify the DSCP
and 802.1p values and then to transmit the packet with the new DSCP and
802.1p values. Enter the new DSCP and 802.1p values in the spaces
Violate Action
Select the violate action that will be taken here. This action will be taken on red
color packets. Option to choose from are:
None - Specifies that no violate action will be taken.
Drop - Specifies that the violate action is to drop the packet.
Set-DSCP-Transmit - Specifies that the violate action is to modify the
DSCP value and then to transmit the packet with the new DSCP value.
Enter the new DSCP value in the space provided.
Set-1P-Transmit - Specifies that the violate action is to modify the 802.1p
value and then to transmit the packet with the new 802.1p value. Enter the
new 802.1p value in the space provided.
Transmit - Specifies that the violate action is to transmit the packet
Set-DSCP-1P - Specifies that the violate action is to modify the DSCP and
802.1p values and then to transmit the packet with the new DSCP and
802.1p values. Enter the new DSCP and 802.1p values in the spaces
Color Aware
Select to enable or disable the color aware feature here. When disabled, the
policer works in the color blind mode. When enabled, the policer works in the
color aware mode.
Click the Back button to return to the previous window.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Policy Binding
This window is used to display and configure the policy binding settings.
To view the following window, click QoS > Advanced Settings > Policy Binding, as shown below:
Figure 7-19 Policy Binding Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
From Port - To Port
Select the range of ports that will be used for this configuration here.
Select the direction option here. Options to choose from are Input and Output.
Input specified ingress traffic and output specifies egress traffic.
Policy Map Name
Enter the policy map name here. This name can be up to 32 characters long.
Select the None option to not tie a policy map to this entry.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Weighted Random Early Detection (WRED) is another implementation for QoS that will help the overall throughput for
your QoS queues. Based on the egress queue of the QoS function set on the Switch, this method will analyze these
packets and their QoS queue to determine if there will be an overflow of packets entering the QoS queues and
consequentially, minimize the packet flow into these queues by dropping random packets. WRED employs two
methods of avoiding congestion within the QoS queue.
1. Every QoS queue has a minimum and a maximum level for acceptance of packets. Once the maximum
threshold has been reached for this queue, the Switch will begin discarding all ingress packets, this minimizing
the allotted bandwidth for QoS. When below the minimum threshold, the Switch will accept all ingress packets.
2. When the ingress packets are somewhere between the maximum and minimum queue, the Switch will use a
slope probability function to determine a random method of dropping packets based on the maximum drop rate
which specifies the drop probability when the queues reach maximum threshold. If queues are closer to the
maximum threshold, the Switch will increase the discarding of random packets to even out the flow to the
queues and avoid overflows to higher priority queues.
WRED Profile
This window is used to display and configure the Weighted Random Early Detection (WRED) profile settings.
To view the following window, click QoS > WRED > WRED Profile, as shown below:
Figure 7-20 WRED Profile Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Enter the WRED profile ID here. The range is from 1 to 128.
Packet Colour
Select the packet color here. Options to choose from are Green, Yellow, and
Green - Specifies the WRED drop parameters for green packets to be set.
Yellow - Specifies the WRED drop parameters for yellow packets to be
Red - Specifies the WRED drop parameters for red packets to be set.
Min Threshold
Enter the minimum threshold value here that will be used to start WRED
dropping. The range is from 0 to 100.
Max Threshold
Enter the maximum threshold value here over which WRED will drop all
packets destined for this queue. The range is from 0 to 100.
Max Drop Rate
Enter the maximum drop-rate value here. The range is from 0 to 14. This
feature specifies the drop probability when the average queue size reaches the
maximum threshold. When this value is zero, then the packet will not be
dropped or remarked for ECN.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Find button to locate a specific entry based on the information entered.
Click the Reset Configuration button to reset the configuration on the specified entry.
WRED Queue
This window is used to display and configure the WRED queue settings. WRED drops packets, based on the average
queue size exceeding a specific threshold, to indicate congestion. Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) is an
extension to WRED in that ECN marks packets instead of dropping them when the average queue size exceeds a
specific threshold value. When configuring the WRED ECN feature, routers and end hosts would use this marking as
a signal that the network is congested and slow down sending packets.
To view the following window, click QoS > WRED > WRED Queue, as shown below:
Figure 7-21 WRED Queue Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit ID that will be used here.
From Port - To Port
Select the Switch port range that will be used here.
Select the CoS value here. The range is from 0 to 7.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
WRED State
Select to enable or disable the WRED feature state on the specified port(s)
Enter the WRED profile ID here. The range is from 1 to 128.
Enter the exponential weight value here. The range is from 0 to 15. This feature
is used to configure the WRED exponential weight factor for the average queue
size calculation for the queue.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
8. Access Control List (ACL)
ACL Configuration Wizard
ACL Access List
ACL Interface Access Group
ACL VLAN Access Map
ACL Configuration Wizard
This window is used to guide the user to create a new ACL access list or configure an existing ACL access list.
Step 1 - Create/Update
To view the following window, click ACL > ACL Configuration Wizard, as shown below:
Figure 8-1 ACL Configuration Wizard (Create) Window
Figure 8-2 ACL Configuration Wizard (Update) Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Select this option to create a new ACL access list using the configuration
ACL Name
Enter the new ACL name here. This name can be up to 32 characters long.
Select this option to update an existing ACL access list. Select the existing ACL
in the table to process with the update.
Click the Next button to continue to the next step.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
Step 2 - Select Packet Type
After clicking the Next button, the following window will appear.
Figure 8-3 ACL Configuration Wizard (Create, Packet Type) Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select to create/update a MAC ACL.
Select to create/update an IPv4 ACL.
Select to create/update an IPv6 ACL.
Click the Back button to return to the previous step.
Click the Next button to continue to the next step.
Step 3 - Add Rule
After clicking the MAC radio button and the Next button, the following window will appear.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 8-4 ACL Configuration Wizard (Create, Packet Type, MAC) Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Sequence No.
Enter the ACL rule number here. This value must be between 1 and 65535.
Select Auto Assign to automatically generate an ACL rule number for this
Select and enter the source MAC address information here. Options to choose
from are Any, Host, and MAC.
When the Any option is selected, any source traffic will be evaluated
according to the conditions of this rule.
When the Host option is selected, enter the source host MAC address
When the MAC option is selected, the Wildcard option will also be
available. Enter the source MAC address and wildcard value in the spaces
Select and enter the destination MAC address information here. Options to
choose from are Any, Host, and MAC.
When the Any option is selected, any destination traffic will be evaluated
according to the conditions of this rule.
When the Host option is selected, enter the destination host MAC address
When the MAC option is selected, the Wildcard option will also be
available. Enter the destination MAC address and wildcard value in the
spaces provided.
Specify Ethernet Type
Select the Ethernet type option here. Options to choose from are aarp,
appletalk, decent-iv, etype-6000, etype-8042, lat, lavc-sca, mop-console,
mop-dump, vines-echo, vines-ip, xns-idp, and arp.
Ethernet Type
Enter the Ethernet type hexadecimal value here. This value must be between
0x600 and 0xFFFF. When any Ethernet type profile is selected in the Specify
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Ethernet Type drop-down list, the appropriate hexadecimal value will
automatically be entered.
Ethernet Type Mask
Enter the Ethernet type mask hexadecimal value here. This value must be
between 0x0 and 0xFFFF. When any Ethernet type profile is selected in the
Specify Ethernet Type drop-down list, the appropriate hexadecimal value will
automatically be entered.
Select the CoS value that will be used here. The range is from 0 to 7.
Inner CoS
After selecting the CoS value, select the inner CoS value that will be used here.
The range is from 0 to 7.
Enter the VLAN ID that will be associated with this ACL rule here. The range is
from 1 to 4094.
Inner VID
Enter the inner VLAN ID that will be associated with this ACL rule here. The
range is from 1 to 4094.
Time Range
Enter the name of the time range profile that will be used in this ACL rule here.
This name can be up to 32 characters long.
Select the action that this rule will take here. Options to choose from are
Permit, Deny and Deny CPU.
Click the Back button to return to the previous step.
Click the Next button to continue to the next step.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
After clicking the IPv4 radio button and the Next button, the following window will appear.
Figure 8-5 ACL Configuration Wizard (Create, Packet Type, IPv4) Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Sequence No.
Enter the ACL rule number here. This value must be between 1 and 65535.
Select Auto Assign to automatically generate an ACL rule number for this
Protocol Type
Select the protocol type option here. Options to choose from are TCP, UDP,
ICMP, EIGRP (88), ESP (50), GRE (47), IGMP (2), OSPF (89), PIM (103),
VRRP (112), IP-in-IP (94), PCP (108), Protocol ID, and None.
Value - The protocol ID can also manually be entered here. The range is
from 0 to 255.
Fragments - Select this option to include packet fragment filtering.
The fields that can be configured in Assign rule criteria are described below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Select and enter the source information here. Options to choose from are Any,
Host, and IP.
When the Any option is selected, any source traffic will be evaluated
according to the conditions of this rule.
When the Host option is selected, enter the source host IP address here.
When the IP option is selected, the Wildcard option will also be available.
Enter the group of source IP addresses by using a wildcard bitmap. The bit
corresponding to the bit value 1 will be ignored. The bit corresponding to
the bit value 0 will be checked.
Select and enter the destination information here. Options to choose from are
Any, Host, and IP.
When the Any option is selected, any destination traffic will be evaluated
according to the conditions of this rule.
When the Host option is selected, enter the destination host IP address
When the IP option is selected, the Wildcard option will also be available.
Enter the group of destination IP addresses by using a wildcard bitmap.
The bit corresponding to the bit value 1 will be ignored. The bit
corresponding to the bit value 0 will be checked.
Source Port
Select and enter the source port value here. Options to choose from are =, >, <,
≠, and Range.
When selecting the = option, the specific selected port number will be
When selecting the > option, all ports greater than the selected port, will
be used.
When selecting the < option, all ports smaller than the selected port, will
be used.
When selecting the ≠ option, all ports, excluding the selected port, will be
When selecting the Range option, the start port number and end port
number selected, of the range, will be used. Alternatively, the port
number(s) can manually be entered in the space(s) provided, if the port
number(s) is/are not available in the drop-down list.
This parameter is only available in the protocol type TCP and UDP.
Destination Port
Select and enter the destination port value here. Options to choose from are =,
>, <, ≠, and Range.
When selecting the = option, the specific selected port number will be
When selecting the > option, all ports greater than the selected port, will
be used.
When selecting the < option, all ports smaller than the selected port, will
be used.
When selecting the ≠ option, all ports, excluding the selected port, will be
When selecting the Range option, the start port number and end port
number selected, of the range, will be used. Alternatively, the port
number(s) can manually be entered in the space(s) provided, if the port
number(s) is/are not available in the drop-down list.
This parameter is only available in the protocol type TCP and UDP.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Specify ICMP Message
Select the ICMP message type used here.
This parameter is only available in the protocol type ICMP.
ICMP Message Type
When the ICMP Message Type is not selected, enter the ICMP Message Type
numerical value used here. The range is from 0 to 255. When the ICMP
Message Type is selected, this numerical value will automatically be entered.
This parameter is only available in the protocol type ICMP.
Message Code
When the ICMP Message Type is not selected, enter the Message Code
numerical value used here. The range is from 0 to 255. When the ICMP
Message Type is selected, this numerical value will automatically be entered.
This parameter is only available in the protocol type ICMP.
IP Precedence
Select the IP precedence value used here. Options to choose from are routine
(0), priority (1), immediate (2), flash (3), flash-override (4), critical (5),
internet (6), and network (7).
Value - The IP precedence value can also manually be entered here. The
range is from 0 to 7.
Select the Type-of-Service (ToS) value that will be used here. Options to
choose from are normal (0), min-monetary-cost (1), max-reliability (2), max-
throughput (4), and min-delay (8).
Value - The ToS value can also manually be entered here. The range is
from 0 to 15.
Select the DSCP value that will be used here. Options to choose from are
default (0), af11 (10), af12 (12), af13 (14), af21 (18), af22 (20), af23 (22), af31
(26), af32 (28), af33 (30), af41 (34), af42 (36), af43 (38), cs1 (8), cs2 (16), cs3
(24), cs4 (32), cs5 (40), cs6 (48), cs7 (56), and ef (46).
Value - The DSCP value can also manually be entered here. The range is
from 0 to 63.
TCP Flag
Tick the appropriate TCP flag option to include the flag in this rule. Options to
choose from are ack, fin, psh, rst, syn, and urg.
This parameter is only available in the protocol type TCP.
Time Range
Enter the name of the time range profile that will be used in this ACL rule here.
This name can be up to 32 characters long.
Select the action that this rule will take here. Options to choose from are
Permit, Deny and Deny CPU.
Click the Back button to return to the previous step.
Click the Next button to continue to the next step.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
After clicking the IPv6 radio button and the Next button, the following window will appear.
Figure 8-6 ACL Configuration Wizard (Create, Packet Type, IPv6) Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Sequence No.
Enter the ACL rule number here. This value must be between 1 and 65535.
Select Auto Assign to automatically generate an ACL rule number for this
Protocol Type
Select the protocol type option here. Options to choose from are TCP, UDP,
ICMP, Protocol ID, ESP (50), PCP (108), SCTP (132), and None.
Value - The protocol ID can also manually be entered here. The range is
from 0 to 255.
Fragments - Select this option to include packet fragment filtering.
The fields that can be configured in Assign rule criteria are described below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Select and enter the source information here. Options to choose from are Any,
Host, and IPv6.
When the Any option is selected, any source traffic will be evaluated
according to the conditions of this rule.
When the Host option is selected, enter the source host IPv6 address
When the IPv6 option is selected, the Prefix Length option will also be
available. Enter the source IPv6 address and prefix length value in the
spaces provided.
Select and enter the destination information here. Options to choose from are
Any, Host, and IPv6.
When the Any option is selected, any destination traffic will be evaluated
according to the conditions of this rule.
When the Host option is selected, enter the destination host IPv6 address
When the IPv6 option is selected, the Prefix Length option will also be
available. Enter the destination IPv6 address and prefix length value in the
spaces provided.
Source Port
Select and enter the source port value here. Options to choose from are =, >, <,
≠, and Range.
When selecting the = option, the specific selected port number will be
When selecting the > option, all ports greater than the selected port, will
be used.
When selecting the < option, all ports smaller than the selected port, will
be used.
When selecting the ≠ option, all ports, excluding the selected port, will be
When selecting the Range option, the start port number and end port
number selected, of the range, will be used. Alternatively, the port
number(s) can manually be entered in the space(s) provided, if the port
number(s) is/are not available in the drop-down list.
This parameter is only available in the protocol type TCP and UDP.
Destination Port
Select and enter the destination port value here. Options to choose from are =,
>, <, ≠, and Range.
When selecting the = option, the specific selected port number will be
When selecting the > option, all ports greater than the selected port, will
be used.
When selecting the < option, all ports smaller than the selected port, will
be used.
When selecting the ≠ option, all ports, excluding the selected port, will be
When selecting the Range option, the start port number and end port
number selected, of the range, will be used. Alternatively, the port
number(s) can manually be entered in the space(s) provided, if the port
number(s) is/are not available in the drop-down list.
This parameter is only available in the protocol type TCP and UDP.
Specify ICMP Message
Select the ICMP message type used here.
This parameter is only available in the protocol type ICMP.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
ICMP Message Type
When the ICMP Message Type is not selected, enter the ICMP Message Type
numerical value used here. The range is from 0 to 255. When the ICMP
Message Type is selected, this numerical value will automatically be entered.
This parameter is only available in the protocol type ICMP.
Message Code
When the ICMP Message Type is not selected, enter the Message Code
numerical value used here. The range is from 0 to 255. When the ICMP
Message Type is selected, this numerical value will automatically be entered.
This parameter is only available in the protocol type ICMP.
Select the DSCP value that will be used here. Options to choose from are
default (0), af11 (10), af12 (12), af13 (14), af21 (18), af22 (20), af23 (22), af31
(26), af32 (28), af33 (30), af41 (34), af42 (36), af43 (38), cs1 (8), cs2 (16), cs3
(24), cs4 (32), cs5 (40), cs6 (48), cs7 (56), and ef (46).
Value - The DSCP value can also manually be entered here. The range is
from 0 to 63.
Traffic Class
Select and enter the traffic class value here. The range is from 0 to 255.
TCP Flag
Tick the appropriate TCP flag option to include the flag in this rule. Options to
choose from are ack, fin, psh, rst, syn, and urg.
This parameter is only available in the protocol type TCP.
Flow Label
Enter the flow label value here. This value must be between 0 and 1048575.
Time Range
Enter the name of the time range profile that will be used in this ACL rule here.
This name can be up to 32 characters long.
Select the action that this rule will take here. Options to choose from are
Permit, Deny and Deny CPU.
Click the Back button to return to the previous step.
Click the Next button to continue to the next step.
Step 4 - Apply Port
After clicking the Next button, the following window will appear.
Figure 8-7 ACL Configuration Wizard (Create, Port) Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
From Port - To Port
Select the appropriate port range used for the configuration here.
Select the direction here. Options to choose from are In and Out.
Click the Back button to return to the previous step.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made and return to the main ACL Wizard window.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
ACL Access List
This window is used to display and configure the ACLs, ACL rules and settings.
To view the following window, click ACL > ACL Access List, as shown below:
Figure 8-8 ACL Access List Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
ACL Type
Select the ACL type to find here. Options to choose from are All, IP ACL, IPv6
ACL, MAC ACL, and Expert ACL.
Select and enter the access list ID here. The range is from 1 to 14999.
ACL Name
Select and enter the access list name here. This name can be up to 32
characters long.
Click the Find button to locate a specific entry based on the information entered.
Click the Add ACL button to create a new ACL.
Click the Edit button to re-configure the specific ACL.
Click the Delete button, next to the ACL, to remove the specific ACL.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
Click the Clear All Counter button to clear all the counter information displayed.
Click the Clear Counter button to clear the counter information for the rule displayed.
Click the Add Rule button to create an ACL rule for the ACL selected.
Click the Delete button, next to the ACL rule, to remove the specific ACL rule.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
After clicking the Edit button, the following page will appear.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 8-9 ACL Access List (Edit) Window
After clicking the Edit button, the fields that can be configured are described below:
Start Sequence No.
Enter the start sequence number here.
Enter the sequence number step here. The step range is from 1 to 32. This
specifies the number that the sequence numbers step. The default value is 10.
For example, if the increment (step) value is 5 and the beginning sequence
number is 20, the subsequent sequence numbers are 25, 30, 35, 40, and so
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
After clicking the Add ACL button, the following page will appear.
Figure 8-10 ACL Access List (Add ACL) Window
After clicking the Add ACL button, the fields that can be configured are described below:
ACL Type
Select the ACL type that will be created here. Options to choose from are
Standard IP ACL, Extended IP ACL, Standard IPv6 ACL, Extended IPv6
ACL, Extended MAC ACL, and Extended Expert ACL.
Enter the ID for the ACL here.
For a Standard IP ACL, the range from 1 to 1999.
For an Extended IP ACL, the range from 2000 to 3999.
For a Standard IPv6 ACL, the range from 11000 to 12999.
For an Extended IPv6 ACL, the range from 13000 to 14999.
For an Extended MAC ACL, the range from 6000 to 7999.
For an Extended Expert ACL, the range from 8000 to 9999.
ACL Name
Enter the name of the ACL here. This name can be up to 32 characters long.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Standard IP ACL
After selecting a Standard IP ACL and clicking the Add Rule button, the following page will appear.
Figure 8-11 Standard IP ACL (Add Rule) Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Sequence No.
Enter the sequence number of this ACL rule here. The range is from 1 to
65535. If this value is not specified, the system will automatically generate an
ACL rule number for this entry.
Select the action that this rule will take here. Options to choose from are
Permit, Deny, and Deny CPU.
Select and enter the source information here. Options to choose from are Any,
Host, IP, and Wildcard.
When the Any option is selected, any source traffic will be evaluated
according to the conditions of this rule.
When the Host option is selected, enter the source host IP address here.
When the IP option is selected, the Wildcard option will also be available.
Enter the group of source IP addresses by using a wildcard bitmap. The bit
corresponding to the bit value 1 will be ignored. The bit corresponding to
the bit value 0 will be checked.
Select and enter the destination information here. Options to choose from are
Any, Host, IP, and Wildcard.
When the Any option is selected, any destination traffic will be evaluated
according to the conditions of this rule.
When the Host option is selected, enter the destination host IP address
When the IP option is selected, the Wildcard option will also be available.
Enter the group of destination IP addresses by using a wildcard bitmap.
The bit corresponding to the bit value 1 will be ignored. The bit
corresponding to the bit value 0 will be checked.
Time Range
Enter the name of the time range profile that will be used in this ACL rule here.
This name can be up to 32 characters long.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Click the Back button to discard the changes made and return to the previous page.
Extended IP ACL
After selecting an Extended IP ACL and clicking the Add Rule button, the following page will appear.
Figure 8-12 Extended IP ACL (Add Rule) Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Sequence No.
Enter the sequence number of this ACL rule here. The range is from 1 to
65535. If this value is not specified, the system will automatically generate an
ACL rule number for this entry.
Select the action that this rule will take here. Options to choose from are
Permit, Deny, and Deny CPU.
Protocol Type
Select the protocol type option here. Options to choose from are TCP, UDP,
ICMP, EIGRP (88), ESP (50), GRE (47), IGMP (2), OSPF (89), PIM (103),
VRRP (112), IP-in-IP (94), PCP (108), Protocol ID, and None.
Value - The protocol ID can also manually be entered here. The range is
from 0 to 255.
Fragments - Select this option to include packet fragment filtering.
Select and enter the source IP information here. Options to choose from are
Any, Host, and IP.
When the Any option is selected, any source traffic will be evaluated
according to the conditions of this rule.
When the Host option is selected, enter the source host IP address here.
When the IP option is selected, the Wildcard option will also be available.
Enter the group of source IP addresses by using a wildcard bitmap. The bit
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
corresponding to the bit value 1 will be ignored. The bit corresponding to
the bit value 0 will be checked.
Select and enter the destination IP information here. Options to choose from
are Any, Host, and IP.
When the Any option is selected, any destination traffic will be evaluated
according to the conditions of this rule.
When the Host option is selected, enter the destination host IP address
When the IP option is selected, the Wildcard option will also be available.
Enter the group of destination IP addresses by using a wildcard bitmap.
The bit corresponding to the bit value 1 will be ignored. The bit
corresponding to the bit value 0 will be checked.
Source Port
Select and enter the source port value here. Options to choose from are =, >, <,
≠, and Range.
When selecting the = option, the specific selected port number will be
When selecting the > option, all ports greater than the selected port, will
be used.
When selecting the < option, all ports smaller than the selected port, will
be used.
When selecting the ≠ option, all ports, excluding the selected port, will be
When selecting the Range option, the start port number and end port
number selected, of the range, will be used. Alternatively, the port
number(s) can manually be entered in the space(s) provided, if the port
number(s) is/are not available in the drop-down list.
This parameter is only available in the protocol type TCP and UDP.
Destination Port
Select and enter the destination port value here. Options to choose from are =,
>, <, ≠, and Range.
When selecting the = option, the specific selected port number will be
When selecting the > option, all ports greater than the selected port, will
be used.
When selecting the < option, all ports smaller than the selected port, will
be used.
When selecting the ≠ option, all ports, excluding the selected port, will be
When selecting the Range option, the start port number and end port
number selected, of the range, will be used. Alternatively, the port
number(s) can manually be entered in the space(s) provided, if the port
number(s) is/are not available in the drop-down list.
This parameter is only available in the protocol type TCP and UDP.
Specify ICMP Message
Select the ICMP message type used here.
This parameter is only available in the protocol type ICMP.
ICMP Message Type
When the ICMP Message Type is not selected, enter the ICMP Message Type
numerical value used here. The range is from 0 to 255. When the ICMP
Message Type is selected, this numerical value will automatically be entered.
This parameter is only available in the protocol type ICMP.
Message Code
When the ICMP Message Type is not selected, enter the Message Code
numerical value used here. The range is from 0 to 255. When the ICMP
Message Type is selected, this numerical value will automatically be entered.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
This parameter is only available in the protocol type ICMP.
TCP Flag
Tick the appropriate TCP flag option to include the flag in this rule. Options to
choose from are ack, fin, psh, rst, syn, and urg.
This parameter is only available in the protocol type TCP.
IP Precedence
Select the IP precedence value used here. Options to choose from are routine
(0), priority (1), immediate (2), flash (3), flash-override (4), critical (5),
internet (6), and network (7).
Value - The IP precedence value can also manually be entered here. The
range is from 0 to 7.
Select the Type-of-Service (ToS) value that will be used here. Options to
choose from are normal (0), min-monetary-cost (1), max-reliability (2), max-
throughput (4), and min-delay (8).
Value - The ToS value can also manually be entered here. The range is
from 0 to 15.
Select the DSCP value that will be used here. Options to choose from are
default (0), af11 (10), af12 (12), af13 (14), af21 (18), af22 (20), af23 (22), af31
(26), af32 (28), af33 (30), af41 (34), af42 (36), af43 (38), cs1 (8), cs2 (16), cs3
(24), cs4 (32), cs5 (40), cs6 (48), cs7 (56), and ef (46).
Value - The DSCP value can also manually be entered here. The range is
from 0 to 63.
Time Range
Enter the name of the time range profile that will be used in this ACL rule here.
This name can be up to 32 characters long.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Back button to discard the changes made and return to the previous page.
Standard IPv6 ACL
After selecting a Standard IPv6 ACL and clicking the Add Rule button, the following page will appear.
Figure 8-13 Standard IPv6 ACL (Add Rule) Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Sequence No.
Enter the sequence number of this ACL rule here. The range is from 1 to
65535. If this value is not specified, the system will automatically generate an
ACL rule number for this entry.
Select the action that this rule will take here. Options to choose from are Permit
and Deny.
Select and enter the source IPv6 information here. Options to choose from are
Any, Host, IPv6, and Prefix Length.
When the Any option is selected, any source traffic will be evaluated
according to the conditions of this rule.
When the Host option is selected, enter the source host IPv6 address
When the IPv6 option is selected, the Prefix Length option will also be
available. Enter the source IPv6 address and prefix length value in the
spaces provided.
Select and enter the destination IPv6 information here. Options to choose from
are Any, Host, IPv6, and Prefix Length.
When the Any option is selected, any destination traffic will be evaluated
according to the conditions of this rule.
When the Host option is selected, enter the destination host IPv6 address
When the IPv6 option is selected, the Prefix Length option will also be
available. Enter the destination IPv6 address and prefix length value in the
spaces provided.
Time Range
Enter the name of the time range profile that will be used in this ACL rule here.
This name can be up to 32 characters long.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Back button to discard the changes made and return to the previous page.
Extended IPv6 ACL
After selecting an Extended IPv6 ACL and clicking the Add Rule button, the following page will appear.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 8-14 Extended IPv6 ACL (Add Rule) Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Sequence No.
Enter the sequence number of this ACL rule here. The range is from 1 to
65535. If this value is not specified, the system will automatically generate an
ACL rule number for this entry.
Select the action that this rule will take here. Options to choose from are
Permit, Deny, and Deny CPU.
Protocol Type
Select the protocol type option here. Options to choose from are TCP, UDP,
ICMP, Protocol ID, ESP (50), PCP (108), SCTP (132), and None.
Value - The protocol ID can also manually be entered here. The range is
from 0 to 255.
Fragments - Select this option to include packet fragment filtering.
Select and enter the source IPv6 information here. Options to choose from are
Any, Host, and IPv6.
When the Any option is selected, any source traffic will be evaluated
according to the conditions of this rule.
When the Host option is selected, enter the source host IPv6 address
When the IPv6 option is selected, the Prefix Length option will also be
available. Enter the source IPv6 address and prefix length value in the
spaces provided.
Select and enter the destination IPv6 information here. Options to choose from
are Any, Host, and IPv6.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
When the Any option is selected, any destination traffic will be evaluated
according to the conditions of this rule.
When the Host option is selected, enter the destination host IPv6 address
When the IPv6 option is selected, the Prefix Length option will also be
available. Enter the destination IPv6 address and prefix length value in the
spaces provided.
Source Port
Select and enter the source port value here. Options to choose from are =, >, <,
≠, and Range.
When selecting the = option, the specific selected port number will be
When selecting the > option, all ports greater than the selected port, will
be used.
When selecting the < option, all ports smaller than the selected port, will
be used.
When selecting the ≠ option, all ports, excluding the selected port, will be
When selecting the Range option, the start port number and end port
number selected, of the range, will be used. Alternatively, the port
number(s) can manually be entered in the space(s) provided, if the port
number(s) is/are not available in the drop-down list.
This parameter is only available in the protocol type TCP and UDP.
Destination Port
Select and enter the destination port value here. Options to choose from are =,
>, <, ≠, and Range.
When selecting the = option, the specific selected port number will be
When selecting the > option, all ports greater than the selected port, will
be used.
