Table of Contents
- Chapter 1 Introduction
- Chapter 2 Unpacking Inspection and Cable Connections
- Chapter 3 Basic Operation
- Chapter 4 Main Menu
- Appendix 1. Mouse Operations
- Appendix 2. Hard Drive Capacity Calculation
Smartwares DVR724S User Manual
Displayed below is the user manual for DVR724S by Smartwares which is a product in the Video Surveillance Kits category. This manual has pages.
Related Manuals

This manual is written for multi DVR systems. The functions, specifications and connections can
be different.
Do not place heavy objects on top of the product.
Do not drop any hard objects or allow liquid to penetrate into the unit.
Regularly brush off dust on the circuit board, connectors, fans and DVR case. Turn of f the power and
unplug the product before cleaning.
Do not attempt to disassemble or repair the unit or replace parts yourself.
Operating Environment:
Keep and use the pr o duct at temper atures between 0 °C ~ 4 0 °C. Ke ep i t awa y from di rec t s unli ght
or heat sources.
Do not install the unit in a humid environment.
Do not expose the product to a smoky or dusty area.
Avoid serious collision. Do not drop the device.
Install the product on a stable and level surface to prevent the device from falling.
Ensure the location planned for DVR installation is well v entilated. Do not block any openings.
Use the product only within the range of rated input/output.
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 4
1.1 Product Overview.................................................................................................................................. 4
1.2 Main Features ....................................................................................................................................... 4
Chapter 2 Unpacking Inspection and Cable Connections .......................................................................... 7
2.1 Unpacking ............................................................................................................................................. 7
2.2 Rack mount ........................................................................................................................................... 7
2.3 Front Panel............................................................................................................................................ 8
2.4 Connection Diagram ............................................................................................................................. 9
2.5 Audio/Video IO Connections ................................................................................................................. 9
2.5.1 Con nec t Video Input .......................................................................................................................... 9
2.5.2 Selection and Connection of Video Output Devices...................................................................... 100
2.5.3 Audio Signal Input ............................................................................................................................ 10
2.5.4 Audio Output: ................................................................................................................................. 100
Chapter 3 Basic Operation ..................................................................................................................... 122
3.1 Turn Power On .................................................................................................................................. 122
3.2 Turn Power Off .................................................................................................................................. 122
3.3 Log in ................................................................................................................................................ 133
3.4 Preview ............................................................................................................................................. 133
3.5 Desktop Quick Launch ...................................................................................................................... 144
3.5.1 Mai n Menu ..................................................................................................................................... 144
3.5.2 Video Pl a ybac k .............................................................................................................................. 155
3.5.3 Recording Control ............................................................................................................................ 19
3.5.4 PTZ Control ...................................................................................................................................... 19
3.5.5 Image Color ................................................................................................................................... 255
3.5.6 Output Adjustment ......................................................................................................................... 256
3.5.7 System Shutdown .......................................................................................................................... 266
3.5.8 P age Switc h ................................................................................................................................... 277
Chapter 4 Main Menu ............................................................................................................................. 288
4.1 Main Menu Na vigation ...................................................................................................................... 288
4.2 Video Recording Functions ................................................................................................................. 29
4.2.1 Recording settings ........................................................................................................................... 29
4.2.2 Video Pl a yback .............................................................................................................................. 311
4.2.3 Video Bac kup ................................................................................................................................. 311
4.3 Alarm ................................................................................................................................................. 322
4.3.1 Motion Detection ............................................................................................................................ 322
4.3.2 Video Blind ..................................................................................................................................... 344
4.3.3 Video Loss ..................................................................................................................................... 355
4.3.4 Abnormality .................................................................................................................................... 355
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4.4 System Settings .................................................................................................................................. 36
4.4.1 General Settings .............................................................................................................................. 36
4.4.2 Encoding Settings ............................................................................................................................ 37
4.4.3 Network Settings .............................................................................................................................. 39
4.4.4 Network Service ............................................................................................................................... 39
4.4.5 Output Mode .................................................................................................................................... 48
4.4.6 PTZ Settings .................................................................................................................................... 48
4.4.7 Serial Port Settings .......................................................................................................................... 49
4.4.8 Auto Sequence Settings ................................................................................................................ 500
4.5 M anagement Tools............................................................................................................................ 500
4.5.1Cha nnel Man agem ent ...................................................................................................................... 50
4.5.2Hard Drive Management................................................................................................................... 51
4.5.3Us er Managem ent ............................................................................................................................ 52
4.5.4Online User ....................................................................................................................................... 54
4.5.5Output Adjustment ............................................................................................................................ 55
4.5.6A uto Mainte nanc e ............................................................................................................................. 55
4.5.7Restore Default ................................................................................................................................. 55
4.5.8System Upgrade ............................................................................................................................... 56
4.5.9De vic e Infor m ation ............................................................................................................................ 56
4.5.10 Im port/ Export ................................................................................................................................. 57
4.6 System Information ............................................................................................................................. 57
4.6.1 Hard Drive Information ..................................................................................................................... 57
4.6.2 BPS .................................................................................................................................................. 58
4.6.3 Log ................................................................................................................................................... 58
4.6.4 Version Information .......................................................................................................................... 59
4.7 System Shutdown ............................................................................................................................. 600
Chapter 5 Cloud Technology Basic Operation........................................................................................ 661
5.1 Cloud technology monitor ................................................................................................................. 661
Chapter 6 FAQ and Maintenance ........................................................................................................... 666
6.1 FAQ ..................................................................................................................................................... 66
6.2 Maint en ance ..................................................................................................................................... 732
Appendix 1. Mouse Operations ................................................................................................................ 73
Appendix 2. Hard Drive Capacity Calculation........................................................................................... 74
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Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Product Overview
This device is an excellent digital surveillance product specially designed for security
monitoring. The system is more stable with embedded LINUX OS, using standard H.264MP
video compression and unique spatial-temporal reasoning to achieve synchronized high
definition and low bit rate audio/video monit oring. With TCP/IP network tec hnologies, it has
ideally suited to remote data transmission an d op erat i on contr ol via w eb ap pl i cations .
T his pr oduc t c an op er at e not only as a st and alone loc al un it, throu gh a profes s ional
network video surveillance platform, it can also be connected to other units to form a more
powerful surveillance network syst em, mak ing f ul l use of its cap ac ity in netw or k in g an d
r emote m oni t oring.
It is a perfect choice for security applications in industrie s and sectors such as banking,
t elec om m unicat ion, el ec tr ic i t y, law enf or cement, trans por t at i on, int elligent commu ni ty,
manufacturing facilitie s, warehouses, natural resources and water conservation fa cilities.
1.2 Main Features
Real-time surveillance
·Analog output interface and VGA connector to connect monitoring device or screen display.
·2 BNC outputs and 1 HD VGA for simultaneous real-time monitoring
·Real-time screen prev iew with zoom-in feature. You may select any area in the display to enlarge
Data storage
·Hibernate inactive hard drive in hard drive management, helping ventilation and reducing power
consumption to extend the useful life of the hard drives
·Data storage using tamper-proof proprietary file format to ensure data security
Compres sion method
·Live data compression of A/V signals from each channel by independent hardware to maintain the
stable synchronization of sound and image
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Backup feature
·Backup t hrough SATA i nterfac e and US B inter fac e(to de vi c es s uc h as fl ash dri ve or rem ova bl e hard
·Live disk burning, backup burning
·Local archiving by downloading files on hard drives via network to client’s PC
Video playback
·Each channel records all-live vi deo independentl y whi le si multaneously pro vidi ng retrieval, playback,
network monitoring, recording search and downloading
·Various playback modes, simultaneous multi-channel playback, and combination of any desired
·Select any area of the screen to zoom-in
Network operation
·Real-time remote monitoring through network connection (including mobile phone)
·Remote PTZ control
·Remote control video retrieval and live playback
·Configuration of device parameters through user port
·Live recording and playback on client’s PC
Alarm coordination
·Alarm linkage to camera recording, auto sequence, screen display, buzzing, screenshot snapping,
Email notification and F TP uploading
·Multi-c hannel rel ay on/ o ff sw itc h for al ar m outputs, fac i litati ng c oordi nated a c tions and on-s ite l i ghting
·Protective circuit on both alarm input and output to prevent damage to main units
Communi cation interface
·RS485 serial port for alarm input, PTZ control and keyboard
·RS232 jac k. E xp andabl e ke yboard con nec ti on can be us ed for m aster contr ol , sys tem m aintenance
and upgrading through connected PC serial port, as well as matrix control
·Standard Ethernet interface for remote network access
Smart operation
·Mouse operation
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·Keyboard operation
·Quick copy-paste function to clone same settings in the menu
Other features
·2 X 12V power outputs
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Chapter 2 Unpac king Inspection and Cable Connections
2.1 Unpacking
When you receive the product, first inspect the package for visible damage. The
protective packing materials us ed for the product c an handle most accidental shoc ks and
impacts during transport.
Then, take out the device , remove prote ctive film from the DVR, and inspect the product
f or an y visible sign of d am ag e.
Fin al ly, op en the case t o c h ec k for l oose connec t i ons to f r ont p an el dat a cables , p ower
cord, power supply to fans and motherboard.
1.Fr o nt and Re ar Panels
♦ R efer to the us er manu al f or det ails on th e functions of var ious front panel b uttons
and rear panel connectors.
♦ Please verify ca refully the product model on the front panel plaque and make sure it
is th e m odel you or d ered.
Do not tear off the label on the rear panel as it is extremely important to our post-sale
servi c e. When y ou co ntact our post-sa le s erv ic e, y o u wi ll ne ed t o provide the mo del
num ber an d seri al nu mb er printed on the label.
2. Items to be checked after opening the case
In ad diti on to check ing for visible damag e, pleas e inspect f or any loo se c onnec tions to
the front panel cables, power cord and motherboard.
2.2 Rack mo u nt
The product uses a standard 1U chassis and can be mounted to a standard rack.
Installation procedures and precautions:
1、Make sure the room temperature is below 35° C (95°F);
2、Allow 15cm (6”) clearance around the product for proper ventilation;
3、Always fill the rack from bottom up;
4、Consideration should be giv en to protecting the rack from circuit ov erload when mounting multiple
units to the rack.
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2.3 Fro nt Pane l
(1)Power (2)Rec (3)IR (4)ESC (5)Menu (6)Enter (7)Arrow
Functions of front panel buttons
Boot up or shut down
Recording REC
Manually begins recording
IR IR Remote controlling indicator light
Back to previous Menu or cancel
operation in the function menu
Back to preview status when in the
playback status
Enter into Mainme nu
Enter into Mainme nu
In the Menu,press up or down to move
Change configuration in the Drop-down
Press up or dow n to select record file in
the playback status
I n t h e Pr e view screen,press up or down
to go into 1/4/8/9/16 multiple channels
Page 8

