Salora 32LED9115CDW User Manual
Displayed below is the user manual for 32LED9115CDW by Salora which is a product in the TVs category. This manual has pages.
Related Manuals


English - 43 -
Safety Information ........................................ 44
Getting Started ............................................. 45
1oti¿FationV )eatXreV $FFeVVorieV ................ 45
)eatXreV ............................................................... 45
InVerting tKe %atterieV into tKe 5emote ................ 46
&onneFt 3oZer .................................................... 46
$ntenna &onneFtion ............................................. 46
5emote &ontroO ................................................... 47
&onneFtionV.......................................................... 48
0edia %roZVer 0enX............................................ 50
4XiFN 0enX .......................................................... 50
79 0enX )eatXreV and )XnFtionV ........................ 51
GeneraO 79 2Seration .......................................... 53
8Ving tKe &KanneO /iVt ......................................... 53
&on¿gXring 3arentaO SettingV ............................... 53
(OeFtroniF 3rogramme GXide (3G .................... 53
SoftZare 8Sgrade................................................. 54
7roXEOeVKooting 7iSV ......................................... 54
$9 and +'0I SignaO &omSatiEiOity ...................... 55
'9' 0ode ............................................................ 56
1oteV on 'iVFV ..................................................... 56
/iFenFe 1oti¿Fation .............................................. 56
+oZ to :atFK a '9' ............................................ 56
'9' &ontroO 3aneO %XttonV .................................. 57
2YerYieZ of tKe 5emote &ontroO .......................... 57
GeneraO 2Seration ................................................ 58
GeneraO 3OayEaFN ................................................. 59
'9' 7roXEOeVKooting ........................................... 59
'iVF 7ySeV &omSatiEOe ZitK 7KiV 8nit .................. 60
SSeFi¿FationV ....................................................... 60

English - 44 -
Safety Information
WARNING: Never let people (including
children) with reduced physical, sensory or
mental capabilities or lack of experience and / or
knowledge use electrical devices unsupervised.
)or YentiOation SXrSoVeV OeaYe a free VSaFe of at
OeaVt 10 Fm aOO aroXnd tKe Vet.
Do not EOoFN YentiOation KoOeV.
Do not SOaFe tKe 79 on VOoSing or XnVtaEOe VXrfaFeV
tKe 79 may tiS oYer.
8Ve tKiV deYiFe in moderate FOimateV.
7Ke SoZer Ford SOXg VKoXOd Ee eaViOy aFFeVViEOe. Do
not SOaFe tKe 79 fXrnitXre etF. on tKe SoZer Ford.
$ damaged SoZer FordSOXg Fan FaXVe ¿re or giYe
yoX an eOeFtriF VKoFN. +andOe tKe SoZer Ford Ey tKe
SOXg do not XnSOXg tKe 79 Ey SXOOing tKe SoZer Ford.
1eYer toXFK tKe SoZer FordSOXg ZitK Zet KandV
aV tKiV FoXOd FaXVe a VKort FirFXit or eOeFtriF VKoFN.
1eYer maNe a Nnot in tKe SoZer Ford or tie it ZitK
otKer FordV. :Ken damaged it mXVt Ee reSOaFed
tKiV VKoXOd onOy Ee done Ey TXaOi¿ed SerVonneO.
Do not XVe tKiV 79 in a KXmid or damS enYironment.
'o not e[SoVe tKe 79 to OiTXidV. In FaVe tKe FaEinet
FontaFtV any OiTXidV XnSOXg tKe 79 immediateOy
and KaYe it FKeFNed Ey TXaOi¿ed SerVonneO Eefore
oSerating it any fXrtKer.
Do not e[SoVe tKe 79 to direFt VXnOigKt
oSen ÀameV or SOaFe it near intenVe Keat
VoXrFeV VXFK aV eOeFtriF KeaterV.
/iVtening in e[FeVViYe YoOXmeV from earSKoneV and
KeadSKoneV may FaXVe Kearing OoVV.
(nVXre tKat no oSen Àame VoXrFeV VXFK
aV Oit FandOeV are SOaFed on toS of tKe 79.
7o SreYent inMXrieV tKiV 79 mXVt Ee VeFXreOy
attaFKed to a ZaOO FarefXOOy Ey foOOoZing tKe
inVtrXFtionV if tKe oStion iV aYaiOaEOe.
IMPORTANT - Please read these instructions fully before installing or operating
To operate your TV in extreme ambient conditions
may cause the damage of the device.
CAUTION: 72 5('8&( 7+( 5IS. 2) (/(&75I& S+2&. '2
127 5(029( &29(5 25 %$&..
12 8S(5-S(59I&($%/( 3$57S I1SI'(. 5()(5
S(59I&I1G 72 48$/I)I(' S(59I&( 3(5S211(/.
Note: Follow the on screen instructions for operating the
related features.
In e[treme ZeatKer VtormV OigKtning and Oong
inaFtiYity SeriodV going on KoOiday diVFonneFt
tKe 79 Vet from tKe mainV. 7Ke mainV SOXg iV
XVed to diVFonneFt tKe 79 Vet from tKe mainV
and tKerefore it mXVt remain readiOy oSeraEOe.
7KiV Vign iV SreVent ZKereYer tKere iV Yery
imSortant information regarding tKe oSeration
and maintenanFe of tKe aSSOianFe in tKe OiteratXre
aFFomSanying it.
2FFaVionaOOy a feZ non-aFtiYe Si[eOV may aSSear
on tKe VFreen aV a ¿[ed EOXe green or red Soint.
3OeaVe note tKat tKiV doeV not affeFt tKe SerformanFe
of yoXr SrodXFt. 7aNe Fare not to VFratFK tKe VFreen
ZitK ¿ngernaiOV or otKer Kard oEMeFtV.
%efore FOeaning XnSOXg tKe 79 from tKe ZaOO VoFNet.
2nOy XVe a Voft dry FOotK ZKiOe FOeaning.
:arning SerioXV inMXry or deatK riVN
5iVN of eOeFtriF VKoFN 'angeroXV YoOtage riVN
&aXtion InMXry or SroSerty damage riVN
ImSortant 2Serating tKe VyVtem ForreFtOy
1otiFe$dditionaO noteV marNed

