Table of Contents
- Introduction
- High availability and reliability at the petabyte scale
- Areal density and drive rebuild times
- Silent data corruption
- Data protection continuum
- High availability with EMC Isilon
- OneFS fault tolerance
- Isilon data protection
- The Isilon high availability and data protection suite
- Connection load balancing and failover
- Snapshots
- Replication
- Archiving and data security
- Nearline, VTL and tape backup
- Summary
- Isilon acronyms glossary
- About EMC
EMC S200 User Manual
Displayed below is the user manual for S200 by EMC which is a product in the NAS & Storage Servers category. This manual has pages.
Related Manuals

White Paper
This white paper details how the EMC Isilo n OneFS architecture
provides high availability and dat a protection needed to meet
the challenges organizations fa ce as they deal with the deluge o f
digital content and unstructured data and the growing
importance of data protection.
November 2013

High Availability and Data Protection with EMC Isilon Scale-out NAS
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Part Number H10588.3

High Availability and Data Protection with EMC Isilon Scale-out NAS
Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................................... 5
High av ai lability and rel iability at the pet a b yt e sc ale ..................................... 5
Areal density and drive rebuild times ............................................................. 5
Silent data corruption .................................................................................... 6
Data protection continuum ............................................................................. 6
High av ai lability with E M C Isilon .................................................................... 7
Isilon scale-out architecture ............................................................................ 7
OneFS architectural overview .......................................................................... 8
Safe writes.................................................................................................... 9
Cluster group management ............................................................................. 9
Concurrency a nd locking ............................................................................... 10
File la y o u t ................................................................................................... 10
Flexible protection ....................................................................................... 11
Failure domains and resource pools ................................................................ 12
Automatic partitioning .................................................................................. 12
Manual node pool management ..................................................................... 13
Virtual hot spares ........................................................................................ 13
OneFS fault tolerance ................................................................................... 14
File system journal ....................................................................................... 14
Proactive device failure ................................................................................. 14
Isilon data inte grity ...................................................................................... 14
Protocol checksums ...................................................................................... 14
Dynamic sector repair .................................................................................. 14
MediaScan .................................................................................................. 15
IntegrityScan .............................................................................................. 15
Fa ult isola tion .............................................................................................. 15
Accelerated drive rebuilds ............................................................................. 15
Isilon data protection ................................................................................... 16
High availability and data protection strategies ................................................ 16
The Isi lo n high avail a b il it y and dat a pro tect ion suite ................................... 17
Conne c tion load b a la n c in g and failover ........................................................ 18
SmartConnect ............................................................................................. 18
Snapshots .................................................................................................... 19
SnapshotIQ ................................................................................................. 19
SnapshotIQ architecture ............................................................................... 20
Snapshot scheduling .................................................................................... 21
Snapshot deletes ......................................................................................... 21
Snapshot restore ......................................................................................... 22
File clones ................................................................................................... 22

High Availability and Data Protection with EMC Isilon Scale-out NAS
Replication ................................................................................................... 23
SyncIQ ....................................................................................................... 23
SyncIQ linear restore ................................................................................... 25
SyncIQ replica protection .............................................................................. 25
SyncIQ failover and failback .......................................................................... 26
Continuous re plicat ion mo de ......................................................................... 27
Archiving and data security .......................................................................... 27
SmartLock .................................................................................................. 27
Data Encryption at Rest ................................................................................ 28
Audit .......................................................................................................... 28
Nearline, VTL and tape backup ..................................................................... 28
Backup Accelerator ...................................................................................... 28
Backup from snapshots ................................................................................ 29
Parallel streams ........................................................................................... 30
NDMP ......................................................................................................... 30
Direct NDMP model ................................................................................... 31
Remote NDMP model ................................................................................ 32
Increme nta l backups ................................................................................ 33
Direct access recovery .............................................................................. 33
Direc tory DAR .......................................................................................... 33
Certified backup applications...................................................................... 33
Summary ...................................................................................................... 34
Isilon ac ronyms glossary ............................................................................. 35
About EMC .................................................................................................... 36

High Availability and Data Protection with EMC Isilon Scale-out NAS
Today, organizations of all sizes across the full spectrum of the business arena are
facing a similar problem: An explosion in the sh eer quan tity of file-based data they
are generating and, by virtue, are forced to manage. This proliferation of unstructured
data, often dubbed ‘big data’, has left traditional stor a g e architectures unable to
satisfy the demands of this growth and has necessitated the development of a new
generation of storage technologies. Additionally, broader data retention requirements,
regulatory compliance, tighter ava ilability service level agreements (SLAs) with
internal/external customers, a nd cloud an d virtualization in itiatives are only serving to
compound this issue.
High availability and reliability at the petabyte scale
Once data sets grow into the hundred s of terabytes and the petabyte realm, a whole
new level of availability, management and protection challenges arise. At this
magnitude, give n the law of large numbers with the sheer quantity of components
inv olved, there will alm ost always be one or more components in a degraded state at
any point in time within the s torage infrastructure. As such, guarding aga ins t single
points of failure and bottlenecks becomes a critical and highly complex issue. Other
challenges tha t quickly become appare nt a t the petabyte scale include the following:
• File System Limitations
How much capacity and how many files can a file system accommodate?
• Disast er rec overy
How do you duplicate the data off site and then how do you retrieve it?
• Scalability of Tools
How do you take snapshots of massive data sets?
• Software Upgrades and Hardware refresh
How do you upgrade so ftwa re and replace outdated hardware with new?
• Performance Issues
How long will searches and tree-walks take with large, complex datasets?
• Backup and Restore
How do you back up a large dataset and how long will it take to restore?
Given these challenges, the requirement for a new approach to file storage is clear.
Fortunately, when done correctly, scale-out NAS can fulfill this need.
Areal density and drive rebuild times
In today’s world of large capacity disk drives, the probability that secondary d evice
failures will occur has increased dramatically. Areal density, the amount of written
information on the disk’s surface in bits per square inch, continues to outstrip Moore’s

High Availability and Data Protection with EMC Isilon Scale-out NAS
law. However, the reliability and performance of disk drives are not increasing at the
same pace, and this is compounded by the growing amount of time it takes to rebuild
Large capacity disks, such as the current three and four terabyte SATA drives, require
much longer drive reconstruction times, since each subsequent generation of disk still
has the same number of heads and actuators servicing increased density platters—
currently up to one terabyte per p latte r and with an areal density of 635Gb/inch. This
significantly ra ises the probability of a multip le d rive failure scenario.
Silent data corruption
Another threat that needs to be addressed, particularly at scale, is the looming
specter of hardware induced corruption. For example, when CERN tested the data
integrity of standard disk drives they discovered some alarming findings. To do this,
they built a simple write and verify application which they ran across a pool of three
thousand servers, each with a hardware RAID controller. After five weeks of testing,
they found in excess of five hundred instances of silent data c orruption spread across
seventeen percent of the nodes - after having pr eviously tho ug ht everything was fine.
Under the hood, the hardware RAID controller only detected a handful of the most
blatant data errors and the rest passed unnoticed.
Suffice to say, this illustrates two inherent data protection requirements: First, the
need for an effective, end-to-end d a ta verification process to be integral to a storage
device in order to detect and mitigate such instances of silent data co rruption.
Second, the requirement for regular and reliable backups as the linchpin of a well-
founded data protection plan.
Data protection continuum
The availability and protection of data can be usefully illustr ated in terms of a
Figure 1: Data Protection Continuum
At the beginning of t he continuum sits high availabilit y. This requirement is usually
satisfied by redundancy and fault tolerant designs. The goal here is continuous
availability and the avoidance of downtime by the use of redundant components a nd

