EMC HD400 User Manual
Displayed below is the user manual for HD400 by EMC which is a product in the NAS & Storage Servers category. This manual has pages.
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Unstructured data storage made simple
EMC® Isilon® scale-out storage solutions are desig ned for enterprises that want to
manage their d a ta, not their storage. Our storage system s are powerful yet simple
to install, manag e , a nd sc ale to virtually any size. And , unlike traditional enterprise
stora ge, Is ilon solutions stay simple no matte r how much stor age c apaci ty is add ed,
how much perfor manc e is require d , or how busine s s needs change in the future.
We’re challe nging enterpris es to think d iffe r e ntly abo ut the ir stor a g e , because whe n
they do, they’l l r ecog niz e there ’ s a better , s imple r way—w i th Isilo n.
With EMC Isilo n scale -o ut networ k -attac he d stor a g e (NAS), yo u ca n have mass ive
room for growth—with up to 50 petabyte s (PB) of capac ity per cluster. Go ahead.
Take on more projects, perform more in-depth research, and serve up more data. Yo u
can scale both capacity and performanc e in about a minute to meet yo ur specif ic
business needs—all without any additiona l IT burden.
EMC Isilon s tor age prov id e s you w ith the tools to dramatically inc rease workflow
produc tivity and maximize the value of your enter pr is e applications and Big Data
assets—allowing you to accelerate yo ur busine s s thro ug h faster time to money
and new revenue oppor tunities.
You don’t entrust your most valuable assets to just anyo ne . EMC Isi lo n storage
solutions pr ov ide the highest levels of reliab il ity , availability , and serv ic e ability
in the industr y. For fast and efficient data b ackup and recovery, you can schedule
snapsho ts as frequently as needed to meet your specif ic recovery-point objectives.
For reliab l e dis as ter reco very prote c ti o n, our storage solutions prov ide extremely
fast data replication, along with push-button failover and failback simplicity, to
further inc rease the availab il ity of your d ata for miss ion-critical app lic ati o ns .
Meeting compliance and governance re q uirements is essential for most organizations
today. To address these needs, Isilon provides robust security options, including file
syste m auditing and Data at Rest Encryptio n (DARE ) with self-encrypting drives
(SEDs). W e o ffer write once, read many (WORM) data protection to prevent accidental
or malicio us alter ation or deletion and help you meet regulatory requirements—
including the stringent SEC 17a-4 rule. With Isilon, you can also lever age rol e-based
access control (RBAC) options and, if needed, create isolated storage pools for specific
departments within your organization. Isilon also offers Secur ity and Te c hnic al
Impleme ntation Guide (STIG ) hardening , CAC/PIV Smartcard authe ntic ation, and FIPS
OpenSSL su pport for Federal government agencies and financial services businesses.
• Simple storage management
designed for ease of use
• Massive scalability of capacity
and performance
• Unmatched efficiency to
reduce costs
• Automate d tiered storage to
optimize resources
• Multipro to c ol support to
maximize operational flexibility
• Resilient data protection for a
highly av ail ab le environment
• Robust security and compliance

The EMC Isilon OneFS® operating system provides the intelligenc e be hi nd all Is ilo n
scale-out storage solutions . Thro ugh the fusion of OneFS, state-of-the-art
enginee r ing, and industry-standar d ente rp rise hardware, EMC Isilon provides a highly
scalable , high–performa nce mod ular storage architectur e that can grow with your
busines s . OneFS can help you acce lera te proc ess es and work flows, while scal ing eas ily
to handle mass ive gro w th and prov iding the highest leve l s of data protection
available . Thi s is all provided in a storage solution designed for unmatched ease of
EMC Isilon scale-out storage solutions, p ower e d by the OneFS oper ati ng syste m ,
provide user s with a bro ad range of options to meet the ir spe c if i c stora ge needs.