English - 45 -
Environmental Information
7KiV teOeYiVion iV deVigned to FonVXme OeVV energy
to KeOS VaYe tKe enYironment. 7o redXFe energy
FonVXmStion yoX VKoXOd taNe tKe foOOoZing VteSV
If yoX Vet tKe 3oZer SaYe 0ode aV Eco tKe 79 ZiOO
VZitFK to energy-VaYing mode. 7Ke 3oZer SaYe 0ode
VettingV Fan Ee foXnd in tKe µ3iFtXre¶ VeFtion of tKe
0ain 0enX. 1ote tKat Vome SiFtXre VettingV ZiOO Ee
XnaYaiOaEOe to Ee FKanged.
If Picture Off iV VeOeFted ³SFreen ZiOO Ee off in
3 VeFondV.´ meVVage ZiOO Ee diVSOayed. SeOeFt
PROCEED and SreVV OK to FontinXe. 7Ke VFreen
ZiOO Ee off immediateOy.
:Ken tKe 79 iV not in XVe SOeaVe VZitFK off or
diVFonneFt tKe 79 from tKe mainV SOXg. 7KiV ZiOO aOVo
redXFe energy FonVXmStion.
Standby Noti¿cations
1 If tKe 79 doeV not reFeiYe any inSXt VignaO e.g.
from an aeriaO or +'0I VoXrFe for 5 minXteV tKe 79
ZiOO go into VtandEy. :Ken yoX ne[t VZitFK-on tKe
foOOoZing meVVage ZiOO Ee diVSOayed “Standby Cause
No Signal” 3reVV OK to FontinXe.
If tKe 79 KaV Eeen Oeft on and not Eeen oSerated
for a ZKiOe tKe 79 ZiOO go into VtandEy. :Ken yoX ne[t
VZitFK-on tKe foOOoZing meVVage ZiOO Ee diVSOayed.
“Standby Cause No Operation” 3reVV OK to
5emote FontroOOed FoOoXr /(' 79.
)XOOy integrated digitaOFaEOeVateOOite 79 '9%-7&
+'0I inSXtV are for FonneFting a deYiFe tKat KaV
a +'0I VoFNet.
8S% inSXt.
2S' menX VyVtem.
SFart VoFNet for e[ternaO deYiFeV VXFK aV '9'
3OayerV 395 Yideo gameV etF.
Stereo VoXnd VyVtem.
+eadSKone FonneFtion.
$XtomatiF Srogramming VyVtem.
0anXaO tXning.
$XtomatiF SoZer doZn after XS to Vi[ KoXrV.
SOeeS timer.
&KiOd OoFN.
$XtomatiF VoXnd mXte ZKen no tranVmiVVion.
17S& SOayEaFN.
$9/ $XtomatiF 9oOXme /imiting.
3// )reTXenFy SearFK.
3& inSXt.
3OXg3Oay for :indoZV 98 0( 000 ;3 9iVta
:indoZV 7.
Game 0ode 2StionaO.
Accessories Included
5emote &ontroO
%atterieV [ $$$
InVtrXFtion %ooN
TV Control Switch & Operation
1. 8S direFtion
2. 'oZn direFtion
3. 3rogramme9oOXme $9 StandEy-2n VeOeFtion
7Ke &ontroO EXtton aOOoZV yoX to FontroO tKe 9oOXme
3rogramme SoXrFe and StandEy-2n fXnFtionV of
tKe 79.
To change volume: InFreaVe tKe YoOXme Ey SXVKing
tKe EXtton XS. 'eFreaVe tKe YoOXme Ey SXVKing tKe
EXtton doZn.
To change channel: 3reVV tKe middOe of tKe
EXtton tKe FKanneO information Eanner ZiOO aSSear
on VFreen. SFroOO tKroXgK tKe Vtored FKanneOV Ey
SXVKing tKe EXtton XS or doZn
To change source: 3reVV tKe middOe of tKe EXtton
tZiFe tKe VoXrFe OiVt ZiOO aSSear on VFreen. SFroOO
tKroXgK tKe aYaiOaEOe VoXrFeV Ey SXVKing tKe EXtton
XS or doZn.
To turn the TV off: 3reVV tKe middOe of tKe EXtton
doZn and KoOd it doZn for a feZ VeFondV tKe 79 ZiOO
tXrn into VtandEy mode.
Getting Started
Noti¿cations & Features & Accessories

English - 46 -
Inserting the Batteries into the Remote
/ift tKe FoYer on tKe EaFN of tKe remote XSZard
gentOy. InVtaOO tZo AAA EatterieV. 0aNe VXre to
matFK tKe and - endV of tKe EatterieV in tKe
Eattery FomSartment oEVerYe tKe ForreFt SoOarity
5eSOaFe tKe FoYer.
Connect Power
IMPORTANT 7Ke 79 Vet iV deVigned to oSerate on
220-240V AC, 50 Hz VoFNet. $fter XnSaFNing aOOoZ
tKe 79 Vet to reaFK tKe amEient room temSeratXre
Eefore yoX FonneFt tKe Vet to tKe mainV. 3OXg tKe
SoZer FaEOe to tKe mainV VoFNet oXtOet.
Antenna Connection
&onneFt tKe ³aeriaO´ or ³FaEOe 79´ SOXg to $(5I$/
I1387 $17 VoFNet OoFated on tKe EaFN of tKe 79.
0anXfaFtXred Xnder OiFenVe from 'oOEy /aEoratorieV.
³'oOEy´ and tKe doXEOe-' VymEoO are trademarNV of
'oOEy /aEoratorieV.
³+'0I tKe +'0I Oogo and +igK-'e¿nition 0XOtimedia
InterfaFe are trademarNV or regiVtered trademarNV of
+'0I /iFenVing //&.´
Information for Users on Disposal of Old
Equipment and Batteries
[European Union only]
7KeVe VymEoOV indiFate tKat eTXiSment ZitK tKeVe
VymEoOV VKoXOd not Ee diVSoVed of aV generaO
KoXVeKoOd ZaVte. If yoX Zant to diVSoVe of tKe
SrodXFt or Eattery SOeaVe FonVider tKe FoOOeFtion
VyVtemV or faFiOitieV for aSSroSriate reFyFOing.
Notice: The sign Pb below the symbol for batteries indicates
that this battery contains lead.
TV Broadcasting 3$/ %G '. . II¶
Receiving Channels 9+) %$1' IIII - 8+)
%$1' 8 - +<3(5%$1'
Number of Preset
Channels 1000
Channel Indicator 2n SFreen 'iVSOay
RF Aerial Input 75 2Km XnEaOanFed
Operating Voltage 0-409 $& 50+].
Audio German1iFam Stereo
Audio Output Power
(WRMS.) (10% THD) [ 6
Power Consumption 65 :
Weight 940
TV Dimensions DxLxH
(with foot) 185 [ 735 [ 478
TV Dimensions DxLxH
(without foot) 6168 [ 735 [ 438
Operation temperature
and operation
0& XS to 40& 85
KXmidity ma[

