Bestway 56432 User Manual
Displayed below is the user manual for 56432 by Bestway which is a product in the Above Ground Pools category. This manual has pages.
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smooth out the bottom
suavizar o fundo
suavizar la parte inferior
glätten den Boden
tasoittaa pohjaan
glad uit de bodem
appianare il fondo
lisser le fond
Расправьте дно
wygładzić dna
elsimítására az alsó
jämna ut botten

Put 1” to 2” water in the pool to cover the floor. Once pool floor is slightly covered, gently smooth out all wrinkles. Start in the center of the pool and work
your way clockwise to the outside.
Encher a piscina com uma quantidade de água suficiente para cobrir a superfície (de 2 a 5 cm). Uma vez que a superfície estiver levemente coberta,
eliminar todas as dobras presentes, começando pelo centro da piscina e continuando, no sentido horário, em direcção à parte externa.
Ponga de 1" a 2" de agua en la piscina para cubrir el suelo. Cuando la piscina esté un poco cubierta, alise suavemente las arrugas. Comience desde el
centro de la piscina y trabaje en sentido horario hacia el exterior.
Füllen Sie 1” bis 2” Wasser in den Pool, so dass der Boden bedeckt ist. Glätten Sie vorsichtig alle Falten sobald der Poolboden leicht bedeck ist.
Beginnen Sie in der Mitte des Pools und arbeiten Sie im Uhrzeigersinn zur Außenseite.
Laita altaaseen 2,5 - 5cm:n kerros vettä pohjan peittämiseksi. Kun altaan pohja on peittynyt, silitä varovasti kaikki rypyt. Aloita keskeltä ja etene
myötäpäivään laidoille.
Doe 1” tot 2” water in het zwembad, net voldoende om de bodem onder water te zetten. Wanneer dit gebeurd is worden alle rimpels voorzichtig
gladgestreken. Begin in het midden van het zwembad en ga zo rechtsom naar de rand toe.
Riempire la piscina con una quantità d'acqua sufficiente a coprire la superficie (da 2,5 a 5cm) Una volta piscina verso l'esterno muovendosi in senso
orario. eseguita questa operazione, eliminare tutte le pieghe presenti sulla superficie partendo dal centro della.
Mettre quelques centimètres d’eau dans la piscine pour couvrir le sol. Une fois que le sol de la piscine est légèrement recouvert, lissez tous les plis.
Commencez par le centre de la piscine et continuez dans le sens des aiguilles d’une montre vers l’extérieur.
Налейте немного воды в бассейн так, чтобы она покрывала дно на 3-5 сантиметров. Когда вода налита, аккуратно расправьте складки дна.
Начинайте с центра бассейна и двигайтесь к краям по часовой стрелке.
Puść wodę do basenu o głębokości 1’’ - 2’’, aby jej warstwa zakryła dno basenu. Jeśli dno basenu jest już trochę zakryte wodą, delikatnie wygładź
wszystkie jego fałdy. Zacznij od środka basenu i idąc w kierunku zgodnym z ruchem wskazówek zegara, podążaj do brzegu basenu.
A medencébe engedjen 1’’ - 2’’ mélységű vizet, hogy az a medence fenekét befedje. Ha a medence alján egy kis mennyiségű víz található, a
gyűrődéseket finoman egyenesítse ki. A medence közepétől kezdje és az óramutató járásával megegyezően haladjon a medence széle felé.
Häll 1’’ till 2’’ vatten i poolen för att täcka golvet. Då poolgolvet är något täckt, ska du släta ut alla veck. Börja i mitten av poolen och arbeta dig medsols

Note: Drawings not scaled to size.
Please see FAQ’S for additional information.
IMPORTANT: The pool must be set up on a completely flat and level surface. Please do not install the pool if the surface is Inclined or
Correct conditions to set up the pool:
• The selected location has to be capable of uniformly supporting the weight for the entire time the pool is installed, moreover the
location must be flat and must be cleared of all objects and debris including stones and twigs.
• We recommend positioning the pool away from any objects kids could use to climb into the pool.
NOTE: Position the pool near an adequate drainage system to deal with overflow or to discharge the pool.
NOTE: Position the pool near an AC power outlet protected by a RCD (Residual Current Device).