High Availability and Data Protection with EMC Isilon Scale-out NAS
Further along the continuum lie the data recovery approaches in order of decreasing
timeliness. These solutions typically include a form of point-in-time snapshots for fast
recov ery, followed by synchronous and async hronous rep lication. Finally, backup to
tape or a virtual tape l ib rary sits at the end of the co ntinuum, p roviding insurance
against large scale data loss, natural disasters and other catastrophic events.
High availability with EMC Isilon
As we will see, EMC® Isilon® OneFS® takes a holistic appr oach to ensuring that data is
consistent and intact - both within the file sy stem, and when ex iting th e cluster via a
network interface. Furthermore, the Isilon clustering tec hnology is uncompro m isingly
designed to simplify the manageme n t and protection of multi-petabyte datasets.
Isilon scale-out architecture
An Isilon cluster is built on a highly red undant a nd scalable architec ture, based upo n
the hardware premise of shared nothing. The fundamental building blocks are
platform nodes, of which there are anywhere from three to one hundred a nd forty
four nodes in a cluster. Each of these p latform nodes contain CPU, m emory, disk and
I/O controllers in an efficient 2U or 4U rack-mountable chassis. Redundant InfiniBand
(IB) ada pters provide a high speed back-end cluster interconnect—e sse nt ially a
distributed system bus - and each node house s a fast, battery-backed file system
journal device. With the exception of the IB controller, journal card and an LCD
control front panel, all of a node’s components are standard enterprise commodity
These Isilon nod es contain a variety of storage media types and densities, including
SAS and SATA hard disk drives (HDDs), solid-state drives (SSDs), and a configurable
quantity of memory. This allows custo mers to granularly select a n a p propriate price,
performance and protection point to accommodate the require m ents of specific
workflows or storage tiers.
Highly available storage client acces s is provided via multiple 1 or 10Gb/s Ethernet
int erface controllers within each node, and across a variety of file- and block -based
protocols including NFS and SMB/CIFS.

High Availability and Data Protection with EMC Isilon Scale-out NAS
Figure 2: Isilon S ca l e-out NAS Architect ure
OneFS architectural overview
OneFS collapses the traditional elements of the st orage stack—data protection,
volume manager, file system, etc.—into a single, unified software layer (see Figure 3
below). This allows for a highly extensible file system that affords unpa ralleled levels
of protection and availability.
Built atop FreeBSD’s UNIX implementation, availability and resilience are integral to
OneFS from the lowest level on up. For example, unlike BSD, OneFS provides
mirrored volumes for the root and /var file systems via the Isilon Mirrored Device
Driver (IMDD), stored on flash drives. OneFS also automatically saves last known
good boot partitions for further resilience.
On the network side, the Is ilon logical network inte rface (LNI ) framewo rk provid es a
robust, dy na mic ab straction for eas ily com bining and managing differing interfaces,
enabling network resilience. Multiple network interfaces can be trunked together with
Link Aggrega tion C ontrol Protocol (LACP) and Link Aggregation and Link Failover
(LAGG) to provide bandwidth aggregation in ad d it ion to client session failover a nd
general network resilience.
Within the cluste r, every disk within each no d e is assigned both a Globally Unique
Identifier (GUID) and logical drive number and is subdivided into 32MB cyli n d er
groups comprised of 8KB blocks. E ach cylinder group is re sponsible for trac king, via a
bitmap, whether its blocks are used for data, inodes or other metadata construc ts.
The combinat ion of node number, logical drive number and block offset co mprise a
block or inode a d dress and fall under the co ntrol of the aptly named Block Allocation
Manager (BAM).
In addition to block a nd inode allocation, the B A M also handles file layout and locking
and abstra cts the details of OneFS distributed file system from the kernel and
userspace. The BAM never actually touches the disk itself, instead delegating task s to
the local and remote block manager elements respectively on the appropriate nodes.
The Remote Block Manager (RBM) is essentially a Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
protocol that utilizes the Socket Direct Protocol (SDP) over redundant InfiniBand for

High Availability and Data Protection with EMC Isilon Scale-out NAS
reliable , ultra low-latency back-end cluster communication. These RBM messages—
everything from cluster heartbeat pings to distributed lock ing control - are then
processed by a node’s Local Block Manager via the Device Worker Thread (DWT)
framework code.
Figure 3: OneFS Collapsed Stack Storage Architecture
Safe writes
For write operations, where coherency is vital, the BAM first sets up a transaction.
Next it uses a 2-phase commit protocol (2PC) over the RBM to guarantee the succes s
of an atomic write opera tio n across all participant nodes. This is managed via the BAM
Safe Write (BSW ) c ode path. The 2PC atomically updates multiple d isk s across the
2PC participant nodes, using their NVRAM journals for transaction logging. The write
path operates as follows:
1. Client performs a transactional write.
Block is written to Non-Volatile Random Access Memory (NVRAM) journal;
memory buffer is pinned.
Rollback data is ma inta i ned.
2. Transaction commits.
NVRAM data is pinned; me mory buffer is dirty.
Rollback data can now be discarded.
Top level operation is complete.
3. OneFS asynchronously flushes dirty b uffers to disk at some point.
Placed into the w riteback cache.
NVRAM data s till required and memory buffer discarded.
4. Journal approaches full or timeout and issues disk writeback cache flush.
This occurs relatively infrequently.
5. Cache flush complete.
NVRAM data discarded for writes that were returned prior to flush.
Cluster group management
Cluster coherence and quorum is handled b y OneFS Gro up Management Protocol
(GMP). The challenge is combining the various elements—performance, coherency,

