Gigabyte MA10-ST0 User Manual
Displayed below is the user manual for MA10-ST0 by Gigabyte which is a product in the Motherboards category. This manual has pages.
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Gigabyte Server Management
Installation and Conguration Guide
Rev. 1.0

© 2016 GIGA-BYTE TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. All rights reserved.
The trademarks mentioned in this manual are legally registered to their respective owners.
Information in this manual is protected by copyright laws and is the property of GIGABYTE.
Changes to the specifications and features in this manual may be made by GIGABYTE
without prior notice. No part of this manual may be reproduced, copied, translated, transmitted, or
published in any form or by any means without GIGABYTE's prior written permission.
Documentation Classications
In order to assist in the use of this product, GIGABYTE provides the following types of documentations:
For detailed product information, carefully read the User's Guide.
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- 3 -
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Getting Started ...............................................................................................5
1-1 Using Your Gigabyte Server Management ....................................................... 5
1-2 Hardware Requirement .................................................................................... 5
1-3 Software Requirement ..................................................................................... 5
1-3-1 Prerequisites on remote management server ..........................................................5
1-4 Installing Gigabyte Server Management (Windows) ........................................ 6
1-4-1 Installation Procedure ...............................................................................................6
1-5 Installing Gigabyte Server Management (Linux) ............................................ 10
1-5-1 Tomcat Installation Procedure ................................................................................10
1-5-2 PostgreSQL Installation Procedure ........................................................................10
1-5-3 Restore dbGSMv0XX.backup .................................................................................11
1-5-4 pgadminIII Installation Procedure (Optional) ..........................................................13
1-5-5 Login Gigabyte Server Management ......................................................................14
Chapter 2 Gigabyte Server Management .....................................................................15
2-1 Overview ........................................................................................................ 15
2-2 Enter Gigabyte Server Management ............................................................. 16
2-2-1 System Manager ....................................................................................................18
2-2-1-1 Information ..............................................................................................................19
2-2-1-2 Monitoring ...............................................................................................................20
2-2-1-3 Remote Access .......................................................................................................21
2-2-1-4 NetworkConguraiton ............................................................................................26
2-2-1-5 Event Log ...............................................................................................................27
2-2-1-6 Alert Management ..................................................................................................28
2-2-1-7 Updates ..................................................................................................................30
2-2-2 Group Manager ......................................................................................................32
2-2-3 Alert ........................................................................................................................34
2-2-4 Account ...................................................................................................................35
2-2-5 Preference ..............................................................................................................36
2-2-5-1 IP Range .................................................................................................................37
2-2-5-2 Event Log ...............................................................................................................38
2-2-5-3 Alert Management ..................................................................................................39
2-2-5-4 Database ................................................................................................................42
2-2-5-5 Properties ...............................................................................................................43
2-2-5-6 Update ....................................................................................................................44
2-2-6 Help ........................................................................................................................45
Chapter 3 Appendix ......................................................................................................46
3-1 Event Log List ................................................................................................ 46

- 4 -

- 5 - Gigabyte Server Management
1-1 Using Your Gigabyte Server Management
Gigabyte Server management has a user-friendly Graphics User Interface (GUI) called the
Gigabyte Server management GUI. It is designed to be easy to use. It has a low learning curve
because it uses a standard Internet browser. You can expect to be up and running in less than
GUI’s various functions. Each function is described in detail.
1-2 Hardware Requirement
Before using Gigabyte Server Management , please check your system for the following required
• SystemProcessor:2GHzandabove
• SystemMemory:Minimum4GBRAM
• FreeDiskSpace:1000GBatleast
• Nodeservers:255maximum
1-3 Software Requirement
1-3-1 Prerequisites on remote management server
Supported Browsers:
• Internet Explorer 9 or later
• Google Chrome 39.0.2171.65 m or later
• MozillaFirefox33.1.1
Operating System:
• Windows 2008 & 2012 R2
• Redhat/CentOS 6.3 or later
Chapter 1 Getting Started

Gigabyte Server Management - 6 -
1-4 Installing Gigabyte Server Management (Windows)
1-4-1 Installation Procedure
1. UnziptheleandrunGSM_Setup.exe.
2. Then,aseriesofinstallationwizardsappear.
3. Click Next.
4. Click Install to start the nstallation.