< >
In the Menu,press left or right to move
In the playback status,press left or right
to move cursor of function button
Back to preview status when in the
playback status
2.4 C onnection Diagram
(1)Video input (2)Video output (3)Audio output (4)Audio input
(5)USB interface (6)Network interface (7) VGA interface
(8)Power input (9) RS485 PTZ output (10) HDMI output
2.5 Audio/Video IO Connections
2.5.1 Connect Video Input
The DVR has BNC video input connectors. Signal requirements:PAL/NTSC BNC(1.0V,75Ω)。
Video signal should conform to the national standards with a higher signal-to-noise ratio, low
dis tortion and low interference; requiring picture to be clear, with no image distortion, with natural color
and appropriate brightness.
Ensure stable and reliable camera signal:
Install the camera in appropriate locations to avoid b acklighting and surroundi ngs with di m light or
use low illumination camera and camera with effective backlight compensation.
Cameras should share reliable common ground with the DVR to ensure the normal operation of the
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Ensure stable and reliable line transmission of signal:
Use high-quality, shielded vi deo coaxial c able. Select the ri ght t ype depending on the transmitting
distance. I f the distance is ex tensiv e, you should consider the use of cable with twisted pairs, v ideo signal
enhancing devices and fiber-optic cables to maintain the signal quality.
Keep the video transmitting line away from other devices and circuits that generate strong
electromagnetic interference. In particular, protect it against high voltage power surge.
Ensure secure wire connections:
Signal lines and shielded cabl es shoul d ha ve tight connections. Avoid false solderi ng and preven t
oxidation of the solder connection surface.
2.5.2 Selection and Connection of Video Output Devices
PAL/NTSC BNC (1.0VP-P, 75Ω) video output and VGA output exist (They can operate
When using a computer monitor as an alternative surveillance display, pay attention to the following:
1. In order t o prol ong the l ife of the equi pm ent, do n ot l ea ve the m oni tor powe r -on for an e xtend ed
period of time;
2. Perform demagnetizing regularly to ensure proper working status of the monitor;
3. Keep it away from devices generating strong electromagnetic interference.
T V i s not a r el iabl e al ternative as the vide o ou tput devi ce. I t als o req ui r es m i nim izi ng the power-on
time and tight control of interference from surrounding power source and devices. Possible electricity
leakage from low quality TV could result in damage to other devices.
2.5.3 Audio Signal Input
AV interface for audio input.
With higher impedance, active pickup is required.
As with video input, the audio transmission line should minimize interference, prevent inadequate
soldering and faulty connections. Pay special attention to protection against a high voltage power surge.
2.5.4 Audio Output:
T he parameter of the DVR audi o output signal is usually greater tha n 200m v 1kΩ (AV). It can be
Page 10

directly connected to low impedance headphones, powered speakers or drive other audio output devices
through an am pl i fier. If spatial isolation cannot be established between external speakers and pickups, it
could result in a whist ling sound. In the event, you may:
1、 Use pickups with better directivity;
2、 Adjust speaker volume to the level below whistle threshold;
3、 Use sound-absorbing materials in the working environment to reduce sound reflection and
improve room acoustics;
4、 Adjust the layouts of pickups and speakers to reduce the occurrence of whistlin g.
Connections to PTZ
A. The PTZ decoder must share a common ground with the DVR or possible presence of
common-mode voltage may cause you to lose control of the PTZ.
We recommend shielded twisted pair cable with its overall shield being used for common
B. Prevent against high-voltage power surge. Wire cables must be able to protect equipment from
C. Connect a 120 Ohm resistor in parallel at the far-end to reduce reflection and guarantee the
signal quality;
D. The AB-wire connections of the DVR’s 485 cable cannot be combined with 485 cables from
other output devices;
E. AB line voltage of the decoder should be lower than 5V.
Ground Wires of front-e nd equipment
Incorrect grounding may result in chips being burned.
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Chapter 3 Basic Operation
Note:Grayed out button means the function is not supported
3.1 Turn Pow er On
Connect the unit to a suitable power outlet before turning on the power switch on the
rear panel. Power indicator light is on and DVR starts booting. When the booting is
finished, a “beep” is heard. Multi-screen is the default video output mode. If the unit is
turned on within the scheduled recording time period, the system will start scheduled
recording automatically. Recording indicator on the corresponding channel turns on. The
s ys t em w orks n or m all y.
Note: 1. Before turning on the power , make sure the mains v oltage matches sliding switch of the unit and
the power cord is connected correctly.
2. External power supply requires 220V±10% /50Hz.
We recommend the use of power supply with stable voltage and less ripple interference.
Whenever po ssible, consider the use of UPS for power backup.
3.2 Turn P ower Off
The unit can be turned off using so ftswitch and “hardswitch”. So ftsw itch, Sele ct 【Turn
Off】in【Main Menu】>【Shutdown System】; Hardswitch,Press the power switch on the
rear panel to turn off the power.
1. Power failure recovery
If the DVR is shut down unexpectedly during recording, after the unit is rebooted it
will automat ically save the da ta before the shutdown and return to where it was.
2. Replacing hard drives
You must turn off the rear panel power switch be fore replacing the hard drive.
3. R eplacing batteries
Save the configuration information and turn off the rear panel power switch be fore
Page 12

replacing batteries. The DVR uses button batteries. You need to check the system time
p eriodicall y. Bat t eries need be rep l aced wh en the t im e b ec om es inac c ur at e, we
recommend replacing batteries of the same type once every year.
Note: Save the configuration before replacing batteries on the motherboard or
the co nfig uration inf or m atio n wil l be l ost .
3. 3 Log in
After normal start-up, the operator is asked to log in. The system will provide
corresponding functions based on user permissions.
Factory default setting provides 3 user types with no password: admin, guest, and
def ault. The f actory s etting of admin us er has superuser per missions while the def aults
for guest and def ault are limited to preview and playback. Admin and guest users may
change their password but cannot change the permissions. Default user is a default
l og in us er. Defau lt user m ay ch ang e p er mis s i ons but not th e passwor d.
Figure 3.1 Log In
Passwo rd prot ectio n: If the password is ent ered inco rrectly on 3 consecu tiv e o ccasion s, th e
system will display a warning alarm; After 5 consecutive attempts, the account will be locked
(The account will be unlocked automatically upon system reboot or after 30 minutes).
Fo r security rea son s, plea se change yo ur U ser ID an d Pas swo rd un der “User Man agem ent”
(refer to Chapter 4.5.2 User Management) after initial login.
3. 4 Preview
Af ter n ormal login, the unit s hows the pr evi ew screen. Right clic k the mous e to switc h
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Each preview screen ca n show date, time, channel name, monitoring channel playback
and alarm status.
Video loss
Motion detected
Camera lock
Table 3.1 Preview Symbols
3 .5 Des ktop Qu i ck La unch
In Preview mode, right click the mouse to pop-up Quick Launch menu as shown in
Figure 3. 2. Quick L aunch men u includes: M ain M enu, G uid e, R ecorde M ode, PlayBack,
PTZ Control, H igh sp ee d PT Z, Color Setting, Output ad ju st,and Log out.
Figure 3.2 Quick Launch Menu
3.5.1 Main Menu
The main menu includes operating functions of the device.
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Figur e 3.3 Main Menu
3.5.2 Video Playback
Playback video files on the hard drives. Playback page is accessible by either using desktop quick
launch or entering 【Main Menu】>【Recording Functions】>【Video Playback】.
Note: For normal playback, the hard drive containi ng the file must be set up as read/write or read-only
(refer to 4.5.1 Hard Drive Management).
Page 15

