Table of Contents
- Table of Contents
- Safety Warnings
- CPU and Memory Specifications
- Power Button and Reset Button Behavior
- USB One Touch Copy
- LED and Alarm Buzzer Specifications
- Upgrade Memory on QNAP Turbo NAS (RAM Module Installation)
- Network Expansion Card Installation
- Install an mSATA Flash module to the NAS.
- Hot-swap Hard Drives
- RAID Recovery
- Use the LCD Panel
- Install Power Supply Unit
- Technical Support
- Appendix A. Product Compliance Class
QNAP TS-EC1680U R2 User Manual
Displayed below is the user manual for TS-EC1680U R2 by QNAP which is a product in the NAS & Storage Servers category. This manual has pages.
Related Manuals

TS- ECx80 Series Hardware User Manual
© 2014. QNAP Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Tha nk you for choosing QNA P prod ucts! This user manu al provide s description of the
hardware of the Turbo NAS and relevant guideline of certain functions. Please read
carefully and strictly adhere to the instructions of the manual.
This user manual is applicable to the follow ing Turbo NAS mode ls:
TS-EC880 Pro, TS-EC1080 Pro, TS-EC2480U-RP, TS-EC1680U-RP, TS-EC1280U-RP,
• The “Turbo NAS” is hereafter referred to as “NAS”.
• The product you purchased may not support certain functions dedicated to specific
• All features, functionality, and other product specifications are subject to change
wi thout prior noti ce or oblig a tion.
• Information presented is subject to change without notice.
• No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
tra ns mi t ted, in a ny for m or by a ny means, mechanical, electronic, photocopying,
recording, or othe rwise, w ithout prior written perm ission of Q NAP Systems, In c.
• QNAP and the QNAP logo are registered trademarks of QNAP Systems, Inc. Other
products and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their
respective companies.

In no ev en t sha ll QN AP S yste m s, Inc . (Q N AP) lia bil ity e xce ed t he p ri ce pa id fo r the pro d uct
from direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages resulting from the use
of the produ ct, its ac companying s oftware , or its docume ntati on. QNAP make s no
warr anty or repre sentatio n, e xpressed, implied, or s tatutory, wit h respe ct to its products o r
the c o n tents o r u s e o f t h is d o cume n ta t ion and a ll acco m pany i ng s oftware, a nd s pe cifically
disclai ms i ts quality, p erforman ce, merchantability, or fitness f or any p a rticul a r purpose.
QNAP reserves the righ t to revis e or update it s products, software, or d ocumentation
without obligation to notify any individual or entity.
Back up your system period ica ll y to avoid any potential data loss. QNAP disclaims
an y r esponsib ility of al l sorts of da ta loss or recovery.
Should you return any components of the NAS package for refund or maintenance,
make su r e they are carefull y packed for shipping. Any form of damages due to
impr oper packaging will not be compensat e d.

Regulatory Notice
FCC Noti ce
The Q NAP NAS complies wit h di ffer en t F CC complia nce c lasses. P lease refer to Appendix A
fo r de tai ls. Onc e the c lass o f th e d ev ice is d e ter mine d, re fe r to the f ol low ing co rre spo nd ing
FCC Class A Notice
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two
1. This device may not cause harmful interference.
2. This device must accept any interferen ce received, includi n g interference that may
caus e undesired operation.
Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A
digital devi ce, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide
reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is opera ted in a
commer cial e nviron ment. This equipme nt g enerates, uses, and can r adia te r adio frequency
ener gy, a nd if no t ins tal led and used i n ac cor da nc e w ith the i ns truct io n ma n ual, m ay ca use
harmful inter fere nce to rad io comm unicat ions. Oper atio n of this equ ipme nt i n a res id ent ial
area is likely to cause harmful interference, in which case the user will be requi red to
correct the interference at his own expense.
Modifications: Any modifications made to this device that are not approved by QNAP
Systems, Inc. may void the authority granted to the user by the FCC to operate this

FCC Class B Notice
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two
1. This device may not cause harmful interference.
2. This device must accept any interferen ce received, includi n g interference that may
caus e undesired operation.
Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B
digital devi ce, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designe d t o provide
reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential instal lation. This
equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed
and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio
communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a
par ticular insta llati on. If this equ ipment doe s cause harmfu l interference to rad io or
television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the
user is enc ouraged to try to c orrect th e interference by one or more of th e f ollowing
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Co nne ct the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the
receiver is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/television technician for help.
Modifications: Any modifications made to this device that are not approved by QNAP
Systems, Inc. may void the authority granted to the user by the FCC to operate this
The QNAP NAS complies with different CE compliance classes. Please refer to Appendi x A
for detail s.

Symb ol s in this d ocument
This icon indicates the instructions must be strictly followed.
Fa ilure to do so could result in injury to hum a n body or death.
This icon indicates the action may lead to disk clearance or loss OR
failure to follow the instructions could result in data damage, disk
damage, or produ ct damage.

Table of Contents
Safety Warnings ................................................................................................. 8
Chap t er 1. CPU and Memory Spe cificatio ns ..................................................... 9
Chap t er 2. Power Button and Reset But ton Behavi or .................................... 11
Chap t er 3. USB One T ouch Copy .................................................................... 13
Chap t er 4. LED and Al arm Bu z zer Specifi cat ions ........................................... 14
Chap t er 5. Upgra d e Me mory on QNAP Turbo NAS ( RAM Modul e Install at ion) 17
5.1 TS-EC2480U-RP, TS-EC1680U-RP, TS-EC1280U-RP, TS-EC880U-RP ............... 17
5.2 TS-EC880 PRO, TS-EC1080 PRO ................................................................ 20
Chap t er 6. Network Exp ansion C ard Install at i on ........................................... 23
6.1 TS-EC880 PRO, TS-EC1080 PRO ................................................................ 23
6.2 TS-EC2480U-RP, TS-EC1680U-RP, TS-EC1280U-RP, TS-EC880U-RP ............... 27
Chap t er 7. Install an mSAT A Flash modul e to the NA S. ................................. 29
7.1 TS-EC2480U-RP, TS-EC1680U-RP, TS-EC1280U-RP, TS-EC880U-RP ............... 29
7.2 TS-EC880 PRO, TS-EC1080 PRO ................................................................ 33
Chap t er 8. Hot-swap Hard Drives .................................................................. 36
Chap t er 9. RAID Recove ry ............................................................................. 38
Chap t er 10. Use the LCD Pan el ........................................................................ 40
Chap t er 11. Install Power S upply Unit ............................................................. 46
Technical Support ............................................................................................ 49
Appendix A. P roduct Compliance Class ............................................................. 50
GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE ....................................................................... 51

Safety Warnings
1. The NAS can operate normally in temperatures of 0ºC–40ºC (32ºF -104ºF) and
rela ti ve h um idi ty of 5%–95%. P lease ma ke sur e t he e n viro nmen t is w el l-ventilated.
2. The power cord and devices conne cted to the NAS must provide correct supply voltage
(100W, 90–264V).
3. Do not place the NAS in direct sunlight or near chemicals. Make sure the temperature
and humidity of the environment are in optimized level.
4. Unp lug t he pow er cord and a ll co n nected cable s before cleani ng. Wipe the NAS with
a dry to w e l. Do not use chem ica l or ae r o s o l to c lean the NAS.
5. Do not place any objects on the NAS for the server’s normal operation and to avoid
6. Use the flat head screws in the product package to lock the hard disks in the NAS when
installing hard disks for proper operation.
7. Do not place the NAS near any liquid.
8. Do not place the NAS on any une ven surfa ce to avoid falli ng off and dam a ge.
9. Make sure the voltage is correct in the location where the NAS is installed. Contact
the distributor or the local power supply company for the information.
10. Do not plac e any ob j ect on the power cord.
11. Do not attempt to repair the NAS in any occasions. Improper disassembly of the
product may expose the users to electric shock or other risks. For any enquiries,
please contact the distributor.
12. The chassis NAS models sho uld o nly be installed in the server room and mainta ined by
the a uthorized server ma nager or IT administrator. The server room is locked by key
or keycard access and only certified staff is allowed to enter the server room.
Danger of ex plosion if battery is incorrectly replaced. Repl ace only with the same or
equiv ale nt type recomme nded by the manufac t u rer. Di spo se of used batteri es
acc o rd i ng to the manuf a c turer’s instructions.
Do NOT touch the fan inside the system to avoid serious injuries.

