Table of Contents
- Contents
- Figures
- Tables
- Preface
- Chapter 1
- Overview
- Chapter 2
- Starting a Local or Telnet Management Session
- Chapter 3
- AT-S70 Management Security Features
- Chapter 4
- Basic Parameters
- Chapter 5
- Monitoring System Performance
- Chapter 6
- Event Logs and Syslog Servers
- Chapter 7
- Working with Line Cards and Other Modules
- Chapter 8
- Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM)
- Chapter 9
- File Downloads and Uploads
- File Uploads and Downloads Overview
- File Download Guidelines
- Downloading Software Image Files
- Downloading Line Card Image Files
- Downloading and Uploading Configuration File
- Appendix A
- AT-S70 Default Settings
- Index
Allied Telesis AT-CV5001AC-60 User Manual
Displayed below is the user manual for AT-CV5001AC-60 by Allied Telesis which is a product in the Network Equipment Chassis category. This manual has pages.
Related Manuals
613-50617-00 Rev. B
User’s Guide
CONVERTEON Media Converter Products
Version 1.1.0
Copyright © 2005 Allied Telesyn, Inc.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without prior written permission from Allied Telesyn, Inc.
Microsoft and Internet Explorer are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Netscape Navigator is a registered trademark of
Netscape Communications Corporation. All other product names, company names, logos or other designations mentioned herein are
trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
Allied Telesyn, Inc. reserves the right to make changes in specifications and other information contained in this document without prior
written notice. The information provided herein is subject to change without notice. In no event shall Allied Telesyn, Inc. be liable for any
incidental, special, indirect, or consequential damages whatsoever, including but not limited to lost profits, arising out of or related to this
manual or the information contained herein, even if Allied Telesyn, Inc. has been advised of, known, or should have known, the possibility
of such damages.
Figures ............................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Tables ................................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Preface ............................................................................................................................................................................... 9
How This Guide is Organized.............................................................................................................................................. 9
Document Conventions ..................................................................................................................................................... 10
Where to Find Web-based Guides .................................................................................................................................... 11
Contacting Allied Telesyn .................................................................................................................................................. 12
Online Support ........................................................................................................................................................... 12
Email and Telephone Support ....................................................................................................................................12
Returning Products.....................................................................................................................................................12
Sales or Corporate Information ..................................................................................................................................12
Obtaining Management Software Updates........................................................................................................................ 13
Chapter 1
Overview .......................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Local Management Session .............................................................................................................................................. 16
Telnet Management Session ............................................................................................................................................. 17
SNMP Management Session............................................................................................................................................. 18
Chapter 2
Starting a Local or Telnet Management Session ......................................................................................................... 19
Using the Terminal Interface.............................................................................................................................................. 20
Local Management Session .............................................................................................................................................. 21
Starting a Local Management Session.......................................................................................................................21
Quitting from a Local Management Session...............................................................................................................23
Telnet Management Session ............................................................................................................................................. 24
Starting a Telnet Management Session .....................................................................................................................24
Quitting from a Telnet Management Session ............................................................................................................. 25
Saving Your Parameter Changes...................................................................................................................................... 26
Saving the Configuration File Before Replacing an AT-CV5M01 CPM Card .............................................................26
Chapter 3
AT-S70 Management Security Features ....................................................................................................................... 27
Manager and Operator Passwords.................................................................................................................................... 28
Configuring the Management Passwords...................................................................................................................28
Console Timeout ............................................................................................................................................................... 30
Setting a Console Timeout Value...............................................................................................................................30
Management Access Levels.............................................................................................................................................. 31
Accessing the Management Software........................................................................................................................31
Configuring Management Access ..............................................................................................................................31
Chapter 4
Basic Parameters ........................................................................................................................................................... 33
When Does a Converteon Chassis Need an IP Address? ................................................................................................ 34
Assigning an IP Address ............................................................................................................................................34
Configuring Basic Chassis Parameters ............................................................................................................................. 35
Naming the System ....................................................................................................................................................35
Setting the System Date and Time.............................................................................................................................36
Configuring the System Location and Contact Information ........................................................................................37
Configuring the IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway ..............................................................................38
Configuring the Manager IP Addresses......................................................................................................................39
Configuring SNMP Community Strings.......................................................................................................................39
Enabling and Disabling DHCP....................................................................................................................................40
Configuring the Chassis Temperature Threshold ..............................................................................................................42
Pinging a Remote System .................................................................................................................................................43
Viewing the AT-S70 Software Version Number ................................................................................................................. 45
Resetting and Restarting the System ................................................................................................................................46
Setting the RS-232 Terminal Baud Rate............................................................................................................................48
Chapter 5
Monitoring System Performance ................................................................................................................................... 50
Displaying System Status Information ............................................................................................................................... 51
Using the System Activity Monitor .....................................................................................................................................53
SNMP Traps ...............................................................................................................................................................53
Starting and Stopping the Activity Log........................................................................................................................54
Displaying the Activity Log..........................................................................................................................................54
Using the System Diagnostics ...........................................................................................................................................56
Displaying Line Card Image Version.................................................................................................................................. 59
Displaying Line Card Information....................................................................................................................................... 61
Chapter 6
Event Logs and Syslog Servers ....................................................................................................................................63
Event Log Overview...........................................................................................................................................................64
Working with the Event Log ...............................................................................................................................................65
Displaying an Event Log.............................................................................................................................................65
Clearing an Event Log ................................................................................................................................................67
Working with the Syslog Server.........................................................................................................................................68
Configuring Syslog Server Address............................................................................................................................68
Setting Syslog Facility Code .............................................................................................................................................. 69
Chapter 7
Working with Line Cards and Other Modules .............................................................................................................. 71
Displaying Basic Line Card Information .............................................................................................................................72
Displaying Line Card Status Information............................................................................................................................74
Changing Line Card Settings.............................................................................................................................................76
Changing Line Card Name and Location....................................................................................................................76
Enabling and Disabling a Line Card ...........................................................................................................................76
Changing Line Card Operating Mode.........................................................................................................................78
Changing Line Card Port Duplex Mode ......................................................................................................................80
Configuring the Line Card Ingress/Egress Rate Limit.................................................................................................81
Displaying AT-CV5M01 CPM Card Status Information......................................................................................................83
Displaying LED Interface Card Status Information ............................................................................................................ 85
Chapter 8
Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) .................................................................................................86
Overview............................................................................................................................................................................ 87
OAM Discovery...........................................................................................................................................................87
OAM Remote Loopback .............................................................................................................................................90
MIB Variable Retrieval and Extensions ......................................................................................................................90
Configuring OAM Operations.............................................................................................................................................91
Displaying OAM Information and Statistics........................................................................................................................96
Displaying Local OAM Information .............................................................................................................................96
Displaying Remote OAM Information .......................................................................................................................102
Displaying OAM Statistics.........................................................................................................................................103
OAM Loopback Test ........................................................................................................................................................105
Enabling or Disabling Remote Loopback Test..........................................................................................................105
Starting or Stopping Loopback Test .........................................................................................................................106
Displaying or Clearing Loopback Test Statistics.......................................................................................................107
Sending OAM Variable Request ...................................................................................................................................... 109
AT-S70 Management Software User’s Guide
Chapter 9
File Downloads and Uploads ....................................................................................................................................... 110
File Uploads and Downloads Overview ........................................................................................................................... 111
File Download Guidelines................................................................................................................................................ 112
Downloading Files from a Local Management Session Guidelines..........................................................................112
Downloading Files from a Remote Management Session Guidelines......................................................................113
Downloading Files using Hilgraeve HyperTerminal..................................................................................................113
Downloading Software Image Files ................................................................................................................................. 116
Downloading Software Image File Through TFTP ...................................................................................................116
Downloading Software Image File Through Xmodem..............................................................................................119
Downloading Line Card Image Files................................................................................................................................ 121
Downloading Line Card Image File Through Xmodem.............................................................................................121
Downloading Line Card Image File Through TFTP ..................................................................................................122
Downloading and Uploading Configuration File............................................................................................................... 125
Downloading Configuration File................................................................................................................................125
Uploading Configuration Files ..................................................................................................................................127
Appendix A
AT-S70 Default Settings ............................................................................................................................................... 129
Index .............................................................................................................................................................................. 131
Figure 1. Connecting RS-232 Cable to AT-CV5M01 CPM’s Console Port..........................................................................21
Figure 2. Main Menu............................................................................................................................................................22
Figure 3. System Configuration Menu .................................................................................................................................28
Figure 4. Omega Options Menu ..........................................................................................................................................29
Figure 5. System Configuration Menu .................................................................................................................................35
Figure 6. IP Parameters Menu.............................................................................................................................................37
Figure 7. Temperature Threshold Configuration Menu........................................................................................................42
Figure 8. Administration Menu.............................................................................................................................................43
Figure 9. Ping Window ........................................................................................................................................................44
Figure 10. Diagnostics Menu...............................................................................................................................................45
Figure 11. Release Cycle Menu ..........................................................................................................................................45
Figure 12. Reset Chassis Window.......................................................................................................................................46
Figure 13. Resetting Chassis Confirmation Window ........................................................................................................... 47
Figure 14. Terminal Configuration Menu .............................................................................................................................48
Figure 15. Terminal Data Rate Menu ..................................................................................................................................49
Figure 16. Module Status and Configuration Menu (1/2).....................................................................................................51
Figure 17. Module Status and Configuration Menu - 2/2 .....................................................................................................51
Figure 18. Administration Menu...........................................................................................................................................54
Figure 19. Activity Monitor Window Example ......................................................................................................................55
Figure 20. Diagnostics Menu...............................................................................................................................................57
Figure 21. Chassis Diagnostics Menu .................................................................................................................................57
Figure 22. Line Card Module Software Image Version Window ..........................................................................................59
Figure 23. Line Card Module Information Window ..............................................................................................................61
Figure 24. Administration Menu...........................................................................................................................................65
Figure 25. Event Log Menu .................................................................................................................................................66
Figure 26. Example of an Event Log ...................................................................................................................................66
Figure 27. Module Status and Configuration Menu .............................................................................................................72
Figure 28. Module Configuration Menu (Line Card) ............................................................................................................74
Figure 29. Port Management Menu .....................................................................................................................................77
Figure 30. Port Configuration Menu.....................................................................................................................................77
Figure 31. Port Management Menu .....................................................................................................................................78
Figure 32. Port Ingress Rate Menu......................................................................................................................................82
Figure 33. Port Egress Rate Menu ......................................................................................................................................82
Figure 34. Module Configuration Menu (CPM Card) ...........................................................................................................83
Figure 35. LED Status .........................................................................................................................................................85
Figure 36. Module Status and Configuration Menu (1/2).....................................................................................................91
Figure 37. Module Configuration Menu (Line Card) ............................................................................................................92
Figure 38. Port Management Menu .....................................................................................................................................92
Figure 39. OAM Configuration Menu ...................................................................................................................................93
Figure 40. OAM Configuration Sub-Menu ...........................................................................................................................93
Figure 41. OAM Loopback Test Menu...............................................................................................................................106
Figure 42. HyperTerminal Window ....................................................................................................................................113
Figure 43. Send File Window.............................................................................................................................................113
Figure 44. Xmodem File Send Window .............................................................................................................................114
Figure 45. Download Complete Message..........................................................................................................................115
Figure 46. Administration Menu.........................................................................................................................................117
Figure 47. TFTP - Software Image Downloading Window.................................................................................................118
Figure 48. TFTP - Enter Software Image File Name Window ...........................................................................................118
Figure 49. TFTP - Software Image Download Confirmation Window ................................................................................118
Figure 50. TFTP - Software Image Downloading Window.................................................................................................119
AT-S70 Management Software User’s Guide
Figure 51. XModem - Software Image Download Window119
Figure 52. XModem - Software Image Downloading Window120
Figure 53. XModem - Line Card Image Download Window121
Figure 54. XModem - Line Card Image Slot Number Window121
Figure 55. XModem - Line Card Image Downloading Window122
Figure 56. TFTP - Line Card Image Download Window122
Figure 57. TFTP - Enter Line Card Image File Name Window123
Figure 58. TFTP - Enter Line Card Image File Name Window123
Figure 59. TFTP - Line Card Image Download Confirmation Window123
Figure 60. TFTP - Line Card Image Downloading Window124
Figure 61. TFTP - Configuration File Download Window125
Figure 62. TFTP - Enter Configuration File Name Window125
Figure 63. TFTP - Configuration File Download Confirmation Window126
Figure 64. TFTP - Configuration File Downloading Window126
Figure 65. TFTP - Upload Configuration File Window127
Figure 66. TFTP - Enter Configuration File Name Window127
Figure 67. TFTP - Configuration File Upload Confirmation Window128
Figure 68. TFTP - Configuration File Uploading Window128
Table 1. Menu Selection Options .......................................................................................................................................20
Table 2. Syslog Facility Applicable RFC 3164 Numerical Codes .......................................................................................69
Table 3. OAM Active and Passive Mode Behaviors ...........................................................................................................89
This user’s guide contains instructions on how to configure a Converteon
chassis using the menu and interfaces of the AT-S70 management
How This Guide is Organized
This manual contains the following chapters and appendices:
Chapter 1, ”Overview” on page 14
Chapter 2, ”Starting a Local or Telnet Management Session” on page
Chapter 3, ”AT-S70 Management Security Features” on page 27
Chapter 4, ”Basic Parameters” on page 33
Chapter 5, ”Monitoring System Performance” on page 50
Chapter 6, ”Event Logs and Syslog Servers” on page 63
Chapter 7, ”Working with Line Cards and Other Modules” on page 71
Chapter 8, ”Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM)” on
page 86
Chapter 9, ”File Downloads and Uploads” on page 110
Appendix A, ”AT-S70 Default Settings” on page 129
This preface contains the following sections:
“How This Guide is Organized” on page 9
“Document Conventions” on page 10
“Where to Find Web-based Guides” on page 11
“Contacting Allied Telesyn” on page 12
“Obtaining Management Software Updates” on page 13
Document Conventions
This document uses the following conventions:
Notes provide additional information.
Cautions inform you that performing or omitting a specific action
may result in equipment damage or loss of data.
Warnings inform you that performing or omitting a specific action
may result in bodily injury.
AT-S70 Managment Software User’s Guide
Where to Find Web-based Guides
The installation and user guides for all Allied Telesyn products are
available in portable document format (PDF) on our web site at You can view the documents online or download
them onto a local workstation or server.
Contacting Allied Telesyn
This section provides Allied Telesyn contact information for technical
support as well as sales or corporate information.
Online Support You can request technical support online by accessing the Allied Telesyn
Knowledge Base: You can use the
Knowledge Base to submit questions to our technical support staff and
review answers to previously asked questions.
Email and
For technical support via email or telephone, refer to the Support &
Services section of the Allied Telesyn web site:
Products for return or repair must first be assigned a return materials
authorization (RMA) number. A product sent to Allied Telesyn without an
RMA number will be returned to the sender at the sender’s expense.
To obtain an RMA number, contact Allied Telesyn’s Technical Support
group through the Allied Telesyn web site:
Sales or
You can contact Allied Telesyn for sales or corporate information on our
web site: To find the contact information for your
country, select Contact Us -> Worldwide Contacts.
AT-S70 Managment Software User’s Guide
Obtaining Management Software Updates
New releases of management software for our managed products are
available for download from either of the following Internet sites:
Allied Telesyn web site:
Allied Telesyn FTP server:
If you prefer to download new software from the Allied Telesyn FTP server
using your workstation’s command prompt, you will need FTP client
software and you must log in to the server. Enter “anonymous” as the user
name and your email address for the password.
Chapter 1
The AT-S70 management software is intended for the Converteon Series
chassis. The software is used to monitor and adjust the operating
parameters of a chassis. Some of the functions you can perform with the
software include:
Enable and disable ports
Configure port parameters, such as speed and duplex mode
Assign an Internet Protocol (IP) address and subnet mask
Access OAM information and statistics
Download and upload image and configuration files
Configure port security
The AT-S70 management software comes pre-installed on the
AT-CV5M01 Control Processor Module (CPM) with default settings for all
operating parameters. If the default settings are adequate for your
network, you can use the chassis as an unmanaged chassis simply by
connecting the unit to your network, as explained in the hardware
installation guide, and powering ON the device.
The default settings for the management software can be found in
the Appendix A, “AT-S70 Default Settings” on page 129.