English - 47 -
3reVV 0< %87721 1 for ¿Ye VeFondV ZKen on a
deVired VoXrFe FKanneO or OinN XntiO tKe ³0< %87721
IS S(7´ meVVage iV diVSOayed on tKe VFreen. 7KiV
FonfirmV tKat tKe VeOeFted 0< %87721 iV noZ
aVVoFiated ZitK tKe VeOeFted fXnFtion.
3reVV 0< %87721 for ¿Ye VeFondV ZKen on a
deVired VoXrFe FKanneO or OinN XntiO tKe ³0< %87721
IS S(7´ meVVage iV diVSOayed on tKe VFreen. 7KiV
FonfirmV tKat tKe VeOeFted 0< %87721 iV noZ
aVVoFiated ZitK tKe VeOeFted fXnFtion.
3reVV EXtton to enter. 3reVV again to aFtiYate
mi[ mode. 3reVV onFe more to e[it. )oOOoZ tKe
inVtrXFtionV diVSOayed on digitaO teOete[t VFreen.
Digital Teletext (for UK only)
3reVV EXtton to YieZ digitaO teOete[t information.
2Serate it ZitK tKe FoOoXred EXttonV FXrVor EXttonV
and tKe OK EXtton. 7Ke oSeration metKod may differ
deSending on tKe FontentV of tKe digitaO teOete[t.
)oOOoZ tKe inVtrXFtionV diVSOayed on tKe digitaO teOete[t
VFreen. :Ken tKe EXtton iV SreVVed again tKe 79
retXrnV to teOeYiVion EroadFaVt.
Getting Started
Remote Control
1. StandEy 2n
2. 3Oay in media EroZVer mode
3. 1o fXnFtion
4. 0ono-Stereo 'XaO I-II &Xrrent OangXage in
'9% FKanneOV
5. 5aSid reYerVe in media EroZVer mode
6. &oOoXred EXttonV 5ed Green <eOOoZ %OXe
7. 1XmeriF EXttonV
8. &KanneO OiVt
9. 1aYigation EXttonV
10. 2. &on¿rm +oOd in 7;7 mode
11. 0enX on off
12. 5etXrn %aFN Inde[ Sage in 7;7 mode
13. 1o fXnFtion
14. 0edia EroZVer
15. (OeFtroniF Srogramme gXide in '9% FKanneOV
16. 7eOete[t 0i[
17. 9oOXme XS doZn
18. 0Xte EXtton
19. 3rogramme XS doZn
20. Image Vi]e
21. Info 5eYeaO in 7;7 mode
22. 0y EXtton 1
23. 0y EXtton
24. ([it
25. 4XiFN 0enX
26. 3reYioXV Srogramme
27. 5aSid adYanFe in media EroZVer mode
28. SXEtitOe on-off in '9% FKanneOV media
EroZVer mode
29. StoS in media EroZVer mode
30. 3aXVe in media EroZVer mode
31. $9 SoXrFe

English - 48 -
NOTE: When connecting a device via the Side AV input, you must use a connection cable to enable
connection. See the illustrations above. To enable PC audio, you will need to use the SIDE AV CONNECTION
cable’s WHITE & RED inputs. If an external device is connected via the SCART socket, the TV will automatically
switch to AV mode.When receiving DTV channels (Mpeg4 H.264) or while in Media Browser mode, output will not
be available via the scart socket. When using the wall mounting kit (optional), we recommend that you plug all
your cables into the back of the TV before mounting on the wall.Insert or remove the CI module only when the TV
is SWITCHED OFF. You should refer to the module instruction manual for details of the settings. By connecting an
HDMI cable to your TV, you have to use only a shielded HDMI cable to guarantee a suf¿cient immunity against parasitic
frequency radiation.
Connector Type Cables Device
(side) Side $Xdio
<3E3r or 3&&onneFtion &aEOe
YPbPr Video
(side) <3E3r &onneFtion
Getting Started

English - 49 -
Switching On/Off
To Switch the TV On
&onneFt tKe SoZer Ford to tKe 0-409 $& 50 +].
7o VZitFK on tKe 79 from VtandEy mode eitKer
3reVV tKe ³´ EXtton P+ P- or a nXmeriF EXtton on
tKe remote FontroO.
3reVV tKe Vide fXnFtion VZitFK XntiO tKe 79 FomeV on
from VtandEy.
To Switch the TV Off
3reVV tKe ³ ³ EXtton on tKe remote FontroO or SreVV tKe
Vide fXnFtion VZitFK XntiO tKe 79 VZitFKeV into VtandEy
To power down the TV completely, unplug the
power cord from the mains socket.
Note: When the TV is switched to standby mode, the standby
LED can blink to indicate that features such as Standby Search,
Over Air Download or Timer is active. The LED can also blink
when you switch on the TV from standby mode.
First Time Installation
:Ken tXrned on for tKe firVt time tKe OangXage
VeOeFtion VFreen iV diVSOayed. SeOeFt tKe deVired
OangXage and SreVV 2..
7Ke )irVt 7ime InVtaOOation )7I VFreen ZiOO Ee
diVSOayed ne[t. Set yoXr SreferenFeV XVing tKe
naYigation EXttonV and ZKen ¿niVKed SreVV 2. to
<oX Fan aFtiYate Store mode oStion to Ee aYaiOaEOe
in ³2tKer VettingV´ menX and yoXr 79¶V featXreV ZiOO
Ee iOOXVtrated on tKe toS of tKe VFreen. $ Fon¿rmation
VFreen ZiOO Ee diVSOayed. SeOeFt YES to SroFeed.
If +ome 0ode iV VeOeFted Store mode ZiOO not Ee
aYaiOaEOe after tKe )irVt 7ime InVtaOOation. 3reVV OK
EXtton to FontinXe.
Aerial Installation
If yoX VeOeFt AERIAL oStion from tKe Search Type
VFreen tKe teOeYiVion ZiOO VearFK for digitaO terreVtriaO
79 EroadFaVtV.
NOTE: You can press MENU button to cancel.
$fter aOO tKe aYaiOaEOe VtationV are Vtored tKe
&KanneO /iVt ZiOO Ee diVSOayed on tKe VFreen. If
yoX OiNe KoZ tKe FKanneOV are Vorted aFFording to
tKe /&1 SOeaVe VeOeFt ³<eV´ and tKan SreVV OK.
3reVV MENU EXtton to TXit FKanneO OiVt and ZatFK 79.
(*) LCN is the Logical Channel Number system that
organizes available broadcasts in accordance with a
recognizable channel sequence (if available).
Cable Installation
If yoX VeOeFt &$%/( oStion and SreVV 2. EXtton on tKe
remote FontroO. 7o FontinXe SOeaVe VeOeFt <(S and
SreVV 2.. 7o FanFeO oSeration VeOeFt 12 and SreVV
2.. <oX Fan VeOeFt freTXenFy rangeV from tKiV VFreen.
(nter tKe freTXenFy range manXaOOy Ey XVing tKe
nXmeriF EXtton.
Note: SearFKing dXration ZiOO FKange deSending on
tKe VeOeFted VearFK VteS.
Media Playback via USB Input
You can connect a 2.5” and 3.5” inch (hdd with external
power supply) external hard disk drives or USB memory
stick to your TV by using the USB inputs of the TV.
IMPORTANT! %aFN XS yoXr ¿OeV Eefore maNing
any FonneFtionV to tKe 79. 0anXfaFtXrer ZiOO not
Ee reVSonViEOe for any ¿Oe damage or data OoVV.
&ertain tySeV of 8S% deYiFeV e.g. 033 3OayerV
or 8S% Kard diVN driYeVmemory VtiFNV may not Ee
FomSatiEOe ZitK tKiV 79. 7Ke 79 VXSSortV )$73
and 17)S diVN formatting.
:KiOe formatting a 8S% Kard diVN tKat KaV 17% 7era
%yte or more ¿Oe FaSaFity yoX Fan e[SerienFe
SroEOemV ZitK tKe formatting SroFeVV. 'o not
reSeatedOy TXiFNOy SOXg and XnSOXg tKe driYe. 7KiV
may FaXVe SKyViFaO damage to tKe 8S% SOayer
and 8S% deYiFe itVeOf. 'o not SXOO oXt 8S% modXOe
ZKiOe SOaying a ¿Oe.
Getting Started
First Time Installation - USB Connections