As the volume and sour ces of data hav e exp anded dra matic a lly, traditio na l te c hniq ue s
to store and analyze information have prov e n to be too expensive and too slow to
handle the massive data volumes modern enterp rises produce and manag e . With
Isilo n, yo u can stre aml ine yo ur stor age infr as truc ture by consolidating large-scale file
and unstruc tured data assets, eliminating s ilos of storage while prov id i ng the
found ation for a scale-out data lake that suppo r ts tr aditio nal and nex t gene r a tio n
applica tio ns a nd work lo ads .

Change is inev i tab le . That’ s why every EMC Isilo n sys te m is built to rap idly and simply
adapt. O neFS allo ws a storage system to grow symme tr ic a lly or inde pend e ntl y as
mor e space or processing power is required. This allows you to scale your storage
easily as your business needs dictate. With Isilon, you can scale capacity to 50 PB and
performance up to 3.75 million file operations per second, with over 200 gi ga bytes per
second (GB/s) of aggregate throughput—all from a single file system.
To further ac cele r a te perfor mance , Is ilon solutions inc or po rate innovative featur e s lik e
a scale-out flash tie r that can pro v ide ov er 700 TB of flash cache in a single cluste r
along with support for Microsoft SMB 3.0 Multi-Channel.
Orchestrated by OneFS, all compo ne nts in an Isilon cluster work in concert to
create a unif ie d pool of highly efficient stora g e—with a sto r age utiliz ation rate
of over 80 percent. With Is ilon S martDedupe™ data deduplication, you can further
reduce your data storage requirements by up to 35 percent in environments with
redundant data across multiple sources. The unmatc he d eff icienc y of Isilon storage
systems means that less physical storage and space are required to house the same
amount of data—reduc ing both initia l c ap i tal o utl ay a nd ongoing costs. And, with the
EMC Isilon Auto B alanc e ™ function, you can quickly and easily add nodes without
downtim e , manual data migr ation, o r app lic ation logic reco nfiguration, s aving prec io us
IT resource s . And becaus e Isilon storage is so easy to manage, it re q uire s fewer IT
resour ces for storage administration than traditional s tor age syste m s , which fur the r
reduces overall op erat i ng costs.
With Isilon, you can streamline your s tor age infr as tructure by consolid ati ng larg e -
scale file and unstructured data as s e ts , eliminating s ilos of storage. EMC Isilo n scale -
out NAS includ e s integr ate d supp or t for a wide range of industry-standard protocols,
including Internet Protocols IPv4, andIPv6, NFS, SMB, HTTP, FTP, OpenStack Swift-
based Object ac ces s for your cloud initiatives and native Hadoop Distributed File
System (HDFS). As a result, you can simplify workflows, accelerate busines s analy tics
projec ts , suppor t c lo ud infr as truc ture initiatives, a nd get m or e value fro m your
enterpr is e app lic ations and data.
EMC Isilon solutions readily integrate with your VMware® environment and incorporate
VMware VAAI and VASA APIs to increase virtualization performan ce and simplify the
management of your virtualized IT environment. These levels of interop e rability help
you leverage yo ur large d ata asse ts more fle xibly with a broad range of applications
and worklo ads , and acro ss a diverse IT infrastructure environment.
Massive store s of data pre sent unique m anagement challenge s , inc luding disaster
recov ery, q uota mana geme nt, and offsite replicati o n. EMC Isilo n data protectio n
and management so f tware provides you with powerful tool s that help yo u prote c t
your data ass e ts , contro l cos ts, and op timiz e the stora ge reso urces and system
perfor ma nc e of your Big Data environment.