High Availability and Data Protection with EMC Isilon Scale-out NAS
client access protocols - across multiple hea ds. The GMP is b u i lt on several distributed
algorithms and strictly adheres to Brewer’s Theorem, which states that it is impossible
for a distributed computer system to simultaneously guarantee all three of the
follo wing; c onsistenc y, availa bility and partition tolerance. OneFS does not
comp rom ise on ei t h er con sisten cy or availa bil i ty.
Given this, a quorum group comprising more than half of a cluster’ s nodes must be
active and re sponding at any given time. In the event that a node is up and
responsive but not a member of the quorum group, it is forced into a read-only state.
OneFS employs this notion of a quorum to prevent “split-brain” conditions that might
possibly result from a temporary cluster division. The quorum also dictates the
minimum number of nodes required to suppo rt a given data protection level. For
example, seven or more nodes are needed for a cluster to support an N+3
configuration. This allows for a simultaneous loss of three nodes while still
maintaining a quorum of four nodes, allowing the cluster to remain operational.
The group management protocol keeps track of the state of all the nodes and drives
that are considered part of the cluster. Whenever devices are added or removed from
the cluster, either proactively or reactively, a group change is broadcast, the grou p ID
is incremented and any uncommitted journal write transactions are resolved.
Conc urre nc y and locking
OneFS employs a distributed lock ma nag er that utilizes a proprietary hashing
algorithm to orchestrate cohere nt locking on data acro ss all nodes in a stora ge
cluster. The design is such that a lock coordinator invariably ends up on a different
node t han the initiator and either shared or exclusive locks are granted as required.
The same distributed lock manager mechanism is used to orchestrate file system
structure locks as well as protocol and advisory locks across the entire cluster. OneFS
also provides support for de lega ted locks (i.e. SMB opportunistic locks and NFSv4
delegations) and a lso byte-range locks.
File layout
OneFS is a single file system providing one vast, scalable namespace—free from
multiple v olume concatenations or single points of failure . As such, all nodes access
the same structures across the cluster using the same block addresses and all
directories are inode number links emanating from the root inode.
The way data is la id out a cross the nodes and their respective disks in a cluster is
fundamental to OneFS funct io nality. As mentio ned previously, OneFS uses an 8KB
block size, and sixteen of these blocks are combined to create a 128KB stripe unit.
Files are striped across nodes allowing files to use the resources (spindles and cache)
of up to twenty nodes, based on per-file policie s.
The layout decisions are made by the BAM on the node that initiated a particular write
operation using the 2P C described ab ov e. The BAM Safe Write (BSW) code takes the
cluster group information from GMP and the desired protection policy for the file and
makes an informed decision on where best to write the data blocks to ensure the file
is properly protected. To do this, the BSW generates a write plan, which comprises all
the steps required to safely write the new data blocks across the protection gro up.
Once complete, the BSW will then execute this write plan and guarantee its successful

High Availability and Data Protection with EMC Isilon Scale-out NAS
All files, inodes and other metadata structures (B-trees, etc) within OneFS are either
mirrored up to eight times or parity protected, with the data spread across the
various disk cylinder groups of multiple nodes. Parity protection uses an N+M scheme
with N representing the number of nodes—the stripe width—and M the number of
parity blocks. This is described in more detail within the ‘Flexible Protection’ chapte r
OneFS will not write files at less than the desired protection level, although the BAM
will attempt to us e an equivalent mirrored layout if there is an insufficient s tripe width
to support a particular forward err or c o r re ct ion (FEC) protection level.
Flexible protection
OneFS is designed to withstand mu l tiple simultane ous com ponent failures (currently
four) while still affording unfettered access to the entire file system and dataset. Data
protection is implemented at the file system level and, as such, is not dependent on
any hardware RAID controllers. This pro vides many benefits, including the ability add
new data protection schemes as market conditions or hardware attributes and
characteristics evolve. Since protection is applied at the file-level, a OneFS software
upgrade is all that’s required in order to make new protection and performance
schemes available.
OneFS employs the popular Reed-Solomon erasure coding algorithm for its parity
protection calc ulations. Prote ction is appl ied at the file-level, enabling the cluster to
recover data quickly and efficiently. Inodes, directories and other metadata are
protected at the same or higher level as the data blocks they reference. Since all
data, me ta data and FEC blocks are striped across multiple nodes , there is no
require ment for dedicated parity drives. This both guards against single points of
failure and bottlenecks and allows file reconstruction to be a highly parallelized
process . Toda y, OneFS provides N+1 thro ugh N+4 pa rity protection levels, providing
protection ag a inst up to four simultaneous component fa ilures respectively. A single
failure can b e as little as an indiv idual disk or, a t the other end of the spectrum, an
entire node.
OneFS also suppor ts several hybrid protection schemes. T hese include N+2:1 and
N+3:1, which protect against two drive failures or one node failure, and three drive
failures or one node failure, respectively. These protection schemes are particularly
useful for high density node configurations, where each node contains up to t h ir t y six,
multi-terabyte SATA drives. Here, the probability of multiple drives failing far
surpasses that of an entire n ode failur e. In the unlikely event that multiple devices
have simultaneously failed, such that the file is “beyond its protection level”, OneFS
will re-protect everything possible and report errors on the individual files affected to
the cluster’s logs.

High Availability and Data Protection with EMC Isilon Scale-out NAS
Figure 4: OneFS Hybrid Parity Protection Schemes (N+M:x)
As mentioned earlier, OneFS also provides a variety of mirroring options ranging from
2x to 8x, allowing from two to eight mirrors of the specified content. Metadata, for
example, is mirrored at one level above FEC by default. For example, if a file is
protected at N+1, its associated metadata object will be 3x mirrored.
Striped, distributed metadata coupled with continuous auto-ba lancing affords OneFS
truly linear performance characteristics, regardless of fullness of file system. Both
metadata and file data are sprea d across the entire cluste r ke eping the cluster
balanced at all times.
Failure domains and resource pools
Data tiering and management in One FS is handled b y Isilon SmartPoolsTM software.
From a data protection point of view, SmartPools facilitates the subdivision of lar ge
numbers of high-capacity, homogeneous nodes into smaller, more Mean Time to Data
Loss (MTTDL)-friendly disk pools. For example, an 80-node nearline cluster would
typically run at N+4 protection level. However, partitioning it into four , twenty node
disk pools would allow each pool to run at N+2, thereby lowering the protection
overhead and impr oving data ut i lization without an y net increase in man agement
Automatic partitioning
In keeping with the goal of storage management simplicity, OneFS will automatica l ly
calculate and partition the cluster into pools of disks or ‘node pools’ which are
optimized for both MTTDL and efficient sp a ce utilization. T his means that protection
level decisions, such as the 80-node cluster example above, are not left to the
customer—unless desired.

High Availability and Data Protection with EMC Isilon Scale-out NAS
With Automatic Provisioning, every set of equivalent node hardware is automatically
divided into no de pools comprising up to forty nodes a nd six drives per node. Thes e
node poo ls are protected by default at N+2:1, and multiple pools can then be
combined into logical tiers and managed using Isilon Sm artPools f ile pool policies. By
subdividing a node’s disks in to multiple, separately protected pools, nodes are
significantly more resilient to multiple disk failures than previou sly possible.
Figure 5: SmartPools Automatic Provisioning
Manual node pool management
Once a node pool has been automatically provisioned, additional manual node pools
can be crea ted. When complete, the constituent nodes can the n be manually
reassigned across these node pools, as desired. Manual node pools require a
minimum of three nodes in each pool and are considered an advan ced cluster
configuration, since they can have a significant impact on cluster perfo rm ance.
Virtual hot spares
SmartPools also provides a virtual hot spa re option, if desire d . This functionality
allows space to be reserved in a disk pool, equivalent to up to four full dr ives. This
virtual hot spa re pool can be immediately utilized for data re-protection in the event
of a drive failure.
From a data availability and management point of view, SmartPools also applies
storage tiering concepts to disk pools, allowing the storage and movement of data
according to rich file policies or attributes. As such, SmartPools facilitates the
automated alignment of data with the appropriate class of storage according to its
business value, performance profile, and availability requirements. An Isilon cluster
can thereb y provide multiple stor age pools, each supporting a range of availability
SLAs within a s ingle, hi ghly scalable and easily m anaged file sy stem. This resource
pool model aligns beautifully with the current IT trend of private and hybrid cloud