Chapter 1. CPU and Memory Specifications
Caution: Modify ing the har dware, software, or firmware of the QNAP products wil l
void the warranty. QNAP is no t responsible for a ny form of damage or loss of da ta caused
by modd ing the QNAP produ cts. Users should bear their own risks of all sorts of possible
data los s o r s yst em in stab il itie s d ue to cha ng ing the h ard w are p a rts, mo di fy ing the de fau lt
sys tem f ir mwa r e or insta l ling any una ut hor ized t hird p a rty app lica tio ns o n QN AP pro duc ts.
System TS-EC880 Pro TS-EC1080 Pro TS-EC880U-RP
Quad-Core Intel X eo
Pro cessor E3-
1200 v 3
Quad-Core Intel X eo
Pro cessor E3-
1200 v 3
Quad-Core Intel X eo
Pro cessor E3-
1200 v 3
Flash 512MB (USB DO M) 512 MB (U SB DOM) 512 MB (U SB DO M)
CPU replaceable No No No
replaceable Yes Yes Yes
Number of
LONG-DIM M sl ots 4 4 4
Number of hard
drive slots 8 10 8
Number of PCIe
slots 1 1 2
Number of internal
cache p ort s 2 2 2

System TS-EC1280U-RP TS-EC1680U-RP TS-EC2480U-RP
Quad-Core Intel Xeo
Pro cessor E3-
1200 v 3
Quad-Core Intel X eo
Pro cessor E3-
1200 v 3
Quad-Core Intel X eo
Pro cessor E3-
1200 v 3
Flash 512MB (USB DO M) 512 MB (U SB DOM) 512 MB (U SB DO M)
CPU replaceable No No No
replaceable Yes Yes Yes
Number of
LONG-DIM M sl ots 4 4 4
Number of hard
drive slots 12 16 24
Number of PCIe
slots 2 2 2
Number of internal
cache p ort s 2 2 2

Chapter 2. Power Button and Reset Button Behavior
Power b utt on: Press to turn on or tur n off.
System Power button
(Turn on)
Power button
(Hardware turn
Power button
(Forc e tu rn off)
All model s Press once 1.5 sec 5 sec
Reset button: Press to reset the system settings.
System Basic system reset
(1 beep)
Advanced system reset
(2 beeps)
All model s 3 s ec 10 sec
Basic system reset (3 sec)
Pre ss the r eset button for 3 seconds, a beep sound will be he ard . The following setting s
are reset to default:
System administration password: admin
TCP/IP configuration: Obtain the IP address settings automatically via DHCP
TCP/I P confi gu ration: Disa b le Jumbo F rame
TCP/IP configuration: If port trunking is enabled (dual LAN models only), the port
trunking mode will be reset to “Active Backup (Failover)”.
System Port: 8080 (system service port)
Se curity Level: Low (Allow all connections )
LCD pan el p asswor d : (bl ank )*
VLAN will be disabled.
Se rvice binding: Al l the NAS serv ices run on all avail a b le network inter faces.
*This feature is only provided by the NAS models with LCD panels. Please
visit for details.

Advanced system reset (10 sec)
Press the reset butto n for 10 seconds; you will hear two beeps at the third and the tenth
seconds. The NAS will reset all the system settings to default as it does by web-based
system rese t i n “Control Panel” > “System Setti ngs” > “Backup / Restore” > “Restore to
Factory Defau lt” except al l the data are reserved. The settings such as the users, user
groups, an d the network share folders previously created will be cleared. To retrieve the
old data after the advanced s ystem reset, create the same network s h are folders on the
NAS and the data will be accessible again.

Chapter 3. USB One Touch C opy
This feature is onl y provided by the NAS mod els with a US B O ne Touch Copy button.
Please vi si t for detail s.
System Number of seco nds (pre ss t he one touch copy button
to trigger data copy)
All NAS models 0.5 sec
Data C op y by t he F ront USB Port
The NAS suppo rts insta nt da ta co py bac kup fro m the external USB device to the NA S or the
othe r wa y ro und b y t he fro nt on e touch cop y butto n. T o use this func tion, follo w the s teps
1. Make sure a hard drive is installed and formatted on the NAS. The default network
share Qusb or Usb is created.
2. Turn on the NAS.
3. C onfig ur e th e b eha vio r of the C op y b u tton o n “Backup Station” > “External Backup” >
“USB one touc h copy” page.
4. Connect the USB storage device to the front USB port of the NAS.
5. Press the Copy button. The USB LED will flash. The data will be copied to or from
the USB device according to the NAS settings.
Note: This fe atur e a d o p t s i nc reme ntal ba c k u p . A f ter the f ir s t time data ba ckup , the N A S
only copies the changed files since the last backup.

Chapter 4. LED a nd Alarm Buzzer Specifications
The L ED ind ica to rs o f t he N AS i ndic ate the sys te m s tat us a nd inf orma tio n. Whe n the NAS
is tu rn ed o n, c h e ck t he follo w ing i tems to make sur e t he syste m s ta t us i s norma l. No te
tha t the fo llowing LED informa tion is applicable only when users hav e properly ins talled the
hard drive, and connected the NAS to the network and the power supply.
LED Color LED Status Description
Status Red/
Flashes green
and red
every 0.5 sec
1. The hard dri ve on the NAS is being
2. The N AS is b eing in it ia lize d .
3. The system firmware is being updated.
4. RAID rebuilding is in process.
5. Online RAID capacity expansion is in
Online RAID leve l migr atio n is in process.
1. The hard driv e is invalid.
2. The disk volume has reached its fu ll
3. The disk volum e is g oing to be full.
4. The system fan is out of function.
5. An error occurs when accessing
(read/writ e ) the disk data.
6. A bad sec tor is de tected on the hard
7. The NAS is in degraded re ad-only mode
(2 member drives fail in a RAID 5 or RAID
6 configuration, the disk data can stil l b e
8. Hardware self-test erro r.
Flashes red
every 0.5 sec
The NAS is in degraded mode (one member
drive fails in RAID 1, RAID 5 or RAID 6
Flashes green
every 0.5 sec
1. The N AS is star ting up .
2. The N AS is not co nfigur e d.
3. A ha r d dis k drive is not form atted.
Green The NAS is ready.
Deep flashes
of orange The NAS is in s leep mod e.
All the hard drives on the NAS are in standby
LAN Orange Orange
The disk data is being accessed from the
network and a read/write error occurs during
the process.

LED Color LED Status Description
orange The NA S is conn ec ted to the netwo rk.
10 Gb E Green
Green The 10 G bE net work expansion card is
No 10GbE network expansion card is installed.
HDD Red/
Flashes red The NAS is being accessed from the network.
Red A hard drive read/write error occurs.
Flashes green The disk data is being accessed.
Green The hard drive can be accessed.
USB Blue
Flashes blue
every 0.5 sec
1. A USB device (connected to the front USB
port) is being detected.
2. A USB device (connected to the front USB
port) is being re moved from the NAS.
3. The USB device (connected to the front
USB port of the NAS) is being accessed.
4. The data is being copied to or f rom the
external USB or eSATA device.
Blue A front USB device is detected (after the
device is mounted).
1. No US B device is dete cted.
The N AS has fi nis hed cop ying the da ta to
or f rom the USB d evice conne cted to th e
fr ont USB por t.
eSATA Orange
orange The eSATA device is being accessed.
Off No eSATA device can be det ected.
Off No expansion enclosures are detected.
Orange Expansion enclosures are detected.
1 The stor age exp ansi o n port st atu s LE D i s onl y s up porte d by th e TS-EC2480U-RP, TS-EC1680U-RP,
TS-EC1280U-RP, TS-EC880U-RP.