The AT-S70 management software and the management interface simplify
the task of monitoring and managing the Converteon chassis and
modules. This easy-to-use menu-oriented interface, which is provided by
the AT-S70 management software, enables you to configure and manage
all of the modules installed in the AT-CV5000 chassis.
There are three different ways to access the management software on a
Converteon chassis. These methods are referred to in this guide as
management session as listed below:
Local management session
Telnet management session
SNMP management session
AT-S70 Management Software User’s Guide
To prevent unauthorized access, you can assign a password to the
management software program that requires the user to enter the
password when starting the interface. The default password for
Manager access is “friend”; and the default password for Operator
access is “operator”.
Once the password has been changed and is forgotten, you must
call Technical Support to have it reset back to the default password.
For Technical Support contact info, refer to “Contacting Allied
Telesyn” on page 12.
The following sections in this chapter briefly describe each type of
management session.
Chapter 1: Overview
Local Management Session
You establish a local management session with a Converteon chassis by
connecting a terminal or a PC with a terminal emulator program to the RS-
232 Terminal Port on the CPM card installed in the front of the chassis,
using the straight-through RS-232 management cable. This type of
management session is referred to as “local” because you must be
physically close to the chassis, such as in the wiring closet where the
chassis is located.
After the session starts, a menu is displayed from which you can make
selections to configure and monitor the chassis. You can configure all
operating parameters of a chassis from a local management session.
For instructions on starting a local management session, refer to
“Starting a Local Management Session” on page 21.
A chassis does not need an Internet Protocol (IP) address for you to
manage it locally. You can start a local management session on a chassis
at any time. It will not affect the forwarding of frames by the device.
AT-S70 Management Software User’s Guide
Telnet Management Session
You can use any management workstation on your network that has the
Telnet application protocol to manage a Converteon chassis. This type of
management session is referred to in this guide as a remote management
session because you do not have to be in the wiring closet where the
chassis is located. You can manage the chassis from any workstation on
the network that has the application protocol.
To establish a Telnet management session with a chassis, there must be
at least one Converteon chassis that has been assigned an Internet
Protocol (IP) address. Only one chassis in a subnet needs to have an IP
For instructions on how to start a Telnet management session, refer
to “Starting a Telnet Management Session” on page 24.
A Telnet management session gives you access to nearly all operating
parameters of a chassis. You can perform nearly all the same functions
from a Telnet management session as you can from a local management
Chapter 1: Overview
SNMP Management Session
The Converteon chassis can also be remotely managed via Simple
Network Management Protocol (SNMP), such as HP Openview. This
method, however, does not use the management interface.
If you intend to manage the chassis from a management workstation using
an SNMP management program, you need to load the Management
Information Base (MIB) file onto the management workstation. (The MIB
file is available from the Allied Telesyn web site.) This requires that you
use a MIB compiler to compile the file. To load the MIB file onto a
management workstation, follow the instructions included with your MIB
compiler. For instructions on how to compile the MIB file with your SNMP
program, refer to your SNMP management documentation.
A familiarity with Management Information Base (MIB) objects is
necessary for this type of management.
The AT-S70 software supports the following MIB:
For non-IP environments, you can use a MAC address to connect to a
remote system as long as there are no routers between the two chassis.
Chapter 2
Starting a Local or Telnet Management
This chapter describes the procedures for starting a local or Telnet
management session on a Converteon chassis. The sections in this
chapter are:
“Using the Terminal Interface” on page 20
“Local Management Session” on page 21
“Telnet Management Session” on page 24
“Saving Your Parameter Changes” on page 26
Chapter 2: Starting a Local or Telnet Management Session
Using the Terminal Interface
If you are using a DEC VT100 or ANSI (the default) terminal configuration,
it is helpful to know how to select a menu option in the terminal interface.
Table 1 lists the instructions on how to move through the menus and
select menu options.
Enabled options in menus are preceded with a > symbol. In the following
example, the first option is enabled:
>Enable this port
Disable this port
When you press <Enter> to select a field in which you can enter a value,
the -> symbol is displayed. For example:
System name: ->
The -> symbol indicates that you can enter a new value for the parameter
or change the existing value. Once you have entered a value, press
<Enter>. Parameter changes are immediately activated on a Converteon
Table 1. Menu Selection Options
When directed to You must
Select an option Highlight the option by pressing the Up ( ↑ ) or
Down ( ↓ ) arrow key; then press <Return>
Type the first character of the desired option at
the prompt and press <Return>.
If two or more options have matching initial
characters, type the initial characters until the
option you want is highlighted; then press
Enter information (for
example, the IP address
of a chassis)
Type the information and press <Return>.
Return to the previous
Press <Esc> or select the “Return to...” option at
the bottom of the menu.
AT-S70 Management Software User’s Guide
Local Management Session
On the AT-CV5M01 CPM card installed in the chassis is a port labelled
“console”. You can use this port to establish a local (out-of-band)
management session with an AT-S70 management software.
A local management session is so named because you must be close to
the chassis, usually within a few meters, to start this type of management
session. This means you must be where the chassis is located.
A chassis does not need an IP address to be managed from a local
management session. You can start a local management session at any
time on any Converteon chassis in your network. A local management
session does not interfere with the flow of Ethernet traffic through the unit.
Starting a Local
To start a local management session, perform the following procedure:
1. Connect one end of a straight-through RS-232 cable with a DB-9
connector to the RS-232 Terminal Port on the AT-CV5M01 CPM card,
as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Connecting RS-232 Cable to AT-CV5M01 CPM’s Console Port
2. Connect the other end of the cable to an RS-232 port on a terminal or
PC with a terminal emulator program.
3. Configure the terminal or terminal emulation program as follows:
Bits per second: 1200 bps to 115200bps (default 115200)
(see Note below)
Data bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop bits: 1
Flow control: None
Chapter 2: Starting a Local or Telnet Management Session
The Converteon chassis has an auto-detect feature on the serial
port that automatically determines the speed of the local terminal.
You activate this feature by pressing the Return or Enter key twice
on your keyboard when you initially start the local interface or within
five seconds after powering on or resetting the chassis. The chassis
determines the speed of the terminal and automatically configures
the speed of the “console” port accordingly. The chassis uses a data
rate of 11520000 bits per second (bps). The chassis maintains the
terminal port speed until the system is again powered ON or reset.
The default settings for the terminal interface are for a DEC VT100
or ANSI terminal, or an equivalent terminal emulator program. Once
you have started an management session, you can change some of
these values.
4. Press <Return> key twice.
5. When prompted, enter a username and password.
To configure the chassis settings, enter “manager” as the
username. The default password for manager access is “friend”.
To just view the settings, enter “operator” as the username. The
default password for operator access is “operator”.
Usernames and passwords are case-sensitive.
For information on these two access levels, refer to “Management
Access Levels” on page 31.
For instructions on how to change a password, refer to “Manager and
Operator Passwords” on page 28.
After logging on, the Main Menu, as shown in Figure 2, is displayed.
Figure 2. Main Menu
Allied Telesyn AT-CV5M01 Management Module Software V1.1.0
CV-5000 Chassis
Main Menu
Module Status and Configuration
System Configuration
Remote Module Status
AT-S70 Management Software User’s Guide
To make a selection, refer to “Using the Terminal Interface” on
page 20.
Press <Esc> or select the “Return to ...” option at the bottom of the
menu, to save the settings and return to the previous menu.
Quitting from a
To end a local management session, return to the Main Menu and type Q
for Quit.
You should always exit from a management session when you are finished
managing a chassis. This can prevent unauthorized individuals from
making changes to the configuration of a chassis would you leave your
management workstation unattended.
You cannot operate both a local management session and a Telnet
management session on the same chassis simultaneously. You
cannot have any number of Telnet sessions running if there is a local
session running.Failure to properly exit from a local or Telnet
management session may block future management sessions.
Chapter 2: Starting a Local or Telnet Management Session
Telnet Management Session
You can use the Telnet application protocol from a workstation on your
network to manage a Converteon chassis. This type of management
session is referred to as remote management session because you do not
have to be physically close to the chassis to start the session, such as with
a local management session. Any workstation on your network that has
the application protocol can be used to manage the chassis.
In terms of functionality, there are almost no differences between
managing a chassis locally through the RS-232 terminal port and remotely
with the Telnet application protocol. You see the same menu selections
and have nearly the same management capabilities.
If the Converteon chassis is in a TCP/IP environment, remote
management is possible only after the chassis has been assigned an IP
address and subnet mask. Initially, this is accomplished by managing the
chassis locally through the RS-232 port.
Starting a Telnet
To start a Telnet management session, specify the IP address of the
chassis in the Telnet application protocol and enter a username and
password when prompted.
To configure a chassis settings, enter “manager” as the user name. The
default password for manager access is “friend”. To just view the settings,
enter “operator” as the username. The default password for operator
access is “operator”. User names and passwords are case sensitive. For
information on the two access levels, refer to “Management Access
Levels” on page 31.
The Main Menu of a Telnet management session is the same menu that
you see in a local management session, shown in Figure 2 on page 22.
Nearly all the functions from a local management session are available to
you from a Telnet management session. The menus also function the
same as with the local management session. To make a selection, refer to
“Using the Terminal Interface” on page 20.
You can run only one Telnet management session on a Converteon
chassis at a time. Additionally, you cannot run both a Telnet
management session and a local management session on the same
chassis at the same time.
You can have up to 10 sessions (1-manager and 9-operator)
running simultaneously.
AT-S70 Management Software User’s Guide
Quitting from a
To end a Telnet management session, return to the Main Menu and type Q
for Quit.
You should always be sure to exit from a management session when you
are finished managing a Converteon chassis. This can prevent
unauthorized changes to a chassis’ configuration should you leave your
workstation unattended.
You cannot operate both a local management session and a Telnet
management session on the same chassis simultaneously. You
cannot have any number of Telnet sessions running if there is a local
session running.Failure to properly exit from a local or Telnet
management session may block future management sessions.
Chapter 2: Starting a Local or Telnet Management Session
Saving Your Parameter Changes
When changes are made to the chassis or to any of the line cards, the
changes (except for the system date and time) are immediately activated
and permanently saved onto the AT-CV5M01 CPM card as soon as you
enter them. These changes are retained by the CPM card even when the
chassis is reset or power cycled.
Saving the
File Before
Replacing an
CPM Card
When an AT-CV5M01 CPM is replaced, all the parameter settings saved
on the CPM card are gone. Therefore, to keep the current parameter
settings, make sure to upload the configuration file onto your computer or
laptop before replacing the AT-CV5M01 CPM card. Once a new
AT-CV5M01 CPM card is installed, you can then download the
configuration file back onto the new CPM card.
The 'CPM Switch Over' option under the Administration menu will
be used in future feature sets. Additional hardware and system
configuration required for proper functionality.
For instructions how to upload and download a configuration file, refer to
Chapter 9, “File Downloads and Uploads” on page 110.
Chapter 3
AT-S70 Management Security Features
This chapter describes the security features in the AT-S70 software that
can help prevent unauthorized individuals from changing the parameter
settings of a Converteon chassis.
This chapter contains the following sessions:
“Manager and Operator Passwords” on page 28
“Console Timeout” on page 30
“Management Access Levels” on page 31
Chapter 3: AT-S70 Management Security Features
Manager and Operator Passwords
The AT-S70 management software has two levels of management
access: Manager and Operator. The Manager account allows you to
configure all parameters of a Converteon chassis, while the Operator
account only allows you to view the parameter settings. The default login
name for Manager access is “manager” and the password is “friend”. The
default login name and password for Operator access are both “operator”.
Login names and passwords are case-sensitive.
Once the password has been changed and is forgotten, you must
call Technical Support to have it reset back to the default password.
For Technical Support contact info, refer to “Contacting Allied
Telesyn” on page 12.
Configuring the
To prevent unauthorized access to the management program, you can
assign a password to the program. Any person who starts the interface will
be required to enter the password, regardless of how they access the
program (i.e., RS-232 port, Telnet, or SNMP management program). For
detailed information on the management program, refer to Chapter 1,
”Overview” on page 14.
To change the Manager or Operator password, perform the following
1. From the Main Menu, select System Configuration.
The System Configuration Menu, as shown in Figure 3 is displayed.
Figure 3. System Configuration Menu
System Configuration Menu
System Name: Converteon
System Date (mm/dd/yy) 00/00/00
System Time (hh:mm:ss) 00:16:32
Omega Options
IP Parameters
Terminal Configuration
Temperature Threshold Configuration
Return to Main Menu...
AT-S70 Management Software User’s Guide
2. From the System Configuration Menu, select Omega Options. The
Omega Options Menu, as shown in Figure 4, is displayed.
Figure 4. Omega Options Menu
3. From the Omega Options Menu, select the Manager Password to
change the Manager password or Operator Password to change the
Operator password.
4. Enter the password. When entered, the password is displayed as a
series of asterisks. To delete the current password but not assign a
new password, enter a space in the Manager Password field.
The default password for Manager access is “friend”.
The default password for Operator access is “operator”
The password is case-sensitive and can be from 0 to 20 alphanumeric
The password can consist of the letters A to Z in uppercase and
lowercase, as well as the numbers 1 to 9. Do not use special
characters, such as a space, asterisk (*), or exclamation point (!).
5. Press <Return>.
The new password is automatically saved by the management
software. You will be required to enter the password the next time you
start a management session.
6. Press <Esc> or select the “Return to ...” option at the bottom of the
menu, to save the settings and return to the previous menu.
Omega Options Menu
System Name:
Manager Password: *****************
Operator Password: *****************
Timeout: 10
> Local Omega Enabled
Disable Local Omega
> Remote Omega Enabled
No Remote Omega
Return to System Configuration Menu...
Chapter 3: AT-S70 Management Security Features
Console Timeout
This parameter causes the management software to automatically end a
management session if it does not detect any activity from the local or
remote management workstation after the specified period of time. This
security feature can prevent unauthorized individuals from using your
management workstation should you step away from your system while
configuring a chassis. The default console time value is 10 minutes.
Setting a Console
Timeout Value
To set a timeout value so that the program will end the session if there has
been no management activity after the timeout value has expired, perform
the following procedure:
1. From the Main Menu, select System Configuration.
The System Configuration Menu, as shown in Figure 3 on page 28, is
2. From the System Configuration Menu, select Omega Options.
The Omega Options Menu, as shown in Figure 4 on page 29, is
3. To configure the console timer, select Timeout and enter a value from
0 (zero) to 32,767 (in minutes). The default console time value is 10
Entering a value of 0 means there is no timeout. The Omega
interface will not automatically end any session. A session is ended
only if you end the session yourself. If you enter 0, you must always
properly quit after a management session in order not to block
subsequent remote sessions and software downloads to the
A new console timer value takes affect the next time your start a local
or remote management session.
4. Press <Return>.
The new timeout value is now active.
5. Press <Esc> or select the “Return to ...” option at the bottom of the
menu, to save the settings and return to the previous menu.
AT-S70 Management Software User’s Guide
Management Access Levels
There are two levels of management access in the AT-S70 management
software: Manager and Operator. When you log in as a Manager, you can
view and configure all operating parameters. When you log in as an
Operator, you can only view the operating parameters; you cannot change
any values.
You log in as a manager or an operator when you enter the appropriate
username and password when you start an AT-S70 management session.
To log in as a manager, type “manager” as the login name. The default
password is “friend”. The username for operator is “operator” and the
default password is also “operator”. The usernames and passwords are
case sensitive.
Once the password has been changed and is forgotten, you must
call Technical Support to have it reset back to the default password.
For Technical Support contact info, refer to “Contacting Allied
Telesyn” on page 12.
Accessing the
There are three ways to access the management software on a
Converteon chassis. These methods are referred to in this guide as
management sessions. They are:
Local management session, as described in “Local Management
Session” on page 16.
Telnet management session, as described in “Telnet Management
Session” on page 17.
SNMP management session, as described in “SNMP Management
Session” on page 18.
You can configure one or more of these methods to enhance the security
of the chassis by preventing unauthorized changes to the module and port
To enable or disable a management access method, perform the following
1. From the Main Menu, select System Configuration.
The System Configuration Menu, as shown in Figure 3 on page 28, is
2. From the System Configuration Menu, select Omega Options.
Chapter 3: AT-S70 Management Security Features
The Omega Options Menu, as shown in Figure 4 on page 29, is
3. Adjust the settings as required.
The management access methods are described below:
> Local Omega Enabled
Disabled Local Omega
These two selections allow you to control whether the Omega
interface can be accessed by connecting a terminal or PC to the
RS-232 port on the management module. This is referred to as
accessing the program locally. The default for this access method is
> Remote Omega Enabled
No Remote Omega
Accessing Omega remotely is accomplished with the Telnet program
or an SNMP management program, such as HP Openview. The
default for this access method is enabled.