High Availability and Data Protection with EMC Isilon Scale-out NAS
OneFS fault tolerance
File system journal
Every Isilon node is equipped with a dual-battery backed 512MB NVRAM card, which
guards that node's file system journal. Each journal is used by OneFS as stable
storage, and guards write transactions against sudde n power loss or other
catastro phic events. The jo urnal protects the consistency of the file system a nd the
battery charge lasts up to three days. Since each member node of an Isilon cluster
contains an NVRAM controller, the entire OneFS file system is therefore fully
Proactive device failure
OneFS will proactively remove, or SmartFail, any drive that reaches a particular
threshold of detected Error Correction Code (ECC) errors, and automatically
reconstruct the data from that drive and locate it elsewhere on the cluster. Both
SmartFail and the subsequent repair process are fully automated and hence require
no administrator intervention.
Isilon data integrity
I silon “ ISI” Data Integrity (IDI) is the OneFS process that protects file system
structures against corruption via 32-bit CRC checksums. All Isilon blocks, both for file
and metadata, utilize checksum ve rification. Metadata checksums are housed in the
metadata blocks themselves, whereas file data checksums are stored as metadata,
thereby providing referential integrity. All checksums are recomputed by the initiator,
the node servicing a particular read, on every request.
In the eve nt that the recomputed checks um does not match the stored checksum,
OneFS will generate a system alert, log the event, retrieve and return the
corres ponding parity block to the client and attempt to repair the suspect data block.
Protocol checksums
In addition to block s and metadata, One FS also provides checksum verification for
Remote Bloc k Ma na g ement (RBM) protocol data. As mentioned above, the RBM is a
unicast, RPC-based protocol developed by Isilon for use over the back-end cluster
interconnect. Checksums on the RBM protocol are in addition to the InfiniBand
hardware checksums provided at the network layer, and are used to detect and
isolate machines with certain faulty ha rdware component s and exhib iting other failure
Dynamic sector repair
OneFS includes a Dynamic Sector Repair (DSR) feature whereby bad disk sectors can
be forced by the file system to be rewritten elsewhere. When OneFS fails to read a
block during nor m a l operation, DSR is invoked to reconstruct the missing data a nd
write it to either a different location on the drive or to another drive on the node. This
is done to ensure that subsequent reads of the block do not fail. DSR is fully
automated and completely trans p a rent to the end-us er. Disk sect or e rrors and Cyclic
Redunda ncy Check (CRC) mismatches use almost the same mechanism as the drive
rebuild process.

High Availability and Data Protection with EMC Isilon Scale-out NAS
MediaScan’s role within OneFS is to check disk sectors and deploy the above DSR
mechanism in order to force disk drives to fix any sector ECC errors they may
encounter. Implemented as one of the phases of the OneFS job engine, MediaScan is
run automatically based on a predefined schedule. Designed as a low-impact,
background process, MediaScan is fully distributed and can thereby levera ge the
benefits of Isilon's unique parallel architecture.
IntegrityScan, another component of the OneFS job engine, is responsible for
examining the entire file system for inconsistencies. It does this by systematically
reading every block and verifying its associated checksum. Unlike traditional ‘fsck’
style file system integrity checking tools, IntegrityScan is designed to run while the
cluster is fully operational, thereby removing the need for any downtime. In the event
that Inte grityScan detects a checksum mismatch, a system alert is gener ated and
written to the syslog and OneFS automatically attempts to rep a ir the suspect block.
The IntegrityScan phase is run manually if the integrity of the file system is ever in
doubt. Although this process may take several days to complete, the file system is
online and completely availab le dur ing t his t ime . Additionally, like all phases of the
OneFS jo b engine, IntegrityScan can be prioritized, paused or stopped, de pending on
the impact to cluster operations.
Fault isolation
Because OneFS protects its data at the file-level, any inconsistencies or data loss is
isolated to the unavailable or failing device—the rest of the file system remains intact
and available.
For exa m ple, a ten node, S200 cluster, protected at n+2, sus ta ins three simultaneous
drive failures—one in each of three nodes. Even in this degraded state, I/O errors
would only occur on the very small subset of data housed on all three of these drives.
The rema inder of the data striped acr oss the other two hundred and thirty-seven
drives would be totally unaffe cted. Contrast this behavior with a traditional RAID 6
system, where losing more than two drives in a RAID-set will render it unusable and
necessitate a full restore from backups.
Similarly, in the unlikely event that a portion of the file system does become corrupt
(whether as a result of a software or firmware bug, etc) or a media error occurs
where a section of the disk has failed, only the portion of the file system associated
with this area on disk will b e affected. All hea lth y a reas w ill still be available and
As mentioned above, referential checksums of both data and meta-data are used to
catch silent data c orruption (data corruption not asso ciated with hardware
failures).The checksums for file data blocks are stored as metadata, outside the
actual blocks they reference, and thus provide referential integrity.
Accelerated drive rebuilds
The time that it takes a stora ge system to rebuild data from a failed d isk d rive is
crucial to the da t a reliability of that system. With the advent of fo ur terabyte drives,

High Availability and Data Protection with EMC Isilon Scale-out NAS
and the creation of increasingly larger single volumes and file systems, typical
recovery times for multi-terabyte drive failures are becoming multiple days or even
weeks. During this MTTDL period, storage systems are vulnerable to additional drive
failures a nd the resulting data loss a nd downtim e.
Since OneFS is built upon a highly distributed architecture, it’s ab le to lev erage the
CPU, memory and spindles from multiple nodes to reconstruct data from failed drives
in a highly parallel and eff icient manner. Because Isilon is not bound by the speed of
any particular drive, OneFS is able to recover from drive failures extremely quickly
and this efficiency grows relative to cluster size. As such, a f ailed drive within an
Isilon cluster will be rebuilt an order of magnitude faster than hardware RAID-based
storage devices. Additionally, OneFS has no requirement for dedicated ‘hot-spare’
Isilon data protection
To effective ly protect a file sy stem that is hundreds of terabytes or petabytes in size
requires an extensive use of multiple data availability and data protection
technologies. As mentioned above, the demand for storage is continuing to grow
expo nentially and al l predictions suggest it will continue to expand at a very
aggressive rate for the foreseeable future.
In tande m with this trend, the demand for ways to protect and manage that storage
also increases. Today, several strategies for data protection are available and in use.
As mentioned ea rlier, if data protection is perceived as a continuum, at the beginning
lies high availability. Without high availability technologies such as drive, network and
power redundancy, data loss and its subsequent recovery would be considerably more
Historically, data protection was always synonymous with tape backup. However, over
the past decade, several technologies like replication, synchronization and snapshots,
in addition to disk based backup (such as nearline storage and VTL), have become
mainstream a nd established their place within the data protection realm. Snapshots
offer rapid, user-d riven re st o res without the need for a dm inistrative assistanc e, while
sync h ronization and replication pro vide valuable tools for business continuance and
offsite disaster recovery.
The Isilon data management suite sp a ns the breadth of the data protection
continuum and throughout the course of this paper we will examine the constituent
parts in more detail.
High availability and data protection strategies
At the core of every effective data protection strategy lies a solid business
continuance plan. All enterprises need an explicitly def ined a nd routinely tested plan
to minimize the potential impact to the workflow when a failure occurs or in the event
of a natural disaster. There are a number ways to address data pro tection and most
enterprises adopt a combination of these methods, to varying degrees.
Among the primary approaches to data protection are fault tolerance, redundancy,
snapshots, replication (local and/or geographically separate), a nd backups to nearline
storage, VTL, or tape.

