Philips 24647400 User Manual
Displayed below is the user manual for 24647400 by Philips which is a product in the Spotlights category. This manual has pages.
Related Manuals

A high-efciency sustainable LED solution

GreenSpace GreenSpace
GreenSpace - A high-efficiency sustainable LED solution
Key benefits / Unique selling points
Application areas
Range overview
Photometrical data
High efficacy lighting
Standard ordering codes

GreenSpace - Product guide 3Indoor
GreenSpace GreenSpace
GreenSpace – A high-efciency
sustainable LED solution
Customers want to strike the ideal balance between their initial investment and the cost
of the installation over its lifetime. GreenSpace is a cost-efcient and sustainable
downlight that can be used to replace conventional CFL downlights in general lighting
applications. It features the latest LED technology, which enables extremely low power
consumption while at the same time delivering consistent light output, stable
color performance and high color rendering. The product’s long lifetime makes it a
true ‘t and forget’ solution.
Whirlpool ofces
The Netherlands

GreenSpace - Product guide4Indoor Indoor
• Ideal for making the switch from CFL to LED
• 70% energy saving: total cost of ownership recovered less than two years (compared with CFL)
• Five times longer life
• Energy-efcient, durable LED technology
• High system efcacy: up to 80 lm/W
• Ofce compliant with stable color performance and high color rendering (CRI>80)
Key benets / Unique selling points
IOB ofces
The Netherlands

GreenSpace - Product guide 5Indoor Indoor
General lighting for:
• Retail
• Corridors, halls
• Hotels and hospitals
• Ofces
Application areas
Rafayel Hotel
London, the United Kingdom

GreenSpace - Product guide 6 Indoor Indoor
GreenSpace GreenSpace
Emergency lighting (3h single battery) and IP44
protection glass (front face only) are available as part
of the GreenSpace range. DALI dimmable versions are
also available in this range.
The reector is glossy. It is made of plastic with an
aluminum coating.
GreenSpace is also available in UGR19, thanks to a louvre
to limit glare.
Range overview
Standard version
UGR22 version
IP44 version
UGR19 louvre
GreenSpace2 Mini GreenSpace2 Compact
Light source Mid power LED / DLS Mid power LED / DLS
Lumen output (system level) UGR22: 1,200 lm UGR22: 2,200 lm
UGR19: 1,150 lm UGR19: 2,100 lm
CRI (min.) >80 >80
Light color Warm white: 3,000K (830) Warm white: 3,000K (830)
Neutral white: 4,000K (840) Neutral white: 4,000K (840)
Power consumption 13.8 W 24 W
System efficacy UGR22: 87 lm/W UGR22: 91.5 lm/W
UGR19: 83.5 lm/W UGR19: 87.5 lm/W
Range IIP20 / IP44 / Emrgency lighting (EL3) / Opal cover IP20 / IP44 / Emergency Lighting (EL3) / Opal cover
Voltage 220V-240V / 50, 60Hz 220V-240V / 50, 60Hz
Driver Static (PSE-E) or DALI Dimmable (PSED-E) Static (PSE-E) or DALI Dimmable (PSED-E)
Optic UGR19-UGR22, High gloss optic UGR19-UGR22, High gloss optic
Cut out Ø 150 mm Ø 200 mm
Material Aluminum housing / metalized plastic reflector Aluminum housing / metalized plastic reflector
Color of rim White RAL 9010 (WH) White RAL 9010 (WH)
Installation Fixation by means of spring fasteners Fixation by means of spring fasteners
Lifetime L90B50 25,000 hrs L90B50 25,000 hrs
L80B50 50,000 hrs L80B50 50,000 hrs
Colour consistency 5 SDCM 5 SDCM