Beep alarm: All NAS models
The beep alarm can be disabled in “Control Panel” > “System Settings” > “H a rdware ”.
Beep sound Num ber of Times Description
Short beep (0 .5 sec) 1
1. The N AS is star ting up .
2. The NAS is being shut down
(s oftware shutdown).
3. The user presses the reset button to
re set th e NAS .
4. The system firmware has been
Short beep (0 .5 sec) 3 The NAS data cannot be c opi ed to the
external storage device from the front
U SB port .
Long beep (1.5 sec) 3, every 5 min The system fan is out of function.
Long beep (1.5 sec)
1. The disk volum e is g oing to be full.
The disk volume h as reached its full
3. The hard drives on t he N A S are in
degraded mode.
4. The user starts the hard drive
rebuil ding process.
5. A har d drive is plugged in or out.
1. The NA S is turned off by force
shutdown (hardware shutdown).
The NAS has been turned on and is

Chapter 5. Upgrade Memory on QNAP Tu rbo N AS (RAM Module
The following instructions should only be performed by an authorized and trained
Strictly adhere to the instructions to install a RAM module on the NAS. Failure to do
so c ould result in injury to human body or death.
QNAP provi d es RAM modul e (op tional purchas e) f or users to u p grade the memory of the
NAS. Insert an extra RAM module on the motherboard of the NAS to upgrade the memory .
The total memory will be shown in “System Information” of the administration page.
5.1 TS-EC2480U-RP, TS-EC1680U-RP, TS-EC1280U-RP, TS-EC880U-RP

1. Turn off the NAS. Disconnect the power adaptor, network cable(s), and any other
connectors or cables from th e NAS .
2. Bef ore installing the network expansion card, put on an antistatic wrist strap to
prevent electrostatic discharge. The crocodile clip should be connected to the ground.
3. Loosen the 2 screws on the rear of the NAS as shown in the illustration.
4. Hold th e han dle pulled backwards to remove the Motherboard Drawer.

5. Release the ejector clips gently by pulling them out of the sides of the RAM slot.
6. Grasp the edge of the RAM module. Align the notch on the gold edge of the RAM
module with the notch in the RAM slot. Insert the RAM module to the RAM slot until
it cannot go any further.
7. Insert the Motherboard Drawer, push the handle, locking NAS rear two screws.

5.2 TS-EC880 Pro, TS-EC1080 Pro
1. Turn off the NAS. Disconnect the power adapt or, network cable(s), and any other
connectors or cables from th e NAS .
2. Before installing the network expansion card, put on an antistatic wrist strap to
prevent electrostatic discharge. The crocodile clip should be connected to the
3. L oo sen the se ven screws on the rear of the NAS.

4. Remove t he case cover of the NA S g en tly.
5. Loosen the cable

6. Release the ejector clips gently by pulling them out of the sides of the RAM slot.
7. Grasp the edge of the RAM module. Align the notch on the gold edge of the RAM
module with the notch in the RAM slot. Insert the RAM module to the RAM slot until
it cannot go any further.
8. Installed on the NAS enclosure, locking rear of the seven screws NAS.

Chapter 6. Network Expansion Card Installation
The following instructions should only be performed by an authorized and trained
Strictly adhere to the instructions to install a network expansion card on the NAS.
Fa ilure to do so could result in inju ry to hum a n body or death.
T he TS-x80 series provides expansion slots for network expansion. Insert an extra
network expansion card (optional purchase) to the motherboard of the NAS to increase the
network bandwidth.
6.1 TS-EC880 Pro, TS-EC1080 Pro
Please refer to the compatibility table below and replace a proper bracket for the network
expan sion card.
B racket A Brac ket B Bracket C

Netw ork Expa nsion Card Compatibility
Bra cket A (X520 -T2) In tel® Ether net Ser ver Adapter X520-T2 (E10G42B)
B racket B
1. Intel® Et herne t Server Adap ter X52 0-SR2
2. Intel® Et herne t Server Adap ter X52 0-DA2
Bracket C (Emulex) 1. Emulex OneConnect 10GbE Network Adapters, SFP+
Direct attach copper (OCe11102-NX)
2. Emulex OneConnect 10GbE Network Adapters, Short
reach o ptical ( OCe11102-NM)
3. Emulex OneConnect 10GbE Network Adapters, SFP+
Direct attach copper (OCe11102-IX)
4. Emulex OneConnect 10GbE Network Adapters, Short
reach o ptical ( OCe11102-IM)
1. Turn off the NAS. Disconnect the power adaptor, network cable(s), and any other
connectors or cables from th e NAS .
2. Before installing the network expansion card, put on an antistatic wrist strap to
prevent electrostatic discharge. The crocodile clip should be c o n ne cted to the
3. Loosen the seven screws on the rear of the NAS.

4. Remove t he case cover of the NA S g en tly.
5. Loosen the screws an d remove the expansion slot cover.

6. Grasp the edge of the network expansion card. Align the notch on the gold edge of
the card with the notch in the PCIe slot. Insert the network expansion card to the
PCI e slot until it cann ot go any furth er.
7. Fasten the screw s.
8. Close the case cover and fasten the s crews. Connect the power adaptor and cables to
the NAS .
9. To c hec k tha t the n etwo rk expa ns io n is rec og niz e d by th e N AS, po we r up the N AS a nd
login the web interface as an administrator. Go to “Control Panel” > “System Settings”
> “Network” > “ TCP/I P” an d check th e t ota l number of network in terfa ces.

6.2 TS-EC2480U-RP, TS-EC1680U-RP, TS-EC1280U-RP, TS-EC880U-RP
1. Turn off the NAS. Disconnect the power adaptor, network cable(s), and any other
connectors or cables from th e NAS .
2. Before installing the network expansion card, put on an antistatic wrist strap to
prevent electrostatic discharge. The crocodile clip should be connected to the ground.
3. Loosen the 2 screws on the rear of the NAS as shown in the illustration.
4. Hold th e han dle pulled backwards to remove the Motherboard Drawer.

5. Loosen the screw and remove the expansion slot cover.
6. Ins er t t he ne two rk e xpa ns io n card to the P CIe sl o t unt il i t ca n not g o a n y f urth er. T he n
fasten the screw .
7. Push back Motherboar d Drawer. Then f asten the scr ew.
8. Connect the p ow er adapt or an d cables t o the NAS.
9. To c hec k tha t t he netw or k e xpan sio n i s r eco gn ize d by t he N AS , po we r up t he N AS an d
login the web interface as an administrator. Go to “Control Panel” > “System Settings”
> “Network” > “TCP/I P” and check th e total number of network interfaces.

Chapter 7. Install an mSATA Flash module to the NAS.
The following instructions should only be performed by an authorized and trained
Str ictly adhere to t he in s tr uctio ns to insta ll a mSATA module on the NAS. Fai lure to
do so could result in injury t o hum an b ody or death.
7.1 TS-EC2480U-RP, TS-EC1680U-RP, TS-EC1280U-RP, TS-EC880U-RP
1. Turn off the NAS. Disconnect the power adaptor, network cable(s), and any other
connectors or cables from th e NAS .

2. Loosen the 2 screws on the rear of the NAS as shown in the illustration.
3. Ho ld t he ha ndle and pul l backwards to remove the Moth e rboard Drawer.