English - 50 -
Media Browser Menu
<oX Fan SOay SKoto mXViF and moYie ¿OeV Vtored
on a 8S% diVN Ey FonneFting it to yoXr 79. &onneFt
a 8S% diVN to one of tKe 8S% inSXtV OoFated on tKe
Vide of tKe 79. 3reVVing tKe Menu EXtton ZKiOe in tKe
0edia %roZVer mode ZiOO aFFeVV tKe 3iFtXre SoXnd
and SettingV menX oStionV. 3reVVing tKe Menu EXtton
again ZiOO e[it from tKiV VFreen. <oX Fan Vet yoXr 0edia
%roZVer SreferenFeV Ey XVing tKe SettingV 0enX.
Start SOayEaFN ZitK and
79 SOayV ne[t fiOe and OooS
tKe OiVt.
Start SOayEaFN ZitK OK and
7Ke Vame ¿Oe ZiOO Ee SOayed in
a OooS reSeat.
Start SOayEaFN ZitK OKand
7Ke fiOe ZiOO Ee SOayed in a
Quick Menu
4XiFN SettingV menX aOOoZV yoX to aFFeVV Vome
oStionV TXiFNOy. 7KiV menX inFOXdeV 3oZer SaYe
0ode 3iFtXre 0ode (TXaOi]er SettingV )aYoXriteV
and SOeeS 7imer oStionV. 3reVV Q.MENU EXtton
on tKe remote FontroO to YieZ TXiFN menX. See tKe
foOOoZing FKaSterV for tKe detaiOV of tKe OiVted featXreV.

English - 51 -
TV Menu Features and Functions
Picture Menu Contents
Mode <oX Fan FKange tKe SiFtXre mode to VXit yoXr SreferenFe or reTXirementV. 3iFtXre mode
Fan Ee Vet to one of tKeVe oStionV CinemaGameDynamic and Natural.
Contrast SetV tKe OigKtneVV and darNneVV YaOXeV of tKe VFreen.
Brightness SetV tKe ErigKtneVV YaOXe for tKe VFreen.
Sharpness SetV tKe VKarSneVV YaOXe for tKe oEMeFtV diVSOayed on tKe VFreen.
Colour SetV tKe FoOoXr YaOXe adMXVting tKe FoOorV.
Power Save
7o Vet tKe 3oZer SaYe 0ode aV (Fo 3iFtXre 2ff and 'iVaEOed.
:Ken tKe 0ode iV 'ynamiF 3oZer SaYe mode iV aXtomatiFaOOy Vet aV diVaEOed.
7KiV Vetting FontroOV tKe EaFNOigKt OeYeO. 7Ke EaFNOigKt fXnFtion ZiOO Ee inaFtiYe if tKe 3oZer
SaYe 0ode iV Vet to (Fo. 7Ke EaFNOigKt Fannot Ee aFtiYated in 9G$ 0edia %roZVer mode
or ZKiOe tKe SiFtXre mode iV Vet to Game.
If tKe EroadFaVt VignaO iV ZeaN and tKe SiFtXre iV noiVy XVe tKe Noise Reduction
Vetting to redXFe tKe amoXnt of noiVe.
Advanced Settings
Contrast <oX Fan FKange tKe 'ynamiF &ontraVt ratio to deVired YaOXe.
Colour Temp SetV tKe deVired FoOoXr tone.
Picture Zoom
SetV tKe deVired SiFtXre Vi]e from SiFtXre ]oom menX.
Note: Auto (Only available in Scart mode with SCART PIN8 high voltage/low voltage
Film Mode
)iOmV are reForded at a different nXmEer of frameV Ser VeFond to normaO teOeYiVion
SrogrammeV. 7Xrn tKiV featXre on ZKen yoX are ZatFKing fiOmV to Vee tKe faVt
motion VFeneV FOearOy.
Skin Tone SNin tone Fan Ee FKanged EetZeen -5 and 5.
Colour Shift $dMXVtV tKe deVired FoOoXr tone.
RGB Gain <oX Fan Fon¿gXre tKe FoOoXr temSeratXre YaOXeV XVing tKe 5G% Gain featXre.
Reset 5eVetV tKe SiFtXre VettingV to faFtory defaXOt VettingV.([FeSt Game 0ode
(in PC mode) $XtomatiFaOOy oStimi]eV tKe diVSOay. 3reVV 2. to oStimi]e.
H Position (in
PC mode) 7KiV item VKiftV tKe image Kori]ontaOOy to tKe rigKt Kand Vide or Oeft Kand Vide of tKe VFreen.
V Position (in
PC mode) 7KiV item VKiftV tKe image YertiFaOOy toZardV tKe toS or Eottom of tKe VFreen.
Dot Clock (in
PC mode)
'ot &OoFN adMXVtmentV ForreFt tKe interferenFe tKat aSSear aV YertiFaO Eanding in dot
intenViYe SreVentationV OiNe VSreadVKeetV or SaragraSKV or te[t in VmaOOer fontV.
Phase (in PC
'eSending on tKe reVoOXtion and VFan freTXenFy tKat yoX inSXt to tKe 79 Vet yoX may
Vee a Ka]y or noiVy SiFtXre on tKe VFreen. In VXFK a FaVe yoX Fan XVe tKiV item to get a
FOear SiFtXre Ey triaO and error metKod.
While in VGA (PC) mode, some items in Picture menu will be unavailable. Instead, VGA mode
settings will be added to the Picture Settings while in PC mode.

