Table of Contents
- 6th Generation Intel® Core™ Processor Family Uncore Performance Monitoring Reference Manual
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Uncore Performance Monitoring Facilities
- 3 6th Generation Intel® Processor Uncore Performance Monitoring Events
- 4 Terminology
Intel i5-6400 User Manual
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Order Number: 334060-001
6th Generation Intel® Core™
Processor Family Uncore Performance
Monitoring Reference Manual
April 2016
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334060-001 3
1 Introduction............................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Uncore PMU Overview.......... ................................................................................5
1.2 Changes from 5th Generation Intel® Core™ Processor to 6th Generation
Intel® Core™ Processor.......................................................................................6
1.2.1 MSR Addresses .......... ............................................. .................................6
1.3 Uncore PMU Counter Sum mary .......... .. .. .. .. .. ............. ............. ............ ............. .. ....6
2 Uncore Performance Monitoring Facilities.................................................................. 9
2.1 Uncore PMU MSR Listing............ .. ....................... ....................... ...........................9
2.2 Uncore PMU Global Registers ..................... ........................ ....................... .......... 10
2.2.1 MSR_UNC_PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL ............................................................... 10
2.2.2 MSR_UNC_PERF_GLOBAL_STATUS ........................................................... 11
2.3 Fixed Counter Registers ..................................................................................... 11
2.3.1 MSR_UNC_PERF_FIXED_CTRL.................................................................. 11
2.3.2 MSR_UNC_PERF_FIXED_CTR ................................................................... 12
2.4 Uncore CBo and ARB PMU Registers..................................................................... 12
2.4.1 MSR_UNC_CBO_CONFIG ......................................................................... 12
2.4.2 Performance Event Select Registers.......................................................... 12
2.4.3 Performance Counter Registers ................................................................ 14
3 6th Generation Intel® Processor Uncore Performance Monitoring Events ............... 15
3.1 CBo Uncore PerfMon Eve nts.......................................... ........................ .............. 15
3.2 ARB Uncore PerfMon Events..................... ............. ............. ............ ..................... 16
3.3 IMC Events................. .......... ... .. .......................................... .. .. ......................... 17
4 Terminology............................................................................................................. 19
1-1 6th Generation Intel® Core™ Processor Uncore Block Diagram........................................ 6
1-1 MSR Changes to 6th Generation Intel® Core™ Processors .............................................. 6
1-2 6th Generation Intel® Core™ Processor Uncore Counter Summary .................................. 7
2-1 Uncore PMU MSR List ................................................................................................. 9
2-2 MSR_UNC _ PE RF_ GLOBAL_CTRL Definition ................. .. ............ ............. .. ............. ........10
2-3 MSR_UNC_PERF_GLOBAL_STATUS Definition ...............................................................11
2-4 MSR_UNC_ PERF_FIXED_CTRL Definition.................... .. .. .. ............. .. .. ............ ... .. ..........11
2-5 MSR_UNC_PERF_FIXED_CTR Definition .......................................................................12
2-6 MSR_UNC_CBO_ CONFIG Definition .............................................................................12
2-7 MSR_UNC_CBO_0_PERFEVTSEL0 Definition ........................................... .. .. ..................13
2-8 MSR_UNC_CBO_0_PERFCTR 0 Definition ......................................................... .............14
3-1 Uncore PMU MSR List ................................................................................................15
3-2 ARB PerfMon Events .................................................................................................16
3-3 IMC Counter s................... ..................... .. .. ..................................................... .. .. ......17
4-1 List of Terms............................................................................................................19
331051-001 5
This is a programmer's reference manual for the uncore performance monitoring units
(PMU) on the 6th generation Intel® Core™ processor and the Intel® Pentium®
Processor Family based on the S-Platform. This reference manual details the uncore
performance monitoring hardware registers and events.
The material in this document does not apply to Intel® Xeon™ processors.
1.1 Uncore PMU Overview
The uncore PMU employs a distributed design where counters are implemented within
the various uncore units. Counters in one unit cannot count events of a different unit.
The uncore units covered in this document are the C-box (CBo), arbitration (ARB) unit
and integrated memory controller (IMC).