4. Care full y grasp the edge of the mSATA Fl ash Module. Align the no tch on the gold
edge of the mSA T A module with the notch in the mSA TA slot. Insert the mSATA Flash
Module to the mSATA slot until it cannot go any further.
5. Insert the module fixing
6. Return the Motherboard Drawer to its normal position.

7. Connect the p ow er adapt or an d cables t o the NAS.
8. To ch eck tha t the mSATA Flas h M odule is recognized by the NAS, power up the NAS
and lo gin to the web inte rface as an administrator. Go to “Control P anel” > “Storage
Ma nager” > “ Disk” and check the “Internal Cache Port”.

7.2 TS-EC880 Pro, TS-EC1080 Pro
1. Turn off the NAS. Disconnect the power adaptor, network cable(s), and any other
connectors or cab les from the NAS.
2. Before installing the network expansion card, put on an antistatic wrist strap to
prevent electrostatic discharge. The crocodile clip should be connected to a grounded
3. Loosen the seven screws on the rear of the NAS.
4. Remove t he case cover of the NA S g en tly.

5. Care full y grasp the edge of the mSATA Fl ash Module. Align the no tch on the gold
edge of the mSATA Flash Module with the notch in the mSATA slot. Insert the mSATA
Flash Module to the mSATA slot until it cannot go any further.
6. Insert and fasten screws in place as indicated.

7. Close the case cover and fasten the screws. Connect the power adaptor and cables to
the NAS .
8. To ch eck tha t the mSATA Flash Module is recognized by the NA S, power up the NAS
and lo gin to the web interface as a n administrator. Go to “Control P anel” > “Storage
Ma nager” > “ Disk” and check the Intern a l C ache Por t.

Chapter 8. Hot-swap Hard Drives
The QNAP NAS is compatible with 2 .5 -inch/3.5-inch SATA hard dr ive s fro m maj o r hard
drive brands. F o r t he up d a t ed ha r d d ri v e co m patib ility l is t, ple ase
QNAP discl a ims any responsibility for product damage/malfunction or data
loss/rec overy due to misuse or improper installation of hard di sk s in any occa sions for
any reasons.
Note that if a hard drive (new or used) which has never been installed on the NAS
before is installed, the hard drive w ill be formatted and pa rtitioned auto matica lly and all
the disk data will be cleared.
or abov e
TS-EC880 Pro, TS-EC1080 Pro,
TS-EC2480U-RP, TS-EC1680U-RP,
Yes Yes Yes Yes

The NAS supports ho t-swapping the hard drives when 1 member dr ive crashes in RAID 1 or
1–2 mem b er drives crash in RAID 5 or RAID 6. Foll ow the steps below t o hot-swap the
hard drive when a member drive fails in a RAID configuration.
1. L o g in th e NA S a nd check t he st orag e pool status in “Storage Manager ” > “ Storage
2. The storage pool status should be “Warning” and RAID group status shoul d be
3. Prepare a new hard dr ive to replace the failed one. The capacity of the new hard drive
should b e the same as or larger than th e failed hard drive.
4. Un pl ug the failed drive f rom the NAS. Wait for about 2 0 seconds or until the server
beeps twice.
5. R e mov e the fa iled drive from the drive tray.
6. Install the new ha r d dr i ve o n t he dr ive tr a y. In s er t it to the N A S.
7. The server sh ould beep 1.5 seconds twice.
8. Check the volume status on the web administration page. The volume should be
Warning: Users a re strong ly re comm ended to turn OFF the serv er befor e replacing
the hard drive to redu ce the ri sk of electric shock.

Chapter 9. RAID Recovery
The QNAP NAS su pports recovery of a fa iled RAID group f rom unintentional dis connection
or removal of the hard drives from the system. Users can recover an inactive RAID 1,
RAID 5, or RAID 6 group to degraded mode, or an inactive RAID 0 and JBOD configuration
to normal.
Disk volume Sup ports RA ID recov ery Maxim um number of d i sk
removal allowed
Single No -
JBOD Yes 1 or more
RAID 0 Yes 1 or more
RAID 1 Yes 1 or 2
RAID 5 Yes 2 or more
RAID 6 Yes 3 or more
RAID 10 No -
Follow the steps below to recover an inactive RAID group on the NAS:
1. Make sure the volume status of the RA ID group is “Not active”.
2. Install the same hard drives, which have been formerly removed from the NAS, back
to the same hard drive slots.
3. Go t o “Storage Mana g er” > “Storage Pools”. Select the degraded or inactiv e RAI D
group . Click “Manage” > “Recover”.
4. Wait for about 1 minute for the process to complete. When finished, the NAS data
can be accessed.
• After recovering a RAID 1, RAID 5, or RAID 6 RAID group from “not active” to degraded
mode by RAID rec overy, use rs can re a d or write the volu me normally. The volum e
status will be recovered to normal after synchronization.
• If the disconnected drive member is damaged, the RAID recovery function will not

QNAP RAID 5 Standard
Degraded mode N-1 N-1 N-1 & N-2 N-1 & N-2
Read only
protect ion (for
imm edi ate d ata
backup & hard
N/A N-1, bad block s
fo und i n t he
surviving drives of
th e array.
N/A N-2, bad block s
found in t he
surviving drives of
th e array.
RAID recovery
(RAID stat us: Not
N/A If re-inserting all
the origina l ha rd
disk drives to the
NAS and they can
be spu n u p,
accessed, and the
hard drive
superblock is not
N/A If re-inserting all
the origina l ha rd
disk drives to the
NAS and they can
be spu n u p,
accessed, and the
hard drive
superblock is not
RAID crash N-2 N-2 faile d hard
d rive an d any of
the remaining hard
drive s can no t be
spun up or
identified or
N-3 N-3 and any of the
remaining hard
drive s can no t be
spun up or
identified or
N = Nu mber of hard d isk drive s in the array

Chapter 10. Use the LCD Panel
This feature is only provided by the NA S models with LCD panels. Please
visit for details.
The NAS pr ovides a handy L CD pa ne l fo r users t o p e rf o rm disk config ur atio n and view t he
sy stem information.
When the NAS has started up, the server name and IP address will be shown.
N A S 5 F 4 D E 3
1 6 9 . 2 5 4 . 1 0 0 . 1 0 0
For the firs t tim e ins ta lla tio n, the LC D pa nel s how s the nu mb er of har d d r ive s d e tec ted and
the IP address. Configure the hard drives.
Number of hard
drives detected
Defa ult disk
configuration Available disk configuration options *
1 Single Single
2 RAID 1 Single -> JBOD ->RAID 0 -> RAID 1
3 RAID 5 Single -> JBOD -> RAID 0 -> RAID 5
4 or above RAID 5 Single ->JBOD -> RAID 0 -> RAID 5
-> RAID 6
*Press the “Select” button to choose the option, and press the “Enter” button to confirm.