Figure 3.4 V i deo Play ba c k
Descriptions of Table【Playbac k Contr ol】please see below:
【Fil e Lis t 】displays all files match the search criteria;
【Fil e Information】Show details of selected files;
【File Backup】B ac ku p fil es t icked. Clic k t he button t o sh ow the screen as Figur e 3. 5
and follow the instructions.
Note: Install a storage device large enough for the backup files before the operation;
If the backup is terminated, files already copied to the storage device can be played back
Playback Control Operating
Recording Type Prog re s s Ba r Option
Toggle between time and file mode
File Search Channel Selection Date Selection
Storage Device Selection File Information File List Tim e Inqui ry
Page 16

Figure 3.5 S torage Device Check
Detect: Detect storage devices connected to the unit. It could be USB flash drives or hard
Erase: Select the devices you wish to clean up. Click Erase to delete files on the devices.
Stop: Stop the backup;
Backup: Click Backup to show the dialog as Figure 3.6. Backup can be setup based on file
type, channel, or time.
Figure 3.6 Record Backup
Empty: Empty file information shown;
Add: Show all information matching the specified file properties;
Start/Stop: After selecting the files, click Start to backup and Stop to terminate the backup.
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Note: During backup, you may exit the page to execute other functions.
【Fil e Searc h】Search for records ba sed on the spe cified search criteria;
Fig ure 3. 7 Fil e Searc h
File Type: Select the type of files to be played back;
Ha rd Drive Selection: Select the type of storage device;
Channel: Choose the channel number for playback. “All” means all channels;
Start time: Specify the start time of the record being searched.
End time: Sp ecify the end t i m e of th e record being searched.
Descriptions o f T able【Playback Control】please see below:
Keys Functions Keys Functions
/ Play/Pause Play reverse
Stop Step forward
Fast forward
Play last frame
Play next frame
Play last file
Play next file Loop
Full Screen
Table 3.2 Playback Control Keys
Note: Frame playback can only be used in Pause mode.
【Operation tips】Show the function o f the button indicated by the cursor.
Special Fe atures:
Accurate Playback
In 【Search Criteria 】 window , enter the time (hour , minute, se cond)
Page 18

of the record being searched. Click Enter to acc ess playback screen. Click Playback
button directly to perform Accurate Playback of the re cord searched;
Zoom In: When performing single-screen full screen playback, left click the mouse to select any
area on the screen. Left click the mouse again within the selected area to playback in zoom-in mode.
Right click the mouse to exit zoom-in.
3.5.3 Recording Control
Control recording on each channel. Highlighted “●” indicates the current recording status of the
channel. Playback page is accessible by either using desktop quick launch or entering 【Right Click】>
【Recor mode】.
Figure 3.8 Recording Control
【Schedule】Record in accordance with the configuration parameters;
【Manual】Regardless of the current status of the channel, selecting “M anual” will start the recording
on the corresponding channel;
【STOP】Regardless of the current status of the channel, selecting “STOP” will stop the recording on
the corresponding channel;
3.5.4 PTZ Control
Control Pan/Tilt/Zoom connected to the device. Use desktop quick launch to enter the menu.
Control interface is shown as in Figure 3.10. Functions supported: Control PTZ directions, step
length, zoom, focus, aperture, operating preset, point-to-point patrol, trace, boundary line scanning,
auxiliary switch, light switch, and horizontal rotation.
1. Before oper ating, m ak e s ure the A/B cabl es of the dom e are pr operl y conn e c ted to the DVR
Page 19

A/B jacks;
2. Setup PTZ parameters in 【Right Click 】>【PTZ Setup】;
3. Functions supported by PTZ depend on the features supported by PTZ protocol.
Figure 3.9 PTZ Control
【Step length 】D eterm i ne the rotati ng r ange of th e PT Z. The lar ger the s etti ng, the longer th e s tep
length. Setting range:1 ~ 8 ;
【Zoom】Use / keys to adjust camera magnification;
【Direction Control】Control the rotation of the PTZ. Support controls in 8 directions(front panel
supports only 4 directions);
【High Speed PTZ】After selection, the selected channel displays full-screen. Hold down the left
button of the mouse to quickly rotate and position the PTZ. Turning the mouse wheel while holding down
the left button can adjust the camera zoom;
【Set】Access function setting menu;
【Page Switc h】Enter function control menu.
Speci al F e atures:
Select certain direction as preset. PTZ automatically rotates in the direction based on the preset
1)Preset setup
To setup a direction as preset, follow these steps:
Step 1: In Figure 3.10, use arrow keys to rotate the PTZ to the desired preset position. Click
Page 20

Setting key to enter Figure 3.11;
Step 2: Click Preset button and input preset value in Preset Position box;
Step 3: Click Set to return to Figure 3.10. When complete, each preset value has a
corresponding preset position.
Del Preset: Enter the preset value, click Del Preset button to clear the preset setting.
F igure 3.10 Preset position setup
2)Prese t position call-up
In Figure 3.10, click Page Switch button to enter PTZ control interface as shown in Figure 3.12.
Enter th e n um ber of t he pres et i n Value Input Box. Click Preset Position to rotate the PTZ to th e
corresponding preset position.
Figure 3.11 PTZ Control
2. Point-to-Point Patrol
Connect multiple preset positions to construct a patrol route. PTZ will sweep the patrol route
repeatedly following the Point-to-Point patrol setup.
1)Point-to-Point Patrol Setup
input box
Preset input
Page 21

Patrol route is the trace line consisted of multiple preset positions. To set up:
Step 1: In Figure 3. 10, use arrow keys to rotate the PTZ to the desired preset direction. Click
Set key to enter Figure 3.13;
Step 2: Click the Point-to-Point Patrol key and enter a route number in Patrol Route box.
Click Add Preset Position key to input preset number in the dialog box. That will be one of the
preset points selected for patrol;
(You may add or delete preset points after finishing the patrol route setup)
Step 3: Repeat Steps 1 and 2 until the desired patrol route includes all preset points.
Del Preset: Enter the preset value, click Del Preset button to clear the setting for preset points.
Clear P atrol R out e: Enter the patr ol r oute num ber, cl i ck Clear Patrol Ro ut e button to cl ear all
point settings along the patrol route.
Figure 3.12 Point-to-Point Patrol Setup
2) Point-to-Point Patrol Call-up
In Figure 3.10, click Page Switch button to enter PTZ control interface as shown in Figure 3.12.
Enter Poi nt-to-Point Patrol number in Value Input box. Click Point-to-Point Patrol key to start PTZ
patrol repeatedly. Click Stop key to terminate the patrol.
3. Trace
Using PTZ control to setup a patrol trace. Call it up to have PTZ patrolling along the trace
1) Setup Trace
To set up the trace, follow the steps below:
Step 1: In Figure 3.10, click Set key to open Figure 3.14;
Step 2: Click Trace key to enter trace number in the value input box;
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Step 3: Click Start button to enter the page shown in Figure 3.10 and adjust Zoom, Focus,
Aperture, and Direction, etc. Click Set and return to Figure 3.14;
Step 4: Cl ic k End to com pl ete the s etup. Tr ace num ber now has its c orrespondi ng route. Right
click to exit Setting page.
Figure 3.13 Trace Setup
2) Trace call-up
In Figure 3.10, click Page Switch button to enter PTZ control interface as shown in Figure 3.12.
Click Trace button and ent er tr ace num ber in Value Input box. PTZ wi ll oper ate foll owi ng the rout e
setup. Click arrow keys to stop.
4. Boundary Li ne S canning
Set up a horizontal route and call up line scan to have PTZ run repeatedly on given route.
1) Line Scan Setup
Follow below steps to set up a section of horizontal curve as the trace for PTZ search:
Step 1: In Figure 3. 10, use arrow keys to rotate the PTZ to the desired preset direction. Click
Set key to enter Figure 3.15. Select the left boundary and return to Figure 3.10;
Step 2: Use ar row keys to s el ect t he desi red pos i tion. C lic k Set to enter Fi gure 3.15 and sel ect
the right boundary. Then return to Figure 3.10;
Step 3: Complete the setting for left and right boundaries of the position.
Note: When left and right boundaries are on the same horizontal level, PTZ will rotate counter
clockwise from left boundary to the right;
If they are not on the same level, PTZ uses the end of the horizontal trace connecting to the left
boundary as the right boundary point and rotate anticlockwise from the left to the right.
Trace value i nput box
Page 23