Incorrect conditions to set up the pool:
• On uneven ground the pool may collapse causing serious personal injury and/or damage to personal property and will void the
warranty and prevent any service claims.
• Sand should not be used to create a level base; the ground must be dug out if necessary.
• Directly under overhead power lines or trees. Be sure the location does not contain underground utility pipes, lines or cables of any
• Do not set up the pool on driveways, decks, platforms, gravel or asphalt surfaces. The selected location should be firm enough to
withstand the pressure of the water; mud, sand, soft / loose soil or tar are not suitable.
• Grass or other vegetation under the pool will die and may cause odors and slime to develop, therefore we recommend removing all
grass from the selected pool location.
• Avoid areas prone to aggressive plant and weed species that may grow through the ground cloth or liner.
NOTE: Check with your local city council for by-laws relating to fencing, barriers, lighting and safety requirements and ensure you
comply with all laws.
NOTE: If have a filter pump, refer to the pump’s manual for instructions.
NOTE: The ladder must match the pool size and should to be used only for entering and exiting the pool. It is forbidden to exceed
the permitted payload of the ladder. Check regularly if the ladder is properly assembled.
Assembly the Splash-in-Shade play pool no need any tools.
Bestway Inflatables will not be responsible for damage caused to the pool due to mishandling or failure to follow these instructions.
1. Lay out all parts and check that you have the correct quantities as listed in the components list. If you are missing any part do not
assemble the pool, contact Bestway Customers Service.
2. Spread out the pool and make sure the pool is right side up, let it sit exposed to direct sunlight for 1 hour or more so that the pool
is more flexible during set up.
3. Turn the pool so the drain valve is near the area where your plan to drain the water.
ATTENTION: Do not drag the pool on the ground in order to avoid puncturing from sharp objects.
4. Insert the stopper plug into the inlet and outlet on the wall of the pool from the inside of the pool. (See Fig. 8)
5. Insert top rail (A) into the pole pockets at the top of the pool. (See Fig. 1)
6. Connect top rail (A) with T-Connector (C) at each of corner and insert pins (D) into pre-drilled holes of the frame. (See Fig. 2, 3)
7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 until all top rails (A) are connected with all T-Connectors (C) and the top frame is set up.
NOTE: For ease of assembly slightly raise the last 2 rails to an inverted v shape and insert into the last T-Connectors(C). Slowly
lower until fully connected taking care not to pinch your fingers. (See Fig. 4)
8. Connect vertical pool leg (B) into the bottom of the T-Connector (C). (See Fig. 5)
NOTE: Make sure the hole on the vertical pool leg (B) is facing outward.
9. Attach all footings (E) to the bottom of the vertical pool legs (B). (See Fig. 6)
10. When the pool is completely assembled pull the frame from different directions to ensure all rails, pool legs and connectors are
firmly jointed. (See Fig. 7)
11. Ensure drain valve is firmly closed. Smooth out the bottom.
12. Insert the 8 Tent legs (K) to the 8 T-Connectors (C) (See Fig. 9)
13. One fiberglass pole (L) has 3 sections. Extend the fiberglass pole by pulling out each section and place it into the metal ferrules.
14. Insert one end of the pre-extend fiberglass pole to the Tent leg (K), the other end to the Sprayer (F). Repeat this step for the other
fiberglass poles. Make sure the 8 fiberglass poles form a semidome. (See Fig. 10)
15. Spread the tent’s outer cloth (O), make sure the center is above on the Sprayer (F), adjust the tent’s outer cloth (O) position until
the sewing lines are superposed to the fiberglass poles (L). Hook the tent’s outer cloth (O) to the hole of the vertical pool leg
(B).(See Fig. 11)
16. Tie the outer cloth (O) to the fiberglass pole (L) by using the 3 pairs ropes at the inner of outer cloth (O). The rope can also fix the
hose (M).
17. Smooth out all wrinkles on the outer cloth and make it perfect.
IMPORTANT: Put 1” to 2” water in the pool to cover the floor. Once pool floor is slightly covered, gently smooth out all wrinkles.
Start in the center of the pool and work your way clockwise to the outside.
Filling Pool with Water
ATTENTION: Do not leave pool unattended while filling with water
NOTE: The Hose Adapter can be used with two different garden hoses.