For example, whe n 5 har d drive s ins ta l le d are av a ilable o n the N AS, t he LC D pane l s ho w s:
C o n f i g . D i s k s ?
Press the “Select” button to browse more options, for example, RAID 6.
Press the “Enter” button and the following message shows. Press the “Select” button to
select “Yes” to confirm.
C h o o s e R A I D 5 ?
Y e s N o
When RAID 1, RAID 5, or RAID 6 configuration is executed, the system will initialize the
hard drives, c reate t he R AID dev ice, fo rmat the RAID device, a nd moun t it as a volume o n
the NAS. The progress will be shown on the LCD panel. When it reaches 100%, the RAID
volume can be ac cesse d. Users ca n crea te shar e folde rs and up load f ile s to the folde rs o n
the NAS. In the meantime, to make sure the stripes and blocks in all the RAID component
devices are ready, the NAS will execute RAID syn chronization and the progr ess will b e
sho wn o n “ Storage Ma nager” > “ Storage Pools” page. The synchronization rate is around
30–60 MB/s (vary by hard drive models, system resource usage, etc.).
Note: If a member drive o f a RA ID c onf ig ura tio n w ere lo s t du ring the sy nch ro niz at ion, th e
RAID de vice w ill en ter degra ded mo de. The vol ume data is st ill access ib le. When a new
member drive is added, the NAS will start to rebuild. The status can be checked on the
“Volume Management” page.
To encrypt a disk vol ume*, select “Yes” when the LCD panel shows <Encrypt Volume?>.
The default encrypti on password is “admin”. To ch ange the password, please login the
web-ba sed administ ration int erface as an a dministr ator and change the settings in
“Storage Manage r” > “Storage” > “Encryption” > “Change”.
E n c r y p t V o l u m
e ?
Y e s N o
W hen the configuration is finishe d, the serve r name and IP address will be shown. If the
NAS fails to create the disk volume, the following message will be shown.
C r e a t i n g . . .
R A I D 5 F a i l e d

Note: The data encryption functions may not be available in accordance to the legislative
restrictions of some countries.
View sy st em inform at i on b y the LC D p anel
When the LCD pan el shows the server name and IP address, press the “E nter” b ut to n to
enter the Ma in Menu. The Main Menu consists of the following it ems:
1. T CP/ IP
2. Physical disk
3. Volume
4. System
5. Shut down
6. R eboot
7. Password
8 . Ba ck
The following options are availabl e:
LAN 1 IP Add re ss
LAN 1 Subnet Mask
LAN1 Gatewa y
Enter Network Settings
Network Settings – DHCP
Network Settings – Static IP*
Network Settings – BACK
Back to Main Menu
* In Networ k Settings – Stat ic IP, users can conf i gure the IP address, subnet mask,
gateway, and DNS of LAN 1 an d LAN 2.

2. Physical disk
The following options are availabl e:
Disk Info
Back to Main Menu
The disk info shows the temperature and the capacity of the hard drive.
D i s k : 1 T e m
p : 5 0 ° C
S i z e : 2 3 2 G B
3. Volume
This section shows the disk configuration of the NAS. The first line shows the RAID
conf igura t ion and stora ge capacity; the se con d line sho ws the me mber dr ive nu mber
of the configuration.
R A I D 5 7 5 0 G B
D r i v e 1 2 3 4
If t he re is more th a n one volume, p ress the “Select ” but ton to view the informa tion.
The following table shows the description of the LCD mes sages for RAID 5
LCD Display Drive configuration
RAID5+S RAID5+spare
RAID5 (D) RAID 5 degraded mode
RAID 5 (B) RAID 5 r eb u ild i ng
RAID 5 (S) RAID 5 re -synchronizing
RAID 5 (U) RAID 5 is unmounted
RAID 5 (X) RAID 5 no n-activated
4. System
This se ction s hows t he sys tem te mpera ture and the ro tation sp eed of the sys tem fa n.
C P U T e m
p : 5 0 ° C
S y s T e m
p : 5 5 ° C
S y s F a n : 8 6 5 R P M
5. Shut down
Use this option to turn off the NAS. Press the “Select” button to select “Yes”. Then
press the “Enter” button to confirm.

6. Reboot
Use this option to restart the NAS. Press the “Select” button to select “Yes”. Then
pre s s t he “ Enter” bu tton to confirm.
7. Password
The default password of the LCD panel is blank. Enter this option to change the
pas sword of the LCD panel. Se lect “Yes” to continue.
C h a n g e P a s s w
o r d
Y e s
N o
Enter a password of maximum 8 nu meric characters (0-9). When the cursor moves
to “OK”, press the “Enter” button. Verify the password to confirm the changes.
N e w
P a s s w
o r d :
8. Back
Select this option to return to the main menu .

System Messages
When the NAS encounters a system error, an error message will be shown on the LCD panel.
Press the “Enter” button to v iew the message. Press the “Enter” button again to view the
next messag e.
S y s t e m
E r r o r !
P l s . C h e c k L o g s
System Message Description
Sys. Fan F ailed Th e system fan fails
Sys. Over heat The system overheats
HDD O ver he at The hard drive overheats
CPU Overheat The CPU overheats
Network L ost Both LAN 1 and LAN 2 are disconnected in failover or
load-balancing mode
LAN1 Lost LAN 1 is dis connecte d
LAN2 Lost LAN 2 is dis connecte d
HD D F a ilure The har d drive fails
Vol1 Full The volum e is full
HDD Ejected The hard drive is ejected
Vol1 Degraded The volume is in degraded m od e
Vol1 Unmounted T he volume is u nmounted
Vol1 Nonactivate The volume is not activated

Chapter 11. Install Power Supply Unit
Note: The fol lowin g instructions should only be performed by an authorized and train ed
To replace a fail ed power supply unit on th e TS-EC2480U-RP, TS-EC1680U-RP,
TS-EC1280U-RP, TS-EC880U-RP Tu rbo NAS Turbo NAS , follow the st eps below.
1. Turn off the NAS. Disconnect the power adaptor, network cable(s), and any other
connectors or cables from th e NAS .
2. Hold the black handler and press and hol d the green button firmly.

3. Unplug the fail ed p ower s uppl y.
4. Plug in a new power supply to the NAS.
5. Turn on the NAS.
6. Connect the powe r ada p tor and cables to the NAS.

Enable w a rning alert for redund ant pow er supply on t he w eb -based interface:
If two power supply units (PSU) have been installed on the NAS and connected to the power
so cke ts, bo th PS U w ill s up ply t he po we r to the N AS ( app lie d to 1U a nd 2U mo de ls) . User s
can enable redundant power supply mode in “Control Panel” > “System Settings” >
“Hardware” t o receive warning alert for the redundant power supply. The NAS will beep
and record the error messages in “System Logs” when the PSU is plugged out or fails.
If only one PSU is installed on the NAS, users are suggested NOT to enable this option.
* This function is disabled by default.

Technical Support
QNAP provides dedicated online support and customer service via instant messenger.
Online Support:
Technical Support in the USA and C ana d a :
TEL: +1-909-595-2782
Address: 168 University Parkway, Pomona CA 91768
Service Hours: 08:00-17:00 (GMT- 08:00 Paci fic Time, Monday to Friday)

Appendix A. Product Compliance Class
TS-EC2480U-RP Class A Class A
TS-EC1680U-RP Class A Class A
TS-EC1280U-RP Class A Class A
TS-EC880U-RP Class A C lass A
TS-EC1080 Pro Class B C lass B
TS-EC880 Pro Class B C lass B