GreenSpace - Product guide 7 Indoor Indoor
GreenSpace GreenSpace
Photometrical data
Compact 3,000 K
Compact 3,000 K
Compact 3,000 K
Compact 4,000 K
Compact 4,000 K
Compact 4,000 K
Mini 3,000 K
Mini 3,000 K
Mini 3,000 K
Mini 4,000 K
Mini 4,000 K
Mini 4,000 K
NB: The cover used on IP44 versions might reduce the lumen output of the luminaire slightly:
IP44: 2,100 lm
IP44 PGO: 1,950 lm
IP44: 1,200 lm
IP44 PGO: 1,050 lm
Compact Mini
UGR19 versionsIP44 versions URG22 versions
Polar intensity diagram Polar intensity diagram Polar intensity diagram Polar intensity diagram
Polar intensity diagram Polar intensity diagram Polar intensity diagram Polar intensity diagram
Polar intensity diagram Polar intensity diagram Polar intensity diagram Polar intensity diagram
Compact 3,000 K Compact 4,000 K Mini 3,000 K Mini 4,000 K
IP44 PGO versions
Polar intensity diagram Polar intensity diagram Polar intensity diagram Polar intensity diagram

GreenSpace - Product guide8Indoor Indoor
GreenSpace GreenSpace
Conventional LED
Fugato Compact FBS261 GreenSpace Compact
2 x PL-C/4P 26W/840 HFP DN450B DLM2000/840
Number of lamps 6 6
Average illuminance (Em) 230 287
Uniformity (u0) 0.36 0.66
System power per lamp (W) 54 24
Total installed power (W) 324 144
Power consumption (W/m2) 12.5 5.56
High efcacy lighting
Thanks to its high system efcacy (up to 91.5 lm/W) and a lifetime of 50,000 hours (L80B50), the GreenSpace range
provides signicant reductions on energy consumption and cost (maintenance, replacement…).
Here are some examples to illustrate.
Planning Example: Corridor
Lighting a hallway with dimensions 10.80 x 2.40 x 2.80 m (L x W x H)
• 56% energy savings through reduced power input with this conguration
• An additional 20% energy savings possible, with additional use of occupancy sensors (OccuSwitch)
• Increased comfort and security through instant, icker free light output

GreenSpace - Product guide 9Indoor Indoor
GreenSpace GreenSpace
Total cost of ownership calculation
Fugato Compact FBS261 GreenSpace Compact
2 x PL-C/4P 26W/ 840 HFP + RL DN470B LED20S/840
Number of luminaires pieces 6 6
System Energy Watt 54 24
Hours used per year hrs 3,000 3,000
Energy cost Euro/kWh Euro 0.12 0.12
Lamp Life hrs 10,000 50,000
Average price end user Euro 16.00 0
Lamp replacement costs Euro 7.50 0
Enduser costs
a. Energy cost per year Euro 116.64 51.84
b. lamp cost per year Euro 28.80 0
c. Lamp replacement costs per year Euro 13.50 0
Total cost per year Euro 158.94 51.84
Saving per year Euro 107.10
Saving over total lifetime GreenSpace Euro 1,785.00
Enduser initial cost
Cost of luminaire Euro 89.00 108.00
Total initial cost Euro 534.00 648.00
Financial Key Indicators
Extra investment Euro 114.00
Payback Year 1.06
Environmental indicators
Energy use per year kWh 972.00 432.00
Reduced energy use % -56%
CO2 emission kg/year 398.52 177.12
With a payback time of less than 2 years, GreenSpace is denitely the right investment compare to CFL luminaires if
you consider the total cost of ownership.