When selecting the < option, all ports smaller than the selected port, will
be used.
When selecting the ≠ option, all ports, excluding the selected port, will be
When selecting the Range option, the start port number and end port
number selected, of the range, will be used. Alternatively, the port
number(s) can manually be entered in the space(s) provided, if the port
number(s) is/are not available in the drop-down list.
This parameter is only available in the protocol type TCP and UDP.
TCP Flag
Tick the appropriate TCP flag option to include the flag in this rule. Options to
choose from are ack, fin, psh, rst, syn, and urg.
This parameter is only available in the protocol type TCP.
Specify ICMP Message
Select the ICMP message type used here.
This parameter is only available in the protocol type ICMP.
ICMP Message Type
When the ICMP Message Type is not selected, enter the ICMP Message Type
numerical value used here. When the ICMP Message Type is selected, this
numerical value will automatically be entered.
This parameter is only available in the protocol type ICMP.
Message Code
When the ICMP Message Type is not selected, enter the Message Code
numerical value used here. When the ICMP Message Type is selected, this
numerical value will automatically be entered.
This parameter is only available in the protocol type ICMP.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Select the DSCP value that will be used here. Options to choose from are
default (0), af11 (10), af12 (12), af13 (14), af21 (18), af22 (20), af23 (22), af31
(26), af32 (28), af33 (30), af41 (34), af42 (36), af43 (38), cs1 (8), cs2 (16), cs3
(24), cs4 (32), cs5 (40), cs6 (48), cs7 (56), and ef (46).
Value - The DSCP value can also manually be entered here. The range is
from 0 to 63.
Traffic Class
Select and enter the traffic class value here. The range is from 0 to 255.
Flow Label
Enter the flow label value here. This value must be between 0 and 1048575.
Time Range
Enter the name of the time range profile that will be used in this ACL rule here.
This name can be up to 32 characters long.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Back button to discard the changes made and return to the previous page.
Extended MAC ACL
After selecting an Extended MAC ACL and clicking the Add Rule button, the following page will appear.
Figure 8-15 Extended MAC ACL (Add Rule) Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Sequence No.
Enter the sequence number of this ACL rule here. The range is from 1 to
65535. If this value is not specified, the system will automatically generate an
ACL rule number for this entry.
Select the action that this rule will take here. Options to choose from are Permit
and Deny.
Select and enter the source MAC address information here. Options to choose
from are Any, Host, MAC, and Wildcard.
When the Any option is selected, any source traffic will be evaluated
according to the conditions of this rule.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
When the Host option is selected, enter the source host MAC address
When the MAC option is selected, the Wildcard option will also be
available. Enter the source MAC address and wildcard value in the spaces
Select and enter the destination MAC address information here. Options to
choose from are Any, Host, MAC, and Wildcard.
When the Any option is selected, any destination traffic will be evaluated
according to the conditions of this rule.
When the Host option is selected, enter the destination host MAC address
When the MAC option is selected, the Wildcard option will also be
available. Enter the destination MAC address and wildcard value in the
spaces provided.
Specify Ethernet Type
Select the Ethernet type option here. Options to choose from are aarp,
appletalk, decent-iv, etype-6000, etype-8042, lat, lavc-sca, mop-console,
mop-dump, vines-echo, vines-ip, xns-idp, and arp.
Ethernet Type
Enter the Ethernet type hexadecimal value here. This value must be between
0x600 and 0xFFFF. When the Ethernet type profile is selected, above, the
appropriate hexadecimal value will automatically be entered.
Ethernet Type Mask
Enter the Ethernet type mask hexadecimal value here. This value must be
between 0x0 and 0xFFFF. When the Ethernet type profile is selected, above,
the appropriate hexadecimal value will automatically be entered.
Select the CoS value that will be used here. The range is from 0 to 7.
Inner CoS
After selecting the CoS value, select the inner CoS value that will be used here.
The range is from 0 to 7.
Enter the VLAN ID that will be associated with this ACL rule here. The range is
from 1 to 4094.
Inner VID
Enter the inner VLAN ID that will be associated with this ACL rule here. The
range is from 1 to 4094.
Time Range
Enter the name of the time range profile that will be used in this ACL rule here.
This name can be up to 32 characters long.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Back button to discard the changes made and return to the previous page.
ACL Interface Access Group
This window is used to display and configure the ACL interface access group settings.
To view the following window, click ACL > ACL Interface Access Group, as shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 8-16 ACL Interface Access Group Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
From Port - To Port
Select the range of ports that will be used for this configuration here.
Select the direction here. Options to choose from are In and Out.
Select the action that will be taken here. Options to choose from are Add and
Select the ACL type here. Options to choose from are IP ACL, IPv6 ACL, and
ACL Name
Enter the ACL name here. This name can be up to 32 characters long. Click the
Please Select button to select an existing ACL from the list.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
After clicking the Please Select button, the following window will appear:
Figure 8-17 ACL Interface Access Group (Please Select) Window
Select the radio button next to the entry to use that ACL in the configuration.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
Click the OK button to accept the selection made.
ACL VLAN Access Map
This window is used to display and configure the ACL VLAN access map settings.
To view the following window, click ACL > ACL VLAN Access Map, as shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 8-18 ACL VLAN Access Map Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Access Map Name
Enter the access map name here. This name can be up to 32 characters long.
Sub Map Number
Enter the sub-map number here. This value must be between 1 and 65535.
Select the action that will be taken here. Options to choose from are Forward,
Drop, and Redirect. When the Redirect option is selected, select the
redirected interface from the drop-down list.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Find button to locate a specific entry based on the information entered.
Click the Binding button to match an access list to the ACL VLAN access map.
Click the Delete button to remove the specific entry.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
After clicking the Binding button, the following window will appear:
Figure 8-19 ACL VLAN Access Map (Binding) Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Match IP Access-List
Here the IP access list that will be matched will be displayed.
Match IPv6 Access-List
Here the IPv6 access list that will be matched will be displayed.
Match MAC Access-List
Here the MAC access list that will be matched will be displayed.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Click the Please Select button navigate to a list of access lists that can be selected to be used in this configuration.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Delete button to remove the specific entry.
After clicking the Please Select button, the following window will appear:
Figure 8-20 ACL VLAN Access Map (Binding, Selection) Window
Select the radio button next to the entry to use that access list in the configuration.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
Click the OK button to accept the selection made.
This window is used to display and configure the ACL VLAN filter settings.
To view the following window, click ACL > ACL VLAN Filter, as shown below:
Figure 8-21 ACL VLAN Filter Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Access Map Name
Enter the access map name here. This name can be up to 32 characters long.
Select the action that will be taken here. Options to choose from are Add and
VID List
Enter the VLAN ID list that will be used here. Select the All VLANs option to
apply this configuration to all the VLANs configured on this Switch.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Delete button to remove the specific entry.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
This window is used to display and configure the CPU ACL settings.
To view the following window, click ACL > CPU ACL, as shown below:
Figure 8-22 CPU ACL Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Filter Map Name
Enter the CPU ACL filter map name here. This name can be up to 32 characters long.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Find button to locate a specific entry based on the information entered.
Click the Binding button to configure the binding settings for the specified entry.
Click the Delete button to delete the specified entry.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
After clicking the Binding button, the following page will appear.
Figure 8-23 CPU ACL (Binding) Window
The fields that can be configured in Match IP Access List are described below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Sequence No.
Enter the sequence number of the associated match entry here. The range is
from 1 to 65535. The lower the number is, the higher the priority of the access
ACL Name
Enter the standard or extended IP access list name to be matched here. This
name can be up to 32 characters long. Alternatively, click the Please Select
button to select an existing ACL from the list.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Delete button to delete the specified entry.
The fields that can be configured in Match IPv6 Access List are described below:
Sequence No.
Enter the sequence number of the associated match entry here. The range is
from 1 to 65535. The lower the number is, the higher the priority of the access
ACL Name
Enter the standard or extended IPv6 access list name to be matched here. This
name can be up to 32 characters long. Alternatively, click the Please Select
button to select an existing ACL from the list.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Delete button to delete the specified entry.
The fields that can be configured in Match MAC Access List are described below:
Sequence No.
Enter the sequence number of the associated match entry here. The range is
from 1 to 65535. The lower the number is, the higher the priority of the access
ACL Name
Enter the extended MAC access list name to be matched here. This name can
be up to 32 characters long. Alternatively, click the Please Select button to
select an existing ACL from the list.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Delete button to delete the specified entry.
The fields that can be configured in Match Ingress Interface are described below:
Select the Switch unit ID that will be used here.
From Port - To Port
Select the Switch port range that will be used here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Delete button to delete the specified entry.
After clicking the Please Select button, the following window will appear:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 8-24 CPU ACL (Binding, Please Select) Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
ACL List
Select the radio button next to the access list entry to use that access list in the configuration.
Select the ACL and click the OK button to accept the selection made.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
9. Security
Port Security
DHCP Server Screening
ARP Spoofing Prevention
BPDU Attack Protection
MAC Authentication
Web-based Access Control
Network Access Authentication
Safeguard Engine
Trusted Host
Traffic Segmentation Settings
Storm Control
DoS Attack Prevention Settings
SFTP Server Settings
Port Security
Port Security Global Settings
This window is used to display and configure the global port security settings. Port Security is a security feature that
prevents unauthorized computers (with source MAC addresses) unknown to the Switch prior to locking the port (or
ports) from connecting to the Switch's locked ports and gaining access to the network.
To view the following window, click Security > Port Security > Port Security Global Settings, as shown below:
Figure 9-1 Port Security Global Settings Window
The fields that can be configured in Port Security Trap Settings are described below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Trap State
Select to enable or disable port security traps on the Switch.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in Port Security Trap Rate Settings are described below:
Trap Rate
Enter the number of traps per second. The range is from 0 to 1000. The default value 31 indicates
an SNMP trap to be generated for every security violation.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in Port Security System Settings are described below:
Enter the maximum number of secure MAC addresses allowed. If not specified, the default
value is No Limit. The valid range is from 1 to 12288. Tick the No Limit checkbox to allow
the maximum number of secure MAC address.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in Port Security VLAN Settings are described below:
VID List
Enter the VLAN ID(s) here.
VLAN Max Learning
Enter the maximum number of allowed MAC addresses that can be learned on
the specified VLAN(s) here. The range is from 1 to 12288. Tick the No Limit
checkbox to allow the maximum number of secure MAC address.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in Find VLAN are described below:
Enter the VLAN ID that will be located here.
Click the Find button to locate a specific entry based on the information entered.
Port Security Port Settings
This window is used to display and configure the port security port settings.
To view the following window, click Security > Port Security > Port Security Port Settings, as shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 9-2 Port Security Port Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
From Port - To Port
Select the appropriate port range used for the configuration here.
Select to enable or disable the port security feature on the port(s) specified.
Enter the maximum number of secure MAC addresses that will be allowed on
the port(s) specified. This value must be between 0 and 12288. By default, this
value is 32.
Violation Action
Select the violation action that will be taken here. Options to choose from are
Protect, Restrict, and Shutdown.
Selecting Protect specifies to drop all packets from the insecure hosts at
the port-security process level, but does not increment the security-
violation count.
Selecting Restrict specifies to drop all packets from the insecure hosts at
the port-security process level and increments the security-violation count
and record the system log.
Selecting Shutdown specifies to shut down the port if there is a security
violation and record the system log.
Security Mode
Select the security mode option here. Options to choose from are Permanent
and Delete-on-Timeout.
Selecting Permanent specifies that under this mode, all learned MAC
addresses will not be purged out unless the user manually deletes those
Selecting Delete-on-Timeout specifies that under this mode, all learned
MAC addresses will be purged out when an entry is aged out or when the
user manually deletes these entries.
Aging Time
Enter the aging time value used for auto-learned dynamic secured addresses
on the specified port here. This value must be between 0 and 1440 minutes.
Aging Type
Select the aging type here. Options to choose from are Absolute and
Selecting Absolute specifies that all the secure addresses on this port age
out exactly after the time specified and is removed from the secure
address list. This is the default type.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Selecting Inactivity specifies that the secure addresses on this port age
out only if there is no data traffic from the secure source address for the
specified time period.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Port Security Address Entries
This window is used to view, clear and configure the port security address entries.
To view the following window, click Security > Port Security > Port Security Address Entries, as shown below:
Figure 9-3 Port Security Address Entries Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
Select the appropriate port range used for the configuration here.
MAC Address
Enter the MAC address here. Select the Permanent option to specify that all
learned MAC addresses will not be purged out unless the user manually
deletes those entries.
Enter the VLAN ID here. This value must be between 1 and 4094.
Click the Add button to add a new entry based on the information entered.
Click the Delete button to remove a new entry based on the information entered.
Click the Clear by Port button to clear the information based on the port selected.
Click the Clear by MAC button to clear the information based on the MAC address entered.
Click the Clear All button to clear all the information in this table.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
802.1X (Port-based and Host-based Access Control)
The IEEE 802.1X standard is a security measure for authorizing and authenticating users to gain access to various
wired or wireless devices on a specified Local Area Network by using a Client and Server based access control
model. This is accomplished by using a RADIUS server to authenticate users trying to access a network by relaying
Extensible Authentication Protocol over LAN (EAPOL) packets between the Client and the Server.
The following figure represents a basic EAPOL packet:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 9-4 The EAPOL Packet
Utilizing this method, unauthorized devices are restricted from connecting to a LAN through a port to which the user is
connected. EAPOL packets are the only traffic that can be transmitted through the specific port until authorization is
granted. The 802.1X access control method has three roles, each of which are vital to creating and up keeping a
stable and working Access Control security method.
Figure 9-5 The three roles of 802.1X
The following section will explain the three roles of Client, Authenticator and Authentication Server in greater detail.
Authentication Server
The Authentication Server is a remote device that is connected to the same network as the Client and Authenticator,
must be running a RADIUS Server program and must be configured properly on the Authenticator (Switch). Clients
connected to a port on the Switch must be authenticated by the Authentication Server (RADIUS) before attaining any
services offered by the Switch on the LAN. The role of the Authentication Server is to certify the identity of the Client
attempting to access the network by exchanging secure information between the RADIUS server and the Client
through EAPOL packets and, in turn, informs the Switch whether or not the Client is granted access to the LAN and/or
Switches services.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 9-6 The Authentication Server
The Authenticator (the Switch) is an intermediary between the Authentication Server and the Client. The Authenticator
serves two purposes when utilizing the 802.1X function. The first purpose is to request certification information from
the Client through EAPOL packets, which is the only information allowed to pass through the Authenticator before
access is granted to the Client. The second purpose of the Authenticator is to verify the information gathered from the
Client with the Authentication Server, and to then relay that information back to the Client.
Figure 9-7 The Authenticator
Three steps must be implemented on the Switch to properly configure the Authenticator.
The 802.1X State must be Enabled. (Security > 802.1X > 802.1X Global Settings)
The 802.1X settings must be implemented by port (Security > 802.1X > 802.1X Port Settings)
A RADIUS server must be configured on the Switch. (Security > RADIUS > RADIUS Server Settings)
The Client is simply the end station that wishes to gain access to the LAN or Switch services. All end stations must be
running software that is compliant with the 802.1X protocol. For users running Windows 7 and later, that software is
included within the operating system. All other users are required to attain 802.1X client software from an outside
source. The Client will request access to the LAN and or Switch through EAPOL packets and, in turn will respond to
requests from the Switch.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 9-8 The Client
Authentication Process
Utilizing the three roles stated above, the 802.1X protocol provides a stable and secure way of authorizing and
authenticating users attempting to access the network. Only EAPOL traffic is allowed to pass through the specified
port before a successful authentication is made. This port is “locked” until the point when a Client with the correct
username and password (and MAC address if 802.1X is enabled by MAC address) is granted access and therefore
successfully “unlocks” the port. Once the port is unlocked, normal traffic is allowed to pass through the port. The
following figure displays a more detailed explanation of how the authentication process is completed between the
three roles stated above.
Figure 9-9 The 802.1X Authentication Process
The D-Link implementation of 802.1X allows network administrators to choose between two types of Access Control
used on the Switch, which are:
Port-based Access Control - This method requires only one user to be authenticated per port by a remote
RADIUS server to allow the remaining users on the same port access to the network.
Host-based Access Control - Using this method, the Switch will automatically learn up to a maximum of 448
MAC addresses by port and set them in a list. Each MAC address must be authenticated by the Switch using a
remote RADIUS server before being allowed access to the Network.
Understanding 802.1X Port-based and Host-based Network Access Control
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
The original intent behind the development of 802.1X was to leverage the characteristics of point-to-point in LANs. As
any single LAN segment in such infrastructures has no more than two devices attached to it, one of which is a Bridge
Port. The Bridge Port detects events that indicate the attachment of an active device at the remote end of the link, or
an active device becoming inactive. These events can be used to control the authorization state of the Port and initiate
the process of authenticating the attached device if the Port is unauthorized. This is the Port-based Network Access
Port-based Network Access Control
Once the connected device has successfully been authenticated, the Port then becomes Authorized, and all
subsequent traffic on the Port is not subject to access control restriction until an event occurs that causes the Port to
become Unauthorized. Hence, if the Port is actually connected to a shared media LAN segment with more than one
attached device, successfully authenticating one of the attached devices effectively provides access to the LAN for all
devices on the shared segment. Clearly, the security offered in this situation is open to attack.
Figure 9-10 Example of Typical Port-based Configuration
Host-based Network Access Control
In order to successfully make use of 802.1X in a shared media LAN segment, it would be necessary to create “logical”
Ports, one for each attached device that required access to the LAN. The Switch would regard the single physical Port
connecting it to the shared media segment as consisting of a number of distinct logical Ports, each logical Port being
independently controlled from the point of view of EAPOL exchanges and authorization state. The Switch learns each
attached devices’ individual MAC addresses, and effectively creates a logical Port that the attached device can then
use to communicate with the LAN via the Switch.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 9-11 Example of Typical Host-based Configuration
802.1X Global Settings
This window is used to display and configure the global 802.1X settings.
To view the following window, click Security > 802.1X > 802.1X Global Settings, as shown below:
Figure 9-12 802.1X Global Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
802.1X State
Select to enable or disable the global 802.1X state here.
802.1X Trap State
Select to enable or disable the 802.1X trap state here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
802.1X Port Settings
This window is used to display and configure the 802.1X port settings.
To view the following window, click Security > 802.1X > 802.1X Port Settings, as shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 9-13 802.1X Port Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
From Port - To Port
Select the appropriate port range used for the configuration here.
Select the direction here. Options to choose from are Both and In. This option
configures the direction of the traffic on a controlled port as unidirectional (In) or
bidirectional (Both).
Port Control
Select the port control option here. Options to choose from are
ForceAuthorized, Auto, and ForceUnauthorized. If the port control is set to
force-authorized, then the port is not controlled in both directions. If the port
control is set to automatic, then the access to the port for the controlled
direction needs to be authenticated. If the port control is set to force-
unauthorized, then the access to the port for the controlled direction is blocked.
Forward PDU
Select to enable or disable the forward PDU option here.
Enter the maximum required times value here. This value must be between 1
and 10. By default, this option is 2. This option configures the maximum
number of times that the backend authentication state machine will retransmit
an Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) request frame to the supplicant
before restarting the authentication process.
PAE Authenticator
Select to enable or disable the PAE authenticator option here. This option
configures a specific port as an IEEE 802.1X port access entity (PAE)
Server Timeout
Enter the server timeout value here. This value must be between 1 and 65535
seconds. By default, this value is 30 seconds.
Enter the supplicant timeout value here. This value must be between 1 and
65535 seconds. By default, this value is 30 seconds.
TX Period
Enter the transmission period value here. This value must be between 1 and
65535 seconds. By default, this value is 30 seconds.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Authentication Sessions Information
This window is used to display and configure the authentication session information.
To view the following window, click Security > 802.1X > Authentication Sessions Information, as shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 9-14 Authentication Sessions Information Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
From Port - To Port
Select the appropriate port range used for the configuration here.
Click the Init by Port button to initiate the session information based on the port selections made.
Click the ReAuth by Port button to re-authenticate the session information based on the port selections made.
Click the Init by MAC button to initiate the session information based on the MAC address.
Click the ReAuth by MAC button to re-authenticate the session information based on the MAC address.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
Authenticator Statistics
This window is used to view and clear the authenticator statistics.
To view the following window, click Security > 802.1X > Authenticator Statistics, as shown below:
Figure 9-15 Authenticator Statistics Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this query here.
Select the appropriate port used for the query here.
Click the Find button to locate a specific entry based on the information entered.
Click the Clear Counters button to clear the counter information based on the selections made.
Click the Clear All button to clear all the information in this table.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Authenticator Session Statistics
This window is used to view and clear the authenticator session statistics.
To view the following window, click Security > 802.1X > Authenticator Session Statistics, as shown below:
Figure 9-16 Authenticator Session Statistics Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this query here.
Select the appropriate port used for the query here.
Click the Find button to locate a specific entry based on the information entered.
Click the Clear Counters button to clear the counter information based on the selections made.
Click the Clear All button to clear all the information in this table.
Authenticator Diagnostics
This window is used to view and clear the authenticator diagnostics information.
To view the following window, click Security > 802.1X > Authenticator Diagnostics, as shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 9-17 Authenticator Diagnostics Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this query here.
Select the appropriate port used for the query here.
Click the Find button to locate a specific entry based on the information entered.
Click the Clear Counters button to clear the counter information based on the selections made.
Click the Clear All button to clear all the information in this table.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
AAA Global Settings
This window is used to enable or disable the global Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (AAA) state.
To view the following window, click Security > AAA > AAA Global Settings, as shown below:
Figure 9-18 AAA Global Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
AAA State
Select to enable or disable the global Authentication, Authorization, and
Accounting (AAA) state.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Application Authentication Settings
This window is used to display and configure the application authentication settings.
To view the following window, click Security > AAA > Application Authentication Settings, as shown below:
Figure 9-19 Application Authentication Settings Window
Click the Edit button to re-configure the specific entry.
Figure 9-20 Application Authentication Settings (Edit) Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Login Method List
After clicking the Edit button for the specific entry, enter the login method list
name used here.
Click the Edit button to re-configure the specific entry.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Application Accounting Settings
This window is used to display and configure the application accounting settings.
To view the following window, click Security > AAA > Application Accounting Settings, as shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 9-21 Application Accounting Settings Window
Click the Edit button to re-configure the specific entry.
Figure 9-22 Application Accounting Settings (Edit) Window
The fields that can be configured in Application Accounting Exec Method list are described below:
Exec Method List
After clicking the Edit button for the specific entry, enter the EXEC method list
name used here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in Application Accounting Commands Method List are described below:
Select the application used here. Options to choose from are Console, Telnet,
and SSH.
Select the privilege level used here. Options to choose from are levels 1 to 15.
Commands Method List
Enter the commands method list name used here.
Click the Edit button to re-configure the specific entry.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Delete button to remove the specified entry.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Authentication Settings
This window is used to display and configure the AAA network and EXEC authentication settings.
To view the following window, click Security > AAA > Authentication Settings, as shown below:
Figure 9-23 Authentication Settings Window
The fields that can be configured in AAA Authentication 802.1X are described below:
Select to enable or disable the AAA 802.1X authentication state here.
Method 1 ~ Method 4
Select the method lists that will be used for this configuration here. Options to
choose from are:
none - Normally, the method is listed as the last method. The user will
pass authentication if it is not denied by previous method authentication.
local - Specifies to use the local database for authentication.
group - Specifies to use the server groups defined by the AAA group
server. Enter the AAA group server name in the space provided. This
string can be up to 32 characters long.
radius - Specifies to use the servers defined by the RADIUS server host
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in AAA Authentication MAC-Auth are described below:
Select to enable or disable the AAA MAC authentication state here.
Method 1 ~ Method 4
Select the method lists that will be used for this configuration here. Options to
choose from are:
none - Normally, the method is listed as the last method. The user will
pass authentication if it is not denied by previous method authentication.
local - Specifies to use the local database for authentication.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
group - Specifies to use the server groups defined by the AAA group
server. Enter the AAA group server name in the space provided. This
string can be up to 32 characters long.
radius - Specifies to use the servers defined by the RADIUS server host
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in AAA Authentication WEB-Auth are described below:
Select to enable or disable the AAA Web authentication state here.
Method 1 ~ Method 4
Select the method lists that will be used for this configuration here. Options to
choose from are:
none - Normally, the method is listed as the last method. The user will
pass authentication if it is not denied by previous method authentication.
local - Specifies to use the local database for authentication.
group - Specifies to use the server groups defined by the AAA group
server. Enter the AAA group server name in the space provided. This
string can be up to 32 characters long.
radius - Specifies to use the servers defined by the RADIUS server host
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in AAA Authentication IGMP-Auth Default Group RADIUS are described below:
Select to enable or disable the AAA authentication IGMP authentication default
group RADIUS feature here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
After clicking the AAA Authentication Exec tab, the following page will appear.
Figure 9-24 Authentication Settings (AAA Authentication EXEC) Window
The fields that can be configured in AAA Authentication Enable are described below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Select to enable or disable the AAA authentication enable state here.
Method 1 ~ Method 4
Select the method lists that will be used for this configuration here. Options to
choose from are:
none - Normally, the method is listed as the last method. The user will
pass the authentication if it is not denied by previous method
enable - Specifies to use the local enable password for authentication.
group - Specifies to use the server groups defined by the AAA group
server command. Enter the AAA group server name in the space provided.
This string can be up to 32 characters long.
radius - Specifies to use the servers defined by the RADIUS server host
tacacs+ - Specifies to use the servers defined by the TACACS+ server
host command.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in AAA Authentication Login are described below:
List Name
Enter the method list name that will be used with the AAA authentication login
option here.
Method 1 ~ Method 4
Select the method lists that will be used for this configuration here. Options to
choose from are:
none - Normally, the method is listed as the last method. The user will
pass authentication if it is not denied by previous method’s authentication.
local - Specifies to use the local database for authentication.
group - Specifies to use the server groups defined by the AAA group
server command. Enter the AAA group server name in the space provided.
This string can be up to 32 characters long.
radius - Specifies to use the servers defined by the RADIUS server host
tacacs+ - Specifies to use the servers defined by the TACACS+ server
host command.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Delete button to remove the specified entry.
Accounting Settings
This window is used to display and configure the AAA accounting settings.
To view the following window, click Security > AAA > Accounting Settings, as shown below:
Figure 9-25 Accounting Settings Window
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
The fields that can be configured in AAA Accounting Network are described below:
Select to enable or disable the use of the default method list here.
Method 1 ~ Method 4
Select the method lists that will be used for this configuration here. Options to
choose from are none, group, radius, and tacacs+. The none option is only
available for Method 1.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
After clicking the AAA Accounting System tab, the following page will appear.
Figure 9-26 Accounting Settings (AAA Accounting System) Window
The fields that can be configured in AAA Accounting System are described below:
Select to enable or disable the use of the default method list here.
Method 1 ~ Method 4
Select the method lists that will be used for this configuration here. Options to
choose from are none, group, radius, and tacacs+. The none option is only
available for Method 1.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
After clicking the AAA Accounting Exec tab, the following page will appear.
Figure 9-27 Accounting Settings (AAA Accounting Exec) Window
The fields that can be configured in AAA Accounting Exec are described below:
List Name
Enter the method list name that will be used with the AAA accounting EXEC
option here.
Method 1 ~ Method 4
Select the method lists that will be used for this configuration here. Options to
choose from are none, group, radius, and tacacs+. The none option is only
available for Method 1.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Delete button to remove the specified entry.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
After clicking the AAA Accounting Commands tab, the following page will appear.
Figure 9-28 Accounting Settings (AAA Accounting Commands) Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the privilege level used here. Options to choose from are levels 1 to 15.
List Name
Enter the method list name that will be used with the AAA accounting
commands option here.
Method 1 ~ Method 4
Select the method lists that will be used for this configuration here. Options to
choose from are none, group, and tacacs+. The none option is only available
for Method 1.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Delete button to remove the specified entry.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
RADIUS Global Settings
This window is used to display and configure the global RADIUS settings.
To view the following window, click Security > RADIUS > RADIUS Global Settings, as shown below:
Figure 9-29 RADIUS Global Settings Window
The fields that can be configured in RADIUS Global Settings are described below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Enter the dead time value here. This value must be between 1 and 1440
minutes. By default, this value is 0 minutes. When this option is 0, the
unresponsive server will not be marked as dead. This setting can be used to
improve the authentication processing time by setting the dead time to skip the
unresponsive server host entries.
When the system performs authentication with the authentication server, it
attempts one server at a time. If the attempted server does not respond, the
system will attempt the next server. When the system finds a server does not
respond, it will mark the server as down, start a dead time timer, and skip them
in authentication of the following requests until expiration of the dead time.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in RADIUS Global IPv4 Source Interface are described below:
IPv4 RADIUS Source
Interface Name
Enter the name of the IPv4 RADIUS source interface here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in RADIUS Global IPv6 Source Interface are described below:
IPv6 RADIUS Source
Interface Name
Enter the name of the IPv6 RADIUS source interface here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
RADIUS Server Settings
This window is used to display and configure the RADIUS server settings.