High Availability and Data Protection with EMC Isilon Scale-out NAS
Some of these methods are biased towards cost efficiency but have a higher risk
associated with them, and others represent a higher cost but also offer an increased
level of protection. Two ways to measure cost versus risk from a data protection point
of view are:
• Recovery Time Objective (RTO): RTO is the allotted amount of time within a
Service Level Agreement (SLA) to recover data. For example, an RTO of four
hours means data must be restored and made available within four hours of an
• Recovery Point Objective (RPO): RPO is the acceptable amount of data loss
that can be tolerated per an SLA. With an RPO of 30-minutes, this is t he
maximum amount of time tha t can elapse since the last back up or snapshot was
The Isilon high availability and data protection suite
Data Protection—Described in detail earlier, at the heart of OneFS is FlexProtect.
This unique, software based data protection scheme allows differing levels of
protection to be applied in real time down to a per-file granularity, for the entire file
system, or at any level in between.
Redundancy— As we have seen, Isilon’s clustered architecture is designed from the
ground-up to support the following availability goals:
• No single point of f ailure
• Unparalleled levels of data protection in the industry
• Tolerance for multi-failure scenarios
• Fully distributed single file sy stem
• Pro-active failure detection and p re-emptive, fa st dri v e rebu il d s
• Flexible data protection
• Fully journalled file system
• High transient availability
The following diagram illustrates how the core components of the Isilon data
protection portfolio align with the notion of an ava ilability and protection continuum
and associated recovery objectives.

High Availability and Data Protection with EMC Isilon Scale-out NAS
Figure 6: Isilon Data Protection technology alignment with prot e c tio n
Connection load balancing and failover
As mentioned previously, at the leading edge of the data protection continuum lies
high availability. This not only includes disk, CPU, and po wer redundancy, but also
network resili en ce. EMC Isilon Sma rtConnectTM software contributes to data
availability by supporting dy na mic N F S failover and failback for Linux and UNIX
clients . This ensures that w hen a node fa ilure occurs, all in-flight reads and writes are
handed off to another node in the cluster to finish its operation without any user or
application interruption. Windows clients also benefit by easily being able to remount
an SMB share using any other available node in the clust er.
During failover, clients are evenly redistributed across all remaining nodes in the
cluster, ensuring minimal performance impact. If a node is brought down for any
reason, including a failure, the virtual IP addresses on that node is seamlessly
migrated to another node in the cluster. When the offline node is brought back online,
SmartConnect automatically rebalances the NFS clients across the entire cluster to
ensure ma ximum storage and performanc e utilizat ion. For per iodic s ystem
maintenance and software updates, this functionality allows for per-node rollin g
upgrades affording full-availability throughout the durat io n of the maintenance

High Availability and Data Protection with EMC Isilon Scale-out NAS
Figure 7: Seamless Client Failover with SmartConnect
Next along the high availability and data protection continuum are snapshots. The
RTO of a snapshot can be very small and the RPO is also highly flexible with the use
of rich policies and schedules. Isilon SnapshotIQTM software can take read-only, point-
in-time copies of any directory or subdirectory within OneFS.
Figure 8: User Driven File Recovery with SnapshotIQ
OneFS Snapshots are highly scalable and typically take less than one second to
create. They create little performance overhead, regardless of the level of activity of
the file system, the size of the file system, or the size of the directory being copied.
Also, only the changed blocks of a file are stored when updating the snapshots,
thereby ensuring highly-efficient snapshot storage utilization. User access to the

High Availability and Data Protection with EMC Isilon Scale-out NAS
available sna pshots is via a /.snapshot hidden director y under each file system
Isilon SnapshotIQ can also create unlimited snapshots on a cluster. This provides a
substantial bene fit over the majority of other snapshot implementations bec ause the
snapshot intervals can be far more granular and hence offer improved RPO time
SnapshotIQ architecture
SnapshotIQ has several fundamental differences as compared to most snapshot
implementat ions. The most significant o f these are, first, that OneFS snapshots are
per-directory based. This is in contrast to the traditional approach, where snapshots
are taken at a file system or volume boundary. Second, since OneFS manages and
protects data a t the file-level, there is no inherent, block-level indirection layer for
snapshots to use. Instead, OneFS takes copies of files, or pieces of files (logical blocks
and inodes) in what’s termed a logical snapshot process.
The process of taking a snapshot in OneFS is relative ly instantaneous. However, there
is a small amount of snapshot preparation work that has to occ ur. First, the coalescer
is paused and any existing write caches flushed in order for the file system to be
quiesced for a short period of time. Next, a marker is placed at the top-level directory
inode for a p articular snapshot and a unique s na pshot ID is assigned. Onc e this has
occurred, the coalescer resumes and writes continue as normal. Therefore, the
moment a snapshot is taken, it essentially consumes zero space until file creates,
delete, modifies and truncates start occurring in the structure underneath the marked
top-level directory.
Any changes to a dataset are then recor ded in the pertinent snapshot inodes, which
contain only referral (‘ditto’) records, until any of the logical blocks they reference are
altered or another snapshot is taken. In order to reconstruct data from a particular
snapshot, OneFS will iterate though all of the more recent versions snapshot tracking
files (STFs) until it reaches HEAD (current version). In so doing, it will systema tically
find all the changes and ‘paint’ the point-in-time view of that dataset.
OneFS uses both Copy on Write (CoW) and Redirect on Write (RoW) strategies for its
differential snapshots and utilizes the most appropriate method for any given
situation. Bo th have advantages and disadvantages and OneFS dynamically picks
which flavor to u se in order to maximize performance and keep overhead to a
minim um. Typically, CoW is most prev alent, and is primarily used fo r smal l changes,
inodes and dire ctories. RoW, on the other hand, is adopte d for more substantial
changes such as deletes and large sequential writes.
There is no requirement for reserved space for snapshots in OneFS. Snapshots can
use as much or little of the available file system space as desirable. A snapshot
reserve can be configured if preferred, although this will be an accounting reservation
rather than a hard limit. Additionally, when using Isilon SmartPools, snapshots can be
stored on a d iff erent disk tier than the one the or iginal data r esides o n. For example,
the snapshots taken on a performance aligned tier can b e p hysically housed on a
more cost effective archive tier.