The uncore PMU provides a unified last level cache (LLC) that can support up to four
processor cores. The LLC consists of multiple slices where each slice interfaces with a
processor via a coherency engine, referred to as a C-Box, or CBo. Each CBo provides
MSRs to select uncore performance monitoring events, which are called event select
MSRs. Each event select MSR is paired with a counter register where event counts are
The ARB unit provides local performance counters and event select MSRs for ARB unit
specific events. There is also a fixed or non-programmable counter in the ARB that
counts uncore clock cycles.
The IMC unit of the 6th Generation Intel Processor contains five model specific, fixed
counters that allow for monitoring the number of requests to DRAM.
The block diagram below provides a visual representation of the CBo and ARB units of
the 6th generation Intel Core processor.
1.2 Changes from 5th Generation Intel® Core™
Processor to 6th Generation Intel® Core™
This section details the changes from 5th generation Intel Core processors to 6th
generation Intel Core processors that are relevant to uncore performance monitoring.
1.2.1 MSR Addresses
Two critical MSR addresses have changed from 5th gener ation Intel Core pr ocessors to
6th generation Intel Core processors. Uncore performance monitoring software drivers
from 5th generation Intel Core processors will need to update MSR addresses in order
to function correctly on 6th generation Intel Core processors.
1.3 Uncore PMU Counter Summary
The following table lists the available programmable counters in the uncore PMU. CBo
events have restrictions on which CBo counter can be used. Specifics on these
restrictions are detailed in the 6th generation Intel Core processor uncore performance
monitoring events section.
Figure 1-1. 6th Generation Intel® Core™ Processor Uncore Block Diagram
System Agent
Core CBo LLC
Intel® Graphics
Table 1-1. MSR Changes to 6th Generation Intel® Core™ Processors
Register Name 5th Generation Intel Core
Processor MSR Address 6th Generation Intel Core
Processor MSR Address
331051-001 7
Table 1-2. 6th Generation Intel® Core™ Processor Uncore Counter Summary
Unit Number of Counters Instances Bit Width
CBo 2 1 to 4 44
IMC Fixed5132
331051-001 9
Uncore Performance Monitoring Facilities
2Uncore Performance Monitoring
The uncore PMU provides global control an d status registers for all resources in the CBo
and ARB units as well as unit level control and status registers. This section details the
MSRs of the uncore PMU.
2.1 Uncore PMU MSR Listing
The table below lists the register names and their MSR address for the registers
associated with the uncore performance monitoring facilities. The following sections
after the table provide definitions of each register and field values.
Table 2-1. Uncore PMU MSR List
Register Name MSR Address
Uncore Performance Monitoring Facilities
10 331051-001
2.2 Uncore PMU Global Registers
This section details the global control and status registers.
The MSR_UNC_PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL register provides global control functions for all
PMU resources throughout the uncore.
Table 2-2. MSR_UNC_PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL Definition
Field Name Bit Access Description
Reserved 63:32 N/A Reserved.
FRZ_ON_PMI 31 RW Enable freezing counter when overflow.
Controls globally freezing (disables) counters
on receipt of PMI request. If counters are
frozen by this mechanism, software must
globally re-enable counters in the interrupt
service routine.
0: Do not freeze counters on PMI request.
1: Freeze counters on PMI request.
WAKE_ON_PMI 30 RW Enable wake on PMI. This bit determines
whether PMI event is sent to waken cores
only or is broadcast to all cores after waking
up any sleeping core.
0: Avoid waking a core for PMI event - send
event to waken cores only.
1: Wake any sleeping core and send PMI
event to all cores.
EN 29 RW Enables all uncore counters.
0: Globally disable all PMU counters
1: Globally enable all PMU counters. Counters
must also be locally programmed and
(This bit is cleared if the FRZ bit 31 in this
register is set).
Reserved 28:4 N/A Reserved.
PMI_SEL_CORE3 3 RW Slice 3 select. Enables forwarding uncore PMI
request to core 3. If WAKE_ON_PMI is '1' a
wake request is sent to core 3 prior to
sending the interrupt request.
0: Take no action.
