Table of Contents
- Table of contents
- Notices
- More about installing drivers
- Printing
- Paper and specialty media specifications
- Using printer menus
- Color Menu
- Color Adjust
- Color Balance
- Color Correction
- Color Samples
- Color Saver
- Manual Color
- Print Mode
- Print Resolution
- Toner Darkness
- Finishing Menu
- Blank Pages
- Collation
- Copies
- Duplex
- Duplex Bind
- Hole Punch
- Multipage Border
- Multipage Order
- Multipage Print
- Multipage View
- Offset Pages
- Separator Sheets
- Separator Source
- Staple Job
- Staple Prime Src
- Help Menu
- Print All
- Help Guide
- Printing Guide
- Supplies Guide
- Print Quality
- Color Quality
- Media Guide
- Connection Guide
- Moving Guide
- Print Defects
- Jam Clearance
- Job Menu
- Cancel Fax
- Cancel Job
- Confidential Job
- Held Jobs
- Print Buffer
- Reset Active Bin
- Reset Printer
- Network Menu
- Job Buffering
- MAC Binary PS
- Network Buffer
- Network <x> Setup
- NPA Mode
- PCL SmartSwitch
- PS SmartSwitch
- Std Net Setup
- Parallel Menu
- Advanced Status
- Honor Init
- Job Buffering
- MAC Binary PS
- NPA Mode
- Parallel Buffer
- Parallel Mode1
- Parallel Mode2
- PCL SmartSwitch
- PS SmartSwitch
- Protocol
- PCL Emul Menu
- A4 Width
- Auto CR after LF
- Auto LF after CR
- Font Name
- Font Source
- Lines per Page
- Orientation
- Pitch
- Point Size
- Symbol Set
- Tray Renumber
- Paper Menu
- Assign Type/ Bin
- Configure Bins
- Configure MP
- Custom Types
- Output Bin
- Overflow Bin
- Paper Loading
- Paper Size
- Paper Source
- Paper Texture
- Paper Type
- Paper Weight
- Substitute Size
- Universal Setup
- PostScript Menu
- Font Priority
- Image Smoothing
- Print PS Error
- Serial Menu
- Baud
- Data Bits
- Honor DSR
- Job Buffering
- NPA Mode
- Parity
- PCL SmartSwitch
- PS SmartSwitch
- Robust XON
- Serial Buffer
- Serial Protocol
- Setup Menu
- Alarm Control
- Auto Continue
- Black & White Lock
- Display Language
- Download Target
- Hole Punch Alarm
- Jam Recovery
- Job Accounting
- Page Protect
- Power Saver
- Print Area
- Print Timeout
- Printer Language
- Printer Usage
- Resource Save
- Staple Alarm
- Toner Alarm
- Wait Timeout
- Supplies Menu
- <color> Toner
- Oiler
- Waste Bottle
- USB Menu
- Job Buffering
- MAC Binary PS
- NPA Mode
- PCL SmartSwitch
- PS SmartSwitch
- USB Buffer
- Utilities Menu
- Color Alignment
- Coverage Estimator
- Defragment Flash
- Factory Defaults
- Format Disk
- Format Flash
- Hex Trace
- Job Acct Stat
- Print Directory
- Print Fonts
- Print Menus
- Print Net <x> Setup
- Understanding printer messages
- Clearing paper jams
- Maintenance
- Troubleshooting
- User Guide resources
- Online Technical Support
- Calling for service
- Checking an unresponsive printer
- Printing a menu settings page
- Changing menu settings
- Disabling Power Saver
- Disabling the operator panel menus
- Enabling the menus
- Printing multi-language PDFs
- Solving printing problems
- Solving mailbox problems
- Solving option problems
- Solving paper feed problems
- Solving print quality problems
- Solving color quality problems
- Restoring factory default settings
- Aligning the image transfer unit
- Using the Coverage Estimator
- Configuring printer alerts
- Size sensing
- Index
Lexmark C762dtn User Manual
Displayed below is the user manual for C762dtn by Lexmark which is a product in the Laser Printers category. This manual has pages.
Related Manuals
User’s Guide
June 2004
Lexmark and Lexmark with diamond design are trademarks of Lexmark International, Inc.,
registered in the United States and/or other countr ies.
© 2004 Lexmark International, Inc.
740 West New Circle Road
Lexington, Kentucky 40550
C760, C762

Table of contents
Chapter 1: Notices .............................................................................5
Edition noti ce ........................... ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... .................... ...... ....... ...... ......5
Trademarks ..........................................................................................................5
Licensing notice ....................................................................................................7
Safety information .................................................................................................7
Cautions and warnings ................... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ................... ......8
Electroni c emissi on noti ces ............................... ...... ....... ...... ....... ................... ......8
Noise emission levels .........................................................................................12
ENERGY STAR ..................................................................................................12
Laser notice ........................................................................................................12
Chapter 2: More about installing drivers .......................................13
Installing dr iv ers for loca l printi ng ................ ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ..........13
Installing dr iv ers for networ k prin tin g ................. ...... .................... ...... ....... ...... ....17
Chapter 3: Printing ..........................................................................21
Understandi ng the pr int er operator panel ................ ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....21
Sending a job to print ..........................................................................................22
Canceling a print job ...........................................................................................23
Loading the trays ................................................................................................24
Loading the multipurpose feeder ........................................................................28
Printing on specialty media (transparencies, labels, other) ................................30
Linking trays .......................................................................................................31
Linking output bins ..............................................................................................32
Holding a job in the printer ..................................................................................32
Tips for successful pr int ing ................... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... .................36
Chapter 4: Paper and specialty media specifications ..................38
Selecti ng print media ............... ....... ...... ....... ................... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....40
Avoiding paper jams ...........................................................................................41
Chapter 5: Using printer menus .....................................................42
Color Menu .........................................................................................................43

Finishing Menu ................................................................................................... 46
Help Menu .......................................................................................................... 49
Job Menu ........................................................................................................... 49
Network Menu .................................................................................................... 51
Parallel Men u .................... ....... ...... ....... ................... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... .......... 53
PCL Emul Menu ................................................................................................. 55
Paper Menu ........................................................................................................ 57
PostScript Men u .......... ................... ....... ...... ...... ....... ................... ....... ...... ....... ... 64
Serial Menu ........................................................................................................ 65
Setup Menu .......... ....... ................... ....... ...... ...... ....... ................... ....... ...... ....... ... 67
Supplies Menu ................................................................................................... 72
USB Menu .......................................................................................................... 72
Utilities Menu ...................................................................................................... 74
Chapter 6: Understanding printer messages ...............................76
Chapter 7: Clearing paper jams .....................................................91
Understandi ng jam messag es ........ ....... ................... ...... ....... ...... ....... ................ 91
Access doors and trays ...................................................................................... 92
Clearing the entire paper path ............................................................................ 93
Clearing mailbox or output expander jams (Area M) .......................................... 98
Clearing fuser jams ............................................................................................ 98
Clearing image transfer unit jams .................................................................... 100
Clearing finis he r jams (Areas 1–6) . ................... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... .............. 10 6
If you still need help ......................................................................................... 106
Chapter 8: Maintenance ................................................................107
Determining the status of supplies ................................................................... 107
Conserving supplies ......................................................................................... 107
Ordering supplies and maintenance items ....................................................... 108
Recycling Lexmark products ............................................................................ 109
Removing memory and option cards ............................................................... 110
Chapter 9: Troubleshooting .........................................................116
User Guide resources ...................................................................................... 116
Online Technical Support ................................................................................. 116
Calling for service ............................................................................................. 116
Checking an unresponsive printer .................................................................... 116
Printing a menu settings page .......................................................................... 117

Changing menu settings .................................................................................. 117
Disabling Power Saver ..................................................................................... 118
Disabling the operator panel menus ................................................................ 119
Enabling the menus ......................................................................................... 119
Printing multi-language PDFs .......................................................................... 120
Solving printing problems ................................................................................. 121
Solving mailbox problems ................................................................................ 122
Solving option problems ................................................................................... 123
Solving paper feed problems ........................................................................... 123
Solving print quality problems .......................................................................... 124
Solving color quality problems ......................................................................... 128
Restoring factory default settings ..................................................................... 132
Aligning the image transfer unit ........................................................................ 133
Using the Coverage Estimator ......................................................................... 134
Configuring printer alerts .................................................................................. 135
Size sensing ..................................................................................................... 136
Index ...............................................................................................137

Edition not ice
Edition: June 2004
The following paragraph does not apply to any country where such provisions are inconsistent
states do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions; therefore, this
statement may not apply to you.
This publication could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically
made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in later editions. Improvements or
changes in the products or the programs described may be made at any time.
Comments about this publication may be addressed to Lexmark International, Inc., Department F95/032-2,
740 West New Circle Road, Lexington, Kentucky 40550, U.S.A. In the United Kingdom and Eire, send to
Lexmark International Ltd., Marketing and Services Department, Westhorpe House, Westhorpe, Marlow
Bucks SL7 3RQ. Lexmark may use or distribute any of the information you supply in any way it believes
appropriate without incurring any obligation to you. You can purchase additional copies of publications
related to this product by calling 1-800-553-9727. In the United Kingdom and Eire, call +44 (0)8704 440
044. In other countries, contact your point of purchase.
References in this publication to products, programs, or services do not imply that the manufacturer
intends to make these available in all countries in which it operates. Any reference to a product, program,
or service is not intended to state or imply that only that product, program, or service may be used. Any
functionally equiv alent product, program, or service that does not infringe any existing intellectual property
right ma y be used instead. Evaluation and verification of operation in conjunction with other products,
programs, or services, except those expressly designated by the manufacturer, are the user’s
© 2004 Lexmark International, Inc.
All rights reserved.
This software and any accompanying documentation provided under this agreement are commercial
computer software and documentation developed exclusively at private expense.
Lexmark and Lexmark with diamond design, FontVision, MarkNet, and MarkVision are trademarks of
Lexmark International, Inc., registered in the United States and/or other countries.
OptraImage is a trademark of Lexmark International, Inc.

PCL® is a registered trademark of the Hewlett-Packard Company. PCL is Hewlett-Packard Company’s
designation of a set of printer commands (language) and functions included in its printer products. This
printer is intended to be compatible with the PCL language. This means the printer recognizes PCL
commands used in various application programs, and that the printer emulates the functions
corresponding to the commands.
PostScript® is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. PostScript 3 is Adobe Systems’
designation of a set of printer commands (language) and functions included in its software products. This
printer is intended to be compatible with the PostScript 3 language. This means the printer recognizes
PostScript 3 commands used in various application programs, and that the printer emulates the functions
corresponding to the commands.
Details relating to compatibility are included in the Technical Reference.
The following terms are trademarks or registered trademarks of these companies:
Albert us The Monotype C orporation plc
Antique Olive Monsieur Marcel OLIVE
Apple-Ch anc ery Apple Comp ute r, Inc.
Arial The Monotype Corporation plc
Candid Agfa Corporation
CG Omega Product of Agfa Corporation
CG Times Based on Times New Roman under license from The
Monotype Corporation plc, is a product of Agfa Corporation
Chicag o Apple Compute r, Inc.
Clarendon Linotype-Hell AG and/or its subsidiaries
Eurostile Nebiolo
Genev a Apple Comp ute r, Inc.
GillSans The Monotype Corporation plc
Helvetica Linotype-Hell AG and/or its subsidiaries
Hoefler Jonathan Hoefler Type Foundry
ITC Avant Garde Gothic International Typeface Corporation
ITC Bookman International Typeface Cor poration
ITC Lubalin Graph International Typeface Corporation
ITC Mona Lisa International Typeface Corporation
ITC Zapf Chancery International Typeface Corporation
Joanna The Monotype Corporation plc
Marigold Arthur B aker
Monaco Apple Comp ute r, Inc.
New York Apple Computer, Inc.
Oxford Arthur Baker
Palatino Linotype-Hell AG and/or its subsidiaries
Stempel Garamond Linotype-Hell AG and/or its subsidiaries
Taffy Agfa Corporation

Other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Licensing notice
The printer resident software contains:
•Software developed and copyrighted by Lexmark
•Lexmark modified software licensed under the provisions of the GNU General Public License
version 2 and the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1
•Software licensed under the BSD license and warranty statements
Click the title of the document you want to review:
The Lexmark modified GNU licensed software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the licenses referenced above. These licenses do not provide you any rights to the
Lexmark copyrighted software in this printer.
Since the GNU licensed software that the Lexmark modifications are based upon is supplied explicitly
without warranty, use of the Lexmark modified version is similarly provided without warranty. See the
warranty disclaimers in the referenced licenses for additional details.
To obtain source code files for the Lexmark modified GNU licensed software, launch the drivers CD that
shipped with your printer and click Contact Lexmark.
Safety information
•If your product is not marked with this symbol , it must be connected to an electrical outlet that is
properly grounded.
Times New Roman The Monotype Corporation plc
TrueType Apple Comp ute r, Inc.
Univers Linotype-Hell AG and/or its subsidiaries
Wingdings Microsoft Corporation
BSD License and Warranty statements
GNU General Public License

CAUTION: Do not use the fax f eature during a lightning storm. Do not set up this product or make
any electrical or cabling connections, such as the power cord or telephone, during a
lightning storm.
•The power cord must be connected to an electrical outlet that is near the product and easily
•Refer service or r epa ir s, ot he r t h an t hose descri b ed i n th e o p erati ng in struct i on s, to a pr ofessi on al
service person.
•This product is designed, tested, and approved to meet strict global safety standards with the use
of specific Lexmark components. The safety features of some parts may not always be obvious.
Lexmark is not responsible for the use of other replacement parts.
•Your product uses a laser.
CAUTION: Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than those
specified herein may result in hazardous radiation exposure.
•Your product uses a printing process that heats the print media, and the heat ma y cause the media
to release emissions. You must understand the section in your operating instructions that
discusses the guidelines for selecting print media to avoid the possibility of harmful emissions.
Cautions and warnings
CAUTION: A caution identifies something that might cause you harm.
WARNING:A warning identifies something that might damage your printer hardware or software.
Electronic emission notices
With a network cable or high-capacity output finisher installed
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) compliance information statement
The Lexmark C760, C762, types 5060-401, 5060-402, 5060-421, and 5060-422, has been tested and
f ound to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to P art 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation
is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this
device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
The FCC Class A limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when
the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate
radio frequency energ y and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, ma y cause
harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to
cause harmful interference, in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own

The manufacturer is not responsible for any radio or television interference caused by using other than
recommended cables or by unauthorized changes or modifications to this equipment. Unauthorized
changes or modifications could void the user's authority to operate this equipment.
Note: To assure compliance with FCC regulations on electromagnetic interference for a Class
A computing device, use a properly shielded and grounded cable such as Lexmark part
number 1329605 for parallel attach or 12A2405 for USB attach. Use of a substitute
cable not properly shielded and grounded may result in a violation of FCC regulations.
Industry Canada compliance statement
This Class A digital apparatus meets all requirements of the Canadian Interference-Causing Equipment
Avis de conformité aux normes de l’industrie du Canada
Cet appareil numérique de la classe A respecte toutes les exigences du Règlement sur le matériel
brouilleur du Canada.
European Community (EC) directives conformity
This product is in conf ormity with the protection requirements of EC Council directives 89/336/EEC and 73/
23/EEC on the approximation and harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to
electromagnetic compatibility and safety of electrical equipment designed for use within certain voltage
A declaration of conformity with the requirements of the directives has been signed by the Director of
Manufacturing and Techni ca l Supp ort, Lexmark Internati ona l, S.A., Boigny, France.
This product satisfies the Class A limits of EN 55022 and safety requirements of EN 60950.
Radio interference notice
WARNING:When a network cable or high-capacity output finisher is attached, this is a Class A
product. In a domestic environment, this product may cause radio interference, in which
case, the user may be required to take adequate measures.
Japanese VCCI notice
Korean MIC statement
If this symbol appears on your product, the accompanying statement is applicable.
This equipment has undergone EMC registration as a business product. It should not be used in a
residential area.

The United Kingdom Telecommunications Act 1984
This apparatus is approved under the approval number NS/G/1234/J/100003 for the indirect connections to
the public telecommunications systems in the United Kingdom.
Without a network cable or high-capacity output finisher installed
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) compliance information statement
The Lexmark C760, C762, types 5060-401, 5060-402, 5060-421, and 5060-422, has been tested and
f ound to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to P art 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation
is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this
device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
The FCC Class B limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a
residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not
installed and used in accordance with the instructions, ma y cause harmful interference to radio
communications. Howe v er, there is no guarantee that interf erence will not occur in a particular installation.
If this equipment does cause harmful interf erence to radio or tele vision reception, which can be determined
by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or
more of the following measures:
•Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
•Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
•Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is
•Consult your point of purchase or service representative for additional suggestions.
The manufacturer is not responsible for any radio or television interference caused by using other than
recommended cables or by unauthorized changes or modifications to this equipment. Unauthorized
changes or modifications could void the user's authority to operate this equipment.
Note: To assure compliance with FCC regulations on electromagnetic interference for a
Class B computing device, use a properly shielded and grounded cable such as
Lexmark part number 1329605 (parallel) or Lexmark part number 12A2405 (USB). Use
of a substitute cable not properly shielded and grounded ma y result in a violation of
FCC regulations.
Any questions regarding this compliance information statement should be directed to:
Industry Canada compliance statement
This Class B digital apparatus meets all requirements of the Canadian Interference-Causing Equipment
Dire ctor of Lexmark Technology & Servic es
Lexmark Internation al , Inc.
740 West New Circle Road
Lexington, KY 40550
(859) 232-3000

Avis de conformité aux normes de l’industrie du Canada
Cet appareil numérique de la classe B respecte toutes les exigences du Règlement sur le matériel
brouilleur du Canada.
European Community (EC) directives conformity
This product is in conf ormity with the protection requirements of EC Council directives 89/336/EEC and 73/
23/EEC on the approximation and harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to
electromagnetic compatibility and safety of electrical equipment designed for use within certain voltage
A declaration of conformity with the requirements of the directives has been signed by the Director of
Manufacturing and Techni ca l Supp ort, Lexmark Internati ona l, S.A., Boigny, France.
This product satisfies the Class B limits of EN 55022 and safety requirements of EN 60950.
Japanese VCCI notice
If this symbol appears on your product, the accompanying statement is applicable.
Korean MIC statement
If this symbol appears on your product, the accompanying statement is applicable.
This equipment has undergone EMC registration as a household product. It can be used in any area,
including a residential area.
The United Kingdom Telecommunications Act 1984
This apparatus is approved under the approval number NS/G/1234/J/100003 for the indirect connections to
the public telecommunications systems in the United Kingdom.

Noise emission levels
The following measurements were made in accordance with ISO 7779 and reported in conformance with
ISO 9296.
The EPA ENERGY STAR Office equipment program is a partnership effort with office equipment
manufacturers to promote the introduction of energ y-efficient products and to reduce air pollution caused
by power generation.
Companies participating in this program introduce products that power down when they are not being
used. This f eature will cut the energ y used by up to 50 percent. Lexmark is proud to be a participant in this
As an ENERGY STAR Partner, Lexmark International, Inc. has determined that this product meets the
ENERGY STAR guidelines for energy efficiency.
Laser notice
The printer is certified in the U .S . to conform to the requirements of DHHS 21 CFR Subchapter J for Class
I (1) laser products, and else where is certified as a Class I laser product conforming to the requirements of
IEC 60825-1.
Class I laser products are not considered to be hazardous. The printer contains internally a Class IIIb (3b)
laser that is nominally a 5 milliwatt gallium arsenide laser operating in the wavelength region of 770-795
nanometers. The laser system and printer are designed so there is never any human access to laser
radiation above a Class I lev el during normal operation, user maintenance, or prescribed service condition.
1-meter average sound pressure, dBA *
Printing 52 dBA
Idling 34 dBA
* These values are subject to change. See the
Lexmark C760, C762 Tech Spec section of the Lexmark Web
site for current information .

2More about installing driver s
Installing drivers for local printin g
The printer driver is software that lets your computer communicate with your printer.
The procedure to install drivers depends on the operating system you are using. Use the following table to
find driver installation instructions for your particular operating system. If you need additional help, refer to
the documentation that shipped with your computer and your software.
Some Windows operating systems may already include a printer driver that is compatible with your printer.
This may mean that installation will seem automatic in later versions of Windows. System printer drivers
work well for simple printing, but they contain less functionality than our enhanced custom printer driver.
Installing a custom driver will not replace the system driver. A separate printer object will be created and
appear in the Printers folder.
Use the drivers CD that shipped with your printer to install the custom printer driver and obtain all the
enhanced printer features and functionality.
Drivers are also av ailable in downloadable software packages on our Lexmark Web site at
Using Windows 95 and Windows 98 (first edition)
1Turn on your computer.
2Click Start Settings Printers, and then double-click Add Pr in t er.
Note: USB support is not available for the Windows 95 operating system.
3When prompted, select Loc al prin ter.
4Select the manufacturer and model of your printer, and then click Have Disk.
Note: Some Windows operating systems require that you have administrative access to
install printer drivers on your computer.
Operating system Go to page...
Windows 95, Windows 98 (First Edition) 13
Macintosh 14
Serial Printing 15

5Insert the drivers CD. If the CD launches automatically, click Exit to return to the Add Printer
6Specify the location of the custom printer driver on the drivers CD.
The path should be similar to the following:
Where X=the letter of your CD-ROM drive. For example, D:\Drivers\Print\Win_9xMe\English.
7Click OK.
It may take some time for the drivers to load.
8Close the drivers CD.
Mac OS 8.6 or later is required for USB printing. To print locally to a USB-attached printer, you must create a desktop
printer icon (Mac 8.6–9.x) or create a queue in Print Center or Print Server Setup Utility (Mac OS X).
Creating a desktop printer icon (Mac 8.6–9.x)
1Install a printer PostScript Printer Description (PPD) file on your computer.
aInsert the drivers CD.
bDouble-click Classic, and then double-click the installer package for your printer.
Note: A PPD file provides detailed information about the capabilities of a printer to your
Macintosh computer.
cChoose the language you want to use, and then click OK.
dClick Accept after you read the license agreement.
eClick Continue after you finish with the Readme file.
fChoose a default paper size.
gOn the Easy Install screen, click Install. All the necessary files are installed on your computer.
hClick Quit when installation is complete.
Note: A PPD for your printer is also available in a downloadable software package on our
Lexmark Web site at
2Do one of the following:
Mac 8.6–9.0: Open Apple LaserWriter.
Mac 9.1–9.x: Open Applications, and then click Utilities.
3Double-click Desktop Printer Utility.
4Select Printer (USB), and then click OK.

5In the USB Printer Selection section, click Change.
If your printer does not appear in the USB Printer Selection list, make sure the USB cable is
properly connected and the printer is turned on.
6Select the name of your printer, and then click OK. Your printer appears in the original Printer
(USB) window.
7In the PostScript Printer Description (PPD) File section, click Auto Setup. Make sure your printer
PPD now matches your printer.
8Click Create, and then click Save.
9Specify a printer name, and then click Save. Your printer is now saved as a desktop printer.
Serial connections
With serial printing, data is transferred one bit at a time. Although serial printing is usually slower than
parallel printing, it is the preferred option when there is a great deal of distance between your printer and
computer, or when a parallel interface is not available.
Before you can print, you must estab lish communication between your printer and computer. To do this,
you have to 1) set serial parameters in the printer, 2) install a printer driver on the attached computer, and
3) match the serial settings in the COM port.
Setting parameters in the printer
1On the printer operator panel, press Menu until Print Menus appears on the displa y, and then
press Select.
Note: For information about serial menus and messages, refer to the publications CD that
shipped with your printer.
2Press Menu until you see Serial Standard (or Serial Option X if you installed a serial
interface card) , and then press Select.
3Press Menu until you see the parameter you want to change, and then press Select.
4Press Menu until you see the correct setting, and then press Select.
Note the following restrictions:
–Maximum baud rate supported is 115,200.
–Data Bits must be set to 7 or 8.
–Parity must be set to Even, Odd, or None.
–Stop Bits must be set to 2.
–Flow Control recommen ded pr otoc ol setti ng is Xon/X off.
5Press Return to exit the menus when finished.
6Print a Menu Settings page and verify that your serial parameters are correct. Keep this page for
later use.
aPress Menu until you see UTILITIES MENU, and then press Select.
bPress Menu until you see Print Menus, and then press Select.

cLook under the Standard Serial (or Serial Option X if you installed a serial interface card)
heading to find the serial parameters.
Installing a printer driver
You must install a printer driver on the computer that is connected to the printer.
1Insert the drivers CD into your CD-ROM drive. It should launch automatically. If the CD does not
launch automatically, click Start Run, and then type the following in the Run dialog box:
2Click Install Printer Software.
3Click Agree to accept the Printer Software License Agreement.
4Select Local printer install, and then click Next.
5Check the box next to the printer you are installing, and then select the communications port
(COM1 or COM2) you want to use.
6Click Finish to complete the printer software installation.
Setting parameters in the communications (COM) port
After the printer driver is installed, you must set the serial parameters in the communications port assigned
to the printer driver.
The serial parameters in the communications port must match exactly to the serial parameters you set in
the printer.
1Click Start Settings Control Pa nel, and then double-click System.
2On the Device Manager tab, click + to expand the list of available ports.
3Select the communications port you assigned to the printer (COM1 or COM2).
4Click Properties.
5On the Port Settings tab, set the serial parameters to the exact same serial parameters in the
Look for the printer settings under the Serial Standard (or Serial Option X) heading on the Menu
Settings page you printed earlier.
6Click OK, and then close all the windows.
7Print a test page to verify printer installation.
aClick Start Settings Printers.
bSelect the printer you just created.
cClick File Properties.
dClick Print Te st Page. When a test page prints successfully, printer setup is complete.