To view the following window, click Security > RADIUS > RADIUS Server Settings, as shown below:
Figure 9-30 RADIUS Server Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
IP Address
Enter the RADIUS server IPv4 address here.
IPv6 Address
Enter the RADIUS server IPv6 address here.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Authentication Port
Enter the authentication port number used here. This value must be between 0
and 65535. By default, this value is 1812. If no authentication is used, use the
value 0.
Accounting Port
Enter the accounting port number used here. This value must be between 0
and 65535. By default, this value is 1813. If no accounting is used, use the
value 0.
Enter the retransmit value used here. This value must be between 0 and 20. By
default, this value is 3. To disable this option, enter the value 0.
Enter the timeout value used here. This value must be between 1 and 255
seconds. By default, this value is 5 seconds.
Key Type
Select the key type that will be used here. Options to choose from are Plain
Text and Encrypted.
Enter the key, used to communicate with the RADIUS server, here. This key
can be up to 32 characters long.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Delete button to remove the specified entry.
RADIUS Group Server Settings
This window is used to display and configure the RADIUS group server settings.
To view the following window, click Security > RADIUS > RADIUS Group Server Settings, as shown below:
Figure 9-31 RADIUS Group Server Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Group Server Name
Enter the RADIUS group server name here. This name can be up to 32
characters long.
IP Address
Enter the group server IPv4 address here.
IPv6 Address
Enter the group server IPv6 address here.
Click the Add button to add a new entry based on the information entered.
Click the Show Detail button to view and configure more detailed settings for the RADIUS group server.
Click the Delete button to remove the specified entry.
After clicking the Show Detail button, the following page will be available.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 9-32 RADIUS Group Server Settings (Detail) Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
IPv4 RADIUS Source
Interface Name
Enter the name of the source IPv4 RADIUS interface here.
IPv6 RADIUS Source
Interface Name
Enter the name of the source IPv6 RADIUS interface here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Delete button to remove the specified entry.
Click the Back button to return to the previous window.
RADIUS Statistic
This window is used to view and clear the RADIUS statistics information.
To view the following window, click Security > RADIUS > RADIUS Statistic, as shown below:
Figure 9-33 RADIUS Statistic Window
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Group Server Name
Select the RADIUS group server name from this list here.
Click the Clear button to clear the information based on the selections made.
Click the Clear All button to clear all the information in this table.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
NOTE: In this section, settings associated with the TACACS+ feature will be configured, even though
the word “TACACS” is used in the Web UI.
TACACS Global Settings
This window is used to display and configure the global TACACS+ server settings.
To view the following window, click Security > TACACS > TACACS Global Settings, as shown below:
Figure 9-34 TACACS Global Settings Window
The fields that can be configured in TACACS Global IPv4 Source Interface are described below:
IPv4 TACACS Source
Interface Name
Enter the name of the IPv4 TACACS+ source interface here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
TACACS Server Settings
This window is used to display and configure the TACACS+ server settings.
To view the following window, click Security > TACACS > TACACS Server Settings, as shown below:
Figure 9-35 TACACS Server Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
IP Address
Enter the TACACS+ server IPv4 address here.
Enter the port number used here. This value must be between 1 and 65535. By
default, this value is 49.
Enter the timeout value here. This value must be between 1 and 255 seconds.
By default, this value is 5 seconds.
Key Type
Select the key type that will be used here. Options to choose from are Plain
Text and Encrypted.
Enter the key, used to communicate with the TACACS+ server, here. This key
can be up to 254 characters long.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Delete button to remove the specified entry.
TACACS Group Server Settings
This window is used to display and configure the TACACS+ group server settings.
To view the following window, click Security > TACACS > TACACS Group Server Settings, as shown below:
Figure 9-36 TACACS Group Server Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Group Server Name
Enter the TACACS+ group server name here. This name can be up to 32
characters long.
Enter the group server IPv4 address here.
Click the Add button to add a new entry based on the information entered.
Click the Show Detail button to view and configure more detailed settings for the TACACS+ group server.
Click the Delete button to remove the specified entry.
After clicking the Show Detail button, the following page will be available.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 9-37 TACACS Group Server Settings (Show Detail) Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
IPv4 TACACS Source
Interface Name
Enter the name of the source IPv4 TACACS+ interface here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Delete button to remove the specified entry.
Click the Back button to return to the previous window.
TACACS Statistic
This window is used to view and clear the TACACS+ statistic information.
To view the following window, click Security > TACACS > TACACS Statistic, as shown below:
Figure 9-38 TACACS Statistic Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Group Server Name
Select the TACACS+ group server name from this list here.
Click the first Clear button to clear the information based on the group selected.
Click the Clear All button to clear all the information in this table.
Click the second Clear button to clear all the information for the specific entry.
The IP network layer uses a four-byte address. The Ethernet link-layer uses a six-byte MAC address. Binding these
two address types together allows the transmission of data between the layers. The primary purpose of IP-MAC-Port
Binding (IMPB) is to restrict the access to a Switch to a number of authorized users. Authorized clients can access a
Switch’s port by either checking the pair of IP-MAC addresses with the pre-configured database or if DHCP snooping
has been enabled in which case the Switch will automatically learn the IP/MAC pairs by snooping DHCP packets and
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
saving them to the IMPB white list. If an unauthorized user tries to access an IP-MAC binding enabled port, the
system will block the access by dropping its packet. Active and inactive entries use the same database. The function
is port-based, meaning a user can enable or disable the function on the individual port.
DHCPv4 Snooping
DHCP Snooping Global Settings
This window is used to display and configure the global DHCP snooping settings.
To view the following window, click Security > IMPB > IPv4 > DHCPv4 Snooping > DHCP Snooping Global
Settings, as shown below:
Figure 9-39 DHCP Snooping Global Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
DHCP Snooping
Select to enable or disable the global DHCP snooping status.
Information Option Allow
Select to enable or disable the option to globally allow DHCP packets with the
relay Option 82 on the untrusted interface.
Source MAC Verification
Select to enable or disable the verification that the source MAC address in a
DHCP packet matches the client hardware address.
Station Move Deny
Select to enable or disable the DHCP snooping station move state. When
DHCP snooping station move is enabled, the dynamic DHCP snooping binding
entry with the same VLAN ID and MAC address on the specific port can move
to another port if it detects that a new DHCP process belong to the same VLAN
ID and MAC address.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
DHCP Snooping Port Settings
This window is used to display and configure the DHCP snooping port settings.
To view the following window, click Security > IMPB > IPv4 > DHCPv4 Snooping > DHCP Snooping Port Settings,
as shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 9-40 DHCP Snooping Port Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
From Port - To Port
Select the appropriate port range used for the configuration here.
Entry Limit
Enter the entry limit value here. This value must be between 0 and 1024. Tick
the No Limit option to disable the function.
Rate Limit
Enter the rate limit value here. This value must be between 1 and 300. Tick the
No Limit option to disable the function.
Select the trusted option here. Options to choose from are No and Yes. Ports
connected to the DHCP server or to other Switches should be configured as
trusted interfaces. The ports connected to DHCP clients should be configured
as untrusted interfaces. DHCP snooping acts as a firewall between untrusted
interfaces and DHCP servers.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
DHCP Snooping VLAN Settings
This window is used to display and configure the DHCP snooping VLAN settings.
To view the following window, click Security > IMPB > IPv4 > DHCPv4 Snooping > DHCP Snooping VLAN
Settings, as shown below:
Figure 9-41 DHCP Snooping VLAN Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
VID List
Enter the VLAN ID list used here.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Select to enable or disable the DHCP snooping VLAN setting here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
DHCP Snooping Database
This window is used to display and configure the DHCP snooping database settings.
To view the following window, click Security > IMPB > IPv4 > DHCPv4 Snooping > DHCP Snooping Database, as
shown below:
Figure 9-42 DHCP Snooping Database Window
The fields that can be configured in DHCP Snooping Database are described below:
Write Delay
Enter the write delay time value here. This value must be between 60 and
86400 seconds. By default, this value is 300 seconds.
Click the Reset button to reset the information entered.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in Store DHCP Snooping Database are described below:
Select the location from the drop-down list and enter the URL where the DHCP
snooping database will be stored to here. Locations to choose from are TFTP,
FTP, and Flash. An example URL is given.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in Load DHCP Snooping Database are described below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Select the location from the drop-down list and enter the URL where the DHCP
snooping database will be loaded from here. Locations to choose from are
TFTP, FTP, and Flash. An example URL is given.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Clear button to clear all the counter information.
DHCP Snooping Binding Entry
This window is used to display and configure the DHCP snooping binding entries.
To view the following window, click Security > IMPB > IPv4 > DHCPv4 Snooping > DHCP Snooping Binding
Entry, as shown below:
Figure 9-43 DHCP Snooping Binding Entry Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
MAC Address
Enter the MAC address of the DHCP snooping binding entry here.
Enter the VLAN ID of the DHCP snooping binding entry here. This value must
be between 1 and 4094.
IP Address
Enter the IP address of the DHCP snooping binding entry here.
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
Select the appropriate port used for the configuration here.
Enter the expiry time value used here. This value must be between 60 and
4294967295 seconds.
Click the Add button to add a new entry based on the information entered.
Click the Delete button to remove the specified entry.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
Dynamic ARP Inspection
ARP Access List
This window is used to display and configure the dynamic ARP inspection settings.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
To view the following window, click Security > IMPB > IPv4 > Dynamic ARP Inspection > ARP Access List, as
shown below:
Figure 9-44 ARP Access List Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
ARP Access List Name
Enter the ARP access list name used here. This name can be up to 32
characters long.
Click the Add button to add a new entry based on the information entered.
Click the Edit button to re-configure the specific entry.
Click the Delete button to remove the specified entry.
After clicking the Edit button, the following window will appear.
Figure 9-45 ARP Access List (Edit) Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the action that will be taken here. Options to choose from are Permit
and Deny.
Select the type of sender IP address that will be used here. Options to choose
from are Any, Host, and IP with Mask.
Sender IP
After selecting the Host or IP with Mask options as the type of IP, enter the
sender IP address used here.
Sender IP Mask
After selecting the IP with Mask option as the type of IP, enter the sender IP
mask used here.
Select the type of sender MAC address that will be used here. Options to
choose from are Any, Host, and MAC with Mask.
Sender MAC
After selecting the Host or MAC with Mask options as the type of MAC, enter
the sender MAC address used here.
Sender MAC Mask
After selecting the MAC with Mask option as the type of MAC, enter the
sender MAC mask used here.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Click the Back button to return to the previous page.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Delete button to remove the specified entry.
ARP Inspection Settings
This window is used to display and configure the ARP inspection settings.
To view the following window, click Security > IMPB > IPv4 > Dynamic ARP Inspection > ARP Inspection
Settings, as shown below:
Figure 9-46 ARP Inspection Settings Window
The fields that can be configured in ARP Inspection Validation are described below:
Select to enable or disable the source MAC option here. This option specifies to
check for ARP requests and response packets and the consistency of the
source MAC address in the Ethernet header against the sender MAC address
in the ARP payload.
Select to enable or disable the destination MAC option here. This option
specifies to check for ARP response packets and the consistency of the
destination MAC address in the Ethernet header against the target MAC
address in the ARP payload.
Select to enable or disable the IP option here. This option specifies to check the
ARP body for invalid and unexpected IP addresses. It also specifies to check
the validity of IP address in the ARP payload. The sender IP in both the ARP
request and response and target IP in the ARP response are validated. Packets
destined for the IP addresses,, and all IP multicast
addresses are dropped. Sender IP addresses are checked in all ARP requests
and responses, and target IP addresses are checked only in ARP responses.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in ARP Inspection Filter are described below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
ARP Access List Name
Enter the ARP access list name used here. This name can be up to 32
characters long.
VID List
Enter the VLAN ID list used here.
Static ACL
Select whether to use a static ACL or not here by either selecting Yes or No.
Click the Add button to add a new entry based on the information entered.
Click the Delete button to remove an entry based on the information entered.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
ARP Inspection Port Settings
This window is used to display and configure the ARP inspection port settings.
To view the following window, click Security > IMPB > IPv4 > Dynamic ARP Inspection > ARP Inspection Port
Settings, as shown below:
Figure 9-47 ARP Inspection Port Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
From Port - To Port
Select the appropriate port range used for the configuration here.
Rate Limit
Enter the rate limit value here. This value must be between 1 and 150 packets
per seconds.
Burst Interval
Enter the burst interval value here. This value must be between 1 and 15. Tick
the None option to disable the option.
Trust State
Select to enable or disable the trust state here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Set to Default button to change the information to the default values.
ARP Inspection VLAN
This window is used to display and configure the ARP inspection VLAN settings.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
To view the following window, click Security > IMPB > IPv4 > Dynamic ARP Inspection > ARP Inspection VLAN,
as shown below:
Figure 9-48 ARP Inspection VLAN Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
VID List
Enter the VLAN ID list used here.
Select to enable or disable the ARP inspection option’s state for the specified
VLAN here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
ARP Inspection Statistics
This window is used to view and clear the ARP inspection statistics information.
To view the following window, click Security > IMPB > IPv4 > Dynamic ARP Inspection > ARP Inspection
Statistics, as shown below:
Figure 9-49 ARP Inspection Statistics Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
VID List
Enter the VLAN ID list used here.
Click the Clear by VLAN button to clear the information based on the VLAN ID(s) entered.
Click the Clear All button to clear all the information in this table.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
ARP Inspection Log
This window is used to view, configure and clear the ARP inspection log information.
To view the following window, click Security > IMPB > IPv4 > Dynamic ARP Inspection > ARP Inspection Log, as
shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 9-50 ARP Inspection Log Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Log Buffer
Enter the log buffer value used here. This value must be between 1 and 1024.
By default, this value is 32.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Clear Log button to clear the log.
IP Source Guard
IP Source Guard Port Settings
This window is used to display and configure the IP source guard port settings.
To view the following window, click Security > IMPB > IPv4 > IP Source Guard > IP Source Guard Port Settings,
as shown below:
Figure 9-51 IP Source Guard Port Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
From Port - To Port
Select the appropriate port range used for the configuration here.
Select to enable or disable the IP source guard’s state for the specified port(s)
Select the validation method used here. Options to choose from are IP and IP-
MAC. Selecting IP means that the IP address of the received packets will be
checked. Selecting IP-MAC means that the IP address and the MAC address of
the received packets will be checked.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
IP Source Guard Binding
This window is used to display and configure the IP source guard binding settings.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
To view the following window, click Security > IMPB > IPv4 > IP Source Guard > IP Source Guard Binding, as
shown below:
Figure 9-52 IP Source Guard Binding Window
The fields that can be configured in IP Source Binding Settings are described below:
MAC Address
Enter the MAC address of the binding entry here.
Enter the VLAN ID of the binding entry here.
IP Address
Enter the IP address of the binding entry here.
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
From Port - To Port
Select the appropriate port range used for the configuration here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in IP Source Binding Entry are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this query here.
From Port - To Port
Select the appropriate port range used for the query here.
IP Address
Enter the IP address of the binding entry here.
MAC Address
Enter the MAC address of the binding entry here.
Enter the VLAN ID of the binding entry here.
Select the type of binding entry to find here. Options to choose from are All,
DHCP Snooping, and Static.
Selecting All specifies that all the DHCP binding entries will be displayed.
Selecting DHCP Snooping specifies to display the IP-source guard
binding entry learned by DHCP binding snooping.
Selecting Static specifies to display the IP-source guard binding entry that
is manually configured.
Click the Find button to locate a specific entry based on the information entered.
Click the Delete button to remove the specified entry.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
IP Source Guard HW Entry
This window is used to view the IP source guard hardware entries.
To view the following window, click Security > IMPB > IPv4 > IP Source Guard > IP Source Guard HW Entry, as
shown below:
Figure 9-53 IP Source Guard HW Entry Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this query here.
From Port - To Port
Select the appropriate port range used for the query here.
Click the Find button to locate a specific entry based on the information entered.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
Advanced Settings
IP-MAC-Port Binding Settings
This window is used to display and configure the IP-MAC-Port binding settings.
To view the following window, click Security > IMPB > IPv4 > Advanced Settings > IP-MAC-Port Binding Settings,
as shown below:
Figure 9-54 IP-MAC-Port Binding Settings Window
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
The fields that can be configured in IP-MAC-Port Binding Trap Settings are described below:
Trap State
Select the enable or disable the IP-MAC-Port binding option’s trap state.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in IP-MAC-Port Binding Port Settings are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
From Port - To Port
Select the appropriate port range used for the configuration here.
Select the mode of access control that will be used here. Options to choose
from are Disabled, Strict, and Loose. When a port is enabled for IMPB strict-
mode access control, a host can only access the port after the host sends ARP
or IP packets and the ARP packet or IP packet sent by the host passes the
binding check. To pass the binding check, the source IP address, source MAC
address, VLAN ID, and arrival port number must match any of the entries
defined by either the IP source guard static binding entry or the DHCP
snooping learned dynamic binding entry. When a port is enabled for IMPB
loose-mode access control, a host will be denied to access the port after the
host sends ARP or IP packets and the ARP packet or IP packet sent by the
host does not pass the binding check. To pass the binding check, the source IP
address, source MAC address, VLAN ID, and arrival port must match any of the
entries defined by either the IP source guard static binding entry or the DHCP
snooping learned dynamic binding entry.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
IP-MAC-Port Binding Blocked Entry
This window is used to view and clear the IP-MAC-Port binding blocked entry table.
To view the following window, click Security > IMPB > IPv4 > Advanced Settings > IP-MAC-Port Binding Blocked
Entry, as shown below:
Figure 9-55 IP-MAC-Port Binding Blocked Entry Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Clear by Port
Select this option to clear the entry table based on the port(s) selected.
Select the Switch unit that will be clear here.
From Port - To Port
Select the appropriate port range that will be cleared here.
Clear by MAC
Select this option to clear the entry table based on the MAC address entered.
Enter the MAC address that will be cleared in the space provided.
Clear All
Select this option to clear all entries that contain MAC addresses.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
IPv6 Snooping
This window is used to display and configure the IPv6 snooping settings.
To view the following window, click Security > IMPB > IPv6 > IPv6 Snooping, as shown below:
Figure 9-56 IPv6 Snooping Window
The fields that can be configured in Station Move Setting are described below:
Station Move
Select the station move options here. Options to choose from are Permit and
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in IPv6 Snooping Policy Settings are described below:
Policy Name
Enter the IPv6 snooping policy name used here. This name can be up to 32
characters long.
Limit Address Count
Enter the address count limit value used here. This value must be between 0
and 511. Tick the No Limit option to disable this option.
Select the protocol state here. Options to choose from are Enabled and
Select DHCP to specify that addresses should be snooped in DHCPv6
Select NDP to specify that addresses should be snooped in NDP
Select DHCP-PD to specify that the IPv6 prefix should be snooped in
DHCPv6-PD packets.
DHCPv6 snooping sniffs the DHCPv6 packets sent between the DHCPv6 client
and server in the address assigning procedure. When a DHCPv6 client
successfully got a valid IPv6 address, DHCPv6 snooping creates its binding
database. ND Snooping is designed for a stateless auto-configuration assigned
IPv6 address and manually configured IPv6 address. Before assigning an IPv6
address, the host must perform Duplicate Address Detection first. ND snooping
detects DAD messages (DAD Neighbor Solicitation (NS) and DAD Neighbor
Advertisement (NA)) to build its binding database. The NDP packet (NS and
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
NA) is also used to detect whether a host is still reachable and determine
whether to delete a binding or not.
DHCP-PD snooping performs DHCPv6 snooping of Prefix Delegation (PD) to
setup bindings between the Delegating Router (assigned with an IPv6 prefix)
and the corresponding Requesting Router. The bindings can be used to
validate the source prefix in the packets.
VID List
Enter the VLAN ID list used here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Edit button to re-configure the specific entry.
Click the Delete button to remove the specified entry.
IPv6 ND Inspection
This window is used to display and configure the IPv6 ND inspection settings.
To view the following window, click Security > IMPB > IPv6 > IPv6 ND Inspection, as shown below:
Figure 9-57 IPv6 ND Inspection Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Policy Name
Enter the policy name used here. This name can be up to 32 characters long.
Device Role
Select the device role here. Options to choose from are Host and Router. By
default, the device’s role is set as host and inspection for NS and NA messages
are performed. If the device role is set as router, the NS and NA inspection is
not performed. When performing NS/NA inspection, the message will be
verified against the dynamic binding table learned from the ND protocol or from
the DHCP.
Validate Source-MAC
Select to enable or disable the validation of the source MAC address option
here. When the Switch receives an ND message that contains a link-layer
address, the source MAC address is checked against the link-layer address.
The packet will be dropped if the link-layer address and the MAC addresses are
different from each other.
Target Port
Tick this option to specify the target port.
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
From Port - To Port
Select the appropriate port range used for the configuration here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Edit button to re-configure the specific entry.
Click the Delete button to remove the specified entry.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
IPv6 RA Guard
This window is used to display and configure the IPv6 Router Advertisement (RA) guard settings.
To view the following window, click Security > IMPB > IPv6 > IPv6 RA Guard, as shown below:
Figure 9-58 IPv6 RA Guard Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Policy Name
Enter the policy name here. This name can be up to 32 characters long.
Device Role
Select the device role here. Options to choose from are Host and Router. By
default, the device's role is Host, which will block all the RA packets. If the
device's role is Router, RA packets will be forwarded according to the port's
bound ACL.
Match IPv6 Access List
Enter or select the IPv6 access list to match here. Click the Please Select
button to select an existing ACL from the list.
Target Port
Tick this option to specify the target port.
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
From Port - To Port
Select the appropriate port range used for the configuration here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Edit button to re-configure the specific entry.
Click the Delete button to remove the specified entry.
After clicking the Please Select button, the following window will appear:
Figure 9-59 IPv6 RA Guard (Please Select) Window
Select the radio button next to the entry to use that ACL in the configuration.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
Click the OK button to accept the selection made.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
IPv6 DHCP Guard
This window is used to display and configure the IPv6 DHCP guard settings.
To view the following window, click Security > IMPB > IPv6 > IPv6 DHCP Guard, as shown below:
Figure 9-60 IPv6 DHCP Guard Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Policy Name
Enter the policy name here. This name can be up to 32 characters long.
Device Role
Select the device role here. Options to choose from are Client and Server. By
default, the device's role is set as Client, which will block all the DHCPv6
packets from the DHCPv6 Server. If the device's role is set as Server, DHCPv6
Server packets will be forwarded according to the port's bound ACL.
Match IPv6 Access List
Enter or select the IPv6 access list to match here. Click the Please Select
button to select an existing ACL from the list.
Target Port
Tick this option to specify the target port.
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
From Port - To Port
Select the appropriate port range used for the configuration here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Edit button to re-configure the specific entry.
Click the Delete button to remove the specified entry.
After clicking the Please Select button, the following window will appear:
Figure 9-61 IPv6 DHCP Guard (Please Select) Window
Select the radio button next to the entry to use that ACL in the configuration.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
Click the OK button to accept the selection made.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
IPv6 Source Guard
IPv6 Source Guard Settings
This window is used to display and configure the IPv6 source guard settings.
To view the following window, click Security > IMPB > IPv6 > IPv6 Source Guard > IPv6 Source Guard Settings,
as shown below:
Figure 9-62 IPv6 Source Guard Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Policy Name
Enter the policy name here. This name can be up to 32 characters long.
Global Auto-Configure
Select to permit of deny data traffic from the auto-configured global address. It
is useful when all global addresses on a link are assigned by DHCP and the
administrator that wants to block hosts with self-configured addresses from
sending traffic.
Link Local Traffic
Select to permit of deny hardware permitted data traffic send by the link-local
Validate Address
Select to enable or disable the validate address feature here. This is used to
enable the IPv6 source guard to perform the validate address feature.
Validate Prefix
Select to enable or disable the validate prefix feature here. This is used to
enable the IPv6 source guard to perform the IPv6 prefix-guard operation.
Target Port
Tick this option to specify the target port.
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
From Port - To Port
Select the appropriate port range used for the configuration here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Edit button to re-configure the specific entry.
Click the Delete button to remove the specified entry.
IPv6 Neighbor Binding
This window is used to display and configure the IPv6 neighbor binding settings.
To view the following window, click Security > IMPB > IPv6 > IPv6 Source Guard > IPv6 Neighbor Binding, as
shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 9-63 IPv6 Neighbor Binding Window
The fields that can be configured in IPv6 Neighbor Binding Settings are described below:
MAC Address
Enter the MAC address used here.
Enter the VLAN ID used here. This value must be between 1 and 4094.
IPv6 Address
Enter the IPv6 address used here.
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
From Port - To Port
Select the appropriate port range used for the configuration here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in IPv6 Neighbor Binding Entry are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this search here.
From Port - To Port
Select the appropriate port range used for the search here.
IPv6 Address
Enter the IPv6 address to find here.
MAC Address
Enter the MAC address to find here.
Enter the VLAN ID to find here.
Click the Find button to locate a specific entry based on the information entered.
Click the Delete button to remove the specified entry.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
DHCP Server Screening
This function allows users to not only to restrict all DHCP server packets but also to receive any specified DHCP
server packet by any specified DHCP client. It is useful when one or more DHCP servers are present on the network
and both provide DHCP services to different distinct groups of clients.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
When the DHCP Server Screening function is enabled on a port, all DHCP server packets received on this ports will
be redirected to the CPU for a software-based check. Legal DHCP server packets will be forwarded out and illegal
DHCP server packets will be dropped.
When DHCP Server Screening function is enabled all DHCP Server packets will be filtered from a specific port.
DHCP Server Screening Global Settings
This window is used to display and configure the global DHCP server screening settings.
To view the following window, click Security > DHCP Server Screening > DHCP Server Screening Global
Settings, as shown below:
Figure 9-64 DHCP Server Screening Global Settings Window
The fields that can be configured in Trap Settings are described below:
Trap State
Select to enable or disable the DHCP server screening trap here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in Profile Settings are described below:
Profile Name
Enter the DHCP server screening profile name here. This name can be up to
32 characters long.
Client MAC
Enter the MAC address used here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Delete button to remove the specified entry.
Click the Delete Profile button to remove the specified profile.
The fields that can be configured in Log Information are described below:
Log Buffer Entries
Enter the logged buffer entries value here. This value must be between 10 and
1024. By default, this value is 32.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Clear Log button to clear the log.
DHCP Server Screening Port Settings
This window is used to display and configure the DHCP server screening port settings.
To view the following window, click Security > DHCP Server Screening > DHCP Server Screening Port Settings,
as shown below:
Figure 9-65 DHCP Server Screening Port Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
From Port - To Port
Select the appropriate port range used for the configuration here.
Select to enable or disable the DHCP server screening function on the port(s)
Server IP
Enter the DHCP server IP address here.
Profile Name
Enter the DHCP server screening profile that will be used for the port(s)
specified here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Delete button to remove the specified entry.
ARP Spoofing Prevention
This window is used to display and configure the ARP spoofing prevention settings. When an entry is created, ARP
packets whose sender IP address matches the gateway IP address, of an entry, but its sender MAC address field
does not match the gateway MAC address, of the entry, will be dropped by the system. The ASP will bypass the ARP
packets whose sender IP address doesn’t match the configured gateway IP address.
If an ARP address matches a configured gateway’s IP address, MAC address, and port list, then bypass the Dynamic
ARP Inspection (DAI) check no matter if the receiving port is ARP trusted or untrusted.
To view the following window, click Security > ARP Spoofing Prevention, as shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 9-66 ARP Spoofing Prevention Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
From Port - To Port
Select the appropriate port range used for the configuration here.
Gateway IP
Enter the gateway IP address used here.
Gateway MAC
Enter the gateway MAC address used here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Delete button to remove the specified entry.
BPDU Attack Protection
This window is used to display and configure the BPDU attack protection settings. In generally, there are two states in
the BPDU attack protection function. One is normal state, and another is under attack state. The under attack state
has three modes: drop, block, and shutdown. A BPDU protection enabled port will enter an under attack state when it
receives one STP BPDU packet and it will take action based on the configuration.
BPDU protection has a higher priority than the (Forward BPDU) FBPDU setting configured by configure STP
command in the determination of BPDU handling. That is, when FBPDU is configured to forward STP BPDU but
BPDU protection is enabled, then the port will not forward STP BPDU.
BPDU protection also has a higher priority than the BPDU tunnel port setting in determination of BPDU handling. That
is, when a port is configured as BPDU tunnel port for STP, it will forward STP BPDU. But if the port is BPDU
protection enabled. Then the port will not forward STP BPDU.
To view the following window, click Security > BPDU Attack Protection, as shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 9-67 BPDU Attack Protection Window
The fields that can be configured in BPDU Attack Protection Global Settings are described below:
BPDU Attack Protection
Select to enable or disable the global BPDU attack protection state here.