Figure 3.14 Set up line scan boundary
2) Line Scan Call Up
In Fi gure 3.10, cl ic k Page Switch but ton t o op en th e PT Z contr ol inter fac e as s hown i n Fi gure
3.12. Cl ic k Lin e Scan button. PT Z will rotate r epeatedly fol low ing the r oute set up. Cli c k Stop key
to terminate the line scan.
5. Horizontal Rotation
Cl ic k Hori zontal R otation button to hor i zontally r otate the PT Z ( rel ati ve to the c am er a's ori gi nal
position). Click Stop key to terminate the rotation.
6. Reverse Rotation
Click Horizontal Rotation button to reverse the rotation of the PTZ.
7. Reset
PTZ restarts. Values of all settings return to zero.
8. Page Switch
In Figure 3.12, click Page Switch to enter Figure 3.16 for auxiliary feature setup. Each auxiliary
number corresponds to an AUX switch on the decoder.
Boundary Line Scan
Left/Right Boundary
Page 24

Figure 3.15 Auxiliary Feature Control
【Direct-View Auxiliary Operation】Select the auxiliary device and On/Off switch to operate;
【Auxiliary Number Operation】Operate the corresponding On/Off switch in accordance with
PTZ protocols;
【Page Switch】In Figure 3.16, click Page Switch to enter Figure 3.10. Access the PTZ menu
to make changes using the available control keys.
3.5.5 Image Color
Access the interface through the desktop quick launch menu. Set up image parameters of the
selected channel (current channel in single-screen preview, or the channel where the cursor lies in
multi-screen preview). Image parameters include: Hue, Brightness, Contrast, and Saturation. It is also
possible to set up different image parameters in two different time periods if needed.
Figure 3.16 Image Color
3.5.6 O utput Adjustment
To adjust the parameters of the area for T V output, enter Outp ut Adjustment interface throug h the
desktop quick launch menu or by clicking 【Right Click】>【Output Adjustment】.
Page 25

Figure 3.17 TV Tuning
3.5.7 System Shutdown
To Log off, shutdown, or restart the system, open the System Shutdown interface through the
desktop quick launch menu or selecting in 【Mai n Menu 】.
Figure 3.18 Shut down the system
【Log Out】Exit the menu. Need to re-enter the password on the next visit;
【Shut Down】Exit the system and turn of f the power;
After press the Shut Down key, a progress bar pops up for shutdown confirmation.
Shutdown will be executed in 3 seconds unless it’s cancelled.
【Reboot】Exit, then restart the system.
Page 26

3.5.8 Page Switch
Based on your selection, preview single-screen, 4-screen, 8-screen, 9-screen, and 16-screen.
Page 27

Chapter 4 Ma in Me nu
4. 1 Mai n Menu Na vigat ion
Main Menu Submenu Feature Overview
Set up confi gurat ion, t yp e, and ti m e peri ods for r ecor ding on
each channel
Playback Video search, playback, and save
Backup Check and format backup devices. Backup selected files
Set up motion detection alarm channel, sensitivity, range and
parameters for coordinated actions: arm schedule, alarm
output, screen prompts, recording, PTZ, and auto sequence
Set up video masking alarm channel, sensitivity, and
parameters for coordinated actions: arm schedule, alarm
output, screen prompts, recording, PTZ, and auto sequence
Video Loss
Set up video loss alarm channel and parameters for
coordinated actions: arm schedule, alarm output, screen
prompts, recording, PTZ, and auto sequence
No HDD, HDD er ror, HDD c apaci ty not enou gh, netw or k cut,
IP Conflict, linkage parameters, screen hint or buzz.
Set system time, format of date and time, language, device
response when disk is full, local device serial number, video
format, output mode, standby time, and daylight savings time
Set parameters of main code and sub-code streaming for
each channel: Encoding mode, Resolution, FPS, Stream
contr ol , Im age defini ti on t ype, Stream value, I-fram e int er val,
and Video/Audio enabling
Set basic network parameters, parameters of DHCP and
DNS, High-speed network download
PPPOE, NTP, Email, IP access rights, DDNS, mobile phone
monitoring, F TP, wireless call in, UPNP, simple DDNS
Output Mode
Name channels, set up preview prompt status, transparency,
area coverage, time and channel titles overlay
PTZ Settings
Set up channels, PTZ protocol, address, baud rate, data bits,
stop bits, parity
Device Set serial port funcion, baud rate, date bit, stop bit, check.
Page 28

Set auto sequence mode and intervals
Set channel mode, chec k channel status and configure the
digital channel, ect.
Hard Drive
Set specified hard drive as read/write disk, read-only disk,
redundant drive, data deletion, data recovery.
Change user and user group. Change password. Add user
and user group. Delete user and user group
Online User
Force disconnection of a user logged into the network.
Disconnect and freeze the account until next reboot.
TV Tuning Adjust upper/lower and left/right side margins of the TV
Maintenance Set up system auto reboot, auto file deletion
device hardware configuration and message
Export the device's log or configuration to external
device(like USB flash disk);Input the configuration with
external device(like USB flash disk).
Res et setti ng s tatus: Gener al setti ngs, enc odi ngs, r ec ordi ng,
alarm, network, network services, preview playback, serial
port, and user account management
Upgrade Upgrade through external device (eg. USB)
HDD SATA connection state,information for all install Storage
BPS Bitrate Info
LOG Information of System Log
Version Display software version and build date
Logout Logout Logout the OSD menu or reset/restart the system
4. 2 V id eo Recor di ng Fun cti ons
The DVR can perform functions related to video recording: recording settings , video playback,
video backup.
4.2.1 Recording settings
Set recording parameters on monitoring channels. At initial startup, the system defaults to 24 hours
Page 29

continuous recording. Corresponding settings can be defined by entering 【M ain Menu】>【V ideo Recording
Functions】>【Recording Conf.】
Note: For normal recording, at least one of the hard drives should be set up as read/write disk (refer to
Chapter 4.5.1 Hard Drive Management for more details).
Figure 4.1 Recording Settings
【Channel】Select proper channel for Channel Setup. Choose ALL if applying the settings to all
【Redundancy】Select redundancy function to have dual backups of the video files, i.e. record the
vi de o to both har d drives si m ultaneous ly. T he D VR needs ha ve two hard dr i ve s installed w ith one s et
as the read/write disk and the other as redundant disk (refer to Chapter 4.5.1 Hard Drive Management
for more details);
【Length】Set the time duration of each video file. Default is 60 minutes;
【Pre-Record】Capture the moments 1-30 seconds before an event(actual time could be different
depending on the bit stream);
【Record Mode】Set recording status. There are three statuses: Configured, manual, and off;
: Record in accordance to the recording types (general, test and alarm) and time
period defined;
Manual: Regardless the current status of the channel, select “Manual” will start general
recording on all channels;
Stop: Regardless the current status of the channel, select “Stop” will stop the recording on the
corresponding channel;
【Time Period】Set time period for general recording. Recording will only start in the time range
Recording T y pe
Set recording types. There are three types:general, test, and alarm.
Regular: Conduct general recording in the defined time period. The type of video file is
marked "R";
Detect: Dur ing speci fi ed ti m e range, tr igger “m oti on detec ti on”, “ vi deo m as king”, and “vi de o
Page 30

loss” alarm signals. The corresponding alarm settings will turn on the recording function
and start test recording. The type of video file is marked “M”;
Note: For “Alarm Function” settings, refer to Alarm Function section in Chapter 4.3.
4.2.2 Video Playback
See Chapter 3.5.2 Video Playback.
4.2.3 Video Bac kup
Backup DVR video files to an external storage device through this setting.
Note: Install a storage device for file backup before the operation; if the backup is terminated, files
already copied to the storage device can be played back independently.
If the backup is terminated, files already copied to the storage device can be played back
Figure 4.2 S torage Device Check
Detect: Detect storage devices connected to the unit. It could be US B flash drives or hard drives.
Erase: Select the devices you wish to clean up. Click Erase to delete files on the devices.
Stop: Stop the backup;
Backup: Click Backup to s how the di al og as F igur e 4.3. Backup c an be setup bas ed on fi le typ e ,
channel, or time.
Page 31

Figure 4.3 Record Backup
ackup format: Configuration the backup file format according to require can choose
Empty: Empty displayed file information;
Add: Show all information matching the specified file properties;
Start/Stop: After selecting the files, click Start to backup and Stop to terminate the backup.
Note: During backup, you may exit the page to execute other functions.
4.3 Alarm
Functions of DVR in alarm operation include: motion detection, video masking, video loss,
4.3.1 Motion Detection
Through video image analysis, when the system detects motion signals with the preset sensitivity, the
motion detection alarm will be triggered and activate corresponding functions.
Note: Advanced key is the same as the right mouse button.
Figure 4.4 Motion Detection
【Channel 】Select the channel to set up motion detection area;
Page 32