4. Press <Esc> or select the “Return to ...” option at the bottom of the
menu, to save the settings and return to the previous menu.
Chapter 4
Basic Parameters
This chapter contains a variety of information and procedures. The is a
discussion on when to assign an IP address to a chassis and the different
ways to it. There are also procedures for resetting the chassis, activating
the chassis default settings, and more.
This chapter contains the following sections:
“When Does a Converteon Chassis Need an IP Address?” on page 34
“Configuring Basic Chassis Parameters” on page 35
“Configuring the Chassis Temperature Threshold” on page 42
“Pinging a Remote System” on page 43
“Viewing the AT-S70 Software Version Number” on page 45
“Resetting and Restarting the System” on page 46
“Setting the RS-232 Terminal Baud Rate” on page 48
Chapter 4: Basic Parameters
When Does a Converteon Chassis Need an IP Address?
One of the tasks to building or expanding a network is deciding which of
the managed chassis need a unique IP address. In the past, the rule was
that a managed chassis needed an IP address if you wanted to manage it
remotely, such as with the Telnet application protocol or a web browser.
However, if a network contained a lot of managed chassis, having to
assign each one an IP address was often cumbersome and time
consuming. It was also often difficult keeping track of all the IP addresses.
When you assign a chassis an IP address, you must also assign it a
subnet mask. The chassis uses the subnet mask to determine which
portion of an IP address represents the network address and which the
node address. You must also assign the chassis a gateway address if the
chassis and a remote management workstation are separated by a router.
This gateway address is the IP address of the router through which the
chassis and remote management workstation will communicate.
If you do not plan to remotely manage any of the Converteon Series
chassis in your network, you do not need to assign any of them an IP
address. The chassis can operate without an IP address and you will still
be able to manage them completely using local management sessions.
Assigning an IP
Once you have decided which, if any, chassis on your network need an IP
address, you have to access the AT-S70 software on the chassis and
assign the addresses. There are actually two ways in which a chassis can
obtain an IP address.
The first method is for you to assign the IP configuration information
manually This procedure is explained in “Configuring the IP Address,
Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway” on page 38.
The second method is for you to activate the DHCP service on the
chassis and have the chassis automatically download its IP
configuration information from a DHCP server on your network. This
procedure is explained in “Enabling and Disabling DHCP” on page 40.
Initially assigning an IP address to a chassis or activating DHCP can
only be done through a local management session.
AT-S70 Management Software User’s Guide
Configuring Basic Chassis Parameters
The AT-S70 management software provides options to configure some
basic parameters on the chassis.
This section contains the following procedures:
“Assigning an IP Address” on page 34
“Naming the System” on page 35
“Setting the System Date and Time” on page 36
“Configuring the System Location and Contact Information” on page 37
“Configuring the IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway” on
page 38
“Configuring the Manager IP Addresses” on page 39
“Configuring SNMP Community Strings” on page 39
“Enabling and Disabling DHCP” on page 40
Naming the
To set the chassis name, perform the following procedure:
1. From the Main Menu, select System Configuration.
The System Configuration Menu, as shown in Figure 5, is displayed.
Figure 5. System Configuration Menu
System Configuration Menu
System Name:
System Date (mm/dd/yy) 00/00/00
System Time (hh:mm:ss) 00:16:32
Omega Options
IP Parameters
Terminal Configuration
Temperature Threshold Configuration
Return to Main Menu...
Chapter 4: Basic Parameters
2. From the System Configuration Menu, select the System Name field
and enter a unique name for the chassis.
The name can be up to 40 characters, including spaces and special
characters. If the system already has a name that you want to delete
without entering a new name, press the space bar once.
3. Press <Esc> or select the “Return to ...” option at the bottom of the
menu, to save the settings and return to the previous menu.
Once the system name is entered and approved, it will be displayed
at the tope of every AT-S70 menu.
Setting the
System Date and
Setting the system date and time is important if you configured the chassis
to send traps to your management workstations. If the time is not set,
traps do not contain the correct date and time. Therefore, it becomes
difficult for you to determine when the events represented by the traps
One way to set the system date and time is manually setting it using the
AT-S70 software menu interface. When you set the date and time
manually, the chassis loses the values when it is reset or power cycled.
Therefore, you must reset the values whenever you reset the chassis.
To set the system’s date and time, perform the following procedure:
1. From the Main Menu, select System Configuration. The System
Configuration Menu, as shown in Figure 5 on page 35, is displayed.
2. Adjust the following parameters as necessary:
System Date(mm/dd/yy)
Enter a date for the system in the “mm/dd/yy”. Use two numbers to
specify for the day, month, and year. Separate the values with slashes.
Select the System Time(hh:mm:ss)
Enter the new system real time in the “hh:mm:ss” format. Use two
numbers to specify for the hours, minutes, and seconds. Separate the
values with colons.
If the AT-CV5M01 CPM card is reset or power cycled, the system
and time settings will be lost. You will need to re-enter the date and
time information.
3. Press <Esc> or select the “Return to ...” option at the bottom of the
menu, to save the settings and return to the previous menu.
AT-S70 Management Software User’s Guide
Configuring the
System Location
and Contact
To set the system’s location and contact information, perform the following
1. From the Main Menu, select System Configuration. The System
Configuration Menu, as shown in Figure 5 on page 35, is displayed.
2. From the System Configuration Menu, select IP Parameters. The IP
Parameters Menu, as shown in Figure 6, is displayed.
Figure 6. IP Parameters Menu
3. Adjust the following parameters as necessary:
The location can be up to 20 alphanumeric characters, including
spaces and special characters. If the system already has a location
that you want to delete without entering a new location, press the
space bar once.
The contact information includes the name, phone number, and other
information that identifies the person responsible for managing the
system. The contact information can be up to 20 alphanumeric
characters, including spaces and special characters. If the system
already has the contact information that you want to delete without
entering new information, press the space bar once.
4. Press <Esc> or select the “Return to ...” option at the bottom of the
menu, to save the settings and return to the previous menu.
IP Parameters Menu
Ip address:
Subnet mask:
Gateway address:
Manager address:
Manager address:
Manager address:
Manager address:
Get community string: public
Set community string: private
Trap community string: public
Location: California USA
Contact: Allied Telesyn
Disable DHCP
> Enable DHCP
Return to System Configuration Menu...
Chapter 4: Basic Parameters
Configuring the
IP Address,
Subnet Mask, and
Default Gateway
The procedure in this section explains how to manually assign an IP
address, subnet mask, and gateway address to the chassis from a local or
Telnet management session. (If you want the chassis to obtain its IP
configuration from a DHCP server on your network, go to the procedure
“Enabling and Disabling DHCP” on page 40.)
To configure parameters for managing the chassis remotely, perform the
following procedure:
1. From the Main Menu, select System Configuration.
The System Configuration Menu, as shown in Figure 5 on page 35, is
2. From the System Configuration Menu, select IP Parameters.
3. The IP Parameters Menu, as shown in Figure 6 on page 37, is
4. Make the necessary changes to the following parameters.
Ip address
This parameter specifies the IP address of the chassis. You must
assign a chassis an IP address so it can be managed remotely using
Telnet or an SNMP application. In addition, if the management
workstation is separated from the chassis by a router, you must also
provide a gateway address, which is the IP address of a router through
which the chassis can communicate with the remote management
workstation. The IP address must be entered in the format: The default value is
Subnet mask
This parameter specifies the subnet mask for the chassis. You must
specify a subnet mask to manage the chassis remotely. The mask
address must be entered in the format: The default
value is
Gateway address
This parameter specifies the default router’s IP address. This address
is required if you intend to remotely manage the chassis from a
management workstation that is separated from the chassis by a
router. The gateway address must be entered in the format: The default value is
5. Press <Esc> or select the “Return to ...” option at the bottom of the
menu, to save the settings and return to the previous menu.
AT-S70 Management Software User’s Guide
Configuring the
Manager IP
You can specify up to four network management workstations that will
receive SNMP traps from the system.
To configure the management IP addresses, perform the following
1. From the Main Menu, select System Configuration.
The System Configuration Menu, as shown in Figure 5 on page 35, is
2. From the System Configuration Menu, select IP Parameters.
The IP Parameters Menu, as shown in Figure 6 on page 37, is
3. Adjust the following parameters as necessary:
Manager address(es)
This parameter specifies up to four IP addresses of network
management workstations that will receive SNMP traps from the
chassis. This is optional.
4. Press <Esc> or select the “Return to ...” option at the bottom of the
menu, to save the settings and return to the previous menu.
To configure the SNMP community strings, perform the following
SNMP access is disabled by default. To enable SNMP access, refer
to “Configuring Management Access” on page 31.
1. From the Main Menu, select System Configuration.
The System Configuration Menu, as shown in Figure 5 on page 35, is
2. From the System Configuration Menu, select IP Parameters.
The IP Parameters Menu, as shown in Figure 6 on page 37, is
3. Adjust the following parameters as necessary.
Get community string
The default setting for this string is “public.”
Set community string
The default setting for this string is “private.”
Chapter 4: Basic Parameters
Trap community string
The default setting for this string is “public.”
Use these parameters to set the SNMP community strings on the
chassis. A community string can be up to thirteen characters.
Community strings are case sensitive and can contain spaces and
special characters, such as an exclamation point (!). Changes to the
SNMP parameters are immediately activated on the chassis.
For a list of actions that generate SNMP traps, refer to “SNMP
Traps” on page 53.
4. Press <Esc> or select the “Return to ...” option at the bottom of the
menu, to save the settings and return to the previous menu.
Enabling and
Disabling DHCP
The DHCP application protocol was developed to simplify network
management. It is used to automatically assign IP configuration
information to the devices on your network, such as an IP address, subnet
mask, and a default gateway address.
Naturally, for this to work there must be a DHCP server residing on your
network and you must configure the service by entering in the MAC
address of the chassis.
DHCP services typically allow you to specify how the IP address is to be
assigned to the chassis. The choices are static and dynamic. If you
choose static, the server always assign the same IP address to the
chassis when the chassis is reset or powered ON. This is the preferred
configuration. Because the DHCP services always assign the same IP
address to a chassis, you will always know which IP address to use when
you need to remotely manage a particular chassis.
If you choose dynamic, the DHCP server assigns any unused IP address
that it has not already assigned to another device. This means that a
chassis might have a different IP address each time you reset or power
cycle the device, making it difficult for you to remotely manage the unit.
The default is disabled.
Enabling DHCP overrides any IP configuration settings that you
manually assigned.
The BOOTP, another protocol that performs an identical function, is
not available on the Converteon chassis.
AT-S70 Management Software User’s Guide
To enable or disable the DHCP client software, perform the following
1. From the Main Menu, select System Configuration.
The System Configuration Menu, as shown in Figure 5 on page 35, is
2. From the System Configuration Menu, select IP Parameters.
The IP Parameters Menu, as shown in Figure 6 on page 37, is
3. From the IP Parameters Menu, select one of the following parameters:
Disable DHCP
Disables DHCP services on the chassis.
> Enable DHCP
Enables DHCP services on the chassis. If you enabled DHCP, you
must reset the chassis in order for the internal management module to
start issuing DHCP requests to obtain its IP configuration. The default
is enabled.
The Converteon chassis issues up to three requests for its IP
configuration from the DHCP server. If the DHCP server does not
respond, the chassis uses the assigned IP address, if one was
manually assigned.
4. Press <Esc> or select the “Return to ...” option at the bottom of the
menu, to save the settings and return to the previous menu.
If you enable the DHCP client software, the chassis immediately
begins to query the network for a DHCP server. The chassis
continues to query the network for its IP configuration until it
receives a response.
Any static IP address, subnet mask, and gateway address assigned
to the chassis are deleted from the Administration menu and
replaced with the values the chassis receives from DHCP server. if
you later disable DHCP, these values are returned to their default
settings. For the default settings, refer to Appendix A, “AT-S70
Default Settings” on page 129.
Chapter 4: Basic Parameters
Configuring the Chassis Temperature Threshold
You can set a maximum temperature threshold for the chassis. Whenever
a temperature threshold is exceeded, the chassis sends a trap to the
management workstations.
To set the chassis temperature threshold, perform the procedure:
1. From the Main Menu, select System Configuration.
The System Configuration Menu, as shown in Figure 5 on page 35, is
2. From the System Configuration Menu, select Temperature Threshold
3. The Temperature Threshold Configuration Menu, as shown in Figure
7, is displayed.
Figure 7. Temperature Threshold Configuration Menu
4. In the Maximum Temperature Threshold, the currently set
temperature is displayed in Celsius (° C). Enter a number for the
maximum temperature threshold. The highest possible maximum
temperature is 75° C.
5. Press <Esc> or select the “Return to ...” option at the bottom of the
menu, to save the settings and return to the previous menu.
Temperature Threshold Configuration Menu
Maximum Temperature Threshold: 60
Return to System Configuration Menu ...
AT-S70 Management Software User’s Guide
Pinging a Remote System
You can instruct the chassis to ping a remote device on your network. This
procedure is useful in determining whether a valid link exists between the
chassis and another device. The chassis sends an Internet Control
Message Protocol (ICMP) echo request to the end node. If the end node is
operating and receives the request, it sends a reply to the chassis.
To instruct the chassis to ping a network device, perform the following
1. From the Main Menu, select Administration.
The Administration Menu, as shown in Figure 8, is displayed.
Figure 8. Administration Menu
2. From the Administration Menu, select Ping a remote system.
Administration Menu
Image Download Through TFTP
Image Download Through XMODEM
LineCard Image Download Through XMODEM
LineCard Image Download Through TFTP
Upload Configuration Through TFTP
Download Configuration Through TFTP
Ping a remote system
Syslog Server Address: Null (not configured)
Syslog Facility Code: 1
Event Log
Activity Monitor
> Start Log
Stop Log
CPM Switch Over
Reset Chassis and Restart Line Cards
Return to Main Menu...
Chapter 4: Basic Parameters
The Ping window, as shown in Figure 9, is displayed.
Figure 9. Ping Window
3. Enter the Station IP Address of the end-node you want the chassis to
4. Press <Return>.
The Omega interface activates the Activity Monitor window. This
window reports the results of the Ping command.
A ping command performed from a local or remote Omega session
continues until you press any key to stop it.
5. Press <Esc> or select the “Return to ...” option at the bottom of the
menu, to save the settings and return to the previous menu.
Please enter Station IP Address to ping:
AT-S70 Management Software User’s Guide
Viewing the AT-S70 Software Version Number
To view the latest version of the AT-S70 software release cycle installed in
the chassis, perform the following procedure:
1. From the Main Menu, select Administration.
The Administration Menu, as shown in Figure 8 on page 43, is
2. From the Administration Menu, select Diagnostics.
The Diagnostic Menu, as shown in Figure 10, is displayed.
Figure 10. Diagnostics Menu
3. From the Diagnostics Menu, select Release Cycle Version.
The Release Cycle Menu window, as shown in Figure 11, is displayed.
Figure 11. Release Cycle Menu
4. Press <Esc> or hit any key to continue.
Diagnostics Menu
Chassis Diagnostics
Release Cycle Version
Line Card Image Version
Line Card Information
Return to Administration Menu...
Release Cycle Menu
Engineering Cycle: Cycle G
Hit any key to continue ...
Chapter 4: Basic Parameters
Resetting and Restarting the System
When you reset a system, the system is also restarted. Resetting and
restarting the system is a way to refresh all the statistics displays or
overcome system errors. This process does no affect any system settings
or return the system to its default values. However, it does terminate your
management session and you must log in again after the reset is
If DHCP is enabled, then the IP address of the Converteon chassis
MAY change after a rest or power cycle. For more information on
how to enable DHCP, refer to “Enabling and Disabling DHCP” on
page 40.
To reset a chassis, perform the following procedure:
1. From the Main Menu, select Administration.
The Administration Menu, as shown in Figure 8 on page 43, is
2. From the Administration Menu, select Reset Chassis and Restart
Line Cards.
The Reset Chassis window, as shown in Figure 12, is displayed.
Figure 12. Reset Chassis Window
3. From the Reset Chassis window, select Yes to reset the system or No
to cancel the command.