High Availability and Data Protection with EMC Isilon Scale-out NAS
Figure 9: Snaps hot Change T racking
Snapshot scheduling
Snapshot schedules are configured at a daily, weekly, monthly or yearly interval, with
single or multiple job frequency per schedule, down to a per-minute granularity. And
automatic deletion c a n be configured p er defined schedule at an hourly through
yearly range.
Snapshot deletes
When snapshots are manually deleted, OneFS will mark the app ropriate snapshot IDs
and queue a job engine job to affect their removal. The SnapshotDelete job is queued
immediately but the job engine will typically wait a minute or so to actually start
running it. Dur ing th is interv a l, the snapshot will be marke d as ‘delete pending’.
A similar procedure occurs with expired snapshots. Here, the s napsho t daemon is
responsible for checking expira tion of snapshots and marking them for deletion. The
daemon performs the check every 10-seconds. The job is then queued to delete a
snapshot completely and then it is up to the job engine to schedule it. The job might
run immediately (after a min or so of wait) if the job engine determines that the job is
runable and there are no other jobs with higher priority running at the moment. For

High Availability and Data Protection with EMC Isilon Scale-out NAS
SnapshotDelet e, it is only run if t he group is in a pristine state, i.e., no drives/nodes
are down.
Th e most efficie nt m et hod for deleting multiple snapshots simultaneously is to
process older through newer, and Sna pshotIQ will automatically attempt to
orchestrate deletes in this manner. A SnapshotDelete job engine schedule can also be
defined so snapshot deletes only occur during desired times.
In summary, Sna pshotIQ affords the fol lowing benefits:
• Snapshots are created at the directory-level instead of the volume-level, thereby
providing improved granularity.
• There is no requirement for reserved space for snapshots in OneFS. Snapshots
can use as much or little of the available file system space as desirable.
• Integra tion with Windows Volume Snapshot Manager allows Windows clients a
method to restore from “Previous Versions”
• Snapshots are easily managed using flexible policies and schedules.
• Using SmartPools, snapshots can physically reside on a different disk tier than the
original data.
• Up to 1,024 snapshots can be created per directory.
• The default snapshot limit is 20,000 per cluster.
Snapshot restore
For simple, efficient snapshot restoration, Snapsho tI Q provides SnapRever t
functionality. U sing the Job Engine f or scheduling, a SnapRevert job automates the
restoration of an entire snapshot to its top level dire ctory. This is invalu able for
quickly and efficiently reverting to a previous, known-good recovery point, for
example in t he event of virus o r m alware outb reak. Addit ionally, individual files,
rather than entire snapshots, can also be restored in place using FileRevert
functionality. This can help drastically simplify virtual machine managem ent and
File clones
OneFS File Clones provides a ra pid, efficient method for provisioning mu ltiple
read/write copies of files. Common blocks are shared between the original file and
clone, providing space efficiency and offering similar performance and protection
levels across both. This mechanism is idea l for the rapid pro visioning and protect ion
of virtual machine files and is integrated with VMware's linked cloning and block and
file storage APIs. This utilizes the OneFS shadow store metadata structure, which is
able to reference physical blocks, references to physical blocks, and nested references
to physical blocks.

High Availability and Data Protection with EMC Isilon Scale-out NAS
Figure 10: File Clones
Shadow store s also provide the basis for Isilon SmartDedupeTM software.
SmartDedupe maximizes the storage efficiency of a cluster by decreasing the amount
of physical storage required to house an organization’s data. Efficiency is achieved by
scanning the on-disk data for identical blocks and then eliminating the duplicates.
Th is means tha t initial file write or modify performance is not impa cted, since no
additional comp uta tion is required in the w rite path.
When Sm artDedupe runs for the first time, it scans the data set and selectively
samples blocks from it, creating the finger print index. The index is scanned for
duplicates and, when a match is found, a byte-by-byte comparison of the blocks is
performed to verify that they are absolutely identical and to ensure there are no hash
collisions. Then, if they are determined to be identical, duplicate blocks are removed
from the actual files and replaced with pointers to the shadow stores.
While snapshots provide an ideal solution for infrequent or smaller-scale data loss
occurrences, when it comes to catastrophic failures or natural disasters, a second,
geographically separate copy of a dataset is clearly beneficial. Here, a solution is
required that is significantly faster and less error-prone than a recovery from tape,
yet still protects the data from localized failure.

High Availability and Data Protection with EMC Isilon Scale-out NAS
Figure 11: Disaster Recovery with SyncIQ
Isilon SyncIQTM software delivers high-p erformance, a synch ronous repli ca ti on of
unstructur ed data to address a broa d ra nge of recovery point objectives (RPO) a nd
recovery time objectives (RTO). This enables customers to make an optima l tra deoff
between infra structure cost and potential for data loss if a disaster occurs. SyncIQ
does not impose a hard limit on the size of a replicated file system so will sca le
linearly with an organization’s data g rowth up into the multiple petabyte ranges.
SyncIQ is easily optimized for either LAN or WAN connectivity in order to replicate
over short or long distances, thereby providing protec tion from both site-specific and
regional d isa sters. Additionally, SyncIQ u tilizes a highly-parallel, po licy-based
replication architecture designed to leverage the performance and efficiency of
clustered storage. As such, aggre g a te throughput scales with capacity and allows a
consistent RPO over expanding data sets.
There are two basic implementations of SyncIQ:
• The fir st is util izing Syn cIQ to replicate to a local target cluster within a
datacenter. The primary use case in this scenario is disk backup and business
• The second implementation uses SyncIQ to replicate to a remote target cluster,
typically located in a geogr a p hically separate datacenter across a WAN link. Here,
replication is typically utilized for offsite disaster recovery purposes.
In either case, a secondary cluster synchronized with the primary production cluster
can afford a substantially improved RTO and RPO than tape backup and both
implementations have their distinct advantages. And SyncIQ performance is easily
tuned to optimize either for network bandwidth efficiency across a WAN or for LAN
speed synchronization. Synchronization policies may be configure d at the file-,
directory- or entire file system-level and can either be scheduled to run at regular
intervals or executed manually.

High Availability and Data Protection with EMC Isilon Scale-out NAS
SyncIQ linear restore
Leveraging OneFS SnapshotIQ infrastructure, the Linear Restore functionality of
SyncIQ is able to detect and restore (commit) consiste nt, point in time, block-level
changes between cluster replication sets, with a minimal impact on operations a nd a
granular RPO. This ‘change set’ information is stored in a mirrored database on both
source and target clusters and is updated during each incremental replication job,
enabling rapid failover and fai lback RTOs.
Figure 12: The SyncIQ Linear Restore Change Commit Mechanism
SyncIQ replica protection
All writes outside of the synchronizat io n process itself are disabled on any directory
that is a targe t for a specific SyncIQ job. However, if the association is broken
between a targ et and a source, the target may then return to a wr itable state.
Subsequent resolution of a broken a ssociation will force a full resynchronization to
occur at the next job run. As such, restricted writes prevent modification, creation,
deletion, linking or movement of any files within the target pa th of a SyncIQ job.
Therefore, replicated disaster recovery (DR) data is protected within and by its
SyncIQ container or res t ricted -writer do main, u ntil a conscious decision is made to
bring it into a wr itea b le state.