1: Forward interrupt request to core 3.
PMI_SEL_CORE2 2 RW Slice 2 select. Enables forwarding uncore PMI
request to core 2. If WAKE_ON_PMI is '1' a
wake request is sent to core 2 prior to
sending the interrupt request.
0: Take no action.
1: Forward interrupt request to core 2.
PMI_SEL_CORE1 1 RW Slice 1 select. Enables forwarding uncore PMI
request to core 1. If WAKE_ON_PMI is '1' a
wake request is sent to core 1 prior to
sending the interrupt request.
0: Take no action.
1: Forward interrupt request to core 1.
PMI_SEL_CORE0 0 RW Slice 0 select. Enables forwarding uncore PMI
request to core 0. If WAKE_ON_PMI is '1' a
wake request is sent to core 0 prior to
sending the interrupt request.
0: Take no action.
1: Forward interrupt request to core 0.
331051-001 11
Uncore Performance Monitoring Facilities
The MSR_UNC_PERF_GLOBAL_STATUS register provides global status for all PMU
resources throughout the uncore.
2.3 Fixed Counter Registers
This section details the registers of the PMU fixed counter that counts uncore clock
The MSR_UNC_PERF_FIXED_CTRL register enables the fixed counter and whether
counter overflows are allowed to signal an overflow interrupt.
Table 2-3. MSR_UNC_PERF_GLOBAL_STATUS Definition
Field Name Bit Access Description
Reserved 63:4 N/A Reserved.
CBO_CTR_OVF 31 RW1C A CBox counter overflowed (on any slice).
0: No overflow detected.
1: An overflow was detected on one or more
Writing a '0' is ignored, while writing a '1'
clears this status bit.
Reserved 2 N/A Reserved.
ARB_CTR_OVF 1 RW1C An ARB counter overflowed.
0: No overflow detected.
1: An overflow was detected on one or more
Writing a '0' is ignored, while writing a '1'
clears this status bit.
FIXED_CTR_ OVF 0 RW1C Fixed counter overflowed.
0: No overflow detected.
1: An overflow was detected.
Writing a '0' is ignored, while writing '1' clears
this status bit.
Table 2-4. MSR_UNC_PE RF_FIXED_CTRL Definition (Sheet 1 of 2)
Field Name Bit A ccess Description
Reserved 63:23 N/A Reserved.
CNT_EN 22 RW Enable counting.
0: Locally disable this counter.
1: Counter is enabled and will count when
global enable is set.
Uncore Performance Monitoring Facilities
12 331051-001
MSR_UNC_PERF_FIXED_CTR is a 48 bit fixed counter that increments on uncore clock
2.4 Uncore CBo and ARB PMU Registers
This section details the registers available for performance monitoring control and
counting for each counter in each CBo and the ARB.
The MSR_UNC_CBO_CONFIG register is read only and reports the number of CBo slices
available on the platform. This information is used to determine how many CBo units
need to be configured for performance monitoring. Programmers should read this
register and subtract one to determine the number of CBo units available for
performance monitoring.
2.4.2 Performance Event Select Registers
The event select registers configure which event will be counted and how.
Reserved 21 N/A Reserved.
OVF_EN 20 RW Enable overflow propagation. This must be
enabled if an overflow interrupt is to be
generated from this counter.
0: Counter overflow is not for warded. No PMI
for this counter is possible.
1: Counter overflow generates an overflow
interrupt and enabled cores will be
Reserved 19:0 N/A Reserved.
Table 2-4. MSR_UNC_PERF_FIXED_CTRL Definition (She et 2 of 2)
Field Name Bit Access Description
Table 2-5. MSR_UNC_PERF_FIXED_CTR Definition
Field Name Bit Access Description
Reserved 63:48 N/A Reserved.
CTR_VAL 47:0 RW Current count of the numbe r of elapsed UCLK
Table 2-6. MSR_UNC_CBO_CONFIG Definition
Field Name Bit Access Description
Reserved 63:4 N/A Reserved.
NO_CBO_BANKS 3:0 RO Specifies the number of C-Box units with
programmable counters (including processor
cores and processor graphics).