Resetting the chassis also resets the line cards; therefore the traffic
stops momentarily during the reset.
Do reset chassis now? (Yes or No):
Return to Administration Menu...
AT-S70 Management Software User’s Guide
If Yes is selected, the prompt, as shown in Figure 13, is displayed.
Figure 13. Resetting Chassis Confirmation Window
It takes a few seconds to reset the chassis. Once done, it returns to the
Administration menu. The changes made are now saved to the FLASH
4. To resume managing the chassis, you must reestablish your
management session by logging in again.
The chassis will reset when FLASH writes complete.
Chapter 4: Basic Parameters
Setting the RS-232 Terminal Baud Rate
The default settings for the RS-232 port are:
Bits per second: 1200 bps to 115200bps
Data bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop bits: 1
Flow control: None
To set the RS-232 port to a different baud rate, perform the following
1. From the Main Menu, select System Configuration.
The System Configuration Menu, as shown in Figure 5 on page 35, is
2. From the System Configuration Menu, select Terminal
The Terminal Configuration Menu, as shown in Figure 14, is displayed.
Figure 14. Terminal Configuration Menu
3. From the Terminal Configuration Menu, select Data rate (baud rate).
Terminal Configuration Menu
Data rate (baud rate) ...
Return to System Configuration Menu...
AT-S70 Management Software User’s Guide
The Terminal Data Rate Menu, as shown in Figure 15, is displayed
listing the baud rates.
Figure 15. Terminal Data Rate Menu
4. From the Terminal Data Rate Menu, select the baud rate you want.
Possible baud rates are:
115200 bps (default)
57600 bps
19200 bps
9600 bps
4800 bps
2400 bps
5. Press <Esc> or select the “Return to ...” option at the bottom of the
menu, to save the settings and return to the previous menu.
Changes to the baud rate take effect the next time you start a local
management session.
Terminal Data Rate Menu
> 115200 bps
57600 bps
19200 bps
9600 bps
4800 bps
2400 bps
Return to Terminal Configuration Menu...
Chapter 5
Monitoring System Performance
This chapter describes the features in the AT-S70 for monitoring the
performance of the Converteon chassis.
This chapter contains the following sections:
“Displaying System Status Information” on page 51
“Using the System Activity Monitor” on page 53
“Using the System Diagnostics” on page 56
AT-S70 Management Software User’s Guide
Displaying System Status Information
The AT-S70 management software provides comprehensive status
information about the operation of the chassis and its components,
including detailed information about the line cards.
To view chassis status information, perform the following procedure:
1. From the Main Menu, select Module Status and Configuration.
The Module Status and Configuration Menu, as shown in Figure 16, is
Figure 16. Module Status and Configuration Menu (1/2)
2. In the Module Status and Configuration Menu, click More ... to display
the remainder of the modules and line cards in the chassis, as shown
in Figure 17.
Figure 17. Module Status and Configuration Menu - 2/2
The Module Status and Configuration Menu displays basic information on
all the components currently installed in the chassis, including:
Line cards or CPM card (slots 1 through 18)
LED interface card (slot 19)
Rear expansion slot (slot 20)
Primary and redundant power supplies (slots 21 and 22)
The basic information displayed on the installed component is:
Displays the name of the module or line card and its slot number.
Module Status and Configuration
Module Status Link(A) Link(B) OpMode
17: AT-CM202 On Offline Offline Link Test
18: AT-CM202 On Offline Offline SML
19: LED On -- --
20:(Not Inserted) -- -- --
21: RPSA On
22: RPSB On
More ...
Return to Main Menu ...
Chapter 5: Monitoring System Performance
Indicates the status of the module or line card.
Link (A) and Link (B)
Indicates whether there are any active connections between a port and
the device connected to the port. Online indicates that there is a link while
Offline indicates that there is no link.
Scrolls the screen to show the remaining modules.
3. Press <Esc> or select the “Return to ...” option at the bottom of the
menu, to save the settings and return to the previous menu.
AT-S70 Management Software User’s Guide
Using the System Activity Monitor
The AT-S70 management software keeps a list of the chassis SNMP
events such as removal of a line card, loss of a data link, failure of a fan
module, etc. This list is called the activity log and you use the activity
monitor to display the log. The activity log contains only those events that
have occurred since you started the management session. Ending the
session purges the log.
SNMP Traps The SNMP traps provide information for status of chassis modules such
as line cards, fans, power supplies, as well as chassis temperature.
Activities that generate the SNMP traps are listed as follows:
Module inserted
Module removed
Port link online
Port link offline
Fan failure - fan one of tray one
Fan failure - fan two of tray one
Fan failure - fan one of tray two
Fan failure - fan two of tray two
Fan recovered - fan one of tray one
Fan recovered - fan two of tray one
Fan recovered - fan one of tray two
Fan recovered - fan two of tray two
12V power failure
5V power failure
3.3V power failure
12V power recovered
5V power recovered
3.3V power recovered
Power supply module inserted
Power supply module removed
Chassis Over-Temperature
Chassis Over-Temperature removed
Fan module inserted
Fan module removed
Chapter 5: Monitoring System Performance
Starting and
Stopping the
Activity Log
To start or stop the activity log, perform the following procedure:
1. From the Main Menu, select Administration.
The Administration Menu, as shown in Figure 18, is displayed.
Figure 18. Administration Menu
2. From the Administration Menu, select Start Log to start the activity log
or Stop Log to stop the activity log.
The default is Start Log.
Displaying the
Activity Log
To view the activity log, perform the following procedure:
1. From the Main Menu, select Administration.
The Administration Menu, as shown in Figure 18 on page 54, is
2. From the Administration Menu, select Activity Monitor.
Administration Menu
Image Download Through TFTP
Image Download Through XMODEM
LineCard Image Download Through XMODEM
LineCard Image Download Through TFTP
Upload Configuration Through TFTP
Download Configuration Through TFTP
Ping a remote system
Syslog Server Address: Null (not configured)
Syslog Facility Code: 1
Event Log
Activity Monitor
> Start Log
Stop Log
CPM Switch Over
Reset Chassis and Restart Line Cards
Return to Main Menu...
AT-S70 Management Software User’s Guide
An example of the Activity Monitor window, as shown in Figure 19, is
Figure 19. Activity Monitor Window Example
The activity monitor continues to display system activities until you
press Return to return to the previous menu and select Stop Log.
3. Press <Esc> or select the “Return to ...” option at the bottom of the
menu, to save the settings and return to the previous menu.
Activity Monitor
(hit Return to resume the previous menu)
00/00/00 00:00:23 Module #5 has been removed!
00/00/00 00:00:25 Module #5 has been Installed!
00/00/00 00:00:30 Module #10 has been removed!
00/00/00 00:00:33 Module #10 has been Installed!
Chapter 5: Monitoring System Performance
Using the System Diagnostics
The AT-S70 management software provides an option to run diagnostic
self-tests on the chassis and line cards. The following section describes
how to run chassis diagnostics. Using this information helps you diagnose
performance problems with the chassis.
The diagnostic command displays the status of the following items:
Flash PROM
Serial interface
Power supply status
Optional power supply status (if installed)
Operational status, speed, temperature and power of the fan modules
A diagnostic test also displays the following:
Management Software Release Cycle Version
Management Software Image Version and Cycle Number
Line card MAC Address
Line card Serial Number
Converteon chassis model
Running and current times
To run the chassis diagnostics, perform the following procedure:
1. From the Main Menu, select Administration.
2. The Administration Menu, as shown in Figure 18 on page 54, is
3. From the Administration Menu, select Diagnostics.
AT-S70 Management Software User’s Guide
The Diagnostic Menu, as shown in Figure 20, is displayed.
Figure 20. Diagnostics Menu
4. From the Diagnostics Menu, select Chassis Diagnostics.
The AT-S70 management software runs the diagnostics on the chassis
and displays the Chassis Diagnostics menu, as shown in Figure 21.
Figure 21. Chassis Diagnostics Menu
Diagnostics Menu
Chassis Diagnostics
Release Cycle Version
Line Card Image Version
Line Card Information
Return to Administration Menu...
Chassis Diagnostics Menu
Serial Number:
CONVERTEON Chassis: CV-5000 Chassis Revision V1.1.0
Running 0 days, 1 hours, 10 minutes, 9 seconds
Current Time: 00/00/00 01:10:47
Diagnostic Results:
Flash PROM Good
Serial Interface Good
RPSA Good Fan Status Failed Fan Temperature: 43 C
Fan 3.3V Power: 3.2 V Fan 5V Power: 4.9 V Fan 12V Power: 0.0 V
Fan1 Speed: Off Fan2 Speed: Off
RPSB Failed Fan Status Failed Fan Temperature: 35 C
Fan 3.3V Power: 3.2 V Fan 5V Power: 4.9 V Fan 12V Power: 11.7 V
Fan1 Speed: Off Fan2 Speed: Off
Hit any key to continue ...
Chapter 5: Monitoring System Performance
The information displayed on this menu is for viewing purposes only.
The Flash PROM and Serial Interface test results are displayed as
Good or Failed. If the chassis does not have a optional power supply
installed, the results for “RPSB” is displayed as Failed.
The top portion of the Chassis Diagnostics menu contains the
following items of system information:
Serial Number
Indicates the serial number and hardware revision level of the system.
MAC Address
Indicates the MAC address of the chassis.
Indicates the Converteon chassis model and revision
(i.e. AT-CV5000 Revision 1.0.0).
Indicates the number of hours, minutes, and seconds that the chassis
has been running since it was last powered ON.
Current Time
Indicates the current time set on the chassis.
The lower portion of the Chassis Diagnostic menu contains diagnostic
information of the following items:
Flash PROM
Indicates the status of the Flash PROM and its current voltage.
Serial Interface
Indicates the status of the RS-232 port and its current voltage.
Indicates the status of the power supplies whether or not the power
supply is turned ON.
Fan1 and Fan2
Indicates the status of the fan modules, including the power voltage
they are using, the speed they are running, an their temperature.
5. Press <Esc> or hit any key to return to the previous menu.
AT-S70 Management Software User’s Guide
Displaying Line Card Image Version
To view the latest image version of a line card, perform the following
1. From the Main Menu, select Administration.
The Administration Menu, as shown in Figure 18 on page 54, is
2. From the Administration Menu, select Diagnostics.
The Diagnostic Menu, as shown in Figure 20 on page 57, is displayed.
3. From the Diagnostics Menu, select Line Card Image Version.
The Line Card Module Software Image Version window, as shown in
Figure 22, is displayed.
Figure 22. Line Card Module Software Image Version Window
Line Card Module Software Image Version
Module Version Cycle
1: AT-CV5M01 V1.1.0 Cycle B
2: AT-CM202 V1.1.0 Cycle B
3: AT-CM202 V1.1.0 Cycle B
4:(Not Inserted) -- --
5: AT-CM202 V1.1.0 Cycle B
6: AT-CM202 V1.1.0 Cycle B
7: AT-CM202 V1.1.0 Cycle B
8:(Not Inserted) -- --
9: AT-CM212A/1 V1.1.0 Cycle B
10: AT-CM212A/1 V1.1.0 Cycle B
11: AT-CM212A/1 V1.1.0 Cycle B
12:(Not Inserted) -- --
13: AT-CM212B/1 V1.1.0 Cycle B
14: AT-CM212B/1 V1.1.0 Cycle B
15: AT-CM212B/1 V1.1.0 Cycle B
16:(Not Inserted) -- --
17: AT-CM202 V1.1.0 Cycle B
18: AT-CM202 V1.1.0 Cycle B
Hit any key to continue ...
Chapter 5: Monitoring System Performance
The Line Card Module Software Image Version window contains the
following information:
MAC Address
Indicates the MAC address of the line cards.
Serial Number
Indicates the serial number of the line cards.
4. Press <Esc> or hit any key to continue.
AT-S70 Management Software User’s Guide
Displaying Line Card Information
To view la line card information, perform the following procedure:
1. From the Main Menu, select Administration.
The Administration Menu, as shown in Figure 18 on page 54, is
2. From the Administration Menu, select Diagnostics.
The Diagnostic Menu, as shown in Figure 20 on page 57, is displayed.
3. From the Diagnostics Menu, select Line Card Information.
The Line Card Module Information window, as shown in Figure 23, is
Figure 23. Line Card Module Information Window
Line Card Module Information
Module MAC Address Serial Number
1: AT-CV5M01 000C469A214B 7
2: AT-CM202 323032055148 SN # 32
3: AT-CM202 323032055272 SN # 43
4:(Not Inserted) -- --
5: AT-CM202 323032055331 4#21
6: AT-CM202 323032055515 6#38
7: AT-CM202 323032055546 7#45
8:(Not Inserted) -- --
9: AT-CM212A/1 000C469A21E6 142
10: AT-CM212A/1 000C469A21E6 142
11: AT-CM212B/1 000C469A21DF 135
12:(Not Inserted) -- --
13: AT-CM212B/1 000C469A21DF 135
14: AT-CM212B/1 000C469A21DF 135
15: AT-CM212B/1 000C469A21DF 135
16:(Not Inserted) -- --
17: AT-CM202 323032055611 SN # 49
18: AT-CM202 323032055702 SN # 67
Hit any key to continue ...
Chapter 5: Monitoring System Performance
The Line Card Module Information window contains the following
Indicates the software version the line cards are using.
Indicates the cycle release number of the software version the line
cards are using.
4. Press <Esc> or hit any key to continue.
Chapter 6
Event Logs and Syslog Servers
This chapter describes how to view and clear the contents of the event
logs. The event logs that allow you to view chassis information. In addition,
it also discusses how to configure the syslog server address and facility
code. Sections in the chapter include:
“Event Log Overview” on page 64
“Displaying an Event Log” on page 65
“Clearing an Event Log” on page 67
Chapter 6: Event Logs and Syslog Servers
Event Log Overview
A managed Converteon media chassis is a complex piece of computer
that includes both hardware and software. Multiple software features
operate simultaneously, interoperating with each other and processing
large amounts of network traffic. It is often difficult to determine exactly
what is happening when a chassis appears not to be operating normally,
or what happened when the problem occurred.
A network manager’s major task is to monitor the system functions and to
deal with problems as they arise. One method for doing this is to view the
event messages that are generated by the chassis and sent to the event
log. This events can provide vital information about system activity on a
Converteon chassis that help you identify and solve system problems. The
event log includes the following information:
The date of an event
The time of an event
A message of the event
There are two ways that you can view a chassis’ event messages. The first
method is to view an event log. The second method is to have the chassis
send its events to a syslog server. The syslog server functions as a central
repository that stores events from many network devices simultaneously.
In order for a Converteon chassis to send its events to a syslog server, you
must define the syslog output. The syslog output includes the IP address
of the syslog server along with other information such as the types of event
messages you want the chassis to send to the syslog server.
The event logs, even when disabled, log all AT-S70 initialization
events that occur when the chassis is reset and power cycled. Any
chassis events that occur after the AT-S70 initialization are entered
into the logs only if you enable the event log feature. The default
setting for the event log feature is enabled.
AT-S70 Management Software User’s Guide
Working with the Event Log
This section contains the following procedures:
“Displaying an Event Log” on page 65
“Clearing an Event Log” on page 67
Displaying an
Event Log
Each time that you want to view the event log, you must choose how and
what you want displayed. The event log settings are not saved.
To specify the type of events you want to display in the event log, perform
the following procedure:
1. From the Main Menu, select Administration.
The Administration Menu, as shown in Figure 24, is displayed.
Figure 24. Administration Menu
Administration Menu
Image Download Through TFTP
Image Download Through XMODEM
LineCard Image Download Through XMODEM
LineCard Image Download Through TFTP
Upload Configuration Through TFTP
Download Configuration Through TFTP
Ping a remote system
Syslog Server Address: Null (not configured)
Syslog Facility Code: 1
Event Log
Activity Monitor
> Start Log
Stop Log
CPM Switch Over
Reset Chassis and Restart Line Cards
Return to Main Menu...
Chapter 6: Event Logs and Syslog Servers
2. From the Administration Menu, select Event Log.
The Event Log Menu window is displayed, as shown in Figure 25.
Figure 25. Event Log Menu
3. From the Event Log Menu, select Display Event Log.
An example of an event log, shown in Figure 26, is displayed.
Figure 26. Example of an Event Log
The events are displayed in a table. The columns in the table are
described below:
The date the event occurred.
Event Log Menu
Display Event Log
Clear Event Log
Return to Administration Menu ...