- 7 - Gigabyte Server Management
5. Installingpreparationles.
CAUTION! Please make sure you have enough space on your hard drive for the program.
6. Installing Java JDK, this may take few mintues to complete installation.

Gigabyte Server Management - 8 -
7. Installing Visual C++.
8. Installing PostgreSQ.
9. Setting Database of PostgreSQL.

- 9 - Gigabyte Server Management
10. Insatalltion completed, click Finish.

Gigabyte Server Management - 10 -
1-5 Installing Gigabyte Server Management (Linux)
1-5-1 Tomcat Installation Procedure
1-5-2 PostgreSQL Installation Procedure
1. Unzipapache-tomcat-7.0.47.tar.gz
2. Move apache-tomcat-7.0.47 to /root/tomcat7
mv apache-tomcat-7.0.47 /root/tomcat7
3. Move GSM.war to /root/tomcat7/webapps
mv GSM.war /root/tomcat7/webapps
4. Execute
cd /root/tomcat7/bin
1. Install default-jre
apt-get install default-jre
2. Install PostgreSQL
apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib
3. Openuppostgresql.confleinyourfavoriteeditor
vi /etc/postgresql/9.3/main/postgresql.conf
4. Alterthelisten_addressesasbelow:
listen_addresses = '*'
[Cent OS/RedHat]
1. Remove the old PostgreSQL package.
yum remove postgresql*
2. Locateandedityourdistributions.repole,located:
[CentOS] vi /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo ([base] and [updates] sections)
[Red Hat] vi /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/rhnplugin.conf ([main] section)
3. Tothesection(s)identiedabove,youneedtoappendaline:

- 11 - Gigabyte Server Management
4. DownloadPGDGRPMle
[CentOS] curl -O
[Red Hat] curl -O
5. InstallPGDGRPMle
[CentOS] rpm -ivh pgdg-centos93-9.3-1.noarch.rpm
[Red Hat] rpm -ivh pgdg-redhat93-9.3-1.noarch.rpm
6. Install PostgreSQL
yum install postgresql93-server
7. Initialize
service postgresql-9.3 initdb
8. Startup
1-5-3 Restore dbGSMv0XX.backup
1. Modifypg_hba.confle
vi /etc/postgresql/9.3/main/pg_hba.conf
[CentOS / Red Hat]
vi /var/lib/pgsql/9.3/data/pg_hba.conf
2. Edit
Local all all→postgres peer→trust
host all all→postgres indent→trust
host all all→postgres ::1/128 indent→trust
3. Start service
service postgresql restart

Gigabyte Server Management - 12 -
[CentOS / Red Hat]
service postgresql-9.3 start
4. Create database
createdb -U postgres dbGSM
5. Restore dbGSMv0XX.backup to database
pg_restore -h -p 5432 -U postgres -d dbGSM -v " dbGSMv0XX.backup"

- 13 - Gigabyte Server Management
1-5-4 pgadminIII Installation Procedure (Optional)
1. Install pgadmin3
yum install pgadmin3_93
2. Execute pgadmin3
pgadmin3 &
3. File -> Add server
1. Get wxBase
curl -O
2. Install wxBase
rpm -ivh wxBase-2.8.12-1.el6.x86_64.rpm
3. Get wxGTK
curl -O
4. Install wxGTK
rpm -ivh wxGTK-2.8.12-1.el6.x86_64.rpm
5. Get PgAdmin3
curl -O
6. Install PgAdmin3
rpm -ivh pgadmin3_93-1.18.1-2.rhel6.x86_64.rpm
7. Execute pgadmin3
pgadmin3 &
8. File -> Add server

Gigabyte Server Management - 14 -
1-5-5 Login Gigabyte Server Management
1. Open a browser and enter URL
2. Enter Database User Name
• This utility supported CentOS 6.3 or later version.
• PostgreSQL must be execute in root authority.
• In Fedora 19, you have to install package in the following:
vi /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora.repo and /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora-updates.repo
([fedora] sections)
curl -O
/usr/pgsql-9.3/postgresql93-setup initdb

- 15 - Gigabyte Server Management
2-1 Overview
Chapter 2 Gigabyte Server Management
1. Openawebbrowserand type in your identied IP.The IPaddresscanbe found
using your DHCP server.
2. Enterthefollowingvalues:
• Username:admin
• Password:password
• The default user name and password are in lower-case characters.
• When you log in using the root user name and password, you have full administrative
powers. It is advised that once you log in, you change the root password.