1. Fill pool until water capacity is 90%, DO NOT OVERFILL as this could cause the pool to collapse. In times of heavy rainfall you
may need to empty some of the water to ensure the level is correct. (See Fig. 12.13)
2. When filling the pool is completed, check that the water is not collecting on any side to ensure the pool is level.
IMPORTANT: If pool is not level, drain water and re-level ground by digging out (See Fig. 14). Never attempt to move the pool with
water in it, serious personal injury or damage to the pool may result.
WARNING: Your pool may contain up to xxxxx liters/xxxx gallons which equals xxxxx pounds of pressure. If your pool has any
bulge or uneven side then the pool is not level, the sides may burst and the water may discharge suddenly causing serious
personal injury and/or damage to property.
Underwater adhesive repair
Top Rail
Vertical Pool Leg
Sprayer + Hose + Adaptor
Drain Valve
Hose Adaptor
Stopper plug
Tent leg
Fiberglass pole
Tent’s outer cloth
Fig. 1 Fig. 3
Fig. 4
Fig. 2
Fig. 9
Fig. 5 Fig. 6
Fig. 8Fig. 7
Fig. 11
Fig. 10
Product Description
Item No.
Kit Type Accessories
2.44m x 51cm (8’ x 20’’)
#56432 Sun Shade
Aboveground swimming pool kit
Installation usually takes approximately 20 minutes with 2-3 people
excluding earthworks and filling.
Carefully read, understand, and follow all information in this user manual before installing and using the swimming
pool. These warnings, instructions, and safety guidelines address some common risks of water recreation, but they
cannot cover all risks and dangers in all cases. Always use caution, common sense, and good judgment when
enjoying any water activity. Retain this information for future use.
Non Swimmers safety
- Continuous, active, and vigilant supervision of weak swimmers and non-swimmers by a competent adult is required
at all times (remembering that children under five are at the highest risk of drowning).
- Designate a competent adult to supervise the pool each time it is being used.
- Weak swimmers or non-swimmers should wear personal protection equipment when using the pool.
- When the pool is not in use, or unsupervised, remove all toys from the swimming pool and its surrounding to avoid
attracting children to the pool.
Safety devices
- In order to prevent children from drowning, it is recommended to secure the access to the pool with a protection
device. In order to prevent children climbing from the inlet and outlet valve, it is recommended to install a barrier (and
secure all doors and windows, where applicable) to prevent unauthorized access to the swimming pool.
- Barriers, pool covers, pool alarms, or similar safety devices are helpful aids, but they are not substitutes for
continuous and competent adult supervision.
Safety equipment
- It is recommended to keep rescue equipment (e.g. a ring buoy) by the pool.
- Keep a working phone and a list of emergency phone numbers near the pool.
Safe use of the pool
- Encourage all users especially children to learn how to swim
- Learn Basic Life Support (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation - CPR) and refresh this knowledge regularly. This can
make a life-saving difference in the event of an emergency.
- Instruct all pool users, including children, what to do in case of an emergency
- Never dive into any shallow body of water. This can lead to serious injury or death.
- Do not use the swimming pool when using alcohol or medication that may impair your ability to safely use the pool.
- When pool covers are used, remove them completely from the water surface before entering the pool.
- Protect pool occupants from water related illnesses by keeping the pool water treated and practicing good hygiene.
Consult the water treatment guidelines in the user’s manual.
- Store chemicals (e.g. water treatment, cleaning or disinfection products) out of the reach of children.
- Use the signage as outlined below. Signage is to be displayed in a prominent position within 2m of the pool.
Keep children under supervision in the aquatic environment. No diving.
- Removable ladders shall be placed on a horizontal surface.
- Irrespective of materials used for swimming pool construction, accessible surfaces have to be checked regularly to
avoid injuries.
- Regularly monitor bolts and screws. Remove splinters or any sharp edges to avoid injuries.
ATTENTION: Do not leave the drained pool outside. The empty pool is liable to become deformed and/or displaced
due to wind.
- If you have a filter pump, refer to the pump’s manual for instructions.
WARNING! The pump cannot be used while people are inside the pool!