Installing drivers for network printing
Printing a network setup page
If the printer is attached to a network, print a network setup page to verify the network connection. This
page also provides important information that helps you configure for network printing.
Note: If an optional MarkNet print server is installed, you see Print Net 1 Setu p on the
1Make sure the printer is on.
2Press Menu unti l you see U tilities Menu, and then press Select.
3Press Menu unti l you see P rint Net Setup , and then press Select. The network setup page
prints and the printer returns to Ready status.
4Check the first section on the network setup page and confirm that Status is “Connected.”
If Status is “Not Connected,” your LAN drop may not be active or your network cable may be
malfunctioning. Consult your network support person for a solution, and then print another network
setup page to verify that you are connected to your network.
After you have assigned and verified the TCP/IP settings, you are ready to install the printer on each
network computer.
Window s 95, Windows 98 (Fir s t Edition)
In Windows environments, network printers can be configured for direct printing or shared printing. Both
network printing methods require the installation of a printer driver and the creation of a network printer
Suppo rted prin ter dri vers
•Windows system printer driver
•Lexmark custom printer driver
System drivers are built into Windows operating systems. Custom drivers are available on the drivers CD.
Updated system and custom drivers are available on our Lexmark Web site at
1 Menu 2Select 3Return 4
Go 5Stop 6
Utilities Menu

Supported network printer ports
•Lexmark network port
F or basic printer functionality, you can install a system printer driver and use a system network printer port,
such as an LPR or a Standard TCP/IP port. The system printer driver and port let you maintain a
consistent user interface for use with all the printers on your network. However, using a custom printer
driver and network port provides enhanced functionality, such as printer status alerts.
Direct printing using Windows 95/98
With direc t printing :
•Printer is connected directly to the network using a network cable, such as Ethernet.
•Printer drivers are typically installed on each network computer.
To install a custom printer driver and network port:
1Launch the drivers CD.
2Click Install Software.
3Click Printer and Software.
4Click Agree to accept the license agreement.
5Select Suggested, and then click Next.
6Select Network Attached, and then click Next.
7Select your printer model from the list and then click Next.
8Click Add Port.
9Select Lexmark TCP/IP Network Port, and then click Add.
10 Enter the information to create the port.
aEnt er a port name.
This can be any name that you associate with the printer, such as Color1-lab4. After the port is created,
this name appears in the list of available ports.
Note: If you don’t know the IP address, print a network setup page and look under the TCP/
IP heading. For help, see “Printing a network setup page” on page 17 and refer to
“Verifying the IP settings” in the “Configure for TCP/IP” chapter of your Setup Guide.
bEnter the IP address in the text box.
11 Click Finish to complete the installation.
12 Print a test page to verify printer installation.

Note: A PostScript Printer Description (PPD) file provides detailed information about the
capabilities of a printer to your Macintosh computer.
To print to a network printer, each Macintosh user must install a custom PostScript Printer Description
(PPD) file and either create a desktop printer on the computer (Mac OS 8.6 to 9.x) or create a print queue
in Print Center (Mac OS X).
Mac 8.6–9.x
Step 1: Install a custom PPD file
1Insert the drivers CD.
2Double-click Classic, and then double-click the installer package for your printer.
Note: A PPD file provides detailed information about the capabilities of a printer to your
Macintosh computer.
3Choose the language you want to use, and then click OK.
4Click Accept after you read the license agreement.
5Click Continue after you finish with the Readme file.
6Choose a default paper size.
7On the Easy Install screen, click Install. All the necessary files are installed on your computer.
8Click Quit when installation is complete.
A PPD for your printer is also available in a downloadable software package on our Lexmark Web site at
Step 2: Create a desktop printer
1In the Chooser, select the LaserWriter 8 driver.
2If you have a routed network, select the default zone from the list. If you don’t know which zone to
select, look on the Network Setup page under AppleTalk for Zone.
3Select the new printer from the list.
4If you don’t know which printer to select, look on the Network Setup page under the Appletalk
heading to find the default name of the printer.
5Click Create.
6Make sure there is an icon next to the printer name in the Chooser.
7Close the Chooser window.
8Verify printer installation.
aClick the desktop printer icon you just created.

bChoose Printing Change Setup.
–If the PPD file displa yed in the PostScript Printer Description (PPD) file portion of the menu is
correct for your printer, printer setup is complete.
–If the PPD file displa yed in the PostScript Printer Description (PPD) file portion of the menu is
not correct for your printer, repeat “Step 1: Install a custom PPD file” on page 19.

Understanding the printer operator panel
The operator panel has five buttons, a display, and a light that flashes when the printer is processing a job
indicated by the Busy message.
Operator panel buttons
Button Function
Go Press Go to:
• Return to the Ready state if the printer is offline (the Ready message doe s not app ear on t he
• Exit printer menus and return to the Ready state.
• Clear some operator panel messages.
• Resume printing after loading paper or clearing paper jams.
•Exit Power Saver.
If yo u hav e ch anged printer s ettings fro m the oper ator panel menus , press Go bef ore sen ding a job
to print. The printer must display Ready for jobs to print.
Menu Press Menu to:
• Take the prin ter offli ne (out o f the Read y s tate) an d enter th e men us . When the printer is offlin e,
press Menu to scroll through the menus and menu items.
• List the menu items in the Job Menu (during Busy state).
F or menu item s that ha v e numerical v alues , such as Copies , press and ho ld Menu to scroll through
the list of values. Release the button when the number you want appears.
If you see a Men us Disabled message, you will not be able to change default settings. You can
still clear messages and select items from the Job Menu when printing. When you send a job to
print, change printer properties in the printer driver to select the settings you want for your job.
1 Menu 2Select 3Return4
Go5Stop 6

See the menu map for a brief overview of the printer menus available from the operator panel.
Sending a job to print
To print a job from a typical Windows application:
1Open the file you want to print.
2From the File menu, select Print.
3Verify that the correct printer is selected in the dialog box.
4Modify the printer settings as appropriate (such as the pages you want to print or the number of
Note: Click Properties or Setup to adjust printer settings not availab le from the first screen,
and click OK.
5Click OK or Print to send the job to the selected printer.
Select Press Select to:
• Open the menu shown on the second line of the display.
• Save the displayed menu item as the new user default setting.
• Clear certain messages from the display.
• Continue printing after the Change <x> message appears. See Change <x> for more
Return Press Return to go back to the previous menu level or menu item.
Stop Press Stop at the Ready, Busy, or Waiting message to temporarily take the printer offline. The
message changes to Not Ready. No data is lost.
Press Go to return the printer to the Ready, Busy, or Waiting state.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Use the numbers located next to the names of the buttons to enter your personal identification
number (PI N) after you send a confidential jo b.
Button Function

Canceling a print job
From the printer operator panel
If the job you want to cancel is printing, and Busy appears on the display:
1Press Menu unti l you see J ob Menu, and then press Select.
2Press Menu unti l you see C ancel Job , and then press Select.
From the Windows taskbar
When you send a job to print, a small printer icon appears in the right corner of the taskbar.
1Double-click the printer icon. A list of print jobs appears.
2Select the job you want to cancel.
3Press Delete on your keyboard.
From a Windows desktop
1Minimize all programs to re veal the contents of the desktop.
2Double-click My Computer.
3Double-click Printers. A list of available printers appears.
4Double-click the printer you selected when you sent the job. A list of print jobs appears.
5Select the job you want to cancel.
6Press Delete on your keyboard.
From a Macintosh computer
When you send a job to print, the icon for your selected printer appears on the desktop.
1Double-click the printer icon on your desktop. A list of print jobs appears.
2Press Control and click the print job you want to cancel.
3Select Stop Queue from the pop-up menu that appears.

Loading the trays
Helpful hints:
•Never mix media types within a tray.
•Flex the print media back and forth to loosen the sheets, and then fan them. Do not fold or crease
the print media. Straighten the edges of the stack on a level surface.
WARNING:Never remove paper trays while a print job is pr inting. It could damage the tray or
the printer.
Loading 500-sheet trays
Follow these instructions to load any of the 500-sheet trays.
1Remove the tray and place it on a flat, level surface.
2Squeeze the front guide lever and slide the guide to the front of the tray.
3Squeeze the side guide lever and slide the guide to the correct position for the size paper you are
Icons along the back of the tray indicate paper sizes.

4Flex the sheets back and forth to loosen them, and then fan them.
Do not fold or crease the paper. Straighten the edges of the stack on a level surface.
5Place the paper in the tra y as shown, print side down.
Do not load bent or wrinkled paper.
Note: Do not exceed the maximum stack height. Overfilling the tray may cause jams.
6Squeeze the front guide lever and slide the guide until it firmly touches the stack of paper.
7Reinstall the tray.
Make sure the tray is pushed completely into the printer.
Maximum stack height

8If you are loading a different type of media than was pre viously loaded in the tray, change the
Paper Type setting for that tray on the operator panel.
See Paper Type on page 62 for more information.
Loading the 2000-sheet tray
Follow these instructions to load a 2000-sheet tray. Do not load any print media other than paper in the
2000-sh eet tray.
1Pull open the tray.
2Squeeze the side guide lever, lift the guide, and place it into the appropriate slot for the size paper
you are loading.
3Squeeze the two front guide le vers and slide the guide to the correct position f or the size paper you
are loading.
A4 A4
B5 B5
A5 A5

4Slide the bottom support toward the front of the tray until it touches the front guide.
5Flex the sheets back and forth to loosen them, and then fan them.
Do not fold or crease the paper. Straighten the edges of the stack on a level surface.
6Place the paper against the back left corner of the tray, print side down.
Do not load bent or wrinkled print media.
7Close the tray.
Make sure the tray is pushed completely into the printer.
Note: Do not exceed the maximum stack height. Overfilling the tray may cause paper jams.

Loading the multipurpose feeder
You can use the multipurpose feeder one of two ways:
•Paper tray—As a paper tra y, you can load paper or specialty media in the feeder with the intention
of leaving the media in the f eeder.
•Manual bypass feeder—As a manual bypass feeder, you send a print job to the feeder while
specifying the type and size of media from your computer . The printer then prompts you to load the
appropriate print media before it prints.
To load the multipurpose feeder:
1Open the multipurpose feeder.
2Squeeze the paper guide lever and slide the guide all the way toward the front of the printer.
3Flex the sheets back and forth to loosen them, and then fan them. Do not fold or crease the print
media. Straighten the edges of the stack on a level surface.

4Arrange the stack of paper or specialty media correctly for the size, type, and print method you are
5Place the paper or specialty media, print side up, along the left side of the multipurpose feeder,
and then push it in as far as it will easily go .
Do not force the media.
Note: Do not exceed the maximum stack height. Overfilling the feeder may cause jams.
6Squeeze the paper guide lever and slide the guide until it lightly touches the side of the stack.
7If you are loading a different type of media than was pre viously loaded in the tray, change the
Paper Type setting for that tray on the operator panel.
See Paper Type on page 62 for more information.

Printing on specialty media (transparencies, labels, other)
Follow these instructions when you want to print on media such as transparencies, card stock, glossy
paper, labels, or envelopes.
1Load the media as specified for the tray you are using. For help, see any of the following:
–Loading the trays
–Loading the multipurpose feeder
2From the printer operator panel, set the Paper Type and Paper Size according to the media you
loaded. If the type of the media you are loading is the same as the media previously loaded, you
do not need to change the Paper Type setting.
Note: Paper Size cannot be adjusted when auto size sensing is enabled. Auto size sensing
is enabled by default for printer trays, but is not available for the multipurpose feeder.
To change a Paper Type or Paper Size setting:
aPress Menu unti l you see P aper Men u, and then press Select.
bPress Menu unti l you see P aper Typ e (or Paper Size), and then press Select.
Tray 1 Type (or Tr ay 1 Size) appears on the second line of the displa y.
cPress Select if you want to change the Tray 1 Type (or Tray 1 Size) setting, or press Menu to
scroll to another source.
dPress Menu to scroll through a list of possible paper types (or sizes).
eWhen you see the correct paper type (or size), press Select to save the type as the default.
fPress Go to return the printer to the Ready state.
3From the computer software application, set the paper type, size, and source according to the
media you loaded.
aIn your word processor, spreadsheet, browser, or other application, select File Print.
bClick Properties (or Options, Printer, or Setup, depending on the application) to view the
printer driver settings.
cSelect the tray containing the specialty media from the Form Source list box.
dSelect your media type (transparencies, envelopes, and so on) from the Media Type list box.
eSelect the size of the specialty media from the Form Type list box.
fClick OK, and then send your print job as usual.
Mac OS 8.6–9.x
aIn your word processor, spreadsheet, browser, or other application, select File Page Setup.

bSelect the paper size from the Paper pop-up menu.
cClick OK.
dSelect File Print.
eSelect the General panel, and then select the paper source from the pop-up menus as
fSelect the Imaging panel, and then select the paper type from the Paper Type pop-up menu.
gSend your print job as usual.
Mac OS X
aIn your word processor, spreadsheet, browser, or other application, select File Page Setup.
bSelect the paper size from the Paper Size pop-up menu.
cClick OK.
dSelect File Print.
eSelect the Imaging panel, and then select the paper type from the Paper Type pop-up menu.
fSelect the Paper Feed panel, and then select the paper source from the pop-up menus as
gSend your print job as usual.
Linking trays
•If you load the same size and type of paper or specialty media in more than one tray, the printer
automatically links the trays. This means that when one tray is empty, it feeds from the next linked
For example, if you have the same size and type of paper or specialty media loaded in tray 2 and
tray 4, the printer feeds from tray 2 until it becomes empty, and then it feeds from the next linked
tray—tray 4.
•If you load the same size paper or specialty media in each tray, make sure it is also all the same
type to link the trays.
Once the trays you selected are loaded with the same size and type of paper or specialty media,
select the same Paper Type setting in the Paper Menu for these sources.
•To disable tray linking, set the Paper Type or Paper Size to a unique value in each one of the

Linking output bins
If you attach an optional finisher or mailbox to your printer, you can link output bins, or otherwise specify
how the printer sends jobs to the bins, by changing the Configure Bins settings in the Paper Menu.
To change the Configure Bins setting:
1Press Menu unti l you see P aper Men u, and then press Select.
2Press Menu unti l you see C onfigure Bins , and then press Select. Mailbox appears on the
second line of the display.
3Press Menu unti l you see the value you want, and then press Select to save the value as the bin
configuration default.
4Press Go to return the printer to the Ready state.
For more information, see Configure Bins and Bin <x> Full.
Holding a job in the printer
When sending a job to the printer, you can specify in the driver that you want the printer to hold the job in
memory. When you are ready to print the job, y ou must go to the printer and use the operator panel menus
to identify which held job you want to print.
Note: Print and Hold functions require a minimum of 128MB available printer memory. We
recommend a minimum of 256MB available printer memory and a hard disk.
Printing and deleting held jobs
Once held jobs are stored in printer memory, you can use the printer operator panel to specify what you
want to do with one or more of the jobs. You can select either Confidential Job or Held Jobs (Repeat Print,
Reserve Print, and Verify Print jobs) from the Job Menu. If y ou select Confidential Job, you must enter the
personal identification number (PIN) you specified in the driver when you sent the job. See Confidential
jobs for more information.
Value Description
Mailbox Lets you select an output bin when you send a job to print. (If you prefer, you can select a
default output bin for all print jobs to go to.) The printer alerts you when the bin you selected
becomes full, and stops printing until you empty the bin.
Link Links all available bins so that when one bin becomes full, the printer sends jobs to the next
linked bin.
Mail Overflow* Sends jobs automatically to a preassigned overflow bin when the current bin becomes full.
Type Assignment Lets you assign different types of media to specific output bins or set of linked bins. The
printer then sends all printed media to the bin or set of linked bins that you designated to
receive each type of paper or specialty media.
* Only available if you have attached an optional mailbox.

From either the Confidential Job or the Held Jobs menu items, you have five choices:
•Print All Jobs
•Print A Job
•Delete All Jobs
•Delete A Job
•Print Copies
Accessing held jobs from the operator panel
1To access held jobs from the operator panel:
–If the printer is Busy, press Menu and the Job Menu appears.
–If the printer is Ready, continue to step 2.
2Press Menu unti l you see H eld Jobs or Conf idential Job on the operator panel display,
depending on the type of job you want to access.
3Press Select.
User Na me appears on the first line of the operator panel. The second line displays the names of
users currently associated with Print and Hold jobs.
4Press Menu until you see your user name.
Note: If you are looking for a Confidential Job, you are prompted to enter your PIN. See
Confidential jobs for more information.
5Press Select.
6Press Menu until the action you want to take is on the second line of the operator panel (Print A
Job, Delete A Job, and so on).
7Press Select.
–If y ou a re loo king for a pa rticul ar job, pres s Menu to scroll through the list of av ailable jobs, and
press Select when the correct job is displayed. An asterisk (*) appears next to the job name,
indicating you have chosen to print or delete that job.
–If you are prompted to enter the number of copies you want to print, use Menu to increase or
decrease the number on the display, and then press Select.
8Press Go to print or delete specific jobs you have marked.
The printer briefly shows messages indicating what Print and Hold functions it is performing.
Recognizing when format errors occur
If the symbol appears on the displa y, it indicates that the printer had trouble formatting one or more of
the held jobs. These formatting problems are most commonly the result of insufficient printer memory or
invalid data that might cause the printer to flush the job.

When a symbol appears next to a held job, you can:
•Print the job. Be aw are, howe ver, that only part of the job may print.
•Delete the job. You may want to free up additional printer memory by scrolling through the list of
held jobs and deleting others you have sent to the printer.
If formatting errors are a recurring problem with held jobs, your printer may require more memory.
Repeat Print
If you send a Repeat Print job, the printer prints all requested copies of the job and stores the job in
memory so you can print additional copies later . You can print additional copies as long as the job remains
stored in memory.
Note: Repeat Print jobs are automatically deleted from printer memory when the printer
requires extra memory to process additional held jobs.
Reserve Print
If you send a Reserve Print job, the printer does not print the job immediately, b ut stores the job in memory
so you can print the job later. The job is held in memory until you delete it from the Held Jobs menu.
Reserve Print jobs may be deleted if the printer requires extra memory to process additional held jobs.
See Printing and deleting held jobs for information.
Verify Print
If you send a Verify Print job, the printer prints one copy and holds the remaining copies you requested
from the driver in printer memory. Use Verify Print to examine the first copy to see if it is satisfactory before
printing the remaining copies.
See Printing and deleting held jobs if you need help printing the additional copies stored in memory.
Note: Once all copies are printed, the Verify Print job is deleted from printer memory.

Confidential jobs
When you send a job to the printer, you can enter a personal identification number (PIN) from the driver.
The PIN must be f our digits, using the numbers 1–6. The job is then held in printer memory until you enter
the same four-digit PIN from the printer operator panel and choose to print or delete the job. This ensures
that the job does not print until you are there to retrieve it, and no one else using the printer can print the
When you select Confidential Job from the Job Menu and then select your user name, the f ollowing prompt
is displayed:
Enter P IN:
Use the buttons on the operator panel to enter the four-digit PIN associated with your confidential job. The
numbers next to the button names identify which b utton to press for each digit (1–6). As you enter the PIN,
asterisks are displayed on the operator panel to ensure confidentiality.
If you enter an inv alid PIN, the message No Jobs Found. Retry? appears. Press Go to reenter the PIN,
or press Stop to exit the Confidential Job menu.
When you enter a valid PIN, you have access to all print jobs matching the user name and PIN you
entered. The print jobs matching the PIN you entered appear on the display when you enter the Print A
Job, Delete A Job, and Print Copies menu items. You can then choose to print or delete jobs matching the
PIN you entered. (See Printing and deleting held jobs for more information.) After printing the job, the
printer deletes the confidential job from memory.
1 Menu 2Select 3Return4
Go5Stop 6
Enter PI N

Tips for successful printing
Storing paper
Use the following guidelines to avoid paper feeding problems and uneven print quality.
•Store paper in an environment where the temperature is approximately 21°C (70°F) and the
relative humidity is 40%.
•Store cartons of paper on a pallet or shelf rather than directly on the floor.
•If you store individual packages of paper out of the original carton, make sure they rest on a flat
surface so the edges do not buckle or curl.
•Do not place anything on top of paper packages.
•Store paper in its original wrapper until you load it into the printer.
Storing supplies
Choose a cool, clean storage area for your printer supplies. Store supplies right side up in their original
packaging until you are ready to use them.
Do not expose supplies to:
•Direct sunlight
•Temperatur es above 35 °C (95°F)
•High humidity (above 80%)
•Salty air
•Corrosive gases
•Heavy dust

Avoiding jams
You can avoid most paper jams by correctly loading paper and specialty media in the printer.
See the f ollowing for loading instructions:
•Loading 500-sheet trays
•Loading the 2000-sheet tray
•Loading the multipurpose feeder
The following hints can help you avoid paper jams:
•Use only recommended paper. Refer to the Card Stock & Label Guide available on our Lexmark
Web site at for more information about which paper provides optimum results
for your printing environment.
•Do not remove paper trays while a job is printing. Wait for a Load T ray <x> or Ready message
before you remove the tray.
•If you need detailed information before purchasing large quantities of customized paper, refer to
the Card Stock & Label Guide.
•Do not load wrinkled, creased, or damp paper.
•Never mix media types within a tray.
•Flex, fan, and straighten paper before you load it.
•Do not overload the trays or the multipurpose feeder. Make sure the stack height does not exceed
the maximum height indicated.
•Push all trays firmly into the printer after loading them.
•Make sure the guides in the trays are properly positioned for the size paper you have loaded.
•Do not send jobs to staple, hole punch, or offset for transparencies, labels, or card stock.
•We recommend that transparencies, labels, card stock, and envelopes not be sent to the optional
mailbox or optional finisher. These specialty media types should be sent to the standard bin.
•If an optional finisher or mailbox is attached, make sure the printer and option are correctly
aligned. Refer to the Setup Guide for alignment instructions.
•Make sure all cables that connect the high capacity feeder or finisher to the printer are correctly
attached. Refer to the Setup Guide for more information.
•If a jam should occur, clear the entire paper path. See Clearing the entire paper path for more

4P aper and specialty media
The following table lists supported paper and specialty media sizes and types f or the standard and optional
trays, as well as for the multipurpose feeder. We recommend that you try a limited sample of any paper or
specialty media you are considering using with the printer before purchasing large quantities.
For more details about the types of paper and specialty media your printer supports, refer to the Card
Stock & Label Guide available on our Lexmark Web site at
Source Paper sizes supported Paper types supported Capacity
500-sheet trays Letter, A4, A5, Legal,
Executive, JIS B5, Folio1,
Statement1, Univ ers al2,3
Paper, transparencies,
labels , ca rd stock • 500 sheets of 20 lb paper
• 350 transparencies5
• 200 sheets of lab el s or c ard stock 4,5
2000-sheet tray Letter, A4, A5, Legal,
Executive, JIS B5 Paper 2000 sheets of 20 lb pa per
feeder Letter, A4, A5, Legal,
Executive, JIS B5, Folio1,
Statement1, Univ ers al2,3
Paper, transparencies,
labels , ca rd stock • 100 sheets of 20 lb paper
• 75 transparencies5
• 40 sheets of labels or card stock4,5
7¾, 9, 10, DL, C5, B5, other6Envelope s 10 envelopes
1 Supported as selected paper with tray size sensing turned off in the appropriate trays.
2 When selected, the page is formatted for 215.9 x 355.6 mm (8.5 x 14 in.) unless otherwise specified.
3 Load narrow media with the length in the feed direction (portrait).
4 If you print large quantities of labels or other glossy print media, have your fuser housing replaced with a web oiler
field upgrade kit.
5 Capacity varies with media weight and construction. The printer can print directly on transparencies designed for
use in laser printers. Print quality and durability depend on the transparency used. Always print samples on the
tran spa ren cies you are con si deri ng before buying large quan tities.
For transparencies, the Paper Type setting should be set to Transparency to help prevent jams. (See Pape r Type
for detailed information about this setting.) Check with the manufacturer or vendor to determine whether your
transparencies are compatible with laser printers that heat transparencies to 212°C (414°F). Use only
transparencies that are able to withstand these temperatures without melting, discoloring, offsetting, or releasing
hazardous emissions.
6 Size can vary from 98.4 x 62 mm to 176 x 250 mm (3.87 x 6.38 in. to 6.93 x 9.84 in.).