Gigabyte Server Management - 16 -
2-2 Enter Gigabyte Server Management
After you successfully log into your Gigabyte Server Management, the Remote
Management GUI appears. Click Node Status imageforadvancedconguration.

- 17 - Gigabyte Server Management
After you entering into your Management Console, the Management Console GUI
Management Console Information shows the general system health status of the current remote
Icon Decription/Resulting Action
there’s no sensor that has any alert.

Gigabyte Server Management - 18 -
2-2-1 System Manager
System Manager provides the function of List all connected node systems. Click the

- 19 - Gigabyte Server Management
2-2-1-1 Information
The Information is a display page for basic system health information, such as FRU
information, hardware information, and software information. Items on this window are

Gigabyte Server Management - 20 -
2-2-1-2 Monitoring
The Monitoring displays a real-time record of the node system fan and voltage

- 21 - Gigabyte Server Management
2-2-1-3 Remote Access
The Remote Accessprovidesthefollowingremotefunctions:
• PowerControlConguration
• Chassis Identify
• Boot Option
• Launch iKVM
• Reboot BMC
• Restore BIOS default settings
• Mount/Unmount Virtual Media
• NetworkTimeProtocolConguration
• BMCAccountConguration

Gigabyte Server Management - 22 -
Icon Decription/Resulting Action
Power on system.
Power off system.
Power cycle system.
Hard reset system.
Power Control
User can power on/off/cycle/and hard reset the remote host system in power control.

- 23 - Gigabyte Server Management
Chassis Identify
Boot Option
Reboot BMC
Restore BIOS default settings
Parameter Decription/Resulting Action
Chassis Identify Denethechassislightingtime.
Boot Option Selectbootoptionbyclickingspecieddevicetab.
Click Launch to launch the redirection console
and manage the server remotely.
Please ensure that you have latest version of
JAVA tool to active the Java KVM console.
Reboot BMC Click RebootBMC to restart BMC.
Restore BIOS
default settings
Click Browseandselecttheleonyourlocalsystem
and click Restore to restore BIOS default setting.

Gigabyte Server Management - 24 -
Virtual Media
User can mount an ISO Image via Virtual Media function page.
Follow the instructions below to mount or unmount an ISO image.
1. To mount an ISO image, select the ISO image and click Mount.
2. To unmount an ISO image, select the ISO image and click Unmount.
Network Time Protocol
Network Time Protocol provides Network conguration. User can view and modify the
network settings on this screen. Select the Operation Mode from the drop-down list.
NOTE! Virtual Media does not support Windows operating system.
Parameter Decription/Resulting Action
Dedicate Mode RequestanimmediateclocksynchronizationwiththeNTPserver;
request will be sent when click the Sync Time Now button.
Daemon Mode
Runs NTP daemon which sends a NTP
request at approximately 5 minute
intervals. Multiple NTP servers may be

- 25 - Gigabyte Server Management
User can configure the adminstrator ID and password in this section. After finish

Gigabyte Server Management - 26 -
This page provides GroupIPv4andIPv6DHCPconguration.
Parameter Decription/Resulting Action
IPv4 setting
IPv6 Setting
Use DHCP Click on tab to enable or disable this function
IP Address Identify the IP address.
Subnet Mask ConguretheSubnetMaskaddress.
Gateway DenetheGatewayaddress

- 27 - Gigabyte Server Management
2-2-1-5 Event Log
Event Log displays the connected Node system event log information.
Click Clear to clear current system event log.
Click Download to download current system event log.