Event Log
Total Events: 8. Displaying: 1 to 8
Date Time Message
00/00/00 00:00:02: REPORT: Power Module 1 Inserted
00/00/00 00:00:02: REPORT: Power Module 2 Removed
00/00/00 00:00:02: REPORT: Fan Tray #1 has been removed!
00/00/00 00:00:02: REPORT: Fan Tray #2 has been removed!
00/00/00 00:00:02: REPORT: Power Module 1 Inserted
00/00/00 00:00:02: REPORT: Power Module 2 Removed
00/00/00 00:00:02: REPORT: Fan Tray #1 has been removed!
00/00/00 00:00:02: REPORT: Fan Tray #2 has been removed!
N - Next Page, P - Previous Page, F - First Page, L - Last Page, R - Return
AT-S70 Management Software User’s Guide
The time the event occurred.
The activity the event reported.
4. Type the following to scroll through the event log:
N - Next page
P - Previous page
F - First page
L - Last page
R - Return to the Event Log Menu
To clear the current event log, go to the next section “Clearing an
Event Log”.
Clearing an
Event Log
You can clear the event log to remove old events and start fresh. To clear
the event log, perform the following procedure:
1. From the Main Menu, select Administration.
The Administration Menu, as shown in Figure 24 on page 65, is
1. From the Administration Menu, select Event Log.
The Event Log Menu window is displayed, as shown in Figure 25 on
page 66.
2. From the Event Log Menu, select Clear Event Log.
The following prompt is displayed:
Please wait while the event log is cleared...
3. When the clearing process is done, hit any key to continue.
Chapter 6: Event Logs and Syslog Servers
Working with the Syslog Server
Syslog Server
To specify the IP address of the syslog server, perform the following
1. From the Main Menu, select Administration.
The Administration Menu, as shown in Figure 24 on page 65, is
2. From the Administration Menu, select Syslog Server Address field
and enter the IP address of the syslog server.
3. Press <Return>.
The syslog server IP address is displayed.
AT-S70 Management Software User’s Guide
Setting Syslog Facility Code
This feature adds a facility code to the entries when they are sent to the
syslog server. The facility level is a way for you to add a numerical code to
each entry to help you group entries on the syslog server according to the
module or system that produced them. This grouping helps you determine
which events belong to which device when a syslog server is collecting
events from several network devices. You can specify only one facility
To specify the facility code of the syslog server, perform the following
1. From the Main Menu, select Administration.
The Administration Menu, as shown in Figure 24 on page 65, is
2. From the Administration Menu, select Syslog Facility Code field and
enter the facility code of the syslog server.
There are two approaches to using this feature. The first is to use the
default code setting “0” which is based on the functional groupings
defined in the RFC 3164 standard. The numerical codes that are
applicable to the AT-S70 management software and its modules are
shown in Table 2.
Table 2. Syslog Facility Applicable RFC 3164 Numerical Codes
Numerical Code Facility
0 kernel messages
1 user-level messages
2 mail system
3 system daemons
4security/authorization messages 1
5 messages generated internally by syslog
6 line printer subsystem
7 network news subsystem
8 UUCP subsystem
9clock daemon 2
10 security/authorization messages 1
Chapter 6: Event Logs and Syslog Servers
1 Various operating systems have been found to utilize Facilities 4, 10, 13 and
14 for security/authorization, audit, and alert messages which seem to be
2. Various operating systems have been found to utilize both Facilities 9 and 15
for clock (cron/at) messages.
For example, selecting LOCAL1 as the facility level assigns the
numerical code of 17 to all events sent by the chassis to the syslog
3. Press <Return>.
The selected syslog facility code is displayed.
11 FTP daemon
12 NTP subsystem
13 log audit 1
14 log alert 1
15 clock daemon 2
16 local use 0 (LOCAL0)
17 local use 1 (LOCAL1)
18 local use 2 (LOCAL2)
19 local use 3 (LOCAL3)
20 local use 4 (LOCAL4)
21 local use 5 (LOCAL5)
22 local use 6 (LOCAL6)
23 local use 7 (LOCAL7)
Table 2. Syslog Facility Applicable RFC 3164 Numerical Codes
Chapter 7
Working with Line Cards and Other
This chapter contains the following procedures:
“Displaying Basic Line Card Information” on page 72
“Displaying Line Card Status Information” on page 74
“Changing Line Card Settings” on page 76
“Displaying AT-CV5M01 CPM Card Status Information” on page 83
“Displaying LED Interface Card Status Information” on page 85
Chapter 7: Working with Line Cards and Other Modules
Displaying Basic Line Card Information
To display the status of the modules and line cards in the Converteon
chassis, perform the following procedure:
1. From the Main Menu, select Module Status and Configuration.
The Module Status and Configuration Menu, as shown in Figure 27, is
Figure 27. Module Status and Configuration Menu
The fields are defined below:
Displays the name of the module or line card and its slot number.
Indicates the current status of the line card, whether there is no line
card inserted (--) or the correct line card is inserted in the slot and the
power is ON.
Module Status and Configuration
Module Status Link(A) Link(B) OpMode
1: AT-CV5M01 On Offline
2: AT-CM202 On Offline Offline Link Test
3: AT-CM202 On Offline Offline Link Test
4:(Not Inserted) -- -- -- --
5: AT-CM202 On Offline Offline Link Test
6: AT-CM202 On Offline Offline Link Test
7: AT-CM202 On Offline Offline Link Test
8:(Not Inserted) -- -- -- --
9: AT-CM212A/1 On Offline Offline Link Test
10:AT-CM212A/1 On Offline Offline Link Test
11:AT-CM212A/1 On Offline Offline Link Test
12:(Not Inserted) -- -- -- --
13:AT-CM212B/1 On Offline Offline SML
14:AT-CM212B/1 On Offline Offline SML
15:AT-CM212B/1 On Offline Offline SML
16:(Not Inserted) -- -- -- --
More ...
Return to Main Menu ...
AT-S70 Management Software User’s Guide
Link (A) and Link (B)
Indicates whether there are any active connections between a port and
the device connected to the port. Online indicates that there is a link
while Offline indicates that there is no link.
Indicates the operating mode status configured on the line cards.
Possible values are:
Smart Missing Link Mode (SML)
Missing Link Mode (ML)
OAM Visible Mode
Link Test Mode
Scrolls the screen to show the remaining modules.
2. Press <Esc> or select the “Return to ...” option at the bottom of the
menu, to save the settings and return to the previous menu.
Chapter 7: Working with Line Cards and Other Modules
Displaying Line Card Status Information
The AT-S70 management software provides detailed information about
the line cards including items such as link, port speed, duplex mode, and
To display detailed line card status information, perform the following
1. From the Main Menu, select Module Status and Configuration.
The Module Status and Configuration Menu, as shown in Figure 27 on
page 72, is displayed.
2. Select the line card whose information you want to display.
3. Press <Return>.
An example of the Module Configuration Menu for the AT-MC202 line
card, as shown in Figure 28, is displayed.
Figure 28. Module Configuration Menu (Line Card)
The Module Configuration Menu items and options are described
Displays the type of line card you selected.
Identifies the port of the module selected.
Module Configuration Menu
Module 5
Module: AT-CM202
Port Link Speed Mode RX/ACT
A(100BaseFX) Offline 100M Full Off
B(100BaseTX) Offline 10M Half Off
Configure Operating Mode
Module name
Return to Module Status and Configuration Menu...
AT-S70 Management Software User’s Guide
Displays the status of the link state on the ports.
Online - Indicates that there is a valid link.
Offline - Indicates that there is no link.
Displays the operating speed of the ports.
Possible values are:
Fiber port (Port A) - 10M or 100M
Copper port (Port B) - Auto, 10M, or 100M
Displays the duplex mode of the ports. Possible values are:
Auto - The port is auto-negotiating with the connected device to
automatically configure to the highest common setting.
Full - The module can send and receive data simultaneously.
Half - The module can send or receive data, but not both at the
same time.
Displays the status of the RX/ACT state on this port. Possible values
On - The status report of the RX/ACT state on the port is turned
Off - The status report of the RX/ACT state on the port is not active.
Module Name
Displays the name that given to the line card selected. Left blank if it
has not been given a name.
4. Press <Esc> or select the “Return to ...” option at the bottom of the
menu, to save the settings and return to the previous menu.
Chapter 7: Working with Line Cards and Other Modules
Changing Line Card Settings
You can change the following settings to fit your network needs:
“Changing Line Card Name and Location” on page 76
“Enabling and Disabling a Line Card” on page 76
“Changing Line Card Port Duplex Mode” on page 80
“Configuring the Line Card Ingress/Egress Rate Limit” on page 81
Changing Line
Card Name and
To change the name and location of the line card, perform the following
1. From the Main Menu, select Module Status and Configuration.
The Module Status and Configuration Menu, as shown in Figure 27 on
page 72, is displayed.
2. Select the line card whose information you want to change.
3. Press <Return>.
The Module Configuration Menu, as shown in Figure 28 on page 74, is
4. In the Module Name, enter a name for the line card.
You may want to choose a name that reflects the group connected to
that line card, such as Engineering. The name can contain up to 40
alphanumeric characters, spaces, and special characters.
5. Press <Esc> or select the “Return to ...” option at the bottom of the
menu, to save the settings and return to the previous menu.
Enabling and
Disabling a Line
When you enable a line card, you make it available to send and receive
network traffic.
To verify if a line card is enabled or disabled, or to change that setting,
perform the following procedure:
1. From the Main Menu, select Module Status and Configuration.
The Module Status and Configuration Menu, as shown in Figure 27 on
page 72, is displayed.
2. Select the line card whose information you want to change.
3. Press <Return>.
The Module Configuration Menu, as shown in Figure 28 on page 74, is
AT-S70 Management Software User’s Guide
4. Select Port A (fiber - top) or Port B (copper - bottom) of the line card.
5. Press <Return>.
The Port Management Menu, as shown in Figure 29, is displayed.
Figure 29. Port Management Menu
6. From the Port Management Menu, select Port Configurations.
The Port Configuration Menu, as shown in Figure 30, is displayed.
Figure 30. Port Configuration Menu
7. From the Port Configuration Menu, select Port Enable to enable the
port or Port Disable to disable the port. The default is enabled.
Once the port is disabled, it no longer receives or sends packets. You
might want to disable a port if a problem occurs with the end-node or
with the cable connected to the port. Once the problem is fixed, you
can enable the port again to resume normal operation. You can also
disable an unused port to secure it from unauthorized connections.
8. Press <Esc> or select the “Return to ...” option at the bottom of the
menu, to save the settings and return to the previous menu.
Port Management Menu
Module 5 - Port A
Port Configurations
OAM Configurations
Return to Module Configuration Menu...
Port Configuration Menu
Module 5 - Port A
> Port Enable
Port Disable
> Auto negotiate
Return to Module Management Menu...
Chapter 7: Working with Line Cards and Other Modules
Changing Line
Card Operating
To change the operating mode of a line card, perform the following
1. From the Main Menu, select Module Status and Configuration.
The Module Status and Configuration Menu, as shown in Figure 27 on
page 72, is displayed.
2. Select the line card whose information you want to change.
3. Press <Return>.
The Module Configuration Menu, as shown in Figure 28 on page 74, is
4. Select Configure Operating Mode.
5. Press <Return>.
The Operating Mode Config Menu, as shown in Figure 29, is
Figure 31. Port Management Menu
6. From the Operating Mode Config Menu, select one of the following
operating modes:
Smart Missing Link Mode
This mode performs exactly the same function as MissingLinkTM with
one additional feature. When a link is lost on a port, the LK LED of the
port that still has a valid connection to its end-node starts to blink. This
allows you to quickly determine which port still has a valid connection
(LK LED blinking) and which port has lost its connection (LK LD off).
Missing Link Mode
This mode enables the ports on the media converter to pass the “Link”
status of their connections to each other. When the media converter
detects a problem on one of the ports, such as the loss of connection
Operating Mode Config Menu
Module 5
Smart Missing Link Mode
Missing Link Mode
OAM Visible Mode
> Link Test Mode
Return to Module Configuration Menu ...
AT-S70 Management Software User’s Guide
to an end-node, the media converter shuts down the connection to the
other port, thus notifying the end-node that the connection has been
In this mode, the line card receives OAMPDU packets, but forwards
them onto the other port. This allows Converteon to be used in a
network where the Converteon chassis is not part of the IEEE802.3ah
end points. (i.e. in this mode, the OAM function of the media blade is
disabled). To configure as OAM bypass mode, the module will pass all
OAMPDUs whose vendor OUI is not Allied Telesyn.
OAM Visible Mode
In this mode, the line card does respond to OAMPDU packets. In an
unmanaged chassis, the line card will be in passive mode. In a
managed chassis, the line card can either be in passive or active mode
depending on how it is software configured. For detailed information,
refer to Table 3, “OAM Active and Passive Mode Behaviors” on page
89. To configure as OAM visible mode, the module will respond to all
Link Test Mode
This is the default setting. The mode is to test the connections between
the line card ports and the end-nodes that are connected to the ports. If
a network problem occurs, you can perform a link test to determine
which port is experiencing a problem, and so be able to focus your
troubleshooting efforts on the cable and end-node where the problem
Chapter 7: Working with Line Cards and Other Modules
Changing Line
Card Port Duplex
To change the duplex mode of a port on the line card, perform the
following procedure:
1. From the Main Menu, select Module Status and Configuration.
The Module Status and Configuration Menu, as shown in Figure 27 on
page 72, is displayed.
2. Select the line card whose information you want to change.
3. Press <Return>.
The Module Configuration Menu, as shown in Figure 28 on page 74, is
4. Select the port that you want to configure.
5. Press <Return>.
The Port Management Menu, as shown in Figure 30 on page 77, is
6. From the Port Management Menu, select Port Configurations.
The Port Configuration Menu, as shown in Figure 30 on page 77, is
7. Select the one of the following duplex modes:
Auto negotiate
This is the default setting. This selection is to configure the speed of
the port that is set automatically by the chassis after it determines the
speed of the end-node connected to the port. Auto-Negotiation is
designed to ensure that the port on the chassis and the end-node are
operating at the same speed and that they are communicating at the
highest possible common speed of the devices.
This selection is to configure that the port can send or receive data, but
not both at the same time. Use this setting if you know that the device
connected to the port supports half-duplex mode.
This selection is to configure that the port can both send and receive
data simultaneously. You can select this setting for a port if you know
that the end-node connected to the port supports full-duplex.
8. Press <Esc> or select the “Return to ...” option at the bottom of the
menu, to save the settings and return to the previous menu.
AT-S70 Management Software User’s Guide
Configuring the
Line Card
Rate Limit
There are certain rules that a chassis follows as it receives and forwards
an Ethernet frame. There are rules for frames as they enter a port (called
ingress rules) and rules for when a frame is transmitted out of a port
(called egress rules). A chassis will not accept and forward a frame unless
the frame passes the ingress and egress rules.
To configure the ingress/egress rate limit on the line card, perform the
following procedure:
1. From the Main Menu, select Module Status and Configuration.
The Module Status and Configuration Menu, as shown in Figure 27 on
page 72, is displayed.
2. Select the line card whose information you want to change.
3. Press <Return>.
The Module Configuration Menu, as shown in Figure 28 on page 74, is
4. Select the port that you want to configure.
5. Press <Return>.
The Port Management Menu, as shown in Figure 30 on page 77, is
6. From the Port Management Menu, select Port Configurations.
The Port Configuration Menu, as shown in Figure 30 on page 77, is
7. From the Port Configuration Menu, select Ingress_Rate_Limit or
Chapter 7: Working with Line Cards and Other Modules
The Port Ingress Rate Menu, as shown in Figure 32, or the Port
Egress Rate Menu, as shown in Figure 29, is displayed.
Figure 32. Port Ingress Rate Menu
This parameter allows the user to configure the ingress rate limit on
the selected port. The default value is Ingress_Rate_Limit_No.
Figure 33. Port Egress Rate Menu
This parameter allows the user to configure the egress rate limit on the
selected port. The default values is Egress_Rate_Limit_No.
8. Press <Esc> or select the “Return to ...” option at the bottom of the
menu, to save the settings and return to the previous menu.
Port Ingress Rate Menu
> Ingress_Rate_Limit_No
Return to Port Configuration Menu ...
Port Egress Rate Menu
> Egress_Rate_Limit_No
Return to Port Configuration Menu ...