management Maximize the performance of
your Isilon scale-out storage
syste m with inno v a tive
perfor ma nc e monitoring and
repor ting to ols
management Implement a highly effici e nt,
automated tie re d stor age
strategy to optimi ze s tor age
performance and effic ie ncy
Data management Assign and manage quotas
that seamles s ly p artition and
thin provis ion storage into
easily managed segments at
the cluster, directory,
subdire c tor y , user, and group
Data access Enable cli e nt connection load
balancing and the dynami c
NFS failov er and failb ac k of
client co nne c tio ns across
stora ge nod es to optimiz e the
use of cluster resources
Data pro tectio n Protect data efficiently and
reliab ly with secure, near-
instantaneous s napshots, while
incurr ing little to no
perfor ma nc e overhe ad, and
speed the recov ery of criti c al
data with near-immediate on-
demand snapshot restores
Data management Manage Isilon functions from
VMware vCen t er®
Data management Incre as e eff ic i e ncy and reduce
storage capacity requirements
by up to 35 percent with
deduplication of redundant
data acros s multip le so urce s
Data replic a tio n Replicate and distribute large
mission-critical data sets to
multiple shared storage
systems in multiple sites for
reliable disaster recovery
capabi lity , a nd use push-
button f ailov e r and f ailback
simplicity to increase the
availabili ty of mission-critical
Data retentio n Protect your critical data
against acc idental, premature,
or malicio us alter ation or
deletio n with o ur sof tware-
based approach to WORM, and
meet stringe nt co mpliance and
gover nanc e needs , such as
SEC 17a-4 requirements
ERA FOR ISILON Conte nt delivery Benefit from high-performance
wide are a file and conte nt

EMC Isilon offers highly flexible scale-out storag e solutio ns with pre c is e ly the
right stor a ge on a “grow-as-you-go” basis, eli minati ng the need for forec as ting
or overprov is io ni ng . EMC Isi lon har dw are platforms are built on the inno v a tiv e
Isilo n scal e -out storage architecture—des igned for simplicity , v a lue , outstanding
perfor ma nc e , and unmatc hed reli ab il ity . Our platform offerings include flexi b le
produc t line s that can be co mbine d in a singl e file system and volum e , providing
applica tio n co ns o li d ation tailored for your specific business needs.
The EMC Isilon S-Series answers the need for high–perform an ce prim ar y st ora ge,
purpos e built for hig h-transactional and IOPS-intensive applica tio ns . The S -Series
combines unmatched IOPS perfor m ance with hig h efficiency and an ultra-low
overhe ad scale-o ut N AS package. Wi th SSD tec hnology for file system metadata and
file-based storage workfl o ws, t he S-Series delivers additio na l p er fo r m ance gains for
metadata-intens ive oper ations while improving over all la te nc y .
16.2 TB to 4.15 PB
7.2 TB , 14.4 TB, 21.6 TB, or 28.8 TB
per node
*Based on non-SSD configuration
Use case examples
• Digital me d i a: broadc as t, rea l-time streaming, rende r i ng , and post-production
• Electronic Design Automatio n: D esign, simulation, verification, and analysis of
electronic and mechanical systems, design for manufacturability
• Life Scienc e s : DNA and RNA sequenc ing , ge no m ics, and large-scale microscopy
“With Isilo n, we’ve be e n able to grow a s ing l e file system to
nearly a petabyte in less than a year while still maintaining the
data through put necessary to power our workflow and advance
our research .”
Matthew Trunnell
Manager of Rese ar ch Co m pu tin g, B road Institute
EMC Isilon S210

The EMC Isilon X-Series, our most flexib l e and compre he nsive s tor age prod uct
line, strikes the right balanc e betwe e n large cap ac ity and high-performance
storage. The highly versatile X-Series is an ide al so lution for high-throughput
and high-co nc urr e ncy app li c ations. W ith S SD technology for file sys tem metad ata
and file-b ased stor a ge workf low s , the EMC Isi lo n X-Serie s signif ic a ntly a c cele r a te s
namespace-intensive operations. To meet rigoro us data security and compliance
require me nts , I s ilo n also offe rs Data at Rest Encryption (DARE) w ith self-encrypting
drive (S ED) options with the X-Series platform.