English - 52 -
Sound Menu Contents
Volume $dMXVtV tKe YoOXme OeYeO.
Equalizer SeOeFtV tKe eTXaOi]er mode. &XVtom VettingV Fan Ee made onOy ZKen
in XVer mode.
Balance 7KiV Vetting iV XVed for emSKaVi]ing Oeft or rigKt VSeaNer EaOanFe.
Headphone SetV KeadSKone YoOXme.
Sound Mode <oX Fan VeOeFt a VoXnd mode. If tKe VeOeFted FKanneO VXSSortV.
AVL (Automatic
Volume Limiting) )XnFtion VetV tKe VoXnd to oEtain ¿[ed oXtSXt OeYeO EetZeen SrogrammeV.
Digital Out SetV digitaO oXt aXdio tySe.
Settings Menu Contents
Conditional Access &ontroOV FonditionaO aFFeVV modXOeV ZKen aYaiOaEOe.
&on¿gXreV OangXage VettingV may FKange deSending on tKe FoXntry VeOeFted
3referred and FXrrent VettingV ZiOO Ee aYaiOaEOe. &Xrrent VettingV Fan Ee
FKanged onOy if tKe EroadFaVter VXSSortV.
(nter ForreFt SaVVZord to FKange SarentaO VettingV. <oX Fan eaViOy adMXVt
menX OoFN matXrity OoFNmay FKange deSending on tKe FoXntry VeOeFted and
FKiOd OoFN in tKiV menX. <oX Fan aOVo Vet neZ Sin nXmEer.
Timers SetV VOeeS timer to tXrn off tKe 79 after a Fertain time. SetV timerV for VeOeFted SrogrammeV.
8S% 5eFord
Date/Time SetV date and time.
Sources (naEOeV or diVaEOeV VeOeFted VoXrFe oStionV.
Other Settings: Displays other setting options of the TV set:
Menu Timeout &KangeV timeoXt dXration for menX VFreenV.
Scan Encrypted
Channels :Ken tKiV Vetting iV on tKe VearFK SroFeVV ZiOO OoFate tKe enFrySted FKanneOV aV ZeOO.
Blue Background $FtiYateV or deaFtiYateV tKe EOXe EaFNgroXnd VyVtem ZKen tKe VignaO iV ZeaN or aEVent.
Software Upgrade 7o enVXre tKat yoXr 79 aOZayV KaV tKe moVt XS to date ¿rmZare.
Application Version 'iVSOayV aSSOiFation YerVion.
Hard of Hearing (naEOeV any VSeFiaO featXre Vent from tKe EroadFaVter.
Audio Description
$Xdio deVFriStion referV to an additionaO narration traFN for EOind and YiVXaOOy
imSaired YieZerV of YiVXaO media inFOXding teOeYiVion and moYieV. <oX Fan XVe
tKiV featXre onOy if tKe EroadFaVter VXSSortV tKat additionaO narration traFN.
1ote $Xdio deVFriStion VoXnd featXre Fannot Ee aYaiOaEOe in reFording or time
VKifting mode..
Auto TV Off <oX Fan Vet tKe timeoXt YaOXe of aXto off featXre. :Ken tKe timeoXt YaOXe iV reaFKed
and tKe 79 KaV not Eeen oSerated for a VeOeFted time tKe 79 ZiOO go into VtandEy mode.
Standby Search
If tKe StandEy SearFK iV Vet to 2n ZKen tKe 79 iV in VtandEy mode aYaiOaEOe
EroadFaVtV ZiOO Ee VearFKed. If tKe 79 OoFateV any neZ or miVVing EroadFaVtV a
menX VFreen ZiOO Ee diVSOayed aVNing yoX ZKetKer or not to e[eFXte tKeVe FKangeV.
&KanneO OiVt ZiOO Ee XSdated and FKanged after tKiV SroFeVV.

English - 53 -
Store Mode If yoX are diVSOaying tKe 79 in a Vtore yoX Fan aFtiYate tKiV mode. :KiOVt Store
0ode iV enaEOed Vome itemV in tKe 79 menX may not Ee aYaiOaEOe.
Power Up Mode 7KiV Vetting FonfrigXreV tKe SoZer XS mode SreferenFe.
Install and Retune Menu Contents
Automatic Channel
Scan (Retune)
(If available)
Displays automatic tuning options.
Digital Aerial: Searches and stores aerial DVB stations.
Digital Cable: Searches and stores cable DVB stations.
Analogue: Searches and stores analogue stations.
Digital Aerial & Analogue: Searches and stores aerial DVB and analogue
Digital Cable & Analogue: Searches and stores cable DVB and analogue
Manual Channel Scan 7KiV featXre Fan Ee XVed for direFt EroadFaVt entry.
Network Channel Scan SearFKeV for tKe OinNed FKanneOV in tKe EroadFaVt VyVtem.
Analogue Fine Tune <oX Fan XVe tKiV Vetting for ¿ne tXning anaOogXe FKanneOV. 7KiV featXre iV not
aYaiOaEOe if no anaOogXe FKanneOV are Vtored.
First Time Installation 'eOeteV aOO Vtored FKanneOV and VettingV reVetV 79 to faFtory VettingV.
7Ke 79 VortV aOO Vtored VtationV in tKe &KanneO /iVt.
<oX Fan edit tKiV FKanneO OiVt Vet faYoXriteV or Vet
aFtiYe VtationV to Ee OiVted Ey XVing tKe &KanneO /iVt
Con¿guring Parental Settings
To prohibit viewing of certain programmes, channels and
menus can be locked by using the parental control system.
7o diVSOay SarentaO OoFN menX oStionV tKe 3I1 nXmEer
VKoXOd Ee entered. 7Ke faFtory defaXOt 3I1 nXmEer iV
0000. $fter Foding tKe ForreFt 3I1 nXmEer SarentaO
VettingV menX ZiOO Ee diVSOayed.
Menu Lock 0enX OoFN Vetting enaEOeV or diVaEOeV
tKe menX aFFeVV.
Maturity Lock :Ken Vet tKiV oStion getV tKe matXrity
information from tKe EroadFaVt and if tKiV matXrity
OeYeO iV diVaEOed diVaEOeV aFFeVV to tKe EroadFaVt.
Child Lock :Ken &KiOd /oFN iV Vet tKe 79 Fan onOy
Ee FontroOOed Ey tKe remote FontroO. In tKiV FaVe tKe
FontroO SaneO EXttonV ZiOO not ZorN.
Set PIN 'e¿neV a neZ 3I1 nXmEer.
Note: If the Country option is set to France, you can use 4725
as the default code.
General TV Operation
Using the Channel List
Electronic Programme Guide (EPG)
Some EXt not aOO FKanneOV Vend information aEoXt tKe
FXrrent and ne[t SrogrammeV. 3reVV tKe EXtton
to YieZ tKe (3G menX.
Red button (Prev Day): 'iVSOayV tKe SrogrammeV of
SreYioXV day.
Green button (Next day): 'iVSOayV tKe SrogrammeV
of tKe ne[t day.
Yellow button (Zoom) ([SandV Srogramme information.
Blue button (Filter): 9ieZV ¿Otering oStionV.
: 3reVV EXtton to YieZ SeOeFt Genre menX.
8Ving tKiV featXre yoX Fan VearFK tKe Srogramme gXide
dataEaVe in aFFordanFe ZitK tKe genre. Info aYaiOaEOe
in tKe Srogramme gXide ZiOO Ee VearFKed and reVXOtV
matFKing yoXr Friteria ZiOO Ee OiVted.
(i) INFO: 'iVSOayV in detaiOed information on tKe
Srogramme VeOeFted.
Numeric buttons (Jump) -XmSV to tKe Sreferred
FKanneO direFtOy Yia nXmeriF EXttonV.
OK: 'iVSOayV Srogramme oStionV.
Text (Search): 'iVSOayV ³Guide Search´ menX.
(Now) SKoZV tKe FXrrent Srogramme.