【Enable】Highlight ■ to enable the Motion Det ection function. Correspondi ng settings c an only be
defined after Enable is ticked;
【Sensitivity】Six settings based on sensitivity level;
【Region】Click Setting to enter the area which is div ided into PAL22X18. Colored areas are the areas
covered by motion detection while dark areas are not covered. Set areas as Figure 4.5. Hold down the
left mouse button to toggle the grid blocks. (All areas default to covered)
Figure 4.5 Set Area
【Arm /Di s arm Schedul e】 DVR tr i ggers m otion det ec ti on al arm s ignal onl y dur i ng the tim e per i ods
set up as in Figure 4.6. Recording can be scheduled weekly or in a general calendar. Each day is divided
into four time sections. The tim e range will take effect onl y if the checkbox
■ before the ti me range is
Figure 4.6 Time Range Setup
【Time I nterv al】Within the scheduled time interval, if there are several occurrences, the detection only
triggers alarm in sequence;
【Alarm Output】When motion occurs, the setting will activate corresponding external devices
connected to the alarm output port;
【Delay】Indicate the extended time for which the alarm will continue after the alarm ends, ranging from
10~300 seconds;
【Recording Channel】Select the desired recording channel (Can be ticked). When alarm is triggered,
the sy stem will activate the recording signal on that channel;
Note: T o perform corresponding v ideo recording, it requires the settings in 【Record Settings】 to
activate test recording in the defined time periods
Page 33

【Auto Sequence】Highlighted
indic ates i t is selected. When al arm signal is pr es ent, the sel ec ted
channel will start single-screen auto sequence preview. The interval for auto sequence is
defined in 【System Settings】>【Auto Sequence Settings】;
【Snapshot】Select the desired recording channel (Can be ticked). When alarm is triggered, the
system will activate a snapshot signal on that channel;
Note: T o perform the corresponding snapshooting, it requires the settings in 【Record Settings】
activate test recording in the defined time periods
【PTZ Linkage】When alarm occurs, the PTZ on the defined channel will coordinate the action. Set it as
shown in Figure 4.7;
Note: To coordinate PT Z, you need to set parameters for preset points, point-to-point patrol, and
auto sequence in 【Quick Launch】>【PTZ Control】
Figure 4.7 PTZ Linkage
【Video Delay】After the alarm status ends, the alarm recording will continue for an extended time,
ranging from 10~300 seconds;
【Screen Prompt】The on-screen alarm information prompt pops up on local display;
【EMAIL Notification】Highlight ■ indicates that email notification will be sent to the user when alarm
Note: EMAIL Notification requires appropriate settings in 【Network Service】.
【Beep】 The devic e gen erat es t w o l ong buz z er b eeps w h en al ar m oc c urs .
4.3.2 Video Blind
W hen the video image is affected by e xternal conditions suc h as dim light and reaches the s ensitivity
setting, it will trigger the video blind alarm and activate coordinating functions.
Note: Advanced key is the same as the right mouse button.
Page 34

Figure 4.8 V ideo Blind
To set: refer to Chapter 4.3.1 Motion Detection.
4.3.3 Video Loss
When DVR is unable to receive a channel video signal, it will activate the video loss alarm and
coordinate functions.
Note: Advanced key is the same as the right mouse button.
Fig ure 4. 9 Vi d eo Los s
To set: refer to Chapter 4.3.1 Motion Detection.
4.3.4 Abnormality
Analyze and test certain hardware and software in current system. When detecting exceptional events,
the unit makes corresponding responses such as screen prompt, buzzer beep, etc.
Page 35

Figure 4.10 Abnormality
【Event Type】 Select the exceptional event in the drop-down list for testing
【Enable】Highlight ■ to enable Exception Handling function. Settings can only be activated after
Enable is ticked;
【Screen Prompt】The on-screen alarm information prompt pops up on local display;
【Buzzer】 The device generates two long buzzer beeps when the alarm sounds.
4.4 System Settings
To set various function parameters in DVR: gen eral setti ngs, en cod ing setti ngs, n etw ork set tin gs,
network service, output modes, PTZ settings, serial port settings, and auto sequence settings.
4.4.1 General Settings
Figure 4.11 General Settings
【Syst e m Ti me 】Set DVR’ s current system date and time;
【Date Format】Select the date display format: Y/M/D, M/D/Y, or D/M/Y;
【Date Separator】Select the separators in the date format;
【Time Format】Select 24 hour or 12 hour time format;
【Language】Currently support 14 languages:English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Italian,
Page 36

Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Thai, Chinese, and traditional Chinese
【HDD Full】Select Stop: When the installed storage disk is full, it will stop recording;
Select Overwrite: When the installed storage disk is full, it will continue recording and
overwrite the oldest video files;
【DVR No.】To be used when multiply DVRs are controlled by one remote control, press the address
key on the r em ote contr ol and i nput c on trol addr ess tha t m atc hes the l oc al de vi ce s er ial
number of corresponding DVR to enable remote operation;
【Video Standard】Support PAL and NTSC formats;
【Standby Time】To set in menu the standby time from 0-60. 0 indicates no setting for standby;
【Daylight Savings Time】Check off the Daylight Savings Time, then click Settings button to show
Figures 4.13 and 4.14. Set the start and end time of Daylight Saving Time by Week or Date.
F igure 4.12 Daylight Saving Time Settings (by Week)
F igure 4.13 Daylight Saving Time Settings (by Date)
4.4.2 Encoding Settings
Set v ideo/audio encoding parameters, including image parameters for v ideo files and remote monitoring.
Set encoding settings of each independent channel in the left section and parameters for sub-coding stream
in the right side section. Dual stream uses one high bit-rate stream for local HD storage to support
D1/HD1/CIF/QCIF codes and another low bit-rate stream (QCIF code) for network transmission, while
taking care of local storage and remote network transmission in the meantime. While the network
bandwidth is limited, dual stream covers both image quality and transmission quality, practically
breaking through the network bottleneck. It flexibly picks stream format in accordance with the
available network bandwidth to achieve high definition storage and transmits back-end low stream
through netw or k.
Note: Main applications of substream: to perform multi-channel live monitoring and mobile phone
monitoring when the network connection is limited.
Page 37

Figure 4.14 Enc oding Setti ngs
Independent Channel Encoding Settings
【Channel】Select Channel No.;
【Compression】Standard H.264MP;
【Resolution】Show resolution types in D1/HD1/CIF/QCIF;
【Frame Rate】Adjustable. Real-time video standards: PAL – 25FTP, NTSC – 30FTP;
【Frame Rate (FPS)】M ay limit code stream. Variable stream. Under v ariable stream, 6 lev els of image
quality are available for selection;
【Bit Rate type】Set Bit Rate to change picture quality. While the capacity of related devices allows, the
bigger the bit rate, the better the picture quality;
Bit rate reference span: D1(512~2560kbps), HD1(384~2048kbps), CIF(64~1024kbps),
【Audio/Video】When all checkbox es are ticked, the video file has multiplexed A/V stream;
Sub-stream Settings
Sub-s tream is mainly used on th e cli ent -s id e m oni torin g or m obi le ap plicati ons .
【Channel No.】Select Channel No. first, then tick the audio and video below to enable.
T he pr ocedur es to set par am eters for resol uti on, frame r ate, st ream c ontrol and bit rate ar e the sam e
as setting in an individual channel.
Page 38

4.4.3 Network Settings
F igure 4.15 N etw ork Setti ngs
【Net Card】May choose from wired or wireless network cards;
【Obtain IP Address Automatically 】Obtain IP address automatically (not recommended);
Note: Installation of DHCP server is required in advance
【IP Address】Set DVR’s IP address. Default IP address:;
【Subne t Mask 】Set subnet mask. Default subnet mask settings:;
【 Gateway】Set Default Gateway for the device. Default setting:;
【DNS Settings】DNS ser ver, anal yzes and identifies the IP address provide d by your local network
provider. Restart the system after set the address;
【Media Port】Default is 34567;
【HTTP Port】Default is 80;
【Network High Speed Download】Network high speed download;
【Network Transmission S trategies】Three strategies:Self-adaptiv e, Picture Quality Preferred, Fluency
Preferred. Depending on the settings, network transmission will automatically adjust the bit rate.
Self-adaptive strategy balances the quality and fluency, providing fluent transmission without compromising
too much on the quality. Fluency Preferred and Adaptiv e strategies will only take effect when sub-stream is
enabled. In the case that sub-stream is not enabled, Quality Preferred sets the priority according to the
network quality.
4.4.4 Network Service
Configure ad vanced network functi ons. Select Networ k Servi ce options and cli ck Settings or double
click a service option to configure the parameters.
Page 39