331051-001 13
Uncore Performance Monitoring Facilities
There are up to four CBo units, each with four event select control registers, for a total
of sixteen possible registers. There is a single ARB unit with two event select control
The performance event select registers are iterated below and share the same
Table 2-7. MSR_UNC_CBO_0_PERFEVTSEL0 Definition (She et 1 of 2)
Field Name Bit A ccess Description
Reserved 63:29 N/A Reserved.
THR 28:24 RW This field is compared directly against the
event increment and may cause the counter
to increment by one based on the
programming of the INV bit.
When this field is zero, threshold comparison
is disabled and the event is passed without
modification (i.e. the counter will advance by
the event increment value).
INV 23 RW This bit indicates how the threshold field will
be compared to the incoming event.
0: The counter will increment by one if the
event increment in the current cycle is
greater than or equal to the value
programmed in the threshold field.
1: The counter will increment by one if the
event increment in the current cycle is less
than the value programmed in the threshold
EN 22 RW Locally enable the associated counter.
0: Counter is locally disabled.
1: Counter is locally enabled.
Reserved 21 N/A Reserved.
OVF_EN 20 RW Enable transmission of overflow indication,
necessary if this counter is to gener ate a PMI
and interrupt the cores.
0: Disable transmission of overflow
indication. No PMI for this counter will be
1: Enable tr ansmission of overflow indication.
May generate a PMI request to the cores.
Reserved 19 N/A Reserved.
Uncore Performance Monitoring Facilities
14 331051-001
2.4.3 Performance Counter Registers
There is a matching performance counter for each performance event select register in
the CBo units and ARB unit. The performance counter registers are a 44 bit counter
where event counts are accumulated. Reading the register will tell users how many
times the event programmed has been counted.
The performance counter registers are iterated below and share the same definition.
These registers share the definition below.
E 18 RW Enable counting on event edge (increment
signal transitions from de-asserted to
asserted) or level. Counting edges provides
the number of occurrences of an event, while
level counting provides the cycles an event
was active.
0: Count the cycles the programmed even t
was active.
1: Count the occurrence s of the programme d
Reserved 17:16 N/A Reserved.
UMASK 15:8 RW This field must be programmed with the
proper unit mask. Bits set in this field enable
sub-events of the encoded ev en t in EVT_SEL.
EVT_SEL 7:0 RW This field must be programmed with the
desired even t encoding.
Table 2-7. MSR_UNC_CBO_0_PERFEVTSEL0 Definition (Sheet 2 of 2)
Field Name Bit Access Description
Table 2-8. MSR_UNC_CBO_0_PERFCTR0 Definition
Field Name Bit Access Description
Reserved 63:44 N/A Reserved.
CTR_VAL 43:0 RW The value of the programmable count er.
331051-001 15
6th Generation Intel® Processor Uncore Performance Monitoring Events
36th Generation Intel®
Processor Uncore Performance
Monitoring Events
This section details the specific uncore performance monitoring events that are
available for the CBo and ARB. or each event there is an even name, event ID, umask
and description. The code is the value that is to be written to the EVT_SEL field in the
appropriate control register and the umask is to be written to the UMASK field in the
appropriate control register. The event tables also contain information on if a specific
event has counter restrictions.
3.1 CBo Uncore PerfMon Events
For all CBo counters, it is recommended to work with the sum of the counter values
from all CBos.
The following table details the available events from the CBo units.
Table 3-1. Uncore PMU MSR List (Sheet 1 of 2)
Event Name Event
ID Umask Description Valid
UNC_CBO_XSNP_RESPONSE.MISS_XCORE 0x22 0x41 A cross-core snoop initiated
by this CBo due to processor
core memory request which
misses in some processor
0, 1
UNC_CBO_XSNP_RESPONSE.MISS_EVICTION 0x22 0x81 A cross-core snoop resulted
from LLC Eviction which
misses in some processor
0, 1
UNC_CBO_XSNP_RESPONSE.HIT_XCORE 0x22 0x44 A cross-core snoop initiated
by this CBo due to processor
core memory request which
hits a non-modified line in
some processor core.