The printer supports the f ollowing standard print media sizes. The Univ ersal setting lets you select custom
sizes up to the maximum specified.
Print media Source
(210 x 29 7 mm)
(148 x 21 0 mm)
(182 x 25 7 mm)
(5.5 x 8.5 in.)
(8.5 x 11 in.)
(8.5 x 13 in.)
(8.5 x 14 in.)
(7.25 x 10.5 in.)
(5.5 x 8.27 in.
(2.75 x 5 in.
(5.83 x 7.17 in.
Plain paper 1, 2
Grain long (Light):
60–74.9 g/m2 (16–19.9 lb bond)
Grain long (Normal):
75–119.9 g/m2 (20–31.9 lb bond)
Grain long (Heavy):
120–176 g/m2 (32–47 lb bond)
500 7 ••••••••• •
2000 8••••••
MPF 9 •••••••••••
Card stock 2
Upper limit, grain long:
Index Bristol:163 g/m2 (90 lb)
Tag:163 g/m2 (100 lb)
Cover:176 g/m2 (65 lb)
Upper limit, grain short:
Index Bristol:199 g/m2 (110 lb)
Tag:203 g/m2 (125 lb)
Cover:216 g/m2 (80 lb)
500 ••••••••• •
MPF •••••••••••
161–169 g/m2 (43–45 lb bond) 500 ••
MPF ••
Glossy paper
Gloss Book, grain long:
88–176 g/m2 (60–120 lb book)
Gloss Cover, grain long:
162–176 g/m2 (60–65 lb cover)
500 ••••••••• •
2000 ••••••
MPF •••••••••••
1P aper less t han 75 g/m2 (20 lb) is li mited to si mple x
only at less than 60% relative humidity and is not
supported in duplex. The duplex option supports
the same weights and types as the printer except
for paper 60-74.9 g/m2 (16-19.9 lb) grain long
bond, A5 cardsto ck, en velop es, transp aren cies,
vinyl labels, and polyester labels.
2For 60–176 g/m2 (16–65 lb) paper, grain long
fibers are recommen ded. For papers heavier than
176 g/m2 (65 lb), grain short is preferred.
3Multipurpose feeder weights
Paper:199 g/m2 (53 lb)
Dual-Web:199 g/m2 (53 lb)
Vinyl:260 g/m2 (78 l b liner)
4Vinyl labels are supported
only when printing
environments and media are
20–32.2°C (68–90°F).
5Pre s sure sensit ive area must
enter the printer first.
6Sulfite, wood-free, or up to
100% cotton bon d.
100% cotton content maximum
weight is
90 g/m2 (24 lb) bond.
28 lb bond envelopes are limited
to 25% cotton content.
7500-sheet tray
82000-sheet tray
9Multipurpose feeder

Selecting print media
The laser printing process heats paper to high temperatures 160°C (320°F). Use only paper able to
withstand these temperatures without discoloring, bleeding, or releasing hazardous emissions. Check with
the manufacturer or vendor to determine whether the paper you have chosen is acceptable for laser
Preprinted papers such as letterhead must be able to withstand temperatures up to 160°C (320°F) without
melting or releasing hazardous emissions. Use papers printed with heat-resistant inks designed for use in
xerographic copiers. The ink must withstand temperatures of 160°C (320°F) without melting or releasing
hazardous emissions. Use inks that are not affected by the resin in toner or the silicone in the fuser. Inks
that are oxidation-set or oil-based should meet these requirements; late x inks might not. If y ou are in doubt,
contact your paper supplier.
Paper: 3 180 g/m2 (48lbbond)
Dual-Web: 3180 g/m2 (48 lb bond)
Polyester: 220 g/m2 (59 lb bond)
Vinyl: 3, 4300 g/m2 (92 lb bond)
500 ••••••••• •
MPF •••••••••••
Integrated forms (labels) 5
Pressure sensitive area:
140–175 g/m2
Paper base (grain long):
75–135 g/m2 (20–36 lb bond)
500 ••••••••• •
MPF •••••••••••
Envelope 6
60–105 g/m2 (16–28 lb bond) MPF 7¾ Envelope (3.875 x 7.5 in.)
9 Envelope (3.875 x 8.9 in.)
10 Envelope (4.12 x 9.5 in.)
Other Envelope (98.4 x 162
mm to 176 x 250 mm)
DL Envelope (110 x 220 mm)
C5 Envelope (162 x 229 mm)
B5 Envelope (176 250 mm)
Print media Source
(210 x 29 7 mm)
(148 x 21 0 mm)
(182 x 25 7 mm)
(5.5 x 8.5 in.)
(8.5 x 11 in.)
(8.5 x 13 in.)
(8.5 x 14 in.)
(7.25 x 10.5 in.)
(5.5 x 8.27 in.
(2.75 x 5 in.
(5.83 x 7.17 in.
1P aper less t han 75 g/m2 (20 lb) is li mited to si mple x
only at less than 60% relative humidity and is not
supported in duplex. The duplex option supports
the same weights and types as the printer except
for paper 60-74.9 g/m2 (16-19.9 lb) grain long
bond, A5 cardsto ck, en velop es, transp aren cies,
vinyl labels, and polyester labels.
2For 60–176 g/m2 (16–65 lb) paper, grain long
fibers are recommen ded. For papers heavier than
176 g/m2 (65 lb), grain short is preferred.
3Multipurpose feeder weights
Paper:199 g/m2 (53 lb)
Dual-Web:199 g/m2 (53 lb)
Vinyl:260 g/m2 (78 l b liner)
4Vinyl labels are supported
only when printing
environments and media are
20–32.2°C (68–90°F).
5Pre s sure sensit ive area must
enter the printer first.
6Sulfite, wood-free, or up to
100% cotton bon d.
100% cotton content maximum
weight is
90 g/m2 (24 lb) bond.
28 lb bond envelopes are limited
to 25% cotton content.
7500-sheet tray
82000-sheet tray
9Multipurpose feeder

Check with the manufacturer or vendor to determine whether your transparencies are compatible with laser
printers that heat transparencies to 150°C (302°F). Use only transparencies that are able to withstand
these temperatures without melting, discoloring, offsetting, or releasing hazardous emissions. For detailed
information, refer to the Card Stock & Label Guide , which is available on the Lexmark Web ite at
Use envelopes that can withstand temperatures of 155°C (311°F) without sealing, excessive curling,
wrinkling, or releasing hazardous emissions. If you have any doubts about the envelopes you are
considering using, check with the envelope supplier.
Your printer can print on many labels designed for use with laser printers. These labels are supplied in
letter size , A4 size, and legal size sheets. Label adhesives , face sheet (printable stock), and topcoats must
be able to withstand temperatures of 155°C (311°F).
Avoiding paper jams
The following hints can help you avoid paper jams:
•Do not remove paper trays while a job is printing. Wait for a Load T ray <x> or Ready message
before you remove the tray.
•Use only recommended paper.
•Do not load wrinkled, creased, or damp paper.
•Flex, fan, and straighten paper before you load it.
•Do not overload the trays or the multipurpose feeder. Make sure the stack height does not exceed
the maximum height indicated.
•Push all trays firmly into the printer after loading them.
•Make sure the guides in the trays are properly positioned for the size paper you have loaded.
•Do not send jobs to staple, hole punch, or offset for transparencies, labels, or card stock.
•We recommend that transparencies, labels, card stock, and envelopes not be sent to the optional
mailbox or optional finisher. These specialty media types should be sent to the standard bin.
•If an optional finisher or mailbox is attached to your printer, make sure the printer and option are
correctly aligned. Refer to the Setup Guide that came with your printer or option for alignment
•Make sure all cables that connect the high capacity feeder or finisher to the printer are correctly
attached. Refer to the Setup Guide for more information.
•If a jam should occur, clear the entire paper path.

5Using printer men us
Select a menu or menu item for more details.
Paper Me nu
Paper Source
Paper Size
Paper Type
Custom Types
Output Bin
Configure Bins
Overflow Bin
Assign Type/Bin
Substitute Size
Configure MP
Paper Texture
Paper Weight
Paper Loading
Universal Setup
Supplies Menu
<color> Toner
Waste Bottle
Finishi ng Menu
Duplex Bind
Blank Pages
Separator Sheets
Separator Source
Hole Punch
Offset Pages
Staple Job
Staple Prime Src
Multipage Print
Multipage Order
Multipage View
Multipage Border
Color Menu
Color Adjust
Color Balance
Color Correction
Color Samples
Color Saver
Manual Color
Print Mode
Print Resolution
Toner Darkness
Job Menu
Cancel Job
Reset Printer
Print Buf fer
Cancel Fax
Confidential Job
Held Jobs
Rese t Act i ve Bin
Utilities Menu
Print Menus
Print Net <x> Setup
Print Fonts
Print Demo
Print Directory
Factory Defaults
Form at Flash
Defragment Flash
Form at Disk
Job Acct Stat
Hex Trace
Color Alignment
Coverage Estimator
Setup Menu
Printer Language
Printer Usage
Power Saver
Resource Save
Download Target
Print Timeout
Auto Continue
Wait Timeout
Jam Recovery
P age Protect
Display Language
Alarm Control
Hole Punch Alarm
Staple Alarm
Toner Alar m
Job Accounting
Print Area
Black & White Lock
PCL Emul Menu
Font Source
Font Name
Point Size
Symbol Set
Lines per Page
A4 Width
A uto CR after LF
Auto LF after CR
Tray Renumber
PostScript Men u
Print PS Error
Font Priority
Image Smoothing
Serial Menu
PCL SmartS w itc h
PS SmartSwitch
NPA Mode
Serial Buffer
Job Buffer ing
Serial Protocol
Robust XON
Data Bits
Honor DSR
Network Menu
PCL SmartS w itch
PS SmartSwitch
MAC Binary PS
NPA Mode
Network Buffer
Job Buffering
Network <x> Setup
Std Net Setup
USB Menu
PCL SmartS w itch
PS SmartSwitch
MAC Binary PS
NPA Mode
USB Bu ffer
Job Buffering
Parallel Menu
PCL SmartSw itch
PS SmartSwitch
NPA Mode
Parallel Buffer
Job Buffering
Advanced Status
Honor Init
Parallel Mode 1
Parallel Mode 2
MAC Binary PS
Help Menu
Print All
Help Guide
Printing Guide
Supplies Guide
Print Quality
Color Quality
Media Guide
Connection Guide
Moving Guide
Print Defec ts
Jam Clearance

Color Menu
Use the Color Menu to adjust print quality and customize color printing.
Note: Values marked by an asterisk (*) are the factory default settings.
Menu Item Purpose Values
Color Adjust To manually recalibrate the color
conversion tables, adjusting for var iati ons
in output that can occur as a result of
changing conditions, such as room
temperature or humidity.
No selections exist for this operation.
Pressing Select initiates this operation.
Balance To provide users with the ability to make
subtle color adjustments to printed output
by increasing or decreasing the amount of
toner being used for each color plane
Note: This function is only applied to files
printed using the PostScript driver.
Cyan -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0*, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
• -5 is maximum decrease
• 5 is maximum increase
Reset Defaults Sets values for Cyan, Magenta,
Yellow, and Black to 0 (zero).
Correction To adjust the printed color to better match
the colors of other output devices or
stand ard co lor sy stems.
Note: Due to the differences between
additive and subtractive colors, certain
colors that appear on your monitor are
impossible to duplicate on your printer.
Auto* Applies different color conversion
tables to each object on the
printed page depending upon the
type of objec t and how the color
for each object is specified.
Off No color correction is
Manual Lets you customize the color
conversion tables applied to each
object on the printed page
dependin g upon th e type of obje ct
and how the color for each object
is specified. Customization is
performed using the selections
available under the Manual Color
menu item.

Samples To assist users in selecting colors to be
printed. Use rs can print co lor samples
pages for each of the RGB and CMYK
color conversion tables used in the printer.
The color samples pages consist of a
series of colo red bo x es along w ith the RGB
or CMYK combination that creates the
color observed for each par ticular box.
These pa ges can be u seful in hel ping users
decide which RGB or CMYK combinations
to use in their software applications to
create the desi red prin ted co lor outp ut.
sRGB Display Prints RGB samples using
sRGB Display color conversion
sRGB Vivid Prints RGB samples using
sRGB Vivid color conversion
Off–RGB Prints RGB samples using Off (or
no) color conversion tables.
Vivid Prints RGB samples using Vivid
color conversion tables.
US CMYK Prints CMYK samples using
US CMYK color conversion
Euro CMYK Prints CMYK samples using
Euro CMYK color conversion
Off–CMYK Prints CMYK samples using Off
(or no) color conversion tables.
Vivid CMYK Prints CMYK samples using
Vivid CMYK color conversion
Color Saver To conserve toner. If selected, this set t in g
overrides Toner Darkness settings. Off* Prints using Toner Darkness
On Applies a lower Toner Darkness
Toner Darkness setting is ignored.
Menu Item Purpose Values

Manual Color To let users customize the RGB or C M YK
color co nv ersio ns app lied to eac h object on
the printed page. Color conversion of the
data specified using RGB combinations
can be customized based on object type
(text, graphics, or image).
RGB Image •sRGB Display*: Applies a
col or conversion table to
produce output that
approximates the color s
displayed on a computer
•sRGB Vivid: Increases color
satur ation f or the sRGB Displ ay
color conversion table.
Pref erred f or b usines s grap hics
and text.
•Off: No color conversion is
•Vivid: Applies a color
conversion table that produces
brighter, more saturated colors.
RGB T ext •sRGB Display
•sRGB Vivid*
RGB Graphics
CMYK •US CMYK (default for 120V
machines): Applies a color
c onversi on tabl e t o
approximate SWOP color
•Euro CMYK (default for 220V
machines): Applies color
c onversi on tabl e t o
approximate EuroScale color
•Vivid CMYK: Increas es color
saturation for the US CMYK
color conversion table.
•Off: No color conversion is
Print Mode To determine whether files are printed in a
monoch rome grayscale or in color. Color*
Blac k & Whit e
Resolution To define the number o f dots printed per
inch (dpi). 4800 CQ* Default setting.
1200 dpi Provides the highest resolution
output whic h generates p refe rable
output for cer tain images and
graphics. This setting also
provides increased gloss.
Menu Item Purpose Values

Finishing Menu
Use the Finishing Menu to define how the printer delivers the printed output.
Note: Values marked by an asterisk (*) are the factory default settings.
Darkness To lighten or darken printed output, or
conserve toner.
Note: Setting Toner Darkness to values of
1, 2, or 3 is only effective when using the
PostScr ipt driver.
5If Print Mode is Black & White, a
setting of 5 increases toner
density and darkness to all print
jobs (PCL or PostScript). If Print
Mode is C olor, a set ting of 5 is the
same as 4.
4* Default toner darkness setting.
3Reduction in toner consumption.
2Further reducti on in toner
1Maximum reduction in toner
Menu Item Purpose Values
Blank Pages To specify whether to include
application-generated blank pages as
part of your printed output.
Do Not Print* Does not print application-generated
blank pages as part of your job.
Print Prints application-generated blank
pages as par t of your job.
Collation To keep the pages of a print job
stacked in sequence when printing
multiple copies of the job.
Off* Prints each page of a job the number
of times spec ifi ed by the Copi es me n u
item. F or e xam ple , if yo u set Copies to
2 and send three pages to print, the
printer prints page 1, page 1, page 2,
page 2, page 3, page 3.
On Prints entire job the num ber of time s
specified by the Copies menu item. F or
example, if you set Copies to 2 and
send three pages to print, the printer
prints page 1, page 2, page 3, page 1,
page 2, page 3.
Copies To set the number of copies you want
for the printer default value. (Set the
number of copies required for a
specific job from the printer driver.
Values selected from the printer driver
alw ays o verride v a lu es selected from
the operator panel.)
1...999 (1*)
Duplex To set duplexing as the default for all
print jobs. (Select Duplex from the
printer driver to duplex only specific
Off* Prints on one side of the paper.
On Prints on both sides of the paper.
Menu Item Purpose Values

Duplex Bind To define the way duplexed pages
would be bound, and how the printing
on the back of the sheet (even-
numbered pages) is oriented in
relation to the printing on the front
(odd-num bere d pages).
Long Edge* Assumes binding alo ng the long e nd of
the page (left edge for portrait
orientatio n and top edge f or land scape
Short Edge Assumes binding along the short edge
of the page (top edge for portrait
orientatio n and le ft edge for landscape
Hole Punch To punch holes along the edge of all
printed output. (Select Hole Punch
from the printer driver to punch holes
only in output for a specifi c job.)
Off* Does not punch holes in printed
On Punches hol es in ev ery printed page .
Border To print a border around each page
image when using Multipage Print. None* Does not print a border around each
page image.
Solid Prints a solid line border around each
page image.
Order To deter mine the positioning of
multiple page images when using
Multipage Print. The positioning
depends on the num ber of imag es and
whether the i mages are portrait or
landsca pe in orie ntat ion .
Rev Horizontal
Rev Vertical
For example, if you select 4-Up multipage printing and portrait orientation, the results differ
depending on the Multipage Order value you select:
Print To print multiple page images on one
side of a sheet of paper. Also called
n-up or Paper Saver.
Off* Prints 1 page image per side.
2 Up Prints 2 page images per side.
3 Up Prints 3 page images per side.
4 Up Prints 4 page images per side.
6 Up Prints 6 page images per side.
9 Up Prints 9 page images per side.
12 Up Prints 12 page images per side.
16 Up Prints 16 page images per side.
Menu Item Purpose Values
Horizontal Order Vertical Order Reverse
Vertical Order
Horizontal Order

View To determine the orientation of a
multipage sheet. Auto* Lets the printer choose between
portrait and landsca pe orientation.
Long Edge Sets the long e dge of the paper as the
top of the page (landsc ap e).
Short Edge Sets the short edge of the paper as the
top of the page (portrait).
Offset Pages To offset the outpu t of e ach print job or
each copy of a print job, making it
easier to separate the documents
stacked in the finisher output bin.
None* Stacks all sheets directly on top of
each other.
Copies Offsets each copy of a print job.
Between Jobs Offsets each print job.
Sheets To insert blank separator sheets
betwe en jobs , betw een m ultiple copies
of a job, or between each page of a
None* Does not insert separator sheets.
Copies Inserts a blank sheet between ea ch
copy of a job. If Collation is Off, a blank
page is inser ted between each set of
printed pages (all page 1’s, all page
2’s, and so on). If Collation is On, a
blank page is inserted between each
collated copy of the job.
Between Jobs Inserts a blank sheet between jobs.
Pages Inserts a blank sheet between each
page of a job. This is useful if you are
printing transparencies or want to
insert blank pag es in a docu ment f or
Source To specify the paper source that holds
separator sheets. Tray <x>
(Tray 1*) Selects separator sheets from the
specified tray.
MP Feeder Selects separator sheets from the
multipurpose feeder. (You must also
set Configure MP to Cassette.)
Staple Job To set stapling as the default for all
print jobs. (Select stapling from the
printer driver if you want to staple only
specific jobs.)
Off* Does not staple print jobs.
On Staples each print job sent to the
Staple Prime
Src To specify t he paper source you wa nt
the printer to use when it primes the
stapler. When a staple cartridge is
replaced or a st aple jam is cleare d, the
printer may need to prime the stapler
by stapling a sheet of paper several
Tray <x>
(Tray 1*) Selects paper from the specified tray.
MP Feeder Selects paper from the multipurpose
Menu Item Purpose Values

Help Menu
Use the Help Menu to print any of the following quick reference guides. Press Select to pri nt the sel ected
Job Menu
The Job Menu is only available when the printer is busy processing or printing a job, when a printer
message is displayed, or when the printer is in Hex Trace mode. Press Menu to open the Job Menu.
Menu Item Purpose
Print All Prints all the quick reference pages at once.
Help Guide Provides information about how to use the Help Menu and how to get online help.
Printing Guide Provid es inf ormation ab out ho w to load trays, printing on sp ec ialty me dia , an d h ow to s et
the paper size and type.
Supplies Guide Lists available supplies.
Print Quality Provides info rmation about print quality problems and solutions.
Color Quality Provides information about how to get the best color performance.
Media Guide Provides details about supported print media
Connection Guide Provides instructions about how to connect the printer to a computer or network.
Movi ng Guide Provides helpful information about how to pack up the printer before moving it.
Print Defects Provides guidelines for solving repetitive print defects.
Jam Clearance Provides directions about how to clear jam s.
Menu Item Purpose Values
Cancel Fax To cancel outgoing faxes before they
are transmitted or to cancel incoming
f a xes before they finish printing.
RCancels an incoming fax. When the fax
number for the sending machine is
displayed, press Select to cancel the
incoming fax.
DCancel s an outgoi ng f ax. When th e f ax
number for the receiving machine is
displayed, press Select to cancel the
fax job. If the telephone number of the
f ax you wa nt to cancel is not disp lay ed,
use the Menu button to scroll through
the list. The printer can display up to
five outgoing fax numbers in the
outgoing fax queue. When more than
fiv e fa xes a re in the queue , the ne xt f ax
job appears on the dis pl ay as an
outgoing fax is transmitted or
Cancel Job To cancel the current print job.
Note: Cancel Job is on ly dis pl ay e d if th e printer is proc es s ing a job or has a job in printe r mem ory.

Job To print confidential jobs stored in printer memory.
Note: When the confidential job prints, it is automatically deleted from printer memory.
1Enter the Personal Identification
Number (PIN) associated with your
confidential job.
Enter PIN Use the operator panel buttons to
enter the PIN associated with your
confidential job.
2Then select a value: Print All Jobs Prints all j obs associ ated with you r
Print A Job Prints the specified confidential job.
Press Menu to scroll through the list of
confidential jobs associated with your
PIN. Press Select to print a sp ecific job.
Delete All Jobs Deletes all jobs associated with your
Delete A Job Deletes the specified confidential job.
Press Menu to scroll through the list of
Confide ntial J obs a ssociat ed wi th y our
PIN. Press Select to delete a specific
Copies Determines the number of copies
printed for each confidential job . Press
Menu to scroll through the list of
confidential jobs associated with your
PIN. Press Select to specify the job
you want to print. Press Menu to
increase or decrease the number of
copies, and then press Select.
Held Jobs To print Rese rve Print, Repea t Print, or
Verify Print jobs stored in printer
Print All Jobs Prints all held jobs.
Print A Job Prints the specified held job. Press
Menu to scroll through the list of held
jobs. Press Select to print the speci fic
Delete All Jobs Deletes all held jobs.
Delete A Job Deletes the desig nated held job . Press
Menu to scroll through the list of held
jobs. Press Select to delete the job.
Copies Determines the number of copies for
each held job. Press Menu to scroll
through the list of held jobs. Press
Select to specify the job you want to
print. Press Menu to increase or
decrease the number of copies, and
then press Select.
Print Buffer To print any data stored in the print buffer.
Note: Print Buffer is on ly available when you enter the Job Menu while Waiting is dis pl ay e d. The
Waiting state occurs if an incomplete job is sent to the printer or an ASCII job, such as a print
screen command, is printing.
Menu Item Purpose Values

Network Menu
Use the Network Menu to change printer settings affecting jobs sent to the printer through a network port
(either Standard Network or Network Opt <x>).
Note: Values marked by an asterisk (*) are the factory default settings.
Reset Active
Bin To define the active bin as the start bin (the first bin to receive printed output) in a set of linked
Reset Printer To reset the printer to the user default value for each menu item, delete all downloaded resources
(fonts, macros, and symbol sets) stored in printer memory (RAM), and delete all data in the
interface link buffer.
Before selecting Reset Printer, exit the software application you are using.
Menu Item Purpose Values
Buffering To temporarily sto re jobs on the printer
hard disk before printing.
Note: Changing this menu item
automatically resets the printer.
Off* Does not bu ffer jobs to the hard disk.
On Buffers print jobs to the hard disk.
Auto Buffers print jobs only if the printer is
busy processing data from another
input port.
MAC Binary
PS To configure the printer to process
Macintosh binary PostScri pt print jobs. On Printer processes raw binary
PostScript print jobs from computers
using the Macintosh operating system.
Note: This setting often causes
Windows print jobs to fail.
Off Printer filters PostScript print jobs
using standard protocol.
Auto* Printer processes print jobs from
computers using either Windows or
Macintosh oper atin g sys te ms.
Buffer To configure the size of the network
input b uffer.
Note: Changing the Network Buffer
menu item automatically resets the
Auto* Printer automatically calculates the
Network Buffer siz e (rec om mended
3K to
maximum size
User s pecifies th e Netw ork Buff er siz e.
The maximum size depends on the
amount of memory in your printer, the
size of the other link buffers, and
whether Resou rce Sa ve is set to On or
Off. To maximize the range for the
Network Buffer size, disable or reduce
the siz e of the par allel, serial, and U SB
Network <x>
Setup To configure an internal print server. Values for this menu item are supplied by the specific
print server. Select the menu item to see the available
Note: Ref e r to the documen tati on on the drivers CD fo r
more information.
Menu Item Purpose Values

NPA Mode To specify whether the printer
performs the special processing
required for bidir ectional
communication, following the
conventions defined in the Network
Printing Alliance (NPA) Protocol.
Note: Changing this menu item
automatically resets the printer.
Off Printer does not perform NPA
Auto* Printer examines the data to determine
the format and then processes i t
SmartSwitch To configure the printer so it
automatically switches to
PCL emulation when a print job
received through the network port
requires it, regardless of the default
printer language.
On* Printer exa mines data on the network
interface and selects PCL emulation if
the data indicates that is the required
printer langua ge.
Off Printer does no t exami ne the incoming
data. The printer uses PostScript
emulation to process the job if PS
SmartSwitch is On, or us es the de f a ult
printer langua ge specif ied in the Se tup
Menu if PS SmartSwitch is Off.
SmartSwitch To configure the printer so it
automatically switches to
PostScript emulation when a print job
received through the network port
requires it, regardless of the default
printer language.
On* Printer exa mines data on the network
interface connection and selects
PostScript emulation if the data
indicates that is the requi red printer
Off Printer does no t exami ne the incoming
data. The printer uses PCL emulation
to process the job if PCL SmartSwitch
is On, or uses the default printer
language specified in the Setup Menu
if PCL SmartSwitch is Off.
Std Net
Setup To configure an internal print server. Values for this menu item are supplied by the specific
print server. Select the menu item to see the available
Note: Ref e r to the documen tati on on the drivers CD fo r
more information.
Menu Item Purpose Values

Parallel Menu
Use the Parallel Menu to change printer settings affecting jobs sent to the printer through a parallel port
(either Std P arallel or P arallel Opt <x>).
Note: Values marked by an asterisk (*) are the factory default settings.
Menu Item Purpose Values
Status To enable bidirec tiona l comm unic ation
through the parallel port. Off Disables parallel port negotiation.
On* Enables bidirectional communication
through the parallel interface.
Honor Init To determine whether the printer
honors hard ware initial ization reques ts
from the computer. The computer
requests initialization by activating the
INIT signal on the parallel interface.
Many personal computers activate the
INIT signal each time the co mputer is
turned on and off.
Off* Printer does not honor hardware
initialization requests from the
On Printer honors hardware initialization
requests from the computer.
Buffering To temporarily sto re jobs on the printer
hard disk before printing.
Note: Changing this menu item
automatically resets the printer.
Off* Does not buffer print jobs to the hard
On Buffers print jobs to the hard disk.
Auto Buffers print jobs only if the printer is
busy processing data from another
input port.
MAC Binary
PS To configure the printer to process
Macintosh binary PostScri pt print jobs. On Printer processes raw binary
PostScript print jobs from computers
using the Macintosh operating system.
Note: This setting often causes
Windows print jobs to fail.
Off Printer filters PostScript print jobs
using standard protocol.
Auto* Printer processes print jobs from
computers using either Windows or
Macintosh oper atin g sys te ms.
NPA Mode To specify whether the printer
performs the special processing
required for bidir ectional
communication, following the
conventions defined in the Network
Printing Alliance (NPA) Protocol.
Note: Changing this menu item
automatically resets the printer.
On Printer performs NPA processing. If
data is not in NPA format, it is rejected
as bad data.
Off Printer does not perform NPA
Auto* Printer e xa min es dat a an d de termines
the format and then processes i t