English - 54 -
P+P- : 0ore eYent info
IMPORTANT: Connect a USB disk to your TV while the TV
is switched off. You should then switch on the TV to enable
the recording feature.
Note: Switching to a different broadcast or source is not
available during a recording.
Programme Options
In EPG menX SreVV tKe OK EXtton to enter tKe
Event Options menX.
Select Channel
In EPG menX XVing tKiV oStion yoX Fan VZitFK
to tKe VeOeFted FKanneO.
Set Timer / Delete Timer
$fter yoX KaYe VeOeFted a Srogramme in tKe EPG
menX SreVV tKe OK EXtton. SeOeFt tKe Set Timer
on Event oStion and SreVV tKe OK EXtton. <oX
Fan Vet a timer for fXtXre SrogrammeV. 7o FanFeO
an aOready Vet timer KigKOigKt tKat Srogramme and
SreVV tKe OK EXtton. 7Ken VeOeFt ³Delete Timer´
oStion. 7Ke timer ZiOO Ee FanFeOOed.
Software Upgrade
<oXr 79 iV FaSaEOe of finding and XSdating
aXtomatiFaOOy Yia tKe $eriaO&aEOeSateOOite VignaO.
Software upgrade search via user
SimSOy naYigate on yoXr main menX. &KooVe
Settings and VeOeFt Other Settings menX. In Other
Settings menX naYigate on to tKe Software for
Upgrade item and SreVV OK EXtton to FKeFN for a
neZ VoftZare XSgrade.
3 AM search and upgrade mode
:KiOe tKe 79 iV FonneFted to an aeriaO VignaO. If
$XtomatiF VFanning in tKe 8Sgrade 2StionV menX
iV enaEOed tKe 79 ZaNeV XS at 0300 and VearFKeV
EroadFaVt FKanneOV for neZ VoftZare XSgradeV. If
neZ VoftZare iV foXnd and doZnOoaded VXFFeVVfXOOy
tKe ne[t time tKe 79 SoZerV XS it ZiOO KaYe tKe neZ
VoftZare YerVion.
Note: If the TV fails to come on after the upgrade unplug the
TV for 2 minutes and plug in again.
Troubleshooting & Tips
Tv will not turn on
0aNe VXre tKe SoZer Ford iV SOXgged in VeFXreOy to
ZaOO oXtOet. 7Ke EatterieV in tKe remote FontroO may Ee
e[KaXVted. 3reVV tKe 3oZer EXtton on tKe 79.
Poor picture
+aYe yoX VeOeFted tKe ForreFt 79 VyVtem"
/oZ VignaO OeYeO Fan FaXVe SiFtXre diVtortion.3OeaVe
FKeFN antenna aFFeVV.
&KeFN if yoX KaYe entered tKe ForreFt FKanneO
freTXenFy if yoX KaYe done manXaO tXning.
7Ke SiFtXre TXaOity may degrade ZKen tZo deYiFeV
are FonneFted to tKe 79 at tKe Vame time. In VXFK
a FaVe diVFonneFt one of tKe deYiFeV.
No picture
1o 3iFtXre meanV tKat yoXr 79 iV not reFeiYing a
tranVmiVVion. +aYe yoX VeOeFted tKe ForreFt EXtton on
tKe remote FontroO" 7ry onFe more. $OVo maNe VXre
tKe ForreFt inSXt VoXrFe KaV Eeen VeOeFted.
IV tKe antenna FonneFted SroSerOy"
IV tKe antenna FaEOe damaged"
$re VXitaEOe SOXgV XVed to FonneFt tKe antenna"
If yoX are in doXEt FonVXOt yoXr deaOer.
No sound
+aV tKe 79 Eeen Vet to mXte" 7o FanFeO mXte SreVV tKe
³´ EXtton or inFreaVe tKe YoOXme OeYeO.
SoXnd iV Foming from onOy one VSeaNer. IV tKe EaOanFe
Vet to one e[treme" See SoXnd 0enX VeFtion.
Remote control - does not operate
7Ke EatterieV may Ee e[KaXVted. 5eSOaFe tKe
Input sources - can not be selected
If yoX Fannot VeOeFt an inSXt VoXrFe it iV SoVViEOe tKat
no deYiFe iV FonneFted. if not
&KeFN tKe $9 FaEOeV and FonneFtionV if yoX KaYe tried
to FonneFt a deYiFe.

English - 55 -
Source Supported Signals Available
3$/ 5060 2
NTSC 60 2
5G% 50 2
5G% 60 2
Side AV 3$/ 5060 2
NTSC 60 2
480I 480360+] 2
576I 576350+] 2
720350+]60+] 2
1080I 50+]60+] 2
1080350+]60+] 2
480I 60+] 2
480360+] 2
576I 576350+] 2
720350+]60+] 2
1080I 50+]60+] 2
24+] 25+]
30+] 50+]
(X: Not Available, O: Available)
In some cases a signal on the LED TV may not be displayed
properly. The problem may be an inconsistency with standards
from the source equipment (DVD, Set-top box, etc. ). If you do
experience such a problem please contact your dealer and
also the manufacturer of the source equipment.
AV and HDMI Signal Compatibility
Supported File Formats for USB Mode
Media File Extension Format Re mar ks
(Maximum resolution/Bit rate etc.)
Video Audio
mpg, mpeg MPEG1, MPEG2 MPEG1: 768x576 @30P
MPEG2:1920x1080 @ 30P
vob MPEG2
1920x1080 @ 30P
mp4 MPEG4, Xvid , H.264
mkv H.264, MPEG4,VC-1
avi MPEG2, MPEG4, Xvid , H.264
Àv H.264/VP6/Sorenson H.264/VP6:1920x1080 @ 30P
Sorenson: 352x288 @30P
3gp MPEG4 , H.264 1920x1080 @ 30P
Music .mp3 -
MPEG 1 Layer 2
32Kbps ~ 448Kbps(Bit rate)
32K, 44.1k, 48k Hz,16K, 22.05K, 24K Hz (Sampling
MPEG 1 Layer 3
32Kbps ~ 320Kbps(Bit rate)
32K, 44.1k, 48k Hz,16K, 22.05K, 24K Hz,8K, 11.025K,
12K Hz (Sampling rate)
.jpg .jpeg Baseline JPEG - max WxH = 17000x10000 4147200bytes
. Progressive JPEG - max WxH = 4000x4000 3840000bytes
.bmp - - max WxH = 5760x4096 3840000bytes
Subtitle .sub .srt - - -
PC Input Typical Display Modes
The following table is an illustration of some of the typical video
display modes. Your TV may not support all resolutions. Your TV
supports up to 1920x1080.
Index Resolution Frequency
11024[768 60 +]
21280[768 60 +]
31360[768 60 +]
4800[600 56 +]
5800[600 60 +]
61024[768 66 +]
71280[960 60 +]
81280[1024 60 +]
91400[1050 60 +]
10 1600[1200 60 +]
11 1920[1080 60 +]