X200, X210, X410
18 T B t o 20.7 PB
X200: 12 TB, 24 TB, or 36 TB pe r node
X210: 12 TB , 24 TB, 36 T B or 48 TB
per node
X410: 36 TB, 72 TB, 108 TB, or 144 TB
per node
*Based on non-SSD configuration
Use case examples
• Business ana ly tic s : Hadoo p work flows
• Large-sca le home dire c tor i es: Windo w s®, Linux , and UNI X® d a ta environments
• Healthcar e : PA CS med ic al im aging
• Digital me d i a: broadc as t, po s t-prod uc tio n, a nd digital intermedia te (DI)
• Inter ne t/W eb 2.0 : online v ideo, aud i o , and image serv i ng ; Web a nalytics
• Electro nic de s ig n automati o n: d esign team collabor a tio n, desig n libraries, too l
scrip ts , and des ign imp le mentation databas es
“Des pite the fact that we have nearly one petabyte of data, the
EMC Isilon OneFS operating sy stem is so easy to manage, we
don’t need a dedicated storage administrator. Aside from the cost
savings, we’re able to free up our IT peop l e to focus on other
initiatives, such as our virtualization infrastru cture.”
John Lo well Wofford
Director of IT Services, Center for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Columbia University
EMC Isilon X200
EMC Isilon X210
EMC Isilon X410

The EMC Isilon NL-Serie s is designe d to prov id e cos t-eff e c tive , hig hly scalable
nearline s tor a g e . To achieve this, the NL -Series combines high dens ity and efficiency
with massive capacity capabilities . The re s ult is a highly econo mic a l s c ale -o ut storage
solution a t an extre me ly attr activ e pr ic e per TB of capac ity and a low overall TCO.
Isilo n also offers data at rest encryptio n (DARE) w i th self -encryp ting drive (SED)
optio ns with the NL-Series to meet rig or ous data security and compl ianc e
NL400, N L410
108 TB to 30.2 PB
ITY 36 TB, 72 TB, 108 TB , 144 or 210 TB
per node
Use case examples
• File arc hives: for economic al stora ge and r apid disk -based access to reference
data to meet busine s s and legal req uirements (for exampl e , financi al s ervices,
insurance , e ma il, and g e nera l file data archiving )
• Disaste r recovery: when combined with Isilo n Sy ncIQ replication softw are , the
NL-Series is a prove n solution for organizations who se multis ite replication
strategy requires an economical, high-capacity storage device to be located
• Disk-to-disk backup: c an be combine d w ith ded uplic ation technology from other
industry providers to deliv er a highly scala b le , re liable, easy-to-manage, and
economic al d isk -based bac ku p target
The Isilon HD-Series is designed to provide enter pr i s e s with a highly eff ic ie nt and
resilie nt s c ale -o ut storage platform for unstructured data that can scale to over 50 PB
in a single file sys te m. With massiv e sca lab i lity , ro bust data protectio n op tions and a
high dens ity footprint that lower s ope r a ting costs by 50% , the Isilon HD-Series is idea l
for Big Data stor age needs including deep archiving solutions.
1.06 PB to 50.9 PB
ITY 354 TB per node
Use case examples
• Deep archiv es: for large-scal e, high d e ns ity, deep archiving data stora g e that
offers unmatched effic ie nc y to lower c osts and provides robust data pro te c tio n
and security options
• Disaster recovery: provides a highly efficient disaster recovery target for
organizatio ns requiring an economica l, large-capacity storage solution
• Enterprise data lake foundation: can be combined with Isilon S-Series, X-Series,
and NL-Series no des to pro v ide a highly efficient Big Data stor age solution that
can support a broa d range of trad itional and n ext-genera tion wor kloads with a
single Isilon cluster
EMC Isilo n NL400
EMC Isilo n NL410
EMC Isilon HD400

“As part of a complete production environment transformation,
we deployed EMC Isilon to take our video storage capabilities into
the next gen era tion. Now we don’t have to compromise capa city
for performance—we can grow both at th e same time. With EMC
Isilon, we’ve made content access much faster for our clients,
and we’re gaining a competitive advantage over other content
Don Merrick
Storage and Backup Services Manager, Associated Press
EMC Isilon A-Series accelerator nodes allow you to easily scale performance to meet
the specif ic needs of your b us iness without a d d i ng capacity.