Gigabyte Server Management - 28 -
2-2-1-6 Alert Management
Alert Management containstwocategories:SNMP Trap Setting and Platform Events
Filters (PEF). Each catergory will be described in the following section.
SNMP Trap Setting
In the Trap Settings, user can set the IPv4 and Ipv6 Destination List.
IPv6 and IPv4 are two completely separate protocols. IPv6 is not backwards compatible with
IPv6hasasignicantly largeraddressspacethan IPv4.This resultsfromtheuse ofa128-bit
address, whereas IPv4 uses only 32 bits.

- 29 - Gigabyte Server Management
Platform Events Filters (PEF)
related event occurs. For each PEF, you can choose the action to be taken when a platform
event occurs.
You can also choose to generate and send an alert when a platform event occurs. In the Platform
Events screen.

Gigabyte Server Management - 30 -
2-2-1-7 Updates
1. Select package fron the drop-down list.
2. SelecttheleonyourlocalsystemusingBrowse.
3. Click Updatetoupdatetothenewversionofrmware.
NOTE! GSM has built-in TFTP server, users have to activate TFTP server and

- 31 - Gigabyte Server Management
2-2-1-8 Power Consumption(Note)
This screen displays information on the system power consumption. The information
includes Current Power Consumption, Power consumption configuration and Power
consumption monitoring.
Tocongurepowerlimit,setPowerLimitManagementActivatedtoON and input the
value in the respective column. Click Submittosaveconguration.
NOTE! Function available on selected models.

Gigabyte Server Management - 32 -
2-2-2 Group Manager
Group Manager provides the function of Create group, Edit droup, Delete group, and
Search function of current remote grouped client systems. Click Group Manager for
Parameter Decription/Resulting Action
Select Check Selectboxtocongureconnectednodesinthesamegroup.
Group ID Displays the connected group ID information.
Group Name Displays the group name.
Click on selected Group Name to view the Group dashboard
information and Gropu remote management functions.
Group Type Displays the group type information.
Description User can add description for selected group. When finish

- 33 - Gigabyte Server Management
Create a Group
1. Click Add.
2. Denethenewgroupnameintherespectivecolumn.
3. Select Group type from the drop-down list.
4. Whennishconguration,clickSubmit.

Gigabyte Server Management - 34 -
2-2-3 Alert
Alert page shows you data related to the sensor’s health, such as sensor reading.

- 35 - Gigabyte Server Management
2-2-4 Account
1. Click AddanddenetheUser Name and Password.
2. DeneEnable function.
3. Select Privileges Level.
4. Whenyounishconguration,clickSubmit.
Privilege Level
ROLE_USER This may be considered the lowest privilege level.
ROLE_ADMIN AllBMCcommandsareallowed,includingconguration
commands. An Administrator can even execute
that the Administrator is communicating over.

Gigabyte Server Management - 36 -
2-2-5 Preference
group system.

- 37 - Gigabyte Server Management
2-2-5-1 IP Range
User can specify the IP range that is scanned during the normal discovery run. Follow steps
1. Click Create row to specify the IP range in the respective columns.
2. Enter Start IP and End IP in the respective columns.
3. Select Scan Type anddenethe Policy Name.
4. Whenyounishtheconguration,clickSubmittosaveyourconguration.
Scan Type Decription
BMC Baseboard management controller, which gives a user
or administrator the ability to control a remote system
and the ability to perform a variety of functions. With
BMC, data only transmitted in the local network area.
CMC Chassis Management Controller, which provides function
for managing multiple server chassis. CMC is higher level
control and monitoring of one or multiple chassis.
RMC Remote Management Controller. Similar with BMC, CMC
provides LAN-based system console access as wellas
remote system management functions. RMC provides out-
of-the-band functions and giving you complete access
to your server from any location via a web browser.

Gigabyte Server Management - 38 -
2-2-5-2 Event Log
Event Log displayseventloginformationforallnodes/systemswithinthedenedIP

- 39 - Gigabyte Server Management
2-2-5-3 Alert Management
Alert Management thefollowingconfiguration:GSM SNMP Setting and IPv4
Destination conguration,SMPT Serverconguration,andSend Mailconurationfor
GSM SNMP trap configuration includes SNMP setting and SNMP destination
Parameter Decription/Resulting Action
Alerting Enable Determine whether the trap is sent by connected node.
Host address Displays the host address information.
Alerting Level Determine the alerting level from the drop-down list.
Please refer to Section 3-1 Event Log for description of alerting

Gigabyte Server Management - 40 -
Parameter Decription/Resulting Action
IPv4 Destination Usercancongure4IPv4Destination.
Enable SelectONtocongureIPv4 address
IPv4 Address EnterspeciedIPaddress.
Whenyounish theconguration,click Submit to to save your

- 41 - Gigabyte Server Management
Send Mail
and message in this page. FollowstepsoutlinedbelowtocongureIPdiscover.
1. Enterthespecice-mailaddress.
2. Enter Title information.
3. Click Send.