- If you have a ladder, refer to the ladder’s manual for instructions.
WARNING! The use of a swimming pool implies compliance with the safety instructions described in the operating
and maintenance guide. In order to prevent drowning or other serious injuries, pay particular attention to the
possibility of unexpected access to the swimming pool by children under 5 years by securing the access to it, and,
during the bathing period, keep them under constant adult supervision.
Please read carefully and keep for future reference
Components list

3. Check pool for any leaks at valves or seams, check ground cloth for any evident water loss. Do not add chemicals until this has been done.
NOTE: In the event of a leak, patch your pool using the underwater adhesive repair patch provided. Refer to the FAQ’s for further information.
If your pool is damaged, use the repair patch. -see FAQ’s for instructions.
1. Unscrew the drain valve cap on the outside of the pool counter clockwise and remove.
2. Connect the adaptor to the hose and put the other end of the hose in the area where you are going to drain your pool. (Check local regulations for drainage by-laws).
3. Screw control ring of the hose adaptor onto the drain valve clockwise. The drain valve will be open and water will start to drain automatically. ATTENTION: Water flow can be controlled with the control ring.
4. When draining is finished, unscrew the control ring to close the valve.
5. Disconnect the hose.
6. Screw the cap back onto the drain valve.
7. Air dry pool.
ATTENTION: Do not leave the drained pool outside.
1. Please remove all the accessories and spare parts of the pool and store them clean and dry.
2. Once pool is completely dry, sprinkle with talcum powder to prevent pool from sticking together, fold pool carefully. If pool is not completely dry, mould may result and will damage the pool liner.
3. Store liner and accessories in a dry place with a moderate temperature between 5ºC / 41ºF and 38ºC / 100ºF.
4. During rainy season, pool and accessories should be storaged as above instruction also.
5. Unproper draining of the pool might cause serious personal injury and/or damage to personal property.
Fig. 14
Flat, Level Ground - CORRECT Bumpy, Sloping Ground - INCORRECT
Fig. 12 Fig. 13
Proper Water Level
Warning: If you do not adhere to the maintenance guidelines covered herein, your health might be at risk, especially that of children. Pool water treatment is essential for the safety of the users. Using chemicals inappropriately will cause property
damage and personal injury.
NOTE: The pump is used to circulate the water and to filter small particles. In order to keep your pool water clean and hygienic, you must also add chemicals.
1. It is recommended not to fill the pool with catchment water, drilling water, or drainage well water: these waters generally contain polluted organic substances including nitrates and phosphates. Filling pools with water from the public network is
2. Always keep your pool clean and apply the correct pool chemicals. Unsanitary water is a serious health hazard. It is recommended to use disinfectant, flocculant, acid or alkali chemicals to treat your pool.
3. Clean the PVC liner regularly with non-abrasive brushes or a pool vacuum cleaner.
4. Throughout the season, the water filtration system must run long enough each day to clean the entire volume of water in the pool.
5. Check the filter cartridge (or sand in a sand filter) regularly and replace dirty cartridges (or sand).
6. Regularly check the screws, bolts and all the metal parts for rust. Replace if necessary.
7. If it rains, check that the water level is not higher than the specified level. If water exceeds the specified levels, drain the pool to the specified level.
8. Do not use the pump when the pool is in use.
9. Cover the pool when not in use.
10. For pool water treatment, the pH value is very important.
ATTENTION: Do not leave the drained pool outside.
The following parameters ensure good quality water
Water clarity
Colour of the water
Turbidity in FNU/NTU
Nitrate concentration above that of fill water in mg/l
Total organic carbon (TOC) in mg/l
Redox potential against Ag/AgCI 3,5 m KCl in mV
pH value
Free active chlorine (without cyanuric acid) in mg/l
Free chlorine used in combination with cyanuric acid in mg/l
Cyanuric acid in mg/l
Combined chlorine in mg/l
clear view of the pool bottom
no colour should be observed
max. 1,5 (preferably less than 0,5)
max. 20
max. 4,0
min. 650
6,8 to 7,6
0,3 to 1,5
1,0 to 3,0
max 100
max 0,5 (preferably close to 0,0 mg/l)
NOTE: Drawings for illustration purpose only. May not reflect actual product. Not to scale.

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