High Availability and Data Protection with EMC Isilon Scale-out NAS
SyncIQ failover and failback
In the event that a primary cluster becomes unavailable, SyncIQ provides the ability
to failover to a mirrored, DR cluster. During such a scenario, the administrator makes
the decision to redirect client I/O to the mirror and initiates SyncIQ failover on the DR
cluster. Users will continue to read and write to the DR cluster while the primary
cluster is repaired.
Once the primary cluster becomes av ailable again, the administra tor may decide to
revert client I/O back to it. To achieve this, the administrator initiate s a SyncIQ
failback prep process which synchronizes any incremental changes made to the DR
cluster back to the primary.
Failback is divided into three d istinct phases:
1. First, the prep phase readies the primary to receive changes from the DR cluster
by setting up a re stricted writer domain and then restoring the last known good
2. Next, u pon success ful completion of failback prep, a final failback differential sync
is performed.
3. Lastly, the administrator co m mits the failback, which restores the primary cluster
back to its role as the source and relegates the DR cluster back to a target a g a in.
In addition to the obvious unplanned failov er and failback, SyncIQ also supports
controlled, proactive cluster failover and failback. This provides two major benef its:
• The ability to validate and test D R procedures and require ments
• Performing planned cluster maintenance.
Figure 13: SyncIQ Automated Data Failover and Failback

High Availability and Data Protection with EMC Isilon Scale-out NAS
Continuous replication mode
Complementary to the manual and scheduled replication policies, SyncIQ also offers a
continuous mode, or replicate on change, option. When the “Whenever the source is
modified” po licy co nfiguration option is selected, S yncIQ will cont inuously monitor the
replication data set (sync domain) and automatically r eplicate and changes to the
target clust er. Ev en t s that trigger replication inclu de file addit ions, modifications an d
deletions, directory path, and metadata changes. Additionally, include and exclude
rules c an also be applied to the policy, providing a furth er level of administrat ive
Figure 14: SyncIQ Repl icat e on Change Mod e
Archiving and data security
As we have seen, I silon SyncIQ software (described above) enables the simple
creation of a secure remote archive. Additionally, SmartPools (Isilon tiering software)
also facilitates the creation and manage m ent of a dedicated local archive pool within a
cluster for da ta retention and high ava ilability purposes.
OneFS utilizes Isilon SmartLockTM software to provide immutable storage for data.
Based on a write once, read many (WORM) locking capability, SmartLock ensures
tamper-proof archiving of critical data sets for disaster recovery and regulatory
compliance purposes. Configured a t the directory-level, SmartLock delivers simple to
manage secure data containers that remain locked for a configurable duration or

High Availability and Data Protection with EMC Isilon Scale-out NAS
indefinitely. Additionally, SmartLock satisfies the regulatory compliance demands of
stringent data retention policies, including SEC 17a-4.
Data Encryption at Rest
I silon also provides a solut ion fo r the security of data a t rest. This involves de d icated
storage nodes containing self-encr ypting drives (SEDs), in combination with an
encryption key management system embedded within OneFS. Data is encr ypted on
disk using the AES-256 cipher, and each SED has a unique da ta encryption key (DE K)
which is used to encrypt and decrypt data as it’s read from and written to disk. OneFS
automa t ically genera te s a n authentication key (AK) that wraps and secures the DEK.
This means that the data on any SED which is removed from its source node cannot
be unlocked and read, thereby guarding against the data security risk s of physical
drive theft.
The Isilon Data Encryption at Rest solution also allows SED drives to be securely wiped before
being re-purposed or retired, via cryptographic erasure. Cryptographic erasure involves
‘shredding’ the encryption keys to wipe data, and can be done in a matter of seconds. To
achieve this, OneFS irreversibly overwrites the vendor-provided pas sword, or MSID, on each
drive, resulting in all the on-disk data being scrambled.
Isilon encry p tion of data at rest satisfies a number of industries’ regulatory
compliance requirements, including U.S. Federal FIPS 104-2 Level 2 and PCI-DSS
v2.0 section 3.4.
Auditing can detect potential sources of data loss, fraud, inappropriate entitlements,
access attempts that should not occur, and a range of other anomalies that are
indicators of risk - especially when the audit associates data access with specific user
In the interests of data security, OneFS provides ‘chain of custody’ auditing by logging
specific activity on the cluster. This includes OneFS configuration changes and SMB
client protocol activity, both of which are required for organizational IT securi ty
compliance, as mandated by regulatory bodies like HIPAA, SO X, FISMA, MPAA, etc.
OneFS auditing utilizes EMC’s Common Event Enabler (CEE ) to provide compatibility
with external, 3rd party audit applications like Varonis DatAdvantage. This allows
Isilon to deliver an end to end, enterprise grade audit solution.
Nearline, VTL and tape backup
At the trailing end of the protection continuum lies traditional backup and restore—
whether to tape or disk. This is the bas tion of any data protect ion strategy and
usually f orms the crux of a ‘data insurance policy’. With high RPO and RTOs, of ten
involving a retrieval of tapes from secure, offsite storage, tape backup is typically the
mechanism of last resort for data recovery in the face of a disaster.
Backup Accelerator
I silon provides the ability to perform large-scale backup and restore functions across
massi ve, si n gl e-volume data sets—while leveraging an enterprise’s existing, SAN-

High Availability and Data Protection with EMC Isilon Scale-out NAS
based ta pe a nd V TL infras tructure. This is enabled by the EMC Isilon A100 Backup
Accelerator (BA) node, which features a quad-port 4GB/s Fibre Channel card, quad-
core processors, and 8GB of RAM.
A single Isilon A100 Backup Accelera tor can concurrently stream backups at 480MB/s,
or 1.7TB/hour, across its four Fibre Channel ports. Additionally, as data gro ws,
multiple Bac kup Accelerator nodes can be added to a single cluster to suppo rt a wide
range of RPO /RTO windows, throughput requirements and backup devices.
Backup from snapshots
In addition to the b enefits provided by S na pshotIQ in terms of user recovery of lost or
corrupted files, it also offers a powerful way to perform backups while minimizing the
impact on the f ile sy stem.
Initiating backups from snapshots affords several substantial benefits. The most
significant of these is that the file system does not need to be quiesced, since the
backup is taken directly from the read-only snapshot . This eliminates lock contentio n
issues around open files and allows users full access to d ata throughout the du ration
of the backup job.
SnapshotIQ also automatically creates an alias which points to the latest version of
each snapshot on the cluster, which facilitates the backup process by allowing the
backup to a lway s re fer to that alias. Since a snapshot is by definition a point-in-time
(PIT) copy , by backing up from a snapshot, the co nsistency of the file system or sub-
directory is maintained.
This process can be further streamlined by using the Network Data Management
Protocol (NDMP) snapshot capability to create a snapshot as part of the back up job,
then delete it upon successful completion of the back up.