4.16 Network Service
【PP PoE Set ti ngs 】
Figure 4.17 PPPOE
Enter PPPoE user ID and password prov ided by I SP (Internet Serv ice Prov ider). Save an d r e st a rt t he
system. After restart, DVR will automatically c onnect the netw ork using PPPoE. Upon successful network
connection, the IP in 【IP Address】 will be changed automatically to the assigned dynamic WAN IP
Operations:A fter dialling up PPPoE successfully, look up in 【IP Address】 for the current IP address
of the DVR. Use this IP address to access the unit from the user port.
【NTP Settings】
F igure 4.18 NTP Settings
Need to install NTP service on local PC.
Page 40

Server IP: Enter the IP address of the PC on which the NTP server is installed;
Port: The default NTP port is 123. It may be set using the actual NTP server port settings;
Time Zone: London GM T+0 Berlin GMT +1 Cairo GMT +2 Moscow GMT +3 New Delhi GM T +5
Bangkok GMT +7 HK/Beijing GMT +8 Tokyo GMT +9 Sydney GMT +10 Hawaii GMT-10 Alaska
GMT-9 Pacific Time GMT-8 US Mountain Time GMT-7 US Central Time GMT-6 US Eastern Time
GMT-5 Atlantic Time GM T-4 Brazil GMT-3 Mid-Atlantic GMT-2;
Synchronization Interval:Time synchronization interval with NTP server. Default is 10 minutes.
【EMAIL Settings】
In the case of alarm events or alarm snapshots, notifications and snapshots will be sent to the specified
email address.
4.19 EMAIL Settings
SMTP Server:Email server address which could be an IP address or a domain name (a domain name
can only be identified after the confirmation of the correct DNS settings)
Port:Email server port number;
SSL:Whether the server requires SSL (Secure Socket Layer)encryption to log in;
User Name: The email server user name you applied for;
Password:Password corresponding to the user name;
Sender: Set email sender’s EMAIL address;
Receiver:In the event of an alarm, notification is sent via email to specified receivers. Up to three
recipients are allowed;
Title: The content of Email subject is able to be customized.
【IP Filter Settings】
Choose the White List to enter the IPs allowed to access the DVR. The list supports 64 IP settings;
Choose the Black List to block IPs which are not allowed to log in to the DVR through network. The list
also supports 64 IP settings;
Tick the checkbox to delete the IP setting.
Note: If both lists contain the same IP address, Black List takes the priority.
Page 41

F igure 4.20 IP Filter Settings
F igure 4.21 DDNS Settings
Identify server using dynamic domain name.
Local Domain Name:The domain name registered with DDNS service provider;
Server Domain Name
The domain name of the DDNS;
DDNS access port number;
User Name:The account name registered with DDNS service prov ider;
Password:The account password registered with DDNS service provider;
After the DDNS is successfully configured and enabled, you may access the DVR b y ent ering your
registered domain name directly in the IE address bar.
Note: DNS must be set up properly in the Network Settings
【FTP Settings】
Page 42

In the event of an alarm, or alarm linkage video recording or snapshot, FTP is used to upload the video
and snapshot to the specified FTP server.
F igure 4.22 FT P S et tings
【Enable】:Highlight ■ to enable the settings;
【Ser ver IP】:IP address for the FTP server
【Port】:FTP port number. The default port is 21
【User Name】:Permitted FTP user name
【Password】:Cor res ponding user password
【Maximum File Length】:The maximum size of each uploading file pack. The default is 128M
【Remote Directory】:Directory of the uploading files
【ARS P Setti ng】
F igure 4.23 A RSP S et ti ngs
【Alarm Server】
Page 43

F igure 4.24 Alarm Serv e r
Figure 4.25 Wireless Server
【Enable】Choose Enable to make all settings av ailable.
【Type】Dial type,default A UTO
【Wireless AP】3G access poin t
【D ial Number】3G Dial Number
【U ser Name】U s er name of 3G
【Password】Passwor d of dial us er
【IP Addre s s】I P ad dress ,g ot from dial
UPnP protocol automatically forwards port mapping on the router. When using the
function, make sure that the UPnP on the router is enabled.
Page 44

Figure 4.26 UPnP Settings
【Enable】Highlight ■ to enable the UPnP function. Settings can only be activated after Enable is
【HTTP】:Router will automatically assign a port number to the device. Need to enter the port number
to start an IE browser
【TCP】:Router will automatically assign a port number to the device. Monitoring using client
software will go through this port
【MobilePort】:Router will automatically assign a port number to the device. Mobile monitoring is
implemented through this port
DVR connect to wireless router via WIFI module, then to visit it through IP address, the precondition
of using this function is to make sure the DVR have connected with WIFI modern.
Pic 4.27 W IFI
Page 45

search all the available wireless device in current range.
【enable】:tick it to enable firstly, then go for further setting.
【auto obtain IP address】:tick it to enable, device will auto obtain a W IFI IP.
【SSID】:wireless LAN name, auto match to the wireless device u connected.
【Password】:wireless network password of router;
【IP address】: to set the IP address of device, default is
【subnet mask】:set subnet mask of device, default is
【gateway】:set gateway of device, default is
To do surveillance via cross-browser (Safari, Firefox, Google chrome ) and VLC software. This
function only for monitor but can not control the device.
Pic 4.28 RTSP
【Enable】:■ means enable, tick it firstly before setting.
【Port】:the default port is 554.
Figure4.29 Cloud Setting
Page 46

Fi gu re 4.30 P MS S et tin g
Page 47

4.4.5 Output Mode
Configure the parameters for video output signals, including pre-output mode and encoded output
Pre-output: Pic tur e m ode for l ocal pr e vi ew, i nc ludi ng c hannel nam e, ti m e ti tl e, channel ti tle, rec ordi ng
status, alarm status, video streaming, transparency, area coverage;
Encoded output: Picture mode for network monitoring and v ideo file, including channel name, time title,
channel title, recording status, alarm status, vi deo stream ing, transparency, ar ea covera ge, time title and
channel title.
F igure 4.31 Output Mode
【Channel Title】Click channel name Change button to enter channel name menu and change
Channel Name (support up to 16 Chinese characters or 25 English alphabet letters);
【Time Display】Highlight ■ sign to display sy stem date/time on monitoring screen;
【Channel T itle 】Highlight ■ sign to display system channel number on monitoring screen;
【Record Status】Highlight ■ sign to display system recording status on monitoring screen;
【Alarm Status】Highlight ■ sign to display system alarm status on monitoring screen;
【Video Streaming Information】Highlight ■ sign to display video streaming information on the 9th
screen in 9-screen preview;
【Transparency】Select the transparency of the background image ranging from 128~255;
【Resolution】Set display resolution;
【Channel】Select channel number to set encoded output;
【Region Cover】Highlight . Select Area Cov erage number button and cl ick Set button to en ter
the corresponding cha nnel. User can use the mouse to choose c overa ge area of any
size (covered areas for video output are displayed as dark blocks);
Page 48

【Time Display】 and 【Channel Title】 set the display position for Time Title and Channel Title.
4.4.6 PTZ Settings
Figure 4.32 PTZ Settings
【Channel】Select input channel for dome camera;
【Protocol】Select proper dome camera protocol for corresponding brand and model (e.g.:PELCOD)
【Address】Set address for the corresponding dome camera. The default is 1(Note:The address set
here must match the dome camera address or the dome camera cannot be controlled);
【Baud Rate 】 Selec t the dom e c am era b aud r ate t o contr ol PT Z and c am era on the c or res ponding
channel. The default is 115200;
【Data Bits】Available options: 5-8. The default is 8 bits;
【Stop Bits】Two options are 1 and 2. The default is 1;
【Parity】Includes odd parity, even parity, parity flag, none parity. The default is None.
4.4.7 Serial Port Settings
Figure 4.33 Serial Port Settings
Page 49

【Function】 Ordinar y seri al port is used for serial debug and upgrade, as well as certain serial port
【Baud Rate】Select the appropriate baud rate length;
【Data Bits】Available options: 5-8;
【Stop Bits】Two options are 1 and 2;
【Parity】Includes odd parity, even parity, parity flag, none parity.
4.4.8 A uto Sequence Settings
Set screen auto sequence display. Highlight to enable the mode. Av ailable selections include single
mode auto sequence such as single screen, 4-screen, 9-screen, and 16-screen or mixed mode auto
F igure 4.34 Auto Sequence Settings
【Interval】Set time interval for auto sequence screen switch. Setting range is 5-120 seconds;
【Return AfterFinnished】When alarm ends, return to multi-screen preview
Note:In preview mode, click the icons / on upper right corner of the page to turn on/off the auto
sequence( indicates the auto sequence is on, and indicates off).
4. 5 Management Tools
Management Tools menu includes: Disk Management, User Management, Online Users, Output
Adjustment, Auto Maintenance, Restore Default, System Upgrade, and System Information.
4.5.1 Channel Management
all series product support this function.
Digital m anage inc l uding digital channel, c hannel st atus, and channel mode
(Remark: th ere is only analog mode if device is und er full analog mode):
Page 50