GreenSpace - Product guide10 Indoor Indoor
GreenSpace GreenSpace
Designation 12NC EOC
GreenSpace Mini UGR22
DN460B LED11S/830 PSE-E WH 910500454944 871869624315200
DN460B LED11S/840 PSE-E WH 910500454945 871869624316900
DN460B LED11S/830 PSED-E WH 910500454950 871869624321300
DN460B LED11S/840 PSED-E WH 910500454951 871869624322000
with emergency lighting
DN460B LED11S/830 PSE-E EL3 WH 910500454946 871869624317600
DN460B LED11S/840 PSE-E EL3 WH 910500454947 871869624318300
DN460B LED11S/830 PSED-E EL3 WH 910500454952 871869624323700
DN460B LED11S/840 PSED-E EL3 WH 910500454953 871869624324400
with protection glass (standard or opal)
DN460B LED11S/830 PSE-E IP44 WH 910500454948 871869624319000
DN460B LED11S/840 PSE-E IP44 WH 910500454949 871869624320600
DN460B LED11S/830 PSED-E IP44 WH 910500454954 871869624325100
DN460B LED11S/840 PSED-E IP44 WH 910500454955 871869624326800
DN460B LED11S/830 PSE-E PGO IP44 WH 910500456219 871869624631300
DN460B LED11S/840 PSE-E PGO IP44 WH 910500456220 871869624632000
DN460B LED11S/830 PSED-E PGO IP44 WH 910500456225 871869624637500
DN460B LED11S/840 PSED-E PGO IP44 WH 910500456226 871869624638200
GreenSpace Mini UGR19
DN461B LED11S/830 PSE-E WH 910500454956 871869624327500
DN461B LED11S/840 PSE-E WH 910500454957 871869624328200
DN461B LED11S/830 PSED-E WH 910500454960 871869624331200
DN461B LED11S/840 PSED-E WH 910500454961 871869624332900
with emergency lighting
DN461B LED11S/830 PSE-E EL3 WH 910500454958 871869624329900
DN461B LED11S/840 PSE-E EL3 WH 910500454959 871869624330500
DN461B LED11S/830 PSED-E EL3 WH 910500454962 871869624333600
DN461B LED11S/840 PSED-E EL3 WH 910500454963 871869624334300
GreenSpace Compact UGR22
DN470B LED20S/830 PSE-E WH 910500454964 871869624335000
DN470B LED20S/840 PSE-E WH 910500454965 871869624336700
DN470B LED20S/830 PSED-E WH 910500454970 871869624341100
DN470B LED20S/840 PSED-E WH 910500454971 871869624342800
with emergency lighting
DN470B LED20S/830 PSE-E EL3 WH 910500454966 871869624337400
DN470B LED20S/840 PSE-E EL3 WH 910500454967 871869624338100
DN470B LED20S/830 PSED-E EL3 WH 910500454972 871869624343500
DN470B LED20S/840 PSED-E EL3 WH 910500454973 871869624344200
with protection glass (standard or opal)
DN470B LED20S/830 PSE-E IP44 WH 910500454968 871869624339800
DN470B LED20S/840 PSE-E IP44 WH 910500454969 871869624340400
DN470B LED20S/830 PSED-E IP44 WH 910500454974 871869624345900
DN470B LED20S/840 PSED-E IP44 WH 910500454975 871869624346600
DN470B LED20S/830 PSE-E PGO IP44 WH 910500456263 871869624675700
DN470B LED20S/840 PSE-E PGO IP44 WH 910500456264 871869624676400
DN470B LED20S/830 PSED-E PGO IP44 WH 910500456269 871869624681800
DN470B LED20S/840 PSED-E PGO IP44 WH 910500456270 871869624682500
Standard ordering codes

GreenSpace - Product guide 11Indoor Indoor
GreenSpace GreenSpace
Designation 12NC EOC
GreenSpace Compact UGR19
DN471B LED20S/830 PSE-E WH 910500454976 871869624347300
DN471B LED20S/840 PSE-E WH 910500454977 871869624348000
DN471B LED20S/830 PSED-E WH 910500454980 871869624351000
DN471B LED20S/840 PSED-E WH 910500454981 871869624352700
with emergency lighting
DN471B LED20S/830 PSE-E EL3 WH 910500454978 871869624349700
DN471B LED20S/840 PSE-E EL3 WH 910500454979 871869624350300
DN471B LED20S/830 PSED-E EL3 WH 910500454982 871869624353400
DN471B LED20S/840 PSED-E EL3 WH 910500454983 871869624354100
Compact Mini
Designation Product features Variations
DN460B Type DN460B/DN470B = UGR22 • DN461B/DN471B = UGR19
LED20S Light source LED11S = 1,200 lm (DN460B) / 1,150 lm (DN461B)
LED20S = 2,200 lm (DN470B) / 2,100 lm (DN471B)
830 Light color 8 = CRI>80 • 30 = 3,000 K • 40 = 4,000 K
PSE-E Transformer PSE-E = External static driver • PSED-E = External DALI dimmable driver
EL3 Emergency lighting single battery, 3 hours duration
IP44 IP rating IP44 = transparent glass • IP44 PGO = opal glass (both front face only)
WH Rim color White
Product designation
DN460B LED20S 830 PSE-E EL3 IP44 WH
Dali dimmable

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