EMC Isilon A100 Ba cku p Accelerator—The Isilon A100 Backup Accelerator is purp os e
built to accele rate the data backup proces s . This is espec ial ly im portant for
organizatio ns facing shrinking back up windo ws that have the potential to nega tiv e l y
impact business productivity. The Isilon A100 Backup Accelerator integrates easily
into an existing Isilon cluster, and suppor ts le ading Netw ork Data Manage me nt
Proto col (NDMP) d a ta backup software produc ts . Each A100 Backup Accelerator node
suppor ts multip athing and can drive multiple unc ompressed LTO-5 and LTO-6 tape
drives while supporting both two-way and three-way NDMP to meet your spe c if i c data
backup requirements.
EMC Isilon A100 Performance Accelerator—The Isilon A100 Performance Accelerator
integrates seamles s ly into any Isilo n s tor age cluste r to quickly inc rease processing
power , memory, band w idth, and parallel read /wr ite ac ces s capab ilitie s . With the A100
Performance Accelerator , yo u can reduce latency and incr e ase conc urrent read
throug hp ut for a cached data set, while gaining the ability to scale perfor m ance
independent of capacity. Isilon A100 Performance Accelerator nodes prov ide an
aggreg ate thr o ughp ut of 1 ,100 MB /s per node and allow you to accelerate cluster
operations, including dis k and node rebuilds, file striping, and file-based replic ati o n.
Feel confid e nt. W e know that outstand ing s upp or t is essenti al to the co ntinue d
succes s of your busi ne s s . That’s w hy inv estme nt in an Isilon scale -out s tor age so luti o n
is backed by a global team of support experts who are ready to respond to any
disruption to your storage environment.
We understand that r e sp o nding to prob le m s after they oc c ur is no longer enough.
Potential iss ue s mus t be anticip a te d and prev e nted to ens ure the hig hest po s s ible
perfor ma nc e , data availab ili ty , and operational efficiency. That’s the ro l e of EMC
Support Servic es. W e’re he re fo r you even bef ore you need us.
EMC Isilon A100 Backup
EMC Is ilon A100 Performance

Throug h the winning combination of the groundbreaking EMC Isilon OneFS operating
syste m, high-pe rf or m anc e industr y-standard hardware, and powerful data and
stora ge manage me nt software, EMC Isilon provides a complete po rtfolio of innov a tive
storage solutions that drive business value for customers by optimizing mission-
critical a p p l ic ations, workflows, and proc e sse s . Isilo n s tor age enab les e nterpr i s e s and
rese arc h organiz ations worldwide to manag e large and rap idly gr ow ing amounts of
data in a highly sc ala b le , easy-to-manage, and cost-effective way.
Our innovati v e sc ale -out storage solutions—built for agility, simp li c ity , and value—
provide both a tier ed sto r age appro ac h for spec ializ e d needs and the a b ility to unify
digital w or kf low s into a single high-performance, and highly scalable shared pool of
storage. Ever y easy-to-manage Isilo n solution is designed to acce lera te workf low
produc tivity and reduce capital and oper ational expenditur e s, while s e am less ly sc ali ng
stora ge in locks te p with the growth of mission-critical data.
Contact yo ur EMC sale s represe ntati v e or autho r i ze d res e ller to learn more about how
EMC Isilon scale-out storage solutions ca n benefit yo ur or g anizatio n.
Also see our solutions in the EMC Store at https://store.emc.com/isilon.
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Copyright 2015
EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. Published in the USA. 07/15 Data Sheet H10541.11
EMC believes the info rmation in this document is accurate as of its publication date. The
informatio n is subject to change witho ut notic e.
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