Chief CMA278 User Manual
Displayed below is the user manual for CMA278 by Chief which is a product in the Projector Mount Accessories category. This manual has pages.
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Milestone AV Technolo gies, Inc., and its affiliated corporati ons and subs idiaries ( collectively, "Milest one"), i ntend to mak e this manual a ccurate and complet e. However, Mileston e
makes no claim that the information contained herein co vers all detai ls, c ondi tions or variations, nor does it provide for ev ery possible c onti ngenc y in connection with th e installation
or u se of thi s product . The i nformati on contai ned in t his doc ument is s ubje ct to change withou t noti ce or obl igation of any k ind. Miles tone m akes no r eprese ntation of warran ty, ex-
press ed or implied, regar ding the information conta ined herei n. Milestone assume s no respo nsibility for accuracy, completenes s or sufficiency of t he information contai ned in this
Chief Manufacturing, 8401 Eagle Creek Parkway, Savage, MN 55378
• P: 800.582.6480 / 952.894.6280 • F:877.894.6918 / 952.894.6918 8803-000093
©2008 Milestone AV Technologies
CMA278 Black Vinyl Cap Accessory
Unpack carton and verify kit contents. If any listed parts are missing, immediately contact a Chief Customer Service representative by cal ling
1. Orient cap to pipe and slide over end of pipe until threads are covered.
Chief® is a registered trademark of Milestone AV Technologies. All rights reserved.
(10) CAP, 1-1/2" NPT, Black Vinyl