BPDU Attack Protection
Trap State
Select to enable or disable the BPDU attack protection trap state here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in BPDU Attack Protection Port Settings are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
From Port - To Port
Select the appropriate port range used for the configuration here.
Select to enable or disable the BPDU attack protection state on the port(s)
Select the BPDU attack protection mode that will be applied to the port(s)
specified. Options to choose from are Drop, Block and Shutdown.
Drop - Drop all received BPDU packets when the port enters under attack
Block - Drop all packets (include BPDU and normal packets) when the
port enters under attack state.
Shutdown - Shut down the port when the port enters under attack state.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
MAC Authentication
This window is used to display and configure the MAC authentication settings. MAC authentication is a feature
designed to authenticate a user by MAC address when the user is trying to access the network via the Switch. The
Switch itself can perform the authentication based on a local database or be a RADIUS client and perform the
authentication process via the RADIUS protocol with a remote RADIUS server.
To view the following window, click Security > MAC Authentication, as shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 9-68 MAC Authentication Window
The fields that can be configured in MAC Authentication Global Settings are described below:
MAC Authentication State
Select to enable or disable the global MAC authentication state.
MAC Authentication Trap
Select to enable or disable the MAC authentication trap state.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in MAC Authentication User Name and Password Settings are described below:
User Name
Enter the username used for MAC authentication here. This name can be up to
16 characters long. Tick the Default option to restore the username to the client
MAC address here.
Enter the password used for MAC authentication here. Tick the Encrypt option
save this password in the encrypted form. Tick the Default option to restore the
password to the client MAC address here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in MAC Authentication Port Settings are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
From Port - To Port
Select the appropriate port range used for the configuration here.
Select to enable or disable MAC authentication for the port(s) specified here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Web-based Access Control
Web-based Access Control (WAC) is a feature designed to authenticate a user when the user is trying to access the
Internet via the Switch. The authentication process uses the HTTP or HTTPS protocol. The Switch enters the
authenticating stage when users attempt to browse Web pages (e.g., http://www.dlink.com) through a Web browser.
When the Switch detects HTTP or HTTPS packets and this port is unauthenticated, the Switch will launch a pop-up
user name and password window to query users. Users are not able to access the Internet until the authentication
process is passed.
The Switch can be the authentication server itself and do the authentication based on a local database, or be a
RADIUS client and perform the authentication process via the RADIUS protocol with a remote RADIUS server. The
client user initiates the authentication process of WAC by attempting to gain Web access.
D-Link’s implementation of WAC uses a virtual IP that is exclusively used by the WAC function and is not known by
any other modules of the Switch. In fact, to avoid affecting a Switch’s other features, WAC will only use a virtual IP
address to communicate with hosts. Thus, all authentication requests must be sent to a virtual IP address but not to
the IP address of the Switch’s physical interface.
Virtual IP works like this, when a host PC communicates with the WAC Switch through a virtual IP, the virtual IP is
transformed into the physical IPIF (IP interface) address of the Switch to make the communication possible. The host
PC and other servers’ IP configurations do not depend on the virtual IP of WAC. The virtual IP does not respond to
any ICMP packets or ARP requests, which means it is not allowed to configure a virtual IP on the same subnet as the
Switch’s IPIF (IP interface) or the same subnet as the host PCs’ subnet.
As all packets to a virtual IP from authenticated and authenticating hosts will be trapped to the Switch’s CPU, if the
virtual IP is the same as other servers or PCs, the hosts on the WAC-enabled ports cannot communicate with the
server or PC which really own the IP address. If the hosts need to access the server or PC, the virtual IP cannot be
the same as the one of the server or PC. If a host PC uses a proxy to access the Web, to make the authentication
work properly the user of the PC should add the virtual IP to the exception of the proxy configuration. If the virtual IP is
not configured, then access cannot start Web authentication.
The Switch’s implementation of WAC features a user-defined port number that allows the configuration of the TCP
port for either the HTTP or HTTPS protocols. This TCP port for HTTP or HTTPs is used to identify the HTTP or HTTPs
packets that will be trapped to the CPU for authentication processing, or to access the login page. If not specified, the
default port number for HTTP is 80 and the default port number for HTTPS is 443. If no protocol is specified, the
default protocol is HTTP.
The following diagram illustrates the basic six steps all parties go through in a successful Web Authentication process:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 9-69 RADIUS Authentication Server
Conditions and Limitations
If the client is utilizing DHCP to attain an IP address, the authenticating VLAN must provide a DHCP server or a
DHCP relay function so that client may obtain an IP address.
Certain functions exist on the Switch that will filter HTTP packets, such as the ACL function. The user needs to
be very careful when setting filter functions for the target VLAN, so that these HTTP packets are not denied by
the Switch.
If a RADIUS server is to be used for authentication, the user must first establish a RADIUS Server with the
appropriate parameters, including the target VLAN, before enabling Web Authentication on the Switch.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Web Authentication
This window is used to display and configure the Web authentication settings.
To view the following window, click Security > Web-based Access Control > Web Authentication, as shown below:
Figure 9-70 Web Authentication Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Web Authentication State
Select to enable or disable the global Web authentication state.
Trap State
Select to enable or disable the Web authentication trap state.
Virtual IPv4
Enter the virtual IPv4 address used here. The virtual IP of Web authentication is
just the characterization of the Web authentication function on the Switch. All
Web authentication processes communicate with this IP address, however, the
virtual IP does not respond to any ICMP packet or ARP request. So it’s not
allowed to configure virtual IP in the same subnet as the Switch’s IP interface or
the same subnet as the host PCs’ subnet, otherwise the Web authentication
cannot operate correctly. The defined URL only takes effect when the virtual IP
address is configured. The users get the FQDN URL stored on the DNS server
to get the virtual IP address. The obtained IP address must match the virtual IP
address configured by the command. If the IPv4 virtual IP is not configured, the
IPv4 access cannot start a Web authentication.
Virtual IPv6
Enter the virtual IPv6 address used here. If the IPv6 virtual IP is not configured,
the IPv6 access cannot start a Web authentication.
Virtual URL
Enter the virtual URL used here. This URL can be up to 128 characters long.
Redirection Path
Enter the redirection path here. This path can be up to 128 characters long.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
NOTE: The WAC virtual IP address should be configured before enabling WAC because WAC will
not function correctly if the virtual IP is not configured.
WAC Port Settings
This window is used to display and configure the WAC port settings.
To view the following window, click Security > Web-based Access Control > WAC Port Settings, as shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 9-71 WAC Port Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
From Port - To Port
Select the appropriate port range used for the configuration here.
Select to enable or disable the WAC feature on the port(s) specified.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
WAC Customize Page
This window is used to display and configure the WAC customized login page.
To view the following window, click Security > Web-based Access Control > WAC Customize Page, as shown
Figure 9-72 WAC Customize Page Window
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Page Title
Enter a custom page title message here. This message can be up to 128
characters long.
Login Window Title
Enter a custom login window title here. This title can be up to 64 characters
User Name Title
Enter a custom username title here. This title can be up to 32 characters long.
Password Title
Enter a custom password title here. This title can be up to 32 characters long.
Logout Window Title
Enter a custom logout window title here. This title can be up to 64 characters
Enter additional information to display in the notification area here. This
information can be up to 128 characters long for each line. There a 5 lines
available for additional information.
Click the Set to Default button to replace the information with the default information.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Network Access Authentication
Guest VLAN
This window is used to display and configure the network access authentication guest VLAN settings.
To view the following window, click Security > Network Access Authentication > Guest VLAN, as shown below:
Figure 9-73 Guest VLAN Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
From Port - To Port
Select the appropriate port range used for the configuration here.
Enter the VLAN ID used here. This value must be between 1 and 4094.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Delete button to remove the specified entry.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
Network Access Authentication Global Settings
This window is used to display and configure the global Network Access Authentication settings.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
To view the following window, click Security > Network Access Authentication > Network Access Authentication
Global Settings, as shown below:
Figure 9-74 Network Access Authentication Global Settings Window
The fields that can be configured in Network Access Authentication MAC Format Settings are described below:
Select the case format that will be used for the network access authentication
MAC address here. Options to choose from are Lowercase and Uppercase.
Select the delimiter that will be used for the network access authentication MAC
address here. Options to choose from are Hyphen, Colon, Dot, and None.
Delimiter Number
Select the delimiter number option here. Options to choose from are 1, 2, and
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in General Settings are described below:
Max Users
Enter the maximum amount of users allowed here. This value must be between
1 and 1000. By default, this option is 1000.
Authorization State
Select to enable or disable the authorized state here. The option is used to
enable or disable the acceptance of an authorized configuration. When
authorization is enabled for authentication, the authorized attributes (for
example VLAN, 802.1p default priority, bandwidth, and ACL) assigned by the
RADIUS server will be accepted if the authorization status is enabled.
Bandwidth and ACL are assigned on a per-port basis. If in the multi-
authenticated mode, VLAN and 802.1p are assigned on a per-host basis.
Otherwise, Bandwidth and ACL are assigned on a per-port basis.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in User Information are described below:
User Name
Enter the user name used here. This name can be up to 32 characters long.
Enter the VLAN ID used here.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Password Type
Select the password type option here. Options to choose from are Plain Text
and Encrypted.
Enter the password used here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Delete button to remove the specified entry.
Network Access Authentication Port Settings
This window is used to display and configure the network access authentication port settings.
To view the following window, click Security > Network Access Authentication > Network Access Authentication
Port Settings, as shown below:
Figure 9-75 Network Access Authentication Port Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
From Port - To Port
Select the appropriate port range used for the configuration here.
Host Mode
Select the host mode option that will be associated with the selected port(s)
here. Options to choose from are Multi Host and Multi Auth. If the port is
operated in the multi-host mode, and if one of the hosts is authenticated, then
all other hosts are allowed to access the port. According to 802.1X
authentication, if the re-authentication fails or the authenticated user logs off,
the port will be blocked for a quiet period. The port restores the processing of
EAPOL packets after the quiet period. If the port is operated in the multi-
authenticated mode, then each host needs to be authenticated individually to
access the port. A host is represented by its MAC address. Only the authorized
host is allowed to access.
VID List Action
Select the VID list action here. Options to choose from are None, Add, and
VID List
After selecting the Multi Auth option as the Host Mode, the following
parameter is available. Enter the VLAN ID used here. This is useful when
different VLANs on the Switch have different authentication requirements. After
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
the client is authenticated, the client will not be re-authenticated when received
from other VLANs. This option is useful for trunk ports to do per-VLAN
authentication control. When a port’s authentication mode is changed to multi-
host, the previous authentication VLAN(s) on this port will be cleared.
CompAuth Mode
Select the compound authentication mode option here. Options to choose from
are Any and MAC-WAC.
Selecting Any specifies that if any of the authentication method (802.1X,
MAC-based Access Control or WAC) to passes, then pass.
Selecting MAC-WAC specifies to verify MAC-based authentication first. If
the client passes, WAC will be verified next. Both authentication methods
need to be passed.
Max Users
Enter the maximum users value used here. This value must be between 1 and
Select to enable or disable periodic re-authentication for the selected port here.
This parameter only affects the 802.1X protocol.
ReAuth Timer
Enter the re-authentication timer value here. This value must be between 1 and
65535 seconds. By default, this value is 3600 seconds.
Inactivity State
Select to enable or disable the inactivity state here. Select the Time option to
enable this feature.
Inactivity Timer
When the Inactivity State is enabled, enter the inactivity timer value here. This
value must be between 120 and 65535 seconds. This parameter only affects
the WAC authentication protocol.
Enter the restart time value used here. This value must be between 1 and
65535 seconds.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Network Access Authentication Sessions Information
This window is used to view and clear the network access authentication session information.
To view the following window, click Security > Network Access Authentication > Network Access Authentication
Sessions Information, as shown below:
Figure 9-76 Network Access Authentication Sessions Information Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Select the appropriate Switch unit and port used for the query here.
MAC Address
Enter the MAC address used here.
Select the protocol option used here. Options to choose from are MAC, WAC,
and DOT1X.
Click the Clear by Port button to the clear the information based on the port selected.
Click the Clear by MAC button to the clear the information based on the MAC address entered.
Click the Clear by Protocol button to the clear the information based on the protocol selected.
Click the Clear All button to clear all the information in this table.
Click the Find button to locate a specific entry based on the information entered.
Click the Show All button to locate and display all the entries.
Safeguard Engine
Periodically, malicious hosts on the network will attack the Switch by utilizing packet flooding (ARP Storm) or other
methods. These attacks may increase the Switch’s CPU load beyond its capability. To alleviate this problem, the
Safeguard Engine function was added to the Switch’s software.
The Safeguard Engine can help the overall operability of the Switch by minimizing the workload of the Switch while the
attack is ongoing, thus making it capable to forward essential packets over its network in a limited bandwidth.
If the CPU load rises above the rising threshold value, the Safeguard Engine function will be activated and the Switch
will enter the exhausted mode. In the exhausted mode, the Switch will limit the bandwidth available for ARP and
broadcast IP packets. If the CPU load falls below the falling threshold value, the Safeguard Engine will be deactivated
and the Switch will exit the exhausted mode and enter the normal mode.
Packets that are destined to the CPU can be classified into three groups. These groups, otherwise known as sub-
interfaces, are logical interfaces that the CPU will use to identify certain types of traffic. The three groups are
Protocol, Manage, and Route. Generally, the Protocol group should receive the highest priority when the Switch’s
CPU processes received packets and the Route group should receive the lowest priority as the Switch’s CPU usually
does get involved in the processing of routing packets. In the Protocol group, packets are protocol control packets
identified by the router. In the Manage group, packets are destined to any router or system network management
interface by means of interactive access protocols, like Telnet and SSH. In the Route group, packets are identified as
traversing routing packets that is generally processed by the router CPU.
In the following table a list of supported protocols are displayed with their respective sub-interfaces (groups):
Protocol Name
Port-based Network Access Control
Address resolution Protocol
Border Gateway Protocol
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
Domain Name System
Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol
GARP VLAN Registration Protocol
Internet Control Message Protocol
IPv6 Internet Control Message Protocol Neighbor Discovery Protocol
IPv6 Internet Control Message Protocol except Neighbor Discovery
Protocol (NS/NA/RS/RA)
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Protocol Name
Internet Group Management Protocol
Link Aggregation Control Protocol
Network Time Protocol
Open Shortest Path First
Protocol Independent Multicast
Point-to-point protocol over Ethernet
Routing Information Protocol
Simple Network Management Protocol
Secure Shell
Spanning Tree Protocol
Trivial File Transfer Protocol
Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and Hypertext Transfer Protocol
Secure (HTTPS)
A customized rate limit (in packets per second) can be assigned to the Safeguard Engine’s sub-interfaces as a whole
or to individual protocols specified by the user in the management interface. Be careful when customizing the rate limit
for individual protocols, using this function, as improper rate limits can cause the Switch to process packets
NOTE: When Safeguard Engine is enabled, the Switch will allot bandwidth to various traffic flows
(ARP, IP) using the FFP (Fast Filter Processor) metering table to control the CPU utilization
and limit traffic. This may limit the speed of routing traffic over the network.
Safeguard Engine Settings
This window is used to display and configure the safeguard engine settings.
To view the following window, click Security > Safeguard Engine > Safeguard Engine Settings, as shown below:
Figure 9-77 Safeguard Engine Settings Window
The fields that can be configured in Safeguard Engine Settings are described below:
Safeguard Engine State
Select to enable or disable the safeguard engine feature here.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Trap State
Select to enable or disable the safeguard engine trap state here.
The fields that can be configured in CPU Utilization Settings are described below:
Rising Threshold
Enter the rising threshold value here. This value must be between 20% and
100%. This value is used to configure the acceptable level of CPU utilization
before the Safeguard Engine mechanism is enabled. Once the CPU utilization
reaches this percentage level, the Switch will move into Exhausted mode,
based on the parameters provided in this window.
Falling Threshold
Enter the falling threshold value here. This value must be between 20% and
100%. This value is used to configure the acceptable level of CPU utilization as
a percentage, where the Switch leaves the Safeguard Engine state and returns
to normal mode.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
CPU Protect Counters
This window is used to view and clear the CPU protection counter information.
To view the following window, click Security > Safeguard Engine > CPU Protect Counters, as shown below:
Figure 9-78 CPU Protect Counters Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Sub Interface
Select the sub-interface option here. Options to choose from are Manage,
Protocol, Route, and All. This option specifies to clear the CPU protect related
counters of sub-interfaces.
Protocol Name
Select the protocol name option here.
Click the Clear button to clear the information based on the selections made.
Click the Clear All button to clear all the information in this table.
CPU Protect Sub-Interface
This window is used to display and configure the CPU protection sub-interface settings.
To view the following window, click Security > Safeguard Engine > CPU Protect Sub-Interface, as shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 9-79 CPU Protect Sub-Interface Window
The fields that can be configured in CPU Protect Sub-Interface are described below:
Select the sub-interface option here. Options to choose from are Manage,
Protocol, and Route.
Rate Limit
Enter the rate limit value used here. This value must be between 0 and 1024
packets per second. Tick the No Limit option to disable the rate limit.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in Sub-Interface Information are described below:
Select the sub-interface option here. Options to choose from are Manage,
Protocol, and Route.
Click the Find button to locate a specific entry based on the information entered.
CPU Protect Type
This window is used to display and configure the CPU protection type settings.
To view the following window, click Security > Safeguard Engine > CPU Protect Type, as shown below:
Figure 9-80 CPU Protect Type Window
The fields that can be configured in CPU Protect Type are described below:
Protocol Name
Select the protocol name option here.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Rate Limit
Enter the rate limit value used here. This value must be between 0 and 1024
packets per second. Tick the No Limit option to disable the rate limit.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in Protect Type Information are described below:
Protocol Name
Select the protocol name option here.
Click the Find button to locate a specific entry based on the information entered.
Trusted Host
This window is used to display and configure the trusted host settings.
To view the following window, click Security > Trusted Host, as shown below:
Figure 9-81 Trusted Host Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
ACL Name
Enter the access class’ name here. This name can be up to 32 characters long.
Select the trusted host type here. Options to choose from are Telnet, SSH,
Ping, HTTP, and HTTPS.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Delete button to remove the specific entry.
Traffic Segmentation Settings
This window is used to display and configure the traffic segmentation settings. When the traffic segmentation
forwarding domain is specified, packets received by the port will be restricted in Layer 2 packet forwarding to
interfaces within the domain. When the forwarding domain of a port is empty, Layer 2 forwarding for packets received
by the port is not restricted.
The traffic segmentation member list can be comprised of different interface types, for example port and port-channel
in the same forwarding domain. If the interfaces specified by the command include a port-channel, all the member
ports of this port-channel will be included in the forwarding domain.
If the forwarding domain of an interface is empty, then there is no restriction on Layer 2 forwarding of packets received
by the port.
To view the following window, click Security > Traffic Segmentation Settings, as shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 9-82 Traffic Segmentation Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the receiving Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
From Port - To Port
Select the receiving port range used for the configuration here.
Forward Unit
Select the forward Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
From Forward Port ~ To
Forward Port
Select the forward port range used for the configuration here.
Click the Add button to add a new entry based on the information entered.
Click the Delete button to remove an entry based on the information entered.
Storm Control
This window is used to display and configure the storm control settings.
To view the following window, click Security > Storm Control, as shown below:
Figure 9-83 Storm Control Window
The fields that can be configured in Storm Control Trap Settings are described below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Trap State
Select the storm control trap option here. Options to choose from are None,
Storm Occur, Storm Clear, and Both. When None is selected, no traps will be
sent. When Storm Occur is selected, a trap notification will be sent when a
storm event is detected. When Storm Clear is selected, a trap notification will
be sent when a storm event is cleared.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in Storm Control Polling Settings are described below:
Enter the interval value used here. This value must be between 5 and 600
seconds. By default, this value is 5 seconds.
Enter the retries value used here. This value must be between 0 and 360. By
default, this value is 3. Tick the Infinite option to disable this feature.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in Storm Control Port Settings are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
From Port - To Port
Select the appropriate port range used for the configuration here.
Select the type of storm attack that will be controlled here. Options to choose
from are Broadcast, Multicast, and Unicast. When the action is configured as
the shutdown mode, the unicast refers to both known and unknown unicast
packets; that is, if the known and unknown unicast packets hit the specified
threshold, the port will be shutdown. Otherwise, unicast refers to unknown
unicast packets.
Select the action that will be taken here. Options to choose from are None,
Shutdown, and Drop. Selecting None specifies not to filter the storm packets.
Selecting Shutdown specifies to shut down the port when the value specified
for rise threshold is reached. Selecting Drop specifies to discards packets that
exceed the risen threshold.
Level Type
Select the level type option here. Options to choose from are PPS, Kbps, and
PPS Rise
Enter the rise packets per second value here. This option specifies the rise
threshold value in packets count per second. This value must be between 1
and 2147483647 packets per second. If the low PPS value is not specified, the
default value is 80% of the specified risen PPS.
Enter the low packets per second value here. This option specifies the low
threshold value in packets count per second. This value must be between 1
and 2147483647 packets per second. If the low PPS value is not specified, the
default value is 80% of the specified risen PPS.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
After selecting the Kbps option as the Level Type, the following parameters are available.
Figure 9-84 Storm Control (Level Type - Kbps) Window
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
The additional fields that can be configured in Storm Control Port Settings are described below:
Enter the rise KBPS value used here. This option specifies the rise threshold
value as a rate of kilobits per second at which traffic is received on the port.
This value must be between 1 and 2147483647 Kbps.
Enter the low KBPS value used here. This option specifies the low threshold
value as a rate of kilobits per second at which traffic is received on the port.
This value must be between 1 and 2147483647 Kbps. If the low KBPS is not
specified, the default value is 80% of the specified risen KBPS.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
After selecting the Level option as the Level Type, the following parameters are available.
Figure 9-85 Storm Control (Level Type - Level) Window
The additional fields that can be configured in Storm Control Port Settings are described below:
Level Rise
Enter the rise level value used here. This option specifies the rise threshold
value as a percentage of the total bandwidth per port at which traffic is received
on the port. This value must be between 1% and 100%.
Level Low
Enter the low level value used here. This option specifies the low threshold
value as a percentage of the total bandwidth per port at which traffic is received
on the port. This value must be between 1% and 100%. If the low level is not
specified, the default value is 80% of the specified risen level.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
DoS Attack Prevention Settings
This window is used to display and configure the Denial-of-Service (DoS) attack prevention settings. The following
well-known DoS types which can be detected by most Switches:
Land Attack: This type of attack involves IP packets where the source and destination address are set to the
address of the target device. It may cause the target device to reply to itself continuously.
Blat Attack: This type of attack will send packets with the TCP/UDP source port equal to the destination port of
the target device. It may cause the target device to respond to itself.
TCP-Null: This type of attack involves port scanning by using specific packets which contain a sequence
number of 0 and no flags.
TCP-Xmas: This type of attack involves port scanning by using specific packets which contain a sequence
number of 0 and the Urgent (URG), Push (PSH), and FIN flags.
TCP SYN-FIN: This type of attack involves port scanning by using specific packets which contain SYN and FIN
TCP SYN SrcPort Less 1024: This type of attack involves port scanning by using specific packets which
contain source port 0 to 1023 and SYN flag.
Ping of Death Attack: A ping of death is a type of attack on a computer that involves sending a malformed or
otherwise a malicious ping to a computer. A ping is normally 64 bytes in size (many computers cannot handle a
ping larger than the maximum IP packet size which is 65535 bytes). The sending of a ping of this size can crash
the target computer. Traditionally, this bug has been relatively easy to exploit. Generally, sending a 65536 byte
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
ping packet is illegal according to networking protocol, but a packet of such a size can be sent if it is
fragmented; when the target computer reassembles the packet, a buffer overflow can occur, which often causes
a system crash.
TCP Tiny Fragment Attack: The Tiny TCP Fragment attacker uses IP fragmentation to create extremely small
fragments and force the TCP header information into a separate packet fragment to pass through the check
function of the router and issue an attack.
All Types: All of above types.
To view the following window, click Security > DoS Attack Prevention Settings, as shown below:
Figure 9-86 DoS Attack Prevention Settings Window
The fields that can be configured in SNMP Server Enable Traps DoS Settings are described below:
Trap State
Select to enable or disable the DoS attack prevention trap state here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in DoS Attack Prevention Settings are described below:
DoS Type Selection
Tick the DoS type option that will be prevented here.
Select to enable or disable the global DoS attack prevention state here.
Select the action that will be taken when the DoS attack was detected here.
The only option to select here is Drop.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Secure Shell (SSH) is a program allowing secure remote login and secure network services over an insecure network.
It allows a secure login to remote host computers, a safe method of executing commands on a remote end node, and
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
will provide secure encrypted and authenticated communication between two non-trusted hosts. SSH, with its array of
unmatched security features is an essential tool in today’s networking environment. It is a powerful guardian against
numerous existing security hazards that now threaten network communications.
The steps required to use the SSH protocol for secure communication between a remote PC (the SSH client) and the
Switch (the SSH server) are as follows:
Create a user account with admin-level access using the User Accounts window. This is identical to creating
any other admin-level User Account on the Switch, including specifying a password. This password is used to
logon to the Switch, once a secure communication path has been established using the SSH protocol.
Configure the User Account to use a specified authorization method to identify users that are allowed to
establish SSH connections with the Switch using the SSH User Authentication Mode window. There are three
choices as to the method SSH will use to authorize the user, which are Host Based, Password, and Public Key.
Configure the encryption algorithm that SSH will use to encrypt and decrypt messages sent between the SSH
client and the SSH server, using the SSH Authentication Method and Algorithm Settings window.
Finally, enable SSH on the Switch using the SSH Configuration window.
After completing the preceding steps, a SSH Client on a remote PC can be configured to manage the Switch using a
secure, in band connection.
SSH Global Settings
This window is used to display and configure the global SSH settings.
To view the following window, click Security > SSH > SSH Global Settings, as shown below:
Figure 9-87 SSH Global Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
IP SSH Server State
Select to enable or disable the global SSH server state.
IP SSH Service Port
Enter the SSH service port number used here. This value must be between 1
and 65535. By default, this number is 22.
Authentication Timeout
Enter the authentication timeout value here. This value must be between 30
and 600 seconds. By default, this value is 120 seconds.
Authentication Retries
Enter the authentication retries value here. This value must be between 1 and
32. By default, this value is 3.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Host Key
This window is used to view and generate the SSH host key.
To view the following window, click Security > SSH > Host Key, as shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 9-88 Host Key Window
The fields that can be configured in Host Key Management are described below:
Crypto Key Type
Select the crypto key type used here. Options to choose from are the Rivest
Shamir Adleman (RSA) key type and the Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) key
Key Modulus
Select the key modulus value here. Options to choose from are 360, 512, 768,
1024, and 2048 bit.
Click the Generate button to generate a host key based on the selections made.
Click the Delete button to remove a host key based on the selections made.
The fields that can be configured in Host Key are described below:
Crypto Key Type
Select the crypto key type used here. Options to choose from are the Rivest
Shamir Adleman (RSA) key type and the Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) key
After clicking the Generate button, the following window will appear:
Figure 9-89 Host Key (Generating) Window
After the key was successfully generated, the following window will appear.
Figure 9-90 Host Key (Generating, Success) Window
SSH Server Connection
This window is used to view the SSH server connections table.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
To view the following window, click Security > SSH > SSH Server Connection, as shown below:
Figure 9-91 SSH Server Connection Window
SSH User Settings
This window is used to display and configure the SSH user settings.
To view the following window, click Security > SSH > SSH User Settings, as shown below:
Figure 9-92 SSH User Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
User Name
Enter the SSH user’s username used here. This name can be up to 32
characters long.
Authentication Method
Select the authentication methods used here. Options to choose from are
Password, Public Key, and Host-based.
Key File
After selecting the Public Key or Host-based option as the Authentication
Method, enter the public key here.
Host Name
After selecting the Host-based option as the Authentication Method, enter
the host name here.
IPv4 Address
After selecting the Host-based option as the Authentication Method, select
and enter the IPv4 address here.
IPv6 Address
After selecting the Host-based option as the Authentication Method, select
and enter the IPv6 address here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a security feature that will provide a secure communication path between a host and
client through the use of authentication, digital signatures and encryption. These security functions are implemented
through the use of a cipher suite, which is a security string that determines the exact cryptographic parameters,
specific encryption algorithms and key sizes to be used for an authentication session and consists of three levels:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Key Exchange: The first part of the Cipher suite string specifies the public key algorithm to be used. This
Switch utilizes the Rivest Shamir Adleman (RSA) public key algorithm and the Digital Signature Algorithm
(DSA), specified here as the DHE DSS Diffie-Hellman (DHE) public key algorithm. This is the first authentication
process between client and host as they “exchange keys” in looking for a match and therefore authentication to
be accepted to negotiate encryptions on the following level.