0, 1
UNC_CBO_XSNP_RESPONSE.HITM_XCORE 0x22 0x48 A cross-core snoop initiated
by this CBo due to processor
core memory request which
hits a modified line in some
processo r core.
0, 1
UNC_CBO_CACHE_LOOKUP.WRITE_M 0x34 0x21 LLC lookup write request
that accesses cache and
found line in M-state.
0, 1
UNC_CBO_CACHE_LOOKUP.ANY_M 0x34 0x81 LLC lookup any request that
accesses cache and found
line in M-state.
0, 1
UNC_CBO_CACHE_LOOKUP.READ_I 0x34 0x18 LLC lookup read request that
accesses cache and found
line in I-state.
0, 1
UNC_CBO_CACHE_LOOKUP.ANY_I 0x34 0x88 LLC lookup any request that
accesses cache and found
line in I-state.
0, 1
6th Generation Intel® Processor Uncore Performance Monitoring Events
16 331051-001
3.2 ARB Uncore PerfMon Events
The following table details the available events from the ARB unit.
UNC_CBO_CACHE_LOOKUP.READ_MESI 0x34 0x1F LLC lookup read request that
accesses cache and found
line in any MESI-state.
0, 1
UNC_CBO_CACHE_LOOKUP.WRITE_MESI 0x34 0x2F LLC lookup write request
that accesses cache and
found line in MESI-state.
0, 1
UNC_CBO_CACHE_LOOKUP.ANY_MESI 0x34 0x8F LLC lookup any request that
accesses cache and found
line in MESI-state.
0, 1
UNC_CBO_CACHE_LOOKUP.ANY_ES 0x34 0x86 LLC lookup any request that
accesses cache and found
line in E or S-state.
0, 1
UNC_CBO_CACHE_LOOKUP.READ_ES 0x34 0x16 LLC lookup read request that
accesses cache and found
line in E or S-state.
0, 1
UNC_CBO_CACHE_LOO KUP.WRITE_ES 0x34 0x26 LLC lookup write request
that accesses cache and
found line in E or S-state.
0, 1
Table 3-1. Uncore PMU MSR List (Sheet 2 of 2)
Event Name Event
ID Umask Description Valid
Table 3-2. ARB PerfMon Events
Event Name Event
ID Umask Description Valid
UNC_ARB_TRK_OCCUPANCY.ALL 0x80 0x01 Count cycles of outgoing,
valid entries from cores. 0
UNC_ARB_TRK_REQUESTS.ALL 0x81 0x01 Total number of core
outgoing entries allocated.
Accounts for coherent and
non-coherent traffic.
0, 1
UNC_ARB_TRK_REQUESTS.WRITES 0x81 0x20 Number of writes allocated
including any write
transaction including full,
partials and evictions.
0, 1
UNC_ARB_COH_TRK_REQUESTS.ALL 0x84 0x01 Number of entries allocated
for any type. 0, 1
NY_REQUEST 0x80 0x01 Cycles with at least one
request outstanding, waiting
for data to return from
memory controller. Accounts
for coherent and non-
coherent requests initiated
by IA cores, processor
graphics unit, or LLC.
UNC_CLOCK.SOCKET 0x00 0x01 This 48-bit fixed counter
counts the UCLK cycles. Fixed
331051-001 17
6th Generation Intel® Processor Uncore Performance Monitoring Events
3.3 IMC Events
The integrated memory controller unit of the 6th Generation Intel® Processor contains
five model specific, fixed counters that allow for monitoring the number of requests to
The fixed counters residing in the memory controller monitor transaction requests
coming from var ious sources, e.g. the processor cores, the graphic engine, or other I/O
agents. Unlike the MSR based performance counter registers in the CBo and ARB, the
IMC fixed counter interface uses memory-mapped I/O reads from physical memory at
the offsets specified in the IMC event table.
This set of counters are free-running and always-running. Softw are can read the value,
wait for a desired internal, read again, then subtract the first sample from the second
to determine how many times the event incremented in the sample interval.
The IMC counters below are model specific, meaning they may change or not be
supported in the future.
To obtain the BAR address, read the value (in PCI configuration space) at Bus 0; Device
0; Function 0; Offset 48H and mask with the value 0x0007FFFFF8000.