Buffer To configure the size of the parallel
input b uffer.
Note: Changing this menu item
automatically resets the printer.
Disabled Disables job buffering. Any jobs
already buffered on the disk are
printed before normal processing of
incoming jobs resumes.
Auto* Printer automatically calculates the
Parallel Buffer size (recommended
3K to
size allowed
User specifies the Parallel Buffer size.
The maximum size depends on the
amount of memory in your printer, the
size of the other link buffers, and
whether Resou rce Sa ve is set to On or
Off. To maximize the range for the
Parallel Buffer size, disable or reduce
the size of the serial and USB buffers.
Mode 1 To control the pull-up resistors on the
paralle l po rt signa ls. Thi s men u item is
useful for personal computers that
have open collector outputs on the
parallel port si gnals.
On Disables the resistors.
Off* Enables the resistors.
Mode 2 To determine whether the parallel port
data is sampled on the leading or
trailing edge of strobe.
On* Samples parallel port data on the
leading edge of strobe.
Off Samples parallel port data on the
trailing edge of strobe.
SmartSwitch To configure the printer so it
automatically switches to
PCL emulation when a print job
received through the parallel port
requires it, regardless of the default
printer language.
On* Printer exa mi nes data on the paralle l
interface and selects PCL emulation if
the data indicates that is the required
printer langua ge.
Off Printer does no t exami ne the incoming
data. The printer uses PostScript
emulation to process the job if PS
SmartSwitch is On, or us es the de f a ult
printer langua ge specif ied in the Se tup
Menu if PS SmartSwitch is Off.
SmartSwitch To configure the printer so it
automatically switches to PostScript
emulation when a print job received
through the parallel port requires it,
regardless of the default pri nter
On* Printer exa mi nes data on the paralle l
interface and selects PostScript
emulation if the data indicates that is
the requ ired printe r language.
Off Printer does no t exami ne the incoming
data. The printer uses PCL emulation
to process the job if PCL SmartSwitch
is On, or uses the default printer
language specified in the Setup Menu
if PCL SmartSwitch is Off.
Protocol To specify the parallel interface
protocol. Standard May resolve some parallel interface
Fastbytes* Provides compatibility with most
existing parallel interface
implementations (recommended
Menu Item Purpose Values

PCL Emul Menu
Use the PCL Emul Menu to change printer settings that only aff e ct jobs using the PCL emulation printer
Note: Values marked by an asterisk (*) are the factory default settings.
Menu Item Purpose Values
A4 Width To select the width of the logical page
for A4 size paper. 198 mm* Makes the logical page compatible
with the Hewlett-Packard LaserJet 5
203 mm Mak es the logical page wide enough to
print eighty 10-pitch characters.
Auto CR after
LF To specify whether the printer
automatically performs a carriage
return after a line feed control
Off* Printer does not perform a carriage
return after a line feed control
On Printer perf orms a carriage ret urn aft er
a line feed control command.
Auto LF after
CR To specify whether the printer
automati cally perf orms a line f eed after
a carriage return control command.
Off* Printer does not perform a line feed
after a carriage return control
On Printer performs a line feed after a
carriage return control command.
Font Name To choose a specific font from the
specified font source. R0 Courier 10* T he font name and font ID for all fonts
in the selected font source are
display e d. The font source
abbreviation is R for resident, F fo r
flash, K for disk, and D for download.
Font Sour ce To determine the set of f onts displ ay ed
in the Font Name menu item. Resident* Displays all fonts resident in printer
RAM when the printer ships from the
Download Dis plays all fon ts downloa ded to
printer RAM.
Flash Displays all fonts stored in flas h
Disk Displays all fonts sto red on t he printer
hard disk.
All Displays all fonts available to the
printer from all sources.
Lines per
Page To determine the number of lines that
print on each page. 1...255 The printer sets the amount of space
between each line (vertical line
spacing ) b ased on the Lines per P age,
Pape r Size, and Orientation menu
items. Select the correct Paper Size
and Orienta t ion b efore changing Lines
per Page.
specific factory
default values)
specific factory
default values)

Orientation To determine how text and graphics
are oriented on the page. Portrait* Prints text and graphics parallel to the
short edge of the paper.
Landscape Prints text and graphics parallel to the
long edge of the paper.
Pitch To specify the font pitch for scalable
monospaced fonts. 0.08...100
(in increments
of 0.01 cpi)
Pitch refers to the number of fixed-
space characters in a horizontal inch
of type. You can select a pitch from
0.08 to 100 char acters per inc h (cpi) in
increments of 0.01 cpi. For
nonscalable monospaced fonts, the
pitch is displayed, but cannot be
Note: Pitch is onl y displayed for fixed,
or monospaced, fonts.
Point Size To change the point size for scalable
typographic fonts. 1...1008
in increments of
0.25 points)
Point size refers to the height of the
characters in the font. One point
equals approximately 1/72 of an inch.
You can select point sizes from 1 to
1008 in increments of 0.25 points.
Note: Point Size is only displayed for
typographic fonts.
Symbol Se t To cho ose a symbol set for a specified
font name. 10U PC-8*
specific factory
default values)
A symb ol set is a s et of al pha betic and
numeric characters, punctuation, and
spe cial symbols used when printing
with a selected font. Symbol sets
support the different requirements for
languages or specific applications,
such as math symbols for scientific
text. Only the symbol sets supported
for the selected font name are
12U PC-850*
specific factory
default values)
Renumber To configure your printer to work with printer drivers or applications that use different source
assignm en ts for the paper trays.
Note: Refer to the Technical Reference for more information about assigning source numbers.
1Select a paper source. Assign Tray <x>
Assign MP Feeder
Assign Man Env
Assign Man Paper
2Select a value. Off* Printer uses factory default paper
source assignments.
0...199 Select a numeri c value to assign a
custom value to a paper sou r ce.
None P aper source ignores the Select Paper
F e ed com m and .
Other Tray Renumber selections View Factory
Def Press Menu to display the factory
default value assigned to each paper
Defaults Select Yes to return all tray
assignments to factory default values.
Menu Item Purpose Values

Paper Menu
Use the Paper Menu to define the paper loaded in each paper tray and the default paper source and output
Note: Values marked by an asterisk (*) are the factory default settings.
Menu Item Purpose Values
Assign Type/
Bin To send print jobs to a specific output
bin based on the requested paper
Note: If a user-defined name is
available, it is displayed instead of
Custom <x> Bin. The name is
truncated to 14 characters. If two or
more bins share the same name, the
name only app ears o nce in the As sign
Type/Bin value list.
Plain Paper Bin
Card Stock Bin
Transparency Bin
Glossy Paper Bin
Labels Bin
Bond Bin
Envelope Bin
Letterhead Bin
Preprinted Bin
Colored Bin
Custom <x> Bin (where <x> represents 1 through 6)
Bins To determine whi ch out put bin (s) the
printer uses f or a particular job. Mailbox* Sends print jobs to the output bin
designated f or that user.
Link Links two or more bins together as
though they were one large bin. When
one linked bin is full, the printer starts
filling the next linked bin, and
continues with each additional linked
Mail Overflow Sends print jobs to the output bin
designated for that user until it is full,
and then sends jobs to the designated
overflow bin.
Link Optional Links a ll optional o utput bins a s though
they were one large bin, while leaving
the standard bin individually
Assignment Sends each job to the output bin
specified for that paper type.

MP To determine when the printer selects
paper loaded in the multipurpose
Cassette* Printer treats the multipurpose feeder
like any other paper tray. If a print job
requests a paper size or type that is
only loa ded in the multipurpose f eeder ,
the printer pulls paper from the
multipurpose feeder for the job.
Manual Printer treats the multipurpose feeder
lik e a manual f e ed tr ay, and displays
Load Manual when you need to insert
a single sheet of paper in the feeder.
First Printer pulls paper from th e
multipurpose feeder until it is empty,
regardless of the paper source or
paper size requested for the job.
Types To specify the kind of paper associa ted
with each of the Custom Types
available in the Paper Type menu item.
Values fo r Custom Type <x>, where <x> represents 1, 2,
3, 4, 6 (paper only), or 5 (transparencies only):
Paper* Note: If a user-defined name is
available, it is displayed inst ead of
Custom Type <x>. The user-defined
name is truncated to 14 characters. If
two or more custom types share the
same name, the name only appears
once in the Custom Types value list.
Card Stock
Glossy Paper
Output Bin To specify the default bin for printed
material. Standard Bin* Note: If a user-defin ed nam e is
available, it is displayed inst ead of
Bin <x>. The name is truncated to 14
characters. If two or more bins share
the same name, the name only
appears once in the Output Bin value
Bin <x>
Overflow Bin To designate an output bin as the
overflo w bin. If Con fig ure Bi ns is se t to
Mail Ov erflo w and a sp ecific outp ut bin
is full, the printer automa tic al ly diverts
printed material to the overflow bin.
Standard Bin* Note: If a user-de fined bin is a vai labl e,
it is display e d instead of Bin <x>. The
name is truncated to 14 characters. If
two or more bins share the same
name, the name only appears once in
the Ov erf lo w Bin value list.
Bin <x>
Menu Item Purpose Values

Loading To properly handle preprinted paper loaded in a tray, whether the job is a duplexed job or a single-
sided job.
1Select a paper type.
Note: If a user-defined name is
available, it is displayed instead of
Custom <x> Loading. The name is
truncated to 14 characters.
Card Stock Load
Glossy Loading
Colored Loading
Custom <x> Loading
Ltrhead Loading
Preprint Loading
Bond Loading
2Select a value. Duplex Notifies the printer that the specified
paper type is loaded properly for
duple x printing. If the printer receiv es a
single-sided job using that paper type,
the printer inserts blank pages as
necessar y to print the job properly on
preprinted forms. This setting may
slow singl e-sid ed printing.
Off* Printer assumes prep rint ed ma terial is
loaded for single-sided printing.
Duplexed jobs may not print properly.
Menu Item Purpose Values

Paper Size To identify the def ault paper s ize f or eac h paper sou rce. F or tr a ys with au tomatic siz e sens ing, only
the value detected by the hardware is displayed.
1Select a paper source. Tray <x> Size
Manual Pap Size
MP Feeder Size
Manual Env Size
2Select a value.
(* Denotes country/region-specific
factory default values )
Note: Size sensing must be turned off
for Statement and Folio values to
10 Envelope* (US)
9 Envelope
B5 Envelope
Other Envelope
7 3/4 Envelope
DL Envelope* (non US)
C5 Envelope
Universal Select Universal when you load paper
that does not match any of the other
available sizes. The printer
automatically formats the page for the
maximum possible size. You can then
set the actual page size from your
application software.
Paper Source To identify the default pape r sourc e . Tray <x>
(Tray 1*) If you loaded the same size and type
of paper in tw o paper sources (and the
Paper Size and Paper Type menu
items are correctly set), the trays are
automatically linked. When one paper
source is empty, paper automatically
feeds from the next linked source.
MP Feeder
Env Feeder
Manual Pape r
Manual Env
Menu Item Purpose Values

Texture To identify the texture of the paper loaded in a specific source and to ensure that characters print
Use Paper Texture in connection with the Paper Type and Paper Weight menu items. You may
need to change those menu items to optimize print quality for your specific paper.
1Select a paper type. Plain Texture
Card Stock Text
Trnsprncy Text
Preprint Texture
Colored Texture
Custom <x> Texture
La bels Texture
Bond Texture
Envelope Texture
Ltrhead Texture
Glossy Texture
2Select a value. Smooth Note: The default for Bond Texture is
Rough instead of Normal. If a user-
defined nam e is a v aila bl e f or a custom
Type, then t he name is di splayed
ins tead of Custom <x> Texture. The
name is truncated to 14 characters.
Menu Item Purpose Values

Paper Type To identify the type of paper installed in each paper source.
Use this menu item to:
• Optimize print quality for the specified paper.
• Select paper sources through your software application by selecting type and size.
• Automatically link paper sources. Any sources containing the same type and size of paper are
automatically linked by the printer if you have set the Paper Size and the Paper Type to the
correct values.
1Select a paper source. Tray <x> Type
Manual Pap Type
MP Feeder Type
Manual Env Type
2Select a value. Plain Paper
Card Stock
Custom Type <x>
Glossy Paper
Colored Paper
The Paper Type default for each
envelope source is Envelope. The
Paper Type default for each paper tray
is as follows:
Note: If a user-defined name is
available, it is displayed instead of
Custom Type <x>. The user-defined
name is truncated to 14 characters. If
two or more custom types share the
same name, the name only appears
once in the Paper Type val ue list.
Tray 1–Plain Paper
Tray 2–Custom Type 2
Tray 3–Custom Type 3
Tray 4–Custom Type 4
Manual Pap Type–Custom Type 6
Menu Item Purpose Values

Paper Weight To identify the relative weight of the paper loaded in a specific source and ensure that the toner
adheres properly to the printed page.
1Select a paper type.
Note: If a user-defined name is
available, it is displayed instead of
Custom <x> Weight. The name is
truncated to 14 characters.
Plain Weight
CardStock Weight
Trnsprncy Weight
Preprint We ight
Colored Weight
Custom <x> Weight
Bond W eigh t
Envelope Weight
Glossy Weight
Labels Weight
Ltrhead Weight
2Select a value. Light
Size To have the printer substitute the
specified paper size if the requested
size is not loaded.
Off Printer prompts the user to load the
requested paper size.
Statement/A5 Prints A5 size jobs on statement size
paper if only statement size paper is
loaded, and prints statement size jobs
on A5 paper if only A5 p aper is load ed.
Letter/A4 Prints A4 size jobs on letter size paper
if only letter size paper is loaded, and
prints letter size jobs on A4 size paper
if only A4 size paper is loaded.
All Listed* Substitutes Letter/A4 and
Setup To determine the default size when the Paper Size setting for a tray or feeder is Universal.
1Select a unit of measure.
(* Denotes a country/region-s pecific
factory default value)
2Select the values. Portrait Width =3.00–14.17 in. (8.5 in. *)
=76–360 mm (216 mm*)
Portrait Height =3.00–14.17 in. (14.17 in.*)
=76–360 mm (360 mm*)
Feed Direction =Shor t Edge*
=Long Edge
Menu Item Purpose Values

PostScript Menu
Use the PostScript Menu to change printer settings that only affect jobs using the PostScript emulation
printer language.
Note: Values marked by an asterisk (*) are the factory default settings.
Menu Item Purpose Values
Font Priority To establish the font search order.
Note: Font Priority is only displayed
when a formatted flash or hard disk is
installe d, is neither defective nor Read/
Write or Write protected, and Job
Buffer Size is not set to 100%.
Resident* Printer searches printer memory for
the requ ested font before searching
flash memory or hard disk.
Flash/Disk Printer searches the hard disk and
flash memory for the requested font
before searching printer memory.
Smoothing To enhance the contr as t and
sharpness of lo w resolution bit mapped
images (such as images downloaded
from the W orld W ide We b) and smoo th
their color transitions.
Note: Image Smoothing has no effect
on images that are 300 dpi or higher
Off* Uses default resolution when printing
all images.
On Enhances lo w reso lut ion im ages , su ch
as graphics with a resolution of 72 dpi.
Print PS
Error To print a page defining the PostScript
emulation error when an error occurs. Off* Discards the print job without printing
an error message.
On Prints an error message before it
discards the job.

Serial Menu
Use the Serial Menu to change printer settings affecting jobs sent to the printer through a serial port (either
Standard Serial or Serial Opt <x>).
Note: Values marked with an asterisk (*) are the factory default settings.
Menu Item Purpose Values
Baud To specify the rate at which data can
be received through the serial por t. 1200
Data Bits To specify the number of data bits that
are sent in each transmission frame. 7
Honor DSR To determine whether the printer uses
the Data Set Ready (DSR) signal.
DSR is one of the handshaki ng signals
for most serial interface cables.
The serial interface uses DSR to
distinguish data sent by the computer
from data c reated b y electrica l noise in
the ser ial cable. This electrical noi s e
can cause str ay charac ters to print.
Select On to prevent stray characters
from printing.
Off* All data received by the serial port is
treated as valid data.
On Only data received while the DSR
sig nal is high is treated as valid.
Buffering To temporarily sto re jobs on the printer
hard disk before printing.
Note: Changing the Job Buffering
menu item automatically resets the
Off* Does not buffer print jobs to the hard
On Buffers print jobs to the hard disk.
Auto Buffers print jobs only if the printer is
busy processing data from another
input port.

NPA Mode To specify whether the printer
performs the special processing
required for bidir ectional
communication, following the
conventions defined in the Network
Printing Alliance (NPA) Protocol.
Note: Changing this menu item
automatically resets the printer.
On Printer performs NPA processing. If
data is not in NPA format, it is rejected
as bad data.
Off Printer does not perform NPA
Auto* Printer examines the data to determine
the format and then processes i t
Parity To select the parity for serial input and
output data frames. Even
SmartSwitch To configure the printer so it
automatically switches to PCL
emulation when a print job received
through the serial port requires it,
regardless of the default pri nter
On* Printer exa mi nes data on the serial
interface and selects PCL emulation if
the data indicates that is the required
printer langua ge.
Off Printer does no t exami ne the incoming
data. The printer uses PostScript
emulation to process the job if PS
SmartSwitch is On, or us es the de f a ult
printer langua ge specif ied in the Se tup
Menu if PS SmartSwitch is Off.
SmartSwitch To configure the printer so it
automatically switches to PostScript
emulation when a print job received
through the serial port requires it,
regardless of the default pri nter
On* Printer exa mi nes data on the serial
interface and selects PostScript
emulation if the data indicates that is
the requ ired printe r language.
Off Printer does no t exami ne the incoming
data. The printer uses PCL emulation
to process the job if PCL SmartSwitch
is On, or uses the default printer
language specified in the Setup Menu
if PCL SmartSwitch is Off.
Robust XON To determine whether the printer
communicates availability to the
This menu item only applies to the
serial port if Serial Protocol is set to
Off* Printer waits to receive data from the
On Printer sends a continuous stream of
XONs to the host com pu ter to in dic ate
that the serial port is ready to receive
more data.
Menu Item Purpose Values

Setup Menu
Use the Setup Menu to configure a variety of printer features.
Note: Values marked by an asterisk (*) are the factory default settings.
Serial Buffer To config ure the s iz e of the serial in put
Note: Changing the Serial Buffer
menu item automatically resets the
Disabled Disables job buffering. Any jobs
already buffered on the disk are
printed before normal processing of
incoming jobs resumes.
Auto* Printer automatically calculates the
Serial Buffer size (recommended
3K to
size allowed
User specifies the Serial Buffer size.
The maximum size depends on the
amount of memory in your printer, the
size of the other link buffers, and
whether Resou rce Sa ve is set to On or
Off. To maximize the range for the
Serial Buffer size, disable or reduce
the size of the parallel and USB
Protocol To select the hardware and software
handshaking values for the serial
DTR* Hardware handshaking.
DTR/DSR Hardware handshaking.
XON/XOFF Softw are han ds hak in g.
DTR Combined hardware and software
DTRDSR Combined hardware and software
Menu Item Purpose Values
Control To establish whether the printer
sounds an alarm when the printer
requires ope ra tor inte rven tio n.
Off Printer does not sound an alarm.
Single* Printer sounds three quick beeps.
Continuous Printer repeats three beeps every 10
Continue To define the amount of time (in
seconds) the printer waits after
displaying an operator intervention
error message before it resumes
Disabled* Printer does not resume printing until
someone clears the error message.
5...255 Printer waits the specified amount of
time, and then automatically resumes
printing. This timeout value also
applies if the menus are displayed
(and the pr inter is offline) for the
spe c ified peri od of t ime.
Black &
White Lock To set the printer to print only in black
and white. Off* Color prints as indicated in print job.
On The equivalent to setting Color Mode
to Black & White.
Menu Item Purpose Values

Language To determine the language of the text
on the operator panel display. English Note: All values may not be available.
Target To specify the storage location for
downloaded resources.
Storing do wnload ed resou rces in fl ash
memory or on a hard disk is
permanent storage rather than the
temporary storage that RA M provides.
The resources remain in the flash
memory or on th e hard disk e v en when
the printer is turned off.
RAM* All downloaded resources are
automati cally stored in printe r memo ry
Flash All downloaded resources are
automatically stored in flash memory.
Disk All downloaded resources are
automatically stored on the hard disk.
Hole Punch
Alarm To specify how the printer respon ds
when the h ole punc h box becomes fu ll. Off* Hole Punch Waste Full is
displayed until someone empties the
hole punch box. If an Auto Continue
va lue is sel ected from the Setup Menu ,
the printer resumes printing after the
specified timeout value.
Single Printer stops printing, displays Hole
Punch Waste Full, and sounds
three quick beeps.
Continuous Printer stops printing, displays Hole
Punch Waste Full, and repeats
three beep s e v ery 10 seco nds until the
hole punch box is emptied.
Recovery To estab li sh whet her the printer
reprints jammed pages. On Printer reprints jammed pages.
Off Printer does not reprint jammed
Auto* Printer reprints a jam m ed p age un les s
the memory required to hold the page
is needed for other printer tasks.
Menu Item Purpose Values

Accounting To store statist ic al information abo ut
you r most recent print jo bs on the hard
disk. T he stat istics in clude w hether th e
job printed with or without errors, the
print time, the job size (in bytes), the
requested paper size and paper type,
the total number of printed pages, and
the number of copies requested.
Note: Job Accounting is only displa yed
when a hard disk is inst alled, is neithe r
defective nor Read/Write or Write
protected, and Job Buffer Size is not
set to 100%.
Off* Printer does not store job statistics on
On Printer stores jo b statistics for the most
recent print jobs.
P age Protect To successfully print a page that may
otherwise generate Complex Page
If, after selecting On, you still cannot
print the page, you may also have to
reduce th e size a nd number of fon ts on
the page, or increase the installed
printer memory.
F or mo st print job s, y o u do not need to
select On. When On is selected,
printing may be slower.
Off* Prints a p artial page o f data if me mo ry
is insufficient to process the entire
On Ensures that an entire page is
processed before it prints.
Power Saver To specify the amount of time (in
minutes) the printer waits after a job is
printed before it goes into a reduced
power state.
Disabled This value does not appear unless
Energy Conserve is set to Off. See
Disab ling Power Saver for more
1...240 Specifies the amount of time after a
print job before the printer goes into
Power Saver mode. (Your printer may
not support the entire rang e of values.)
The factory default Power Saver
setting de pends on y our printer model .
Print the menu settings page to
determine the current Power Saver
setting. When the printer is in Power
Saver mode, it is still ready to receive
print jobs.
Select 1 to put the printer in Power
Sav er mode one minute after it finishes
a print job. This uses much less
energy, but requires more warm-up
time for the printer. Select 1 if your
printer shares an electrical circuit with
room lighting and you notice lights
Select a high value if your printer is in
constant use. Under most
circumstances, this keeps the printer
ready to print with minimum warm-up
time. Select a value between 1 and
240 minutes if you want a balance
betwe en ene rgy consum pti on and a
shorter warm-up period.
Menu Item Purpose Values

Print Area To modify the logical and physical
printable area. Normal* Note: The Whole Page setting only
affects pages printed using PCL 5
interpreter. This setting has no effect
on pages printed using the PCL XL or
PostScript interpreters. If you try to
print any data in the no n-printab le area
defined by Normal Print Area, the
printer will clip the image at the
boundary defined by the Normal
defined printable area.
Fit to Page
Whole Page
Timeout To specify the amount of time (in
seconds) the printer waits before
printing the las t page of a pri nt job tha t
does not end with a command to print
the page. The print timeout counter
does not start until Waiting is
Disabled The printer d oes not print the las t page
of a print job until one of the following
• The printer receives enough
information to fill the page.
• The printer receives a Form Feed
• You select Print Buffer from the Job
1...255 (90*) The printer prints the last page after
the specified time. (Your printer may
not support the entire rang e of values.)
Language To establish the default printer
language used to communicate data
from the computer to the printer.
Note: Setting a printer language as
the def ault does no t pre vent a softw are
applica tion from sendin g print jobs that
use the other language.
PCL Emulation PCL emulation, compatible with
He wlett - Packard printers .
PS Emulation* PostScript emulation, compatible with
Adobe PostScript language.
Usage To determine the behavior of the
image transfer unit during printing. Max Speed The image transfer unit is engaged
throughout the print job.
Max Yield* The image transfer unit position is
engaged based on page content. This
may extend the life of certain print
Save To determine what the printer does
with downloaded resources, such as
f o nts an d mac r os s tored in RAM , i f th e
printer receives a job that requires
more memory than is available.
Off* Printer retains downloaded resources
only until memory is needed. It then
deletes those resources associated
with the inactive printer language.
On Printer retains all downloaded
resources for all printer languages
during language changes and printer
resets. If the printer runs out of
memor y, 38 Memory Full is
Menu Item Purpose Values

Staple Alarm To specify how the printer responds
when it is out of staples. Off Load Staples is displayed until
someone loads staples. If an Auto
Continue value is selected from the
Setup Menu, the printer resumes
printing after the sp eci fie d time out
Single* Printer stops printing, displays Load
Staples, and sounds three quick
Continuous Printer stops printing, displays Load
Staples, and repeats three beeps
every 10 seconds until the staple
cartridge is replaced.
Toner Alarm To specify ho w the printer resp on ds
when it is low on toner. Off An error message is displayed until
someone replaces the toner cartridge.
If an Auto Continue value is selected
from the Setup Menu, the printer
resumes printing after the specified
timeout value.
Single* Printer stops printing, displa ys an error
message, and sounds three quick
Continuous Print er stops printi ng, displ ay s an er ror
message, and repeats three beeps
every 10 seconds until the toner
cartridge is replaced.
Wait Timeout To specify the amount of time (in
seconds) the printer waits to receive
additional bytes of data from the
computer. When this t i meout expires,
the print job is canceled.
Wait Timeout is only available when
you use PostScript emulation. This
menu item has no effect on PCL
emulation print jobs.
Disabled Disables Wait Timeout.
(40*) Specifies the amount of time the
printer waits for additional data before
it cancels the job.
Menu Item Purpose Values

Supplies Menu
The Supplies Menu provides information about printer supplies that require attention. It is only available
when a supply is low or needs replacement.
USB Menu
Use the USB Menu to change printer settings affecting a Universal Serial Bus (USB) port (USB
Option <x>).
Note: Values marked by an asterisk (*) are the factory default settings.
Menu Item Purpose Values
Toner To vie w the sta t us of the color print
cartridges. Low
Change Cartridge
Oiler To view the status of the web oile r. Near Exhausted
Waste Bottle To view the status of the toner waste
Note: Once the toner waste container
reaches F ull , the p rint er will prin t up to
15 more pages from the buffer and
then stop until the container is
Near Full The toner waste container is nearly
Menu Item Purpose Values
Buffering To temporarily sto re jobs on the printer
hard disk before printing.
Note: Changing the Job Buffering
menu item automatically resets the
Off* Does not buffer print jobs to the hard
On Buffers print jobs to the hard disk.
Auto Buffers print jobs only if the printer is
busy processing data from another
input port.
MAC Binary
PS To configure the printer to process
Macintosh binary PostScri pt print jobs. Off Printer processes raw binary
PostScript print jobs from computers
using the Macintosh operating system.
Note: This setting often causes
Windows print jobs to fail.
On Printer filters PostScript print jobs
using standard protocol.
Auto* Printer processes print jobs from
computers using either Windows or
Macintosh oper atin g sys te ms.