AT-S70 Management Software User’s Guide
Displaying AT-CV5M01 CPM Card Status Information
The following procedure allows you to view and change the parameter
settings on the AT-CV5M01 CPM card.
To display the status of a CPM card, perform the following procedure:
1. From the Main Menu, select Module Status and Configuration.
The Module Status and Configuration Menu, as shown in Figure 27 on
page 72, is displayed.
2. Select the CPM card you want to view the status.
3. Press <Return>.
The Module Configuration Menu, as shown in Figure 34, is displayed.
Figure 34. Module Configuration Menu (CPM Card)
The Module Configuration Menu items and options are described
Displays the type of line card you selected.
Identifies the port of the module selected.
Displays the status of the link state on the ports.
Online - Indicates that there is a valid link.
Offline - Indicates that there is no link.
Module Configuration Menu
Module 1
Module: AT-CV5M01
Port Link Speed Mode
A(100BaseTx) Online Auto Auto
Module Name
Reset CPM and Restart System Software
Return to Module Status and Configuration Menu...
Chapter 7: Working with Line Cards and Other Modules
Displays the operating speed of the ports. Possible values are Auto,
10M, 100M, or 1000M.
Displays the duplex mode of the ports. Possible values are:
Auto - The port is auto-negotiating with the connected device to
automatically configure to the highest common setting.
Full - The module can send and receive data simultaneously.
Half - The module can send or receive data, but not both at the same
Module Name
Displays the name that given to the AT-CV5M01 CPM card selected.
Left blank if it has not been given a name.
Reset CPM and Restart System Software
Resets the settings of the selected CPM card and restarts the system.
4. Press <Esc> or select the “Return to ...” option at the bottom of the
menu, to save the settings and return to the previous menu.
AT-S70 Management Software User’s Guide
Displaying LED Interface Card Status Information
The following procedure allows you to view the LED status displayed on
the LED interface card residing in Slot 19.
To display the LED status, perform the following procedure:
1. From the Main Menu, select Module Status and Configuration.
The Module Status and Configuration Menu, as shown in Figure 27 on
page 72, is displayed.
2. Select the LED interface card located in Slot 9 to view the status.
3. Press <Return>.
The LED Status, as shown in Figure 35, is displayed.
Figure 35. LED Status
4. Press <Esc> or select the “Return to ...” option at the bottom of the
menu, to save the settings and return to the previous menu.
LED Status
Power Supply 1 ON
Power Supply 2 OFF
Fan Tray 1 ON
Fan Tray 2 ON
CPU Ready ON
CPU Fault ON
Master ON
Return to Module Status and Configuration Menu...
Chapter 8
Operations, Administration, and
Maintenance (OAM)
This chapter describes the Operations, Administration, and Maintenance
(OAM) feature, which provides mechanism useful for monitoring link
operation such as remote fault indication and remote loopback control. In
general, OAM provides network operators the ability to monitor the
condition of the network and determine the location of the failing links or
fault conditions.
This chapter contains the following procedures:
“Overview” on page 87
“Configuring OAM Operations” on page 91
“Displaying OAM Information and Statistics” on page 96
“OAM Loopback Test” on page 105
“Sending OAM Variable Request” on page 109
AT-S70 Management Software User’s Guide
The Operation, Administration and Maintenance (OAM) is a group of
functions that provides tools and utilities used to manage a network. The
OAM feature is 802.3ah-compliant and is used to provide network
indication, system configuration, performance monitoring, security
management, diagnostic functions and configuration. Each function in the
OAM feature is described below:
Operations: Coordinates actions between Administration and
Maintenance functions.
Administration: Coordinates administrative functions such as designing a
system or network, processing order, assigning addresses, tracking usage
and accounting.
Maintenance: Coordinates maintenance functions such as diagnosing
and troubleshooting system features that do not work as planned.
The advantage of this OAM feature is that you can monitor and
troubleshoot the network without having a technician on site.
With the SNMPv1 and SNMPv2 protocols, you can create community
groups and define SNMP manager IP addresses. SNMP has been known
as a flexible tool used for managing the Ethernet links and networks.
However, it does not offer some of the management functionalities
required by some networks, especially when the underlying network is in a
non-operational status. In this case, the 802.3ah OAM feature is a better
solution because it provides the management capabilities at every layer of
the network.
Note that the 802.3ah OAM capabilities are not intended to replace
SNMP as a management utilities, but are there to enhance it.
The following functions are supported on some of the Converteon line
OAM Discovery OAM discovery function is used to exchange the information about OAM
entities capabilities, configuration and identity between the Converteon
line cards. The discovery process allows a local station to detect OAM
support on a remote station. Once the OAM support is detected on a
remote station, both ends of the link exchange OAM entities capabilities,
configuration, and identity information (such as mode, PDU size, loopback
support, etc.). If both stations are satisfied with the settings, OAM
discovery is enabled on the link. However, if one of the stations
experiences a link loss or fails to receive OAM Protocol Data Units
(OAMPDUs) for five seconds, the OAM discovery process will restart.
Chapter 8: Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM)
One important aspect of the IEEE 802.3ah OAM spec is that an OAM
entity may be in either Active or Passive mode.
Active Mode – Active-mode stations forward OAM communications
and can send queries and commands to a remote station.
Passive Mode – Passive-mode stations wait for the peer station to
forward OAM communications and then respond to commands and
queries. Generally, passive-mode do not initiate communications.
By default, the Converteon line card should come up in Passive mode for
OAM discovery (as per the IEEE 802.3ah). In order to initiate OAM
discovery, the line card needs to be configured in the Active mode by the
AT-CV5M01 CPM card. Therefore, if a line card is in a chassis with no
CPM card, it will come up in Passive mode.
The difference between the modes is that an OAM active-mode station
has more control on its peer than an OAM passive-mode station. For
example, an active-mode station can put a passive-mode station into
loopback mode, but not vice versa.
AT-S70 Management Software User’s Guide
Table 3 lists the OAM Active and OAM Passive mode behaviors.
Two Ethernet ports use OAMPDU to exchange the OAM protocol. The
OAMPDUs use a specific multicast destination address and EtherType.
Most of the OAMPDU types are used to define a set of standard type-
length-value (TLV) encoding of attributes within the type. The OAMPDU
types are described below:
Information OAMPDUs – Information OAMPDUs are used for
discovery; they are variable-length OAMPDUs. There are three TLVs
for Information PDUs: Local Information, Remote Information, and
Organizational Specific. Local and Remote Information is used in the
discovery process. The Organizational Specific Information TLV is
used for vendor extensions.
Event OAMPDUs – Event OAMPDUs are used for link monitoring,
they are variable-length OAMPDUs. The data field in this event
OAMPDU contains a data field of one or more link event TLVs.
Loopback Control OAMPDUs – Loopback Control OAMPDUs are
used to provide the loopback command.
Variable Request/Response OAMPDUs – The Variable Request/
Response OAMPDUs accessible through OAM must be in the
Ethernet branch of the management information based (MIB) tree. For
more information, refer to “MIB Variable Retrieval and Extensions” on
page 90.
Table 3. OAM Active and Passive Mode Behaviors
Capability Active Passive
Initiates OAM Discovery process Yes No
Reacts to OAM Discovery process initiation Yes Yes
Required to send Information OAMPDUs Yes Yes
Permitted to send Event Notification OAMPDUs Yes Yes
Permitted to send Variable Request OAMPDUs Yes No
Permitted to send Variable Response OAMPDUs Yes* Yes
Permitted to send Loopback Control OAMPDUs Yes No
Reacts to Loopback Control OAMPDUs Yes* Yes
Permitted to send Organization Specific
Yes Yes
* Requires the peer station to be in Active mode.
Chapter 8: Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM)
Organizational Specific OAMPDUs – Organizations Specific
OAMPDUs are used to define events that are of variable-length. They
are variable-length OAMPDUs and are distinguish by the Organization
Unique Identifier (OUI).
Unsupported OAMPDUs – Unknown/unsupported OAMPDUs are
used to send the PDUs to the OAM Client. This is different from typical
Ethernet (802.3x) behavior, which filtered unsupported opcodes.
OAM Remote
OAM Remote loopback is used to test the link performance. This remote
loopback is most useful as a diagnostic tool, where it can be used to
identify problem segments in large network. It performs the testing of
segments and links by sending test frames thought the connections. When
in OAM remote loopback mode, the metrics such as delay, throughput, bit
error rate (BER), and jitter can be calculated to determine the overall
quality of a connection.
MIB Variable
Retrieval and
The IEEE 802.3ah Ethernet OAM specs define a generic mechanism for
one OAM entity to query another entity for the value of any MIB variable.
MIB variables include all performance and error statistics maintained on
an Ethernet link. This capability provides a generic monitoring capability
for one station to monitor any parameter on another station for
performance or error detection.
The MIB Variable Extensions can be used to implement extra events such
as including additional information during discovery or even adding a
completely proprietary OAM protocol to the standard operation.
AT-S70 Management Software User’s Guide
Configuring OAM Operations
To configure the OAM operations, perform the following procedure:
1. From the Main Menu, select Module Status and Configuration.
The Module Status and Configuration Menu, as shown in Figure 36, is
Figure 36. Module Status and Configuration Menu (1/2)
2. Select a line card on which you want to configure.
3. Press <Return>.
The Module Configuration Menu, as shown in Figure 37, is displayed.
Module Status and Configuration
Module Status Link(A) Link(B) OpMode
1: AT-CV5M01 On Offline
2: AT-CM202 On Offline Offline Link Test
3: AT-CM202 On Offline Offline Link Test
4:(Not Inserted) -- -- -- --
5: AT-CM202 On Offline Offline Link Test
6: AT-CM202 On Offline Offline Link Test
7: AT-CM202 On Offline Offline Link Test
8:(Not Inserted) -- -- -- --
9: AT-CM212A/1 On Offline Offline Link Test
10:AT-CM212A/1 On Offline Offline Link Test
11:AT-CM212A/1 On Offline Offline Link Test
12:(Not Inserted) -- -- -- --
13:AT-CM212B/1 On Offline Offline SML
14:AT-CM212B/1 On Offline Offline SML
15:AT-CM212B/1 On Offline Offline SML
16:(Not Inserted) -- -- -- --
More ...
Return to Main Menu ...
Chapter 8: Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM)
Figure 37. Module Configuration Menu (Line Card)
4. Select the port that you want to configure the OAM operations on.
5. Press <Return>.
The Port Management Menu, as shown in Figure 38, is displayed.
Figure 38. Port Management Menu
6. From the Port Management Menu, select OAM Configurations.
Module Configuration Menu
Module 5
Module: AT-CM202
Port Link Speed Mode RX/ACT
A(100BaseFX) Offline 100M Full Off
B(100BaseTX) Offline 10M Half Off
Configure Operating Mode
Module name
Return to Module Status and Configuration Menu...
Port Management Menu
Module 5 - Port A
Port Configurations
OAM Configurations
Return to Module Configuration Menu...
AT-S70 Management Software User’s Guide
The OAM Configuration Menu, as shown in Figure 39, is displayed.
Figure 39. OAM Configuration Menu
7. From the OAM Configuration Menu, select the OAM Configuration
The OAM Configuration Sub-Menu, as shown in Figure 40, is
Figure 40. OAM Configuration Sub-Menu
The OAM Configuration Menu items and options are described below:
OAM Configuration
Module 5, Port A
OAM Configuration
Show Local OAM Information
Show Remote OAM Information
Show OAM Statistics
OAM Loopback Test
Send OAM Variable Request
Return to Port Management Menu ...
OAM Configuration
Module 5, Port A
Admin State Enabled
Mode Active
Maximum OAMPDU Size 1518
Unidirectional Support Yes
Loopback Support Yes
Link Event Support No
Variable Retrieval Support Yes
Return to OAM Configurations ...
Chapter 8: Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM)
Admin State
Indicates the current status of the OAM administration. Possible
values are:
Enabled – The OAM administration status is enabled. (default)
Disabled – The OAM administration status is disabled.
Indicates that the OAM sublayer entity is either in Active or Passive
mode. Possible values are:
Passive – The OAM sublayer entity is configured in Passive mode.
Active – The OAM sublayer entity is configured in Active mode.
By default, the card should come up in Passive mode for OAM
discovery (as per the IEEE 802.3ah). In order to initiate OAM
discovery, the card should change from Passive mode to Active
mode by the CPM card within a chassis. Therefore, if a line card is in
a chassis with no CPM card, it should come up in Passive mode.
Maximum OAMPDU Size
Indicates an eleven bit value corresponding to the Maximum OAMPDU
Size value within the OAMPDU Configuration field in the most recently
transmitted OAMPDU. Possible values range from 64 to 1522. The
default value is 1518.
Unidirectional Support
Indicates whether or not the selected port is capable of sending
OAMPDUs when the receive path is non-operational.
Yes – Capable of sending OAMPDUs when the receive path is
non-operational. (default)
No – Not capable of sending OAMPDUs when the receive path is
Loopback Support
Indicates whether or not the selected port supports OAM loopback.
Yes – Supports OAM loopback mode. (default)
No – Does not support OAM loopback mode.
Link Event Support
Indicates whether or not the selected port supports interpreting Link
Yes – Supports interpreting Link Events.
No – Does not support interpreting Link Events. (No)
AT-S70 Management Software User’s Guide
Variable Retrieval Support
Indicates whether or not the chassis supports sending Variable
Response OAMPDUs.
Yes – Supports sending Variable Response OAMPDUs. (default)
No – Does not support sending Variable Response OAMPDUs.
8. Press <Esc> or select the “Return to ...” option at the bottom of the
menu, to save the settings and return to the previous menu.
Chapter 8: Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM)
Displaying OAM Information and Statistics
This section contains the procedures on how to display the OAM
information and statistics on the local module.
Displaying Local
To display the status on the local OAM, perform the following procedure:
1. From the Main Menu, select Module Status and Configuration.
The Module Status and Configuration Menu, as shown in Figure 2 on
page 91, is displayed.
2. Select a line card on which you want to configure.
3. Press <Return>.
The Module Configuration Menu, as shown in Figure 4 on page 92, is
4. Select the port that you want to show information of the OAM
operations on.
5. Press <Return>.
The Port Management Menu, as shown in Figure 6 on page 92, is
6. From the Port Management Menu, select OAM Configurations.
The OAM Configuration Menu, as shown in Figure 7 on page 93, is
7. From the OAM Configuration Menu, select the Show Local OAM
Information Menu.
AT-S70 Management Software User’s Guide
The Show Local OAM Information Menu, as shown in Figure , is
For more information on the OAMPDU types, refer to “OAMPDU
Types” on page 89.
Show Local OAM Information
Module 5, Port A
Line Card Operation Mode OAM Visible Mode
Operation Status Operational
Mux State Forward
Parser State Forward
Local Discovering Yes
Local Stable No
Remote Discovering No
Remote Stable No
Critical Event No
Dying Gasp No
Link Fault No
OAM Version 0x01
Config Revision 0x0000
Vendor Information 0x00160001
Vendor OUI 00-30-84
Loopback State None
In Loopback Test No
Return to OAM Configurations ...
Chapter 8: Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM)
The Show Local OAM Information Menu items and options are
described below:
Line Card Operation Mode
Indicates whether the selected port is configuring as OAM visible or
bypass mode.
OAM Bypass Mode – In this mode, the line card receives
OAMPDU packets, but forwards them onto the other port. This
allows Converteon to be used in a network where the Converteon
chassis is not part of the IEEE802.3ah end points. (i.e. in this
mode, the OAM function of the line card is disabled). To configure
as OAM bypass mode, the module will pass all OAMPDUs whose
vendor OUI is not Allied Telesyn.
OAM Visible Mode – In this mode, the line card does respond to
OAMPDU packets. In an unmanaged chassis, the line card will be
in passive mode. In a managed chassis, the line card can either be
in passive or active mode depending on how it is software
configured. For detailed information, refer to “OAM Active and
Passive Mode Behaviors” on page 89. To configure as OAM
visible mode, the module will respond to all OAMPDUs.(default)
Operation Status
Indicates the OAM operational status. Possible values are:
Disabled – The OAM operation has been disabled.
Passive Wait – A station configured in Passive mode waits until
receiving information OAMPDUS with Local Information TLVs
before sending any Information OAMPDU with Local Information
TLVs. By waiting until first receiving an Information OAMPDU with
the Local Information.
Active Send Local – A station configured in Active mode sends
Information OAMPDUs that only contain the Local Information
TLV. While in this state, the local station waits for Information
OAMPDUs received from the remote station.