Version 3, 29 June 2007
Copyright © 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <>
Ev eryo ne is pe rm itte d to co py a nd d istr ibu te v er b ati m cop ie s of th is li ce nse doc um en t, but
cha nging it is not allowed.
The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for software and other kinds of
The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed to take away your
free dom to share and chan ge the works. By contrast, the GNU General Public License is
intende d to gu a rantee your freedom to share and change all versions of a program--to
make s ure it rema ins free softw are for a ll its user s. W e, the Free So ftwa re Fo undatio n, use
the GN U Ge ner al Pub lic License for most of our s oftware; it applies a lso to any other work
released this way by it s authors. You ca n apply it to your programs, too.
When we speak of free software, we are refe rring to freedo m, not price. Our General Public
Licenses a re des ig ne d to ma ke sure t ha t y o u hav e the f re edom to dis tr ib ute co pies o f f ree
software (and charge for them if you wish), that you receive so urce code or can get it if you
want i t, tha t you ca n cha nge the sof tware or use piece s of it i n new free pro grams, and that
you know yo u ca n do these thi ngs.
To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you these rights or asking
you to surrender the rights. Therefore, you have certain responsibilities if you distribute
copies of the software, or if you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom of others.
For exa mple, if y ou distri but e copies of such a prog ram, whether gratis or for a fee, you
must pass on to the re cipients t he sa me freedoms tha t yo u received. You m ust ma ke sur e
tha t they, too , receive or can g et the so urce code. And yo u must show them these terms so
they know their rights.
Develo per s tha t use the GNU GPL prot ect yo ur ri ght s wit h two step s: (1) a sser t co pyr igh t
on the software, an d (2) offer you this License giving you legal permission to copy,

distrib u te a nd /or mod ify it.
For the developers' and authors' protection, the GPL clearly explains that there is no
warranty for this free software. For both users' and authors' sake, the GPL requires that
modified version s be marked as changed, so that their problems will not be attributed
errone ously to auth ors of pre vious versions.
Some devices are desi gned to deny users access t o install or run modified versions of the
software inside them, although the manufacturer can do so. This is fundamentally
incompatible with the aim of pr otecti ng users ' free dom to change the sof twa re. The
systematic pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for individuals to use, which
is precisely where it is most unacceptable. Therefore, we have designed t his v er sio n of t he
GPL to prohibit the practice for those products. If suc h problems aris e subs tant ially in other
domain s, we sta nd ready to extend th is prov ision to tho se domains in future versions of the
GPL, as needed to protect the freedo m of users.
Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents. States should not
allow patents to restrict development and use of software on general-purpose computers,
but in those that do, we wish to avoid the special danger that patents applied to a free
program could make it effectively proprietary . T o prevent this, the GPL assures that patents
cannot be used to render the program non-free.
The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and modification follow.
0. Definitions.
“This License” refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License.
“Copyri g ht” also means copyright-like laws th at apply to other kinds of works, such as
sem icond uc to r masks.
“The Pro gr am” refers to an y co pyrightable w o rk l ice nsed u nde r t his L i ce nse. Each li cen see
is addressed as “you”. “Licensees” an d “recipi ents” may be individuals or organizations.
T o “modify” a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work in a fashion requiring
co p yr ight perm is s ion, other than the ma king of an ex a c t c o p y. The re sulti ng wo rk is called
a “m od ifie d version” of the earli er work or a work “ba sed on” the earlier work.

A “covered work ” mea ns either the unmodi fied Program or a work based on the Pr og ram.
To “propagate” a work mea ns to do any t h in g wi t h it that, without p er m ission, would m ake
you directly or secondarily liable for infringement under applicable copyright law, except
ex ecuting it on a computer or modifying a private cop y. Pr op a gat ion includes copying,
distribution (with or without modificati on), making available to the public, and in some
countries other activities as well.
To “c onve y” a wor k means any kind of propa g at ion tha t en a b les other parti es to make or
receive copie s. M ere i nter a ct io n w it h a u ser through a co mputer ne two rk, w it h no tr ans fe r
of a copy, is n ot conve ying.
An interactive user interface displays “Appropriate Legal Notices” to the extent that it
includes a convenient and prominently visible feature that (1) displ ays an appropriate
copyrig ht notice, and (2) tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the
extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the work under this
License, and how to view a copy of this License. If the interface presents a list of user
commands or options, such as a menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion.
1. Source Code.
The “sourc e code” for a work me a ns t he preferred for m of the wor k for making
modifications to it. “Object code” means any non-source for m of a work.
A “Sta ndard Interface” means an interface that either is an official standard defined by a
recognized standards body, or, in the case of interfaces specified for a part icular
prog rammin g l an g uage, on e th a t is wi dely us e d amon g d ev elopers wor king in that
The “System Libraries” of an executable work include anything, other than the work as a
whole, that (a) is included in the nor mal for m of packaging a Major Component, but which
is not part of that Major Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that
Major C omponent, or to implement a Standard Interface for which a n implement a tion is
available to the public in source code form. A “Major Component”, in this context, means a
major essential component (kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific oper a ting
system (if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to produce the work,
or an object code interprete r us e d to run it.
The “Corre spondin g Sou rce” for a work i n ob ject code form means al l the source code

needed to generate, install, and (for an executable work) run the object code and to modify
the work, i ncluding scripts to control those activities. However, it does not include the
work's Syst em Libraries, or general-purpose tools or g enerally available free programs
which are used unmodified in performing those activities but which are not part of the work.
For exa mple, Corresponding Sour ce include s in terface definition fi les associate d with
source files for the work, and the source code for shared l i brari es and dynamicall y lin ked
subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require, such as by intimate data
com munic at ion or control fl ow b etween those subprogram s an d other parts of the work .
The Co r re sp o nding So ur c e ne ed no t i nc lude anythi ng that use rs ca n regenerate
au tomatically f rom other p arts of th e Corresp ond ing S ource.
The Correspondin g Source f or a wor k in source code form is that sam e work.
2 . Ba sic Permissions.
Al l rig hts g r a nted und er this Li cen se a re g ra nt ed fo r th e te rm o f co p yrig ht o n t he Program,
and are irrevocable provided the stated conditions are met. This License explicitly affirms
your unlimited permissi on to run the unmodified Program. The output from runni ng a
covered work is covered by this Li cense only if the output, given its cont ent, constitutes a
covered work. This Licen se ackn owledges your rights of fair use or other equivalent, as
provided by copyright law.
You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not convey, without
conditions so lon g as your license otherwise remain s in force. You may convey covered
works to others for the sole purpose of having them make modifications exclusively for you,
or provide you wit h facilitie s f or running those wor ks, pr ovided that you comp ly with the
terms of this License in co nveying all material for which you do not control copyright. Those
thus making or running the cov ered work s f or you mu st do so exclu siv ely on your behalf,
under your direction and cont rol, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of
your copyri ghted material outside their relationship with you.
Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under the conditions stated
be lo w. Sublice n s i ng is not a l lo w e d ; se ctio n 10 makes i t unnec es sa ry.
3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law.
No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological measure un der any
applicable law fulfilling obligations under article 11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on
20 December 1996, or similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such

When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid circumvention of
technological measures to the extent such circumvention is effected by exercising rights
under this License with respect to the covered wo rk, and you d isclaim any intentio n to li mit
operation or modific at ion of the w ork as a means of en forcing , a g a inst the work's use rs,
your or third parties' legal rights to forbid circumvention of technological measures.
4. C onveying Ver bat im Copies.
You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you receive it, in any
medium, provided that you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an
appropriate copyright notice; keep intact all notices stating that this License and any
non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code; keep intact all
notices o f the abs ence o f any wa rra n ty ; and give a ll re c ip ients a co p y o f th is Lic e n se alon g
wit h the P rogr a m.
You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey, and you may offer
support or warranty protection for a f ee.
5. C onveying Modified Source Version s.
You m ay convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to produce it fro m the
Prog ram, in the f orm of source c od e un d er the term s of section 4, provided that you also
meet all of these conditions:
a) The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified it , and giving a
relevant date.
b) The wo rk mus t ca r ry pro min en t no t ices s tat in g t hat it is re lease d und er th is L ice nse a nd
any conditions added under section 7. This requirement modifies the requirement in
section 4 to “keep intact all notices”.
c) You mu st license the entire work, as a whole, under this License to anyone who comes
into possession of a copy. This License will therefore apply, along with any applicable
section 7 additional terms, to the whole of the work, and all its parts, regardless of how
they are packaged. This L ice nse g i ves no per mis sion to l ice nse t he w o rk i n a ny other way,
but it does not invalidate such permission if you have separate ly received it.
d) If the work has interac tive user interfaces, each must display Appropriate Lega l Notices;
however, if the Program has interactive interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal
Noti ces, your work need not make them do so.
A compila tion of a covered wo rk with o ther separ ate and in depe ndent works, w hich ar e no t