NPA Mode To specify whether the printer
performs the special processing
required for bidir ectional
communication, following the
conventions defined in the Network
Printing Alliance (NPA) Protocol.
Note: Changing this menu item
automatically resets the printer.
On Printer performs NPA processing. If
data is not in NPA format, it is rejected
as bad data.
Off Printer does not perform NPA
Auto* Printer examines the data to determine
the format and then processes i t
SmartSwitch To configure the printer so it
automatically switches to
PCL emulation when a print job
received through the USB port
requires it, regardless of the default
printer language.
On* Printer examines the data on the USB
interface and selects PCL emulation if
the data indicates that is the required
printer langua ge.
Off Printer does no t exami ne the incoming
data. The printer uses
PostScript emulation to process the
job if PS SmartSwitch is On, or uses
the default printer language specified
in the Setup Menu if PS SmartSwitc h
is Off.
SmartSwitch To configure the printer so it
automatically switches to
PostScript emulation when a print job
received through the USB port
requires it, regardless of the default
printer language.
On* Printer exami nes data on the USB
interface and selects
PostScript emulation if the data
indicates that is the requi red printer
Off Printer does no t exami ne the incoming
data. The printer uses PCL emulation
to process the job if PCL SmartSwitch
is On, or uses the default printer
language specified in the Setup Menu
if PCL SmartSwitch is Off.
USB Buffer To configure the size of the USB input
Note: Changing the USB Buffer menu
item automatically resets t he printer.
Disabled Job buffering is disabled. Any jobs
already buffered on the disk are
printed before normal processing of
incoming jobs resumes.
Auto* Printer automatically calculates the
USB Buffer size (recommended
3K to
maximum size
User specifies the USB Buffer size.
The maximum size depends on the
amount of memory in your printer, the
size of the other link buffers, and
whether Resou rce Sa ve is set to On or
Off. To maximize the range for the USB
Buffer size, disable or reduce the size
of the paral le l, serial, and netwo rk
Menu Item Purpose Values

Utilities Menu
Use the Utilities Menu to print a variety of listings relating to available printer resources, printer settings,
and print jobs. Other menu items let you set up printer hardware and troubleshoot printer problems.
Menu Item Purpose Values
Alignment To print a color alignment test page,
which can be used to properly align
how colors are printed.
You are prompted to enter alignment
values for each setting (A...L).
0...20 (10*) Used to indicate which line is most
acceptable for alignments A...L.
See also: Aligning the image
transfer unit
Estimator Provides an estimate of the percent
coverage of cyan, magenta, yellow,
and black on a page. This estimate is
printed on the page.
Off* Percent covera ge is not printed .
On Prints the estimated percentage of
coverage for each color on the page.
Flash To retrieve storage area lost when
resources are deleted fr om flash
Warning: Do not turn off the printer
while the flash is defragmenting.
Yes Printer tr ansf ers all resourc es stored in
flash memory to printer memory and
then reformats the flash memory
option. When the format operation is
complete, the resources are loaded
back into flash memory.
No Printer cancels the requ es t to
defragment the f lash memory.
Defaults To return your printer settings to the
factory default val ues. Restore • All menu items are returned to the
factory default values except:
– Display Language.
– All settings in the Parallel Menu,
Serial Menu, Network Menu, and
USB Menu.
• All downloaded resources (fonts,
macros, and symbol sets) in printer
memory (RAM) are deleted.
(Res ources residing in fl ash
memory or on the hard disk are
Do Not
Restore User-defined settings remain.
Format Disk To format the printer hard disk.
Warning: Do not turn off the printer
while the hard disk is formatting.
Yes Deletes any data stored on the hard
disk and prepares the device to
receive new resources.
No Cancel s the request to f ormat the hard
disk and leaves current resources
stored on the disk.
Format Flash To format the flash memory.
Warning: Do not turn off the printer
while the flash is formatting.
Yes Deletes any data stored in flash
memory and prepares the flash
memory to receive new resources.
No Cancel s the request to f ormat the flas h
memory and lea ves current resources
stored in flash memory.
Hex Trace To help isolate the source of a print job problem. With Hex Trace selected, all data sent to the
printer is printed in hexadecimal and character representation. Control codes are not executed.
To exit Hex Trace, tur n the printer off or reset the printer from the Job Menu.

Job Acct Stat To print a listing of all job statistics
stored on the hard disk, or to clear all
statistics on the disk.
Print Prints all statistics available for the
most recent print jobs.
Clear Deletes all accumulated job statistics
from the hard disk.
Print Demo To print pages describing the printer and demonstrating its capabilities.
Directory To print a list of all the reso urc es sto red in flas h me mory or on the hard disk.
Note: Print Directory is available only when either a nondefective flash or disk is installed and
form atted, and Job Buffer Size is not set to 100%.
Print Fonts To print a sample of all the fonts
available for the selected printer
PCL Fonts Prints a sample of all printer fonts
available for PCL emulation.
PS Fonts Prints a sample of all printer fonts
available for PostScript emulation.
Print Menus To print a listing of the current user default values, the installed options, the amount of installed
printer memory, and the status of printer supplies.
Print Net <x >
Setup To print information relating to the internal print server and the network settings defined by the
Network <x> Setup menu item in the Network Menu.
Menu Item Purpose Values

6Under standing printer messages
The printer operator panel displays messages describing the current state of the printer and indicates
possible printer problems you must resolve. This topic provides a list of all printer messages, e xplains what
they mean, and tells you how to clear the messages.
Message What this message means What you can do
<Custom Type Name>
in <input source>A tra y ha s been inserted, and contain s
the type and/or size print media listed. Wa it for the message to clear.
in <input source>
in <input source>
<x> Ali gnment A color alignment procedure is in
progress and the user is being
prompted for a series of alignment
values. The values ran ge from A to L.
• Enter the alignment value, and then
press Select to continue to the next
ali gnment value.
•Press Go or Return to cancel the
alignment procedure.
See also: Aligning the image transfer
Activating Menu
Changes The printer is acti vatin g changes ma de
to the printer settings . Wait for the message to clear.
See also: Disabling the operator panel
Bin <x> Full The specified bin is full. Remove the stack of paper from the bin to
clear the message. If you assigned the bin
a name, the bin name is displayed instead
of the bin numbe r.
Busy The printer is busy receiving,
processing, or printing data. • Wait for the message to clear.
•Press Menu to open the Job Menu and
cancel the current job.
1 Menu 2Select 3Return4
Go5Stop 6

Canceling Fax The printer is processing a request to
cancel a fax job . Wait for the message to clear.
Canceling Job The printer is processing a request to
cancel the cu rrent print job . Wait for the message to clear.
See also: Canceling a print job
Change <x> The printer is requesting that a
different typ e of paper be loa ded in
one of the input sources.
Change the paper type in the specified
•Press Go if the requested media is
already in the input source.
•Press Select to ignore the request and
print on the media already in the input
See also: Loading the trays; Setup Guide
Check <device>
Connection The spec ifi ed device is either not fully
connected to the printer or is
experiencing a hardware failure.
• Reesta blish com munication by rem oving
the speci fied device and re attach ing it to
the printer.
•Press Go to clear the message and
continue printing.
• In the case of a hardware failure, turn
the printer off and back on. If the error
recurs, turn the printer off, remove the
specified device, and call for ser v ice.
Clearing Job
Accounting Stat The printer is deleting all job statistics
stored on the hard disk. Wait for the message to clear.
Close Door The printer front cover is open. Close the printer front cover to clear the
Close Finisher Door The finisher front door is open. Close the finisher front door to clear the
Close Tray X Door The 2000-sheet drawer is open. Close the 2000-sheet drawer to clear the
Copying The printer is processing a copy job
originating from an OptraImage™
Wait for the message to clear.
Defragmenting The printer is defragmenting the flash
memory to reclaim storage space
occupied by deleted resources.
Wait for the message to clear.
Warning: Do not turn the printer off while
this message is displayed.
Delete All Jobs The printer is requesting confirmation
to delete all held jobs. •Press Go to continue. The printer
deletes all held jobs.
•Press Stop to cancel the operation.
Deleting Jobs The printer is deleting one or more
held jobs. Wait for the message to clear.
Disabling Menus The printer is responding to a request
to disable the menus. Wait for the message to clear.
Note: While the men us are disabled, you
cannot ch an ge the printe r settin gs f rom the
operator panel.
See also: Disabling the operator panel
Message What this message means What you can do

Disk Corrupted.
Reformat? The printer has attempted a disk
recovery process and canno t repai r
the disk.
•Press Go to reformat th e disk and delet e
all files currently stored on the disk.
•Press Stop to clear the message without
reformatting the disk. The printer may
display Disk Recovery and attempt to
recover the disk.
See also: Disk Recovery x/5 yyy%
Disk Recovery
x/5 yyy% The printe r is attempti ng to rec ov er the
hard disk . Disk reco v ery tak es pla ce in
five phases; the second line on the
operator panel display shows the
percent complete of the current phase.
Wait for the message to clear.
Warning: Do not turn the printer off while
this message is displayed.
Empty Hole Punch
Box The finisher hole punch waste box is
full. Remo ve t he finisher hole pun ch box, empty
it, and then replace it.
Enabling Me nus The printer is responding to a request
to make the menus available to all
Wait for the message to clear, and then
press Menu to view the menus from the
operator panel.
See also: Enabling the menus
Engine Warming The printer is preparing the fuser for
printing. Wait for the message to clear.
Enter PIN:
=___ The printer is waiting for you to enter
your four-digit personal identification
number (PIN).
Use the o perat or panel bu ttons to enter the
PIN you identified in the driver when you
sent the confidential job to the printer.
See also: Holding a job in the printer
Fax <x> The printer is processing an incoming
fax. Wait for the message to clear.
Flushing Buffer The printer is flushing corrupted print
data and discarding the current print
Wait for the message to clear.
Formatting Disk
yyy% The printer is formatting the hard disk.
When formatting takes longer than
usual, the second line of the display
shows the per cent complete.
Wait for the message to clear.
Warning: Do not turn the printer off while
this message is displayed.
Formatting Flash The printer is formatting the flash
memory. Wait for the message to clear.
Warning: Do not turn the printer off while
this message is displayed.
Fuser Maint The counter that tracks wear on the
fuser has reached its limit. Replace the fuser.
Message What this message means What you can do

Held Jobs May Be
Lost The printer memory is too full to
continue processing print jobs. •Press Go to clear the message and
continue printing. The printer frees
memory by deleting the oldest held job
and continues deleting held jobs until
there is enough printer memory to
process the job.
•Press Stop to clear the message without
deleting any held jobs. The current job
may not print correctly.
•Press Menu to open the Job Menu and
cancel the current job.
• To avoid this error in the future:
– Delete fonts, macros, and other data
stored in printer memory.
– Install more printer memory.
Note: The messages 37
Insufficient Memory and Hel d
Jobs may be lost alternate on the
See also: Holding a job in the printer;
37 Insufficient Memory
Held Jobs Ma y Not Be
Restored The printer memory cannot restore
Print and Hold jobs from the printer
hard disk.
Press Go to clear the message. Some of
the Print and Hold jobs stored on the disk
will not be restored.
See also: 37 Insufficient Memory
Hole Punch Waste Full The hole punch box in the finisher is
full. Empty the hole punch box.
Insert Staple Cartridge The staple cartridge in the finisher is
missing or is installed incorrectly. • Correctly install the staple cartridge to
clear the message.
•Press Go to ignore the message and
continue printing without stapling.
Insert Tray <x> The specified tray is either missing or
not fully inserted. Insert the spec ifie d t r ay complete ly in to t he
See also: Loading the trays
Install <device> or
Cancel Job The printer is requesting that a
specified device be installed so it can
print a job.
• Turn the printer off, install the specified
device, and restart the printer.
•Press Menu to open the Job Menu and
cancel the current job.
Invalid Engine Code The printer engine code has not been
programmed or is not valid. Call for service.
See also: Calling for service
Invalid Network <x>
Code The code in an internal print server is
not valid. The printer cannot receive
and process jobs until valid code is
programmed into the internal print
Download valid code to the printer internal
print server.
Note: You can download network code
while this message is displayed.
Invalid Standard
Network Code
ITU Maint The counter that tracks wear on the
image transfer unit has reached its
Replace the image transfer unit.
ITU/Fuser Maint The counters that track wear on the
image transfer unit and fuser have
reached their limit.
Replace the image transfer unit and fuser.
Message What this message means What you can do

Load Manual
<type> <size> A request for a manual feed job has
been sent to the printer. The printer is
ready for insertion of a single sheet
into the manual feed slot.
• Load a sheet of the paper specified in
the second line of the display in the
manual feed tray or multipurpose feeder.
•Press Select or Go to ignore the manual
feed request and print on paper already
installed in one of the input sources. If
the printer finds a tray that has paper of
the correct type and size, it feeds paper
from that tray. If the printer cannot find a
tra y with the correct paper ty pe and siz e,
it prints on whatever paper is i ns tal led in
the default input source.
•Press Menu to open the Job Menu and
cancel the current job.
See also: Loading the mu ltipurp ose
Load <x> Plain Letter Someone has initiated a tray
calibration procedure. Load paper into <x> and press Go to
contin ue the calibra tio n proc es s .
Load Staples The printer is trying to staple a print
job, but the stapler is empty. • Install a new staple cartridge in the
•Press Go to clear the message and
continue printing without stapling.
•Press Menu to open the Job Menu and
cancel the current job.
Load Tray <x> The printer is trying to feed paper from
a source it detects is empty. • Load paper of the size and type
requested in the second line of the
display in the specified tray. The printer
automatically clears the message and
continues printing the job.
•Press Menu to open the Job Menu and
cancel the current job.
See also: Loading the trays
Menus Disabled The printer menus are disabled. You
cannot change the printer settings
from the operator panel.
You can sti ll open the Jo b Men u to cancel a
job that is printing or to select a c onfidenti al
job or a held job that you want to print. If
you need access to the prin ter menus,
contact your network administrator.
See also: Disabling the operator panel
Network Card Busy An internal print server (also called an
internal network adapter or INA) is
being reset.
Wait for the message to clear.
Network <x> A network interface is the active
communication link. Wait for the message to clear.
Network <x> , <y > A network interface is the active
communication link, where <x>
represents the active communication
link and <y> represents the channel.
Wait for the message to clear.
No DRAM Installed No DRAM is installed in the printer. Turn the printer off, install DRAM and turn
the printer back on.
Message What this message means What you can do

No Jobs Found.
Retry? The four-digit personal identification
number (PIN) you entered is not
associated with any confidential print
•Press Go to enter another PIN.
•Press Stop to clear the PIN entry
See also: Holding a job in the printer
Not Ready The printer is not ready to receive or
process data . Som eon e pre ss ed Stop
to take the printer offline.
Press Go to make the printer ready to
receive jobs.
Ovrflow Bin Full The mailbox’s designated overflow bin
is full. Remove the stack of paper from the bin to
clear the message.
Parallel <x> A parallel interface is the active
communication link. Wait for the message to clear.
Perf orming Self Test The printer is running the series of
start-up tests it performs after it is
turned on.
Wait for the message to clear.
Power Saver The printer is ready to receive and
process data. It is reducing its
electricity consumption while idle. If
the printer remains inactive for the
period of time specified in the Power
Saver menu item (20 minutes is the
factory default), the Power Saver
messag e replaces the Ready message
on the display.
• Send a job to print.
•Press Go to quickly wa rm the printer to
normal operating temperature and
display the Ready message.
Prin t e r C a librating The printer is adjusting the colo r tab les
to correct variations caused by
environmental conditions.
Wait for the message to clear.
See also: Color Menu
Print Jobs on Disk Jobs that were spooled to the hard
disk before the printer was last turned
off have not yet printed.
•Press Go to print the jobs.
•Press Return or Stop to delete the jobs
from the hard disk without printing them.
Printing Ali gnment
Page The printer is processing or printing a
test page th at s ho w s ali gnm en t value s . Wait until the page has completed printing.
See also: <x> Alignment; Aligning the
image transfer unit
Printing Directory List The printer is processing or printing a
directory of all files sto red in flas h
memory or on a hard disk.
Wait for the message to clear.
See also: Print Directory
Printing Font List The printer is processing or printing a
list of all available fonts for the
specified printer language.
Wait for the message to clear.
See also: Print Fonts
Printing Job
Accounting Stat The printer i s pro ces s ing o r printi ng all
job accounting statistics stored on the
hard disk.
Wait for the message to clear.
See also: Job Acct Stat
Printing Men u
Settings The printer is processing or printing
the menu settings page. Wait for the message to clear.
See also: Print Menus; Printing a menu
settings page
Prog Engine Code The printer is programming new code
into the flash memory. Wait for the message to clear.
Warning: Do not turn the printer off while
this message is displayed.
Message What this message means What you can do

Prog System Code The printer is programming new
system code. Wait for the message to clear and the
printer to reset.
Warning: Do not turn the printer off while
this message is displayed.
Program Flash The printer is storing resources, such
as fonts or macros, in flash memory. Wait for the message to clear.
Warning: Do not turn the printer off while
this message is displayed.
Programming Disk The printer is storing resources, such
as fonts or macros, on the hard disk. Wait for the message to clear.
Warning: Do not turn the printer off while
this message is displayed.
Programming Error
P<x> An error o ccurred while the printer was
programming code into memory. Correct the problem specified on the
second line of the display:
•P105—A network file was used to
progr a m a non-network printer, or a non-
network file was used to program a
network printer.
•P109—An update file was used to
program the printer, but the information
did not fit within the space allocated in
the Master Boot Record.
•P112—An upddle.fls file was used to
update the DLE code on a printer w ith a
firmware card inst alled, b ut the DLE w as
not found on the firmware card.
•P200—No firmware card is installed.
Queuing and Deleting
Jobs The printer is deleting one or more
held jobs and sending one or more
jobs to print.
Wait for the message to clear.
See also: Printing and deleting held jobs
Queuing Jobs The printer is sending one or more
held jobs to print. Wait for the message to clear.
See also: Holding a job in the printer
Ready The printer is ready to receive and
process print jobs. Send a job to print.
Ready Hex The printer is in Hex Trace mode and
is ready to receive and process print
• Send a job to print. All data sent to the
printer is printed in hexadecimal and
char acter represent ation. Control strings
are printed, not execut ed.
• Turn the printer off and then on to ex it
Hex Trace mode and return to Ready
Reattach <device>The spec ifi ed device is either not fully
connected to the printer or is
experiencing a hardware failure.
• Reesta blish com munication by rem oving
the speci fied device and re attach ing it to
the printer.
•Press Go to clear the message and
continue printing without using the
• In the case of a hardware failure, turn
the printer off and back on. If the error
recurs, turn the printer off, remove the
specified device, and call for ser v ice.
See also: Calling for service
Message What this message means What you can do

Remove Cartridge and
ITU Pac k aging The packing material has not been
removed from the cartridges and the
image transfer unit belt.
Remove all packing material from inside
the printer.
See also: “Step 5: Installing Supplies” in
the Setup Guide
Remove Paper
<specified bin>The specified output bin, or bins, is full. Remove the stack of paper from the
spec ified bin(s) to clear the message.
Resetting Active Bin The printer is resetting to the activ e bin
in a linked set of bins. Wait for the message to clear.
Resetting Fuser Cnt
Value The printer is res etting the counter that
tracks wear on the fuser. Wait for the message to clear.
Resetting the Printer The printer is resetting to the current
default settings. A ny active print jobs
are canceled.
Wait for the message to clear.
See also: Changing menu sett ings
Restore Held Jobs.
Go/Stop? Someone reset the printer or turned it
on, and the printer detects Print and
Hold jobs stored on the hard disk.
•Press Go. All Print and Hold jobs on the
hard disk a re restore d to printer memory.
•Press Return or Stop. No Print and
Hold jobs are restored to printer
memory. The printer retur ns to the
Ready sta te.
See also: Holding a job in the printer
Restoring Factor y
Defaults The printer is restoring the factory
default printer set tings. When facto ry
default settings are restored:
• All downloaded resources (fonts,
macros , symbol sets) in the printer
memory are deleted.
• All menu settings return to the
factory default setting except:
– The Display Language setting in
the Setup Menu.
– All set tings in the Parallel Menu,
Serial Menu, Network Menu,
USB Menu, and Fax Menu.
Wait for the message to clear.
See also: Restoring factory default
Restoring Held Job
xxx/yyy The printer is restoring held jobs from
the hard disk.
Note: xxx represents the number of
the job bei ng restored. yyy represen ts
the total number of jobs to be restored.
• Wait for the message to clear.
• Selec t the Abort Restore menu item in
the Job Me nu.
See also: Holding a job in the printer
Restoring Held Jobs The printer is restoring held jobs from
the hard disk. Wait for the message to clear.
See also: Holding a job in the printer
Serial <x> A serial interface is the active
communication link. Wait for the message to clear.
Setup Required
Press Go • When you unpack ed the printer, you
left a piece of packing material
Remove all packing material from inside
the printer.
After pressing Go, you may see the
message, “Remove Cartridge and ITU
See also: Remove Cartridge and ITU
Packaging; “Step 5: Installing Supplies” in
the Setup Guide.
Message What this message means What you can do

Staples Low The stapler has only a few staples
remaining. •Press Go to continue printing.
• Install a ne w st aple cartridge to clear the
Std Bin Full The standard bin is full. Remove the stack of paper in the bin to
clear the message.
Supplies At least one of the printer supplies
requires atte ntio n. For e x am ple, yo u
may have a toner cartridge that is low
on toner.
Press Menu to open the Supplies Menu
and identify which supply item needs
replacing. Replace the appropriate printer
Tra y <x> Empty The specified tray is out of paper. Load paper in the tray to clear the
See also: Loading the trays
Tra y <x> Low The specified tray is low on paper. Add paper to the tray to clear the message.
See also: Loading the trays
Tray <x> Missing The specified tray is either missing or
not fully inserted into the printer. Insert the tray completely into the printer.
See also: Loading the trays
USB <x> The printer is processing data through
the specified USB port. Wait for the message to clear.
Waiting The printer has received a page of
data to print b ut is w aiting fo r an End o f
Job command, a Form Feed
command, or additional data.
•Press Go to print the contents of the
•Press Menu to open the Job Menu and
cancel the current job.
See also: Canceling a print job
100–199 Service
<message>Messages 100–199 relate to printer
problems that may require printer
Turn the printer off and check all cable
connecti ons. Turn the printer bac k on . If the
serv ice message recurs, call for service
and report the message number and
description of the problem.
See also: Calling for service
1565 Emul Error Load
Emul Option The do wnl oad emul ato r versi on on th e
firmware card does not match the
printer code v ers io n.
This error can occur if you update
printer firmware or move a firmware
card from one printer to another.
The printer automatically clears the
message in 30 seconds, and then disables
the download emulator on the firmware
Download t he correct download emulator
version from the Lexmark Web site.
2<xx> Paper Jam
<x> Page s Jamme d
Check Area <x>
The printer detects a paper jam.
The printer displays the number of
jammed pages and the area affected.
• Clear the paper path.
• Check tray 1 to ensure media is loaded
See also: Understanding jam messages;
Clearing the entire paper path; Loading
the trays
30 ITU Error
Check Area A
Move Z Down
Po wer Off /On
The image transfer unit (ITU) is not
installed or is installed incorrectly, or
the lever [Z] which locks the image
transfer unit into position is not
• Turn the printer off, correctly install the
image transfer unit, and then turn the
printer on.
• Check the lever [Z] which locks the
image transfer unit into position.
See also: Clearing image t ransfer unit
Message What this message means What you can do