High Availability and Data Protection with EMC Isilon Scale-out NAS
Figure 15: Backup Using SnapshotIQ
Parallel streams
Isilon’s distributed architecture allows backups to be spread across multiple network
streams from the cluster, which can significantly improve performance. This is
achieved by dividing the root file system into several paths based on the number of
node s in the cluster and the str ucture of sub-directories under the file system root.
For example, if the file system on a four-node cluster can be segregated logically
among four sub-directories, each of these sub-directories can be backed up as a
separate stream, one served from each node.
OneFS f acilitate s performant backup and restore functionality via its support of the
ubiquitous Network Data Management P rotocol (NDMP). NDMP is an open-standard
protocol that provides interoperability with leading data-back up p roducts and Is ilon
supports both NDMP versions 3 and 4. The OneFS NDMP module includes the
follo wing fu nctionality:
• Full and incremental backups and restores using NDMP
• Direct Access Restore/Directory Direct Access Restore (DAR/DDAR), single-file
rest ores, and three-way backups

High Availability and Data Protection with EMC Isilon Scale-out NAS
• Restore-to-arbitrary systems
• Seamless integration with access control lists (ACLs), alternate data streams and
resource forks
• Selective File Recovery
• Replicate then backup
While some back up software vendors may support backing up OneFS over CI F S a nd
NFS, the advantages of using NDMP include :
• Increased performance
• Retention o f file attributes a nd sec urity and access contro ls
• Backups utilize a utomatically generated snapshots for point-in-time consistency.
• Extensive support by backup software ve ndors
OneFS provides support for NDMP version 4, and both direct NDMP (referred to as 2-
way NDMP), and remote NDMP (referred to as 3-way NDMP) topologies.
Direct NDMP model
This is the most efficient model and results in the fastest transfer rates. Here, the
data management application (DM A) uses NDMP over the Ethernet front-end network
to communicate with the Backup Accelerator. On instruction, the Backup Accelerator,
which is also the NDMP tape server, begins backing up data to one or more tape
devices which are attached to it via Fibre Channel.
The Backup Accelerator is an integral part of the Isilon cluster and communicates with
the o t her nodes in the cluster via the internal InfiniBand n etwork. The DMA, a
separate server, controls the tape library’s media management. File History, the
information about files and directories, is transferred from the Backup Accelerator via
NDMP to the DMA, where it is maintained in a catalog.
Direct NDMP is the fasted and most efficient model for backups with One F S a nd
obviously requires one or more Backup Accelerator nodes to be present within a

High Availability and Data Protection with EMC Isilon Scale-out NAS
Figure 16: Recommended Two-way NDMP with Backup Accelerator
Remote NDMP model
In the remote NDMP scenario, there is no Backup Accelerator present. In this case,
the DMA uses NDMP over the LAN to instruct the cluster to start backing up data to
the tape server - either connected via Ethernet or directly attached to the DMA host.
In this model, the DMA also acts as the Backup/Media Server.
During the backup, file history is transferred from the cluster via NDMP over the LAN
to the backup ser ver, where it is maintained in a catalog. In some cases, the backup
application and the ta p e server software both reside on the same physical machine.
Figure 17: Remote Three-way NDMP Backup

High Availability and Data Protection with EMC Isilon Scale-out NAS
Incremental backups
Isilon OneFS accommodates the range of full, incremental and token-based backups.
In standard DR nomenclature, Level 0 indicates a full backup, and levels 1-9 are
incrementals. Any level specified as 1-9 will back up all the files that have been
modified since the previous lower level backup.
Token-based incremental backups are also supported. These are achieved by
configuring the data management application (DMA) to ma intain a timestamp
database and to pass the reference time token on to the cluster for use during each
incremental backup. This method does not rely on level based incremental backups,
as described a bove, at all.
Direct access recovery
OneFS provides full supports for Direct Access Recovery (DAR). Direct Access
Recovery allows the NDMP server to go directly to the location of a file within an
arch ive and quickly recover that file. As suc h, it eliminates t h e need to scan through
vast quantities of data typically spread across multiple tapes in an archive set, in
order to recover a single file. This c a p a b il ity uses the offset info rmation that is
contained in the file history data passed to the DMA at backup time.
Directory DAR
Isilon OneFS NDMP also supports Directory DAR (DDAR), an extension of DAR. DDAR
allows the NDMP server to go dire ctly to the location of a directory within an archive
and quickly recover all files/directories contained within the directory tree hierarchy.
Clearly, bo th DAR and DDAR provide an impro ved RTO for smaller scale data recovery
from tape.
OneFS NDMP offers Selective File Recovery—the ability to recovering a subset of files
within a backup archive. Also s upported is the ability to re store to alternate path
Certified backup applications
I silon OneFS is cer tified with a wide range of leading enterprise b a ck up applications,
• Symantec NetBa ckup and B ac ku p Exec
• EMC Avamar and Networker
• IBM Tivoli Storage Manager
• CommVault Simpana
• Dell NetVault
• ASG Time Navigator
OneFS is also cer tified to work with the EMC Cloud Tiering Appliance to simplify data
migration and with EMC DataDomain appliance pro ducts for deduplicated bac kup and

High Availability and Data Protection with EMC Isilon Scale-out NAS
Organizations of all sizes aro und the globe are dealing with a deluge of digital content
and unstructured data that is driving mas sive increases in storage needs. As these
enterprise datasets continue to expand to unprecedented sizes, data p rotection has
never been more crucial. A new approach is needed to meet the availability,
protection and performance requirements of this era of ‘big data’.
EMC Isilon enables organizations to linearly scale capacity and performance to over
twenty petabytes, 106GB per second and 1.6 million SPECsfs2008 CIFS file operations
per sec on d . Moreover, they can do this within a single file system—one which is both
simple to manage a n d highly available and redundant, as we have seen. Bui lt on
commodity hardw a re and powered by the revolutionary OneFS distributed file system,
Isilon scale-out NAS solutions deliver the following key tenets:
• Unparalleled levels of data protection
• No single point of f ailure
• Fully distributed single file sy stem
• Industry leading tolerance for multi-failure scenarios
• Pro-active failure detection and p re-emptive, fa st dri v e rebu il d s
• Flexible, file-level data protection
• Fully journalled file system
• Extreme transient availability

High Availability and Data Protection with EMC Isilon Scale-out NAS
Isilon acronyms glossary

High Availability and Data Protection with EMC Isilon Scale-out NAS
About EMC
EMC Corporation is a global leader in enabling businesses and service providers to
transform their operations and deliver IT as a service. Fundamental to this
transformation is cloud computing. Through innovative products and services, EMC
accelera tes the journey to cloud computing, he l ping IT departme nts to store,
manage, protect and analyze their most valuable asset – information – in a more
agile, trus ted and cost-efficient way. Addition infor mation about EMC can be found at