by t heir nature extensions of th e covered work, a nd which are not comb ined with i t such as
to form a larger program, in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an
“aggregate” if the co mpi latio n and i ts resulting co pyright are no t used to lim it the a cces s or
legal rights of the compilatio n's users beyond what the individual works permit. Inclusion of
a covered work in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other parts of
th e aggregate.
6. C onveying Non-Source Forms.
You may convey a covered work in obje ct code form under the t er ms of sections 4 and 5 ,
provide d tha t yo u also co n vey the mac h ine-readable Corresponding Source under the
terms of this License, in one of these ways:
a) Convey the ob ject code in, or embodi e d in, a ph ys ical prod uct (including a physical
distribution m edium), accompanie d by the Corresp ondin g Source fixe d on a du rabl e
physi ca l med iu m cus toma r i ly used for software interchange.
b) Convey the object code in, or emb odi ed in, a physical product (including a physica l
distribution medium), accompanied by a written offer, valid for at least three years and
valid for as long as you offer spa re parts or cus tomer su p port for that product model, to
give a nyone who possesses the object code either ( 1) a copy of the Correspond ing Source
for all the software in the product that is covered by this License, on a durable physical
me d ium customaril y us ed f or softwa re interchange , for a price no more than you r
reasonable co st of p hysically performing this co nveying of source, or (2) access to copy the
Correspondin g Source from a network server at no ch arge.
c) Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of the written offer to provide the
Correspondin g Source. This altern a tive is allowed only occasionally an d noncommercially,
an d only if you received the obje ct code with s uch an offer, in accord with subsection 6b.
d) Convey the object code b y of fering a ccess from a designated place (gratis or f or a
charge), a nd of fer eq uivalent access to the Corresponding Source in the same wa y thro ugh
the same place at no further charge. You need not require recipients to copy the
Corresponding Source along w ith the object co de. If the p lace to co p y t he ob j ect co de is a
network server, the Corresponding Source may be on a different server (operated by you or
a third party) that supports equivalent copying facilities, provided you maintain clear
dire ctio ns n e x t to the o b j e ct code saying where to find the Corresp onding S ource.
Regardless of wha t server hosts the Corresponding Source, you remain obligated to ensure
that it is availabl e for as long as needed to satisfy these requirements.
e) Convey the object code u sing peer-to-peer transmission, provided you inform other
peers where the object code and Corresponding Source of the work are being offered to the
general public at no charge under subsection 6d.

A separable portion of th e object code, whose source code is excluded from the
Correspondin g Source as a Syste m Library, need n ot b e included in conveying th e obje ct
code work.
A “User Product” is either (1) a “consumer product”, which means any tangible personal
prop erty which is norm a lly used for pers ona l, family, or household pu rposes, or (2 )
an ything d esigned or s old for inc orporation in to a d welling. In determinin g whether a
product is a consumer prod uct, doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of coverage. For a
particular product received by a particular user, “normally used” refers to a typical or
common use of that class of product, regardless of the status of the particular user or of the
way in which the particular user actually uses, or expects or is expected to use, the product.
A p roduct is a consumer product regardless of whether the product has substantial
commercial , industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent the only
significant mode of use of the product.
“I nstallation Information” for a User Produc t means any methods, p rocedures,
authorization keys, or other information required to install and execute modified versions
of a covered work in that User Product from a modified version of its Corresponding Source.
The information must suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified
object code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because modification has been
If you convey an object code work under this s ec tion in, or with, or s pecifica lly for use in,
a User Product, and the conveying occurs as part of a transaction in which the right of
po sses sio n a nd us e o f t he U ser P ro du ct is tr ans fe rr ed to the re cip ie nt in p er pe tui ty o r fo r a
fixed term (regardless of how t he transaction is char a c terized), the C orrespo nd ing Sou rce
con veyed u nder this se ctio n m ust b e acco mpanied by the Installatio n Informa tion. B ut this
requirement does not apply if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install
modifie d object code on the User Product (for example, the wor k has b een installed in
The requirement to provide Insta llatio n Inform atio n do es not includ e a requir em ent to
continue to provide support service, warranty , or updates for a work that has been modified
or installed by the recipient, or for the User Product in which it has been modified or
installed. Access to a network may be denied when the modification itself materially and
adversely affects the operation of the network or violates t he rules an d protocols for
communication across the network.

Co rre spo nd ing So urce co n vey e d, a nd In sta lla tio n Inf orma tion pr ov ided , in a cco rd wi t h th is
section must be in a format that is publicly documented (and with an implementation
avail a b le to the public in source cod e f orm), and must requir e no speci al p a ss w ord or key
for unpacking, reading or copying.
7. Add itional Te rm s.
“Additional permissions” are terms that supplement the terms of this License by making
exceptions from one or more o f its conditio ns. Additiona l per missio ns tha t are a pplicable to
the entire Program shall be treated as though they were included i n this License, to the
exte n t tha t t he y ar e va lid un der app li cab le la w . I f a dd itio na l pe rm iss ion s ap pl y on ly to p a rt
of the Progr am, t hat part may be used separate ly under those permissions, bu t the entire
Program remains governed by this License without regard to the additional permissions.
When yo u con vey a co py of a co vered work, yo u ma y at yo ur op tion re mo ve a ny add itiona l
permissions from t hat copy, or from a ny par t of it. (Additiona l permissions may be writte n
to require their own removal in certain cases when you modify the work.) You may place
ad dit iona l pe r miss io ns on ma ter ial, add e d b y you to a co ver ed wo rk, for w hic h you ha ve or
can give app ropriate copyri ght p ermission.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you add to a covered work,
yo u m a y ( i f autho r i z ed by t he cop yrigh t ho ld ers o f t ha t m a t e rial) s up plem e n t the terms of
this License with terms:
a) Discla iming warranty or limiting liab ility differently from the te rms of s ections 15 and 16
of this License; or
b) Req uiring p rese rvation of specified reaso nable legal not ices or author attr ibutions in tha t
material or in the Appropriate Legal Notices displayed by works containing it; or
c) Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, or requiring th a t modified
versions of such material be marked in reasonable ways as different from the original
ve rsion ; or
d) Limiting the use for publicity p urpos es of na mes of licensors or authors of the material;
e) Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some trade names, trademarks,
or servi ce marks; or
f) Requi ring indemnification of licensors and authors of that material by anyone who
conveys the mate rial (or modified v ersions of it) with con tractual as sumptions of liabi lity to
the recipient, for any l iability that these contractu a l a ss umptions directl y impose on those
licensors an d authors.

All othe r non-permissive additional terms are considered “further restrictions” within the
meaning of section 10. If the Program as you received it, or any pa rt of i t, contains a no tice
stating tha t it is go verned by this Lice nse alo ng w ith a term tha t is a further rest riction, you
may remove that term. If a license document contains a further restriction but permits
relicensing or conveyi ng under this License, you may add to a covered work material
go ver ned by the te rms o f tha t l ic ens e do cu me nt, pro vid ed tha t the fur t her re s tric tio n d oes
not survive such relicensing or conveying.
If you add terms to a covered work in accord wi th this secti on, you must pla ce, in the
relevant source files, a statement of the additional terms that apply to those files, or a
notice indicating where to find the applicable terms.
Additio nal terms, permissive or non-p erm iss ive, may b e sta ted i n th e for m o f a separat ely
written license, or stated as exceptions; the above requirement s apply either way.
8. Termination.
You may not propagate or modify a cover ed work except as expressly prov ided under this
License. Any attempt otherwise to propagate or modify it is void, and will automatically
terminate your rig ht s under th is License ( in cluding a ny pa t e n t li c en s es g r a nted u nd er t he
thir d paragraph of section 11).
How ever, if you c e a se all vi olati on of this Licen se, then your license fr om a p a rticula r
co p yr ight ho ld er is reinstated ( a ) provis io nal ly, u nless and u ntil the c o p yrigh t ho lder
explicitly and finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright holder
fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means prior to 60 days after the
Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated permanently if the
co p yr ight ho ld er notif ies you of t he viola tion by so m e reaso na ble mea n s , th is is t he f i rs t
time you have received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that copyright
holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after your recei pt of the notice.
T ermination of your rights under this section does not terminate the licenses of parties who
have received copies or rights f rom you under th is License. If your rights have been
termina ted and not perma nently r einstated, y o u do not qualif y to rec eive ne w l ic ense s for
the same material under section 10.
9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies.