English - 56 -
DVD Mode
Safety Information
'9' 3Oayer iV a FOaVV 1 OaVer SrodXFt. TKiV SrodXFt
XVe a YiViEOe OaVer. TKiV OaVer FoXOd Karm ZKen Sointed
direFt to eyeV. %e VXre to oSerate tKe SOayer ForreFtOy
aV inVtrXFted.
TKe OigKtning ÀaVK ZitK arroZKead VymEoO ZitKin
an eTXiOateraO triangOe iV intended to aOert tKe XVer
to tKe SreVenFe of XninVXOated ³dangeroXV YoOtage´
ZitKin tKe SrodXFt¶V enFOoVXre tKat may Ee of VXf¿Fient
magnitXde to FonVtitXte a riVN of eOeFtriF VKoFN of
TKe e[FOamation Soint ZitKin an eTXiOateraO triangOe iV
intended to aOert tKe XVer to tKe SreVenFe of imSortant
oSerating and maintenanFe VerYiFing inVtrXFtionV in
tKe OiteratXre aFFomSanying tKe aSSOianFe.
Notes on Discs
On handling discs
To NeeS tKe diVF FOean KandOe tKe diVF Ey itV edge.
'o not toXFK tKe VXrfaFe.
'o not VtiFN SaSer or taSe on tKe diVF.
If tKe diVF iV Fontaminated ZitK any VXEVtanFe OiNe
gOXe remoYe Eefore XVing it.
'o not e[SoVe tKe diVF to direFt VXnOigKt or Keat
VoXrFeV VXFK aV Kot air dXFtV or OeaYe it in a Far
SarNed in direFt VXnOigKt aV tKe temSeratXre Fan riVe
TXiFNOy and damage tKe diVF.
$fter SOaying Vtore tKe diVF in itV FaVe.
On cleaning
%efore SOaying FOean tKe diVF ZitK a FOeaning FOotK.
:iSe tKe diVF from tKe Fenter oXt.
'o not XVe VoOYentV VXFK aV Een]ine tKinner
FommerFiaOOy aYaiOaEOe FOeanerV or anti-VtatiF VSray
intended for YinyO /3V.
Licence Noti¿cation
TKiV SrodXFt inForSorateV FoSyrigKt SroteFtion
teFKnoOogy tKat iV SroteFted Ey 8.S. SatentV
and otKer inteOOeFtXaO SroSerty rigKtV. 8Ve of
tKiV FoSyrigKt SroteFtion teFKnoOogy mXVt Ee
aXtKori]ed Ey 5oYi CorSoration and iV intended for
Kome and otKer Oimited YieZing XVeV onOy XnOeVV
otKerZiVe aXtKori]ed Ey 5oYi CorSoration. 5eYerVe
engineering and diVaVVemEOy are SroKiEited.
How to Watch a DVD
:Ken SOaFing a diVF into tKe Ooader OaEeOed Vide of
tKe diVF VKoXOd Ee on tKe front
:Ken T9 Vet iV tXrned on ¿rVt VZitFK to '9' VoXrFe
Ey XVing tKe SOURCE EXtton on tKe remote FontroO.
3reVV SOay on tKe remote FontroO or direFtOy SreVV SOay
EXtton at tKe front SaneO. If tKere iV no diVF inVide tKe
Ooader SOaFe a '9' ¿rVt and SreVV SOay.
Note: If you switch to another source by pressing
SOURCE, SWAP or P+/P- buttons on the remote
control, DVD playback will be paused automatically.
You should press PLAY and resume the playback
manually when you switch to DVD mode.

English - 57 -
DVD Control Panel Buttons
A. Disc loader
B. Play / Pause
3OayVSaXVeV tKe diVF. :Ken '9' menX root menX iV aFtiYe tKiV EXtton fXnFtionV aV
³EXtton VeOeFt´ VeOeFtV tKe KigKOigKted item in menX if tKiV iV not SroKiEited Ey tKe diVF.
C. Stop / Eject
StoS SOaying diVF (MeFt or /oad tKe diVF Note
<oX Fannot eMeFt tKe diVF Yia tKe remote FontroO.
:KiOe SOaying a ¿Oe yoX VKoXOd SreVV ST23 EXtton tKree timeV to eMeFt.
1. StandEy
2. 3Oay
3. /angXage VeOeFtion Set OangXage
4. 5aSid reYerVe
5. Zoom
6. 5eSeat
7. NXmeriF EXttonV
8. NaYigation EXttonV
9. 2.
10. 0enX
11. 5etXrn
12. $ngOe
13. YoOXme XS doZn
14. 0Xte
15. Info
16. 0y EXtton 1 'iVSOay time '9' menX
17. 0y EXtton 2 SearFK mode
18. ([it
19. 5oot
20. TitOe
21. 5aSid adYanFe
22. SXEtitOe
23. StoS
24. 3aXVe
25. $9 SoXrFe VeOeFtion

English - 58 -
General Operation
You can operate DVD, movie CD, music or picture CD’s content by using the proper buttons on your remote control. Below
are main functions of commonly used remote control buttons.
<oX Fan VZitFK to titOe Ey SreVVing nXmeriF NeyV direFtOy. <oX need to SreVV 0 and tKen digit Ney to VZitFK
one digit titOeV e[amSOe to VeOeFt 5 SreVV 0 and 5.
Buttons on the
Remote Control
Playback Music Playback
3Oay 3Oay 3Oay 3Oay
/ SNiS EaFNZard
forZard 5otate SNiS EaFNZardforZard
/ +igKOigKtV a menX item SKiftV tKe ]oomed SiFtXre XS or doZn if aYaiOaEOe.
/ )aVt reYerVe )aVt forZard
9ieZV tKe VFene from different angOeV if
CKangeV VOide effeFt
deSendV on tKe
MY BUTTON1 'iVSOayV time 9ieZV main VetXS menX
INFO Time FoXnter mode VeOeFtion dXring SOayEaFN. 3reVV reSeatedOy to VZitFK EetZeen modeV.
LANG. $Xdio OangXage. ;;
MENU 'iVSOayV T9 menX.
OK / SELECT (nter 9ieZ 3Oay
GREEN 'iVSOayV reSeat oStionV.
RETURN 5etXrnV EaFN to tKe SreYioXV menX if aYaiOaEOe.
YELLOW GoeV EaFN to tKe root foOder if aYaiOaEOe.
MY BUTTON2 'ireFt VeOeFtion of VFeneV or time. SeOeFtV tKe
deVired ¿Oe.
SeOeFtV tKe
deVired ¿Oe.
SUBTITLE SXEtitOe on-off. 3reVV reSeatedOy to VZitFK
EetZeen VXEtitOe oStionV.;;
SWAP 0edia VoXrFe VeOeFtion.
BLUE 'iVSOayV diVF menX if
'iVSOayV diVF menX
if aYaiOaEOe.;;
RED ZoomV SiFtXre. 3reVV reSeatedOy to VZitFK EetZeen ]oom oStionV.
Other Functions – Button Combinations 'Xring SOayEaFN
+ Slow forward.
[ + ] + Sets slow forward speed.
+ Sets fast forward speed.
+ Sets fast reverse speed.