Table 3-3. IMC Counters
Name Address Description
DRAM_GT_REQUESTS BAR+0x5040 Counts every read/write request entering the Memory Controller
to DRAM (sum of all channels) from the GT engine. Each partial
write request counts as a request incrementing this counter.
However same-cache-line partial write reques ts are com bined to
a single 64-byte data transfers from DRAM. Th erefore
multiplying the number of requests by 64-bytes will lead to
inaccurate GT memor y bandwidth. The inaccuracy i s proportional
to the number of same-cache-line partial writes combined.
DRAM_IA_REQUESTS BAR+0x5044 Counts every read/write request (demand and HW prefetch)
entering the Memory Controller to DRAM (sum of all channels)
from IA. Each partial write request counts as a request
incrementing this counter. However same-cache-line partial write
requests are combined to a single 64-byte data transfers from
DRAM. Therefore multiplying the number of requests by 64-
bytes will lead to inaccurate IA memory bandwidth. The
inaccuracy is proportional to the number of same-cache-line
partial writes combined.
DRAM_IO_REQUESTS BAR+0x5048 Counts every read/write request entering the Memory Controller
to DRAM (sum of all channels) from all IO sources (e.g. PCIe,
Display Engine, USB audio, etc.). Each partial write request
counts as a request incrementing this counter. However same-
cache-line partial write requests are combined to a single 64-
byte data transfers from DRAM. Therefore mu ltiplying the
number of requests by 64-bytes will lead to inaccurate IO
memory bandwidth. The inaccuracy is proportional to the
number of same-cache-line partial writes combined.
DRAM_DATA_READS BAR+0x5050 Counts every read (RdCAS) issued by the Memory Controller to
DRAM (sum of all channels). All requests result in 64-byte data
transfers from DRAM. Use for accurate memory bandwidth
DRAM_DATA_WRITES BAR+0x5054 Counts every write (WrCAS) issued by the Memory Controller to
DRAM (sum of all channels). All requests result in 64-byte data
transfers from DRAM. Use for accurate memory bandwidth
6th Generation Intel® Processor Uncore Performance Monitoring Events
18 331051-001
331051-001 19
List of terms used in this document found below.
Table 4-1. List of Terms
Term Definition
ARB Refers to the arbitration unit.
Clear In reference to register programming, this means a bit is
programmed to binary zero (0).
CBo Refers to the cache box unit or Cbox unit.
IA Intel Architecture.
LLC Last-level cache. The lowest level of cache, after which
memory requests must be satisfied by system memory. This
is the longest latency cache.
MESI MESI refers to the cache coherency protocol where a cache-
line state is represe nted as M for modified, E for exclusive, S
for shared and I for invalid.
MSR Model Specific Register. PMU counter and counter control
registers are implemented as MSR regist ers. They are
accessed via the rdmsr and wrmsr instruction. Certain c ounter
registers can be accessed via the rdpmc instruction.
PEBS Precise Event Based Sampling. A special counting mode in
which counters can be configured to overflow, interrupt the
processor, and capture machine state at that point.
PerfMon Short for Performance Monitoring.
PMI Performance Monitoring Interrupt. This interrupt is generated
when a counter overflows and has been programmed to
generate an interrupt, or when the PEBS buffer interrupt
threshold has been reached.
The interrupt vector for this interrupt is controlled through the
Local Vector Table in the Local APIC.
PMU Performance Monitoring Unit.
RO Read only, indicating that a specific field in a register can be
read but not written to.
RW Read and writ e, indicating that a specific field in a register can
be both written to and read from.
RW1C Indicates that a specific field in a r egi ster can b e b oth written
to and read from and that writing a 1 will clear the register.
Set In reference to register programming, this means a bit is
programmed to binary one (1).
SMT Simultaneous Multi-threading.
Thread A hardware thread of execution. In other words, Intel®
Hyper-Threading Technology (Intel® HT Technology).
Uop Micro-operation. Macro instructions are broken down into
micro-operations within the machine, an d these 'uops' are
executed by the execution units.
UNC Uncore
20 331051-001