30 <color> Toner Cart
Missing The specified toner cartridge is either
missing or incorrectly installed. • Insert the toner cartridge complet ely into
the printer. The printer automatically
clears the message.
• If the printer was just set up for the first
time, see “Step 5: Installing Supplies” in
the Setup Guide.
31 Defective <x>
Cartridge A defective print cartridge is installed. Remove the specified print cartridge and
install a new one.
32 Unsupported
<color> Cartridge An unsupported print cartridge is
installed. Remove the specified print cartridge and
install a new one.
33 Calibration Error
<x> The printer detects a calibration error
for a particula r color. •Press Go to continue printing.
• Once printing is complete, press Menu
to access the Color Menu, and sele ct
Color Adjust to recalibrate.
34 Incorrect Media The printer has detected a mismatch in
the reque sted m edia type and th e typ e
loaded in the multipurpose feeder or
any tray.
See Paper and specialty media
specifications on page 38 for more
• Replace the media in the multipurpose
feeder or tray with the requested media
and press Go.
•Press Menu to access the Busy/
Waiting Menu group, and select one of
the following options:
– Cancel Job
– Reset Printer
– Reset Active Bin
– Check Supply Levels
34 Shor t Paper The printer has determined that the
length of the paper in the source
specified on the second line of the
display is too short to print the
formatted data. For auto-size sensing
trays, this error occurs if the paper
guides are not in the correct position.
•Press Go to clear the message and
continue printing. The printer does not
automatically reprint the page that
prompted the message.
• Make sure the Paper Size setting in the
Paper Menu is correct for the size paper
you are using. If MP Feeder Size is set
to Universal, make sure your paper is
large enough for the formatted data.
•Press Menu to open the Job Menu and
cancel the current job.
See also: Paper and specialty media
35 Res Save Off
Deficient Memory The printer lacks the memor y needed
to enable Resource Save. This
message usually indicates too much
memory is allocated for one or more of
the printer link buffers.
•Press Go to disab le Res ource Sa v e an d
continue printing.
• To enable Resource Save after you get
this message:
– Make sure the link buffers are set to
Auto, and exit the menus to activate
the link buffer changes.
– When Ready is displayed, enable
Resource Save from the Setup Menu.
• Install additional memory.
36 Printer Service
Required Bac k g rou nd toner has pre vented a
calibration cycle from completing. A
defective cartr idge or ITU may be
installed. Contact a service
representative for a diagnosis.
Press Go to clear the error.
See also: Calling for service
Message What this message means What you can do

37 Insufficient
Collation Area The printer memory (or hard disk, if
installe d) does no t hav e th e free spac e
necessar y to collate the print job.
•Press Go to print the portion of the job
already stored and begin collating the
rest of the job.
•Press Menu to open the Job Menu and
cancel the current job.
See also: Canceling a print job
37 Insuffici ent Defrag
Memory The printer cannot defragment flash
memory, because the printer memory
used to store undeleted flash
resources is full.
• Delete fonts, macros, and other data in
printer memory.
• Install additional printer memory.
37 Insufficient
Memory The printer memory is full and cannot
continue processing current print jobs. •Press Go to clear the message and
continue the current print job . The printer
frees mem ory by deleting the oldest held
job and co ntinues del eting held job s until
there is enough printer memory to
process the job.
•Press Stop to clear the message without
deleting any held jobs. The current job
may not print correctly.
•Press Menu to open the Job Menu and
cancel the current job.
• To avoid this error in the future:
– Delete fonts, macros, and other data
in printer memory.
– Install additional printer memory.
Note: The messages 37
Insufficient Memory and Hel d
Jobs may be lost alternate on the
See also: Holding a job in the printer;
Held Jobs May Be Lost; Held Jobs May
Not Be Restored
38 Memory Full The printer is processing data, but the
memory used to store pages is full. •Press Go to clear the message and
continue printing the job. The job may
not print correctly.
•Press Menu to open the Job Menu and
cancel the current job.
• To avoid this error in the future:
– Simplify the print job by reducing the
amount of text or graphics on a page
and deleting unnecessary
downloaded fonts or macros.
– Install additional printer memory.
See also: Canceling a print job
Message What this message means What you can do

39 Complex Page The page may not print correctly
because the print information on the
page is too compl ex.
•Press Go to clear the message and
continue printing the job. The job may
not print correctly.
•Press Menu to open the Job Menu and
cancel the current job.
• To avoid this error in the future:
– Reduce the complexity of the page by
reducing the amount of text or
graphics on the page and deleting
unneces sa ry downl oad ed fonts or
– Set Page Protect to On in the Setup
– Install additional printer memory.
See also: Se tup Menu
4<x> Unsupported
Firmwa re C a rd The printer detects an unsupported
ve rsi on of firmw are on the ins tal led
firmware card.
• Turn the printer off, and then press and
hold Go while turning it on. The printer
reads the code on the system card and
bypasses the code on the firmware card.
• Remove the firmware card.
See also: Setup Guide
40 <color>
Invalid Refi ll The printer has detected an
unsupported refilled cartridge. Remove the indicated print cartridge and
install a new one.
50 PPDS Font Error The PPDS interpreter has
encountered a font error. •Press Go to clear the message and
continue printing.
•Press Menu to open the Job Menu and
reset the printer or cancel the print job.
51 Defective Fl ash The printer detects defective flash
memory. Press Go to clear the message and
continue printing. You must install different
flash memory bef ore you can download an y
resources to flash.
52 Flash Full There is not enough free space in the
flash memory to store the data you are
trying to downloa d.
•Press Go to clear the message and
contin ue printing. Do wnload ed fo nts and
macros not previously stored in flash
memory are deleted.
• Delete fonts, macros, and other data
stored on the flash memor y.
• Install flash memory with more storage
53 Unformat ted Flash The printer detects unformatted flash
memory. •Press Go to clear the message and
contin ue prin tin g. You must f ormat the
flash memory before you can store any
resources on it.
• If the error message remains, the flash
memory may be defective and require
54 Serial Option <x>
Error The printer has detected a serial
interface error on a serial port. • Make sure the serial link is set up
correctly and you are using the
appropriate cable.
•Press Go to clear the message and
continue printing. The job may not print
•Press Menu to open the Job Menu and
reset the printer.
54 Standard Serial
Message What this message means What you can do

54 Network <x>
Software Error The printer cannot establish
communications with an installed
network port.
•Press Go to clear the message and
continue printing. The job may not print
• Program new firmware for the network
interface by way of the parallel por t.
•Press Menu to open the Job Menu and
reset the printer.
54 Std Network
Software Error
54 Std Par ENA
Connection Lost The printer has lost the connection to
an e xternal print server (als o calle d an
external network adapter or ENA).
• Make sure the cab le connecting the ENA
and the printer is securely attached. Turn
the printer off and then on to reset the
•Press Go to clear the message. The
printer erases any reference to the ENA
and then resets.
54 Par <x> ENA
Connection Lost
55 Unsupported
Option in Slot <x> An unsupported option card is installed
in one of the ports or an unsupported
flash DIMM is installed in a memory
Turn off and unp lug the printer . Remo ve the
unsupported opt ion . Plu g i n th e p rint er an d
turn it on.
See Removing memory and option
cards for hel p.
55 Unsupported Flash
in Slot <x>
56 Serial Port <x>
Disabled Data has been sent to the printer
through a s erial port, but the serial port
is disabled.
•Press Go to clear the message. The
printer discards any data received
through the serial port.
• Make sure the Serial Buffer menu item in
the Serial Menu is not set to Disabled.
See also: Serial Buffer
56 Standard Serial
56 Parallel Port <x>
Disabled Data has been sent to the printer
through a parallel port, but the parallel
port is disabled.
•Press Go to clear the message. The
printer discards any data received
through the parallel port.
• Make sure the P arallel Buffer menu item
in the Parallel Menu is not set to
See also: Para llel Buff er
56 Std Parallel Port
56 USB Port <x>
Disabled Data has been sent to the printer
through a USB port, but the USB port
is disabled.
•Press Go to clear the message. The
printer discards any data received
through the USB port.
• M ake sure the USB Buffer m enu item in
the USB Menu is not set to Disabled.
See also: USB Buffer
56 Standard USB Port
58 Input Config Error Either too m any dr awe rs with matchi ng
trays are attached to the printer or the
input configuration is invalid. (For
example, a duplex unit is not installed
directly underneath the printer, but
under a tray instead.)
Turn off and unp lug the printer . Remo ve the
additional drawers or reconfigure the
offending option. Plug in the printer and
turn it on.
See also: Setup Guide
58 Output Config
Error Too many output options have been
attached to the printer. Turn off and unp lug the printer . Remo ve the
additional output option(s). Plug in the
printer and turn it on.
See also: Setup Guide
Message What this message means What you can do

58 Too Man y Disks
Installed Too many hard disks are installed on
the printer. The printer only supports
one hard disk at a time.
Turn off and unp lug the printer . Remo ve the
excess hard disks from the printer. Plug in
the printer and turn it on.
See also: Removing memory and option
58 Too Man y Flash
Options Too many flash memory options are
installed on the printer. Turn off and unplug the printer . Rem ov e the
excess flash memory. Plug in the printer
and turn it on.
See also: Removing memory and option
59 Incompatible
<device>You have installed an incompatible
device. Remove the device and press Go to clear
the message.
61 Defective Dis k The printer detects a defective hard
disk. •Press Go to clear the message and
continue printing.
• Install a different hard disk before you
perform any operations that require one.
See also: Setup Guide
62 Disk Full There is not enough memory on the
hard disk to store the data sent to the
•Press Go to clear the message and
continue processing. Any information not
previously stored on the hard disk is
• Delete fonts, macros, and other data
stored on the hard disk.
63 Unformat ted Disk The printer detects an unformatted
hard disk. •Press Go to clear the message and
continue printing.
• Format the disk before performing any
disk operations. To format the disk,
select Format Disk from the Utilities
• If the error message remains, the hard
disk may be defective and require
replacing. Install a new hard disk and
format it.
See also: Format Disk
64 Disk Not Supported The printer detects that an
incompatible hard disk is installed. Tur n the printer off and remove the disk.
See also: Removing memory and option
64 Unsupported Disk
Format The printer detects an unsupported
disk format. •Press Go to clear the message.
• Format the disk.
Note: Disk operations are not allowed
until the disk is f o rmatted.
80 Fuser Maintenance The counter that tracks wear on the
fuser has reach ed its limi t. •Press Go to continue printing.
• If print quality is unacceptable, replace
the fuser.
81 Engine Code CRC
Failure Micro co de in the eng ine flash code
module has failed a system check. •Press Go to clear the message.
• Discard the code. Retransmit the
microcode data from the host computer.
Message What this message means What you can do

82 Waste Bottle Nearly
Full The toner waste container is almost
full. •Press Go to clear the message and
continue printing.
• Replace the toner waste container.
See also: 82 Waste Toner Bottle Full
82 Waste Toner Bottle
Full The toner waste container is full. Replace the toner waste container and
press Go to clear the message.
82 Waste Toner Bottle
Missing The toner waste container is missing. Replace the toner waste container and
press Go to clear the message.
83 ITU Maintenance The counter that tracks wear on the
image transfer unit has reached its
•Press Go to continue printing.
• If print quality is unacceptable, replace
the image transfer unit.
84 Oiler Nearly
Exhausted The web oiler is nearing the end of its
life. •Press Go to clear the message and
continue printing.
• Replace the web oiler.
See also: Ordering a web oiler
84 Replace Oiler The web oiler has reached its end of
life or is missing from the printer. Replace the web oiler.
See also: Ordering a web oiler
85 ITU Maintenance The color adjust sensor LED is too
weak. •Press Go to continue printin g.
• If print quality is unacceptable, replace
the image transfer unit.
86 ITU Maintenance The color adjust sensor LED is too
bright. •Press Go to continue prin ting .
• If print quality is unacceptable, replace
the image transfer unit.
87 Fuser Missing The fuser is either missing or
incorrectly installed. Correctly install the fuser to clear the
message and continue printing.
88 <color> Toner Low The printer has detected that the
specified print cartridge is nearly
exhausted. If you do not have a
replacem en t cartridge on hand, order
one now. More pages may be printed
before the cartridge is totally
• Replace the specified print cartridge.
•Press Go to clear the message and
contin ue prin tin g. The Supplies
message is displayed until you replace
the specified pr int cart ri dge.
89 ITU Maintenance The ITU NVRAM is invalid. • Press Go to continue printing .
• If print quality is unacceptable, replace
the image transfer unit.
900–999 Service
<message>Messages 900–999 relate to printer
problems that may require printer
Turn the printer off and check all cable
connecti ons. Turn the printer bac k on . If the
serv ice message recurs, call for service
and report the message number and
description of the problem.
See also: Calling for service
Message What this message means What you can do

7Clearing paper jams
Understanding jam messages
Note: Always clear the entire paper path when you receive any jam message.
Paper jam messa ges
Message Check Areas... What to do...
200 Paper Jam
(tray 1 and left access
door beside tray 1)
A, B, T1 Follow the instructions for clearing Area A, Area B, and Area T1.
If the jam mess age persists, pap er may be ca ught in the image tran sf er
unit. See Clearing image transfer unit jams for instructions.
201 Paper Jam
(fuser area) D, K, L Follow the instructions for clearing Area D, Area K, and Area L.
If the jam message persists, paper may be caught in the fuser. See
Clearing fuser jams for instructions.
202 Paper Jam
(fuser area) K, L Follow the instructions for clearing Area K and Area L.
If the jam message persists, paper may be caught in the fuser. See
Clearing fuser jams for instructions.
230 Paper Jam
(duplex area) E, J Follow the instructions for clearing Area E and Area J.
24<x> Paper Jam
(trays 2–4) C, T<x> Follow the instructions for clearing Area C and Area T<x>.
250 Paper Jam
(multipurpose feeder) A Follow the instructions for clearing Area A.
27<x> Paper Jam
(mailbox and output
M Follow the instructions for Clearing mailbox or output expander
jams (Area M).
28<x> Paper Jam
(finisher) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Refer to the Finisher Setup & User’s Guide f or inst ructio ns on clearing
finisher jam s.

Access doors and trays
The following illustrations show areas where jams can occur.
Area A
Multipurpose feeder
200 Paper Jam
250 Paper Jam
Area B
Left access door
(beside tray 1)
200 Paper Jam
Area C
Paper input options:
500-sheet drawer or
2000-sheet drawer
24<x> Paper Jam
Areas 1–6
28<x> Paper Jam
Area D
Front access door
201 Paper Jam
Area T1
Standard tray (Tray 1)
200 Paper Jam
Area E
Duple x mechanism
230 Paper Jam
Area T<x>
Paper inp ut options :
500-sheet trays or
2000-sheet tray
24<x> Paper Jam
Area M
27<x> Paper Jam
Area L
Upper right access door
(redrive area)
201 Paper Jam
202 Paper Jam
Area K
Lower right access door
(fuser area)
201 Paper Jam
202 Paper Jam
Area J
Duplex tray
230 Paper Jam

Clearing the entire paper path
When a paper jam occurs, the printer stops operating and displays 2<xx> Paper Jam and a message to
clear certain printer areas.

After you have cleared the following areas, make sure all printer covers, doors, and trays are closed, and
then press Go to resume printing.
Note: The printer also displa ys <x> Pages Jammed. Be sure to remove all the jammed pages
before pressing Go.
Area A
1If you are using the multipurpose feeder,
release the levers on each side of the
feeder to lay it flat.
2Press the pick assembly release lever and
remove all media and jams.
3Return the feeder to its working position
and reload your media.
Area B
1Open the left access door .
2Pull down the lever until it stops.
3Remove all visible media.
Note: Remove any torn media from
the printer.
4Return the lever to its upright position.
5Close the door.
Note: Open T ray 1 and make sure the
entire media stack is pushed all
the way down into the tray.

Area C
1If you ha v e one or more optional 500-sheet
aOpen the 500-sheet drawer access
door. Hold the door down while
removing jams.
Note: Make sure the entire paper
stack is loaded correctly and
pushed all the way down in to
the tray.
bClose the door.
2If you have an optional 2000-sheet drawer:
aOpen the 2000-sheet drawer access
door. Pull the jam down and out of the
bClose the door.
Area D
1Open the front access door.
2Hold down the lever in the upper left
corner. Remove jams in the rollers under
the image transfer unit.
Note: Any image pr in ted wil l not be
fused to the page.

Area T1
1If clear i ng Area B did not clear the jam, then carefully open tray 1. Remove any jams.
Note: Make sure the paper is pushed all the way down into the tray.
2Close tray 1.
Area E
1Pull the duple x mechanism completely out.
Look inside and remove any paper caught
in the rollers. Also , look up inside, as some
jams may be above the rollers.
2Reinstal l the dupl ex mechanism in the
Area T<x>
1If you cannot clear all the 500-sheet drawer jams from Area C:
aCarefully open trays 2 through 4 (all 500-sheet trays) and remove jams.
Note: Make sure the paper is pushed all the way down into the tray.
bClose trays 2 through 4.
2If you cannot clear the 2000-sheet draw er
jam from Area C:
aOpen the 2000-sheet drawer.
bRemove any jams, and then close the
2000-sheet drawer.

Area J
1Remove the duplex tray.
2Remove any jams and then reinstall the
Area K
1Open the lower right access door.
2Remove any jams, and then close the door .
Area L
1Open the upper right access door.
2Remove jams from the rollers and then
close the door.

Clearing mailbox or output expander jams (Area M)
1Open the rear door of the 5-bin mailbox or ouput expander.
2Pull the jam straight out, and then close the door.
Clearing fuser jams
1Clear the paper path. If the jam error message persists, go to step 2.
2Open both the upper right and the lower right access doors (Areas K and L).
CAUTION: The fuser assembly may be hot. Let it cool before continuing.

3Pull down the latches. They slide toward the center to release the fuser.
4Pull the fuser out, and set it on a clean, flat surface.
5Unsnap the housing and set it aside.
6Lift up the fuser roller cover and remove the jam.
7Close the fuser roller cover.
8Snap the housing back onto the fuser.
9Insert the fus er back into the prin ter.
10 Slide the latches out, and then pull up to refasten them.
11 Close the doors.

Clearing image transfer unit jams
1Open the front access door and the left access door.
2While holding down the lev er behind the front access door, insert a f olded piece of paper as shown
to clear the paper sensors under the image transfer unit. Make sure to clear the entire width of the
paper path.
3Close the left access door and the front access door. If the jam persists, continue with step 4.

4Turn the printer off. Open the front cover.
5Remove all the print cartridges.
aPull up slightly on the cartridge handhold.
bPull the cartridge straight out and use the handle to lift it off the guides.
cPlace the cartridges on a clean, flat surface out of direct light.

6Release the latches to open the multipurpose f eeder (area A) all the way.
7Remove the image transfer unit.
aRaise the le ver to unlock the image transfer unit.

bPull down on the handle.
cSlide the image transfer unit out and place it on a clean, flat surface.
Warning: Do not touch the transfer belt. Touching the belt will damage the image transfer unit.

8Look inside the printer. Remov e all torn paper or other jams.
9Insert the image transf er unit back into the printer.
aAlign the guides with the insertion grooves and gently slide the unit in.

bRotate the handle up, and gently push the unit into place.
cLower the lever to lock the image transfer unit in place.

10 Return the multipurpose feeder to its working position.
Reinstall all the print cartridges.
11 Close th e printer door.
12 Turn the printer on. The printer returns to a Ready state.
Clearing finisher jams (Areas 1–6)
Refer to the Finisher Setup & User’s Guide for instructions on clearing finisher jams.
If you still need help
1Turn the printer off and then back on.
2Contact your administrator or Help desk if you need more assistance.

Determining the status of supplies
To determine the status of all of the consumables installed in your printer, print the menu settings page.
See Printing a menu settings page for detailed instructions.
One or two pages print, depending on the number of menu settings you have. Look for “Consumable
Status” on the page; the percentage of life remaining for each of the items is indicated.
Conserving supplies
Several settings in your application software or on the display let you conserve toner and paper:
Supply Setting What the setting does For more information, see...
Toner Toner Darkness in the Color
Menu Lets you adjust the amount of
toner released on a sheet of
paper. The value s ra ng e from 1
(lightest setting) to 5 (darkest
Toner Darkness
Color Saver in the Color Menu Reduces the amount of toner
used to print graphics and
images, while keeping text at
the default toner level.
Color Saver
Paper and
specialty media Multipage Print in the Finishing
Menu Prints two or more page images
on one side of a sheet.
Values for Mult ipa ge Print a re 2
Up, 3 Up, 4 Up, 6 Up, 9 Up, 12
Up, and 16 Up.
Combined with the duplex
setting, M ult ipage Print lets y ou
print up to 32 pages on one
sheet of paper (16 images on
the front and 16 on the back).
Multipage Print
Duplex in the Finishing Menu Available when you attach an
optional duplex unit. Duplex
Use your software application
or printer driver to send a Verify
Print job.
Use Held Jobs in the Job Menu
to access y our Verify Print job.
Lets you examine the first copy
of a mu ltiple-co py job t o be sure
it is satisf acto ry bef ore you print
the othe r copi es. If t he job is
unsat is factory, you may cancel
the job.
Verify Print
Canceling a print job
Holding a job in the printer

Ordering supplies and maintenance items
In the U.S. or Canada, call 1-800-Lexmark (1-800-539-6275) for information about Lexmark Authorized
Supplies Dealers in your area. In other countries/regions, contact the place where you bought your printer.
You can also visit our Lexmark online store at to order supplies. Click the Web link on
the bottom of this page.
Replacing maintenance items as needed helps you maintain top performance, optimize print quality, and
avoid printing problems.
Ordering a fuser
When the 80 Fus er Maintenance message appears on the display, you should order a new fuser.
Note: Order the correct type of fuser for y our printer. Only order a web oiler fuser if an
authorized servicer has installed a web oiler upgrade kit to allow your printer to print
large quantities of vinyl or dual web labels.
Ordering a web oiler
When the 84 Oil er Nearly Exhaust ed or 8 4 Repl ace Oile r message appears on the display, you
should order a new web oiler. Use P/N 12G6545 to order a web oiler.
Ordering an image transfer unit and transfer roller
When the 83 ITU Maintenance message appears on the displa y, you should order a new image transfer
unit and transfer roller. Use P/N 56P1544 to order an image transfer unit and second transfer roller.
Ordering a print car tridge
When the 88 <color> Ton er Low message appears on the display, you should order a new print
cartridge. You can continue to print after the 88 <color> T oner Low message appears for a few
hundred pages until the print fades or no longer prints satisfactorily.
Visit Lexmark’s Web site at for print cartridge ordering information.
Type of fuser Printer volta ge Part number
Standard fuser 100 V (Japan) 12G6498
115 V 12G6496
220 V 12G6497
Web oiler fuser 100 V (Japan) 12G65 02
115 V 12G6514
220 V 12G6515

The following is a list of cartridges you can order:
Recycling Lexmark products
To return your Lexmark products to Lexmark for recycling:
11. Visit our Web site:
22. Follow the instructions on your screen.
•Black print cartridge
•Cyan print cartridge
•Magenta print cartridge
•Yellow print cartridge
•Black high yield print cartridge
•Cyan high yield print cartridge
•Magenta high yield print cartridge
•Yellow high yield print cartridge
•Black Return Program print cartridge
•Cyan Return Program print cartridge
•Magenta Return Program print cartridge
•Yellow Return Program print cartridge
•Black high yield Return Program print cartridge
•Cyan high yield Return Program print cartridge
•Magenta high yield Return Program print cartridge
•Yellow high yield Return Program print cartridge

Removing memory and option cards
To remove memory or option cards, use the following illustration to locate the connector for the card you
want to remove.
Accessing the printer system board
1Turn the printer off.
2Unplug the printer power cord.
3Disconnect all cables from the back of the printer.
4Locate the access cover on the back of the printer.
5Remove the four access cover scre ws as shown.
6Remov e the access cover.
Firmware and flash
memory card connectors
Option ca rd conn ec tor
Hard disk connector
Memory card connector

Removing memory cards
Complete the follo wing steps to remove printer memory or flash memory cards.
Warning: Printer memory and flash memory cards are easily damaged by static electricity. Touch
something metal on the printer before you touch a memory card.
1Remov e the system board access cover. See Acc ess ing the printer sys te m board.
2Locate the memory card you want to remove.
3Push the latches on both ends of the connector away from the card.
4Pull the card straight out of the connector.
5Place the card in its original packaging, or wrap the card in paper and store it in a box.
6Reinstall the system board access cover. See Reinstalling the system board access cover.
Removing an option card
Complete the following steps to remove an internal print server, Coax/Twinax Adapter, Parallel Interface
Card, or Serial Interface Card.
Warning: Option cards are easily damaged by static electricity. Touch something metal on the
printer before you touch an option car d.
1Remov e the system board access cover. See Acc ess ing the printer sys te m board.
2Locate the option card.

3Remove the screw that secures the card to the system board connector slot.
4Gently pull the card out of the connector.
5If you saved the metal plate that covers the connector slot and you do not plan to insert another
card, attach the plate:
aSlide the clip side of the plate in first, making sure the clip end covers the groove on the
system board.
bUse the screw to secure the other end of the metal plate to the system board.
6Place the card in its original packaging, or wrap the card in paper and store it in a box.
7Replace the system board access cover. See Reinstalling the system board access cover.

Removing a hard disk
Warning: Hard disks are easily damaged by static electricity. Touch something metal on the
printer before you touch a disk.
1Remov e the system board access cover. See Acc ess ing the printer sys te m board.
2Locate the hard disk.
3Gently pull the three posts on the hard disk mounting plate out of the holes on the system board.
4Gently pull the ribbon cable connector out of the connector on the system board.
5Place the disk in its original packaging, or wrap the disk in paper and store it in a box.
6Replace the system board access cover. See Reinstalling the system board access cover.