Gigabyte Server Management - 42 -
2-2-5-4 Database
Database shows DB location information, provide backup function, and update

- 43 - Gigabyte Server Management
2-2-5-5 Properties
Properties containsGSMTFTPservercongurationforallnodes/systemswithinthe
denedIPrange.FollowstepsoutlinedbelowtocongureTFTP server.
1. Select ON for use TFTP server on GSM.
2. Select ONforEnableconguration.
3. Define checking time. This ensures GSM clean data to make sure system has enough
space to store data.
4. DeneDatabase useage.
5. Denecheckingtime.Ineachroutinecheck,GSMwillchecklogdate
6. Whenyounishconguration,clcikSubmit.

Gigabyte Server Management - 44 -
2-2-5-6 Update
User can update GSM firmware and reset system to default setting for all nodes/
1. Click Updatetoupdatetothenewversionofrmware.
2. To reset system to the factory default, click Reset.
2-2-5-7 Language
User can select the preference language in this page.

- 45 - Gigabyte Server Management
2-2-6 Help
Help page provides the general information including License information, Hardware
requirements, Software requirements and Operating System requirements.

Appendix - 46 -
Chapter 3 Appendix
3-1 Event Log List
SNMP ID Event Level Event Function Event Description
D06F00 FATAL DB Database connnection failed.
D06F01 ERROR DB Database connnection denied.
D16F00 ERROR NetworkConguration GetIPv4congurationfailed
D16F01 ERROR NetworkConguration SetIPv4congurationfailed
D16F02 ERROR NetworkConguration GetIPv6congurationfailed
D16F03 ERROR NetworkConguration SetIPv6congurationfailed
D26F00 ERROR Chassis Control Power control failed
D26F01 ERROR Chassis Control Set chassis identify failed
D26F02 ERROR Chassis Control Get chassis status failed
D36F00 ERROR Power Limit Get power limit failed
D36F01 ERROR Power Limit Powerlimitcongurationfailed
D36F02 ERROR Power Limit Powerlimitcongurationfailed
D46F00 ERROR Platform Event Platform event log failed
D46F01 ERROR Platform Event Set platform event failed
D56F00 ERROR Trap Destination Get IPv4 destination failed
D56F01 ERROR Trap Destination Set IPv4 destination failed
D56F02 ERROR Trap Destination Get IPv4 activate status failed
D56F03 ERROR Trap Destination Set IPv4 activate status failed
D56F04 ERROR Trap Destination Get IPv6 destination failed
D56F05 ERROR Trap Destination Set IPv6 destination failed
D56F06 ERROR Trap Destination Get IPv6 activate status failed
D56F07 ERROR Trap Destination Set IPv6 activate status failed
D36F03 WARN Group Power Limit Policy already exist
D36F04 INFO Group Power Limit Add new policy
D36F05 INFO Group Power Limit Delete policy
D36F06 INFO Group Power Limit GroupXXX:enablepowerlimit
D36F07 INFO Group Power Limit GroupXXX:reduce power limit
to XXX
D36F08 INFO Group Power Limit GroupXXX:disablepowerlimit
D66F00 WARN User Management Useraccount:XXXalreadyexist
D66F01 INFO User Management Addnewuseraccount:XXX
D66F02 INFO User Management Deleteuseraccount:XXX
D76F00 INFO System Reset System reset success
D76F01 ERROR System Reset System reset failed, please wait a
few minute
D86F00 INFO Group Setting Create group
D86F01 INFO Group Setting Delete group
D86F02 INFO Group Setting Add group member
D86F03 INFO Group Setting Delete group member
D86F04 INFO Group Setting Rename group