Pic — 4.35channel manage interface
Channel mode:
Remark: this series of product with full analog channel mode, hybrid mode and full
digit al mo de , a nd diff er e nt mod el with dif f erent cha nne l mod e, u ser ca n shift th e mode
freely if necessary.
4.5.2 Hard Drive Management
Hard Drive Configuration. The menu shows current disk information including the number of disks
connected, access interface, type, status, and aggregate capacity. Hard Drive Operation, including: set
read/write disk, read-only disk, redundant disk, disk form at, and error recover y. Select the hard dri ve an d
click the functional keys on the right side to ex ecute.
Note: Read/Write Disk: May read and write data;
Snapshot Disk: Image storage disk. May read and write data;
Read-only Disk: The device can only read data from but not write onto the disk;
Page 51

Redundant Disk: If there are already read/write disks, redundant disks will duplicate the video files.
Figure 4.36 Hard Drive Managment
4.5.3 User Management
Manage local user permissions.
Note: 1. All of the below user names and group names may have a maximum of 8 characters. The
beginning and the end of the string cannot be left blank while spaces are allowed between
characters. Legitimate characters: Alphabet letters, numbers, underscores, hyphens, and dots.
Other characters are not allowed;
2. There are no limit to the number of users and groups. User groups can be added or deleted
based on user's need: Factory default has two levels: user\admin. User can set his own group
attributes. Members of a group can specify any functional rights permitted in the group;
3. User Management adopts group and user two-level structure. T he group and the user c annot
share the same name. Each user must belong to a group and only to one group.
Figure 4.37 Us er Managem ent
【Modify User】M od i fy t h e at t ri butes of an existi ng user;
【Modify Group】M od ify t h e att ri butes of an e xis ti ng us er gr oup;
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【Modify Password】Modify user password. Password can be set to 1-6 letters. The
beginning and end of the password cannot be left blank while spaces are allowed between
Note: User with administrator rights is a ble to change not only his own password but also
other use rs' passwords.
Figure 4.38 Modify Password
【Add User】Add group m em ber s and s et user p erm i ssi on as show n in F igur e 4.31. Enter Add Us er
menu, input user name and password, s elect the belonging group, and select whether the nam e can be
shared. Shared means that the account can be used by multiple users simultaneously.
Onc e the bel onging gr oup i s s el ected, the us er perm i ss i on can only b e a s ubset of that grou p. It c an
not overpass the permission attribute of the group.
For the convenience of user management, we recommend setting the permission for regular users at a
lower level than for advanced users.
Figure 4.39 Add User
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【Add Group】Add a new user group and set group permissions as shown in Figure 4.32. There are 36
permission items to choose from, including Device Shutdown, Live Surveillance, Playback, Recording
settings, Video Backup, etc.
Figure 4.40 Add Group
【Delete User 】Del ete e xis ti ng user. In Fi gure 4 . 29, sel ec t the user t o b e del e ted. Cl ic k Delete Use r
【Delete Group】 Delete ex isting group(make sure there is no user in the group). I n Figure 4.29, click
Delete Group button to show Figure 4.33. Select the group to be deleted and click Delete button.
F igure 4.41 Delete Group
4.5.4 Online User
View information on the network users connected to the local DVR. You may also disconnect the
selected network users(by tick √ in checkbox). The account will be frozen until the next reboot.
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Figure 4.42 Online User
4.5.5 Output Adjustm ent
Same as “3.5.7 Output Adjustment”.
4.5.6 A uto Maintenance
Us er c an set t hei r own sc hedul e to au tom ati cal l y r es tart the sys tem and del et e the fi les wi th set t im e
Figure 4.43 A uto Maintenanc e
【Auto On/Of f Time】:Set timer to automatically turn on and off the DVR.
4.5.7 Restore Default
Restore the system to factory default configuration (may select in the menu specific items that need be
Page 55

Figure 4.44 Restore Default
4.5.8 System Upgrade
Figure 4.45 System Upgrade
【Upgrade Position】Select USB interface;
【Upgrade File】Select the file being upgraded.
4.5.9 Device Information
Provide device information on DVR interface for clients' convenience
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Figure 4.46 Device Information
4.5.10 Import/Export
Export current log setting,import the new setting.
Figure 4.47 Import/Export
4. 6 System Inf or mation
Display DVR information on: Hard drive, Streaming statistics, Log, and Version Information.
4.6.1 Hard Drive Information
Display the status of the installed hard disk, including the ty pes of the disks, aggregate size, free space,
and recording time.
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Figure 4.48 Hard Drive Information
Tip: In Hard Dr ive Infor m ation, ○ m eans the di sk works proper l y, X i ndic ates a fail ur e, and – means
not installed. If the user needs to replace a bad disk, shut down the d evic e before removing the ba d disk
and install the new one.
An asterisk “*” after the disk number indicates that it is the current work disk (e.g., 1*). If the
corresponding disk is damaged, there will be only "?" marks in the information.
4.6.2 BPS
Live display video stream (Kb/S) on the channel and disk space used (MB/H). The oscillogram
demonstrates the change in streaming.
Figure 4.49 BPS
4.6.3 Log
View system log based on the search method setup.
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Log is categorized into: system operation, configuration, data management, alarm event, recording
operation, user management, and file management. To search the log by time period, press the Search
button. T he system will display th e log in table format (each page contains 128 lines). Press Page Up or
Page Down to turn the page and Clear to empty all logged information.
Figure 4.50 Log
4.6.4 Version Information
Show basic information on the device, including hardware information, softwa re version and release
Figure 4.51 V ersion Information
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4.7 System Shutdown
See Chapter “3.18 System Shutdown”.
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Chapter 5: Cloud Technology Basic Operation
5.1 Cloud technology monitor
Cloud technology make the d evice one step on net, greatly bring convenience for customer to
monitor via wide area network, this technology is using the serial no to visit device.
*Remark:the device that using cloud technology should be in the WAN( Wide Area
Network ) firstly.
� Check the connecting status of cloud technology
Connect device to WAN firstly, then enter
check whether the device
successfully connect to the cloud server or not.
Connect failed interface successfully connect
Pic 5.1 cloud technology server connection
� Log in cloud server
Visit to see below log in page, it devided into two mode: by user and by device,
user can base on their need to log in freely.
*Remark: to log in “by user”, the user need to register at the first time.
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Pic.5.2 Log in by cloud server
� Log in by user
Customer use their registered user name and password to log in, will see below
Pic 5.3 cloud technology operation interface
Device manage
Mainly use to add device, click “add”to add the serial number of device to be monitored.
Page 62

Pic 5.4 device manage
Pic 5.5 add interface at device
*Remark:in pic 5.5, the user name means the user name of monitored device,
means the password of related
My Device
Mainly show all the added device here, click the on-line device name, can access to control this
device accordingly.
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Pic 5.6 monitor page - log in by
*Remark:the icon of“ ” means offline, the device do not connect to server
� Log in by device
Page 64

Pic 5.7 interface of log in by
Input the serial number of device and the verify code to monitor and control the device directly.
Pic: 5.8 monitor page - log in by
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Chapter 6 FAQ a nd Ma intenanc e
6. 1 FAQ
If you enco unter a problem not listed below, pleas e contact yo ur local customer service or call our
headquarters for assistance. We are more than happy to assist.
Q: DVR will not start after power-on
A: Possible cause:
1 Input power is not correct
2 Switching power supply has bad wire connection
3 Switching power supply is damaged
4 Upgrade error
5 Damaged hard drive or hard drive cable
6 Front panel failure
7 DVR motherboard failure
Q: DVR restar ts automatically few minutes after being turned on or freezes frequently
A: Possible cause:
1 Input voltage unstable or too low
2 Hard drive has bad tracks or damaged cable
3 Switching power supply has insufficient power
4 Front-end video signal is unstable
5 Poor ventilation; excessive dust; poor operating ambience
6 DVR hardware failure
Q: Hard drive not detected after startup
A: Possible cause:
1 Hard drive cable is not connected
2 Hard drive cable is damaged
3 Hard drive is damaged
4 Bad motherboard SATA port
Q: No video output on one or more channels
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A: Possible cause:
1 Program not compatible. Re-upgrade with right program
2 Image brightness becomes 0. Restore default settings
3 No video signal input or signal too weak
4 Has channel privacy mask (or screen view blocker) set up
5 DVR hardware failure
Q: Real-time vide o problems, such as sever e distortion on video color and brightness .
A: Possible cause:
1 When using BNC output, if NTSC and PAL format selection is incorrect, video image
becomes black and white
2 DVR and monitor impedance mismatched
3 Video tr a nsm is si on di stance i s too far or vi deo si gnal atte nuates to o m uch i n tr ansm issi on
4 DVR color and brightness settings are incorrect
Q: Local playback search finds no video
A: Possible cause:
1 Hard drive cable or jumper error
2 Hard drive is damaged
3 Upgraded with a program different to the original program in the system
4 The video being searched has already been overwritten
5 Recording function is not turned on
Q: Local search returns blurred video
A: Possible cause:
1 Video quality setting is too low
2 Program data read error; Video streaming very low; Full screen mosaic during playback.
Usually DVR will return to normal after restart
3 Hard drive cable and jumper error
4 Hard drive malfunction
5 DVR hardware failure
Q: No sound in monitoring
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A: Possible cause:
1 Not equipped with active pickups
2 Speakers not switched on
3 Audio cable damaged
4 DVR hardware failure
Q: Audio in monitoring but none in playback
A: Possible cause:
1 Setup error: audio option is not turned on
2 Corresponding channel is not connected to video. Video plays back intermittently with blue
Q: Time display is not correct
A: Possible cause:
1 Setup wrong.
2 Bad battery connection or power low
3 Cry stal resonator not working properly
Q: DVR ca nnot control PTZ
A: Possible cause:
1 Front-end PTZ malfunction
2 PTZ decoder settings, wiring, or installation is incorrect
3 Incorrect cable wiring
4 PTZ settings in DVR are incorrect
5 PTZ decoder and DVR protocol do not match
6 PTZ decoder and DVR address do not match
7 When connected with multiple decoders, PTZ decoder needs to add a 120 ohm resistance
to el imi nate the ref lec ti on and impedanc e m atc hing betw een the far ends of A/B cabl es, or
PTZ control will be unstable
8 Distance too far
Q: Motion detec tion does not function
A: Possible cause:
1 Time period settings are not correct
Page 68