Encryption: The second part of the cipher suite that includes the encryption used for encrypting the messages
sent between client and host. The Switch supports two types of cryptology algorithms:
Stream Ciphers - There are two types of stream ciphers on the Switch, RC4 with 40-bit keys and RC4
with 128-bit keys. These keys are used to encrypt messages and need to be consistent between client
and host for optimal use.
CBC Block Ciphers - CBC refers to Cipher Block Chaining, which means that a portion of the previously
encrypted block of encrypted text is used in the encryption of the current block. The Switch supports the
3DES EDE encryption code defined by the Data Encryption Standard (DES) to create the encrypted text.
Hash Algorithm: This part of the cipher suite allows the user to choose a message digest function which will
determine a Message Authentication Code. This Message Authentication Code will be encrypted with a sent
message to provide integrity and prevent against replay attacks. The Switch supports two hash algorithms,
MD5 (Message Digest 5) and SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm).
These three parameters are uniquely assembled in four choices on the Switch to create a three-layered encryption
code for secure communication between the server and the host. The user may implement any one or combination of
the cipher suites available, yet different cipher suites will affect the security level and the performance of the secured
connection. The information included in the cipher suites is not included with the Switch and requires downloading
from a third source in a file form called a certificate. This function of the Switch cannot be executed without the
presence and implementation of the certificate file and can be downloaded to the Switch by utilizing a TFTP server.
The Switch supports TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1. Other versions of SSL may not be compatible with this Switch and may
cause problems upon authentication and transfer of messages from client to host.
When the SSL function has been enabled, the web will become disabled. To manage the Switch through the web
based management while utilizing the SSL function, the web browser must support SSL encryption and the header of
the URL must begin with https://. (Ex. https://xx.xx.xx.xx) Any other method will result in an error and no access can
be authorized for the web-based management.
Users can download a certificate file for the SSL function on the Switch from a TFTP server. The certificate file is a
data record used for authenticating devices on the network. It contains information on the owner, keys for
authentication and digital signatures. Both the server and the client must have consistent certificate files for optimal
use of the SSL function. The Switch supports TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1. Currently, the Switch comes with a certificate pre-
loaded though the user may need to download more, depending on user circumstances.
SSL Global Settings
This window is used to display and configure the global SSL settings.
To view the following window, click Security > SSL > SSL Global Settings, as shown below:
Figure 9-93 SSL Global Settings Window
The fields that can be configured in SSL Global Settings are described below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
SSL Status
Select to enable or disable the global SSL status here.
Service Policy
Enter the service policy name here. This name can be up to 32 characters long.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in Import File are described below:
File Select
Select the file type that will be loaded here. Options to choose from are
Certificate and Private Key. After selecting the file type, browse to the
appropriate file, located on the local computer, by pressing the Browse button.
Destination File Name
Enter the destination file name used here. This name can be up to 32
characters long.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Crypto PKI Trustpoint
This window is used to display and configure the crypto PKI trust point settings.
To view the following window, click Security > SSL > Crypto PKI Trustpoint, as shown below:
Figure 9-94 Crypto PKI Trustpoint Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Enter the name of the trust-point that is associated with the imported
certificates and key pairs here. This name can be up to 32 characters long.
File System Path
Enter the file system path for certificates and key pairs here.
Enter the encrypted password phrase that is used to undo encryption when the
private keys are imported here. The password phrase is a string of up to 64
characters. If the password phrase is not specified, the NULL string will be
TFTP Server Path
Enter the TFTP server path here.
Select the type of certificate that will be imported here. Options to choose from
are Both, CA, and Local.
Selecting Both specifies to import the CA certificate, local certificate and
key pairs.
Selecting CA specifies to import the CA certificate only.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Selecting Local specifies to import local certificate and key pairs only.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Find button to locate a specific entry based on the information entered.
Click the Delete button to remove the specified entry.
SSL Service Policy
This window is used to display and configure the SSL service policy settings.
To view the following window, click Security > SSL > SSL Service Policy, as shown below:
Figure 9-95 SSL Service Policy Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Policy Name
Enter the SSL service policy name here. This name can be up to 32 characters
Session Cache Timeout
Enter the session cache timeout value used here. This value must be between
60 and 86400 seconds. By default, this value is 600 seconds.
Secure Trustpoint
Enter the secure trust point name here. This name can be up to 32 characters
Cipher Suites
Select the cipher suites that will be associated with this profile here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Find button to locate a specific entry based on the information entered.
Click the Edit button to re-configure the specific entry.
Click the Delete button to remove the specified entry.
SFTP Server Settings
This window is used to display and configure the Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) server settings. SFTP is a
remotely secure file transfer protocol over a reliable data stream. Because SFTP itself does not provide authentication
and security, the SFTP server runs as a sub-system of the SSH server.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
NOTE: Only IPv4 SFTP servers are supported.
To view the following window, click Security > SFTP Server Settings, as shown below:
Figure 9-96 SFTP Server Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
SFTP Server
Select to globally enable or disable the SFTP server feature here.
Idle Timeout
Enter the idle timeout value here. If the SFTP server detects no operation after
the duration of the idle timer for a specific SFTP session, the Switch will close
this SFTP session. The range is from 30 to 600 seconds. By default, this value
is 120 seconds.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
10. OAM
Cable Diagnostics
Ethernet OAM
Cable Diagnostics
The cable diagnostics feature is designed primarily for administrators or customer service representatives to verify and
test copper cables; it can rapidly determine the quality of the cables and the types of error.
To view the following window, click OAM > Cable Diagnostics, as shown below:
Figure 10-1 Cable Diagnostics Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
From Port - To Port
Select the appropriate port range used for the configuration here.
Click the Test button to test the specific port.
Click the Clear button to clear all the information for the specific port.
Click the Clear All button to clear all the information in this table.
NOTE: Cable diagnostic function limitations. Cable length detection is only supported on GE ports.
NOTE: The maximum cable diagnosis length is 120 meters.
NOTE: The deviation of cable length detection is about 5 meters for GE ports.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Fault messages:
Open - This pair is left open.
Short - Two lines of this pair is shorted.
CrossTalk - Lines of this pair is short with lines in other pairs.
Unknown - The diagnosis does not obtain the cable status, please try again.
NA - No cable was found, maybe it's because cable is out of diagnosis specification or the quality is too bad.
Ethernet OAM
Ethernet OAM Settings
This window is used to display and configure the Ethernet Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM)
To view the following window, click OAM > Ethernet OAM > Ethernet OAM Settings, as shown below:
Figure 10-2 Ethernet OAM Settings Window
The fields that can be configured in Ethernet OAM Settings are described below:
Select the Switch unit ID that will be used here.
From Port - To Port
Select the Switch port range that will be used here.
Select to enable or disable the Ethernet OAM feature on the specified port(s)
here. After enabling this function on the interface, the interface will start OAM
discovery. If the OAM mode of this interface is active, it initiates the discovery.
Otherwise, it reacts to the discovery received from the peer.
Select the Ethernet OAM mode here. Options to choose from are Active and
Passive. The following two actions are allowed by ports in the active mode, but
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
disallowed by ports in the passive mode. (1) Initiate OAM discovery. (2) Start or
stop remote loopback.
Received Remote
Select to configure the behavior of the received remote loopback requirement
from the peer on the specified port(s) here. Options to choose from are Ignore
and Process.
Ignore - Specifies not to react to remote loopback requirements from a
Process - Specifies to react to remote loopback requirements from a peer.
The feature is used to configure the client to process or to ignore the received
Ethernet OAM remote loopback feature. In the remote loopback mode, all user
traffic will not be processed. Ignoring the received remote loopback feature will
prevent the port from entering the remote loopback mode.
Remote Loopback
Select the remote loopback action here. Options to choose from are Start and
Start - Specifies to request the peer to change to the remote loopback
Stop - Specifies to request the peer to change to the normal operation
If the remote peer is configured to ignore the remote loopback request, then the
remote peer will not enter or exit the remote loopback mode upon receiving the
request. To start the remote peer to enter the remote loopback mode,
administrators must ensure that the local client is in the active mode and the
OAM connection is established. If the local client is already in the remote
loopback mode, then this feature cannot be applied.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in Ethernet OAM Table are described below:
Select the Switch unit ID that will be used here.
From Port - To Port
Select the Switch port range that will be used here.
Click the Find button to locate a specific entry based on the information entered.
Click the Show All button to display all the entries.
Ethernet OAM Configuration Settings
This window is used to display and configure the Ethernet OAM configuration settings.
To view the following window, click OAM > Ethernet OAM > Ethernet OAM Configuration Settings, as shown
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 10-3 Ethernet OAM Configuration Settings Window
The fields that can be configured in Ethernet OAM Configuration Settings are described below:
Select the Switch unit ID that will be used here.
From Port - To Port
Select the Switch port range that will be used here.
Dying Gasp
Select to enable or disable the dying gasp feature here. This feature is used to
configure the capability of the dying gasp event. If the capability for the dying
gasp event is disabled, the port will never send out OAM PDUs with the dying
gasp event bit set when an unrecoverable local failure condition has occurred.
Critical Event
Select to enable or disable the critical event feature here. This feature is used
to configure the capability of the critical event. If the capability for a critical
event is disabled, the port will never send out OAM PDUs with critical event bit
set when an unspecified critical event has occurred.
Link Monitor
Select the link monitor feature here. Options to choose from are Error Symbol,
Error Frame, Error Frame Seconds, and Error Frame Period.
Error Symbol - This feature is used to enable notifying the Ethernet OAM
error symbol event and configure the monitor threshold and window on the
specified port.
Error Frame - This feature is used to enable notifying the Ethernet OAM
error frame event and configure the monitor threshold and window on the
specified port.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Error Frame Seconds - This feature is used to enable notifying the
Ethernet OAM error frame second event and configure the monitor
threshold and window on the specified port.
Error Frame Period - This feature is used to enable notifying the Ethernet
OAM error frame period event and configure the monitor threshold and
window on the specified port.
Notify State
Select to enable or disable the notify state here.
Enter the threshold value here.
When Error Symbol is selected as the link monitor, enter the number of
symbol errors here. If symbol errors occur in the specified window and it
exceeds the threshold value, then the event is generated. The range is
from 0 to 4294967295.
When Error Frame is selected as the link monitor, enter the number of
frame errors here. If the error frames occur in the specified window and
exceeds the threshold value, then an error frame event is triggered. The
range is from 0 to 4294967295.
When Error Frame Seconds is selected as the link monitor, enter the
number of error frames in seconds here. If the number of the error frames
occurred in the specified window and exceeds the threshold value, then
the frame event is triggered. The range is from 1 to 900 seconds.
When Error Frame Period is selected as the link monitor, enter the
number of frame errors that must occur for this event to be triggered here.
The range is from 0 to 4294967295.
Enter the window value here.
When Error Symbol is selected as the link monitor, enter the amount of
time over which the threshold is defined here. If threshold symbol errors
occur within the period, an event notification OAM PDU should be
generated with an error symbol period event TLV, indicating that the
threshold has been crossed in this window. The range is from 10 to 600
When Error Frame is selected as the link monitor, enter the amount of
time over which the threshold is defined here. If the threshold frame errors
occur within the period, an event notification OAM PDU will be generated
with an error frame event TLV, indicating that the threshold has been
crossed in this window. The range is from 10 to 600 deciseconds.
When Error Frame Seconds is selected as the link monitor, enter the
amount of time over which the threshold is defined here. If threshold frame
errors occur within the period, an event notification OAM PDU will be
generated with an error frame seconds summary event TLV indicating that
the threshold has been crossed in this window. The range is from 100 to
9000 deciseconds.
When Error Frame Period is selected as the link monitor, enter the
number of frames over which the threshold is defined here. If threshold
frame errors occur within the period, an event notification OAM PDU
should be generated with an error frame period event TLV indicating that
the threshold has been crossed in this window. The lower bound is the
number of minimum frame-size frames that can be received in 100ms on
the underlying physical layer. The upper bound is the number of minimum
frame-size frames that can be received in one minute on the underlying
physical layer. The range is from 148810 to 892860000.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in Ethernet OAM Configuration Table are described below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Select the Switch unit ID that will be used here.
From Port - To Port
Select the Switch port range that will be used here.
Click the Find button to locate a specific entry based on the information entered.
Click the Show All button to display all the entries.
Ethernet OAM Event Log Table
This window is used to view and clear the Ethernet OAM event log table.
To view the following window, click OAM > Ethernet OAM > Ethernet OAM Event Log Table, as shown below:
Figure 10-4 Ethernet OAM Event Log Table Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit ID that will be used here.
Select the Switch port that will be used here.
Select the Find option to find and display the log entries associated with the
specified port.
Select the Clear option to clear the log entries associated with the specified
Click the Find button to find and display the log entries associated with the specified port.
Ethernet OAM Statistics Table
This window is used to view and clear the Ethernet OAM statistics table.
To view the following window, click OAM > Ethernet OAM > Ethernet OAM Statistics Table, as shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 10-5 Ethernet OAM Statistics Table Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit ID that will be used here.
From Port - To Port
Select the Switch port range that will be used here.
Select the Find option to find and display the statistics information associated
with the specified port.
Select the Clear option to clear the statistics information associated with the
specified port(s).
Click the Find button to find and display the statistics information associated with the specified port(s).
Click the Show All button to display all the statistics information.
This folder contains windows that perform Digital Diagnostic Monitoring (DDM) functions on the Switch. There are
windows that allow the user to view the digital diagnostic monitoring status of SFP/SFP+ modules inserting to the
Switch and to configure alarm settings, warning settings, temperature threshold settings, voltage threshold settings,
bias current threshold settings, Tx power threshold settings, and Rx power threshold settings.
DDM Settings
The window is used to view and configure the action that will occur for specific ports when an exceeding alarm
threshold or warning threshold event is encountered.
To view the following window, click OAM > DDM > DDM Settings, as shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 10-6 DDM Settings Window
The fields that can be configured in DDM Global Settings are described below:
Transceiver Monitoring
Traps Alarm
Select to enable or disable the transceiver monitoring traps alarm feature here.
Transceiver Monitoring
Traps Warning
Select to enable or disable the transceiver monitoring traps warning feature
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in DDM Shutdown Settings are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
From Port - To Port
Select the appropriate port range used for the configuration here.
Use the drop-down menu to enable or disable the DDM state.
Specify whether to shut down the port, when the operating parameter exceeds
the Alarm or Warning threshold.
Alarm - Shutdown the port when the configured alarm threshold range is
Warning - Shutdown the port when the configured warning threshold
range is exceeded.
None - The port will never shutdown regardless if the threshold ranges are
exceeded or not. This is the default.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
DDM Temperature Threshold Settings
This window is used to display and configure the DDM Temperature Threshold Settings for specific ports on the
To view the following window, click OAM > DDM > DDM Temperature Threshold Settings, as shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 10-7 DDM Temperature Threshold Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
Select the port used for the configuration here.
Select the action that will be taken here. Options to choose from are Add and
Select the type of temperature threshold. Options to choose from are Low
Alarm, Low Warning, High Alarm, and High Warning.
Enter the threshold value. This value must be between -128 and 127.996 °C.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
DDM Voltage Threshold Settings
This window is used to display and configure the DDM Voltage Threshold Settings for specific ports on the Switch.
To view the following window, click OAM > DDM > DDM Voltage Threshold Settings, as shown below:
Figure 10-8 DDM Voltage Threshold Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
Select the port used for the configuration here.
Select the action that will be taken here. Options to choose from are Add and
Select the type of voltage threshold. Options to choose from are Low Alarm,
Low Warning, High Alarm, and High Warning.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Enter the threshold value. This value must be between 0 and 6.55 Volt.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
DDM Bias Current Threshold Settings
This window is used to display and configure the threshold of the bias current for specific ports on the Switch.
To view the following window, click OAM > DDM > DDM Bias Current Threshold Settings, as shown below:
Figure 10-9 DDM Bias Current Threshold Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
Select the port used for the configuration here.
Select the action that will be taken here. Options to choose from are Add and
Select the type of bias current threshold. Options to choose from are Low
Alarm, Low Warning, High Alarm, and High Warning.
Enter the threshold value. This value must be between 0 and 131 mA.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
DDM TX Power Threshold Settings
This window is used to display and configure the threshold of TX power for specific ports on the Switch.
To view the following window, click OAM > DDM > DDM TX Power Threshold Settings, as shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 10-10 DDM TX Power Threshold Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
Select the port used for the configuration here.
Select the action that will be taken here. Options to choose from are Add and
Select the type of TX power threshold. Options to choose from are Low Alarm,
Low Warning, High Alarm, and High Warning.
Power Unit
Select the power unit here. Options to choose from are mW and dBm.
Enter the threshold value either in mW or dBm here.
When selecting mW in the Power Unit drop-down list, this value must be
between 0 and 6.5535.
When selecting dBm in the Power Unit drop-down list, this value must be
between -40 and 8.1647.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
DDM RX Power Threshold Settings
This window is used to display and configure the threshold of RX power for specific ports on the Switch.
To view the following window, click OAM > DDM > DDM RX Power Threshold Settings, as shown below:
Figure 10-11 DDM RX Power Threshold Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
Select the port used for the configuration here.
Select the action that will be taken here. Options to choose from are Add and
Select the type of RX power threshold. Options to choose from are Low Alarm,
Low Warning, High Alarm, and High Warning.
Power Unit
Select the power unit here. Options to choose from are mW and dBm.
Enter the threshold value either in mW or dBm here.
When selecting mW in the Power Unit drop-down list, this value must be
between 0 and 6.5535.
When selecting dBm in the Power Unit drop-down list, this value must be
between -40 and 8.1647.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
DDM Status Table
This window is used to display the current operating digital diagnostic monitoring parameters and their values on the
SFP module for specified ports.
To view the following window, click OAM > DDM > DDM Status Table, as shown below:
Figure 10-12 DDM Status Table Window
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
11. Monitoring
Mirror Settings
Device Environment
Port Utilization
This window is used to view the port utilization table.
To view the following window, click Monitoring > Utilization > Port Utilization, as shown below:
Figure 11-1 Port Utilization Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used here.
From Port - To Port
Select the range of ports that will be used here.
Click the Find button to display entries in the table based on the information entered/selected.
Click the Refresh button to refresh the information displayed in the table.
This window is used to view the port statistics information.
To view the following window, click Monitoring > Statistics > Port, as shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 11-2 Port Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used in this display here.
From Port - To Port
Select the range of ports that will be used in this display here.
Click the Find button to display entries in the table based on the information selected.
Click the Refresh button to refresh the information displayed in the table.
Click the Show Detail button to view more detailed statistics information on the specified port.
After clicking the Show Detail button, the following window will appear:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 11-3 Port (Show Detail) Window
Click the Back button to return to the previous window.
Click the Refresh button to refresh the information displayed in the table.
Interface Counters
This window is used to view the interface counter information.
To view the following window, click Monitoring > Statistics > Interface Counters, as shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 11-4 Interface Counters (Port) Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the type of information to display here. Option supports Port.
Select the Switch unit that will be used in this display here.
From Port - To Port
Select the range of ports that will be used in this display here.
Click the Find button to display entries in the table based on the information selected.
Click the Refresh button to refresh the information displayed in the table.
Click the Show Errors button to view more detailed error information on the specified port.
After clicking the Show Errors button, the following window will appear:
Figure 11-5 Interface Counters (Show Errors) Window
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Click the Back button to return to the previous window.
Click the Refresh button to refresh the information displayed in the table.
This window is used to view and clear counter information.
To view the following window, click Monitoring > Statistics > Counters, as shown below:
Figure 11-6 Counters (Port) Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the type of information to display here. Options supports Port.
Select the Switch unit that will be used in this display here.
From Port - To Port
Select the range of ports that will be used in this display here.
Click the Find button to display entries in the table based on the information selected.
Click the Refresh button to refresh the counter information displayed in the table.
Click the Clear button clear the counter information displayed in the table based on the information selected.
Click the Clear All button clear all the counter information displayed in the table.
Click the Show Detail button to view more detailed counter information on the specified port.
After clicking the Show Detail button, the following window will appear:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 11-7 Counters (Show Detail) Window
Click the Back button to return to the previous window.
Click the Refresh button to refresh the information displayed in the table.
Mirror Settings
This window is used to display and configure the mirror feature’s settings. The Switch allows users to copy frames
transmitted and received on a port and redirect the copies to another port. Attach a monitoring device to the mirroring
port, such as a sniffer or an RMON probe, to view details about the packets passing through the first port. This is
useful for network monitoring and troubleshooting purposes.
To view the following window, click Monitoring > Mirror Settings, as shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 11-8 Mirror Settings Window
The fields that can be configured for RSPAN VLAN Settings are described below:
VID List
Enter the VLAN list ID(s) that will be associated with this configuration here.
Click the Add button to add the VLAN(s) to the configuration.
Click the Delete button to delete the VLAN(s) from the configuration.
The fields that can be configured for Mirror Settings are described below:
Session Number
Select the mirror session number for this entry here. This number is between 1
and 4.
Tick the checkbox, next to the Destination option, to configure the destination
for this port mirror entry.
In the first drop-down menu select the destination type option. Options to
choose from are Port, Remote VLAN, and Replace.
Port - After selecting this option, select the Switch Unit ID and destination
Port number from the drop-down menus.
Remote VLAN - After selecting this option, select the Switch Unit ID and
destination Port number from the drop-down menus and enter the VID in
the space provided. The VID must be between 2 and 4094.
Replace - After selecting this option, enter the ACL Access List name
and VID (VLAN ID) in the spaces provided.
Tick the checkbox, next to the Source option, to configure the source for this
port mirror entry.
In the first drop-down menu select the source type option. Options to choose
from are Port, ACL, VLAN, and Remote VLAN.
Port - After selecting this option, select the Switch Unit ID, From Port and
To Port numbers from the drop-down menus. Lastly select the Frame
Type option from the last drop-down menu. Options to choose from are
Both, RX, TX, and TX Forwarding. When selecting Both, traffic in both
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
the incoming and outgoing directions will be mirrored. When selecting RX,
traffic in only the incoming direction will be mirrored. When selecting TX,
traffic in only the outgoing direction will be mirrored. Select the CPU RX
option to also monitor CPU RX traffic.
ACL - After selecting this option, enter the ACL Name in the space
VLAN - After selecting this option, enter the VID List in the space provided
and select the Frame Type from the drop-down menu.
Remote VLAN - After selecting this option, enter the VID in the space
provided. The VID must be between 2 and 4094.
Click the Add button to add the newly configured mirror entry based on the information entered.
Click the Delete button to delete an existing mirror entry based on the information entered.
The fields that can be configured for Mirror Session Table are described below:
Mirror Session Type
Select the mirror session type of information that will be displayed from the
drop-down menu. Options to choose from are All Session, Session Number,
Remote Session, and Local Session.
After selecting the Session Number option, select the session number from
the second drop-down menu. This number is from 1 to 4.
Click the Find button to locate a specific entry based on the information entered.
Click the Show Detail button to view more detailed information about the mirror session.
After clicking the Show Detail button, the following window will appear:
Figure 11-9 Mirror Settings (Show Detail) Window
Click the Back button to return to the previous page.
sFlow Agent Information
This window is used to view the sFlow agent information.
To view the following window, click Monitoring > sFlow > sFlow Agent Information, as shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 11-10 sFlow Agent Information Window
sFlow Receiver Settings
This window is used to display and configure receivers for the sFlow agents. Receivers cannot be added to or
removed from the sFlow agent.
To view the following window, click Monitoring > sFlow > sFlow Receiver Settings, as shown below:
Figure 11-11 sFlow Receiver Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Receiver Index
Enter the index number of the receiver here. This number must be between 1
and 4.
Owner Name
Enter the owner name of the receiver here. This name can be up to 32
characters long.
Expire Time
Enter the expiration time for the entry here. The parameters of the entry will
reset when the timer expired. The range is from 0 to 2000000 seconds.
Selecting Infinite specifies that the entry will not expire.
Max Datagram Size
Enter the maximum number of data bytes of a single sFlow datagram here. The
range is from 700 to 1400 bytes. By default, this value is 1400 bytes.
Collector Address
Enter the remote sFlow collector’s IPv4 or IPv6 address here.
UDP Port
Enter the remote sFlow collector’s UDP port number here. This number must
be between 1 and 65535. By default, this value is 6343.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Reset button to reset the specified entry’s settings to the default settings.
sFlow Sampler Settings
This window is used to display and configure the sFlow sampler settings.
To view the following window, click Monitoring > sFlow > sFlow Sampler Settings, as shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 11-12 sFlow Sampler Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
From Port - To Port
Select the appropriate port range used for the configuration here.
Enter the instance index number if multiple samplers are associated with one
interface. The valid range is from 1 to 65535.
Enter the receiver index for this sampler. If not specified, the value is 0. This
value must be between 1 and 4.
Select the mode here. Options to choose from are Inbound and Outbound.
Selecting Inbound specifies to sample ingress packets. This is the default
direction of a sampler.
Selecting Outbound specifies to sample egress packets.
Sampling Rate
Enter packet sampling rate here. This value must be between 0 and 65536.
Entering 0 will disable this function. If not specified, the default value is 0.
Max Header Size
Enter the maximum number of bytes that should be copied from sampled
packets. This value must be between 18 and 256 bytes. By default, this value is
128 bytes.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Delete button to remove the specified entry.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
sFlow Poller Settings
This window is used to display and configure the sFlow poller settings.
To view the following window, click Monitoring > sFlow > sFlow Poller Settings, as shown below:
Figure 11-13 sFlow Poller Settings Window
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
From Port - To Port
Select the appropriate port range used for the configuration here.
Enter the instance index number if multiple samplers are associated with one
interface. The valid range is from 1 to 65535.
Enter the receiver index value for this poller here. This value must be between
1 and 4.
Enter the maximum number of seconds between successive polling samples.
This value must be between 0 and 120 seconds. Entering 0 will disable this
feature. By default this value is 0.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Delete button to remove the specified entry.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
Device Environment
The device environment feature displays the Switch internal temperature status.
To view the following window, click Monitoring > Device Environment, as shown below:
Figure 11-14 Device Environment Window
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
12. Green
Power Saving
Power Saving
This window is used to display and configure the power saving settings of the Switch.
To view the following window, click Green > Power Saving, as shown below:
Figure 12-1 Power Saving Global Settings Window
The fields that can be configured in Power Saving Global Settings are described below:
Link Detection Power
Select this option to enable or disable the link detection state. When enabled, a
port which has a link down status will be turned off to save power to the Switch.
This will not affect the port’s capabilities when the port status is link up.
Length Detection Power
Select this option to enable or disable the cable length detection power saving
feature. This feature will allow the Switch to automatically detect the cable
length connected to the port and increase or reduce the required power to this
port accordingly to save power.
Scheduled Port-shutdown
Power Saving
Select this option to enable or disable applying the power saving by scheduled
port shutdown.
Scheduled Dim-LED Power
Select this option to enable or disable applying the power saving by scheduled
dimming LEDs.
Administrative Dim-LED
Select this option to enable or disable the port LED function.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in Time Range Settings are described below:
DIM-LED is selected as the power saving type.
Time Range
Enter the name of the time range to associate with the power saving type.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made for each individual section.
Click the Delete button to remove the specified entry.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
NOTE: The hibernation feature can only be configured when physical stacking is disabled on this
After clicking the Power Saving Shutdown Settings tab, the following page will appear.
Figure 12-2 Power Saving Shutdown Settings Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
From Port - To Port
Select the appropriate port range used for the configuration here.
Time Range
Enter the name of the time range to associate with the ports.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
Click the Delete button to remove the specified entry.
Energy Efficient Ethernet (EEE) is defined in IEEE 802.3az. It is designed to reduce the energy consumption of a link
when no packets are being sent.
To view the following window, click Green > EEE, as shown below:
Figure 12-3 EEE Window
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
From Port - To Port
Select the appropriate port range used for the configuration here.
Select this option to enable or disable the state of this feature here.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
13. Save and Tools
Save Configuration
Firmware Upgrade & Backup
Configuration Restore & Backup
Log Backup
Trace Route
Reboot System
Save Configuration
This window is used to save the running configuration to the start-up configuration. This is to prevent the loss of
configuration in the event of a power failure.
To view the following window, click Save > Save Configuration, as shown below:
Figure 13-1 Save Configuration Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
File Path
Enter the filename and path in the space provided.
Click the Apply button to save the configuration.
Firmware Upgrade & Backup
Firmware Upgrade from HTTP
This window is used to initiate a firmware upgrade from a local PC using HTTP.
To view the following window, click Tools > Firmware Upgrade & Backup > Firmware Upgrade from HTTP, as
shown below:
Figure 13-2 Firmware Upgrade from HTTP Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Source File
In this field the source firmware file’s filename and path will be displayed after
selection. To navigate to the location of the firmware file located on the local
PC, either double click in the text box or click the Browse button.
Destination File
Enter the destination path and location where the new firmware should be
stored on the Switch. This field can be up to 64 characters long.
Click the Upgrade button to initiate the firmware upgrade.
Firmware Upgrade from TFTP
This window is used to initiate a firmware upgrade from a TFTP server.
