LG 65WS960H0ZD User Manual
Displayed below is the user manual for 65WS960H0ZD by LG which is a product in the Hospitality TVs category. This manual has pages.
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Boost UHD streaming with added
functionality for your current network.
Enable a stable and amazing
UHD experience.
Future proof your in-room UHD HTV solution and
take the strain away from your current network
without the need for expensive infrastructure
expansion. Using LG’s dual LAN Out and Google’s
innovative Chromecast Ultra hardware, achieve a
more stable network environment and UHD
streaming whilst reducing the need for additional
network infrastructure cost.
• Keep your existing Wi-Fi and improve ROI
• Future proof network connectivity solution
• Ultra High Denition playback & streaming
• Money saving effortless integration
LG Ultra High Denition
Hospitality TV

Enhance your in room guest entertainment capabilities
and provide a stable and strong Wi-Fi streaming platform*
The new LG hospitality displays offer dual LAN connectivity to empower convenient
and low cost Google Chromecast Ultra streaming functionality as standard.
Further, with advanced features, Smart customisation and connectivity, commercial
build quality and control our new LED UHD HTV models offer real opportunity
to captivate and impress your guests and elevate brand impression and facilities.
Create inspiring experiences
Wow your guests with visual solutions
that not only compliment the room
aesthetic but seriously enhance the
technology interaction and brand
promise of your hotel.
Provide a more secure platform
for entertainment streaming for
customers by separating the internal
and guest networks.
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case1 VLAN ID #100 - VoIP Phone
case2 VLAN ID #200 - Laptop
case3 VLAN ID #201 - OTT box
VoIP Phone
OTT box
* When used in conjunction with Google Chromecast