- 47 - Appendix
D96F00 INFO Background(GSM):IP
Found new OpenRack1.0 RMC
IP(with ip)
D96F01 INFO Background(GSM):IP
Found new IPMI IP(with ip/mac/
D96F02 INFO Background(GSM) :
Node Status Add node(with mac information)
D96F03 INFO Background(GSM) :
Node Status
Start monitor after a random time
has expired
D96F04 INFO Background(GSM) :
Node Status Delete node(with mac information)
D96F05 INFO Background(GSM) :
Monitor high frequency Add node(with mac information)
D96F06 INFO Background(GSM) :
Monitor high frequency
Start monitor after a random time
has expired
D96F07 INFO Background(GSM) :
Monitor high frequency Delete node(with mac information)
D96F08 INFO Background(GSM) :
System info high
Add node(with mac information)
D96F09 INFO Background(GSM) :
System info high
Start monitor after a random time
has expired
D96F0A INFO Background(GSM) :
System info high
Delete node(with mac information)
D96F0B INFO Background(GSM)
: System info low
Add node(with mac information)
D96F0C INFO Background(GSM)
: System info low
Start monitor after a random time
has expired
D96F0D INFO Background(GSM)
: System info low
Delete node(with mac information)
D96F0E INFO Background(GSM) :
Power reading Add node(with mac information)
D96F0F INFO Background(GSM) :
Power reading
Start monitor after a random time
has expired
D96F10 INFO Background(GSM) :
Power reading Delete node(with mac information)
DA6F00 WARN Background(Each
Node disconnect, terminate all
service process

Appendix - 48 -
DA6F01 WARN Background(Each
node):NodeStatus IPMI damage retry count
DA6F02 ERROR Background(Each
IPMI damage, terminate all service
process except node status itself
DA6F03 INFO Background(Each
node):NodeStatus Node have been terminate
DA6F04 ERROR Background(Each
node): Monitor high
Send command exception(Could
be raw command fail or sql
command fail)
DA6F05 INFO Background(Each
node): Monitor high
Node have been terminate
DA6F06 ERROR Background(Each
node): System info
high frequency
Exception information(get free
port fail)
DA6F07 WARN Background(Each
node): System info
high frequency
Node management status is true/
DA6F08 INFO Background(Each
node): System info
high frequency
Node have been terminate
DA6F09 ERROR Background(Each
Get FRU fail
DA6F0A ERROR Background(Each
Get SDR fail
DA6F0B ERROR Background(Each
Get 3 Net MAC fail
DA6F0C ERROR Background(Each
Get SMBIOS info fail
DA6F0D INFO Background(Each
Node have been terminate
DA6F09 ERROR Background(Each
Get FRU fail
DA6F0A ERROR Background(Each
Get SDR fail
DA6F0B ERROR Background(Each
Get 3 Net MAC fail

- 49 - Appendix
DA6F0C ERROR Background(Each
Get SMBIOS info fail
DA6F0D INFO Background(Each
Node have been terminate
DC6F03 ERROR Node BMC Update No compatible image, end process
DC6F04 ERROR Node BMC Update Cannot connect to TFTP server,
end process
DC6F05 ERROR Node BMC Update UpdateBMCfail:[message]
DD6F00 INFO Node BIOS Update Start update BIOS
DD6F01 INFO Node BIOS Update Update BIOS success
DD6F02 WARN Node BIOS Update Node is busy, end process
DD6F03 ERROR Node BIOS Update No compatible image, end process
DD6F04 ERROR Node BIOS Update Cannot connect to TFTP server,
end process
DD6F05 ERROR Node BIOS Update UpdateBIOSfail:[message]
DE6F00 INFO Get Node SEL Getting node SEL
DE6F01 INFO Get Node SEL Get node SEL complete
DE6F02 WARN Get Node SEL CannotndSELrecord
DE6F03 INFO Clear Node SEL Clearing node SEL
DE6F04 INFO Clear Node SEL Clear node SEL complete
DE6F05 INFO Dump Node SEL StartingtodumpnodeSELle
DE6F06 INFO Dump Node SEL Dump node SEL complete