To view the following window, click Tools > Firmware Upgrade & Backup > Firmware Upgrade from TFTP, as
shown below:
Figure 13-3 Firmware Upgrade from TFTP Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
TFTP Server IP
Enter the TFTP server IP address here. When select the IPv4 option, enter the
IPv4 address of the TFTP server in the space provided. When the IPv6 option
is selected, enter the IPv6 address of the TFTP server in the space provided.
Source File
Enter the source filename and path of the firmware file located on the TFTP
server here. This field can be up to 64 characters long.
Destination File
Enter the destination path and location where the new firmware should be
stored on the Switch. This field can be up to 64 characters long.
Click the Upgrade button to initiate the firmware upgrade.
Firmware Backup to HTTP
This window is used to initiate a firmware backup to a local PC using HTTP.
To view the following window, click Tools > Firmware Upgrade & Backup > Firmware Backup to HTTP, as shown
Figure 13-4 Firmware Backup to HTTP Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
Source File
Enter the source filename and path of the firmware file located on the Switch
here. This field can be up to 64 characters long.
Click the Backup button to initiate the firmware backup.
Firmware Backup to TFTP
This window is used to initiate a firmware backup to a TFTP server.
To view the following window, click Tools > Firmware Upgrade & Backup > Firmware Backup to TFTP, as shown
Figure 13-5 Firmware Backup to TFTP Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
TFTP Server IP
Enter the TFTP server IP address here. When select the IPv4 option, enter the
IPv4 address of the TFTP server in the space provided. When the IPv6 option
is selected, enter the IPv6 address of the TFTP server in the space provided.
VRF Name
Enter the name of the VRF instance here. This name can be up to 12
characters long.
Source File
Enter the source filename and path of the firmware file located on the Switch
here. This field can be up to 64 characters long.
Destination File
Enter the destination filename and path of the firmware file to be backed up to
the TFTP server here. This field can be up to 64 characters long.
Click the Backup button to initiate the firmware backup.
Configuration Restore & Backup
Configuration Restore from HTTP
This window is used to initiate a configuration restore from a local PC using HTTP.
To view the following window, click Tools > Configuration Restore & Backup > Configuration Restore from HTTP,
as shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 13-6 Configuration Restore from HTTP Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
Source File
In this field the source configuration file’s filename and path will be displayed
after selection. To navigate to the location of the configuration file located on
the local PC, either double click in the text box or click the Browse button.
Destination File
Enter the destination path and location where the configuration file should be
stored on the Switch. This field can be up to 64 characters long. Select the
running-config option to restore and overwrite the running configuration file on
the Switch. Select the startup-config option to restore and overwrite the start-
up configuration file on the Switch.
Select this option to replace the configuration file on the Switch with this one.
Click the Restore button to initiate the configuration restore.
Configuration Restore from TFTP
This window is used to initiate a configuration restore from a TFTP server.
To view the following window, click Tools > Configuration Restore & Backup > Configuration Restore from TFTP,
as shown below:
Figure 13-7 Configuration Restore from TFTP Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
TFTP Server IP
Enter the TFTP server IP address here. When select the IPv4 option, enter the
IPv4 address of the TFTP server in the space provided. When the IPv6 option
is selected, enter the IPv6 address of the TFTP server in the space provided.
Source File
Enter the source filename and path of the configuration file located on the TFTP
server here. This field can be up to 64 characters long.
Destination File
Enter the destination path and location where the configuration file should be
stored on the Switch. This field can be up to 64 characters long. Select the
running-config option to restore and overwrite the running configuration file on
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
the Switch. Select the startup-config option to restore and overwrite the start-
up configuration file on the Switch.
Select this option to replace the configuration file on the Switch with this one.
Click the Restore button to initiate the configuration restore.
Configuration Backup to HTTP
This window is used to initiate a configuration file backup to a local PC using HTTP.
To view the following window, click Tools > Configuration Restore & Backup > Configuration Backup to HTTP, as
shown below:
Figure 13-8 Configuration Backup to HTTP Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
Source File
Enter the source filename and path of the configuration file located on the
Switch here. This field can be up to 64 characters long. Select the running-
config option to back up the running configuration file from the Switch. Select
the startup-config option to back up the start-up configuration file from the
Click the Backup button to initiate the configuration file backup.
Configuration Backup to TFTP
This window is used to initiate a configuration file backup to a TFTP server.
To view the following window, click Tools > Configuration Restore & Backup > Configuration Backup to TFTP, as
shown below:
Figure 13-9 Configuration Backup to TFTP Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Select the Switch unit that will be used for this configuration here.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
TFTP Server IP
Enter the TFTP server IP address here. When select the IPv4 option, enter the
IPv4 address of the TFTP server in the space provided. When the IPv6 option
is selected, enter the IPv6 address of the TFTP server in the space provided.
Source File
Enter the source filename and path of the configuration file located on the
Switch here. This field can be up to 64 characters long. Select the running-
config option to back up the running configuration file from the Switch. Select
the startup-config option to back up the start-up configuration file from the
Destination File
Enter the destination path and location where the configuration file should be
stored on the TFTP server. This field can be up to 64 characters long.
Click the Backup button to initiate the configuration file backup.
Log Backup
Log Backup to HTTP
This window is used to initiate a system log backup to a local PC using HTTP.
To view the following window, click Tools > Log Backup > Log Backup to HTTP, as shown below:
Figure 13-10 Log Backup to HTTP Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
Log Type
Select the log type that will be backed up to the local PC using HTTP.
When the System Log option is selected, the system log will be backed
When the Attack Log is selected, the attack log will be backed up.
Click the Backup button to initiate the system log backup.
Log Backup to TFTP
This window is used to initiate a system log backup to a TFTP server.
To view the following window, click Tools > Log Backup > Log Backup to TFTP, as shown below:
Figure 13-11 Log Backup to TFTP Window
The fields that can be configured are described below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
TFTP Server IP
Enter the TFTP server IP address here. When select the IPv4 option, enter the
IPv4 address of the TFTP server in the space provided. When the IPv6 option
is selected, enter the IPv6 address of the TFTP server in the space provided.
Destination File
Enter the destination path and location where the log file should be stored on
the TFTP server. This field can be up to 64 characters long.
Log Type
Select the log type that will be backed up to the TFTP server.
When the System Log option is selected, the system log will be backed
When the Attack Log is selected, the attack log will be backed up.
Click the Backup button to initiate the system log backup.
Ping is a small program that sends ICMP Echo packets to the IP address you specify. The destination node then
responds to or “echoes” the packets sent from the Switch. This is very useful to verify connectivity between the Switch
and other nodes on the network.
To view the following window, click Tools > Ping, as shown below:
Figure 13-12 Ping Window
The fields that can be configured in Ping Access Class are described below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
ACL Name
Enter the name of the ACL that will be used here. This name can be up to 32
characters long. Click the Please Select button to select an existing ACL from
the list.
Select the action to be taken here. Options to choose from are Add and Clear.
Click the Apply button to accept the changes made.
The fields that can be configured in IPv4 Ping are described below:
Target IPv4 Address
Select and enter an IP address to be pinged.
Domain Name
Select and enter the domain name of the system to discover.
Ping Times
Enter the number of times desired to attempt to Ping the IPv4 address
configured in this window. Users may enter a number of times between 1 and
255. Tick the Infinite check box to keep sending ICMP Echo packets to the
specified IP address until the program is stopped.
Select a timeout period between 1 and 99 seconds for this Ping message to
reach its destination. If the packet fails to find the IP address in this specified
time, the Ping packet will be dropped.
Enter the length value here. This specifies the number of data bytes to send.
The default value is 56, which translates into 64 ICMP data bytes when
combined with the 8 bytes of ICMP header data. It does not include any VLAN
or IEEE 802.1Q tag length. The range is from 1 to 1420 bytes.
Enter the ToS value here. This is used to configure the QoS on ICMP
datagrams. The range is from 0 to 255.
Stop Time
Enter the stop time value here. This specifies to stop the ping after the amount
of times entered here. If this value is configured as 0, then the ping can only be
stopped by clicking the Stop button manually. The range is from 0 to 99.
Source IPv4 Address
Enter the source IPv4 address. If the current Switch has more than one IP
address, you can enter one of them to this field. When entered, this IPv4
address will be used as the packets’ source IP address sent to the remote host,
or as primary IP address.
Click the Start button to initiate the Ping Test for each individual section.
The fields that can be configured in IPv6 Ping are described below:
Target IPv6 Address
Enter an IPv6 address to be pinged.
Domain Name
Select and enter the domain name of the system to discover.
Ping Times
Enter the number of times desired to attempt to Ping the IPv6 address
configured in this window. Users may enter a number of times between 1 and
255. Tick the Infinite check box to keep sending ICMP Echo packets to the
specified IPv6 address until the program is stopped.
Select a timeout period between 1 and 99 seconds for this Ping message to
reach its destination. If the packet fails to find the IP address in this specified
time, the Ping packet will be dropped.
Enter the length value here. This specifies the number of data bytes to send.
The default value is 56, which translates into 64 ICMP data bytes when
combined with the 8 bytes of ICMP header data. It does not include any VLAN
or IEEE 802.1Q tag length. The range is from 1 to 1420 bytes.
Stop Time
Enter the stop time value here. This specifies to stop the ping after the amount
of times entered here. If this value is configured as 0, then the ping can only be
stopped by clicking the Stop button manually. The range is from 0 to 99.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Source IPv6 Address
Enter the source IPv6 address. If the current Switch has more than one IPv6
address, you can enter one of them to this field. When entered, this IPv6
address will be used as the packets’ source IP address sent to the remote host,
or as primary IP address.
Click the Start button to initiate the Ping Test for each individual section.
After clicking the Please Select button, the following window will appear:
Figure 13-13 Ping (Please Select) Window
Select the radio button next to the entry to use that ACL in the configuration.
Enter a page number and click the Go button to navigate to a specific page when multiple pages exist.
Click the OK button to accept the selection made.
After clicking the Start button in IPv4 Ping section, the following IPv4 Ping Result section will appear:
Figure 13-14 Ping (Start) Window
Click the Stop button to halt the Ping Test.
Click the Back button to return to the IPv4 Ping section.
Trace Route
The trace route page allows the user to trace a route between the Switch and a given host on the network.
To view the following window, click Tools > Trace Route, as shown below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Figure 13-15 Trace Route Window
The fields that can be configured in IPv4 Trace Route are described below:
IPv4 Address
Select and enter the IPv4 address of the destination here.
Domain Name
Select and enter the domain name of the destination here.
Initial TTL
Enter the initial Time-To-Live (TTL) value here. The range is from 1 to 255.
Enter the Time-To-Live (TTL) value of the trace route request here. This is the
maximum number of routers that a trace route packet can pass. The trace route
option will cross while seeking the network path between two devices. The
range for the TTL is 1 to 255 hops.
Enter the port number here. The value range is from 1 to 65535.
Enter the timeout period while waiting for a response from the remote device
here. A value of 1 to 65535 seconds can be specified. The default is 5 seconds.
Enter the length value here. This specifies the number of bytes of the outgoing
datagram. The range is from 1 to 1420 bytes.
Enter the ToS value here. This specifies the ToS to be set in the IP header of
the outgoing datagram. The range is from 0 to 255.
Source IPv4 Address
Enter the source IPv4 address here. The specified IPv4 address must one of
the IPv4 addresses configured for the Switch.
Probe Number
Enter the probe time number here. The range is from 1 to 1000. If unspecified,
the default value is 1.
Click the Start button to initiate the route trace for each individual section.
The fields that can be configured in IPv6 Trace Route are described below:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
IPv6 Address
Select and enter the IPv6 address of the destination here.
Domain Name
Select and enter the domain name of the destination here.
Initial TTL
Enter the initial Time-To-Live (TTL) value here. The range is from 1 to 255.
Enter the Time-To-Live (TTL) value of the trace route request here. This is the
maximum number of routers that a trace route packet can pass. The trace route
option will cross while seeking the network path between two devices. The
range for the TTL is 1 to 255 hops.
Enter the port number here. The value range is from 1 to 65535.
Enter the timeout period while waiting for a response from the remote device
here. A value of 1 to 65535 seconds can be specified. The default is 5 seconds.
Enter the length value here. This specifies the number of bytes of the outgoing
datagram. The range is from 1 to 1420 bytes.
Source IPv6 Address
Enter the source IPv6 address here. The specified IPv6 address must one of
the IPv6 addresses configured for the Switch.
Probe Number
Enter the probe time number here. The range is from 1 to 1000. If unspecified,
the default value is 1.
Click the Start button to initiate the route trace for each individual section.
After clicking the Start button in IPv4 Trace Route section, the following IPv4 Trace Route Result section will
Figure 13-16 Trace Route (Start) Window
Click the Back button to stop the trace route and return to the IPv4 Trace Route section.
This window is used to reset the Switch’s configuration to the factory default settings.
To view the following window, click Tools > Reset, as shown below:
Figure 13-17 Reset Window
Select one of the following options:
The Switch will reset to its factory default settings and then reboot.
The Switch will reset to its factory default settings and then reboot. This option excludes the IP address.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
The Switch will reset to its factory default settings and not reboot. This option excludes the stacking information.
Click the Apply button to initiate the reset.
Reboot System
This window is used to reboot the Switch and alternatively save the configuration before doing so.
To view the following window, click Tools > Reboot System, as shown below:
Figure 13-18 Reboot System Window
When rebooting the Switch, any configuration changes that was made during this session, will be lost unless the Yes
option is selected when asked to save the settings.
Click the Reboot button to alternatively save the settings and reboot the Switch.
Figure 13-19 Reboot System (Rebooting) Window
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Appendix A - Password Recovery Procedure
This section describes the procedure for resetting passwords on the D-Link DGS-3130 Series Switch.
Authenticating any user who tries to access networks is necessary and important. The basic authentication method
used to accept qualified users is through a local login, utilizing a Username and Password. Sometimes, passwords will
be forgotten or destroyed, so network administrators need to reset these passwords. This section will explain how the
Password Recovery feature can help network administrators reach this goal.
The following steps explain how to use the Password Recovery feature on this Switch to easily recover passwords.
Complete these steps to reset the password:
For security reasons, the Password Recovery feature requires the user to physically access the device.
Therefore this feature is only applicable when there is a direct connection to the console port of the device. It is
necessary for the user needs to attach a terminal or PC with terminal emulation to the console port of the
Power on the Switch. After the UART init is loaded to 100%, the Switch will allow 2 seconds for the user to
press the hotkey [^] (Shift+6) to enter the “Password Recovery Mode.” Once the Switch enters the “Password
Recovery Mode,” all ports on the Switch will be disabled.
Boot Procedure V1.00.006
Power On Self Test ........................................ 100 %
MAC Address : F0-7D-68-36-30-00
H/W Version : A1
Please Wait, Loading 1.00.008 Runtime Image ............... 100 %
UART init ................................................. 100 %
Password Recovery Mode
In the “Password Recovery Mode” only the following commands can be used.
no enable password
This command is used to delete all account level passwords.
no login password
This command is used to clear the local login methods.
no username
This command is used to delete all local user accounts.
This command is used to initiate the password recovery procedure.
This command is used to save and reboot the Switch.
reload clear running-
This command is used to reset the running configuration to the factory default
settings and then reboot the Switch.
show running-config
This command is used to display the current running configuration.
show username
This command is used to display local user account information.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Appendix B - System Log Entries
The following table lists all possible entries and their corresponding meanings that will appear in the System Log of
this Switch.
Log Description
Event description: 802.1X Authentication failure.
Log Message: 802.1X authentication fail [due to <reason>] from (Username:
<username>, <interface-id>, MAC: <mac-address>)
Parameters description:
reason: The reason for the failed authentication.
username: The user that is being authenticated.
interface-id: The interface name.
macaddr: The MAC address of the authenticated device.
Event description: 802.1X Authentication successful.
Log Message: 802.1X authentication success (Username: <username>, <interface-id>,
MAC: <mac-address>)
Parameters description:
username: The user that is being authenticated.
interface-id: The interface name.
macaddr: The MAC address of the authenticated device.
Log Description
Event description: AAA global state is enabled or disabled.
Log Message: AAA is <status>.
Parameters description:
status: The status indicates the AAA enabled or disabled.
Event description: Successful login.
Log Message: Successful login through <exec-type> from <client-ip> authenticated by
AAA <aaa-method> <server-ip> (Username: <username>).
Parameters description:
exec-type: It indicates the EXEC types, e.g.: Console, Telnet, SSH, Web, Web(SSL).
client-ip: It indicates the client’s IP address if valid through IP protocol.
aaa-method: It indicates the authentication method, e.g.: none, local, server.
server-ip: It indicates the AAA server IP address if authentication method is remote
username: It indicates the username for authentication.
Event description: Login failed.
Log Message: Login failed through <exec-type> from <client-ip> authenticated by AAA
<aaa-method> <server-ip> (Username: <username>).
Parameters description:
exec-type: It indicates the EXEC types, e.g.: Console, Telnet, SSH, Web, Web(SSL).
client-ip: It indicates the client’s IP address if valid through IP protocol.
aaa-method: It indicates the authentication method, e.g.: none, local, server.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Log Description
server-ip: It indicates the AAA server IP address if authentication method is remote
username: It indicates the username for authentication.
Event description: Login failed due to AAA server timeout or improper configuration.
Log Message: Login failed through <exec-type> from <client-ip> due to AAA server
<server-ip> timeout (Username: <username>).
Parameters description:
exec-type: It indicates the EXEC types, e.g.: Console, Telnet, SSH, Web, Web(SSL).
client-ip: It indicates the client’s IP address if valid through IP protocol.
server-ip: It indicates the AAA server IP address if authentication method is remote
username: It indicates the username for authentication.
Event description: Enable privilege successfully.
Log Message: Successful enable privilege through <exec-type> from <client-ip>
authenticated by AAA <aaa-method> <server-ip> (Username: <username>).
Parameters description:
exec-type: It indicates the EXEC types, e.g.: Console, Telnet, SSH, Web, Web(SSL).
client-ip: It indicates the client’s IP address if valid through IP protocol.
aaa-method: It indicates the authentication method, e.g.: none, local, server.
server-ip: It indicates the AAA server IP address if authentication method is remote
username: It indicates the username for authentication.
Event description: Enable privilege failure.
Log Message: Enable privilege failed through <exec-type> from <client-ip>
authenticated by AAA <aaa-method> <server-ip> (Username: <username>).
Parameters description:
exec-type: It indicates the EXEC types, e.g.: Console, Telnet, SSH, Web, Web(SSL).
client-ip: It indicates the client’s IP address if valid through IP protocol.
aaa-method: It indicates the authentication method, e.g.: none, local, server.
server-ip: It indicates the AAA server IP address if authentication method is remote
username: It indicates the username for authentication.
Event description: the remote server does not respond to the enable password
authentication request.
Log Message: Enable privilege failed through <exec-type> from <client-ip> due to AAA
server <server-ip> timeout (Username: <username>).
Parameters description:
exec-type: It indicates the EXEC types, e.g.: Console, Telnet, SSH, Web, Web(SSL).
client-ip: It indicates the client’s IP address if valid through IP protocol.
server-ip: It indicates the AAA server IP address if authentication method is remote
username: It indicates the username for authentication.
Event description: RADIUS assigned a valid VLAN ID attributes.
Log Message: RADIUS server <server-ip> assigned VID: <vid> to port <interface-id>
(Username: <username>)
Parameters description:
server-ip: It indicates the RADIUS server IP address.
vid: The assign VLAN ID that authorized by from RADIUS server.
interface-id: It indicates the port number of the client authenticated.
username: It indicates the username for authentication.
Event description: RADIUS assigned a valid bandwidth attributes.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Log Description
Log Message: RADIUS server <server-ip> assigned <direction> bandwidth: <threshold>
to port <interface -id> (Username: <username>)
Parameters description:
server-ip: It indicates the RADIUS server IP address.
direction: It indicates the direction for bandwidth control, e.g.: ingress or egress.
threshold: The assign threshold of bandwidth that authorized by from RADIUS server.
interface-id: It indicates the port number of the client authenticated.
username: It indicates the username for authentication.
Event description: RADIUS assigned a valid priority attributes.
Log Message: RADIUS server <server-ip> assigned 802.1p default priority: <priority> to
port <interface -id> (Username: <username>)
Parameters description:
server-ip: It indicates the RADIUS server IP address.
priority: The assign priority that authorized by from RADIUS server.
interface-id: It indicates the port number of the client authenticated.
username: It indicates the username for authentication.
Event description: RADIUS assigned ACL script but fails to apply to the system due to
insufficient resource.
Log Message: RADIUS server <server-ip> assigns <username> ACL failure at port
<interface -id> (<acl-script>)
Parameters description:
server-ip: It indicates the RADIUS server IP address.
username: It indicates the username for authentication.
interface-id: It indicates the port number of the client authenticated.
acl-script: The assign ACL script that authorized by from RADIUS server.
Log Description
Event description: Gratuitous ARP detected duplicate IP.
Log Message: Conflict IP was detected with this device (IP: <ipaddr>, MAC:
<macaddr>, Port <[unitID:]portNum>, Interface: <ipif_name>).
Parameters description:
ipaddr: The IP address which is duplicated with our device.
macaddr: The MAC address of the device that has duplicated IP address as our device.
unitID: 1.Interger value;2.Represent the id of the device in the stacking system.
portNum: 1.Interger value;2.Represent the logic port number of the device.
ipif_name: The name of the interface of the Switch which has the conflict IP address.
Log Description
Event description: Record the event when the configure information of DDP is saved
Log Message:CONFIG-6-DDPSAVECONFIG: [Unit <unitID>, ]Configuration
automatically saved to flash due to configuring from DDP(Username: <username>, IP:
Parameters description:
Unit: Box ID
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Log Description
username: Represent current login user.
ipaddr: Represent client IP address
BPDU Protection
Log Description
Event description: Record the event when the BPDU attack happened.
Log Message: <interface-id> enter STP BPDU under protection state (mode: <mode>)
Parameters description:
interface-id: Interface on which detected STP BPDU attack.
mode: BPDU Protection mode of the interface.
Mode can be drop, block, or shutdown
Event description: Record the event when the STP BPDU attack recovered.
Log Message: <interface-id> recover from BPDU under protection state.
Parameters description:
interface-id: Interface on which detected STP BPDU attack.
Log Description
Event description: Firmware upgraded successfully.
Log Message: [Unit <unitID>, ]Firmware upgraded by <session> successfully
(Username: <username>[, IP: <ipaddr>, MAC: <macaddr>], Server IP: <serverIP>, File
Name: <pathFile>)
Parameters description:
unitID: The unit ID.
session: The user’s session.
username: Represent current login user.
ipaddr: Represent client IP address.
macaddr : Represent client MAC address.
serverIP: Server IP address.
pathFile: Path and file name on server.
Event description: Firmware upgraded unsuccessfully.
Log Message: [Unit <unitID>, ]Firmware upgraded by <session> unsuccessfully
(Username: <username>[, IP: <ipaddr>, MAC: <macaddr>], Server IP: <serverIP>, File
Name: <pathFile>)
Parameters description:
unitID: The unit ID.
session: The user’s session.
username: Represent current login user.
ipaddr: Represent client IP address.
macaddr : Represent client MAC address.
serverIP: Server IP address.
pathFile: Path and file name on server.
Event description: Firmware uploaded successfully.
Log Message: [Unit <unitID>, ]Firmware uploaded by <session> successfully
(Username: <username>[, IP: <ipaddr>, MAC: <macaddr>], Server IP: <serverIP>, File
Name: <pathFile>)
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Log Description
Parameters description:
unitID: The unit ID.
session: The user’s session.
username: Represent current login user.
ipaddr: Represent client IP address.
macaddr : Represent client MAC address.
serverIP: Server IP address.
pathFile: Path and file name on server.
Event description: Firmware uploaded unsuccessfully.
Log Message: [Unit <unitID>, ]Firmware uploaded by <session> unsuccessfully
(Username: <username>[, IP: <ipaddr>, MAC: <macaddr>], Server IP: <serverIP>, File
Name: <pathFile>)
Parameters description:
unitID: The unit ID.
session: The user’s session.
username: Represent current login user.
ipaddr: Represent client IP address.
macaddr : Represent client MAC address.
serverIP: Server IP address.
pathFile: Path and file name on server.
Event description: Configuration downloaded successfully.
Log Message: [Unit <unitID>, ]Configuration downloaded by <session> successfully.
(Username: <username>[, IP: <ipaddr>, MAC: <macaddr>], Server IP: <serverIP>, File
Name: <pathFile>)
Parameters description:
unitID: The unit ID.
session: The user’s session.
username: Represent current login user.
ipaddr: Represent client IP address.
macaddr : Represent client MAC address.
serverIP: Server IP address.
pathFile: Path and file name on server.
Event description: Configuration downloaded unsuccessfully.
Log Message: [Unit <unitID>, ]Configuration downloaded by <session> unsuccessfully.
(Username: <username>[, IP: <ipaddr>, MAC: <macaddr>], Server IP: <serverIP>, File
Name: <pathFile>)
Parameters description:
unitID: The unit ID.
session: The user’s session.
username: Represent current login user.
ipaddr: Represent client IP address.
macaddr : Represent client MAC address.
serverIP: Server IP address.
pathFile: Path and file name on server.
Event description: Configuration uploaded successfully.
Log Message: [Unit <unitID>] Configuration uploaded by <session> successfully.
(Username: <username>[, IP: <ipaddr>, MAC: <macaddr>], Server IP: <serverIP>, File
Name: <pathFile>)
Parameters description:
unitID: The unit ID.
session: The user’s session.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Log Description
username: Represent current login user.
ipaddr: Represent client IP address.
macaddr : Represent client MAC address.
serverIP: Server IP address.
pathFile: Path and file name on server.
Event description: Configuration uploaded unsuccessfully.
Log Message: [Unit <unitID>] Configuration uploaded by <session> unsuccessfully.
(Username: <username>[, IP: <ipaddr>, MAC: <macaddr>], Server IP: <serverIP>, File
Name: <pathFile>)
Parameters description:
unitID: The unit ID.
session: The user’s session.
username: Represent current login user.
ipaddr: Represent client IP address.
macaddr : Represent client MAC address.
serverIP: Server IP address.
pathFile: Path and file name on server.
Event description: Unknown type files downloaded unsuccessfully.
Log Message: [Unit <unitID>] Downloaded by <session> unsuccessfully. (Username:
<username>[, IP: <ipaddr>, MAC: <macaddr>], Server IP: <serverIP>, File Name:
Parameters description:
unitID: The unit ID.
session: The user’s session.
username: Represent current login user.
ipaddr: Represent client IP address.
macaddr : Represent client MAC address.
serverIP: Server IP address.
pathFile: Path and file name on server.
Log Description
Event description: When DUT receives Neighbor Solicitation (NS) message with
reduplicated address in the DAD duration, DUT will add a log.
Log Message: Duplicate address <ipv6address> on <interface-id> via receiving
Neighbor Solicitation Messages.
Parameters description:
ipv6address : IPv6 address in Neighbor Solicitation Messages
interface-id : port interface ID
Event description: When DUT receives Neighbor Advertisement (NA) message with
reduplicated address in the DAD duration, DUT will add a log.
Log Message: Duplicate address <ipv6address> on <interface-id> via receiving
Neighbor Advertisement Messages.
Parameters description:
ipv6address : IPv6 address in Neighbor Advertisement Messages
interface-id : port interface ID
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Log Description
Event description: when the any of SFP parameters exceeds from the warning
Log Message: Optical transceiver <interface-id> <component> <high-low> warning
threshold exceeded.
Parameters description:
interface-id: port interface ID.
component: DDM threshold type. It can be one of the following types:
supply voltage
bias current
TX power
RX power
high-low: High or low threshold.
Event description: when the any of SFP parameters exceeds from the alarm threshold.
Log Message: Optical transceiver <interface-id> <component> <high-low> alarm
threshold exceeded.
Parameters description:
interface-id: port interface ID.
component: DDM threshold type. It can be one of the following types:
supply voltage
bias current
TX power
RX power
high-low: High or low threshold.
Event description: when the any of SFP parameters recovers from the warning
Log Message: Optical transceiver <interface-id> <component> back to normal.
Parameters description:
interface-id: port interface ID.
component: DDM threshold type. It can be one of the following types:
supply voltage
bias current
TX power
RX power
DHCPv6 Client
Log Description
Event description: DHCPv6 client interface administrator state changed.
Log Message: DHCPv6 client on interface <ipif-name> changed state to [enabled |
Parameters description:
<ipif-name>: Name of the DHCPv6 client interface.
Event description: DHCPv6 client obtains an IPv6 address from a DHCPv6 server.
Log Message: DHCPv6 client obtains an IPv6 address <ipv6address> on interface <ipif-
Parameters description:
ipv6address: IPv6 address obtained from a DHCPv6 server.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Log Description
ipif-name: Name of the DHCPv6 client interface.
Event description: The IPv6 address obtained from a DHCPv6 server starts renewing.