Removing a firmware card
Warning: Optional firmware cards are easily damaged by static electricity. Touch something
metal on the printer before you touch an optional firmware card.
1Remov e the system board access cover. See Acc ess ing the printer sys te m board.
2Grasp the firmware card gently and pull it straight out in one motion. Do not pull one side and then
the other.
3Place the card in its original packaging, or wrap the card in paper and store it in a box.
4Replace the system board access cover. See Reinstalling the system board access cover.

Reinstalling the system board access cover
1Align the slots at the top of the access cover with the screws near the top of the printer.
2Slide the cover up under the top cover lip as f ar as it will go , and then tighten the screws at the top
of the cover.
3Insert and tighten the four screws to the bottom of the cover.
4Reconnect all cables on the back of the printer.
5Plug in the printer power cord.
6Turn the printer on.

User Guide resources
Troubleshooting information can be found in this chapter, and can also be found in the chapters on Using
printer menus, Understanding printer messages, and Clearing paper jams.
Online Technical Support
Technical support is available on our Lexmark Web site at
Calling for service
When you call for printer service, describe the problem you are experiencing, the message on the display,
and the troubleshooting steps you have already taken to find a solution.
You need to know your printer model type and serial number. Refer to the label on the back of the printer
near the power cord for this informat ion.
Note: The serial number is also listed on the menu settings page you can print from the
Utilities Menu. See Printing a menu settings page for more information.
F or service in the U.S . or Canada, call 1-800-Le xmark (1-800-539-6275). For other countries/regions, ref er
to the numbers listed on the drivers CD.
Note: When calling for service, call from the location of the printer.
Checking an unresponsive printer
Sometimes printer problems are very easy to solve. If your printer is not responding, first make sure:
•The power cord is plugged into the printer and a properly grounded electrical outlet.
•The electrical outlet is not turned off by any switch or breaker.
•The printer is not plugged into any surge protectors, uninterrupted power supplies, or extension
•Other electrical equipment plugged into the outlet is working.
•The printer is turned on.
•The printer cable is securely attached to the printer and the host computer, print server, option, or
other network device.

Once you have checked each of these possibilities, turn the printer off and back on. This often fixes the
Printing a menu settings page
Print the menu settings page to review the printer settings and to verify that printer options are installed
Note: See Understanding the printer operator panel to identify the display and operator
panel buttons if you need help.
1Make sure the printer is on and the Ready message appears.
2Press Menu until you see Util ities Menu, and then press Select.
3Press Menu until you see Prin t Menus , and then press Select to print the page.
The message Printing Men us is displayed.
Note: If any other message appears when you print this page, see Understanding printer
messages for more informat io n.
4Verify that the options you installed are correctly listed under “Installed Features.”
If an option you installed is not listed, turn the printer off, unplug the power cord, and reinstall the
5Verify the amount of memory installed is correctly listed under “Printer Information.”
6Verify that the paper trays are configured for the sizes and types of paper you loaded.
Changing menu settings
You can use the operator panel to change printer menu settings and customize your printer to meet your
specifi c nee ds.
Note: Changes to specific print jobs made from a software application override the settings
made from the operator panel.
See the menu map for a list of the menus and their menu items.
To select a new value:
1Press Menu until you see the menu you need, and then press Select.
The menu opens and the first menu item in the menu appears on the second line of the display.

2Press Menu until you see the menu item you need, and then press Select.
An asterisk (*) appears beside the current default setting for that menu item.
A value can be:
–An On or Off setting.
–A phrase or word that describes a setting.
–A numerical value that you can increase or decrease.
When you press Select, an asterisk (*) appears beside the new value to indicate that it is now the
default setting. The Saved message appears, then the previous list of menu items appears on the
Note: Some menu items have submenus. For example, if you select Paper Menu, and then
select the P aper Type menu item, you must select another menu (such as Tra y 1 Type)
before the available values appear.
3Press Return to go back to previous menus or menu items and set new default settings.
4Press Go to return to the Ready message if this is the last printer setting you want to change.
Note: User default settings remain in eff ect until you save new settings or restore the factory
Disabling Power Saver
Disabling Power Saver in the Setup Menu helps keep your printer ready to print without delays.
1Press Menu unti l you see S etup Men u, and then press Select.
2Press Menu unti l you see P ower Sav er , and then press Select.
3Press Menu unti l you see Disabled, and then press Select.
If the Disabled value is not available, first change the Energy Conserve setting to Off in the Config Menu:
1Turn the printer off.
2Press and hold the Select and Return buttons, and then turn the printer on.
3Release the buttons when Performing Sel f Tes t appears on the display.
When the printer self test is done, Config Menu is displayed.
4Press Menu until you see Ener gy Conserve , and then press Select.
5Press Menu until you see Off, and then press Select.
Energy Con serve SAVED briefly appears, and then Config Menu is displayed.
6Press Menu until you see Exit Config M enu, and then press Select.
Activat ing M enu Chang es briefly appears, followed by Perform ing Self Test. The printer
returns to the Ready message.

Now you can select the Disabled value from the Power Saver menu item.
Note: You can also disable P ower Saver by issuing a Printer Job Language (PJL) command.
For more information, refer to the Techni cal Reference available on our Lexmark Web
site at
Disabling the operator panel menus
A network administrator can lock the printer menus to keep others from changing default menu settings
from the operator panel.
To disable the menus:
1Turn the printer off.
2Press and hold the Select and Return buttons, and then turn the printer on.
3Release the buttons when Performing Sel f Tes t appears on the display.
When the printer self test completes, Config Menu appears.
4Press Menu until you see Pane l Menus , and then press Select.
5Press Menu until you see Disable, and then press Select.
Saved briefly appears, followed by Disablin g Menus . Conf ig Menu appears again with Panel
Menus on the second line.
6Press Menu until you see Exit Config M enu, and then press Select.
Activat ing M enu Chang es briefly appears, followed by Perform ing Self Test. The printer
returns to the Ready message.
Note: Once this procedure is completed, if the Menu button is pressed when the printer
displays the Ready status message, the message Menus Disabled appear s. If the
printer is holding a confidential job or held job (Reserve Print, Repeat Print, or Verify
Print), you can still access these jobs through the Job Menu.
Enabling the menus
To enable the menus, repeat the steps in Disabling the operator panel menus. However, in step 5 on
page 119, select Enable instead of Disable. After you press Select, Enablin g Menus is displayed.

Printing multi-language PDFs
Symptom Cause Solution
Some maintenance and
documents do not
The documents contain
unavailable fonts. 1Open the document you want to print in Adobe Acrobat.
2Click the printer icon.
The Print dialog box appears.
3Check the Print as image box.
4Click OK.

Solving printing problems
Symptom Cause Solution
The operator panel
display is blank or
displays only
The printer self test
failed. Turn the printer off, wait about 10 seconds, and turn the
printer back on.
Performing Self Test appears on the display. When the
test is completed, the Ready message is displayed.
If the m ess ag es do no t a pp ear, turn the p rint er o ff and c all for
Jobs do not print. The printer is not ready
to receive data. Make sure Ready or Power Saver ap pears on the display
before sending a job to print. Press Go to return the printer to
the Ready state.
The specifi ed out put bin
is full. Remove the stack of paper from the output bin, and then
press Go.
The specified tray is
empty. Load paper in the tray.
See Loading the trays for detailed instructions.
You are using the wrong
printer driver or are
printing to a file.
• Verify that you selected the printer driver associated with
the Lexmark C760, C762.
• If you are using a USB port, make sure you are running
Windows 98/Me, Windows 2000, Windows XP, or
Windows Server 2003 and using a Windows 98/Me,
Windows 2000, Windows XP, or Windows Server 2003
compatible printer driver.
Your MarkNet™ print
server is not set up
properly or is not
connected properly.
Verify that you have properly configured the printer for
network printing.
Refer to the drivers CD or to our Lexmark Web sit e for
You are using the wrong
interface cable, or the
cable is not secu r ely
Make sure you are using a recommended interface cable.
Refer to the Setup Guide for cable specifications.
Held jobs do not print. A for matting error has
occurred. • Print the job. (Only part of the job may print.)
• Delete the job.
• Free up additional printer memory by scrolling through the
list of held jobs and deleting others you have sent to the
The printer has
insufficient memory.
The printer has received
invalid data. Delete the job.
Job takes longer than
expec ted to print. The job is too complex. Reduce the complexity of your print job by eliminating the
number and size of fonts, the num ber and complexity of
images, and the number of pages in the job.
Page Protect is set to
On. Set Page Protect to Off from the Setup Menu.
1Press Menu until you see Setup M enu, and then press
2Press Menu until you see Page Pr otect, and then press
3Press Menu until you see Off, and then press Select.

Solving mailbox problems
Job prints from the
wrong tray or on the
wrong paper or
specialty med i a.
The operator panel menu
settings do not match the
media loaded in the tray.
Make sure the Paper Size and Paper Type specified on the
operator panel and in the printer driver are correct for the job
you are pr inting.
Incorrect c har ac ter s
print. You are using an
incompatible parallel
If you are using a parallel interface, make sure you are using
an IEEE 1284-compliant parallel cable. We recommend
Lexmark part number 1329605 (10 ft) or 1427498 (20 ft) for
the standard parallel port.
The printer is in Hex
Trace mode. If Ready Hex appear s on the disp la y, you mus t e xi t He x Trace
mode before you can print your job. Turn the printer off and
back on to exit Hex Trace mode.
Tray linking does not
work. Tray linking is not
configured properly. To configu re the linked t rays:
• Make sure the Tray x Type value in the Paper Type menu
item in the Paper Menu is the same for all linked trays.
• M ake sure the Tray x Size value in the Pap er Size menu
item in the Paper Menu is the same for all linked trays.
Large jobs do not
collate. Collate is not set to On. Set Collation to On in the Finishing Menu or thr ough the
printer driv er.
Note: Setting Collation to Off in the driver overrides the
setting in the Finishing Men u.
The job is too complex. Reduce the complexity of the print job by eliminating the
number and size of fonts, the num ber and complexity of
images, and the number of pages in the job.
The printer does not
have enough memor y. Add printer memory or an optional hard disk.
Ref er to the Setup Gui de f o r information on s electing mem ory
options to ins t all .
Unexpec ted pa ge
breaks occ ur. The job has timed out. Set Print Timeout to a higher value from the Setup Menu.
Symptom Cause Solution
Paper jams before
reaching the mail box. The mailbox and the
printer are misalig ned. Realign the mailbox and the printer.
Refer to the Setup Guide for instructions.
See Clearing mailbox or output expander jams (Area M)
for more information.
The mailbox is not
connected properly. Check the electrical connection.
Refer to the Setup Guide for instructions on connecting the
mailbox to the printer.
Symptom Cause Solution

Solving option problems
Solving paper feed problems
Symptom Cause Solution
The option does not
operate correctly after
it is installed, or it
stops working.
The option is not instal led
correctly. Remove the option, and then reinstall it.
Cables connecting the option to
the printer are not attached
Check the cable connections.
Refer to the Setup Guide for instructio ns.
The printer driver does not
recognize that the option is
Your printer driver may not automatically recognize
that an opt ion is attach ed to y our prin ter. Look at the
driver settings and verify that all the printer
configuration settings are correct.
Symptom Cause Solution
Paper frequently jams. You are us ing paper that does not
meet the printer speci fic ati ons. Use recommended paper and other s pe cia lty m edi a.
Refer to the Card Stock & Label Guide available on
our Lexmark Web site at for
detailed specifications.
See Clearing the entire paper path, Clearing
fuser jams, Clearing image transfer uni t jams,
Clearing mailbox or output expander jams (Area
M), or Paper and specialty media specifications
for more information.
See Avoiding jams for information that can help
prevent jams from occurring.
You have loaded too much paper
or too many envelopes. Make sure the stack of paper you load does not
exceed the maximum stack height indicated at the
front of the tray or on the multipurpose feeder.
See Loading the trays or Loading the
multipurpose feeder for more information.
Guides in the selec ted tray are not
set to the appropriate position for
the size paper loaded.
Move the guides in the tray to the correct position.
See Loading the trays for detailed instructions.
The pape r has abso rbed moistu re
due to high humidity. Load paper from a fresh package.
Store paper in its original wrapper until you load it.
See Storing paper for more information.
The Paper Jam
message re mai ns after
you remove the
jammed paper.
You have not cleared the entire
paper path, or you did not open
the door specified by th e messag e
to chec k for jams in this area.
Clear paper from the entire paper path, open the
door indic ated b y the op erato r pan el messag e , clea r
the jam, and close the door. The printer resumes
See Clearing image transfer unit jams, Clearing
fuser jams, Clearing the entire paper path, or
Clearing mailbox or output expander jams (Area
M) f or mo re information.

Solving print quality problems
You can solve many print quality problems by replacing a supply or maintenance item that has reached the
end of its intended life. Check the operator panel for a message about a printer consumable. See
Determining the status of supplies for information about other ways to identify consumables that need to
be replace d.
Use the following table to find solutions to print quality problems.
The page that jammed
does not reprint after
you cl ear the jam.
Jam Recovery in the Setup Menu
is set to Off. Set Jam Recovery to A uto or On.
Blank pages feed into
the output bin. An incorrect media type is loaded
in the tray being printed from. Load the correct type media fo r your print job or
change the Paper Type on the operator panel to
match the type of media loaded.
Symptom Cause Solution
Repeating defects Either the print cartridges are
defective, the image transfer unit
and tr ansf er roller are de fecti ve , or
the fuser is defective.
Marks occur repeatedly only in one color and
multiple times on a page:
• Replace the cartridge if the defects occur every:
– 48 mm (1.9 in.)
–97mm (3.8in.)
Marks occur down the page repeatedly in all
• Replac e the t rans f er roll i f the d ef ects occ ur e v e ry
60 mm (2.4 in.)
• Check the first transfer bellcranks and springs or
replace th e image trans fer uni t if the def ects occur
every 101 mm (4 in.)
• Replace the fuser if the defects occur every
148 mm (5.8 in.)
Marks occur on every third or sixth page in any
Replace the image transfer unit.
misregistration Color has shifted outside of the
appropriate area or has been
superimposed over another color
1Re-seat the ca rtridges b y remo ving them from the
printer and then reinserting them.
2If you still have the problem, refer to the Color
Alignment section under the Utilities Menu.
See also Aligning the image transfer unit
Symptom Cause Solution

White or colored
line Either the print cartridges are
defective, the image transfer unit
and tr ansf er roller are de fecti ve , or
the fuser is defective.
1Replace the color print cartridge causing the line.
2If you still have the problem, replace the image
transfer unit and transfer roller.
3If you still have the problem, replace the fuser.
horizontal l ines The print car tridges, the transfer
roller, image tra ns fer unit , or fu ser
may be defective, empty, or worn.
Replace the print cartridge, the transfer roller, the
image transfer unit, or fuser as needed.
Streaked vertical
lines • Toner is smeared before fus ing
to the paper.
• The print cartridge is defective.
• If paper is stiff, try feeding from another tray.
• Replace the color print cartridge causing the
Symptom Cause Solution

Print irregularities • Paper has abs orb ed mo isture
due to high humidity.
• You are using paper that does
not meet the printer
• The image transfer unit and
transfer roller are worn or
• The fuser is worn or defective.
• Load paper from a fresh package in the paper
• Avoid textured paper wit h roug h finishes.
• M ake sure t he printer paper type, paper texture,
and paper weight settings match the type of
paper you are using.
• Replace the image transfer unit and transfer
• Replace the fuser.
Print too light • The Toner Darkness setting is
too light.
• You are using paper that does
not meet the printer
• The print cartridges are low on
• The print cartridges are
def ective or h ave be en installed
in more than one printer.
• Select a different Toner Darkness setting from the
printer driver before sending the job to print.
• Perform a Color Adjust in the Utilities Menu.
• Load paper from a new package.
• Avoid textured paper wit h roug h finishes.
• Make sure the paper you load in the trays is not
• Make sure the printer paper type, paper texture,
and paper weight settings match the type of
paper you are using.
• Replace the print cartridges.
Print too dark • The Toner Darkness setting is
too dark.
• The print cartridges are
• Select a different Toner Darkness setting from the
printer driver before sending the job to print.
• Replace the print cartridges.
T ransparency print
quality is poor
(Print has inappropriate
light or dark spots, toner
is smea red, horiz onta l or
vertical light bands
appear, or c olor does not
• You are using transpar encies
that do not meet the printer
• The Paper Type setting for the
tray you are using is set to
somethi ng other than
• Use only transparencies recommended by the
printer’s manufacturer.
• Make sure the Paper Type setting is set to
Toner specks • The print cartridges are
• The transfer roller is worn or
• The image transfer unit is worn
or defective.
• The fuser is worn or defective.
• Toner is in the paper path.
• Replace the print cartridges.
• Replace the transfer roller.
• Replace the image transfer unit.
• Replace the fuser.
• Ca ll for service.
Symptom Cause Solution

Toner rubs off the
paper easily when
you handle the
• The Type setting is wrong for
the type of paper or specialty
media you are using.
• The Te xture setti ng is wr ong f or
the type of paper or specialty
media you are using.
• The Weight setting is wrong for
the type of paper or specialty
media you are using.
• The fuser is worn or defective.
• Change Paper Type to match the paper or
specialty media you are using.
• Change Paper Texture from Nor mal to Smooth or
• Change Pape r Weig ht from Plain to C ardStock (or
other approp riate weight).
• Replace the fuser.
Gray background • The Toner Darkness setting is
too dark.
• The print cartridges are
• Select a different Toner Darkness setting from the
printer driver before sending the job to print.
• Replace the print cartridges.
Unev en prin t
density • The print cartridges are
• The transfer roller is worn or
• The image transfer unit is worn
or defective.
• Replace the print cartridges.
• Replace the transfer roller.
• Replace the image transfer unit.
Ghost Images Toner level is low in the print
cartridges. Replace the print cartridges.
Clipped images
(Some of the print is cut
off on the sides, top, or
bottom of the paper.)
Guides in the se lected tr a y are set
for a different size paper than
what is loaded in the tray.
Move the guides in the tray to the proper positions
for the size loaded.
Symptom Cause Solution

Solving color quality problems
This section helps answer some basic color-related questions and describes how some of the features
provided in the Color Menu can be used to solve typical color problems.
Note: You should also read “Solving print quality problems” on page 124, which provides
solutions for common print quality problems, some of which may aff ect the color quality
of the printed output.
Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about color printing
What is RGB color?
Red, green, and blue light can be added together in various amounts to produce a large range of colors
observed in nature. For example, red and green light can be combined to create yellow light. Tele visions
and computer monitors create colors in this manner. RGB color is a method of describing colors by
indicating the amount of red, green, and blue light needed to reproduce a particular color.
Incorrect margi n s • Guides in the selected tray are
set for a different size paper
than what is loaded in the tray.
• Auto size sensing is set to off,
but you loaded a different size
paper in a tray. For example,
you in serted A4 size pape r in to
the sele cted tr ay but did n ot set
the Pa per Size to A4.
• Mov e th e guides in the tra y to th e proper positions
for the size loaded.
• Set the Paper Siz e to match the me dia in the tr ay.
Skewed print
(Print is inappropriately
• Guides in the selected tray are
not in the correct position for
the paper size loaded in the
• You are using paper that does
not meet the printer
• Mov e th e guides in the tra y to th e proper positions
for the size loaded.
• Refer to the Card Stock & Label Guide available
on our Lexmark Web site at
for detailed specifications.
•See Paper and specialty media specifications
Blank pages • The print cartridges are
defective or empty. • Replace the print cartridges.
Solid color pages • The print cartridges are
• Your printer requires servicing.
• Replace the print cartridges.
• Ca ll for service.
The paper curls
badly once it prints
and exits to a bin.
• The Type, Texture, and Weight
settings are not appropriate for
the type of paper or specialty
media you are using.
• The pap er has been s tored in a
high humi dity environment.
• Change Paper Type, Paper Texture, and Paper
Weight to match the paper or specialty media
loaded in the printer.
• Load paper from a fresh package.
• Store paper in its original wrapper until you use it.
•See Storing paper
Symptom Cause Solution

What is CMYK color?
Cyan, magenta, yellow, and black inks or toners can be printed in various amounts to produce a large
range of colors observed in nature. For e xample, cyan and yellow can be combined to create green.
Printing presses, inkjet printers, and color laser printers create colors in this manner. CMYK color is a
method of describing colors by indicating the amount of cyan, magenta, yellow, and black needed to
reproduce a particular color.
How is color specified in a document to be printed?
Software applications typically specify document color using RGB or CMYK color combinations.
Additionally, they commonly let users modify the color of each object in a document. Since the procedures
to modify colors vary depending on the application, refer to the software application's Help section for
How does the prin ter know what color to print ?
When a user prints a document, information describing the type and color of each object in the document
is sent to the printer. The color information is passed through color conversion tables that translate the
color into appropriate amounts of cyan, magenta, yellow, and black toner needed to produce the desired
color. The object type information lets different color conv ersion tables be used f or different types of
objects. For example, it is possible to apply one type of color conversion table to text while applying a
different color conversion table to photographic images.
Should I use t he PostScript or PCL driv er for the best color? What driver set tings sh ould I
use for the best color?
The PostScript driver is strongly recommended for best color quality. The default settings in the PostScript
driver provide preferred color quality for the majority of printouts.
Why doesn't the printed color match the color I see on my computer screen?
The color conversion tables used in Auto Color Correction mode generally approximate the colors of a
standard computer monitor. However, because of technology differences that exist between printers and
monitors there are many colors that can be generated on a computer screen that cannot be ph ysically
reproduced on a color laser printer. Color match can also be affected by monitor variations and lighting
conditions. Read the response to the question “How can I match a particular color (such as a color in
a corporate logo)?” on page 130 for recommendations on how the printer's Color Samples pages ma y be
useful in solving certain color matching problems.
The printed page appears tinted. Can I slightly adjust the color?
Sometimes a user may consider printed pages to appear tinted (for example, everything printed seems to
be too red). This can be caused by environmental conditions, paper type, lighting conditions, or simply user
preference. In these instances, Color Balance may be used to create more preferable color. Color
Balance provides the user with the ability to make subtle adjustments to the amount of toner being used in
each color plane. Selecting positive (or negative) values for cyan, magenta, yellow, and black under the
Color Balance menu will slightly increase (or decrease) the amount of toner used for the chosen color . F or
example, if a user believes the overall printed page to be too red, then decreases to both magenta and
yellow could potentially improve color preference.
Is it possible to increase the gloss in the printed output?
Obtain additional gloss by printing using the 1200 dpi Print Resolution setting.

My color transparencies seem dark when projected. Is there anything I can do to improve
the color?
This problem most commonly occurs when projecting transparencies with reflective overhead projectors.
To obtain the highest projected color quality, transmissive overhead projectors are recommended. If a
reflective projector must be used, then adjusting Toner Darkness settings to 1, 2, or 3 will lighten the
What is Manual Color Correction?
The color conversion tables applied to each object on the printed page when using the default Auto Color
Correction setting generate preferred color for the majority of documents. Occasionally a user may want
to apply a different color table mapping. This customization is accomplished using the Manual Color menu
and the Manual Color Correction setting.
Manual Color Correction applies the RGB and CMYK color conversion table mappings as defined in the
Manual Color menu. Users may select any of four different color conversion tables available for RGB
objects (sRGB Display, sRGB Vivid, Vivid, and Off) and any of four different color conversion tables
available for CMYK objects (US CMYK, Euro CMYK, Vivid CMYK, and Off).
Note: The Manual Color Correction setting is not useful if the software application does not
specify colors with RGB or CMYK combinations, or in certain situations where the
software application or the computer's operating system adjusts the colors specified in
the application through color management.
How can I match a particular color (such as a color in a corporate log o)?
Occasionally users have a need for the printed color of a particular object to closely match a specific color
of interest. A typical example of this is when a user is trying to match the color of a corporate logo. While
instances can occur in which the printer cannot exactly reproduce the desired color, users should be able
to identify adequate color matches for the majority of cases. The Color Samples menu items can provide
useful information in helping to solve this particular type of color matching problem.
The eight Color Samples options correspond to color conversion tables in the printer. Selecting any of the
Color Samples options will generate a multi-page printout consisting of hundreds of colored box es. Either a
CMYK or RGB combination will be located on each box depending upon the table selected. The observed
color of each box is obtained by passing the CMYK or RGB combination labeled on the box through the
selected color conversion table.
The user can scan the color samples pages and identify the box whose color is the closest to the desired
color. The color combination labeled on the box can then be used for modifying the color of the object in a
software application. The software application's Help section should provide instructions for modifying an
object's color. Manual Color Correction may be necessary to utilize the selected color conversi on table
for the parti cula r obj ect.

Which Color Samples pages to use for a particular color matching problem depends on the Color
Correction setting being used (Auto, Off, or Manual), the type of object being printed (text, graphics, or
images), and how the color of the object is specified in the software application (RGB or CMYK
combinations). The following table identifies which Color Samples pages to use:
Note: The Color Samples pages are not useful if the software application does not specify
colors with RGB or CMYK combinations. Additionally, certain situations exist where the
software application or the computer's operating system will adjust the RGB or CMYK
combinations specified in the application through color management. The resulting
printed color may not be an exact match of the Color Samples pages.
Color specification of
object being printed Classifica t ion of
object being pri nted Printer Color
Correction setting Color Samples pages to print
and use for color matching
RGB Text Auto sRGB Vivid
Off Off - RGB
Manual sRGB Vivid*, Vivid, sRGB Display, Off
Graphic Auto sRGB Vivid
Off Off - RGB
Manual sRGB Vivid*, Vivid, sRGB Display, Off
Image Auto sRGB Display
Off Off - RGB
Manual sRGB Vivid, Vivid, sRGB D isplay*, Off
Off Off - CMYK
Manual US CYMK*, Vivid CMYK, Off, Euro CMYK*
Graphic Auto US CM YK
Off Off - CMYK
Manual US CYMK*, Vivid CMYK, Off, Euro CMYK*
Image Auto US CMYK
Off Off - CMYK
Manual US CYMK*, Vivid CMYK, Off, Euro CMYK*
* the default Manual setting
Note: The default values for the Manual CMYK classifications are US CMYK for 100V and 110V machines, Euro
CMYK for 220V machines.