Y ou are no t required to accep t this License in ord er to r ece ive or run a copy of the Program.
Ancill ary propagation of a covered work occurring solely as a consequen ce of u sing
peer-to-peer transmission to receive a copy likew ise does not require acceptance. However,
nothing other than this License grants you permissio n to propagate or modify a ny covered
work. These actions infringe copyright if you do n ot accept this Li cense. Therefore, by
modifying or propagating a covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this Li cense to
do so.
10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients.
Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically receives a license f rom
the original licensor s, to run, modify and propag ate that work, subje ct to t his L icense. You
are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License.
An “entity transaction” is a transaction transferring control of an organization, or
subs ta nt ial ly a ll as se ts o f o ne, o r s ubd ivid ing a n o rga niza tio n, o r me rg ing or gan iza tio ns. If
prop a gation of a covered work results fr om an entity transaction, each party t o that
transaction w ho rece iv es a copy of the work also r eceives whatever licenses to the work the
party's predecessor in interest had or could give under the previous paragraph, plus a right
to possession of the Corresponding Source of th e wo rk from the pr edecesso r in in terest, if
the predecessor has it or can get it with reasonable efforts.
You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the rights granted or
affirmed under this License. For example, you may not impose a license fee, royalty, or
other charge for exe rcise of right s granted un der this License, and you may not in itiat e
litigation (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that any patent
claim is infr ing ed by ma ki ng, us ing, se lling, offering for sa le, or imp orting the Program or
an y portion of it.
11. Patents.
A “c ontributo r” is a cop yrig ht holder who autho r i z es use under this L icens e o f th e P ro g ra m
or a work on which the Program is based. The work thus lice nsed is called the contributor's
“c o ntributor ve r sion”.
A contributor's “essential patent claims” are all patent claims owned or controlled by the
contributor, whether already acquired or hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by
some manner, permitted by this License, of making, using, or selling its contributor version,
but do not include clai ms that would be infringed only as a consequence of further
modification of the contributor version. For purposes of this definition, “control” includes

the right to grant patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of this
Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-f ree patent license under
the contributor's essential patent claims, to make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and
otherwi se ru n, modify an d prop a g ate the contents of its cont ributor ve rsion .
In the following three paragraphs, a “patent license” is any express agreement or
commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent (such as an express
permission to practice a p a tent o r co v e na nt no t t o s ue fo r pa te nt infr inge m ent) . To “gr an t”
such a p a tent l ice nse to a p a rt y means to ma ke suc h a n a greemen t or co m mi t men t no t to
enf orce a patent against the party.
If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license, and the Corresponding
So urce of the w o rk is no t ava ilable fo r anyo ne to c o p y, f r ee of c ha rg e and unde r the t e r m s
of this License, through a publicly available network server or other readily accessible
means, then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding So urce to be so available, or (2)
arrange to deprive yo urself o f the be nefit of the paten t license for th is par ticular work, or ( 3)
arr ange, in a manner consistent with the req uire ments o f this L icense, to e xtend the patent
lic ense to do w ns tr e am recipients. “Knowingly relying” means you have actual knowledge
that, but for the patent license, your conveying t he covered work in a country, or your
recipi en t's use of the c overed work in a country, would infringe one or more id en tifiable
pa te n ts i n that country that you h a v e reason to beli e ve a re valid .
If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or arrangement, you convey, or
prop agate by p roc uring co n veya nce of, a co ver ed w ork, a nd gra nt a pa tent lice nse to som e
of the parties receiving the c overed work authorizing them t o use, propaga te, modify or
convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the patent license you grant is
automatically extended to all reci pients of the covered work and works based on it.
A pat e n t licens e is “d iscriminatory” if it does not in clude within th e s cope of its c overag e,
prohibits the e xe rc ise of , or is cond itioned on the non-e xe rcise of one or more of the rights
tha t are specifica lly g rante d und er this L icens e . You m a y not c onv ey a cove re d wo rk if yo u
are a party to an arrangement with a third party that is in the business of distributing
software, under which you make payment to the third party based on the extent of your
activity of conveying the wor k, and under which the third party grants, to a ny of the parties
wh o would receive the cover ed work from you , a discriminatory patent licens e (a) i n
connection with c op ies of the cover ed work conveyed by you (or copies m a d e f rom those

copies ), or (b) prima rily for an d in connection with s p ecific pr oducts or compilations th at
contain t he co vere d work, unl ess you entered into tha t arr angement, or that pa tent lic ense
was granted, prior to 28 March 2007.
Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting any implied license or
other defens es to infringe ment that may otherw ise be available to yo u under applicable
pa te n t la w.
12. No Surrender of Oth ers' Freedom.
If conditions are i m posed on you (whether by court order, agreement or otherwise) that
co ntra d ic t t he cond it ion s o f th is L ic ens e, the y do not excuse you from the conditions of this
License. If you cannot convey a covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your
obligations under this License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence
you ma y not co nv ey it a t all. For examp le, if you agree to terms tha t obligate yo u to co llect
a royalty for fur ther conveying from those to whom you convey the Progra m, the only way
you could satisfy both those terms and this License would be to refrain entirely from
conveying the Pro g ram.
13. Use with the G NU Affero General Public License.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, yo u have permission to link or combine
any covered work with a work licensed under ver sion 3 of the GNU A f fero General Public
Li cense into a s ingle c ombined work, and to convey the resulting work. The terms of this
License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work, but the special
req u ir ements o f the GN U Affe ro Ge ne ral P ublic L i ce nse, se c tion 1 3, concer n ing i nte rac t io n
through a network will app ly to the combination as such.
14. Revised Versions of this License.
The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of the GNU General
Pub l ic L icense from ti me to ti m e. Su c h ne w ve rsio ns w il l be s imilar in spirit to the p resen t
ve rsion , but may differ in d etail to add re ss new pr ob lems or concerns.
Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program specifies that a
cer tain n um b ered v e rsion o f the GN U Gener al Pu b lic Licens e “ or a ny la ter ve r s ion” ap plie s
to it, you have the option of following the terms and conditions either of that numbered
version or of any later ver sio n published by the Free Softw are Foundation. If the Progr am
does not spe cify a version numbe r of the GNU General Public License, you may choose any
version ever pu blished by the Free Software Foundation.

If the Progr am speci fies tha t a pro xy can d ecid e which futu re versio ns of the GNU Gene ral
Public License can be used, that proxy's public statement of acceptance of a version
permanently authorizes yo u to choose that ver sion for the Program.
Later l icense versions may give you additional or different permi ssions. However, n o
additional obligati ons are imposed on any author or copyri gh t holder as a result of your
cho o s i ng to follow a later v ersion.
1 5. Discla imer of Warranty.
16. Limitation of Liability.
17. I nterpretation of Sections 15 and 16.
If the d iscla im er of wa rr a nty a nd l im ita tio n of lia bili ty p ro v ided above c a nno t be g iv en loca l
legal effect according to their terms, reviewing co urts shall apply local law that most closely
approximates an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connectio n with the Program, unless
a warranty or assumptio n of liability accompanies a copy of the Program in return for a fee.