Log Message: The IPv6 address <ipv6address> on interface <ipif-name> starts
Parameters description:
ipv6address: IPv6 address obtained from a DHCPv6 server.
ipif-name: Name of the DHCPv6 client interface.
Event description: The IPv6 address obtained from a DHCPv6 server renews success.
Log Message: The IPv6 address <ipv6address> on interface <ipif-name> renews
Parameters description:
ipv6address: IPv6 address obtained from a DHCPv6 server.
ipif-name: Name of the DHCPv6 client interface.
Event description: The IPv6 address obtained from a DHCPv6 server starts rebinding
Log Message: The IPv6 address <ipv6address> on interface <ipif-name> starts
Parameters description:
ipv6address: IPv6 address obtained from a DHCPv6 server.
ipif-name: Name of the DHCPv6 client interface.
Event description: The IPv6 address obtained from a DHCPv6 server rebinds success
Log Message: The IPv6 address <ipv6address> on interface <ipif-name> rebinds
Parameters description:
ipv6address: IPv6 address obtained from a DHCPv6 server.
ipif-name: Name of the DHCPv6 client interface.
Event description: The IPv6 address from a DHCPv6 server was deleted.
Log Message: The IPv6 address <ipv6address> on interface <ipif-name> was deleted.
Parameters description:
ipv6address: IPv6 address obtained from a DHCPv6 server.
ipif-name: Name of the DHCPv6 client interface.
Event description: DHCPv6 client PD interface administrator state changed.
Log Message: DHCPv6 client PD on interface <intf-name> changed state to <enabled |
Parameters description:
intf-name: Name of the DHCPv6 client PD interface.
Event description: DHCPv6 client PD obtains an IPv6 prefix from a delegation router.
Log Message: DHCPv6 client PD obtains an IPv6 prefix <ipv6networkaddr> on interface
Parameters description:
ipv6networkaddr: IPv6 prefix obtained from a delegation router.
intf-name: Name of the DHCPv6 client PD interface.
Event description: The IPv6 prefix obtained from a delegation router starts renewing.
Log Message: The IPv6 prefix <ipv6networkaddr> on interface <intf-name> starts
Parameters description:
ipv6networkaddr: IPv6 prefix obtained from a delegation router.
intf-name: Name of the DHCPv6 client PD interface.
Event description: The IPv6 prefix obtained from a delegation router renews success.
Log Message: The IPv6 prefix <ipv6networkaddr> on interface <intf-name> renews
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Log Description
Parameters description:
ipv6anetworkaddr: IPv6 prefix obtained from a delegation router.
intf-name: Name of the DHCPv6 client PD interface.
Event description: The IPv6 prefix obtained from a delegation router starts rebinding.
Log Message: The IPv6 prefix <ipv6networkaddr> on interface <intf-name> starts
Parameters description:
ipv6address: IPv6 prefix obtained from a delegation router.
intf-name: Name of the DHCPv6 client PD interface.
Event description: The IPv6 prefix obtained from a delegation router rebinds success.
Log Message: The IPv6 prefix <ipv6networkaddr> on interface <intf-name> rebinds
Parameters description:
ipv6address: IPv6 prefix obtained from a delegation router.
intf-name: Name of the DHCPv6 client PD interface.
Event description: The IPv6 prefix from a delegation router was deleted.
Log Message: The IPv6 prefix <ipv6networkaddr> on interface <intf-name> was
Parameters description:
ipv6address: IPv6 prefix obtained from a delegation router.
intf-name: Name of the DHCPv6 client PD interface.
DHCPv6 Relay
Log Description
Event description: DHCPv6 relay on a specify interface’s administrator state changed
Log Message: DHCPv6 relay on interface <ipif-name> changed state to [enabled |
Parameters description:
<ipif-name>: Name of the DHCPv6 relay agent interface.
DHCPv6 Server
Log Description
Event description: The address of the DHCPv6 Server pool is used up
Log Message: The address of the DHCPv6 Server pool <pool-name> is used up.
Parameters description:
<pool-name>: Name of the DHCPv6 Server pool.
Event description: The number of allocated IPv6 addresses is equal to 4096
Log Message: The number of allocated IPv6 addresses of the DHCPv6 Server pool is
equal to 4096.
DoS Prevention
Log Description
Event description: Detect DOS attack.
Log Message: <dos-type> is dropped from (IP: <ip-address> Port <interface-id>).
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Log Description
Parameters description:
dos-type: DOS attack type
ip-address: IP address.
interface-id: Interface name
Dynamic ARP Inspection
Log Description
Event description: Detect illegal ARP packet
Log Message: Illegal ARP <type> packets (IP: <ip-address>, MAC: <mac-address>,
VLAN <vlan-id>, on <interface-id>).
Parameters description:
type: The type of ARP packet, it indicates that ARP packet is request or ARP response.
ipaddr: IP address
macaddr: MAC address.
vlanid: VLAN ID
interface-id: Interface name
Event description: Detect legal ARP packet.
Log Message: Legal ARP <type> packets (IP: <ip-address>, MAC: <mac-address>,
VLAN <vlan-id>, on <interface-id>).
Parameters description:
type: The type of ARP packet, it indicates that ARP packet is request or ARP response.
ipaddr: IP address
macaddr: MAC address.
vlanid: VLAN ID
interface-id: Interface name
Log Description
Event description: manual Switch is issued.
Log Message: "Manual Switch is issued on node (MAC: <macaddr>, instance
Parameters description:
macaddr: MAC address
InstanceID: Instance ID
Event description: signal fail is detected.
Log Message: "Signal fail detected on node (MAC: <macaddr>, instance <InstanceID>)"
Parameters description:
macaddr: MAC address
InstanceID: Instance ID
Event description: Signal fail cleared.
Log Message: "Signal fail cleared on node(MAC: <macaddr>, instance <InstanceID>)"
Parameters description:
macaddr: MAC address
InstanceID: Instance ID
Event description: Force Switch is issued.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Log Description
Log Message: "Force Switch is issued on node (MAC: <macaddr>, instance
Parameters description:
macaddr: MAC address
InstanceID: Instance ID
Event description: Clear command is issued.
Log Message: "Clear command is issued on node (MAC: <macaddr>, instance
Parameters description:
macaddr: MAC address
InstanceID: Instance ID
Event description: "RPL owner conflicted.
Log Message: "RPL owner conflicted on the node (MAC: <macaddr>, instance
Parameters description:
macaddr: MAC address
InstanceID: Instance ID
Ethernet OAM
Log Description
Event description: Dying gasp event(remote)
Log Message: OAM dying gasp event received (Port<interface-id>)
Parameters description:
interface-id: The interface name.
Event description: Dying gasp event(local)
Log Message: Device encountered an OAM dying gasp event.
Event description: Critical event(remote)
Log Message: OAM critical event received (Port<interface-id>)
Parameters description:
interface-id: The interface name.
Event description: Critical event(local)
Log Message: Device encountered an OAM critical event (Port<interface-id>,
Parameters description:
interface-id: The interface name.
condition: Display string for the condition of generating critical link event. e.g. OAM
disable, Port shutdown, Port link down, Packet overload.
Event description: Errored Symbol Period Event(remote)
Log Message: Errored symbol period event received (Port <interface-id>)
Parameters description:
interface-id: The interface name.
Event description: Errored Frame Event
Log Message: Errored frame event received(Port <interface-id>)
Parameters description:
interface-id: The interface name.
Event description: Errored Frame Period Event
Log Message: Errored frame period event received(Port <interface-id>)
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Log Description
Parameters description:
interface-id: The interface name.
Event description: Errored Frame Seconds Summary Event
Log Message: Errored frame seconds summary event received (Port <interface-id>)
Parameters description:
interface-id: The interface name.
Event description: Remote loopback start
Log Message: OAM Remote loopback started (Port <interface-id>)
Parameters description:
interface-id: The interface name.
Event description: Remote loopback stop
Log Message: OAM Remote loopback stopped (Port <interface-id>)
Parameters description:
interface-id: The interface name.
Log Description
Event description: Port link up.
Log Message: Port <portNum> link up, <link state>
Parameters description:
portNum: 1.Interger value;2.Represent the logic port number of the device.
link state: for ex: , 100Mbps FULL duplex
Event description: Port link down.
Log Message: Port <portNum> link down
Parameters description:
portNum: 1.Interger value; 2.Represent the logic port number of the device.
IP Directed Broadcast
Log Description
Event description: IP Directed-broadcast rate exceed 50 packets per second on a
certain subnet.
Log Message: IP Directed Broadcast packet rate is high on subnet. [(IP: %s)]
Parameters description:
IP: the Broadcast IP destination address.
Event description: IP Directed-broadcast rate exceed 100 packets per second
Log Message: IP Directed Broadcast rate is high.
Log Description
Event description: When there is no hardware rule resource to set DHCP Snooping
entry into IPSG table, the syslog will be record.
Log Message: Failed to set IPSG entry due to no hardware rule resource. (IP:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Log Description
Parameters description:
ipaddr: IP address
macaddr: MAC address.
vlanid: VLAN ID
interface-id: Interface name
Log Description
Event description: Link Aggregation Group link up.
Log Message: Link Aggregation Group <group_id> link up.
Parameters description:
group_id: The group id of the link up aggregation group.
Event description: Link Aggregation Group link down.
Log Message: Link Aggregation Group <group_id> link down.
Parameters description:
group_id: The group id of the link down aggregation group.
Event description: Member port attach to Link Aggregation Group.
Log Message: <ifname> attach to Link Aggregation Group <group_id>.
Parameters description:
Ifname: The interface name of the port that attach to aggregation group.
group_id: The group id of the aggregation group that port attach to.
Event description: Member port detach from Link Aggregation Group.
Log Message: <ifname> detach from Link Aggregation Group <group_id>.
Parameters description:
Ifname: The interface name of the port that detach from aggregation group.
group_id: The group id of the aggregation group that port detach from.
Log Description
Event Description: Loop back is detected under port-based mode.
Log Message:
IfInfo LBD loop occurred.
Parameters Description:
IfInfo: The interface info.
Event Description: Port recovered from LBD blocked state under port-based mode.
Log Message:
IfInfo LBD loop recovered.
Parameters Description:
IfInfo: The interface info.
Event Description: Loop back is detected under VLAN-based mode.
Log Message:
IfInfo VID <vlanID> LBD loop occurred.
Parameters Description:
IfInfo: The interface info.
vlanID: The VLAN ID number.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Log Description
Event Description: Port recovered from LBD blocked state under VLAN-based mode.
Log Message:
IfInfo VID <vlanID> LBD loop recovered.
Parameters Description:
IfInfo: The interface info.
vlanID: The VLAN ID number.
Event Description: The number of VLANs that loop back has occurred hit the specified
Log Message:
Loop VLAN numbers overflow.
Parameters Description:
Log Description
Event description: LLDP-MED topology change detected
Log Message: LLDP-MED topology change detected (on port <portNum>. chassis id:
<chassisType>, <chassisID>, port id: <portType>, <portID>, device class:
Parameters description:
portNum: The port number.
chassisType: chassis ID subtype.
Value list:
1. chassisComponent(1)
2. interfaceAlias(2)
3. portComponent(3)
4. macAddress(4)
5. networkAddress(5)
6. interfaceName(6)
7. local(7)
chassisID: chassis ID.
portType: port ID subtype.
Value list:
1. interfaceAlias(1)
2. portComponent(2)
3. macAddress(3)
4. networkAddress(4)
5. interfaceName(5)
6. agentCircuitId(6)
7. local(7)
portID: port ID.
deviceClass: LLDP-MED device type.
Event description: Conflict LLDP-MED device type detected
Log Message: Conflict LLDP-MED device type detected ( on port <portNum>, chassis
id: <chassisType>, <chassisID>, port id: <portType>, <portID>, device class:
Parameters description:
portNum: The port number.
chassisType: chassis ID subtype.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Log Description
Value list:
1. chassisComponent(1)
2. interfaceAlias(2)
3. portComponent(3)
4. macAddress(4)
5. networkAddress(5)
6. interfaceName(6)
7. local(7)
chassisID: chassis ID.
portType: port ID subtype.
Value list:
1. interfaceAlias(1)
2. portComponent(2)
3. macAddress(3)
4. networkAddress(4)
5. interfaceName(5)
6. agentCircuitId(6)
7. local(7)
portID: port ID.
deviceClass: LLDP-MED device type.
Event description: Incompatible LLDP-MED TLV set detected
Log Message: Incompatible LLDP-MED TLV set detected ( on port <portNum>, chassis
id: <chassisType>, <chassisID>, port id: <portType>, <portID>, device class:
Parameters description:
portNum: The port number.
chassisType: chassis ID subtype.
Value list:
1. chassisComponent(1)
2. interfaceAlias(2)
3. portComponent(3)
4. macAddress(4)
5. networkAddress(5)
6. interfaceName(6)
7. local(7)
chassisID: chassis ID.
portType: port ID subtype.
Value list:
1. interfaceAlias(1)
2. portComponent(2)
3. macAddress(3)
4. networkAddress(4)
5. interfaceName(5)
6. agentCircuitId(6)
7. local(7)
portID: port ID.
deviceClass: LLDP-MED device type.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Log Description
Event description: Login through console successfully.
Log Message: [Unit <unitID>, ]Successful login through Console (Username:
Parameters description:
unitID: The unit ID.
username: Represent current login user.
Event description: Login through console unsuccessfully.
Log Message: [Unit <unitID>, ] Login failed through Console (Username: <username>)
Parameters description:
unitID: The unit ID.
username: Represent current login user.
Event description: Console session timed out.
Log Message: [Unit <unitID>, ] Console session timed out (Username: <username>)
Parameters description:
unitID: The unit ID.
username: Represent current login user.
Event description: Logout through console.
Log Message: [Unit <unitID>, ] Logout through Console (Username: <username>)
Parameters description:
unitID: The unit ID.
username: Represent current login user.
Event description: Login through telnet successfully.
Log Message: Successful login through Telnet (Username: <username>, IP: <ipaddr>)
Parameters description:
username: Represent current login user.
ipaddr: Represent client IP address.
Event description: Login through telnet unsuccessfully.
Log Message: Login failed through Telnet (Username: <username>, IP: <ipaddr>)
Parameters description:
username: Represent current login user.
ipaddr: Represent client IP address.
Event description: Telnet session timed out.
Log Message: Telnet session timed out (Username: <username>, IP: <ipaddr>)
Parameters description:
username: Represent current login user.
ipaddr: Represent client IP address.
Event description: Logout through telnet.
Log Message: Logout through Telnet (Username: <username>, IP: <ipaddr>)
Parameters description:
username: Represent current login user.
ipaddr: Represent client IP address.
Event description: Login through SSH successfully.
Log Message: Successful login through SSH (Username: <username>, IP: <ipaddr>)
Parameters description:
username: Represent current login user.
ipaddr: Represent client IP address.
Event description: Login through SSH unsuccessfully.
Log Message: Login failed through SSH (Username: <username>, IP: <ipaddr>)
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Log Description
Parameters description:
username: Represent current login user.
ipaddr: Represent client IP address.
Event description: SSH session timed out.
Log Message: SSH session timed out (Username: <username>, IP: <ipaddr>)
Parameters description:
username: Represent current login user.
ipaddr: Represent client IP address.
Event description: Logout through SSH.
Log Message: Logout through SSH (Username: <username>, IP: <ipaddr>)
Parameters description:
username: Represent current login user.
ipaddr: Represent client IP address.
Log Description
Event description: the host has passed MAC authentication
Log Message: MAC-based Access Control host login success (MAC: <mac-address>,
<interface-id>, VID: <vlan-id>)
Parameters description:
mac-address: the host MAC addresses.
interface-id: the interface on which the host is authenticated.
vlan-id: the VLAN ID on which the host exists.
Event description: the host has aged out.
Log Message: MAC-based Access Control host aged out (MAC: <mac-address>,
<interface-id>, VID: <vlan-id>)
Parameters description:
mac-address: the host MAC addresses.
interface-id: the interface on which the host is authenticated.
vlan-id: the VLAN ID on which the host exists.
Event description: the host failed to pass the authentication.
Log Message: MAC-based Access Control host login fail (MAC: <mac-address>,
<interface-id>, VID: <vlan-id>)
Parameters description:
mac-address: the host MAC addresses.
interface-id: the interface on which the host is authenticated.
vlan-id: the VLAN ID on which the host exists.
Event description: the authorized user number on the whole device has reached the
maximum user limit.
Log Message: MAC-based Access Control enters stop learning state.
Event description: the authorized user number on the whole device is below the
maximum user limit in a time interval.
Log Message: MAC-based Access Control recovers from stop learning state.
Event description: the authorized user number on an interface has reached the
maximum user limit.
Log Message: <interface-id> enters MAC-based Access Control stop learning state
Parameters description:
interface-id: the interface on which the host is authenticated.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Log Description
Event description: the authorized user number on an interface is below the maximum
user limit in a time interval.
Log Message: <interface-id> recovers from MAC-based Access Control stop learning
Parameters description:
interface-id: the interface on which the host is authenticated.
MSTP Debug Enhancement
Log Description
Event description: Topology changed.
Log Message: Topology changed [( [Instance:<InstanceID> ] , <portNum> ,MAC:
Parameters description:
InstanceID: Instance ID.
portNum: Port ID
macaddr: MAC address
Event description: Spanning Tree new Root Bridge
Log Message: [CIST | CIST Regional | MSTI Regional] New Root bridge
selected( [Instance: <InstanceID> ],MAC: <macaddr>, Priority :<value>)
Parameters description:
InstanceID: Instance ID.
macaddr: Mac address
value: priority value
Event description: Spanning Tree Protocol is enabled
Log Message: Spanning Tree Protocol is enabled
Event description: Spanning Tree Protocol is disabled
Log Message: Spanning Tree Protocol is disabled
Event description: New root port
Log Message: New root port selected [( [Instance:<InstanceID> ], <portNum>)]
Parameters description:
InstanceID: Instance ID.
portNum: Port ID
Event description: Spanning Tree port status changed
Log Message: Spanning Tree port status change [( [Instance:<InstanceID> ],
<portNum>)] <old_status> -> <new_status>
Parameters description:
InstanceID: Instance ID.
portNum: Port ID
old_status: Old status
new_status: New status
Event description: Spanning Tree port role changed.
Log Message: Spanning Tree port role change. [( [Instance:<InstanceID> ],
<[ portNum>)] <old_role> -> <new_role>
Parameters description:
InstanceID: Instance ID.
portNum: Port ID/
old_role: Old role
new_status: New role
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Log Description
Event description: Spanning Tree instance created.
Log Message: Spanning Tree instance created. (Instance:<InstanceID>)
Parameters description:
InstanceID: Instance ID.
Event description: Spanning Tree instance deleted.
Log Message: Spanning Tree instance deleted. (Instance:<InstanceID>)
Parameters description:
InstanceID: Instance ID.
Event description: Spanning Tree Version changed.
Log Message: Spanning Tree version change.( New version:<new_version>)
Parameters description:
new_version: New STP version.
Event description: Spanning Tree MST configuration ID name and revision level
Log Message: Spanning Tree MST configuration ID name and revision level change
(name:<name> revision level <revision_level>).
Parameters description:
name : New name.
revision_level: New revision level.
Event description: Spanning Tree MST configuration ID VLAN mapping table deleted.
Log Message: Spanning Tree MST configuration ID VLAN mapping table change
(instance: <InstanceID> delete vlan <startvlanid> [- <endvlanid>]).
Parameters description:
InstanceID: Instance ID.
startvlanid- endvlanid: VLAN list
Event description: Spanning Tree MST configuration ID VLAN mapping table added.
Log Message: Spanning Tree MST configuration ID VLAN mapping table change
(instance: <InstanceID> add vlan <startvlanid> [- <endvlanid>]).
Parameters description:
InstanceID: Instance ID.
startvlanid- endvlanid: VLAN list
Event description: Spanning Tree port role change to alternate port due to the guard
Log Message: Spanning Tree port role change (Instance : <InstanceID>, <portNum>) to
alternate port due to the guard root.
Parameters description:
InstanceID: Instance ID.
portNum: Port ID
Event description: Spanning Tree loop guard blocking.
Log Message: Spanning Tree loop guard blocking(Instance : <InstanceID>, <portNum>)
Parameters description:
InstanceID: Instance ID.
portNum: Port ID
Log Description
Event description: Fan Recovered.
Log Message: Unit <unit-id>, <fan-descr> back to normal
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Log Description
Parameters description:
Unit <id>: The unit ID.
<fan-descr>: For example, right fan, left fan etc.
Event description: Fan Fail
Log Message: Unit <unit-id> <fan-descr> failed.
Parameters description:
Unit <id>: The unit ID.
<fan-descr>: For example, right fan, left fan etc.
Event description: Temperature sensor enters alarm state.
Log Message: Unit <unit-id> <thermal-sensor-descr> detects abnormal temperature
Parameters description:
unitID: The unit ID.
thermal-sensor-descr: Description of the sensor.
degree: The current temperature of the sensor.
Event description: Temperature recovers to normal.
Log Message: Unit <unit-id> <thermal-sensor-descr> temperature back to normal
Parameters description:
unitID: The unit ID.
thermal-sensor-descr: Description of the sensor.
degree: The current temperature of the sensor.
Event description: Power failed.
Log Message: Unit <unit-id> <power-descr> failed
Parameters description:
Unit <id>: The unit ID.
power-descr: Describe the power.
Event description: Power is recovered.
Log Message: Unit <unit-id> <power-descr> back to normal
Parameters description:
Unit <id>: The unit ID.
power-descr: Describe the power.
Event description: External Alarm state to change.
Log Message: Unit <unit-id> External Alarm Channel <channelID> :<alarmMsg>
Parameters description:
Unit <id>: The unit ID.
channelID: The channel ID.
alarmMsg: The alarm Msg.
Log Description
Event description: port linkup
Log Message: Port <port> link up, <nway>
Parameters description:
port: Represents the logical port number.
nway: Represents the speed and duplex of link.
Event description: port linkdown
Log Message: Port <port> link down
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Log Description
Parameters description:
port: Represents the logical port number.
Port Security
Log Description
Event description: Address full on a port
Log Message: MAC address <mac-address> causes port security violation on
Parameters description:
macaddr: The violation MAC address.
interface-id: The interface name.
Event description: Address full on system
Log Message: Limit on system entry number has been exceeded.
Reboot Schedule
Log Description
Event description: Tips is about will to reboot Switch within the specified time.
Log Message: Display “Reboot scheduled in 5 minutes” when the countdown equals 5
minutes. Display ”Reboot scheduled in 1 minute” when the countdown equals 1 minute.
Log Description
Event description: When the CPU utilization is over the rising threshold, the Switch
enters exhausted mode, and the syslog will be recorded.
Log Message: Unit <unit-id>, Safeguard Engine enters EXHAUSTED mode.
Parameters description:
unit-id: Unit ID.
Event description: When the CPU utilization is lower than the falling threshold, the
Switch enters normal mode, and the syslog will be recorded.
Log Message: Unit <unit-id>, Safeguard Engine enters NORMAL mode.
Parameters description:
unit-id: Unit ID.
Log Description
Event Description: SNMP request received with invalid community string
Log Message: SNMP request received from <ipaddr> with invalid community string.
Parameters Description:
ipaddr: The IP address.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Log Description
Event description: SSH server is enabled.
Log Message: SSH server is enabled
Event description: SSH server is disabled.
Log Message: SSH server is disabled
Log Description
Event description: Successful login through Web (SSL).
Log Message: Successful login through Web (SSL) (Username: <username>, IP:
Parameters description:
username: The username that used to login SSL server.
ipaddr: The IP address of SSL client.
Event description: Login failed through Web (SSL).
Log Message: Login failed through Web (SSL) (Username: <username>, IP: <ipaddr>).
Parameters description:
username: The username that used to login SSL server.
ipaddr: The IP address of SSL client.
Event description: Web (SSL) session timed out.
Log Message: Web (SSL) session timed out (Username: <username>, IP: <ipaddr>).
Parameters description:
username: The username that used to login SSL server.
ipaddr: The IP address of SSL client.
Event description: Logout through Web (SSL).
Log Message: Logout through Web (SSL) (Username: <username>, IP: <ipaddr>).
Parameters description:
username: The username that used to login SSL server.
ipaddr: The IP address of SSL client.
Log Description
Event description: Hot insertion.
Log Message: Unit: <unitID>, MAC: <macaddr> Hot insertion.
Parameters description:
unitID: Box ID.
Macaddr: MAC address.
Event description: Hot removal.
Log Message: Unit: <unitID>, MAC: <macaddr> Hot removal.
Parameters description:
unitID: Box ID.
Macaddr: MAC address.
Event description: Stacking topology change.
Log Message: Stacking topology is <Stack_TP_TYPE>. Master (Unit <unitID>,
Parameters description:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Log Description
Stack_TP_TYPE: The stacking topology type is one of the following:
1. Ring,
2. Chain.
unitID: Box ID.
Macaddr: MAC address.
Event description: Backup master changed to master.
Log Message: Backup master changed to master. Master (Unit: <unitID>).
Parameters description:
unitID: Box ID.
Event description: Slave changed to master
Log Message: Slave changed to master. Master (Unit: <unitID>).
Parameters description:
unitID: Box ID.
Event description: Box ID conflict.
Log Message: Hot insert failed, box ID conflict: Unit <unitID> conflict (MAC: <macaddr>
and MAC: <macaddr>).
Parameters description:
unitID: Box ID.
macaddr: The MAC addresses of the conflicting boxes.
Event description: Stacking port link up.
Log Message: Stacking port <portID> link up.
Parameters description:
portID: port ID.
Event description: Stacking port link down.
Log Message: Stacking port <portID> link down.
Parameters description:
portID: port ID.
Event description: SIO interface link up.
Log Message: SIO interface Unit <unitID> SIO<SIOID> link up.
Parameters description:
unitID: Box ID.
Event description: SIO interface link down.
Log Message: SIO interface Unit <unitID> SIO<SIOID> link down.
Parameters description:
unitID: Box ID.
Storm Control
Log Description
Event description: Storm occurrence.
Log Message: <Broadcast | Multicast | Unicast> storm is occurring on <interface-id>.
Parameters description:
Broadcast: Storm is resulted by broadcast packets (DA = FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF).
Multicast: Storm is resulted by multicast packets, including unknown L2 multicast,
known L2 multicast, unknown IP multicast and known IP multicast.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Log Description
Unicast: Storm is resulted by unicast packets, including both known and unknown
unicast packets
interface-id: The interface ID on which a storm is occurring.
Event description: Storm cleared.
Log Message: <Broadcast | Multicast | Unicast> storm is cleared on <interface-id>.
Parameters description:
Broadcast: Broadcast storm is cleared.
Multicast: Multicast storm is cleared.
Unicast: Unicast storm (including both known and unknown unicast packets) is cleared.
interface-id: The interface ID on which a storm is cleared.
Event description: Port shut down due to a packet storm
Log Message: <interface-id> is currently shut down due to the <Broadcast | Multicast |
Unicast> storm.
Parameters description:
interface-id: The interface ID on which is error-disabled by storm.
Broadcast: The interface is disabled by broadcast storm.
Multicast: The interface is disabled by multicast storm.
Unicast: The interface is disabled by unicast storm (including both known and unknown
unicast packets).
Log Description
Event description: Successful login through Telnet.
Log Message: Successful login through Telnet (Username: <username>, IP: <ipaddr>)
Parameters description:
ipaddr: The IP address of telnet client.
username: the user name that used to login telnet server.
Event description: Login failed through Telnet.
Log Message: Login failed through Telnet (Username: <username>, IP: <ipaddr>)
Parameters description:
ipaddr: The IP address of telnet client.
username: the user name that used to login telnet server.
Event description: Logout through Telnet.
Log Message: Logout through Telnet (Username: <username>, IP: <ipaddr>)
Parameters description:
ipaddr: The IP address of telnet client.
username: the user name that used to login telnet server.
Event description: Telnet session timed out.
Log Message: Telnet session timed out (Username: <username>, IP: <ipaddr>).
Parameters description:
ipaddr: The IP address of telnet client.
username: the user name that used to login telnet server.
Traffic Control
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Log Description
Event description: Broadcast storm occurrence.
Log Message: <interface-id> Broadcast storm is occurring.
Parameters description:
interface-id: The interface name.
Event description: Broadcast storm cleared.
Log Message: <interface-id> Broadcast storm has cleared.
Parameters description:
interface-id: The interface name.
Event description: Multicast storm occurrence.
Log Message: <interface-id> Multicast storm is occurring.
Parameters description:
interface-id: The interface name.
Event description: Multicast Storm cleared.
Log Message: <interface-id>Multicast storm has cleared.
Parameters description:
interface-id: The interface name.
Event description: Unicast storm occurrence.
Log Message: <interface-id> Unicast storm is occurring.
Parameters description:
interface-id: The interface name.
Event description: Unicast Storm cleared.
Log Message: <interface-id> Unicast storm has cleared.