Restoring factory default settings
1Make sure the printer is on and the Ready message appears.
2Press Menu until you see Util ities Menu, and then press Select.
3Press Menu until you see Fact ory Defau lts, and then press Select.
4When Restore appears, press Select. The message Rest oring Fa ctory De faults appears,
followed by the Ready message.
When you select Restore:
–No other button actions are available on the operator panel while Restoring F actory
Default s appears.
–All downloaded resources (fonts, macros, and symbol sets) in printer memory (RAM) are
deleted. (Resources residing in flash memory or on the optional hard disk are unaffected.)
–All menu settings are returned to the factory default values, except:
•The operator panel Display Language setting in the Setup Menu.
•All settings in the Parallel Menu, Serial Menu, Network Menu, and USB Menu.
If you need more information about changing menu settings or selecting new user default settings, see
Changing menu settings.

Aligning the image transfer unit
For best print quality, make sure you align the image transfer unit after replacement or if colors print too
To align the image transfer unit:
1Make sure the printer is on and the Ready message appears.
2Press Menu until you see Util ities Menu, and then press Select.
3Press Menu until you see Color Ali gnment, and then press Select.
Several test pages print.
4For each alignment group on the test pages, locate the number next to the alignment pattern that
comes closest to forming a perfectly straight line.
For example, in this sample group, pattern 3 comes closest to forming a straight line.
It is helpful to write all twelve alignment values in the lines provided on the test pages before going
on to step 5. You must select a value for all twelve settings.
5When you see A=10 (or other number), press Menu until you find the number value you want to
use, and then press Select. A Saved message briefly appears and then the next test alignment is
If no changes are necessary, press Return to return to the Utilities Menu.
6After you have completed all twelve settings, Utilities Me nu appears. Press Go.
The printer returns to the Ready state.
2A __ __

Using the Coverage Estimator
The Coverage Estimator provides you with an estimate of the percent coverage of cyan, magenta, yellow,
and black toner on a page. These estimates are printed on the page.
To turn on the Coverage Estimator utility:
1Make sure the printer is on and the Ready message appears.
2Press Menu until you see Util ities Menu, and then press Select.
3Press Menu until you see Covera ge Estimator , and then press Select.
4Press Menu until you see On, and then press Select.
5Press Go to return to the Ready message .
The utility can be turned off from the operator panel or by turning the printer off.
The Cover age Estimator utilizes an algorithm that counts pixels f or each toner color: b lack, cyan, magenta,
and yellow. Once the utility is turned on, the printer prints the percent coverage for each color on each
page of the job.
The Cover age Estimator is only intended to estimate the cov erage on a given page. F or all toner colors that
are used, the minimum percentage that prints is 2 percent. Reported values may vary from printer to
printer. The accuracy of the estimates may be affected by how full the print cartridges are, environmental
conditions, the media type, the software application, software settings, the driver, driver settings, and the
content of the page. Lexmark makes no claim as to the accuracy of the estimated percents.

Configuring printer alerts
You can configure the printer several ways to let you know when it requires attention.
Using the Setup Menu
Selecting Auto Continue may affect how the printer alerts execute. This setting defines how long the
printer waits after displaying a message before it resumes printing.
Using MarkVision Professional
MarkVision™ Professional, Lexmark’s network printer management utility, indicates when it is time to
replace supplies and points out actual or potential problems. When a printer needs attention, it alerts the
network administrator with a detailed graphic of the printer showing the cause for the alert (for ex ample, an
empty paper tray). For more information about MarkVision Professional, refer to the drivers CD that
shipped with your printer.
Using MarkVision Messenger
MarkVision Messenger lets you create Actions that execute specific commands whenever messages like
Tray x Missi ng or 88 Toner Low appear on the display. For example, you can create an Action that
sends an e-mail to the administrator when the printer runs out of paper.
Actions can be set up to occur automatically, as well as conditionally or repeatedly. For more information
about MarkVision Messenger, refer to the drivers CD that shipped with your printer.
Menu item Function Value Result
Alarm Control Lets you establish whether the
printer sounds an alarm when it
requires ope ra tor inte rven tio n.
Off The alarm does not sound, but printing
stops until the interventions are cleared.*
Single The printer stops p rinting, displays a
messag e, and ac tivates th e s ele cted alarm
Toner Alarm Lets you choose how the printer
responds when toner is low. Off The printer displays a message and
continues printing.
Single The printer stops p rinting, displays a
messag e, and ac tivates th e s ele cted alarm
* If multiple attendance conditions are pending, the alarm only sounds when the first message is displayed. No
additional alarms sound as subsequent attendance conditions arise.

Size sensing
The Size Sensing menu item lets you disable or enable auto size sensing on trays. Size Sensing also lets
the printer detect the difference between similar paper sizes that it otherwise cannot.
Size sensing is on by default for all the trays. However, the trays cannot automatically sense
Disabling size sensing
1Turn the printer off.
2Press and hold the Select and Return buttons, and then turn the printer on.
3Release the buttons when Performing Sel f Tes t appears on the display.
When the printer self test completes, Config Menu appears.
4Press Menu until you see Size Sensing, and then press Select.
Note: Only paper trays that support auto size sensing are displayed on the operator panel.
5Press Menu until you see Tray <x> Sens ing, where <x> represents the number of the tray for
which you want to disable size sensing, and then press Select.
Repeat for other trays, if necessary.
6Press Menu until you see Off, and then press Select.
Saved briefly appears. Config Me nu appears again with Size Sensing on the second line.
7Press Return.
8Press Menu until you see Exit Config M enu, and then press Select.
Activat ing M enu Chang es briefly appears, followed by Perform ing Self Test. The printer
returns to the Ready message.

Inde x
A4 Width (PCL Emul Menu) 55
access doors 92
color 43, 44, 45, 46, 70
Advanced Status (Parallel Menu) 53
Alarm Control (Setup Menu) 67
error messages 67
hole punch 68
setting 67
stapler 71
toner 71
aligning the image transfer unit 133
Area A 94
Area B 94
Area C 95
Area E 96
Area G 95
Area J 97
Area K 97
Area L 97
Area M 98
Area T<x> 96
Area T1 96
Assign Typ e/Bi n (Paper Me nu) 57
Auto Continue (Setup Menu) 67
Auto CR after LF (PCL Emul Menu)
Auto LF after CR (PCL Emul Menu)
auto si ze se nsi ng 31
disabling 136
special sizes 136
automatic size sensing 60
automatic tray linking 31
avo iding paper jams 37
Baud (Serial Men u) 65
assigning 57
configuring 57
linking 32
output 58
overflow 58
resetting ac tiv e 51
Black & White Lock (Setup Menu)
Blank Pages (Finishing Menu) 46
buffer sizes, adjusting
network 51
parallel 54
serial 67
USB 73
calling for service 116
Cancel Fax (Job Menu) 49
Cancel Job (Job Menu) 49
canceling a print job 23
card stock 38
Collation (Finishing Menu) 46
collation, enabling 46
adjusting 43, 44, 45, 46, 70
alignment 74
Color Adjust (Color Menu) 43
Color Alignm ent (Util itie s Men u) 74
Color Balance (Color Menu) 43
Color Correction (Color Menu) 43
Color Menu 43
Color Adjust 43
Color Balance 43
Color Correction 43
Color Samples 44
Manual Color 45
Print Mode 45
Print Resolution 45
Toner Darkness 46
Color Samples (Color Menu) 44
<color> Toner (Supplies Menu) 72
<color> tone r statu s 72
comple x pag e er rors 69
Confidential Job (Job Menu) 50
Config ure Bins (Paper Me nu) 57
Configure MP (Paper Menu) 58
Copies (Finishing Menu) 46
copies, specifying number 46
current menu settings 117
Custom Types (Paper Menu) 58
Data Bits (Serial Menu) 65
Defragment Flash (Utilities Menu)
auto size sensing 136
operator panel menus 119
Power Saver 118
See hard disk
Display Language (Setup Menu) 68
Download Target (Setup Menu) 68
downloaded resources
printing 75
reso urce save 70
storing 68
Drivers for network printing
Windows 17
binding 47
enabling 46
Duplex (Finishing Menu) 46
Duplex Bind (Finishing Menu) 47
entering menus 21
Factory Defaults (Utilities Menu) 74
factor y defa ul ts, res tori ng 74
faxcanceling 49
Finishi ng Menu 46
Blank Pages 46
Collation 46
Copies 46
Duplex 46
Duplex Bind 47
Hole Punch 47
Multipage Border 47
Multipage Order 47
Multipage Print 47
Multipage View 48
Offset Pages 48
Separator Sheets 48
Separator Source 48
Staple Job 48
Staple Prime Src 48
flash memory 111
defragmenting 74
formatting 74
printing downloaded resources

removing 111
setting as download target 68
Font Name (PCL Emul Menu) 55
Font Priority (PostScr ipt Me nu) 64
Font Source (PCL Emul Menu) 55
choosing in PCL emulation 55
printing samples 75
priority 64
symbol sets supported 56
Format Disk (Utilities Menu) 74
Format Flash (Utilities Menu) 74
Fuser assembly
ordering 108
Go button 21
hard disk 113
formatting 74
printing downloaded resources
setting as download target 68
Held jobs 32
Held Jobs (Job Menu) 50
Help Menu 49
Hex Trace (Utilities Menu) 74
Hole Punch (Finishing Menu) 47
Hole Punch Alarm (Setup Menu)
hole punch, enabling 47
Honor DSR (Serial Menu) 65
Honor Init (Parallel Menu) 53
Image Smoothing (PostScript
Menu) 64
image transfer unit
aligning 133
ordering 108
network 51
parallel 53
serial 65
USB 72
Jam Recovery (Setup Menu) 68
See paper jams
jobcanceling 49
confidential 50
held 50
statistics 69
Job Accounting (Setup Menu) 69
Job Acct Stat (Utilities Menu) 75
Job Bufferin g (Net work Me nu) 51
Job Bufferin g (Parall el Me nu) 53
Job Buffering (Serial Menu) 65
Job Buffering (USB Menu) 72
Job Menu 49
Cancel Fax 49
Cancel Job 49
Confidential Job 50
Held Jobs 50
Print Buffer 50
Reset Active Bin 51
Reset Printer 51
labels 38
laser notice 12
Lines per Page (PCL Emul Menu)
linking 31
bins 32
trays 31
2000-sheet tray 26
500-sheet trays 24
multipurpose feeder 28
locking menus 119
MAC Binary PS (Network Menu)
MAC Binary PS (Parallel Menu) 53
MAC Binary PS (USB Menu) 72
Macintosh 19
Manual Color (Color Menu) 45
maximum stack height
multipurpose feeder 29
trays 1, 2, 3 25, 27
Print and Hold function 32
memory option, removing 111
Menu buttons 21
menu map 42
menu settings page, printing 117
disabling 119
enabling 119
entering 21
language 68
printing menu settings page
selecting 22
menu items 22
numerical valu es 2 1
100–199 Service <message>
1565 Emul Error Load Emul
Option 84
2<xx> Paper Jam 84
30 <color> To ner Cart Missing
30 ITU Error 84
31 Defective <x> Cartridge 85
32 Unsuppo rted <colo r>
Cartridge 85
33 Calibration Error <x> 85
34 Incorrect Media 85
34 Short Paper 85
35 Res Save Off Deficien t
Memory 85
36 Printer Service Required 85
37 Insuffici ent C oll ati on Area
37 Insuffici ent Defra g Memory
37 Insuffici ent Me mory 86
38 Memory Full 86
39 Complex Page 87
4<x> Unsupported Firmware
Card 87
40 <x> Invalid Refill 87
50 PPDS Font Error 87
51 Defective Flas h 87
52 Flash Full 87
53 Unformat ted Fla sh 87
54 Network <x> Software Error
54 Par <x> ENA Connection
Lost 88
54 Serial Option <x> Error 87
54 Standard Serial Error 87
54 Std Network Software Error
54 Std Par ENA Connection
Lost 88
55 Unsupported Option in Slot
<x> 88
56 Parallel Port <x> Disabled
56 Serial Port <x> Disabled 88
56 Standard Seri al D isabl ed 88
56 Standard USB Port Disable d
56 Std Parallel Port Disabled
56 USB Port <x> Disabled 88
58 Input Config Error 88
58 Output Config Error 88
58 Too Many Disks Installed 89
58 Too Many Flash Options 89
59 Incompati bl e <dev ic e> 89
61 Defective Di sk 89
62 Disk Full 89

63 Unformatted Disk 89
64 Disk Not Supported 89
64 Unsupported Disk Format
80 Fuser Mainte nan ce 89
81 Engine Code CRC Failure
82 Waste Bottle Nearly Full 90
82 Waste Toner Bottle Full 90
82 Waste Toner Bottle Missing
83 ITU Mainten ance 90
84 Oiler Nearly Exhausted 90
84 Replace Oiler 90
85 ITU Mainten ance 90
86 ITU Mainten ance 90
87 Fuser Missing 90
88 <color> Toner Low 90
89 ITU Mainten ance 90
900–999 Service <message>
Activating Menu Changes 76
Bin <x> Full 76
Busy 76
Canceling Fax 77
Canceling Job 77
Change <x> 77
Check <de vice> Connec tion 77
Clearing Job Accounting Stat
Close Door 77
Close Finisher Door 77
Close Tray X Door 77
Copying 77
Defragmenting 77
Delete All Jobs 77
Deleting Job s 77
Disabling Menus 77
Disk Corrupted. Reformat? 78
Disk Recovery x/5 yyy% 78
Empty Hole Punch Box 78
Enabling Menus 78
Engine Warming 78
Enter PIN
=___ 78
Fax <x> 78
Flushing Buffer 78
Formatting Disk 78
Formatting Flash 78
Fuser Maint 78
Held Jobs may be lost 79
Held Jobs May Not Be Restored
Hole Punch Waste Full 79
Insert Staple Cartrid ge 79
Insert Tray <x> 79
Install <device> or Cancel Job
Invalid Engine Code 79
Invalid Network <x> Code 79
Invalid Stan dar d Ne twork Co de
ITU Maint 79
ITU/Fuser Maint 79
Load <x> Plain Letter 80
Load Manual 80
Load Staples 80
Load Tray <x> 80
Menus Disabled 80
Network <x> 80
Network <x>,<y> 80
Network Card Busy 80
No DRAM Installed 80
No Jobs Found. Retry? 81
Not Ready 81
Ovrflow Bin Full 81
Parallel <x> 81
Performing Self Test 81
Power Saver 81
Print Jobs on Disk 81
Printer Calibrating 81
Printing Alignment Page 81
Printing Directory List 81
Printing Font List 81
Printing Job Accountin g Stat 81
Printing Menu Settings 81
Prog Engine Code 81
Prog System Code 82
Program Flash 82
Programming Disk 82
Programming Error P<x> 82
Queuing and Deleting Jobs 82
Queuing Jobs 82
Ready 82
Ready Hex 82
Reattach <device> 82
Remove Paper <specified bin>
Resetting Active Bin 83
Resetting Fuser Cnt Value 83
Resetting the Printer 83
Restore Held Jobs. Go/Stop?
Restoring Factory Defaults 83
Restoring Held Job xxx/yyy 83
Restoring Held Jobs 83
Serial <x> 83
Setup Required 83
Staples Low 84
Std Bin Full 84
Supplies 84
Tray <x> Empty 84
Tray <x> Low 84
Tray <x> Missing 84
USB <x> 84
Waiting 84
Multipage Border (Finishing Men u)
Multipage Order (Finishing Menu)
multipa ge print
border settings 47
configuring 47
order settings 47
view settings 48
Multipage Print (Finishing Menu)
Multipage View (Finishing Menu)
multipu r pos e feed er, co nfig uri ng
Network <x> Setup (Network
Menu) 51
Network Buffer (Network Menu)
Netwo rk Menu 51
Job Buffering 51
MAC Binary PS 51
Network <x> Setup 51
Network Buffer 51
NPA Mode 52
PCL SmartSwitch 52
PS SmartSwitch 52
Std Net Setup 52
network port
buffer size 51
NPA mode 52
PCL SmartSwitc h 52
PS SmartSwitch 52
Network printing drivers
Windows 17
network setup page 17
NPA Mode (Network Menu) 52
NPA Mode (Parallel Menu) 53
NPA Mode (Serial Menu) 66
NPA Mode (USB Menu) 73
NPA mode, setting
network port 52
parallel port 53
serial port 66
USB port 73
numbers, operator panel 22
numerical values, selecting 21
Offset Pages (Finishing Menu) 48
Oiler (Supplies Menu) 72
operator panel 17, 21
buttons 21
numbers 22

verifying installation with menu
sett ing s pag e 117
ordering 108
fuser assembly 108
image transfer unit 108
print cartridge 108
transfer roller 108
web oiler 108
orderi ng su ppl ies 108
Orientation (PCL Emul Menu) 56
Output Bin (Pape r Menu) 58
output bi ns
linking 32
Overflow Bin (Paper Menu) 58
Page Protect (Setup Menu) 69
storing 36
paper jams
areas 92
avoiding 37
clearing 91
fuser 98
reprinting jammed pages 68
Paper Loadin g (Paper Me nu) 59
Paper Menu 57
Assign Type/Bin 57
Configure Bins 57
Configure MP 58
Custom Types 58
Out put Bin 58
Overflow Bin 58
Paper Loading 59
Paper Size 60
Paper Source 60
Paper Texture 61
Paper Type 62
Paper Weight 63
Substitute Size 63
Universal Setup 63
Paper Size (Paper Menu) 60
Paper Source (Paper Menu) 60
Paper Texture (Paper Menu) 61
Paper Type (Paper Me nu) 62
Paper Weight (Pape r Menu ) 63
paper, specifying
custom type 58
if request ed siz e not loa ded 63
preprinted forms 59
size 60
source 60
texture 61
type 62
weight 63
Parallel Buffer (Parallel Menu) 54
Parallel Menu 53
Advanced Status 53
Honor Init 53
Job Buffering 53
MAC Binary PS 53
NPA Mode 53
Parallel Buffer 54
Parallel Mode 1 54
Parallel Mode 2 54
PCL SmartSwitch 54
Protocol 54
PS SmartSwitch 54
Parallel Mode 1 (Parallel Menu) 54
Parallel Mode 2 (Parallel Menu) 54
parallel port
bidirectional communication
buffer size 54
data sampling 54
hardware initiali zation 53
NPA mode 53
PCL SmartSwitch 54
protocol 54
PS SmartSwitch 54
resistors 54
Parity (Serial Menu) 66
PCL Emul Menu 55
A4 Width 55
Auto CR after LF 55
Auto LF after CR 55
Font Name 55
Font Source 55
Lines per Page 55
Orientation 56
Pitch 56
Point Size 56
Symbol Set 56
Tray Renumber 56
PCL emula tio n
A4 width 55
automatic carriage return 55
automatic line feed 55
font name 55
font sample print 75
font source 55
lines per page 55
orientation 56
pitch 56
point size 56
symbol set 56
tray renumber 56
PCL SmartSw itch (Network Men u)
PCL SmartSwitc h (Paral lel Menu)
PCL SmartSwitc h (Seria l Menu)
PCL SmartSwitc h (US B Menu) 73
PCL SmartSwitch, settin g
See also printer language
network port 52
parallel port 54
serial port 66
USB port 73
personal identification number
(PIN), entering 22
PIN 22
See personal identification
number 22
Pitch (PCL Emul Menu) 56
Point Size (PCL Emul Menu) 56
network 51
parallel 53
serial 65
USB 72
PostScript emulation
font priority 64
font sample print 75
image smoothing 64
printing PS errors 64
PostScript Menu 64
Font Priority 64
Image Smooth ing 64
power sa ver
configuring 69
Power Saver (Setup Menu) 69
Print and Hold function
see held jobs 32
Print Area (Setup Menu)
Setup Menu
Print Qual ity 70
Print Buffer (Job Menu) 50
print cartrid ge
ordering 108
Print Directory (Utilities Menu) 75
Print Fonts (Utilities Menu) 75
print job , canc el ing 23
Print Menus (Utilities Menu) 75
Print Mode (Color Menu) 45
Print Net<x> Setup (Utilities Menu)
print opt ion s
offset pages 48
print buffer 50
separator sheets 48
See also separator source
Print PS Error (PostScript Menu)
print qua lit y, adj us ting
color balance 43
color correction 43, 45, 46, 70
color samples 44
Print Resolution (Color Menu) 45
print sta tis tic s
job accounting 69
printing job statistics 75

print timeout
configuring 70
Print Timeout (Setup Menu) 70
resetting 51
taking offline 21
with Menu button 21
with Stop button 22
Printer Language (Setup Menu)
printer memory option, removing
printer menu settings, changing
printer menus
disabling 119
enabling 119
locking operator panel 119
printer messag es
Enter PIN 35
No Jobs Found. Retry? 35
printer system board 110
accessing 110
closing 115
printer testing
Hex Trace mode 74
print defaults 75
print hardware statistics 75
Printer Usage (Setup Menu) 70
menu set tin gs pag e 117
problem solving
clearing operator panel error
messages 21
stopping printer 22
calling for serv ic e 116
color quality 128
incorrect characters print 122
job didn’t print 121
job prin ts 122
from wrong tray 122
on wrong paper or specialty
media 122
large jobs do not collate 122
mailbox 122
frequent jam s 122
operator panel 121
blank 121
displays black diamonds
operating incorrectly 123
stops working 123
paper feed
blank pages in output bin
frequent jam s 123
jammed page does not
reprint 124
Paper Jam message remains
after clearing jam 123
print quality 124
print time seems long 121
tray linking does not work 122
unexpec ted page breaks 122
Protocol (Paral le l Menu ) 54
PS emula tion
See PostScr ipt emulation
PS SmartSwitch (Network Menu)
PS SmartSwitch (Parallel Menu)
PS SmartSwitch (Serial Menu) 66
PS SmartSwitch (USB Menu) 73
PS SmartSwitch, setting
See also printer language 70
network port 52
parallel port 54
serial port 66
USB port 73
Card Stock & Label Gu ide 38
firmware card 114
flash memo ry option 111
option cards 111
printer memo ry option 111
Reset Active Bin (Job Menu) 51
Reset Printer (Job Menu) 51
resetting printer 51
Resource Save (Setup Menu) 70
Return butt on 22
Robust XON (Serial Menu) 66
Safety information 7
Select button 22
selecting 22
menu items 22
numerical values 21
sensing, specia l sizes 136
Separator Sheets (Finishing Menu)
Separator Source (Finishing Menu)
Serial Buffer (Serial Menu) 67
Serial Menu 65
Baud 65
Data Bits 65
Honor DSR 65
Job Buffering 65
NPA Mode 66
Parity 66
PCL SmartSwitch 66
PS SmartSwitch 66
Robust XON 66
Serial Buffer 67
Serial Protocol 67
serial port
transmission speeds 65
buffer size 67
NPA mode 66
parity 66
PCL SmartSwitc h 66
protocol 67
PS SmartSwitch 66
robust XON 66
DSR (Data Set Ready)
signals 65
Serial Pr otocol (Serial Menu) 67
service, calling for 116
Setup Menu 67
Alarm Control 67
Auto Continue 67
Black & White Lock 67
Display Language 68
Download Target 68
Hole Punch Alarm 68
Jam Recovery 68
Job Accounting 69
Page Protect 69
Power Saver 69
Print Timeout 70
Printe r Language 70
Printer Usage 70
Resource Save 70
Staple Alarm 71
Toner Alarm 71
Wait Timeout 71
size sensing 136
stack height, maximum
multipurpose feeder 29
trays 1, 2, 3 25, 27
Staple Alarm (Setup Menu) 71
Staple Job (Finishing Menu) 48
Staple Pri me Src (Fi nishing Menu )
alarm 71
enabling 48
printing 75
storing 69
Std Net Setup (Network Menu) 52
Stop button 22
storing 36
paper 36
supplies 36
Substitute Size (Paper Menu) 63

supplies 108
ordering 108
storing 36
Supplies Menu 72
<color> Toner 72
Oiler 72
Waste Toner Bottle 72
supplies, status of
<color> toner 72
oiler 72
waste toner bottle 72
Symbol Set (PCL Emul Menu) 56
taking prin ter offl ine 22
with Menu button 21
with Stop button 22
test printin g
Hex Trace mode 74
menus page 75
print 70
wait 71
alarm 71
status 72
Toner Alarm (Setup Menu) 71
Toner Darkness (Color Menu) 46
transfer roller
ordering 108
transparencies 38
tray linki ng 31
Tray Ren umber (PCL Em ul Menu )
Universal Setup (Paper Menu) 63
unlocking menus 119
USB Buffer (USB Menu) 73
USB Menu 72
Job Buffering 72
MAC Binary PS 72
NPA Mode 73
PCL SmartSwitch 73
PS SmartSwitch 73
USB Buffer 73
USB port
buffer size 73
NPA mode 73
PCL SmartSwitch 73
PS SmartSwitch 73
user default settings
current 118
Utilities Menu 74
Color Alignment 74
Defragment Fla sh 74
Factory Defaults 74
Format Disk 74
Format Flash 74
Hex Trace 74
Job Acct Stat 75
Print Directory 75
Print Fonts 75
Print Menus 75
Print Net<x> Setup 75
values, selecting 117
verifying pri nting 117
menus settings page 117
Wait Timeout (Setup Menu) 71
wait timeout, configuring 71
Waste Toner Bottle (Supplies
Menu) 72
web oiler
ordering 108
Windows 14