Kensington K62399US User Manual
Displayed below is the user manual for K62399US by Kensington which is a product in the Mouse Pads category. This manual has pages.
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Cleaning Protocol for
Kensington Products
that Meet MIL-STD-
810H Method 504.3
Contamination by Fluids
Any Kensington product that meets
the MIL-STD-810H Method 504.3
Contamination by Fluids testing is able
to be wiped down or cleaned with a
wide variety of cleaners, disinfectants
and solvents, including alcohol and
bleach without affecting the product.
What does it mean to meet the
MIL-STD-810H Method 504.3
Contamination by Fluids Procedure?
The tested product is exposed, with
continuous contact, to each chemical
listed for at least 24 hours (unless
otherwise specified), and exhibits no
signs of degradation.
Chemicals that have been tested and approved
for cleaning without causing degradation of the
product include:
• Isopropyl alcohol (70%-75%)
• Accelerated Hydrogen Peroxide (Oxivir or Alpha HP)
• Orthophenylphenol (Amphyl, Reckitt Benckiser)
• Ortho-benzyl-parachlorophenol
(Clorox Disinfectant Cleaner, The Clorox Company)
• Denatured alcohol
(Hand Sanitizers with 60%-70% Isopropyl/Ethyl Alcohol)
• Lysol disinfectant
• Sani-Cloth HB, Plus and AF3
• Super Sani-Cloth Germ/Disp Wipes
• Cavi Wipes
• Clorox Healthcare Bleach Germicidal Wipes
• PDI Easy screen cleaning pad (alcohol)
• 409 Antibacterial All purpose Cleaner
• Windex Electronic Wipes
What does “no degradation” of the product mean?
• No visual defects
• No material degradation
• No discoloration
• No cracks
• No impact on use or function of the product

If you have further questions on how to clean your Kensington products,
please contact your local tech support.
US, Canada: 1-800-535-4242
Great Britain: +44 (0)203 364 5390
Denmark: 45 80 25 09 6
Finland: 358 0800 9 15697
Ireland: 353 01 431 1395
Norway: 47 800 175 20
Portugal: 351 800855802
Sweden: 46 08 50 33 65 772
New Zealand: +64 0800 539 262
Australia: 1300 881 931
Japan: 04-7129-2135
China: 400 600 4599
Brazil: 800855802
Mexico: 911 146 735
Recommended Cleaning Instructions:
Use damp cloth or sponge with preferred cleaning agent and wipe down product. Repeat cleaning
process as needed. Do not oversaturate or submerge product in cleaning agent as damage could
occur. Kensington evaluated a wide variety of cleaners and disinfecting solutions, but cannot
guarantee that no degradation will occur using alternate cleaners or disinfection solutions not
mentioned on the previous page.
Cleaning Protocol for Kensington Products that Meet
MIL-STD-810H Method 504.3 Contamination by Fluids
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