English - 59 -
General Playback
Basic Play
1. 3reVV on tKe SoZer EXtton
2. 3OeaVe inVert a diVF to tKe Ooader.
TKe diVF ZiOO Ee aXtomatiFaOOy Ooaded and SOay
FommenFeV if tKe diVF doeV not KaYe any menXV
reForded on it.
$ menX may aSSear on tKe T9 VFreen after a feZ
momentV or tKe ¿Om may Vtart immediateOy after tKe
introdXFtion of tKe )iOm ComSany. TKiV EeKaYioXr
deSendV on tKe diVF Fontent and may FKange.
Note: Step 3 and 4 is available only when a menu is recorded
on the disc.
3. 3reVV ³ ´ ³ ´ or tKe nXmEer EXtton
V to VeOeFt tKe Sreferred titOe.
4. 3reVV 2..
3Oay of tKe VeOeFted itemV noZ VtartV. TKe SOayed
item may Ee a motion SiFtXre a VtiOO SiFtXre or anotKer
VXEmenX deSending on tKe diVF.
For your reference:
If an action corresponding to a button is prohibited the “
” symbol appears.
Notes on Playback:
1. No VoXnd ZiOO Ee Keard dXring 5aSid adYanFe
or 5aSid reYerVe.
2. No VoXnd ZiOO Ee Keard dXring SOoZ motion SOay.
3. 5eYerVe VOoZ motion SOay iV not aYaiOaEOe.
4. In Vome FaVeV tKe VXEtitOe OangXage iV not
FKanged immediateOy to tKe VeOeFted one.
5. :Ken tKe Sreferred OangXage iV not VeOeFted eYen
after SreVVing tKe EXtton VeYeraO timeV it meanV
tKat tKe OangXage iV not aYaiOaEOe on tKe diVF.
6. :Ken tKe SOayer iV reVtarted or tKe diVF iV
FKanged tKe VXEtitOe VeOeFtion iV aXtomatiFaOOy
FKanged EaFN to tKe initiaO VettingV.
7. If a OangXage iV VeOeFted not VXSSorted Ey tKe
diVF tKe VXEtitOe OangXage ZiOO aXtomatiFaOOy Ee
Vet to tKe diVF¶V Sriority OangXage.
8. 8VXaOOy a FirFXOation ZiOO KaSSen ZKiOe VZitFKing
to anotKer OangXage tKat iV yoX Fan FanFeO
tKe VXEtitOe Ey SreVVing tKiV EXtton a nXmEer of
timeV XntiO ³SXEtitOe 2ff´ aSSearV on tKe VFreen.
9. :Ken tKe SoZer iV tXrned on or tKe diVF iV
remoYed tKe OangXage Keard iV tKe one
VeOeFted at tKe initiaO VettingV. If tKiV OangXage
iV not reForded on tKe diVF onOy tKe aYaiOaEOe
OangXage on tKe diVF ZiOO Ee Keard.
10. Some '9'V may not Fontain root andor titOe
11. 5eYerVe VteSSing iV not aYaiOaEOe.
12. )or yoXr FonYenienFe
If yoX attemSt to enter a nXmEer greater tKan tKe totaO
time of tKe FXrrent titOe tKe time VearFK Eo[ diVaSSearV
and ³ InSXt InYaOid´ meVVage aSSearV on XS-Oeft
Forner of VFreen.
13. SOide SKoZ iV diVaEOed ZKen tKe Z220 mode
iV on.
DVD Troubleshooting
The picture quality is poor (DVD)
0aNe VXre tKe '9' diVF VXrfaFe iV not damaged.
SFratFK ¿ngerSrint etF.
COean tKe '9' diVF and try again.
See instructions described in “Notes on Discs” to clean your
disc properly.
(nVXre tKat tKe '9' diVF iV in tKe draZer ZitK tKe
OaEeO XSSermoVt.
$ damS '9' diVF or FondenVation may effeFt tKe
eTXiSment. :ait for 1 to 2 KoXrV in Stand-Ey to dry
tKe eTXiSment.
Disc does not play
No diVF in tKe maFKine. Place a disc into the loader.
'iVF inForreFtOy Ooaded.
Ensure that the DVD disc is in the drawer with the label
:rong tySe of diVF. TKe maFKine Fannot SOay C'-
520S etF. TKe region Fode of tKe '9' mXVt matFK
tKe SOayer.
Wrong OSD language
SeOeFt tKe OangXage in tKe Vet-XS menX.
TKe OangXage for tKe VoXnd or VXEtitOeV on a '9'
Fannot Ee FKanged.
0XOtiOingXaO VoXnd andor VXEtitOeV not reForded on
tKe '9'.
Try to FKange tKe VoXnd or VXEtitOeV XVing '9'¶V
titOe menX. Some '9'¶V do not aOOoZ tKe XVer to
FKange tKeVe VettingV ZitKoXt XVing tKe diVF¶V menX
TKeVe fXnFtionV are not aYaiOaEOe on tKe '9'.
No picture
+aYe yoX SreVVed tKe ForreFt EXttonV on tKe remote
FontroO" Try onFe more.
No sound
CKeFN tKe YoOXme iV Vet to an aXdiEOe OeYeO.
0aNe VXre yoX KaYe not VZitFKed tKe VoXnd off
Distorted sound
CKeFN tKat tKe aSSroSriate OiVtening mode Vetting
iV ForreFt.
If nothing works
If yoX KaYe tried tKe aEoYe VoOXtionV and none Veem
to ZorN try VZitFKing yoXr T9-'9' off and on again.
If tKiV doeV not ZorN FontaFt yoXr VXSSOier or T9-'9'
reSair teFKniFian. NeYer attemSt to reSair a defeFtiYe
T9-'9' yoXrVeOf.

English - 60 -
Disc Types Compatible with This Unit
Disc Types
Max. Playing
Time Characteristics
DVD $Xdio
12 Fm
Vided 240 min.
Vided 480 min.
'V' FontainV e[FeOOent VoXnd and Yideo
dXe to 'oOEy 'igitaO and 03(G-2 SyVtem.
VarioXV VFreen and aXdio fXnFtionV Fan
Ee eaViOy VeOeFted tKroXgK tKe on VFreen
$Xdio 12 Fm 74 min.
$n /3 iV reForded aV an anaOog VignaO
ZitK more diVtortion. C' iV reForded aV
a 'igitaO SignaO ZitK Eetter aXdio TXaOity
IeVV diVtortion and OeVV deterioration of
aXdio TXaOity oYer time.
MP3-CD $Xdio
[[[[.mS312 Fm
It deSendV
on 033
033 iV reForded aV a 'igitaO SignaO ZitK
Eetter aXdio TXaOity OeVV diVtortion and
OeVV deterioration of aXdio TXaOity oYer
VtiOO SiFtXre12 Fm
It deSendV
on -3(G
-3(G iV reForded aV a 'igitaO SignaO ZitK
Eetter SiFtXre TXaOity oYer time.
For proper operation, only 12 cm discs must be used.
Types of Discs
DVD: SSS/ 4.7´ 'V'-5
SS'/ 4.7´ 'V'-9
'SS/ 4.7´ 'V'-10
'S'/ 4.7´ 'V'-18
Video Type
03(G-2 Video Standard 'eFoding 03(G-1 VXSSorted
)XOO-SFreen Video 'iVSOay of 720 [ 576 3$/ 720 [ 480 NTSC Si[eOV
50 and 60 +] frame refreVK rateV 3$/ NTSC
'igitaO Eit-Vtream SroFeVVing rate XS to 1080EitVVeF
/ine reVoOXtion more tKan 500 OineV
Audio Type 03(G 0XOtiFKanneO 'eFoding
Audio Output Analog Outputs:
24 Eit 48 44.1N+] doZn-VamSOing '$C