Send Local and Remote – The flow of frames is generated within
the local and remote stations and across the link during loopback.
OAM Peering Locally Rejected – The configuration of the peer
OAM entity has been rejected by the remote station.
OAM Peering Remotely Rejected – The configuration of the peer
OAM entity has been rejected by the local station.
Operational – The OAM operation is in operational mode. (default)
AT-S70 Management Software User’s Guide
Mux State
Governs the flow of frames from the MAC Client through the
multiplexer function. Possible values are:
Forward – Multiplexer passes MAC Client frames to subordinate
sublayer. (default)
Discard – Multiplexer discards MAC Client frames.
Parser State
Indicates the state of the parser function in the OAM peer as reflected
in the latest OAMPDU. This value is changed based on loopback
actions by either the local or remote station. Possible values are:
Forward – Parser passes received non-OAMPDUs to superior
sublayer. (default)
Loopback – Parser passes received non-OAMPDUs to Multiplexer
during remote loopback test.
Discard – Parser discards received non-OAMPDUs.
Local Discovering
Indicates the local station can accept or reject the configuration of the
peer OAM entity.
Yes – Local station accepts the configuration of the peer OAM
entity. (default)
No – Local station rejects the configuration of the peer OAM entity.
Local Stable
Indicates local OAM Client acknowledgement of and satisfaction with
remote OAM state information.
Yes – Indicates that the selected port has seen and is satisfied with
remote state information.
No – Indicates that the selected port either has not seen or is not
satisfied with remote state information. (default)
Remote Discovering
Indicates the remote station can accept or reject the configuration of
the peer OAM entity.
Yes – Remote station accepts the configuration of the peer OAM
No – Remote station rejects the configuration of the peer OAM
entity. (default)
Chapter 8: Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM)
Remote Stable
Indicates remote OAM Client acknowledgment of and satisfaction with
local OAM state information. Possible values are:
Yes – Indicates that the selected port has seen and is satisfied with
local state information.
No – Indicates that the selected port either has not seen or is not
satisfied with local state information. (default)
Critical Event
Indicates a severe error condition that does not result in a complete
reset or reboot by the peer entity.
Yes – A severe error condition has occurred.
No – No severe error condition has occurred. (default)
Dying Gasp
Indicates an unrecoverable failure condition has occurred when an
equipment is about to be reset, reboot, or otherwise having a power
Yes – An unrecoverable local failure condition has occurred.
No – No unrecoverable local failure condition has occurred.
Link Fault
Indicates the PHY has determined a fault has occurred in the receive
direction of the local port.
Yes – A link fault has occurred.
No – No link fault has occurred. (default)
OAM Version
Indicates the version supported by the DTE. This field contains the
value “0x01” to claim compliance with Version 1 of this protocol.
Config Revision
Indicates the current revision of the Information TLV. The value of this
field starts at zero and be incremented each time something in the
Information TLV changes. Upon reception of an Information TLV from
a peer, an OAM Client may use this field to decide if it needs to be
processed (an Information TLV that is identical to the previous
Information TLV doesn't need to be parsed as nothing in it has
Vendor Information
Indicates the 32-bit identifier that may be used to differentiate a
vendor’s product models/versions.
Vendor OUI
Indicates the vendor’s 24-bit Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI).
AT-S70 Management Software User’s Guide
Loopback State
Indicates the current loopback status of the link. This status is
determined by a combination of the local parser and the multiplexer
states, as well as by the actions of the local OAM Client.
None – No loopback initiated. (default)
Initiating Loopback – The remote loopback has been initiated. The
local MAC Client stops sending data frames to the remote station
and the local OAM Client sets its action parameter to DISCARD.
The local OAM Client sends a Loopback Control OAMPDUs with a
non-zero loopback time.
Remote Loopback – This remote loopback allows the users to test
the link of the remote equipment. From the remote equipment,
every data frame received is transmitted back on that same port
except for the OAMPDUs and pause frames.
The loopback command is acknowledged by responding with an
information OAMPDU with the loopback state indicated in the state
field. OAMPDUs continue to be exchanged during loopback mode,
only data frames are looped back.
Terminating Loopback – When the local station wishes to end the
OAM loopback test, the local MAC Client stops sending frames.
The local OAM Client then sends a Loopback Control OAMPDU
with a zero loopback timer.
Local Loopback – This local loopback allows the users to test the
link though an internal loop in the local equipment without
physically connecting the transmit port to the receive port. In local
loopback, data frames are transmitted as normal through the
transmit side of the chassis. Data frames received are replaced
with the data frames being transmitted.
In Loopback Test
Indicates that the selected port is currently running loopback test.
Yes – Loopback test is currently running on the selected port.
No – Loopback test is not running on the selected port. (default)
8. Press <Esc> or select the “Return to ...” option at the bottom of the
menu, to save the settings and return to the previous menu.
Chapter 8: Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM)
Remote OAM
To display the status on the remote OAM, perform the following
1. From the Main Menu, select Module Status and Configuration.
The Module Status and Configuration Menu, as shown in Figure 2 on
page 91, is displayed.
2. Select a line card on which you want to configure.
3. Press <Return>.
The Module Configuration Menu, as shown in Figure 4 on page 92, is
4. Select the port that you want to configure the OAM operations on.
5. Press <Return>.
The Port Management Menu, as shown in Figure 6 on page 92, is
6. From the Port Management Menu, select OAM Configurations.
The OAM Configuration Menu, as shown in Figure 7 on page 93, is
7. From the OAM Configuration Menu, select the Show Remote OAM
Information Menu.
AT-S70 Management Software User’s Guide
The Show Remote OAM Information Menu, as shown in Figure , is
Displaying OAM
To display the OAM statistics, perform the following procedure:
1. From the Main Menu, select Module Status and Configuration.
The Module Status and Configuration Menu, as shown in Figure 2 on
page 91, is displayed.
2. Select a line card on which you want to configure.
3. Press <Return>.
The Module Configuration Menu, as shown in Figure 4 on page 92, is
4. Select the port that you want to configure the OAM operations on.
5. Press <Return>.
The Port Management Menu, as shown in Figure 6 on page 92, is
6. From the Port Management Menu, select OAM Configurations.
Show Remote OAM Information
Module = 5, Port = 1
MAC Address 00:0c:46:9a:21:c9 Mux State Forward
Parser State Forward Local Discovering Yes
Local Stable No Remote Discovering No
Remote Stable No Critical Event No
Dying Gasp No Link Fault No
OAM Version 0x01 Config Revision 0x0003
Vendor Info 0x00160001 Vendor OUI 00-30-84
Mode Active Max OAMPDU Size 1518
Loopback Support Yes Event Support No
Variable Support Yes Unidirect Support Yes
Return to OAM Configurations ...
Chapter 8: Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM)
The OAM Configuration Menu, as shown in Figure 7 on page 93, is
7. From the OAM Configuration Menu, select the Show OAM Statistics
The Show OAM Statistics Menu, as shown in Figure , is displayed.
For more information on the OAMPDUs listed in the Show OAM
Statistics Menu, refer to “OAMPDU Types” on page 89.
8. Press <Esc> or select the “Return to ...” option at the bottom of the
menu, to save the settings and return to the previous menu.
Show OAM Statistics
Module = 5, Port = 1
Tx OAMPDUs 70917
Rx OAMPDUs 70918
Tx Information OAMPDUs 70917
Rx Information OAMPDUs 70918
Tx Event OAMPDUs 0
Rx Unique Event OAMPDUs 0
Rx Duplicate Event OAMPDUs 0
Tx Loopback Control OAMPDUs 0
Rx Loopback Control OAMPDUs 0
Tx Variable Request OAMPDUs 0
Rx Variable Request OAMPDUs 0
Tx Variable Response OAMPDUs 0
Rx Variable Response OAMPDUs 0
Tx Organizational Specific OAMPDUs 0
Rx Organizational Specific OAMPDUs 0
Rx Unsupported OAMPDUs 0
Return to OAM Configurations ...
AT-S70 Management Software User’s Guide
OAM Loopback Test
This section contains the procedures on how to manage the OAM
loopback test.
Enabling or
Disabling Remote
Loopback Test
To enable or disable the OAM remote loopback test, perform the following
1. From the Main Menu, select Module Status and Configuration.
The Module Status and Configuration Menu, as shown in Figure 2 on
page 91, is displayed.
2. Select a line card on which you want to configure.
3. Press <Return>.
The Module Configuration Menu, as shown in Figure 4 on page 92, is
4. Select the port that you want to configure the OAM operations on.
5. Press <Return>.
The Port Management Menu, as shown in Figure 6 on page 92, is
6. From the Port Management Menu, select OAM Configurations.
The OAM Configuration Menu, as shown in Figure 7 on page 93, is
7. From the OAM Configuration Menu, select the OAM Loopback Test
Chapter 8: Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM)
8. The OAM Loopback Test Menu, as shown in Figure 41, is displayed.
Figure 41. OAM Loopback Test Menu
9. From the OAM Loopback Test Menu, select Enable Remote
Loopback to enable the remote loopback, or select Disable Remote
Loopback to disable the remote loopback test. The default is
When remote loopback is enabled, the local MAC Client stops sending
data frames to the remote station and the local OAM Client sets its
action parameter to DISCARD.
10. Press <Esc> or select the “Return to ...” option at the bottom of the
menu, to save the settings and return to the previous menu.
Starting or
Loopback Test
To start or to terminate the OAM loopback test, perform the following
1. From the Main Menu, select Module Status and Configuration.
The Module Status and Configuration Menu, as shown in Figure 2 on
page 91, is displayed.
2. Select a line card on which you want to configure.
3. Press <Return>.
The Module Configuration Menu, as shown in Figure 4 on page 92, is
4. Select the port that you want to configure the OAM operations on.
5. Press <Return>.
OAM Loopback Test
Module = 5, Port = 1
Enable Remote Loopback
> Disable Remote Loopback
Start Loopback Test
> Stop Loopback Test
Show Loopback Test Statistics
Clear Loopback Test Statistics
Return to OAM Configurations ...
AT-S70 Management Software User’s Guide
The Port Management Menu, as shown in Figure 6 on page 92, is
6. From the Port Management Menu, select OAM Configurations.
The OAM Configuration Menu, as shown in Figure 7 on page 93, is
7. From the OAM Configuration Menu, select the OAM Loopback Test
8. The OAM Loopback Test Menu, as shown in Figure 41 on page 106, is
9. From the OAM Loopback Test Menu, select Start Loopback Test to
initiate loopback test, or select Stop Loopback Test to terminate
remote loopback with an OAM peer. The default is terminated.
10. Press <Esc> or select the “Return to ...” option at the bottom of the
menu, to save the settings and return to the previous menu.
Displaying or
Loopback Test
To display or to clear the OAM loopback test statistics, perform the
following procedure:
1. From the Main Menu, select Module Status and Configuration.
The Module Status and Configuration Menu, as shown in Figure 2 on
page 91, is displayed.
2. Select a line card on which you want to configure.
3. Press <Return>.
The Module Configuration Menu, as shown in Figure 4 on page 92, is
4. Select the port that you want to configure the OAM operations on.
5. Press <Return>.
The Port Management Menu, as shown in Figure 6 on page 92, is
6. From the Port Management Menu, select OAM Configurations.
The OAM Configuration Menu, as shown in Figure 7 on page 93, is
7. From the OAM Configuration Menu, select the OAM Loopback Test
Chapter 8: Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM)
8. The OAM Loopback Test Menu, as shown in Figure 41 on page 106, is
9. From the OAM Loopback Test Menu, select Show Loopback Test
Statistics to display the current loopback test statistics, or select
Clear Loopback Test Statistics to clear all current loopback test
If Show Loopback Test Statistics is selected, the Show Loopback Test
Menu, as shown in t, is displayed showing the current loopback test
10. Press <Esc> or select the “Return to ...” option at the bottom of the
menu, to save the settings and return to the previous menu.
Show Loopback Test Statistics
Module = 5, Port = 1
Number of Seconds 0
Number of Tx Frames 0
Number of Rx Frames 0
Number of Rx Errored Frames 0
Number of Tx Bytes 0
Number of Rx Bytes 0
Number of Rx Errored Bytes 0
Number of Tx Bits 0
Number of Rx Bits 0
Number of Rx Errored Bits 0
AT-S70 Management Software User’s Guide
Sending OAM Variable Request
To send OAM variable request, perform the following procedure:
1. From the Main Menu, select Module Status and Configuration.
The Module Status and Configuration Menu, as shown in Figure 2 on
page 91, is displayed.
2. Select a line card on which you want to configure.
3. Press <Return>.
The Module Configuration Menu, as shown in Figure 4 on page 92, is
4. Select the port that you want to configure the OAM operations on.
5. Press <Return>.
The Port Management Menu, as shown in Figure 6 on page 92, is
6. From the Port Management Menu, select OAM Configurations.
The OAM Configuration Menu, as shown in Figure 7, is displayed.
7. From the OAM Configuration Menu, select the Send OAM Variable
Request Menu.
The window shown in Figure 10, is displayed.
8. Enter the specific package or object being returned. The default is 1.
The window shown in Figure 10, is displayed.
9. Enter a number of the specific package or object being returned. The
default is 1.
10. Press <Esc> or hit any key to continue.
Enter branch number [0 - 255] -
Enter leaf number [0 - 255] ->
Chapter 9
File Downloads and Uploads
This chapter describes how to download AT-S70 software image and
configuration updates and contains the following sections:
“File Uploads and Downloads Overview” on page 111
“File Download Guidelines” on page 112
“Downloading Software Image Files” on page 116
“Downloading Line Card Image Files” on page 121
“Downloading and Uploading Configuration File” on page 125
“Uploading Configuration Files” on page 127
Note the following before you begin the procedure:
You can download a new AT-S70 image file onto the chassis from
either a local or Telnet management session.
You can use Xmodem or TFTP to download the image file from a local
management session.
You must use TFTP to download the image file from a Telnet
management session.
To use TFTP, there must be a node on your network that contains the
TFTP server software, and the new AT-S70 image file must be stored
on that node.
If you are using TFTP, you should start the TFTP server before you
begin the download procedure.
Installing a new AT-S70 software image onto the chassis does not
change the current configuration; for example, its IP address, subnet
mask, and name (if already assigned).
The chassis stops forwarding Ethernet traffic after it has downloaded
the image file and begun to initialize the software. Some network
traffic may be lost.
The following procedures assume that you have already obtained the new
software from Allied Telesyn and stored it on the management workstation
from which you will be performing the procedure, or on the TFTP server.
AT-S70 Management Software User’s Guide
File Uploads and Downloads Overview
The firmware on the Converteon chassis consists of the following three
AT-S70 management software
This is the operating software for the chassis.
AT-S70 bootloader
This code initially controls the chassis whenever you power ON or
reset the chassis.
System configuration
This contains the settings for the different system parameters.
In the AT-S70, the management software and bootloader are
combined into one image file.
You can use the AT-S70 management software to download a new
version of the management software and bootloader onto a chassis so that
it always has the latest software.
A configuration file for a Converteon chassis cannot be edited with a
text editor.
The methods for uploading and downloading files from a chassis are
described below:
Local Management Session
This method uses a local management session to upload and
download a file onto a chassis. This method supports Xmodem and
TFTP. You can use this method on any type of Converteon chassis.
Remote Management Session
Another method is from a remote management session of a chassis.
This can be a chassis you accessed directly through a Telnet
management session. This method uses TFTP.
Occasionally, Allied Telesyn will update or revise the AT-S70
software. For more information on how to obtain the latest version of
the software updates, refer to “Obtaining Management Software
Updates” on page 13.
Chapter 9: File Downloads and Uploads
File Download Guidelines
This sections covers the general guidelines that apply to downloading files
from both local and remote management sessions. Refer to the sections
below for guidelines apply to each management session. The general file
downloading are:
If you are downloading a new AT-S70 software image, the current
configuration settings of the chassis (for instance, IP address and port
security settings) are not changed.
If you are downloading a new configuration file, the current
configuration settings of a chassis are overwritten by the configuration
settings contained in the file. This includes the IP address, subnet
mask, and DHCP status.
A configuration file should only be downloaded onto a chassis of the
same model from which the configuration file originated (for example,
AT-CV5000 to AT-CV5000). It is not recommended that you download
a configuration file onto a chassis with a different model (for example,
AT-CV5000 and AT-CV1200). Undesired system behavior may result.
