Thule Zusatzkupplung User Manual
Displayed below is the user manual for Zusatzkupplung by Thule which is a product in the Bicycle Trailer Accessories category. This manual has pages.
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Thule ezHitchTM

251100937 - C
These instructions contain many WARNINGS. Read
and understand all of the WARNINGS. Use of a trailer
changes the handling characteristics and requirements
of your bicycle. Failure to assemble and use this Thule
child carrier correctly may lead to serious personal injury
or death to you or your passenger.
• Alwaysuseasafetyag.
• Do not operate a Thule child carrier without reading
and understanding this manual.
• Use extreme caution while trailering, never exceed
25 km/h, and slow down to less than 10 km/h around
corners and on rough roads.
• When turning right, the angle between the towing
bicycle and the Thule child carrier must not exceed
45°. When turning left, the angle must not exceed 90°.
• Passenger(s) must always use seat belts and wear an
approved helmet.
• Follow the instructions that came with your Thule child
carrier for proper child placement and seatbelt use.
• Child(ren) must be old enough to wear a helmet and to
sit upright unattended. Consult pediatrician if child is
less than one year old.
• Child's head, including helmet, must not project above
the upper frame.
• Never leave your child unattended in the Thule child
• OnlyparktheThulechildcarrieronatsurfacesand
secure it with the parking brake.
• Haveyourbicyclecheckedbyaqualiedbicycle
mechanic before attaching it to this trailer kit.
• Maximum capacity for a single Thule child carrier is
75 lb (34 kg) and for a double Thule child carrier it is
100 lb (45 kg) including children and cargo.
• Cyclist must be an experienced, strong rider.
Thule ezHitchTM
Package includes hitch cup
and quick release skewer

51100937 - C 3
A. Verify that the quick release skewer is compatible
with your bicycle.
B. Completely unscrew and remove the quick-release
knob from the quick release skewer.
C. Remove one of the springs from the quick-release skewer.
D. Insert the quick-release skewer through the Thule
E. Insert the quick-release skewer into the bicycle
axle from the left side (if standing beside bicycle)
pointing right.
F. Replace the spring back onto the quick-release
skewer, narrow end pointing inwards, towards
the bicycle.
G. Close the quick-release lever.
H. Replace and tighten the quick release knob until
thumb tight.
I. Open the quick-release lever.
J. Tighten the quick-release knob another full turn.
K. Close the quick-release lever.
L. Verify that the bicycle wheel is securely attached to
the bicycle by giving it a sharp pull.
The quick-release knob must be tightened on
the quick-release skewer completely with at
least two screw threads showing past the end
of the quick-release knob to ensure the rear
wheel of the bicycle does not loosen off.
Always make sure that the quick-release is
correctly attached. An incorrectly tensioned
quick-release may lead to accidental loosening
of the rear wheel.
A. Verify that the ezHitch™ is compatible with your bicycle.
B. Remove the nut and washer(s) from the left end of the
axle, the end opposite of the sprockets.
C. Put the ezHitch™ on the left side of the axle.
D. Reinstall the nut and washer(s) onto the axle.
E. Tighten the nut to the bicycle manufacturer's
recommended torque.
The nut on the rear axle must be tightened by
at least 5 full turns to ensure adequate clamping
force. You may discard the original washer
on some axles to make room for the ezHitch.
Check with your bicycle retailer to be certain.
Depending on the hub type, the existing torque
support washer for the hub must stay on the
frame. Please follow the assembly instructions
for the hub and the manufacturer’s torque
specications when fastening the axle nut.
If you have an Internally Geared Hub, you will
require an Thule Internal Hub Hitch Adapter.

451100937 - C
Thule Child Transport Systems Ltd.
105 - 5760 9th Street SE Calgary, AB T2H 1Z9 Canada