Parameters description:
interface-id: The interface name.
Event description: Port shut down due to a packet storm
Log Message: <interface-id> is currently shut down due to a packet storm.
Parameters description:
interface-id: The interface name.
VRRP Debug Enhancement
Log Description
Event description: One virtual router state becomes Master.
Log Message: VR <vr-id> at interface <intf-name> Switch to Master
Parameters description:
vr-id: VRRP virtual router ID.
intf-name: Interface name on which virtual router is based.
Event description: One virtual router state becomes Backup.
Log Message: VR <vr-id> at interface <intf-name> Switch to Backup
Parameters description:
vr-id: VRRP virtual router ID.
intf-name: Interface name on which virtual router is based.
Event description: One virtual router state becomes Init.
Log Message: VR <vr-id> at interface <intf-name> Switch to Init
Parameters description:
vr-id: VRRP virtual router ID.
intf-name: Interface name on which virtual router is based.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Log Description
Event description: Authentication type mismatch of one received VRRP advertisement
Log Message: Authentication type mismatch on VR <vr-id> at interface <intf-name>
Parameters description:
vr-id: VRRP virtual router ID.
intf-name: Interface name on which virtual router is based.
Event description: Authentication checking fail of one received VRRP advertisement
Log Message: Authentication fail on VR <vr-id> at interface <intf-name>. Auth type
Parameters description:
vr-id: VRRP virtual router ID.
intf-name: Interface name on which virtual router is based.
Auth-type: VRRP interface authentication type.
Event description: Checksum error of one received VRRP advertisement message.
Log Message: Received an ADV msg with incorrect checksum on VR <vr-id> at
interface <intf-name>
Parameters description:
vr-id: VRRP virtual router ID.
intf-name: Interface name on which virtual router is based.
Event description: Virtual router ID mismatch of one received VRRP advertisement
Log Message: Received ADV msg virtual router ID mismatch. VR <vr-id> at interface
Parameters description:
vr-id: VRRP virtual router ID.
intf-name: Interface name on which virtual router is based.
Event description: Advertisement interval mismatch of one received VRRP
advertisement message.
Log Message: Received ADV msg adv interval mismatch. VR <vr-id> at interface <intf-
Parameters description:
vr-id: VRRP virtual router ID.
intf-name: Interface name on which virtual router is based.
Event description: A virtual MAC address is added into Switch L2 table
Log Message: Added a virtual MAC <vrrp-mac-addr> into L2 table
Parameters description:
vrrp-mac-addr: VRRP virtual MAC address
Event description: A virtual MAC address is deleted from Switch L2 table.
Log Message: Deleted a virtual MAC <vrrp-mac-addr> from L2 table
Parameters description:
vrrp-mac-addr: VRRP virtual MAC address
Event description: A virtual MAC address is adding into Switch L3 table.
Log Message: Added a virtual IP <vrrp-ip-addr> MAC <vrrp-mac-addr> into L3 table
Parameters description:
vrrp-ip-addr: VRRP virtual IP address
vrrp-mac-addr: VRRP virtual MAC address
Event description: A virtual MAC address is deleting from Switch L3 table.
Log Message: Deleted a virtual IP <vrrp-ip-addr> MAC <vrrp-mac-addr> from L3 table
Parameters description:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Log Description
vrrp-ip-addr: VRRP virtual IP address
vrrp-mac-addr: VRRP virtual MAC address
Event description: Failed when adding a virtual MAC into Switch chip L2 table.
Log Message: Failed to add virtual MAC <vrrp-mac-addr> into chip L2 table. Errcode
Parameters description:
vrrp-mac-addr: VRRP virtual MAC address
vrrp-errcode: Errcode of VRRP protocol behavior.
Event description: Failed when deleting a virtual MAC from Switch chip L2 table.
Log Message: Failed to delete virtual MAC <vrrp-mac-addr> from chip L2 table. Errcode
Parameters description:
vrrp-mac-addr: VRRP virtual MAC address
vrrp-errcode: Errcode of VRRP protocol behavior.
Event description: Failed when adding a virtual MAC into Switch L3 table. The L3 table
is full.
Log Message: Failed to add virtual IP <vrrp-ip-addr> MAC <vrrp-mac-addr> into L3
table. L3 table is full
Parameters description:
vrrp-ip-addr: VRRP virtual IP address
vrrp-mac-addr: VRRP virtual MAC address
Event description: Failed when adding a virtual MAC into Switch L3 table. The port
where the MAC is learned from is invalid.
Log Message: Failed to add virtual IP <vrrp-ip-addr> MAC <vrrp-mac-addr> into L3
table. Port <mac-port> is invalid
Parameters description:
vrrp-ip-addr: VRRP virtual IP address
vrrp-mac-addr: VRRP virtual MAC address
mac-port: port number of VRRP virtual MAC.
Event description: Failed when adding a virtual MAC into Switch L3 table. The interface
where the MAC is learned from is invalid.
Log Message: Failed to add virtual IP <vrrp-ip-addr> MAC <vrrp-mac-addr> into L3
table. Interface <mac-intf> is invalid
Parameters description:
vrrp-ip-addr: VRRP virtual IP address
vrrp-mac-addr: VRRP virtual MAC address
mac-intf: interface id on which VRRP virtual MAC address is based.
Event description: Failed when adding a virtual MAC into Switch L3 table. The box
where the MAC is learned from is invalid.
Log Message: Failed to add virtual IP <vrrp-ip-addr> MAC <vrrp-mac-addr> into L3
table. Box id <mac-box> is invalid
Parameters description:
vrrp-ip-addr: VRRP virtual IP address
vrrp-mac-addr: VRRP virtual MAC address
mac-box: stacking box number of VRRP virtual MAC.
Event description: Failed when adding a virtual MAC into Switch chip’s L3 table.
Log Message: Failed to add virtual IP <vrrp-ip-addr> MAC <vrrp-mac-addr> into chip L3
table. Errcode <vrrp-errcode>
Parameters description:
vrrp-ip-addr: VRRP virtual IP address
vrrp-mac-addr: VRRP virtual MAC address
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Log Description
vrrp-errcode: Err code of VRRP protocol behavior.
Event description: Failed when deleting a virtual MAC from Switch chip’s L3 table.
Log Message: Failed to delete virtual IP <vrrp-ip-addr> MAC <vrrp-mac-addr> from chip
L3 table. Errcode <vrrp-errcode>
Parameters description:
vrrp-ip-addr: VRRP virtual IP address
vrrp-mac-addr: VRRP virtual MAC address
vrrp-errcode: Err code of VRRP protocol behavior.
Log Description
Event description: When a client host fails to authenticate.
Log Message: WAC unauthenticated user (User Name: <string>, IP: <ipaddr |
ipv6address>, MAC: <macaddr>, Port: <[unitID:]portNum>)
Parameters description:
string: User name
ipaddr: IP address
ipv6address: IPv6 address
macaddr: MAC address
unitID: The unit ID
portNum : The port number
Event description: This log will be triggered when the number of authorized users
reaches the maximum user limit on the whole device.
Log Message: WAC enters stop learning state.
Event description: This log will be triggered when the number of authorized users is
below the maximum user limit on whole device in a time interval (The interval is project
Log Message: WAC recovered from stop learning state.
Event description: When a client host authenticated successful.
Log Message: WAC authenticated user (Username: <string>, IP: <ipaddr |
ipv6address>, MAC: <macaddr>, Port: <[unitID:] portNum>)
Parameters description:
string: User name
ipaddr: IP address
ipv6address: IPv6 address
macaddr: MAC address
unitID: The unit ID
portNum : The port number
Log Description
Event description: Successful login through Web.
Log Message: Successful login through Web (Username: <username>, IP: <ipaddr>).
Parameters description:
username: The use name that used to login HTTP server.
ipaddr: The IP address of HTTP client.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Log Description
Event description: Login failed through Web.
Log Message: Login failed through Web (Username: <username>, IP: <ipaddr>).
Parameters description:
username: The use name that used to login HTTP server.
ipaddr: The IP address of HTTP client.
Event description: Web session timed out.
Log Message: Web session timed out (Username: <username>, IP: <ipaddr>).
Parameters description:
username: The use name that used to login HTTP server.
ipaddr: The IP address of HTTP client.
Event description: Logout through Web.
Log Message: Logout through Web (Username: <username>, IP: <ipaddr>).
Parameters description:
username: The use name that used to login HTTP server.
ipaddr: The IP address of HTTP client.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Appendix C - Trap Entries
The following table lists all possible trap log entries and their corresponding meanings that will appear in the Switch.
Trap Name
The trap is sent when a host has successfully logged in
(passed 802.1X authentication).
Binding objects:
(1) ifIndex,
(2) dnaSessionClientMacAddress
(3) dnaSessionAuthVlan
(4) dnaSessionAuthUserName
The trap is sent when a host failed to pass 802.1X
authentication (login failed).
Binding objects:
(1) ifIndex,
(2) dnaSessionClientMacAddress
(3) dnaSessionAuthVlan
(4) dnaSessionAuthUserName
(5) dDot1xExtNotifyFailReason
802.3ah OAM
Trap Name
This notification is sent when a local or remote threshold
crossing event is detected.
Binding objects:
(1) dot3OamEventLogTimestamp
(2) dot3OamEventLogOui
(3) dot3OamEventLogType
(4) dot3OamEventLogLocation
(5) dot3OamEventLogWindowHi
(6) dot3OamEventLogWindowLo
(7) dot3OamEventLogThresholdHi
(8) dot3OamEventLogThresholdLo
(9) dot3OamEventLogValue
(10) dot3OamEventLogRunningTotal
(11) dot3OamEventLogEventTotal
This notification is sent when a local or remote non-
threshold crossing event is detected.
Binding objects:
(1) dot3OamEventLogTimestamp
(2) dot3OamEventLogOui
(3) dot3OamEventLogType
(4) dot3OamEventLogLocation
(5) dot3OamEventLogEventTotal
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Authentication Fail
Trap Name
An authenticationFailure trap signifies that the SNMPv2
entity, acting in an agent role, has received a protocol
message that is not properly authenticated. While all
implementations of the SNMPv2 must be capable of
generating this trap, the snmpEnableAuthenTraps object
indicates whether this trap will be generated.
BPDU Protection
Trap Name
This trap is sent when the BPDU attack happened on an
Binding objects:
(1) ifIndex
(2) dBpduProtectionIfCfgMode
This trap is sent when the BPDU attack recovered on an
Binding objects:
(1) ifIndex
Trap Name
A notification is generated when an abnormal alarm
situation occurs or recovers from an abnormal alarm
situation to normal status. Only when the current value>
low warning or current value < high warning will send
recover trap.
Binding objects:
(1) dDdmNotifyInfoIfIndex,
(2) dDdmNotifyInfoComponent
(3) dDdmNotifyInfoAbnormalLevel
(4) dDdmNotifyInfoThresholdExceedOrRecover
A notification is generated when an abnormal warning
situation occurs or recovers from an abnormal warning
situation to normal status.
Binding objects:
(1) dDdmNotifyInfoIfIndex,
(2) dDdmNotifyInfoComponent
(3) dDdmNotifyInfoAbnormalLevel
(4) dDdmNotifyInfoThresholdExceedOrRecover
DHCP Server Screen Prevention
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Trap Name
When DHCP Server Screen is enabled, if the Switch
received the forge DHCP Server packet, the Switch will
trap the event if any attacking packet is received.
Binding objects:
(1) dDhcpFilterLogBufServerIpAddr
(2) dDhcpFilterLogBufClientMacAddr
(3) dDhcpFilterLogBufferVlanId
(4) dDhcpFilterLogBufferOccurTime
DoS Prevention
Trap Name
The trap is sent when detect DOS attack.
Binding objects:
(1) dDoSPrevCtrlAttackType
(2) dDosPrevNotiInfoDropIpAddr
(3) dDosPrevNotiInfoDropPortNumber
Trap Name
A dErpsFailureNotification is sent when
dErpsNotificationEnabled is 'true' and a signal failure is
A dErpsFailureClearedNotif is sent when
dErpsNotificationEnabled is 'true' and a signal failure is
A dErpsOwnerConflictNotif is sent when
dErpsNotificationEnabled is 'true' and RPL owner
conflict is detected
Trap Name
The trap is sent when a port enters into error disabled
Binding objects:
(1) dErrDisNotifyInfoPortIfIndex
(2) dErrDisNotifyInfoReasonID
The trap is sent when a port loop restarts after the
interval time.
Binding objects:
(1) dErrDisNotifyInfoPortIfIndex
(2) dErrDisNotifyInfoReasonID
External Alarm
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Trap Name
The commander Switch will send this notification when
External alarm state is changed.
Binding objects:
(1) dExternalAlarmUnitID
(2) dExternalAlarmChannel
(3) dExternalAlarmStatus
Gratuitous ARP
Trap Name
The trap is sent when IP address conflicted.
Binding objects:
(1) ipaddr
(2) macaddr
(3) portNumber
(4) agentGratuitousARPInterfaceName
IP-MAC-Port Binding
Trap Name
The address violation notification is generated when IP-
MAC-Port Binding address violation is detected.
Binding objects:
(1) ifIndex
(2) dImpbViolationIpAddrType
(3) dImpbViolationIpAddress
(4) dImpbViolationMacAddress
(5) dImpbViolationVlan
Trap Name
A linkUp trap signifies that the SNMP entity, acting in an
agent role, has detected that the ifOperStatus object for
one of its communication links left the down state and
transitioned into some other state (but not into the
notPresent state). This other state is indicated by the
included value of ifOperStatus.
Binding objects:
(1) ifIndex,
(2) if AdminStatus
(3) ifOperStatu
A linkDown trap signifies that the SNMP entity, acting in
an agent role, has detected that the ifOperStatus object
for one of its communication links is about to enter the
down state from some other state (but not from the
notPresent state). This other state is indicated by the
included value of ifOperStatus.
Binding objects:
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Trap Name
(1) ifIndex,
(2) if AdminStatus
(3) ifOperStatu
Trap Name
The trap is sent when a port loop occurs.
Binding objects:
(1) swLoopDetectPortIndex
The trap is sent when a port loop restarts after the
interval time.
Binding objects:
(1) swLoopDetectPortIndex
The trap is sent when a port loop occurs under LBD
VLAN-based mode.
Binding objects:
(1) swLoopDetectPortIndex
(2) swVlanLoopDetectVID
The trap is sent when a port loop restarts under LBD
VLAN-based mode after the interval time.
Binding objects:
(1) swLoopDetectPortIndex
(2) swVlanLoopDetectVID
Trap Name
A lldpRemTablesChange notification is sent when the
value of lldpStatsRemTableLastChangeTime changes.
Binding objects:
(1) lldpStatsRemTablesInserts
(2) lldpStatsRemTablesDeletes
(3) lldpStatsRemTablesDrops
(4) lldpStatsRemTablesAgeouts
A notification generated by the local device sensing a
change in the topology that indicates that a new remote
device attached to a local port, or a remote device
disconnected or moved from one port to another.
Binding objects:
(1) lldpRemChassisIdSubtype
(2) lldpRemChassisId
(3) lldpXMedRemDeviceClass
MAC-based Access Control
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Trap Name
The trap is sent when a MAC-based Access Control host
is successfully logged in.
Binding objects:
(1) ifIndex,
(2) dnaSessionClientMacAddress
(3) dnaSessionAuthVlan
The trap is sent when a MAC-based Access Control host
login fails.
Binding objects:
(1) ifIndex,
(2) dnaSessionClientMacAddress
(3) dnaSessionAuthVlan
The trap is sent when a MAC-based Access Control host
ages out.
Binding objects:
(1) ifIndex,
(2) dnaSessionClientMacAddress
(3) dnaSessionAuthVlan
MAC Notification
Trap Name
This trap indicates the MAC addresses variation in the
address table.
Binding objects:
(1) dL2FdbMac ChangeNotifyInfo
This trap indicates the MAC addresses variation in the
address table.
Binding objects:
(1) dL2FdbMacChangeNotifyInfoWithVID
Trap Name
The newRoot trap indicates that the sending agent has
become the new root of the Spanning Tree; the trap is
sent by a bridge soon after its election as the new root,
e.g., upon expiration of the Topology Change Timer,
immediately subsequent to its election. Implementation
of this trap is optional.
A topologyChange trap is sent by a bridge when any of
its configured ports transitions from the Learning state to
the Forwarding state or from the Forwarding state to the
Blocking state. The trap is not sent if a newRoot trap is
sent for the same transition. Implementation of this trap
is optional
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Trap Name
The commander Switch will send this notification when a
fan fails (dEntityExtEnvFanStatus is 'fault') or recovers
(dEntityExtEnvFanStatus is 'ok').
Binding objects:
(1) dEntityExtEnvFanUnitId
(2) dEntityExtEnvFanIndex
(3) dEntityExtEnvFanStatus
The commander Switch will send this notification when a
thermal alarms (dEntityExtEnvTempStatus is 'abnormal')
or recover (dEntityExtEnvTempStatus is 'ok').
Binding objects:
(1) dEntityExtEnvTempUnitId
(2) dEntityExtEnvTempIndex
(3) dEntityExtEnvTempStatus
The commander Switch will send this notification when a
power module fails, recovers or is removed.
Binding objects:
(1) dEntityExtEnvPowerUnitId
(2) dEntityExtEnvPowerIndex
(3) dEntityExtEnvPowerStatus
Port Security
Trap Name
When the port security trap is enabled, new MAC
addresses that violate the pre-defined port security
configuration will trigger trap messages to be sent out.
Binding objects:
(1) ifIndex,
(2) dPortSecIfCurrentStatus
(3) dPortSecIfViolationMacAddress
Trap Name
A notification is generated when port linkup.
Binding objects:
(1) ifIndex,
(2) if AdminStatus
(3) ifOperStatu
A notification is generated when port linkdown.
Binding objects:
(1) ifIndex,
(2) if AdminStatus
(3) ifOperStatu
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Trap Name
The SNMP trap that is generated when an alarm entry
crosses its rising threshold and generates an event that
is configured for sending SNMP traps.
Binding objects:
(1) alarmIndex
(2) alarmVariable
(3) alarmSampleType
(4) alarmValue
(5) alarmRisingThreshold
The SNMP trap that is generated when an alarm entry
crosses its falling threshold and generates an event that
is configured for sending SNMP traps.
Binding objects:
(1) alarmIndex
(2) alarmVariable
(3) alarmSampleType
(4) alarmValue
(5) alarmFallingThreshold
Trap Name
This trap indicates System change operation mode from
normal to exhaust.
Binding objects:
(1) dSafeguardEngineCurrentMode
This trap indicates system change operation mode from
exhausted to normal.
Binding objects:
(1) dSafeguardEngineCurrentMode
Trap Name
The commander Switch will send this notification when
its member generates a cold start notification.
Binding objects:
(1) swSingleIPMSID
(2) swSingleIPMSMacAddr
The commander Switch will send this notification when
its member generates a warm start notification.
Binding objects:
(1) swSingleIPMSID
(2) swSingleIPMSMacAddr
The commander Switch will send this notification when
its member generates a link down notification.
Binding objects:
(1) swSingleIPMSID
(2) swSingleIPMSMacAddr
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Trap Name
(3) ifIndex
The commander Switch will send this notification when
its member generates a link up notification.
Binding objects:
(1) swSingleIPMSID
(2) swSingleIPMSMacAddr
(3) ifIndex
The commander Switch will send this notification when
its member generates an authentication failure
Binding objects:
(1) swSingleIPMSID
(2) swSingleIPMSMacAddr
The commander Switch will send this notification when
its member generates a new root notification.
Binding objects:
(1) swSingleIPMSID
(2) swSingleIPMSMacAddr
The commander Switch will send this notification when
its member generates a topology change notification.
Binding objects:
(1) swSingleIPMSID
(2) swSingleIPMSMacAddr
Trap Name
Unit Hot Insert notification.
Binding objects:
(1) dStackNotifyInfoBoxId
(2) dStackInfoMacAddr
Unit Hot Remove notification.
Binding objects:
(1) dStackNotifyInfoBoxId
(2) dStackInfoMacAddr
Unit Failure notification.
Binding objects:
(1) dStackNotifyInfoBoxId
The stacking topology change notification.
Binding objects:
(1) dStackNotifyInfoTopologyType
(2) dStackNotifyInfoBoxId
(3) dStackInfoMacAddr
The stacking unit role change notification.
Binding objects:
(1) dStackNotifyInfoRoleChangeType
(2) dStackNotifyInfoBoxId
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Trap Name
A coldStart trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting
in an agent role, is reinitializing itself and that its
configuration may have been altered.
A warmStart trap signifies that the SNMPv2 entity, acting
in an agent role, is reinitializing itself such that its
configuration is unaltered.
Storm Control
Trap Name
This trap is sent when dStormCtrlNotifyEnable is
'stormOccurred' or 'both' and a storm is detected.
Binding objects:
(1) ifIndex,
(2) dStormCtrlNotifyTrafficType
This trap is sent when dStormCtrlNotifyEnable is
'stormCleared' or 'both' and a storm is cleared.
Binding objects:
(1) ifIndex,
(2) dStormCtrlNotifyTrafficType
System File
Trap Name
The notification is sent when the user uploads image file
The notification is sent when the user downloads image
file successfully.
The notification is sent when the user uploads
configuration file successfully.
The notification is sent when the user downloads
configuration file successfully.
The notification is sent when the user saves
configuration file successfully.
Trap Name
This trap is sent when the process of upgrading the
firmware via SNMP has finished.
Binding objects:
(1) swMultiImageVersion
The trap is sent when the configuration is completely
saved, uploaded or downloaded
Binding objects:
(1) unitID
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Trap Name
(2) agentCfgOperate
(3) agentLoginUserName
Trap Name
The newMaster trap indicates that the sending agent
has transitioned to 'Master' state.
Binding objects:
(1) vrrpOperMasterIpAddr
A vrrpAuthFailure trap signifies that a packet has been
received from a router whose authentication key or
authentication type conflicts with this router's
authentication key or authentication type.
Implementation of this trap is optional.
Binding objects:
(1) vrrpTrapPacketSrc
(2) vrrpTrapAuthErrorType
Trap Name
The trap is sent when a WAC client pass the
Binding objects:
(1) swWACAuthStatePort
(2) swWACAuthStateOriginalVid
(3) swWACAuthStateMACAddr
(4) swWACAuthUserName
(5) swWACClientAddrType
(6) swWACClientAddress
The trap is sent when a WAC client failed to pass the
Binding objects:
(1) swWACAuthStatePort
(2) swWACAuthStateOriginalVid
(3) swWACAuthStateMACAddr
(4) swWACAuthUserName
(5) swWACClientAddrType
(6) swWACClientAddress
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Appendix D - RADIUS Attributes Assignment
The RADIUS Attributes Assignment on the Switch is used in the following modules: Console, Telnet, SSH, Web,
802.1X, MAC-based Access Control, and WAC.
The description that follows explains the following RADIUS Attributes Assignment types:
Privilege Level
Ingress/Egress Bandwidth
802.1p Default Priority
To assign the Privilege Level by the RADIUS server, the proper parameters should be configured on the RADIUS
server. The table below shows the parameters for the bandwidth.
The parameters of the Vendor-Specific attributes are:
Defines the vendor.
Defines the attribute.
Attribute-Specific Field
Used to assign the privilege level of the user to operate
the Switch.
Range (1-
If the user has configured the privilege level attribute of the RADIUS server (for example, level 15) and the Console,
Telnet, SSH, and Web authentication is successful, the device will assign the privilege level (according to the RADIUS
server) to this access user. However, if the user does not configure the privilege level attribute and authenticates
successfully, the device will not assign any privilege level to the access user. If the privilege level is configured less
than the minimum supported value or greater than the maximum supported value, the privilege level will be ignored.
To assign the Ingress/Egress Bandwidth by the RADIUS server, the proper parameters should be configured on the
RADIUS Server. The table below shows the parameters for bandwidth.
The parameters of the Vendor-Specific attributes are:
Vendor-Specific Attribute
Defines the vendor.
171 (DLINK)
Defines the attribute.
2 (for ingress bandwidth)
3 (for egress bandwidth)
Attribute-Specific Field
Used to assign the bandwidth of a port.
Unit (Kbits)
If the user has configured the bandwidth attribute of the RADIUS server (for example, ingress bandwidth 1000Kbps)
and 802.1X authentication is successful, the device will assign the bandwidth (according to the RADIUS server) to the
port. However, if the user does not configure the bandwidth attribute and authenticates successfully, the device will
not assign any bandwidth to the port. If the bandwidth attribute is configured on the RADIUS server with a value of “0”,
the effective bandwidth will be set “no_limited”, and if the bandwidth is configured less than “0” or greater than
maximum supported value, the bandwidth will be ignored.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
To assign the 802.1p Default Priority by the RADIUS server, the proper parameters should be configured on the
RADIUS server. The table below shows the parameters for 802.1p default priority.
The parameters of the Vendor-Specific attributes are:
Vendor-Specific Attribute
Defines the vendor.
171 (DLINK)
Defines the attribute.
Attribute-Specific Field
Used to assign the 802.1p default priority of the port.
0 to 7
If the user has configured the 802.1p priority attribute of the RADIUS server (for example, priority 7) and the 802.1X,
or MAC based authentication is successful, the device will assign the 802.1p default priority (according to the RADIUS
server) to the port. However, if the user does not configure the priority attribute and authenticates successfully, the
device will not assign a priority to this port. If the priority attribute is configured on the RADIUS server is a value out of
range (>7), it will not be set to the device.
To assign the VLAN by the RADIUS server, the proper parameters should be configured on the RADIUS server. To
use VLAN assignment, RFC 3580 defines the following tunnel attributes in RADIUS packets.
The table below shows the parameters for a VLAN:
This attribute indicates the tunneling protocol(s) to be used (in the
case of a tunnel initiator) or the tunneling protocol in use (in the case
of a tunnel terminator).
This attribute indicates the transport medium being used.
6 (802)
This attribute indicates group ID for a particular tunneled session.
A string
A summary of the Tunnel-Private-Group-ID Attribute format is shown below.
0 1 2 3
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
| Type | Length | Tag | String...
The table below shows the definition of Tag field (different with RFC 2868):
Tag field
String field format
(0x00, 0x03
~ 0x1F,
When the Switch receives the VLAN setting string, it will think it is the VLAN ID first. In other
words, the Switch will check all existing VLAN IDs and check if there is one matched. If the
Switch can find one matched, it will move to that VLAN. If the Switch cannot find the matched
VLAN ID, it will think the VLAN setting string as a “VLAN Name”. Then it will check that it can find
out a matched VLAN Name.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
NOTE: A tag field of greater than 0x1F is interpreted as the first octet of the following field.
If the user has configured the VLAN attribute of the RADIUS server (for example, VID 3) and the 802.1X, or MAC
based Access Control, or WAC authentication is successful, the port will be assigned to VLAN 3. However if the user
does not configure the VLAN attributes, when the port is not guest VLAN member, it will be kept in its current
authentication VLAN, and when the port is guest VLAN member, it will be assigned to its original VLAN.
To assign the ACL by the RADIUS server, the proper parameters should be configured on the RADIUS server. The
table below shows the parameters for an ACL.
The parameters of the Vendor-Specific Attribute are:
Defines the vendor.
171 (DLINK)
Defines the attribute.
14 (for ACL script)
Specific Field
Used to assign the ACL script. The
format is based on Access
Control List (ACL) Commands.
ACL Script
For example:
ip access-list a1;permit host;exit; mac access-list extended
m1;permit host 00-00-00-01-90-10 any; exit;
If the user has configured the ACL attribute of the RADIUS server (for example, ACL script: ip access-list a1;permit
host;exit; mac access-list extended m1;permit host 00-00-00-01-90-10 any; exit;), and the 802.1X or
MAC-based Access Control WAC is successful, the device will assign the ACL script according to the RADIUS server.
The enter Access-List Configuration Mode and exit Access-List Configuration Mode must be a pair, otherwise
the ACP script will be reject. For more information about the ACL module, please refer to Access Control List (ACL)
Commands chapter.
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
Appendix E - IETF RADIUS Attributes Support
Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) attributes carry specific authentication, authorization,
information and configuration details for the request and reply. This appendix lists the RADIUS attributes currently
supported by the Switch.
RADIUS attributes are supported by the IETF standard and Vendor-Specific Attribute (VSA). VSA allows the vendor to
create an additionally owned RADIUS attribute. For more information about D-Link VSA, refer to the RADIUS
Attributes Assignment Appendix.
IETF standard RADIUS attributes are defined in the RFC 2865 Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS),
RFC 2866 RADIUS Accounting, RFC 2868 RADIUS Attributes for Tunnel Protocol Support, and RFC 2869 RADIUS
The following table lists the IETF RADIUS attributes supported by the D-Link Switch.
RADIUS Authentication Attributes:
IETF Attribute
DGS-3130 Series Layer 3 Stackable Managed Switch Web UI Reference Guide
RADIUS Accounting Attributes:
IETF Attribute