2 Incorrect settings for motion detecting areas
3 Sensitivity sets too low
4 Hardware of certain versions have limits
Q: Cannot log in from client end or through WEB
A: Possible cause:
1 Client cannot install or normally display whether the OS is Win98 or Win me: We
recommend upgrading to version Win2000 SP4 or higher, or installing an earlier version of
the customer software.
2 ActiveX control is disabled
3 Version dx8.1 or higher is not installed. Upgrade video card driver
4 Network connection error
5 Network setup error
6 Incorrect user name and password
7 Version of client software does not match the program version of DVR
Q: No video image or only mosaic on network preview and video playback screen
A: Possible cause:
1 Insufficient network bandwidth
2 Client’ s PC may have resource constraints
3 DVR may have the area masked or privacy protection on the channel
4 The user logged in has no monitoring permission
5 The quality of the real-time DVR video output is poor
Q: Unstable network connection
A: Possible cause:
1 Unstable network
2 IP address conflict
3 MAC address conflict
4 Bad network card in PC or DVR
Q: Burn/USB ba ckup error
A: Possible cause:
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1 Burner shares the same cable with hard drive
2 Excessive amount of date occupies too much CPU resource. Stop recording before backup
3 The amount of data exceeds the device capacity and results in burn error
4 Incompatible backup device
5 Backup device damaged
Q: Keyboard cannot control DVR
A: Possible cause:
1 DVR serial port settings are incorrect
2 Address incorrect.
3 Insufficient power to support multiple transformers. Need to provide separate power supply
to each transfer.
4 Transmission distance is too far
Q: Cannot disarm the alarm signal
A: Possible cause:
1 Alarm settings are incorrect
2 Alarm output turned on manually
3 Input device malfunction or incorrectly connected
4 Problem with certain versions of the program. Upgrade the program to solve problem.
Q: Alar m is not func tioning
A: Possible cause:
1 Alarm settings are incorrect
2 Incorrect alarm cable wiring
3 Incorrect alarm input signal
4 The alarm device is connected to two loop circuits simultaneously
Q: Rem ote control is not functi oning
A: Possible cause:
1 Remote control address incorrect
2 Remote control is out of operating range or angle
3 Battery in the remote control is out of power
4 Remote control or DVR front panel is damaged
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Q: Saved recording is short
A: Possible cause:
1 Excessive streaming due to poor quality of front-end camera, dirty lens, camera installed in
backlight, or incorrect aperture adjustment
2 Insufficient hard drive capacity
3 Damaged hard drive
Q: Downloaded file will not play
A: Possible cause:
1 Media player is not installed
2 No graphic accelerator software version DX8.1 or higher is installed
3 PC does not have DivX503Bundle.exe plugin installed to playback in MEDIA PLAYER after
the file is converted to AVI format
4 winxp OS needs to install plugins DivX503Bundle.exe and ffdshow-20041012.exe
Q: Forget pass word for advanced local menu or network operation
A: Soluti ons:
1 Please contact your local customer service or our headquarters for assistance. We can
help you to find the soluti on based on the devi ce model and program version information
that you provide.
Q: Can not see the preview picture the digital channel
A: Solutions:
1 Did not add device
2 The device of related channel was not enable
3 The device of related channel was not selected.
4 The selected device did not connect to video sources
5 The channel title of selected remote device is not exist.
6 Stream for remote channel was set by extra stream.
7 User name & password not matched
8 directly input with IP address or port No. incorrectly when adding device.
9 The resolution of added device is too large to display by the monitor.
Q: Click “search” why not search out any of the device.
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A: Solutions:
1 There is no other dev ice exist in the local area network
2 The subnet mask setting incorrectly on Network settings.
Q: The snapshot at alarm fu nction was enable, why not catch picture
A: Solutions:
1 HDD manage without partition fo r snapshot.
2 Partition for snapshot is 0.
3 The snapshot function is not enable on record -> storage of related channel.
27、 The time shows on digital channel is not the same as local side:
Enable the time synchronous function of digital channel.
28、 Can not see preview picture of analog channel
1 The camera did not connect to video interface
2 The device did not connect to video source
3 Video source is broken.
29、Picture will be frozen when multi-connection and shift devices.
Picture come out from digital channel need few seconds, shift device means to show new picture,
so it needs several seconds to buffer.
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6. 2 Mai ntenanc e
1 In a dam p en vir onm ent, dust o n c i rc ui t board m ay res ul t in s hort ci rc ui ts, affect the nor m al
operation of the DVR, and even damage the DVR. For long-term stable operation of the
DVR, brush of f the dust on the circuit board, connectors, fans, and DVR case regularly.
2 Keep the equipment well grounded to avoid the interference to video/audio signal and
protect the DVR from damage caused by static or induced voltage.
3 Do not plug/unplug A/V cable, RS-232, and RS-485 with the power on, or it could easily
damage these ports.
4 If possible, do not use TV set on DVR’s local video output (VOUT). Otherwise, it could
easily damage the video output circuit in DVR.
5 Do not turn off the power switch to s hutdown th e DVR. Use t he shutdow n function in the
menu, or on/off button on the fron t panel (hold it down for 3 seconds) to turn off the DVR
power automatically and prevent damage to the hard drive.
6 Keep the DVR away from heat sources or hot lplaces.
7 Keep the area around the DVR well ventilated.
Regular system inspection and maintenance are required.
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App endix 1. M ouse O p erations
This document uses the mouse with a right-h and ed c onfigur a tion as
an example
This device supports a mouse with USB interface.
Operation Functions
Left double
During playback, double click a file in the video list to replay.
Double click on the playback image to zoom in or out of the screen
Duri ng pr e vi ew, dou bl e c lic k a channel to dis pl ay i t i n full scr een. Doubl e cli ck
again to return to multi-screen
Left click
mouse Select corresponding function in menu page
Right click
Pops up desktop quick launch menu in preview page
Quick launch menu for current function during menu operation
Scroll Wheel
Turn the mouse scroll wheel to increase/decrease value in a number box
Switch among options in combo box
Page up or down in list box
Select the control under current coordinates or an item within the control to
move it
Mouse Drag Set areas for motion detection
Set areas for surveillance coverage
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Appendix 2. Hard Drive Capacity Calculation
When installing the DVR for the first time, make sure whether the DVR has internal hard drives
mounted. Pay attention to the jumper when installing an IDE hard disk;
1、 Hard disk capacity
The DVR sets no limit on hard disk capacity. Choose a disk 10G or more. For better
operation stability, we recommend the use of hard disks ranging from 120G~250G.
2、 Choose the aggregate capacity of the hard disks
Formula for calculating the capacity of a hard drive:
T o tal hard driv e capacity(M)= number of channels × recording time desired (in Hours) × use of
disk space each hour (M/Hour)
Similarly, we can derive a formula for calculating recording time:
Recording Time (Hour) = Total HD Capacity (M)
Use of disk space each hour (M/Hour) × number of channels
The DVR uses MPE G4/H.264 compression technology and has a wide dynamic range. When
calculating the hard disk capacity, it should use the estimated size of the files generated each hour
on each channel based on bit stream statistics.
For example:
Using a 500G hard drive and recording in real-time CIF quality can sustain approximately 25
days. Use of hard disk space per hour for recording on a single channel is 200M/Hour. W hen
recording 24 hours continuously in real-time CIF quality on 4 channels, the days it can last are:
500G/(200M/H X 24 hours X 4 channels) = 26.
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