Downloading a new AT-S70 image file or configuration file will cause
a chassis to reset. Some network traffic may be lost. However,
uploading a configuration file will NOT interrupt traffic.
Files from a Local
This section contains the guidelines for downloading a new AT-S70
software image file or configuration file onto a chassis from a local
management session.
To download a file through a Telnet management session, refer to
“Downloading Files from a Remote Management Session
Guidelines” on page 113.
All chassis models in the Converteon Series use the same
management software image.
You can use Xmodem or TFTP.
AT-S70 Management Software User’s Guide
Files from a
This section contains the procedure for downloading a new AT-S70
software image file or configuration file onto a chassis from a remote
management session. The remote unit can be a chassis where you
started a Telnet management session.
Here are guidelines that apply to downloading files from a local
management session:
You must use TFTP to remotely download a file.
There must be a node on your network that contains the TFTP server
software. The AT-S70 image file or configuration file to be downloaded
must be stored on the computer or a terminal connected to the console
port on the AT-CV5M01 CPM card.
You must start the TFTP server before you begin the download
The chassis where you are downloading the file must have an IP
address and subnet mask.
Files using
To perform the file transfer using the Hilgraeve HyperTerminal.
1. From the HyperTerminal main window, select the Transfer menu.
2. Select Send File from the pull-down menu, as shown in Figure 42.
Figure 42. HyperTerminal Window
The Send File window, as shown in Figure 37, is displayed.
Figure 43. Send File Window
3. Click the Browse button to select the file to be downloaded onto the
Chapter 9: File Downloads and Uploads
There are two different image files used with the Converteon
products, the image file used for the chassis is “ATS70.img” and the
image file used for the line cards is “ATS73.img”.
4. In the Protocol field, select the transfer protocol as either Xmodem or
1K Xmodem for a faster download.
9. Click Send.
The software immediately begins downloading onto the chassis. The
Xmodem File Send window, as shown in Figure 44, displays the
current status of the software download. The download process takes
several minutes to complete.
Figure 44. Xmodem File Send Window
The download begins. If you are downloading a configuration file, the
chassis automatically resets once the download is complete. Some
network traffic may be lost during the system reset.
When downloading a chassis image file, the chassis must initialize it
by decompressing it and writing it to FLASH. This requires several
minutes to complete. Do not reset or power off the unit while it is
decompressing the file.
AT-S70 Management Software User’s Guide
Once the download is complete, it returns you to the HyperTerminal
window with the status message as shown in Figure 45.
Figure 45. Download Complete Message
5. Press <Return> twice to reset the chassis. Some network traffic may
be during the system reset.
The download process is complete once the chassis has completed its
reset. The new AT-S70 image file or configuration file is now active on
the chassis.
6. To continue managing the chassis, you must re-establish your
management session.
Chapter 9: File Downloads and Uploads
Downloading Software Image Files
The software image file is provided in a self-extracting compressed file
which also contains several other files. The software image file has an
.IMG extension. This is the one to be used in the upgrade procedures.
There are two different image files used with the Converteon
products, the image file used for the chassis is “ATS70.img” and the
image file used for the line cards is “ATS73.img”.
Downloading a new AT-S70 image file or configuration file will cause
a chassis to reset. Some network traffic may be lost.
Software Image
File Through
To download a new AT-S70 software image onto the chassis using TFTP,
perform the following procedure:
1. Establish a local management session on the chassis where you
intend to download the new management software.
2. From the Main Menu, select Administration.
AT-S70 Management Software User’s Guide
The Administration Menu, as shown in Figure 46, is displayed.
Figure 46. Administration Menu
Administration Menu
Image Download Through TFTP
Image Download Through XMODEM
LineCard Image Download Through XMODEM
LineCard Image Download Through TFTP
Upload Configuration Through TFTP
Download Configuration Through TFTP
Ping a remote system
Syslog Server Address: Null (not configured)
Syslog Facility Code: 1
Event Log
Activity Monitor
> Start Log
Stop Log
CPM Switch Over
Reset Chassis and Restart Line Cards
Return to Main Menu...
Chapter 9: File Downloads and Uploads
3. From the Administration Menu, select Image Download Through
The following screen is displayed, as shown in Figure 47.
Figure 47. TFTP - Software Image Downloading Window
4. Enter the IP address of the TFTP server.
5. Press <Return>.
The following screen is displayed, as shown in Figure 48.
Figure 48. TFTP - Enter Software Image File Name Window
6. Enter the filename of the image file that is to be stored as on the TFTP
7. Press <Return>.
Once the filename has been specified, the following screen, as shown
in Figure 49, is displayed.
Figure 49. TFTP - Software Image Download Confirmation Window
TFTP Server IP Address->_
Image File Name-> _
Ready to download application image through TFTP.
Warning: During Image Download Management activity is
Do TFTP download now? (Yes or No):
AT-S70 Management Software User’s Guide
8. Type Y for to start the download.
The following screen is displayed, as shown in Figure 50.
Figure 50. TFTP - Software Image Downloading Window
9. Begin the image file transfer.
After the system has downloaded the new image, it reboots the system
and begins to initialize the software. The system does not forward any
network traffic during the initialization process.
Wait until the software is initialized before you attempt to reestablish
your management session.
Software Image
File Through
To download a new AT-S70 software image onto a chassis from a local
management session using Xmodem, perform the following procedure:
1. Establish a local management session on the chassis where you
intend to download the new management software.
2. From the Main Menu, select Administration.
The Administration Menu, as shown in Figure 46 on page 117, is
3. From the Administration Menu, select Image Download Through
The following screen is displayed, as shown in Figure 51.
Figure 51. XModem - Software Image Download Window
Downloading Image through TFTP...........
Ready to download application image through XModem.
Warning: During Image Download Management activity is
Do XMODEM download now? (Yes or No):
Chapter 9: File Downloads and Uploads
4. Enter Y to start the download process or N to cancel.
If you enter Y, the following screen is displayed, as shown in Figure 52.
Figure 52. XModem - Software Image Downloading Window
5. Begin the image file transfer of the new management software image.
The transfer protocol must be Xmodem or 1K Xmodem.
6. Proceed to the procedure in “Downloading Files using Hilgraeve
HyperTerminal” on page 113.
Ready to download .....
AT-S70 Management Software User’s Guide
Downloading Line Card Image Files
Line Card Image
File Through
To download a new line card image file onto a chassis from a local
management session using Xmodem, perform the following procedure:
1. Start a local management session.
2. From the Main Menu, select Administration.
The Administration Menu, as shown in Figure 46 on page 117, is
3. From the Administration Menu, select Linecard Image Download
Through XMODEM.
The following screen is displayed, as shown in Figure 53.
Figure 53. XModem - Line Card Image Download Window
4. Enter Y to start the download process or N to cancel.
5. If you enter Y, the following screen is displayed, as shown in Figure 52.
Figure 54. XModem - Line Card Image Slot Number Window
6. Enter the slot number that you wish to download the image file to.
7. Press <Return>.
Ready to download application image via XModem.
Warning: During Image Download Management activity is
Do XMODEM download now? (Yes or No):
Ready to download application image via XModem.
Warning: During Image Download Management activity is
Do XMODEM download now? (Yes or No):
Linecard Slot Number:
Chapter 9: File Downloads and Uploads
A message is displayed, as shown in Figure 55.
Figure 55. XModem - Line Card Image Downloading Window
8. Begin the image file transfer of the new management software image.
The transfer protocol must be Xmodem or 1K Xmodem.
9. Proceed to the procedure in the “Downloading Files using Hilgraeve
HyperTerminal” section below.
Line Card Image
File Through
To download a new line card image file onto a chassis from a local
management session using Xmodem, perform the following procedure:
1. Start a local management session.
2. From the Main Menu, select Administration.
The Administration Menu, as shown in Figure 46 on page 117, is
3. From the Administration Menu, select Linecard Image Download
Through TFTP.
The following screen is displayed, as shown in Figure 56.
Figure 56. TFTP - Line Card Image Download Window
4. Enter the slot number of the line card you wish to download the image
file to.
5. Press <Return>.
Ready to download linecard image.....
Enter LineCard Slotnum: ->
AT-S70 Management Software User’s Guide
The following screen is displayed, as shown in Figure 57.
Figure 57. TFTP - Enter Line Card Image File Name Window
6. Enter the IP address of the TFTP server.
7. Press <Return>.
The following screen is displayed, as shown in Figure 58.
Figure 58. TFTP - Enter Line Card Image File Name Window
8. Enter the filename of the line card image file that is to be stored as on
the TFTP server.
9. Press <Return>.
Once the filename has been specified, the following screen, as shown
in Figure 49, is displayed.
Figure 59. TFTP - Line Card Image Download Confirmation Window
10. Type Y for to start the download.
TFTP Server IP Address->
Image File Name->
Ready to download application image through TFTP.
Warning: During Image Download Management activity is
Do TFTP download now? (Yes or No):
Chapter 9: File Downloads and Uploads
The following screen is displayed, as shown in Figure 60.
Figure 60. TFTP - Line Card Image Downloading Window
11. Begin the image file transfer.
After the system has downloaded the new image, it reboots the system
and begins to initialize the software. The system does not forward any
network traffic during the initialization process.
Wait until the software is initialized before you attempt to reestablish
your management session.
Downloading Image through TFTP...........
AT-S70 Management Software User’s Guide
Downloading and Uploading Configuration File
When an AT-CV5M01 CPM is replaced, all the parameter settings saved
on the CPM card are gone. Therefore, to keep the current parameter
settings, make sure to upload the configuration file onto your computer or
laptop before replacing the AT-CV5M01 CPM card. Once a new
AT-CV5M01 CPM card is installed, you can then download the
configuration file back onto the new CPM card.
To download a new AT-S70 software configuration file onto a chassis from
a local management session using TFTP, perform the following procedure:
Downloading a new AT-S70 image file or configuration file will cause
a chassis to reset. Some network traffic may be lost.
1. Establish a local management session on the chassis where you
intend to download the new management software.
2. From the Main Menu, select Administration.
The Administration Menu, as shown in Figure 46 on page 117, is
3. From the Administration Menu, select Download Configuration
Through TFTP.
The following screen is displayed, as shown in Figure 61.
Figure 61. TFTP - Configuration File Download Window
4. Enter the IP address of the TFTP server.
5. Press <Return>.
The following screen is displayed, as shown in Figure 62.
Figure 62. TFTP - Enter Configuration File Name Window
TFTP Server IP Address-> _
Configuration File Name-> _
Chapter 9: File Downloads and Uploads
6. Enter the filename of the configuration file that is to be stored as on the
TFTP server.
7. Press <Return>.
Once the filename has been specified, the following screen, as shown
in Figure 63, is displayed.
Figure 63. TFTP - Configuration File Download Confirmation Window
8. Type Y for to start the download.
The following screen is displayed, as shown in Figure 64.
Figure 64. TFTP - Configuration File Downloading Window
9. Begin the configuration file transfer.
After the system has downloaded the new configuration file, it reboots
the system and begins to initialize the software. The system does not
forward any network traffic during the initialization process.
Wait until the software is initialized before you attempt to reestablish
your management session.
Ready to download configuration file through TFTP.
Warning: During Download Configuration Management
activity is disabled.
Do TFTP download now? (Yes or No):
Downloading Configuration file through TFTP, please wait
AT-S70 Management Software User’s Guide
To upload a new AT-S70 software configuration file onto a chassis from a
local management session using TFTP, perform the following procedure:
Uploading a configuration file will NOT interrupt traffic.
1. Establish a local management session on the chassis where you
intend to download the new management software.
2. From the Main Menu, select Administration.
The Administration Menu, as shown in Figure 46 on page 117, is
3. From the Administration Menu, select Upload Configuration
Through TFTP.
The following screen is displayed, as shown in Figure 65.
Figure 65. TFTP - Upload Configuration File Window
4. Enter the IP address of the TFTP server.
5. Press <Return>.
The following screen is displayed, as shown in Figure 66.
Figure 66. TFTP - Enter Configuration File Name Window
6. Enter the filename of the configuration file that is to be stored as on the
TFTP server.
7. Press <Return>.
TFTP Server IP Address-> _
Configuration File Name-> _
Chapter 9: File Downloads and Uploads
Once the filename has been specified, the following screen, as shown
in Figure 67, is displayed.
Figure 67. TFTP - Configuration File Upload Confirmation Window
8. Type Y for to start the download.
The following screen is displayed, as shown in Figure 68.
Figure 68. TFTP - Configuration File Uploading Window
9. Begin the image file transfer.
After the system has downloaded the new image, it reboots the system
and begins to initialize the software. The system does not forward any
network traffic during the initialization process.
Wait until the software is initialized before you attempt to reestablish
your management session.
Ready to upload Configuration file through TFTP.
Warning: During Upload Configuration Management activity
is disabled.
Do TFTP upload now? (Yes or No):
Uploading Configuration file through TFTP, please wait
TFTP Upload Configuration file successfully
Appendix A
AT-S70 Default Settings
The following lists the AT-S70 factory default settings.
Settings Default
IP Address
Subnet Mask
Gateway Address
System Name None
System Contact None
Community Strings
Get Community String public
Set Community String private
Trap Community String public
Manager Password friend
Operator Password operator
Time Out Value 10 minutes
Local Access Enabled
Remote Access (Telnet) Enabled
RS232 Port
Data Rate 115200
Terminal mode VT-100-compatible / ANSI
Data Bits 8
Stop Bits 1
Parity None
Flow control None
Appendix A: AT-S70 Default Settings
Maximum Temperature Threshold 60
Settings Default
AT-S70 Management Software User’s Guide
activity log 53
displaying 54
starting and stopping 54
activity log messages 55
activity monitor 53
AT-CV5M01 CPM card
replacing 26
status information, displaying 83
AT-S70 factory settings 129
AT-S70 management software
downloading 110, 111
uploading 110, 111
AT-S70 software version number, viewing 45
diagnostics 56
name, configuring 35
resetting 46
restarting 46
temperature threshold, setting 42
configuration file
downloading 125
uploading 125, 127
Console timeout 30
contact information, configuring 37
default gateway, configuring 38
DHCP, enabling or disabling 40, 41
downloading configuration file 125
event log 64
displaying 65
messages 66
event OAMPDUs 89
file download
from local management session 112
from remote management session 113
Hilgraeve HyperTerminal 113
software image file, TFTP 116
software image file, Xmodem 119
file download guidelines 112
information OAMPDUs 89
IP address
assigning 34
configuring 38
IP address manager, configuring 39
LED interface card
status information, displaying 85
line card
basic information, displaying 72
detailed information, displaying 74
disabling 76
egress rate limit 81
enabling 76
image file version, displaying 59
information, displaying 61
ingress rate limit 81
location 76
name 76
operating mode 78
port duplex mode 80
status information, displaying 74
line card image file download
TFTP 122
Xmodem 121
local management session 16, 21, 112
local OAM information, displaying 96
loopback control OAMPDUs 89
loopback test
starting 106
statistics, clearing 107
statistics, displaying 107
stopping 106
management access levels 31
management session
local 16, 112
remote 17, 113
manager IP addresses, configuring 39
manager password, setting up 28
menus navigation 20
MIB variable retrieval and extensions 90
line card 76
name, chassis 35
active and passive mode behaviors 89
active mode 88
discovery 87
local OAM information, displaying 96
loopback test 105
OAM statistics, displaying 103
operations, configuring 91
passive mode 88
remote loopback 90
remote OAM information, displaying 102
variable request, sending 109
types 89
event 89
information 89
loopback control 89
organizational specific 90
unsupported 90
variable request/response 89
Omega options 27
Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) 86
operator password, setting up 28
organization specific OAMPDUs 90
pinging remote system 43
remote loopback test
disabling 105
enabling 105
remote management session 17, 113
remote OAM information, displaying 102
remote system, pinging 43
RS-232 port baud rate 48
SNMP community strings, configuring 39
SNMP management session 18
SNMP traps 53
software image file download 116
subnet mask, configuring 38
syslog applicable RFC 3164 numerical codes 70
syslog facility code, setting 69
syslog server address, configuring 68
resetting 46
restarting 46
system date and time, configuring 36
system diagnostics 56
system location, configuring 37
system status information, displaying 51
Telnet management session 24
temperature thresholds, setting 42
TFTP download 116
line card image file 122
timeout value, setting 30
unsupported OAMPDUs 90
uploading configuration file 125
uploading configuration files 127
variable request/response OAMPDUs 89
Xmodem download 119
line card image file 121